The Gauntlet 2.0 | Part 2 | Wreckfest

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[Music] up the back next we pull up at the death loop here for the main circuit this will be the first track we come to in this gauntlet with a loopy loop but i do not think it will be the last but right first shot at the death loop not to be confused with the loop of death two very different things and we're gonna get the squeeze placed on us right here into turn one it climbed up by dick brooks please climb back down off of me thank you very much now side by side up these jump lanes that we never seem to have enough speed for but we'll be living as ontario's really pinching me on this inside here terry if you would just move a little bit and we're gonna get packed into the corner here all together it won't really matter we'll all get moved through all just kind of bumping and grinding up against each other and i'm not even gonna have a chance to go take the loop because it's just blocked the pack decided they're going this way get me to the inside everybody's missing the corner on the outside you bunch of buffoons it's a massive pile up that's a wall i'm gonna take a look at where i'm going here there's a bunch of tires and that's austin hill just plunging me into a tire check and then i get pummeled from behind a few more times we've already dented in just about every corner on this car please don't hit me again thank you this this is great finishing the first lap is overrated the loop will save you millions of seconds oh newman newman just got us we just got rocketed by the rocket man right there we're gonna drive off oh great holding just heat secretive absolutely no chance of survival just amputated a wheel right off him with one big hit and we're gonna climb under some cars to get a haircut and lose the race to natalie decker let me survive this last intersection without bringing any more shame and disgrace to my family name and we'll do it outside the top ten is not gonna help but i mean you know pretty on par for the first run of the day now will they squeeze us into turn one is that even a question there they go busher up into us anderson sideways in the middle of the track and hooking me into the fence get out of there oh we're going to the other fence there we go just went coast to coast and i'm stuck in the fence though we're away all right going up the loop making up all kinds of time losing positions that we will hopefully gain back right here up and over we're going to lay down all scenario again cannot stay away from that guy just landed on him and the regen going to take a look at the inside nothing going there is there some hits in the intersection and we might get a little run here on cole custer and matt kenzen as they break hard and somebody's hitting the roof of their car on the wall over here we'll give him a little extra clip as we go by and i'm getting hooked again this time by cole custer and we'll go head on into the wall see if we can sneak through a gap here give me the gap plea oh we almost made it we were so close we clipped junior johnson poor guy oh matt tim now gonna get the landing treatment i'm sorry that cold trickle card just looked like a beautiful landing pad i had to take advantage and wait we actually made pretty good but then karma comes back and gets me doesn't it every single time just as i was starting to mention we got away with it across the line we'll go final lap now underway we can make up some of these spots hopefully climb back into the top 10 or just get hooked across the nose or whoever that was that's fantastic somebody help me turn around here thank you casey did i just lose a wheel off of that i absolutely did didn't i do i even dare look there it is it's all gone i might as well just drive into whatever because our race is over rip all of us we just get a clean getaway that'd be nice for a change wouldn't it be if i did get jacked up in the first corner and quite fittingly victimized but we do actually make it out so i can't do too much complaining about that can i i can complain about this still great golden not give me any space we'll just see you later gray how about that just not laying on anybody this time nicely done the little mini pack to natalie decker there but we'll all survive oh my god maybe not dick brooks you absolute clown get the wig the horn and the shoes and go to clownsville where you belong sir what in the hell was that junior i'm very sorry i had no say in this i'm just minding my own business out here you know how it goes jesus people uh not that it makes any difference just get me out of here already it's like a real mess on the mini-map i'll be everybody steer clear match tiff to the landing zone again poor man we've landed on him again already in this race see if we can get through this without pile driving something we're gonna we're gonna run it right into ryan newman blasted him another hellacious wreck for his collection final jump for the final oh cool wiki and i though we're gonna time it just right as we lose the race we simultaneously annihilate each other oh here comes another one and it's all centaurio again another one that i'm just joined at the hip with looking like spongebob and squidward over here and now i'm just limping it to the line ah then i get ass packed into another dimension just for my trouble and we're gonna have to gather it up again and limp it back to the line which we will successfully do but only to claim 17. so jump back in the replay booth here again and this time to see well dick brooks trying to take us out of the race right from the start we climb over that ramp and we just get creamed right there and we run over junior johnson and off the ramp here we're gonna slam hard into the 95 that was matt tiff we're gonna do the exact same thing again this time to ryan newman we put it right in the side of his roof and then alan kawicki and i doing a very similar act here on the other side of the track and what would it be without one more hit in the intersection and then of course we get ass packed on our way to the finish line by a jeff gordon wannabe looking ass please no squeeze oh they squeezed they squeezed and i'm getting casey kane to buy casey kane he's using me as the wall in case he came to me that was impressive every now and then the terminators bust out a new tactic and it wows me it actually kind of wows me and like climbing up my backside right there and i think that was casey kane again hey casey kane how much you get off of me bud ah and there's another intersection hit for us to get spun around in the spin cycle but keep it going oh man a bunch of guys getting planted right there in the intersection and some more coming in to pile into it that is a tragic scene that we are going to go ahead and race away from right now and jump over a couple of cars send it into the court oh and he's going to turn me and we got hooked oh man this is going to be tight yep saw that coming from a mile away but we're going to keep it moving is that kind of the same if i totally killed somebody in the intersection get out of the way why are we driving at two miles an hour out of the corner they're coming flat i wish i could get gaps like that for that landing i'm always flying into somebody but i don't know we're gonna be running out of time here it looks like chase briscoe i think is racing to that flag as we speak and there he goes so let's see can we get to the last intersection without getting murdered we do but it will not add up too much here we're going to get it to the line send it in to matt tiff there and we will claim fifth and a piece of matt tiff's ass right at the end maybe the strat here is just to turn into the squeeze and anticipate it and kind of be one with it and it's kind of working until it didn't until we got stuffed into the wall which i should have anticipated probably more than the squeeze but we are alive and moving the war machine keeps turning so we shall move along this is bad oh we're gonna get lined up for the three wide squeeze of death i guess that makes us the lone ranger here on the loop once again everybody getting stuck over there no problem for me i will happily make up the time and spots here and maybe jump over mark martin to get by him as well oh back to piling him up over here again i see and that is gonna allow us to take the lead right there we slip by a big one we will come down the last straight on our side this wasn't quite my plan come on thank you oh and then we get ass packed by the new leader matt tiff we just threw away the lead on the last lap oh my god i will not allow for this i will not allow for this i almost just got cleaned out didn't have a choice in the matter but we still i gotta hunt down four seconds of matt tiff three seconds of matt tiff this is my only shot right here in the loop please give him my time back this is there he is there he is come here bet come here matt i know what i have to do but i don't know if i have the strength to do oh he's gonna dump it and i'll finish off see you later pal he's getting creamed back there and we're gonna get to the line and steal what a glorious dub oh well another dub another trip to the replay booth here to see how we got it of course this is dub number six here of the scotland 2.0 making our way through it but it wasn't easily earned was not easily earned we had to fight through it and get triple pounded as you see and we came up to the white flag hit the ramp just wrong as wrong as you can and got stuck on our side for far too long let me just get run clean through by matt tiff he probably drives off thinking he's got it covered but alas we come through in the final corner right before the intersection we dump them and then some cars coming through finish him off for us make sure he won't come back and we slide our way through the line well here we are at the pocono speedway for race number seven here in our gauntlet this track's kind of tough you got to have some speed here you got to be able to control the car through the corners the ai seem to be able to do that a lot better than we can so gonna have to hold that thing on the wall and hope to stay out of trouble but i doubt can we survive the run down into turn one that is always the major question this is not looking promising head on into the wall and smack into a series of barrel rolls back into the fence and just flop it around like a fish and just dead upside down in the water missing a wheel just a textbook horror crash here at pocono would you expect anything less i see this one two believe it pocono striking bright and early and we just walloped and i don't know if that counts as space force but it was pretty close it's definitely a candidate gonna see this one from the track side view now as cars up into the fence we weren't the only guard into that fence but we may maybe weren't the best if you will as it just gets all crazy from a distance here see it as it comes at us one car getting up a couple of cars flipping over here in the front pack and then of course we come flying in through and look at us just jump into our infield death here see if we can get into the draft of great sacks i don't like being up on the high side kurt bush just gets destroyed and then i do do and we're backing our way into this big one and absolutely nothing that can be done about it we at least land back on the wheels i got that going for us you gotta take the small victories oh my geez hold on to it hold on to it see being on the bottom finally finally worked and it paid off oh we gotta send it on the outside here there i'm not the only one doing it and we just get smashed who is that flipping end over and and we've got nowhere to go we're on three wheels get in a run through that was close that one is gonna land yikes just another big one here at all we're not done oh my god spare me please secret to success is definitely staying down here on the bottom try not to get run over and let them all run themselves all the way on the top side we can slip through beautifully oh they're in their brakes they're scared i'm not scared i ain't no punk i'll slide it through they're laid on the wall we'll get all the speed get the pack get the boost from robbie there but we're three wide we're going around we're dying we might be living we're gonna get to back coming right at us we gotta go we gotta go don't get hit oh rob's pouring right out robbie's gonna wear one in the door brutally and then we just get turned inside out by an atomic ass pack i am just smoked funding has cleared we are in the space force well elon musk if you're watching i instruct you to take lessons at uh what just transpired here because this is how you get to the moon about as quickly and easily as you can you can translate that to mars as well we gotta look at what happened to poor robbie lyons here he pulls out on track just to get slammed directly in the door something you really do hate to see out there on the track and we go crazy up in the air up to the top of the hill line in the back then we'll have an angle but coming right at us as a bunch of cars are wrecking but then we come flying through the scene we're not quite done yet because the army car is going to come through and oh he does a pretty crazy flip of his own there too well i said it was a clean start for us but apparently not for ryan priest he's gotten destroyed what have you been up to dude and they're getting destroyed up here in front of us somebody's casey gaining i'm going to slide into him i can't stop we just oh we just cleaned out aircomroll oh no that's not gonna be good for that bad back that is not gonna help this is not gonna help these guys this is that's the world's longest aspect oh the turning is not there and there goes the wheel damn this thing this is harder than it looks ah we're gonna be right in the line i ho i welcome somebody to come pack me and there it is you could just feel that one coming in the mini map may have given you a clue as well but i'm just gonna act like that was spidey sense and i got the outcome i desired anyway so that will be that oh come on we can this is where we gain our time if i put it on the wall i'll gain more but it's so oh that's almost sounds gonna say i don't want to cheese it like that and then i wreck myself trying to do it the right way i'm just going to start planting on the wall i'm going to take myself out of this thing because we're going over the fence i might take myself out a little too much here we're still in the racing lane there comes jeff gordon's car to just clear us out we're getting hit in the air we're getting hit in the air by cars in the air and they're coming oh god we're not done there it is they're coming by us too wide for no good reason people slow down just a little bit it doesn't end and we're dead now it's over oh my god oh and apron's not that's that's too low that's officially too low somebody just got up on the top of the fence like we did oh don't climb up these guys hold it and i just get sent absolutely set we just barely dodged the tire check we're we're just flying backwards through the infield now all right this is our life now cool it's keeping it low but i hate getting dead on that apron it just costs us too much momentum just keep it low and don't die please let's get a run here on andretti the wrecking in front of us oh where are they gonna go we're getting clipped oh somebody just obliterated the tires on the inside well then we're getting a push from jeff gordon in the jeff gordon car this is a flawless start until i'm until i pack it into sam mayer that is a bit of a setback but besides that this has been tremendous jeff gordon tried to get on my outside and thought better of it can we send it on sammy here yes we will or at least try two or three wide somebody said it even harder than i did on the outside it didn't work and that might have helped us because we are clear cena that is maybe too much of ascend save me wall thank you all we're into third oh kawiki just laying smashing the street back there we got another one up here jeff gordon of the mighty have fallen and the leaders are all one i'm up and we are the leader now you love to see it with one last slap of the wall and one last corner we are gonna come through to the dove this one was all about survival it seemed didn't take us too many tries but we got ourselves dub number seven we're jumping right into round number eight here of the gauntlet 2.0 we're here at the legendary stockton 99 speedway one of the all-time classic tracks here in wreck best for the first time but not necessarily the last time here in this gauntlet we gotta deal with the vigory with ramps here first so let's get right to it let's go get us one as we already put it in the back of bonnet a little bit there excuse me while i make a lane for myself on the outside and we knows dive in hard these cars love to do that especially here kurt bush is just getting carried by brandon that's very interesting clear to some space that'll help take the intersection jump everybody's nose diving though and we're gonna pile into it and slam through land on the wheels at least but what is that there's gonna be a tight intersection here and we've been sentenced to a blasting down on the barrier we go get me off of it oh landed castle down hard and deep oh more intersection hits so we're lining up for one of our own again with neil bonnett and landing town on the nose of bobby isaac michael annette set himself up for a mounting of sorts that's a disgraceful ass pack oh there's no there's no way there's absolutely no chance of us surviving that one well we can maybe drive away oh no oh oh bread and pull no no down on my head squished we look like we got bumped there's actually a zero percent chance of getting through the intersection clearly at this place it's just not possible without getting twisted up and we landed on norm bending right there we're gonna get landed on ourselves i don't even see who that was but they came right at us like a tomahawk missile and now i'm just getting carried around come on guys norm could you help me spin around somebody please just flip somebody over brett muffet nearly went over but we had to do it ourselves this is too big of a pack right here that was just destined to be destruction bobby isaac gets the win coming back from us just flattened him like a pancake earlier and look at ours look at the state of us and looking at us i've caused me to miss the corner a little bit oh this is a great way to yeah oh nice well can't say i didn't deserve that one that is totally and utterly fair but i i've just cost myself a probably abysmal amount of spots that i think i'm about to get back completely and utterly instantly this might be the most disgusting last lap you will ever see in the history of humanity's racing efforts but we're gonna come through and at least get to the finish line which is somewhat of an accomplishment oh the oatmeal neal neal i'm sorry oh my god that is a literal by definition pile up right there does not get any more classic than that get me out of here oh the nose diving the nose diving i can feel it oh but we're gonna get landed on oh we get kind of punted there in the right in the wheel and this is well this is not where i want to be let's go ahead and hit every set and get the hell out of here once again sorry 82k samir's landing oh casey are you gonna miss the quarter absolutely oh and then we get the doris karma you know what that's only fair it's only fair that i get ruined for doing some ruining as there's a lot going on behind me oh greg moffitt with a little sly job i see you brett i see this nose dive too and i'm sick of it i've had about enough oh this i here comes the pile and i just lost the wheel i think you got to be kidding me well there's that one uh pretty much done and sorted that all right you guys want to come run through me now we're gonna end this one just with everybody running into me because using the steering wheel to move in any other direction is really that hard oh yes just dispose of me like trash at the side of the road please i welcome it oh timmy we clip timmy hill the legend himself and we are going for a ride we almost run out of that until ricky craven turn me this is not the last lap at darlington ricky this is not necessary and we just gotta get out of this mess that is all that is dick brooks gonna slide it in there we're gonna get lined up for the big shot and just shattered as we're landed on by michael waltrip he's upside down he's turtled and i'm stuck oh we got danger detected here we're gonna slide just underneath but we're gonna dive in of course we had to dig in we're not allowed to have a successful landing that is in the rulebook i can't even turn around correctly at this point oh a big mid-air hit there and another one followed up i'll land it come on land it there we go count it that better count just another big old smash him up in the intersection we're gonna land on michael annette right in the head get in in his brain oh look at this brenda pool just getting in the way for no good reason just lap down cars getting in the way lepage in themselves we're across the line but not without one last swing from adele dodge's car and we're in twelfth oh we're gonna push timmy hill while he's in the tires the most solid of tire checks and we got a bumper check here as well we got a frame check give me a consciousness check i'm taking rudiment just says i'll be getting out of the way youtube have fun and i'm gonna get right up christopher bell's ass and we send it into a pile and craft it up on top of us and even more castle kurt push mirrors they're all fly they're gonna keep flying and this is the gargantuan one here look at the size of this catch here we got fresh fish all over the place and they're still coming i just want to sit here and watch this oh here comes another one oh and right in the tire that was christopher bell and he knocked my wheel off that's revenge oh it literally came full circle oh we're gonna get it yep right up the back side of another one this is just never panned out once ever never find it on record please oh damn sorry into the spin cycle we go we just kind of rolled that out please don't get landed on though the shadows i could see it coming get me out of here we just dodged a couple of them flipping around us reuben's gonna shove me in the wall a little bit there it's the king what's up king oh king's taking somebody out oh we just punched somebody in the mouth we're gonna get landed not somebody just casey may just blew over us oh no me and norm no norm betting and i come together for a thunderous impact then we got a turtle oh that's a massive pack going over i'll get the new i used the almond to swing man paul monarch just sent it that was beautiful that just majesticness of paul menard flying over the pack someone tell my grandchildren oh i won't tell them about this though this is not good it's coming through it backwards maybe i will tell them about it after all nor betting's chasing me down it's like a nightmare back it up and let's go come on oh who's that taking swipes at me i know that was a michael waltrip and into the spin cycle we go and taking the l as we do it bobby isaac coming through just to ruin my day we're so close uh bouncing off of the tires got the king laps down we're gonna come home in what looks to be a pretty disgusting and hard-earned fourth place fit neal's doing a wheelie bj mccloud turning that thing all the way around and getting stuck on us come on let me free you jerks all of your bums oh christopher bell give it a little shot to norm we're all getting shot so we're all going to pay for it everybody got a shot from everybody and we're stuck again oh man we just screamed whoever that wasn't down on the roof doing spins and pirouettes and getting spinded pirouetted on oh no we've been desecrated once again oh there's another one right in front of us and another one for us to trip over as well and down hard on the suspension that's not gonna be good for the spine that's another one doesn't end just turned into a torpedo can it please b1 nope no i thought we were gonna maybe just skim over top of them but we could never there was never that as an option was there this is sad is this a clean one nope not with this landing pad sitting around looks like a bunch of people just stomped on my car and the front end of it's an open wheel car now too which is the regulations the tent is not gonna be happy about this that's what i know we're gonna get dq'd so hard oh three wide this is this is how the money is made we oh what a what a clearing oh no don't do it bj bunny there you go all right have fun over there landed land land back it up back it up don't worry captain we will bump out those scratches we're close to the lead but there's just we're not gonna get there this keeps happening to us this must stop i i demand it's cease stop it i've just want to get up there to pull menard mike lynette wants me dead and he's not the only one just get me around getting squeezed left right center i don't want anybody touching me right now get away from me go cough on someone else i'm asking for dastardly things to happen to brett moffatt right now i need the assistance and there it is and there's there's a swift serving of justice for myself as well just for asking for it but we're gonna get away here with a bit of a lead if we don't throw it away we are the leader and out of the final corner we're gonna head into the last crossing will we get nailed no we do not it's a clean finish to collect dub number eight it was delivered upon request watch the replays i can tell you what i wish i had one of those dodge rams that's sitting around this track that'd be a lot more helpful there's just a common theme in these replays must getting landed on and twisted just more twistage and tossage and i just i don't know getting landed on here's some more yeah this is great and then just another obliteration of us but we actually took the lead right there that was a race winning move you just saw well as we roll into round number nine of our gauntlet we come up on another one of the all-time classics the slow the fast and the stupid but better known to us as the hot wheels track and it is gonna be one of the tougher ones we're probably gonna face so let's not waste any more time and get right to it off we go first run of the round do we expect to get our will absolutely crushed down here i anticipate it because we don't even need to get to the first corner usually and there it is that was just mandatory wasn't it an actual requirement of continuation and down to the abyss we go with three wheels give us good luck on the other side though that's all we can ask oh there was a bit of a hole but it closed up if it was ever really open at cal bush flies over the edge of the earth into the abyss oh yes give me that run off the high side here let's make the jump and get big beefy bounces even on the landing but we do land it and we landed it in the second too so if you can survive the start generally you'll be all right usually sometimes oh we're gonna fly over the top of austin this is where things usually get in or oh and i'm guessing a little too hard we're going off the side and we got saved by the pillar i thought we lost the wheel there for a second but we just beat the crap out of it and back to second we go but maybe not for long austin's throwing it away and off the side of the world he goes got more of them going off the side here and i'm gonna do it myself damn it please don't lose the wheel i and almost on cue the wheel comes flying off oh this is going to be tied three why brandon jones just got killed and we're shoving newman out of the way give us that high side run again norm don't squeeze me please let's get through this oh my god big time contact in the intersection and i'm gonna wreck myself i've never seen something like that before that was awesome oh we got one stopped up here give me that position kyle petty we get by him and now we have got our sights on matt tift for the glorious lead of this race and we get by oh he takes himself entirely out of it it's just and off the side goes the car behind him of kyle petty and we're gonna bounce off the fencing oh no oh thank goodness we bounced off the other side we might ride out of this what a display of skill and talent the speed dodge the pins oh that's not dodging the pin still the trap please down the track oh my god i don't need this oh oh bottoming out don't you do [Music] why damn it you gotta pick a lane here they gotta dive in this hole it closed captioning not available a little bit of harassment we get through it oh mark what are you doing mark crab walking all the way through it and we're gonna try by a bunch of guys here getting all kinds of spots the silence of being in the air is kind of creepy somebody's losing it up here is that tiny who's that tiny indeed is out of shape oh we're in the lead i don't know who i don't know who blew it but we took the lead right there i didn't even see anybody oh boy what am i doing what am i actually doing with my life why did i do this why didn't i hit the brakes please don't destroy the car why do i even say these things it's like guaranteed that the opposite of what i asked for is gonna happen and our race is shot just like that give me the lane they did and then the lane got clogged as is tradition oh and then packed while i'm on my side and we're gonna be in turtle mode maybe not for long back on the wheels can we get flat maybe maybe not yes we do don't close up and we're off oh this is gonna go well somebody's laying dead in the street it the brakes how are we gonna get through it oh no what am i this is a little bit too much air for my comfort right here down hard on the old spinal cord just fused a few vertebraes no big deal i should slow down for this why you ah we bottomed out and we're dead that that figures might swerve into you swerving urban if you don't give me a little room and we just pack somebody in instead and down we go through the secret floor and i guess this is supposed to be the sea floor and i am an urchin of some kind you tell though this is not gonna be good there was no gap and they squeezed me up and around we go and off the side back to back fallings off the map and then i get t-boned while i'm underneath i can get t-boned anywhere on this map if i try hard enough we'll see what it looks like when i get absolutely just annihilated here and tossed up into the air and i wasn't the only one but i certainly felt we rather untimely death and looks like everybody else kind of sorted it out what a bunch of bums if we cannot get hooked i did and we're just gonna add to this pile just crumpled up let's get the reset and blocked just thanks boy and it was morgan shepard the roller skating legend himself ryan newman and harvick taking themselves out for no good reason what in the hell casey you're going the wrong way dude now you got me going the wrong way look what you've done uh we're falling into the abyss and we lost the wheel i cannot believe what i'm seeing despair somewhat please no not a chance back into the twister oh man oh man i can't even keep it straight we're not gonna make it we're taking cars out oh we're getting blasted we're going back the other way oh my god we just got destroyed from multiple angles oh okay let's not bottom out this time you see he learns sometimes and johnny benson apparently is just dead somewhere over here we're gonna take the lead from him even though i didn't see anything resembling johnny benson or a car so cool can i get through oh no please no no and there we are damn to spend another season in the abyss as we fall over as we're dancing on the pole down here can i file in behind bowman no the hole's taken up the gap is there we space for somebody i don't know who that is but we just we just rocket boosted him oh this thing's not driving so good it's bouncing i think the suspension has seen enough and apparently that guy's seen enough of me and back into the abyss i go oh i barely almost squeezed through there oh i was thinking that was gonna be the coolest thing ever and it almost was and it's gonna turn into another trip to everybody's favorite wintertime vacation spot the abyss and i don't quite know what this guy is trying to do but he's not doing it give me victory or give me the death i've been given the death as is tradition and sometimes you just gotta take that death and take it we shall let me get out of the way of a bunch of you maniacs kevin harvick said doesn't matter just gonna run right through you and he gets run through himself and that my friends is a lesson in racing scumbaggery and slimeballery oh we got another mania going backwards it's mark martin one of the og haters and terminators of our rec fest career has sabotaged this oh come on keep it straight keep the power we're not making it i just got my head chopped off by that thing oh who dis who dad bobby allison we'll take the spot oh not this again you got to be kidding me and then i get did i just get packed to death he did bobby just piled it in and killed me didn't he i don't expect anything less from this track though we're just getting the beat down that would probably rightfully deserve and we just kind of slide into this one kind of gracefully on most of you well i gotta get jeff burton off of me and i'll get out of here in reverse if i have to if it comes down to it but ryan is gonna see that it takes a little bit longer and i thank him for that we'll go this way for a change oh you guys are really getting oh another one another one morgan shepard roller skater boy actually brings an end to my existence finally after years of trying after years of frustration oh my god it oh it almost worked it almost worked if that had worked i would have shut the game off the gauntlet would be over it would have had to end right then and there oh man all right you can't you can't deny that was amazing if you made it this far you got to hit the like button for that i don't know how far we're even in this there is the big one that was a massive one in an unusual spot for one and hit the big beefy bounces here david reagan just said see he's going off the side of the world and we'll take the spot we can navigate these pins we might be making a big moment here we take the lead going into the corner here this is our race to lose if we can get this lap in the books the final lap is underway we get through clean one more problem area to navigate i probably got oh i've really got too much speed for this one i swear i don't do this stuff on purpose i really promise i think we're all right we've got four wheels you got a 16 million year lead over johnny benson in second so as we send it down the final straight i think it's safe to say we can send it off the final straight and collect the glorious dub number nine well slowly but surely we are starting to make our way through this gauntlet and collect ourselves dubs like thanos and infinity stones we're making them jealous out here forget all those infinity stones we're collecting dub after dub after dump but it wasn't easy as you saw we get beat up at the start then we had all kind of action up here in these cross jumps that you have to try and get over the crazy amount of cars that either don't make it or have to double jump some of these guys just get absolutely destroyed and they get set on wild rides like these guys right here there they go it's fun to just kind of sit here and watch these fools honestly well we roll into round number 10 next and just when you thought you've seen enough of us getting beat down we roll into hell right of all places a lord not sure i'm emotionally ready for this but off we go with the hell ride and i better get emotionally ready because we're only in round 10 of 25 so it's only going to go downhill from here pretty much and this this could go downhill very fast and it does as we all pile up at the hoop the flaming hoop caught us all rip oh i don't like it they're coming at us from all sides and you couldn't move over man really you have to leave the space let me get on to the side a little bit here so i can avoid the oncoming death that's coming close to us a week just barely squeaked by it see if we can get by it again here on the exit nope that was tightened up and there was no way up in the air getting creamed again from all sides and barrel rolling come on we'll spin it out of there if you have to somebody's flipping up into the hoop up there wild rides being seen everywhere we're just flying by i'm taking the spots tire check don't slide on me too much i can't see i can see natalie tucker coming right at me and we get launched ourselves immediately after let me recover this thing here we're able to keep the lead oh no rusty damn i thought maybe i could just slide by on the outside but rusty and i barely touched corners there oh my god somebody just let it all air out there cars flying everywhere i'm gonna put it into the back of sam mayer throw him into a front flip i can't imagine a much worse place to be stuck than on this ramp and aj oven digger i think it was just took the in for us and cleared the lane and we're going to the wall no dire check and we lost an entire wheel i'm not giving up though i've not maybe i should give up i think i just nailed i think that's brian vickers and i'm trying to turn around and natalie decker's gonna take the lead back from us damn it get out of the way oh my god as if this hasn't been exaggerated enough this is tremendous just with an exceptional series of flips right there and can we lose a few more spots before i can drag my corpse across the line this guy's gonna run into me apparently we are i'm gonna lose i'm gonna lose second place here damn you people damn every single last one of you to hell well the bottom is the best place to be to get spared so i think that's just what we're gonna stick with for now unless kevin conway gets himself lodged in our path and then we'll just get crumpled up like a piece of used napkin and discarded like trash oh windell hanging that rear end down just enough for me to get smacked and the pummeling is just gonna keep on coming isn't it come on you know juan paula montoya underneath me i am not a jet dryer please get away from me and here come a bunch more let me on my wheels at least let me get out of here or try to oh we got one flipping up here we got holy crap how did we fit through the gap only to get torpedoed in the very next corner and there goes one of our extremely crucial and valuable wheels with the underside we go again oh we didn't even get a chance to make it there just dumped and flung like well like kurt busch once said like a booger were you gonna go rusty uh would you get always gonna go take a man out and we're going for a ride oh we almost rode out of that that would have been some sick hot wheels stuff right there if we could have drove off of that if we take a drive right to the rear wheel we gotta hunt down tony stewart too which is what i'm most scared of and me about wrecking the cars whoa not gonna help but then we get in with some spinners well that takes tony out of the equation but we're gonna go hunt down justin hayley now we'll drive underneath him for the lead and then we lose it immediately but my god we've driven over guys to the lead and now under them for the lead and there we take it once again for rusty only to pile into a couple more cars can we keep it moving no we cannot it's illegal punishable by death even but eyes on the podium eyes on this car coming right at me rusty coming to take me out and he was nearly successful that hurt that costs us spots this is causing chaos in front of us and we just went mouth-to-mouth with somebody coming over the other side of the ramp and there's another spin cycle for us to enter and down hard on the roof we go i feel like speed racer driving around this thing i'm going to drag race with glenwood and he's got nowhere to go just decked natalie decker this thing's really limping man i got to get it oh watch out you got to get into like balance on that back wheel or else it won't go just gotta keep flicking the wheel trying to stay out of the way it's harder than it looks and oh we might be dead in the water my car does not want to do very much moving she may have had enough and we've got one heat seeking us right here it's davey allison just came in from miles down the road to deliver that one thank you davey appreciate you this is becoming the wrong side of the track to be on to avoid death and there's more of it out of my windshield we hit kevin conway in the head but we keep on going with a tire check and a cone checking i'm wearing a tire as a hat i throw it off to the side and speaking of getting thrown off to the side a bunch of cars are going to be doing that as well as myself and we've lined it up with davey allison here let's get it off of this hill please i hate this part of the track sheesh i'm just following these guys with faith here hopefully we can get a nice landing on my land on tony stewart we do landing on the tour crutch his head in a little bit we got a race here now inside the top five taking it to the outside get that momentum up get that speed get by tony we're splitting cars in the middle while we're racing and we're gonna take the lead on the outside it's working oh god i got cars coming at me head on from a bunch of directions please somebody wipe me out here man that was closer cars coming over just in time and we're clear the lead is great oh quickie coming out of nowhere pummels me in the face get me through here cleanly please oh my god we're jumping in between cars i was just working oh cars coming at us here find the gap the gap has closed it's gone it may have never been there there was a little bit of daylight there but not a chance here's all we got one falling off the side of the hill and we're getting pummeled now ow on every side getting even hits on every corner of the car just if you will victimized out here and this is not gonna go well as we go over on the roof and we got harrison burton to knock us back over we are bleeding time we gotta go we are we cannot afford 2b lollygagging out here we have got to go we have got to stay away from the banked wood this is not helping me we're down to half a second we're losing all of our time we've lost the lead come on car to pick a gear and get into it let's go we got to pick one neil bana is driving away from me guam pablo montoya i am wearing him as a hat now oh this has gone just as badly as it can we've lost the wheel morales looking like it's at an all-time low i will drag this thing to the finish line if i have to though even though i've lost to brian vickers now i'm just gonna cause problems and havoc and ruckus badly home stretch okay sam mayer all right buddy how you like that head-on hit and you're out of the race he took himself out the 500 iq big brain maneuver it was made and it got us inside the top five i will take it i don't even know that i could take the ramp if i wanted to i can't they blocked and helped me tony stewart pushing me on packing walls ass first and i'm stuck on the banking let's get this thing turned around oh gotta make evasive actions over the banking and back on my roof turtled in my favorite section of the track once again oh here we go another one a repeat can't even get through here the second time that is just fantastic phenomenal ah come on we can do it turn around i'll put it up on the wall to get that speed boost don't bother me that better not have been my wheel it was of course it was what it fell off for i have no idea that was not an honorable reason i don't believe and there's a hit because god forbid that car moved over two inches that would have been a problem that would have just been inoperable and that guy just got smoked got so much speed but i can't turn i cannot turn and trevor conway's right in the way if we just use all of our energy taking him out oh hey hey look actual race cars that are capable of racing each other don't mind me just wasting away over here oh man we got one getting blasted up and over and a couple of them do oh wow that was a close that might that one might have finished us off right there had we gotten hit it's almost a shame it didn't happen that's too bad oh cousin carl in the way i was home free dude oh my god the amount of hatred coursing through my veins right now is incredible i don't think i can move from here now neat no chance at the ramp once again it seems so we'll try to survive underneath and maybe make it to the lead what a run use the ramp this time here if we don't get smacked before getting a chance to and off we go sailing it through there that was a massive oh make a turn here what the hell am i doing i am actually an idiot but we're all right big drifts only oh it's too much that's all i've overcooked that right into somebody somebody i'm probably racing and giving up a lot of time too and another one another one just what i need did please everybody stop hitting me i'm losing all kinds of time and i'm getting it back i'm just gonna keep it pegged to the floor no matter what happens and who pulls out on me like cole wiki there come on dude it's like they know i'm coming and there goes my lead day jake i'm here aj come on buddy here kitty kitty i'll do you like tony stewart used to do them i will come on oh boy oh get heat secret pal get terminated how does it feel on the final lap it's drama time as we're just gonna get smacked by everybody now aren't we am i stuck i'm stuck and i'm not done getting hit and this is now this is a race again this is a race again aj just got pummeled tony stewart's back in the race i'm getting hit by brian vickers we gotta go we can't be getting hit like this get out of the way everybody get out stop stop damn it all of you this was our chance no i need super speed oh i don't need this this is the last thing i need i need a nitrous bottle at this point i need some kind of alien technology seemingly the only place i'm gonna be able to catch up and they're all crashing here at the finish line it looks like tony stewart either wait a minute what just happened you guys that were home free what did they do they just handed the win back to me for no reason look at brian vickers what happened to him briscoe's over here with exactly one point of health and he's gone and we get to dub we collect the tenth ring back to the replay booth we go this was an unlikely win round i thought for sure we were dead in the water on this one but somehow someway they managed to destroy themselves and i want to go see how they did that exactly but we were destroying ourselves too and we take the lead here from aj almandinger and then we get into an entire series of problems on the other side of this ramp where we get hit by what it must have been at least 30 to 45 000 cars that hit us over here on this side of the ramp once we settled in here as you'll see as you watch they come in from just about every direction every angle and for every reason they want to beat us down and then we have here tony stewart's view of things so we want to watch him because you'll see he gets he does get taken out and costs time and that is how we were able to catch up to him because he recovers from this rack and then we'll drive down here only to get into another one and we are able to use this to our advantage and i didn't really see this happening because i figured they'd get through the last few quarters clean and there we go to take the lead so it counts the same as the rest of them we got 10 in the books you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 874,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 90s nascar hellride, wreckfest, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest ps4 review, wreckfest customization, monster truck, xbox mod, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, wreckfest 90s nascar mod, talladega, funny moments, nascar heat 5, the real tricky triangle, crashes, the gauntlet 2.0, gauntlet, part 1, part 2
Id: imi0r3WApNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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