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no he didn't he didn't gather it up oh he's hard in the wallet so are millions of others and so are we oh no well that was predictable what is going on everybody Eddie sound a head back once again ear with sound head entertainment and we are back here in rec fest once again here on this fabulous Friday at a track that has actually been highly requested since one of our last videos our most recent like last three videos were all multiplayer videos and one of the tracks that we utilize in those videos was this one right here the sky you Raceway chicane yeah your guess is as good as mine but it is a very fun track it's a very chaotic track and it's a one that I've been asked to use in a solo video in the comments so that's what we're gonna do here today now of course as you can see my view is a little block here but if I move just a little bit this way you will see we've got the NASCAR legends back once again here to start things off with today I don't know how it's gonna go on this track with these cars sometimes they're a little silly but we're gonna give it a run here to start things off and then if it goes well or doesn't go so well we will do what we got to do basically to go from there so we'll start out with this kaliki car that we got and hopefully survive and see how things goes we're starting all the way at the back in fact I was gonna say this is almost the last to first challenge here and it might be if we get left off the line and we do and there you go we're in twenty-fourth all right so this is gonna be nuts this first corner right here is pretty chaotic and oh my goodness it's already begun and I've been asked back right from the start well you really do hate to see it I know it's kind of beating a dead horse at this point there's a little bonus tire check a little baby one for you as I am struggling to even get this thing turned around at this point but I'm just gonna excuse me fireball excuse me a couple of you guys are gonna get through here Kyle Petty oh yeah everybody Snickers car sorry usually to turn all right through the tunnel we go Dick Trickle came for me right there all that is rendus wording that I won't try to never repeat again but we have gotten through the tunnel all right so now up to one of the most treacherous parts of the track now the massive jump as I saw somebody in front of me get it all wrong there that one car are not even the one car st. not one nose in and just dump them right into it this is a bit of a predicament right here that's gonna be a hard reset right there oh my god Ryan Newman a clone I got no neck Newman as a clone and he went flying clean overtop of me that was awesome now here's a little hairpin corner this one's pretty tight you don't want to hit that little strip of I guess curbing on the edge because that will kill your speed down the straightaway but we are up to 10th there after a pretty nuts first lap we've got 34 health the cars dragging the ground like terrible watch out watch out that's finance pack for all ages oh no the Burger King where we're having a bomb down to seven house I'm dead no oh one Kulwicki car on another coqui car and he just gets shoved up in the air well there you go ladies and gentlemen all right that didn't go so well for us off our first attempt it rarely does but luckily there is a restart button built in right here so we'll go ahead and jump into the next one okay Tim number two off and ready to go as I'm a hearty jump into the back of reality here the three car and turn him around sideways slap to the wall all right let's see is why our clone no-neck Newman has had a rough day already didn't even make it to the first corner before the big one started oh man there you go all right well I guess technically war up to the corner oh my holy crap oh okay well that's a pileup like we've never seen before music I oh no there was no chance was there there was absolutely no chance well we gonna go through all you guys sorry all right well that's gonna be a bit awkward when we come back through here later in the lap I guess the next lap all right let's see we got fireball Roberts up here in front of me can I track him down Jeff Gordon is in the lead way - way ahead of us Oh Mike just look at the airtime on the cars in front of us we got a couple of us stopped right here Oh that was close Oh tyre check bringing him back is a classics Oh me and the two gonna come together sorry about that that last corner will always get you alright Oh the shot of the carcass flying over top is unbelievable we got a couple that didn't make it sitting at the bottom of the ramp you hate to see oh my oh the figure-eight portion of the track like I forget is even there half the time just led to our demise that is unfortunate well that'll do it another death and another restart okay round three here we are I'm gonna kind of ease off I think the honestly the winning strategy might be just to let them try and sort it out ahead of us while we sit back here oh boy oh yeah oh yeah yeah that that is the wreck best card as we pay to see now we didn't pay it all well we did pay but you didn't pay I sure did oh we are boxed in boys Oh Oh No oh well this is the problem Ari that's gonna be a reset look at the pile up my going on a minute we gotta just sit here and looky loo at we got to just be impressed that is an absolutely unit of a pile up in all the size of that ladder all right we got to go where you got to get up - fireball Robert - it's works its way into the lead on this attempt so that's pretty impressive hopefully they'll start to work themselves out of there but this is a nascar legends they're not that bright there's a good chance they won't as we get some absolutely massive air and we are turning that thing around gotta watch out for this really tight corner right here there we go back on the throttle now power down the straightaway oh we got one flying all the way across the sky what a beautiful sight it is nothing says America like a stock car flying across the sky oh I got a quick clip in that little bit of herb right there loves to kill me all right let's see what we got to do about this place there's a 92 Oh sounds like he got into even more trouble here all they did clean themselves out look at that all right and we move into second place behind Davey Allison today me Allison looks to have had a moment here in the tunnel he does he all we got stuck buying a dead car oh you hate to see it oh oh I don't even know where that guy win he just disappeared after I hit him he must have flew over the fence tire check oh there's no way I'm gonna clear this jump well okay luckily that part - there her else how would have been in deep deep trouble but man we just keep on the absolute hell out of somebody in that intersection and that I was not even remotely prepared for it okay final straight coming to the white flag goes one over top again beautiful sight got the fan Cydia that's a little closer than I'd want to be sitting to fits right drag honestly all right we gotta watch out usually I overcook it into this corner but with the NASCAR legends being as beat up as they are right now it's really that nothing I'm not that much of an issue oh I'm gonna lane on Dale jr. I am so sorry I usually do it for Dale I didn't mean to do with that hard for Dale all right come on through the tunnel we go cross your fingers for the intersection we are one real step away we just got to clear this jump and I think we're home free with the NASCAR legends just kind of make it through the final corners now tight oh man this thing is not like turning at this point in the game but we're gonna do it all right so three attempts lands us in the money here we are gonna get a win now the finish line is is kind of fake right here you would think this would actually be the finish line it's not the finish line is invisible and over here and there it is oh and that's hard in the wall alright so that is a dub what we're after 53 second best lap that is not even close to the best over in two seconds off the pace of Cale Yarborough but we didn't give it as much trouble as those guys did so luckily we came out with the win so that will do for the nascar legends what do you say we bring out the Gen 6 Camaros we've been having a lot of fun with those lately let's get those in the mix let's see what those are all about here all right we are back here at sky u Raceway shaking skies that like Spa but with a C maybe I don't know your guess again is as good as mine but we're here breaking out the no-neck Newman car once again and hopefully Ryan Newman doesn't ever know I exist cuz he's probably punched me square in my mouth for calling him no Nick as many times as I have but I do have a lot respect for Randy but we're gonna run his car here and we're starting in the middle of no man's land by the looks of things so this is gonna be rather interesting so let's just go ahead and jump right into things I'm sure it won't go very well because it rarely does for us doesn't it so oh and and the engine sounds our little down to Momo way and we gotta mow it all I've already turn around Geoffrey bow tie him though Oh Geoffrey gather it up but he didn't he didn't gather it up oh he's hard in the wallet so are millions of others and so are we Oh No well that was predictable I don't even know what what I'm supposed to do with this now wait a minute wait a minute and being hooked by the four car I got just showed another 31 in the wall there was a 23 rather I swerve a nervin up in front of me I'll give you a bump draft to the tunnel let's go oh dumped him I just turned him around you hate to see it that was not very neat of me not very cash money at all but we are gonna fly it all mine you know that's gone all wrong that has caught all wrong the tire is off yeah that that's what you don't want to see and this car is I think it may have had about enough already I am NOT getting anywhere with this thing come on come on oh my goodness oho my joy what happened to that one now hopeless like crunch is like a rat rod with the hood all lowered hinder the roof lowered and I should say what kind of cool wouldn't want to be the driver they're all men yeah I don't think we're going anywhere with this one guys that might just be a restart and walk it wobble and I will cut our losses where they are and go ahead and hit a restart alright so on to attempt number two didn't even complete the first lap last time around but we are hoping for a better run this time as Ryan Newman apparently in front of me and that 95 car just takes a tire check right off the start and right oh I was gonna say things are kind of clean up here in front of us but that didn't last very long did it oh oh no no I'm on time outed DW there for a moment we're not gonna talk about that I don't think I would ever have thought in my entire life that that that statement would have come out of my mouth but there was we've mounted Darrell Waltrip in his retirement season I can't believe it I am disgusted all right moving on now to something more sane and rational oh no no that's not that's not that no that's bad Oh what I am underneath the bridge yep you have to love it it has spawned me underneath where I am supposed to be that wasn't very nice of you rec fest all right we're back on track though we got it we didn't lose too much time we're 18 seconds back to Jeff Ward and wonder boy himself so we'll go ahead and crack the top ten here bypassing the legendary Richard Petty that car right there has seen better days at four Allen's Bowman car yeah won't begin any more wins this season if you're looking like your dad let's see if we can get through here we moved up into the ninth all right Jeff cordless like he's had a bit of a moment because we he's coming back to us and then I have a moment all right well we lost the wheel can I keep going though I thought I was gonna get ass back there for a minute luckily I did not let's see this one seems to like to keep going here three wills Oh Richard Petty and that was unnecessary oh we got one backing up going reverse in the tunnel what are you doing oh this thing is not like going uphill very much oh this is gonna be fun all right all right we got the power down at least don't hit me anybody thank you luckily the intersection was bare I just got a mini pack right there from behind I don't know who that is ray elder all right can I make the jump with three wheels on my wagon the answer is yes Wow I kind of suffered that surprised even me tire check there it is man we're bringing the tire check back you went away for a little while but it came right back in the the turn one Mimas just kind of always been there just subconsciously right man this car has seen better days sorry let's see if we can get to the finish line here I don't know if we're gonna win we might at least get a finish which would be better than we usually do this ken schrader right now is leading things oh the car will not turn and that's into the wall yeah gearbox damage low oil pressure brain damage scoliosis just did you name that we got at least jump we got it in the seat of this race car right now oh boy yeah there's not even a driver in the car to we're just a ghost and I slap Mark Donohue around over there through the tunnel for the final time ken Schrader has already won before we were even anywhere close to the end of this race and in fact I think that was probably well actually no because the finish line's past there so that might have been second place that just went through the intersection but shout out to Kenny Schrader in what the Kenny Schrader is all we yeah oh no no oh that has gone all wrong I don't even know what just happened right there look me and another 31 or having bad times I let's reset that before somebody comes through it cleans us out there was one coming that would have done it can we finish in the top 10 though am I gonna make a pass right here is that mark Donahue you just decide to crash into the wall in that 23 car I have got that all right so I've got one one from we're not gonna talk about that all right now time and it all Jesus yep there it is there it is okay yeah we're just gonna all I've been a spat royally right there oh no no why why why why did that need to happen I got an that was that was trouble oh come on get me over here knock me over here side off to reset I'm dead or I could just be killed that's also an option okay uh well that was a quick one didn't even make it over the jump there you hate to see it off we go here what does this run number four already and I've already been boxed in squeezed assaulted you name it oh man they are wrecking already and I've been asked back let's see what I I just that's a trash compactor in front of me what is this this is a joke ah Dale Jarrod wonderful job great time to reverse buddy what are you doing down now that wasn't very champion of you very champion of you I'm having a stroke ladies and gentlemen that's all there is to it hey there's more of them down here there goes the sign well it's hard to all the sponsors have paid money to be on that sign I just kind of took that all out of one one swoop but we'll continue on to the tunnel ra8 place 21 seconds back to the legendary Benny Parsons let's see what we can do we got to come back with these cars this Camaro here we got to take the Chimera to victory and in fact I even have something to talk about it actually slipped my mind until just now that's not gonna help though oh right on the nose too flipped over the wall and underneath the bridge we go sweet all that debt that's nice that I spawned go full throttle into a solid wall and get dere box failure really appreciate that one okay let's try that again I somehow gained positions during all of that I won't even hazard a guess as to why all right down the main stretch we go I don't want to run in and we park cars again that was kind of embarrassing low-key and we'll go ahead and go on to the next lap at least we made it off the first lap wrong no lab spoke too soon there we go if this kills me I'm gonna throw up alright luckily it didn't although I cannot move what is going on what is happening my car's not making any noise and we have lost a tire well uh yeah that's actually the whole wheel that's gone as you can see and we do not want to go anywhere so that's gonna do it literally cursed myself by saying we're about to enter the next lap and then we just didn't so at some point I'm actually gonna get to what I want to say about this whereas there is a Kickstarter to create the three cup series model cars for rec fest as I have been shoved into a tire check and there is just absolute calamity taking place actually they made it through there not too terrible oh come on I barely clip the edge of that that's that's not real that's that's fake that was Photoshop oh no they did not get through there as good as I thought they did cuz they're all sitting there well I don't want to reset any more than I have to come on if we can get through here there we go boys see that's all it took was a little brain power and then an immediate spin-out afterwards but hey the the NASCAR Camaros they put the 4 IQ that they all have together and they managed to get it done so good for them alright so making our way to the jump now the sketchiest part of the track probably without a doubt oh my god the air I just like whoever that poor soul is it was that Dave Marcus Dave Marcus RIPD you buddy that did not feel good ok after that I don't even know if you could call that an ass pack as much as that was just like a an ass missile each that did not make any sense and that is the curve that I continue to hit and destroy my race car with oh my goodness I am absolutely disgusted with that again come on we got to learn to not do that we're fall into that one a lot so yeah as I was saying there is a Kickstarter to create the NASCAR basically Cup Series cars RAK best and I will link it down below if you guys want to contribute to it I will contribute to it myself contribute to it as we're witnessing an absolute just disgusting display in front of us and I've already been completely destroyed our right wheel we're right rear wheel is gone and so is my will to live okay I don't know how many attempts we're on I lost count I quit track them but it's been 1 million to many at this point basically so let's just go ahead and see we'll just take a look with your eyes I mean really what more is there to say hey I said somebody just comes crashing in from behind me alright watch out here oh my goodness everybody got through that holy smokes there wasn't a stack up I cannot believe it our car is actually clean well it's got a little bit mess in there as I and I get a little knock there from David Pearson but other than that we're actually in pretty good shape now don't land in anybody's trunk oh man that call behind me dug in that was not good looking watch out for the hairpin right here I guess I don't know it's really a well it's kind of a hairpin you know what I'm calling it err pin I got Jeff born right here gonna buy him and a Kyle Larson car fair enough kind of fitting there's the no-neck Newman that we we'd love to see there's Jimmie Johnson in 88 probably wishes he was in that this year there's Phil Parsons in another 88 where's Betty Parsons in no net new ones clogged up I didn't go to plan I didn't go to plan at all oh here it goes boys here it goes oh my gosh just had somebody do an elbow drop on us basically and they're still piling in and this is becoming quite the wreck and Jimmie Johnson wins after all that wasn't Jimmy Johnson behind us oh my goodness so we just passed him he made it through this horrendous accident somehow and goes on to win the race well there you have it alright so another failed attempt this is fishing poor attempts and I thought it would but you know what sometimes you have that in stock car racing let's hit a reset uh there's just some random parts laying there okay cool that's cool no problem with that tire check that was one of the more chaotic starts we've had yet just right off the line just immediate destruction I have lifted up Dale Jarrett somebody's tire is already falling off tire check again squishing Jimmie Johnson I don't think he's gonna win that one and oh my god we made it up to second in the first couple of quarters oh this is the best we've done yet all right we need to run away with this one now we've died so many times my engine isn't even making noise at some points now it finally cuts back in that's gonna be big air that's gonna be a bad landing that is not what I'm going for it oh and that's gonna spawn me underneath there it is and that's a nice little radiator blown sweet meat great grand oh my goodness all right well we can recover from that it's not that big of a deal worse things have happened to us before right turn that thing past the hairpin clip the curb what in God's name is that what is that there's a there's a Kraken and Vicky's breakfast maps I don't even want to know what that is and we're gonna that might even crash the game when we get back over there I am a little fearful right now and I might not even make it back over there looking at this right now better not I just ruined the car that better not I just ruined the car I think it did that gonna reset all right no no no we're good we were just beached is all Oh Richard Petty there could not have been a worse time to pull out jaggedy okay I am on three wheels there's a cyclops of some kind over here that the jump that I am not even remotely prepared oh my god you can see it from here Bill Parcells gonna go take it on and on oh he's jumping he ran into it what up oh what a legendary man I respect you for that look at this what am I supposed to do about this what is that oh that's one of the greatest and yet worse things I've ever seen I don't know if I can even turn this car into the hairpin anymore okay we I'm just gonna get past five million guys that was a fantastic attempt once again by Richard Petty to get by me again the glitching out the artifacting is fantastic look at that my goodness all that four cars stuck at a bad spot right a good thing he's there that'll keep me away from those curbs that always kill me alright let's see if we can get through this final lap I don't know if a win is in the cards but a finish might be and a finish might as well be a moral victory at this point a little engine failure that's nice am i stuck in this car now no a reset appears to have remedied that Oh Richard Pat why is Richard Peddie just hell-bent on killing me today I mean seriously this and I'm crab walking like it's my job right now look at this look at this frigging guard this is not gonna pass tech there's no way oh man you would have thought checking out got a hoarder the hold of this thing man Jeff Gordon wins the race they'll figure alright fair enough fair play I'm just gonna go ahead and Oh what what I don't even have answers anymore I just want to finish and I might not even do that come on come on you can do it use all five hundred and fifty of those horsepower but you should have way more of but that's a discussion for another time oh man this thing is not having a good time oh you gotta be kidding me Richard Petty I swear to goodness I think Richard Petty ended his own life right there that's pretty tragic but alright one last reset is gonna have to get us home here we're gonna fall just outside the top five but at least we actually finished a freaking race once and I'm once again saying it a little juice soup if we haven't gotten to the finish line yet so I should really shut up before I call Kay this intersection I should alright you can't say anything it didn't get through that intersect but that is gonna at least finish the race not the win we're looking for us obviously we're gonna continue on but sixth place that's our best effort yet and man a lot of guys fell right there we had everybody ten back rekt out of this race you hate to see it and yeah Richard Betty did indeed wreck it right there on the last corner so you hate to see it for sure there you go Jeff Gordon wins the race though we finished six let's hit a restart Oh what in the world water yeah that might be the earliest aspect of our whole life just not even one minute into the attempt and I've just not even one second in the attempt and I've been asked back this and then here we go and then here we go we take one step forward and it's 15 steps back and here we go this is an elevated racing experience right here ladies and gentlemen look at this yeah yeah we're just gonna let this happen aren't we yeah there's not much that can be done anyway the wheel is gone there's just a pile of a mass and proportions maybe the most grotesque pile-up we've ever seen and I think that's actually gonna be that attempt pretty much sealed because our tire is gone and our car is already destroyed so well done everybody give yourselves a round of applause all right well luckily we spawned without another car in our fuel cell so that's that's a nice start that's a better start than we had last time I give Dave Marcus a little mini pack right off the start but let's just go for it as I should've been effect as well Ryan Newman goes up on two wheels in that 95 and I've just been chopped I've been chops pinned you you're gonna love my nuts because I've been slapped chopped right now this is unbelievable I got Dale Earnhardt in front of me and I'm gonna t-bone them there it is there it is oh and I've been t-boned myself and mounted and there goes our wheel voice and a takedown assist just to add a little extra triggering to my day well it's pretty much a game over scenario when you lose one of the rear wheels that I get hell might we're already underneath somebody Ernie Irvan already underneath swerving Irvin and I don't even know what to do that was an aspect and that is a couple of cars flying over and there really just is no as a way to succeed is there there is no path to success at sky which is like spas stupid little brother all right well what am I supposed to do about this huh what am I supposed to do about this what can be done nothing geez all right well the reset cheese right there to give through that abomination and then I just asked backfill part since I didn't even see him sitting there yep all right well this is gone swimmingly nice nice turn right there guy oh and then I almost did the same exact thing that is what I get that is what I get that's only fair all right if we can keep our head on straight for like 15 seconds that'd be great let's just go ahead and try and make up the 23 seconds that we lost to Ken Schrader's in the lead and that is maybe the worst launch attempt we've had yet if the world was fair that would have just killed me but it's not all right well I gotta go a long way around so that's fun oh that's a sign oh that's great that is really a fantastic spawn point really really glad it was put there and yeah this has gone well as you can see what is this what actually is this I can't I got this does nothing for me either game this doesn't do anything for me either oh my god it's getting worse every time and I'm dead Oh what in the world was that okay I've got a new strategy it's called get spun out right off the bat apparently it's what my new strategies called however that actually is kind of a success because what I was gonna do is pull off to the side and let everybody go by me anyway so there's a 31 car that's off inside he went on a little bit of a detour there's a 95 car just having a little bit of a spin and Rooney in the middle of the racing lane that's no big deal either a tire check gonna go ahead and cut across some of those gonna pass some of you guys in the tunnel I'm gonna skip the inside of Jodie Ridley the curb is gonna nearly kill me let me make it up to six alright not a bad start the engine sounds cut out yet again as they always do in that area for whatever reason and I'm gonna kind of chill behind Ray elder here just for a second so I don't cause any unnecessary drama or I get some anyway why not and there's somebody coming over there they landed that was a little out of shape in the air there okay let's get it around the hairpin corner here don't touch that curb the curbs are just just bad days man bad days to be had if you touch those curbs we're flying by Jody really right now rayel dirt next in our sights hit the brakes right there ass pack him spin him out flip them over just recommended just carry them to our debts probably okay I'm lucky that guy didn't clean us out right there this next guy probably is going to do though and there it is that's a nice little t-bone right the driver's door hopefully my neck was broken my spine has been dislocated I yet that one definitely did that I've got a brain hemorrhage now a basilar skull fracture you know the delicious goes on and on to be honest with you I think I've got two wheels on this one now that's - yeah count them - and one of which is completely locked up so I don't know about you guys but having one functioning wheel really isn't the way to live and that's a nice little bonus tap right there for Ross so that's gonna be another restart alright I'm really gonna ask you marked on here that you don't aspect me right off the start I really would appreciate that and you didn't do it I'm I've never been more proud to be honest with you I have never been more proud than I am right now look at this I feel like Jeff Gordon look at this well what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do about this what damn Dale Dale come on you're better than this Dale thank you deaf oh thank you who was that it was more it was roller skater boy himself it was Morgan Shepherd I can't believe it I cannot believe what I'm seeing and the track is blocked all right that's gonna be another reset cheese then we'll go ahead and go through there to the tunnel inside the top ten not knowing so well yet again the owner this was gonna be easy I did a test run of this and I was like oh this shouldn't be too bad we can move on to some other stuff no I'm gonna be here for the rest of my life apparently so uh great yeah neat cool freakin awesome all right around the hairpin that's weenie that's hard I don't even know if you can call it a hairpin really it's just a real tight corner all right through the main straight through the main curve kind of gives me a little all boy Oh yep yep that one always catches me out every single time yep okay well you know what I think that's what at least we'll be drivable I don't know for how long though because I have a feeling that just over this hill is a massive pileup well what am I supposed to do nevermind well it really isn't getting any better is it but trying again let them go by I think that really is the winning strategy honestly to just let them have their fun down here because they're just gonna get it all wrong every single time and yeah once again that's pretty much the case Dale thank you and we're gonna make it through are we gonna make it through oh it's a little bit of a squeeze but hey we made it alright then the seventh and I can cry get a few more but I all right that's an ass back alright and a wheelie - that was pretty sick looking oh I'm gonna make a three-wide pass there we go I'll just call me Mika häkkinen boys that's the second time I've done that in a while except I don't think that videos come out yet so you won't know what that means yet oh jeez I just barely cleared those guys that really could have been a quite quite bad hole what is going on up here guys are missing the RAM but I think they took out the leader Oh Jody Ridley has lost all of his momentum and that is gonna allow us to take the lead out is this the first time we bow oh no every single time all right please nobody Ram me thank you I went from totally elation to total deflation in about 0.3 of a second it was honestly quite astonishing okay let's see can I even finish the race like this that's probably gonna be No oh wait a minute we're picking up some speed all right maybe not well maybe we should be so down on it quite yet some seen some carnage at the top of the hill up here as they exit the tunnel fire we've fallen to fifth that is unfortunate but it's not the end of the world because there is still time for these guys to get it all wrong however they actually managed to stick the landings quite well and I however am gonna have quite a hard time and Fang if I could get rammed and turned around that would be nice but otherwise I'm gonna have to really slow down and give anything to turn and then that obviously just kills the straightaway for me so okay ray elder has extended his lead to 14 so and then it's come crashing down so something bad it's happened to ray elder unfortunately by the looks of things all right let's see well I remember to break for this corner this time I'm I'm literally breaking but the car is not turning okay so that that's a different problem that we're having okay go ahead our David Pearson just decide to put me in the wall for no reason other than just to do it for the lulz thank you David Pearson at this thing turn around yeah okay through the tunnel this car is struggling that is quite the pileup oh my David Pearson just decided to send it in there and he did and I went me into second Oh Dale Earnhardt oh he's gonna run away from me I think look at him that's him up there going around the corner to the jump I'm gonna need something bad to happen to Dale Earnhardt all end as' oh oh I thought I thought that car landing oh wait he crashed he has crashed he's crashed into me what are you doing Dale Dale you're better than this Danica maybe I'd expected but Dale no wait oh no come on power powered constant you know no he's pulling away if I had four tires oh my god if I had four tires he's gonna beat me to the line no I'm coming back I'm coming back oh it's gonna be a finish yeah thank you clone the clone just saved my life I literally just screamed right there didn't I I pretty much did I probably walked everybody up in his house but oh my goodness why was that so intense why did that finish it couldn't finish any other way but that way you know that I think about it there has never been a more perfect finish than that you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen well that is probably gonna do it a blistering best lap of a minute in seven seconds absolutely killing them so we got the win and my god did it take a million attempts but we got it we had to get a gift from no-neck newman himself for it to happen but we did indeed get it all right ladies and gentlemen that is gonna do it that was enough that I don't know about you but I had a lot of fun with this track thank you to all you who recommended it if you want to see another track leave it down below if you want to see anything in rec fest or any other game for that matter leave it down in the comments below as a suggestion I read them all to the best of my ability I actually have been slacking a little bit because I've been so busy lately with my mom and everything and by the way thank you to everybody who extended your well wishes to my mother I know I made a little community post on the community tab about her having a bit of an accident on a bicycle she injured her elbow chipped it off and dislocated it quite badly it was a pretty gnarly accident but the good news is she's gonna be a-okay she's got to wear sling for a little while she's gonna be fine um in fact she's even back to work already so she's doing good I'm doing good everybody's doing good it's a good time to be alive I'll let Shirin rec fest in which case you probably gonna get guilt but we've come to know that and that is gonna be the outro he's gentleman right there I don't know where this is going from here on that but we should probably stop it here before it gets any more out of hand so thank you as always lady and gentleman for watching once again be sure to hit the like button and subscribe and like I already said leave your comments down below and with that I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 721,226
Rating: 4.8983698 out of 5
Keywords: THIS TRACK IS CRAZY, SCA, the worst wrecks yet, wreckfest, wreckfest game, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest nascar, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, next car game, wreckfest multiplayer, nascar legends mod, talladega, figure 8, cars characters, multiplayer, funny moments, crashes and fails, release date, league, hot wheels track, best tracks, soundhead entertainment, ed soundhead, beamng drive, bus, crash, gta online, fail, warehouse run, jets, lawn mower, soft body physics
Id: 8iGIgU1brAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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