F1 ATTACKS The HOT WHEELS Track! | Wreckfest

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what's going on everybody Eddie soundhead back once again here with soundhead entertainment welcoming you back to recfest here after another fairly significant delay in uploads which I do apologize for I've had a fairly busy December outside of YouTube and then I went and got sick with the flu over the holidays just as an added bonus which threw off my holiday plans and my Youtube upload schedules I'm sure some of you noticed but I come back bearing some belated holiday gifts in the form of a killer car and track combo that we have never tried before we have got the F1 cars here at the Hot Wheels track something a lot of you have been requesting for a while and it starts right now here we go folks some of you have been waiting for this one for a minute I'm already getting run over by Charles Leclair one of my favorite guys not even letting me get down the ramp to start and I said jumbled start all around everybody's wrecking down here we got to go to end over and swerving right in front of me my life flashing before my eyes Nick throwing the roadblock on me and there we go man we have it oh thank you Max yeah go ahead yeah park right there that's fine I don't know who set this car this bottoms out like a base land straws hiding the Shadows just laying upside down the road dude what are you doing what is this what in the hell kind of respawn point is that what am I supposed to do with this that's neat there's nothing like a good old-fashioned opening round morale Crusher like that one where you just gets sniped from all undesirable and unexpected angles then we got Lance Stone down here just laying in the weeds waiting for me to come by can't even see the guy and then the game just conspiring against me at this point because it won't even let me get over the ramp this is putry all right Charles I'm begging please put for about another five seconds if I had to estimate oh my goodness was I ever correct it's almost like we may have done this before could we somehow amazingly actually got out of that okay all things considered we will continue on in the top five that is really you want to talk about thin in the herd add this to the schedule that's one cowards you won't do it oh this oh wait a minute maybe don't hold on hold the phone don't spend the money just yet oh right into the ground just dug it in with the nose we even caught the wheels so now we can scientifically confirm tooth head no matter whether you're in an F1 car a NASCAR Legend a 90s stock car a go-kart a school bus a lawn mower a monster truck I don't know that any of these AI are capable of surviving in this area of the Hot Wheels track if God forbid you survived the lower part then you get up here then you just got to go where the wind takes you because the car bottoms out aren't we having five minutes about to go lot more fun here in about 0.2 seconds never mind hold on to something right down the wheel pirouetting can I get the wheels can we catch the wheels okay there we go we can probably keep going this time see how you poor saps later ground to make up you want to be known all you got to do is be able to drive in a straight line and go prosper and I was like man oh I should not be looking at the leaderboard I should be looking at the gas in the brake pedal maybe just an idea potentially oh we had to land this all that was clean that's one of the cleanest things I've ever seen we're back in clean Fest they decided April 1st that was neat and not even ironically oh that was not me it's all right we're back on it in the lead by a lot who's that thing that's gonna be a white flag one to go we might have one in the bag already we're gonna have some guys here on the blood stretch that need to be bagged up and taken off the premises because of course saps they never even made it out of the first Danger Zone on the first lap still just laying where they were like this poor guy up here Sergio Perez oh check out how could you and there's more animals lay everywhere on the side of the road like road kill oh God I'm gonna be one of them oh wait a minute oh we're all right this is sweet we're pulling out all the tricks today wait a minute this is not one of them oh my God my wheel my wheel not my wheel damn it that was going so good for so long and then it just it went so bad and I can't even turn out of this half rank can we please get going thank you all right here's to even run with three wheels is the real question real quick answer from the universe there no it cannot oh we're even going all the way through the world there that's a that's something you need to see you're gonna be like shoot me out here running around on three look at this tag still falling though is the king of the Hot Wheels tracking stallion out here cannot be stopped might be made of a Hot Wheels material or something that would explain it's indestructibility but not in steering woes which I am still having plenty of can we get off of this they're gonna get off of this slowly but surely by inches we do it then I don't have to reset more times than I have to which is always good this is already embarrassing enough out here of a performance which might be one of the most embarrassing wins you'll ever see if we even win I shouldn't throw moves and giving it to Martin brundle out of the realm of possibilities I don't even think I have enough speed to be able to go flying over this thing though so we'll take that for what it's worth I'm not even gonna risk it over here and me taking it easy but it's gonna cost me my life please stay on the track are you serious bro are you kidding me are why I have many questions I should sound like that preacher from that one meme video just goes why why this really is where the killing blow comes down to us because once we go flying and try to do this sick wall ride which would have been sweet would have been badass if we could have landed it and not ended up like this and then ripping our wheel off which once that wheel comes off that's our Death Note signed sealed and delivered I don't trust now one of these idiots though so I'm just gonna try to find our own lane we almost did oh that was almost oh keep me on the track please it's too bad we lost so much time because that was about as clean as I think I could get through there that wasn't that bad that was man I tell you what my voice may or may not have brought up a few options there that was uh it's a very scary area and I just saw someone go wobbling down through the fake sea floor there as we are having actually one of our better opening starts and we're chasing down Madison in that lead real quick we're already on the podium we're gonna pounce over them right in the house we pounce over this jump that I well we're gonna come up a little bit short this might get ugly oh it's gonna get ugly oh God please why does it always have to end like this please no oh my God the ball that was head on nut I think my head literally hit an exposed Bolt oh I'm falling oh my God finally that oh and there goes the spine all right your box is gonna have a tough time getting up from that one aren't we all's I can I just heard somebody go racing over ahead of me here A bunch of guys went the other way because I don't understand how I got passed by that many people I don't know what's going on we're living in top 30 world if you ask me we're gonna have to catch up which I have no problems with we'll get right to it right now I thought we'll hit every single one of these pins and every single one of the walls and everyone's going to my wheels will come quiet off and I really might as well just go flying directly into the sun right over there and see what happens maybe that'll be a little bit better of an outcome than what we've had so far which I think I'm gonna have a good outcome of the landing here until my wheel just fell off for nothing as I do the pass and die are you kidding me this car is made of vibranium until the very second that it's not and then it's done and then you're done it's over somehow we got through this start we should have went plummeting to our death but we'll save that for later I guess might be time for me to try out this newfangled invention though some of you might have heard of it I think it's called the uh breaks I don't know Captain it looks pretty good to me don't you think looks uh A-Okay and then we have uh nuts and bolts we got screwed right there at the end and that is gonna do that it has taken me entirely too many attempts to realize realize that Max and Lewis are starting it was kind of an interesting pair up right well how could I miss him now Jesus Lewis and I'm supposed to call you sir I don't think so dude what are you doing I don't even want to know what's going on back there we got two McLarens touching tips what the hell is going on out here we got a McLaren madhouse the Hot Wheels track has got into these guys heads man they might have gotten to my head this flu might have gotten in my head who knows what's going on anymore I know that I'm in the top five and I just got into the top three before I could even get that out of my mouth these buffoons are blowing it right now we're gonna have a shot at the lead as we launch it like a rocket ship and we are gonna land it please don't lose a wheel I swear to God thank you how do you doing folks this is a hell of a place to sit for this race there's like nothing that goes on over here I would be pissed if somebody bought these seats over here I'd be like what are you fine I'll stay at home watch on TV AKA soundhead entertainment on YouTube like And subscribe like And subscribe right now and I will launch it over this ramp I gotta do it now all right this might have been dumb this might have been done you better have done it this might have been dumb this might have been dumb this might have been very dumb oh it was brilliant oh it was a work of Genius all right white flag is once again in the air we cannot blow it like we did last time man what are you doing what is your problem all you need to do is just not do that you're lucky I'm still alive you kidding me dude really I'm gonna need therapy after things like this one day many many many long years of hard therapy what am I even looking at in fact there's a crawling centipede slowly going up the ramp and I should have joined them because I have a feeling this is gonna end badly I'm gonna slide perfectly right through this crack aren't I well maybe not quite but that'll do the job there we go we went through anyway right down on the gearbox that's just Grand there goes my spine it was nice knowing you look at the angle on that Wing who's that help that held an absolutely no way look at the rear suspension the rear wheels may or may not be pointing in different directions but you know what these things happen after a long hard life Hot Wheels car which certainly certain the case here and not just for me as you can see oh my God we don't bottom out we're gonna do it unless we tie on the lady of this we're gonna do what I oh please don't do it to me we've done it that's a thumb that's my Michael Jordan blue game dub right there they're gonna have to make a 10 part documentary series about what went wrong with my brain after years and years and years of playing breakfast with mods because it cannot be good what's going on in here now and you can probably trace a lot of my problems right back to here with Mick not once but twice Pete's seeking me with the rolling roadblock well a lesser man would put a towel over his head take the trophy and run for the locker room but not me not after how long I've been gone we got the physics mods on and we're gonna go for it well would you look at who the game just put right in front of us for the start if it is now pal we have some fun back there buddy how do you like running into people now you goon oh my God we're dead it doesn't matter who it is we're always gonna get hit I guess golly there goes my nose there goes my wheel and there goes a Wheeling Ferrari listen we love making this house but we could not let that stand and it it came back to bite US ah they moved Mick oh and they only moved him over a little bit he's right there all right you can't hide them from me for that long but I guess we already got our revenge we might have to get some on whoever did that to me as we almost right I would wait a minute are we gonna land does that count as land again to me that kind of counts as Landing it would you play off for me why we could have drove away from that and now we're gonna have to drive underneath the sea we're not alone there's a lot of dudes under here that's where everybody goes I guess we're supposed to start that's why we hardly have any competition on these levels good to become survival of the fittest if you really even need to be that fit or maybe have two or three Brave cells which I clearly do not and now we gotta wait three minutes before we impact Aaron there we go finally we need some elevator music for that flight that took entirely too long that is so stupid I bet it's fair to say if we could just survive this area through the first run we could probably make it through the rest of this pretty easily because that's the same there doesn't seem to be that much competition Beyond this play but look at this how do you explain that other than just pure bloodlust and violence and besides bottoming out how do you explain this besides the spirit idiocy which is usually what we have to chalk it up to around here I again we could really put a timer there until we finally hit the cameraman even game up tracking it oh he jumped back down and he got it he's good let me go fashion to make for good luck Lewis Hamilton's going ahead first into a pillar we're gastered underneath are you [Music] what just happened you could have blinked and missed that if you weren't paying it oh no please don't throw it away right here like this not like that why why every time why I don't have the throat for these Abominations to keep popping up on screen we gotta get this done we gotta get a dub for once in our life what in my [Music] in the holy Jesus we're gonna land in the stands actually we're going more towards the middle that's still not good oh this is gonna hurt This is Gonna Hurt the fact that is we have a lot of time to think about how It's Gonna Hurt oh and of course we caught the edge of the world and now we're gonna go flying through it we're just gonna send it what do we got to lose really at this point we're such a high level space force Cadet will be fine we're like alien rank at this point we've got nothing to lose like I said I just like went invisible for a second there was like my force fields powering up and uh so you guys done anything cool lately you know just uh how was the holidays have a good time with the family you know anything oh how you got a minute oh the Whiplash right there and I missed something spilled my coffee who's that guy kind of feels like an abandoned Wasteland after since they're only 20 some seconds behind me but it feels like a lot more I only see the carcasses at the side of the road after well I might be one of them after this Mikey played this game for two lunch longer this is uh oh I see somebody I'm oh if that top layer wasn't there we would have just missile strike someone from so far away the US's military can't even get him to lock on that good that would have been that would have been groundbreaking like how I just hit the ground I bet I can still win this with three wheels we're gonna try it we're gonna see how it goes yeah oh it's not gonna go well we maybe should have tried this we may have made a mistake here keep it on the road what are you doing thinking out of the way no come on we don't have to do we have to do like a Escape line on the side of this thing can we just live with all the life please I don't know how far it's too far to push it at this point so I think it's time to just take it easy except that a dub is coming I don't know if we can throw it away at this point but I've thrown away better ones than this before so maybe I should shut my mouth when will I learn all right please request gods anybody anybody at all is listening non-wreckfest Gods Santa somebody it's anybody please that at least we stayed on the road that time reset Gonna Save My Life had to add one more of those on to the resettle meter one more embarrassment and with one last babying launched down the ramp barely even keeping it on the ramp and flying off of it as we finish we are gonna collect double dubs we have done it the flu game has been completed I feel like Luka donch had scored 60 20 10. guys a beast I'm a beast you're a beast the word Beast hasn't been used as much since 2012. and nobody is even upset about it because it is that worthy of a cause that we've got to bring it back I mean look at the views look at the angles look at the avoidance I hope the beauty experience for all of you is good because it was fun for me even fighting through the flu I hope that didn't mess things up too much for you guys I don't think we had a view quite as good as this one right here from the Z truly a space Force Level flight and speaking of the space force we're not done meme on them quite yet you guys know you've been asking you've been highly requesting that the space force car make it into Rec Fest soon we'll make sure you subscribe and tune in to the next episode you just might like what you see and with that I love you all thank you all so much for watching you know what to do if you enjoyed this episode hit that like button subscribe for more leave me a comment what you want to see have happy Holidays happy New Year we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 304,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1 ATTACKS The HOT WHEELS Track, f1 hot wheels, wreckfest, wreckfest f1, wreckfest hot wheels track, hot wheels track, The Talladega Gauntlet, The Gauntlet, Mini Gauntlet, F1 2022, NASCAR 2022, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest customization, monster truck, xbox mod, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar mod, talladega, funny moments, nascar heat 5, crashes, wreckfest ps5, crash compilation
Id: uJtpwmqJnKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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