The Gauntlet 2.0 | Part 3 | Wreckfest

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well here we are race number 11 at the tribe and speedway the reverse layout a track that we've had a little bit of fun at in the past it has been uh quite the treacherous place who would have thought another triangular shaped track that just loves to kick our head in but uh hopefully it won't this time let's see if we can get this one underway across the line can we survive to turn one meme no we were never given the option were we just packed from all angles lifted up and up the bank and we went we'll pull away after i think we barely touched last oh somebody's doing the spinner rooney appearance glenn wood what a fall from grace he started ahead of us i guess we were all in the turn one crash but man that is just terrible and red byron coming out of nowhere just from the woodwork we missed the corner oh my what the hell where was he going dude just flew by us at about mach 3 going to a different race he's going to race 12. he's already at the next track waiting for us oh and there goes one getting launched we're gonna somehow avoid it all oh my god it's just a maze of cars and finally our luck rushes out and dale's here's gonna pop us an extra one here will he flip us around he actually will and then he gets packed by the winner cole custer [Music] what a scene of brutality that was for dale senior he would just get the car home without dying that of course is the main question in task and this is some cars around in the final corner we're going wide we're going to get launched yep that is just destiny when you hit one of those little concrete barriers man they're little launch pads if i have to turn one mean boys that's all you got to do we kind of got pushed through on the inside we're going to live some other guys they're not somebody's standing up on their nose back there that's kind of impressive i give it a 10. i still give it a 10. oh cold custard coming back down on the track flip the nuts up watch out for the signboards and we're right back in the thick of things getting packed this is not what i signed up for some more cars getting launched they're learning our lesson hard way there's a corner there that was brilliant that was five star worthy right there let's just pin that in oh come on she don't turn too good no more this wall's not open and this air time certainly isn't helping either that is a bit of a tire check right there is what that is i'm wearing another one oh it's been knocked out of me and so has every ounce of sense that i ever had we have just been sent into a twister and another one to boot and that one ends our life i don't think any amount of begging's really going to help us down here turn one so i'm just gonna send it on the bottom and hope for the best that seemed to work out for us and it's worked beautifully i wish everything i did in my life with the plan like that this would be tremendous oh my the send of the century down there and it was a miss the torpe oh my joey case though with no regard for human life but we're up in there we're on our side and we're just digging in we're doing all kinds of crazy stunts now including getting bashed in the face oh this is tremendous that race couldn't have started any better and they couldn't have gone to crap any faster as we just packing into the back of davey and collect a few more while we're at it and i'm just two wheels at once you cannot write this ladies and gentlemen you cannot script it you cannot book it look at the state of me try to avoid any future double amputations right off the bat if you'll please excuse me glenn and everybody else here as we're sliding up on two wheels all right not as good of a start but a decent one here can i get byron mr bill let me get oh my god what the physics of that didn't even make sense i just got obliterated for no good reason whatsoever i have no explanation if you'd like to provide me one please do oh my where are i thought i missed the cornerback earlier what in the hell was that back there many questions are to be brought up about this matter any second now our leader's gonna cross that line and win the race though and there it is rek fest legend reads sorenson gets it done can we pick off jeffrey earnhardt here in the last corner that would be interesting and there's some cars that might help us or hurt us not gonna do anything for us actually so at least we'll maintain our sixth place finish at least we finished thank jesus for that i think the plan of attack this time might be to just send it in there on the quarter panel it can sit here cutting it pushed in by himself with the torpedoes send we're up on two wheels but we'll diesel our way back onto four and he's our way into the fourth position and that was another somewhat solid start as gunwood wipes himself out again and tony stewart and i are gonna meet in the middle he comes down all right coming to the corner at the wrong time we're gonna break through a barrier running through brick walls over here getting run through by the field and smacked still get me out of the way please taking detours out here it's still getting run over by i think that was cole custer moonlighting as cold trickle how fitting is that you decide then we make these 15 spots up sarda again at such another hot start that oh my good god me and tony stewart have had another one the field just erupted in front of me right there that was like an actual natural disaster and i've somehow wound up in an even bigger mess here look at this it's it's part two of the big one there might have even been a part three in there and we've lost well i mean that's really not that surprising and oh my god the hits just keep on coming is this the long one do i need to roll an applebee's commercial right now what is happening oh get out of the cheese it's just obliteration here at tribe you might need to shield your eyes this is brutality in its most pure form tony stewart again taking a swiping me this guy i'm losing control of my own mind here i'm losing brain power by the millisecond as we're gonna have to get by these laptops but and i somehow managed to flip on nothing and i just become the bottom of a trash pile as every sign in the universe just fell on top of me right there i think i've had my race ruined in every conceivable way though i don't know that it can really be topped quite how many times we've gotten through that corner is also something that should be chronicled i love how i could just have a random sentence and it just goes i don't even know how i do it folks don't ask me as we take glenwood out again glenwood has not had a clean start in the history of his life according to this game it has just never been ever worth even trying to stay clean for him you know what i respect sometimes you just gotta go for chaos sometimes you just have to choose violence like like cole custer is right now by sliding up into the path of cars that are gonna take him out of the race case in point what is he doing he's playing dangerous games living life on the edge through it all the way handed to me on a silver platter which these breakfast ai seem to be quite fond of doing from time to time is this gentleman dalinar senior did not even try to make that corner and now in the last corner we've got to worry about carl edwards willie brad cause last guest or should we do it to ourselves across the line in the air getting a sweet sweet dub well that was a bit of a blink and you'll miss it double almost a rapid fire series of events that got us to the lead then before you know it it was last lap and we won well right into race number 12 we will go here at the dirt devil stadium kind of a fan favorite in a breakfast classic at this point and of course a triangular theme track that is sure to kick our teeth in once again so we're not even halfway yet well the only way to do it is to get through it so set it on the outside see what happens seems like it usually benefits us here in the early stages but this is where the free-for-all begins and speaking of right on cue here's some destruction little mechanical chaos for us to sneak away from actually we've kind of made it out of there alive but there's a little bit more appearing in front of us wheelie and getting tossed around well sticking behind well i guess standing on the hind leg sticking the front ones up in the air we'll get this thing spun around as we have lost all kinds of time millions of seconds and just launched a pack into the back of denny hamlin right there that was a torpedo missile tomahawk missile whatever you want to call it i guess torpedoes are jobs okay that was a torpedo thank you for the demonstration danny i actually couldn't have asked for a better one myself that was a torpedo said what i did was a tomahawk said and it actually is kind of disturbing i think the ai may be getting sentient and i am very concerned about that but i'm very concerned about this as well don't fall into the pit we are alive i can't believe you can't really tell but quinn is right behind me our classic arch nemesis well not really classic because a couple other guys hold that title but our recent arch nemesis across a couple games is trying my page i do kind of need something terrible to happen to brett something terrible is about to happen to me and there it is just a picture perfect landing and that's gonna land us in the pit of forgotten trash down here that's grand we've officially lost the race that was haley deegan it was looking like she was gonna take my spot she went down the pit with me i don't think she's cool enough to get out like i just did so sucks to be you i guess we'll go ahead and limp this piece of trash to the line all things considered second place that's not bad if i don't get run over by fools at the start we might have a shot here only the ai could learn that if they just turned a little bit to the right they'd find another lane they could use and maybe not hook me in the process that'd be nice i'm still getting hooked by ward burton tried to send me down to the forgotten pit killed all my momentum i've seen him treat snakes nicer than he just treated me oh they love this corner don't they oh and kenzan gets ricocheted he pays the ultimate price for it oh and more guys i'm flying at everything to geez that was that was a sight to be hold up here in front of us cars flying in every direction a tire check for everybody up here in front of the old quinoa just we knew just with ghost mode on us right there that may require an f in the chat we're not sure clint boyer's career needs it after the chat although he's gonna probably save the fox booth so good for him oh conway extended his way across the track get out of my food we're down in the pit right in the pile of trash where we maybe possibly belong kawiki's down here he definitely doesn't belong here that's a travesty somebody get that man a respawn stat i got a terminator stalking me from behind there probably waiting to get the kill i'm terrified right now of everybody oh and it's the last slap dude i've got to gain 11 seconds on we always lose all kinds of time sorensen's dropping and now ward burden there it's the lead and i just power bomb i don't know what what would you call that boy that was a leg drop a swanton bomb i don't know i haven't watched wrestling in a few years that however was uh a superplex i don't know what you would call these maneuvers anymore but this is just becoming an absolute brawl and it's only gonna continue to get worse it seems let's get out of here let's get our tires on the ground please maybe possibly potentially and wouldn't you look at that the gods of wreck fest blessed us on this day they freed us after costing us any chance we had at the race and still knocking us off the path they did shine down upon us ever so slightly we gotta appreciate that we gotta take that for what it's worth i'm taking this for what it's worth which is absolutely nothing garbage throw this run in the trash where it belongs worthless useless oh i can't even talk anymore driving me mad let's just carry this pile of sadness across the line all right i don't even have the front of a car anymore one of my car's just gone it left it took off it's seen better things and it went to go do them real neat give me that restart push there we go we got the restart gear in this thing for sure and look at quinn starting the race from p one two we gotta watch out for him we gotta watch out from the blocks for reed swords and he's hooking bubble wallace we're gonna got tipped barely there but we hold oh i was gonna say we hold on to it but then we got set into a serious set of twists oh and then we get we just got squeezed up into the air squeezed across the sky if you will white has seen that wreck this must be failing to make the corner that's something i hate to see but i will carry on so we've got a race to win what a bounce that's gonna be that's a great one for the old spinal cord right there the vertebrae just fused a few of those bad boys somebody up here just hit the wall and disappeared and they went to another realm and then came back what huh i beg your pardon that was the craziest thing i ever see ward burton just went to the shadow realm and then was just like psych that was that was remarkable that might be one of the most incredible things i've ever seen in in wreck fest and what a way to see it then here in the gauntlet word burn might be doctor strange oh this is strange this is this is bad this is a wreck and a half we are gonna land it on the wheels though end over and don't stop us it may stop us from winning though because denny hamlin is now pulling away and we're now pulling it back did something happen to debbie oh i think something might have happened to teddy we are well we were reeling him in let's see if we can get up there and at least get our name in the head if this thing comes down to it and it looks like it might he's losing more time might be one of these cars stuck up against the pole here and then quinn just takes out the wall here quinn take this right to the ass a packery that has got me posed up against the wall but it will not matter a quick reset will get us out in the lead denny and all the boys back there just threw away an easy win and we could see it coming back to us from a mile away and off of the final corner with a couple scrubs ahead of us we will get dub number 12 and then knock down the wall after the race is over to the replay booth we go and you'll see that dub number 12 was not easily collected we went across the sky i guess the theme of things was flying across the sky today because we get massive air here and just a olympic level landing that you'd see out of professional gymnastics you'd say well how about this for a classic track we haven't seen a little while the pitfall extreme and because it's a little bit outdated now some of the things don't work the lights are definitely broken but the track itself is functional so we are going to get to it interior the opening shut there and we'll sneak by and there they go they line it up right into the pole no ability to move out of the lane unfortunately apparently and they uh they kill piling it up back there right from the start see if we can hit the ramp here for a little style points to take the lead a little haxy's on the ramp so we're edging out kawiki here for the lead and we're gonna thread the needle behind brooks to barely stay on the track here we have got the lead kind of early we got to hold on to this thing this car loves bottom and now we hit another jump though here we go we gotta hit the jumps for style points that's our goal oh bottoming out is incredible oh god come no please no not from the lead that's embarrassing that is that was looking like it might have been a one shot one race one win instead i'm in the pit and this is a serious pit look at that are we i think we got a wheel still hold on we might actually be in this i thought we lost the wheel we've just been lowered a few inches that's okay i guess i'm gonna try and re-chase down kawiki and i'm actually all right with this you know we're not totally out of this thing yet oh that was close come on conway extend yourself out of my way please am i ever gonna stop making sten's jokes probably not especially when i'm just gonna take l's like i do now so we'll take third that's not much of an l if you're on the podium right chase elliot just saying screw my life right now literally deciding not to go on the start what in god's name was that chase i beg you the question and i beg to know what just happened to the rest of the field why am i in the league how did i just mosey my way into the lead after being held up and then i got people running to the back of me now either be slow or be fast pick one people come on i'm over here i'm probably gonna wreck myself in the lead because that's what i do best on oh cole custer taking matters into his own hands and maybe a few lives too my all right well hey maybe he's going to make a race out of this man he listened to me cole custer winning races in his rookie year out here i believe it might have a challenge guess i'm just gonna go half seas on all these ramps until i learned my lesson and maybe this will finally teach me how did i lose that much time how did i lose almost three seconds from that [Music] i think we just hit a time warp something about that doesn't even make sense who's doing donuts over here mark oh junior johnson getting this thing sliding come on junior i'm not gonna let you beat me i cannot lose to a man whose name is junior casey mears if you don't get out of the way do not be playing bloxies for junior plea oh god bottoming out you got to be we're both flying off the side just got my head caved in i really just got my head caved in the second time good god man that's that's just grotesque at least i don't got anybody hitting the brakes on me this time i got that i got chase running me off the road it's only another chase if it's not one chase it's the other we are looking at an attack of the chase's situation and i'm hitting every branch on the way down in the stupid tree holy crap i've got four wheels i've got four wheels hallelujah somehow some way i almost crashed in that pole because i wasn't looking and i got four wheels this race is shot i don't know how you can fall into the just super pit of death and destruction [Music] but somehow we just did and we're living to tell the tale about it so we'll ask questions later currently we must try and see if there's anything to be saved from this race he was going to say before life came and smacked him in the mouth just like that beam did and sends us in an entirely different direction and we just pack our own ass in right on the ground and that finally snags the wheel off of us too because good god what a twisted metal mess about swiper no swiping you damn maniacs i didn't know the one what have i done to deserve this what are my sins reckfest gods oh god and we just get flattened to death god thanks keeper running might end up being iconic for how god dang accurate it is it's actually frustrating and then we just once again waltz into the lead fine with me get a full second here out on chest and watermelon man and now boy this looks fun up here see if we can just go ahead and sling ourselves roll right by it and almost put ourselves out on the wall all right nearly avoid disaster there's good god whoever that was was flattened as well they've had a rough ride i would say loves bottoming out but last lap come on i can smell it i can feel the bottoming out getting worse and worse bill elliot doing donuts on the bottom there we'll do a little half seas on the ramp got chase cobrae back here i think it said we got ricky craven over here man from one of the most classic finishes of all time we're are we gonna have a classic atlanta finish at pitfall here we're we're driving terrible right now we're crashing into poles oh come on get it in gear no we're gonna lose no we just got punked by kevin conway and i mean absolutely punk by kevin connor please don't put me in the pit please don't put me in the car right we have survived the danger zone or at least the initial one run up on that high bank get that run off the high side i think the game as a test has given me mark martin oh well i was gonna say it had given me mark martin as uh the second place car but he has been promptly removed and i think discarded them back there oh man over rotate that that bang it's easy to do how jumpy it is as well but white flag in the air cross the stripe send it in oh that's a dive and a half and we're lucky to not ram a car that was laying there we have somehow made it out alive and i think barring any other stupid moves which i'm going to try my best not to do and we'll have the company of wendell scott through the final corners we should come out of this end we'll take a jump for the style points over here come on we'll hit the jump and to the stripe we're home free dub number 13. lucky number 13 puts us in the pole and we're past halfway ever wonder what it looks like when a car falls from the heavens down to a black abyss below and lands head first shattering some wheels directly off the car well now you know here in rack fest we have all kinds of destruction to fill your needs well getting ready here for race number 14 on our gauntlet lineup we're back at the stockton 99 speedway for the other loop track that we mentioned that we would do earlier we are here for the loop of death and uh this one ought to be a mess [Music] oh god turn please turn for this okay guys good god hello first run at this track one thing for me to blow it it's another thing for literally the rest of you to come piling in there goes the suspension pretty much right off the bat i love using up the car before we even get to the first straightaway let alone the loop which we'll now launch ourselves into probably to our demise and what do i know there goes the wheel our cars love to just grind to death on that loop they live for it i don't know if i continue on in this race we just got to put that back wheel down it looks like come on oh yeah oh yeah lighten ourselves up for the t-bone that's what i love to see or hate i don't know i don't know anymore the line got blended long ago we're gonna keep our foot in it because that's all we know and just getting dumped and eradicated this is also something we're well versed at oh oh and here comes the death we've been killed the literal death on the first run does kind of scare me though not gonna lie this however much better start much better start a dog same for kawiki running me clean through the wall one maybe getting hooked into a loop-de-loop not high on my list of things i want to do please land this we do give me every style point you have in your possession i now am the rightful owner that was tremendous right there couldn't pull that off again if you tried and the fact that i'm only 14 should be a crime punishable by removal of all four wheels which is probably what's gonna happen to us trying to dive into this mess oh boy this is the fun part of this track where everybody just piles up in the loop for the rest of eternity and we have indeed lost the wheel as is tradition tired checks do come in all shapes and sizes they they usually come quite painfully though that's usually the telltale sign this that the loop is literally not even an option anymore it's just to be dummies polluting it all and we've lost the race so no matter what choice we make is pretty much shot can we even make it through the hoop we do and we will actually come home to a fit never mind no we won't let's go completely and utterly cheated by that one i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna land underneath kawiki too we're just gonna go ahead and stack ourselves up with him a little ass pack to just mouth right there that's filth and it's just complete epitome and this i don't know what you could call that move that might actually more accurately represent a swanton bomb from our earlier racing at the triangle and now we can't even get up the loop now mayfield just running through me and i've been perched up where i can do nothing and this is just gonna be a grand old time trying to survive this message again i welcome you to the part where everybody just gets stuck for all of eternity it has come once again i literally cannot get up now oh they finally give me the the run-up that i need and then i'm of course hitting the brakes and ready to back up for that one so this is all just gone incredibly according to plan including me getting blasted in the face right there and of course you saw the ripping of the wheel it's gone as well are my hopes and dreams and what a just hellacious pileup that we are witnessing currently shield your children's eyes will you please i think the loop really just needs a good exorcism honestly maybe a little retooling of the ai path but mostly an exorcism i just got deja vu there with kawiki running me through the wall again can we get through this this time no we cannot thank you everybody i appreciate your patience and working with us all to get through here safely i really appreciate the teamwork being just exhibited by all of us it takes all of us don't you know this is gonna take all of us to put me down and it's not from a lack of trying they haven't done it already because i'm going for a roll take a look at me only i can flip in the normal part of the racetrack but these are just sound head things and we come to expect them they are normal completely normal no artifacts to be found here regan smith has won the race i have just planted it in the wall for no good reason and then sterling marlin making me feel a little bit better about myself goes and goes and does it right behind me i appreciate that sterling i appreciate it knowing i'm not the only buffoon out here is a bit helpful we'll land her in the fence and we'll come home in eighth just disgusting everybody just go ahead and mind your business up there stay the hell away from me down here oh i'm gonna flip of my own i literally go out of my way to avoid destruction and somehow i'm my own worst enemy and i just i find it and i create and i create a smacking for cowicky right now the turntables have turned on you my friend and he got smacked in the mouth and we're falling from the ceiling of the roof or the ceiling of the roof there it is ladies and gentlemen i am a master of the english language in case you haven't picked that up by now as we glide underneath whoever that was twirling through the air that was tremendous oh i should open a driving school brown talented i am just look at this skill harry gan over here hitting the brakes for me that lane is completely blocked i just put my passenger door into a tire that's a tire check counted and we just gained a bunch of spots because we knew which lane to pick that's beautiful that is not something that can be replicated by the terminators they're not quite there yet they cannot make a simple yes or no decision is this track block yes or no luckily we can and i think that's going to get us to the lead maybe here shortly if we didn't wad it up right there the world's most unnecessary crash and we're coming down on the wire here come on we were looking like we were gonna have it there and it gets away from us right at the end we're gonna fight for second place but mayfield edges us out for the win and good god we get sent into a twister of a flip at the end i think it's safe to say we're getting to the delirious portion of the play through and the fact that we're on run 14 of 25 is entirely worrying much like the scene unfolding ahead of us once again as like it launched into a beautiful backflip here thank you everybody another tremendous effort smashed my car to bits before the first lap is even over it's a it's a love tradition oh man they are just going to block that one up all the way i'm not letting them get me on any stupid mistake so this time i am going to race as cleanly as i can if i have to put sterling in the fourth row of the grandstands i will but i'm going to try and refrain i think we can do this clearly did the leader just is that in figure that just wrecked himself right there he just spun himself out sterling just made the wrong decision and we have just been gifted the win barring that i get through these last couple of corners here let me not speak too soon we have been gifted a win once again what a bunch of dummies well up now is the 15th race here in our gauntlet 2.0 and we have arrived at the ukiah speedway for the figure 8 with ramp layout i was gonna do the high banked oval but the ai seem to be a little bit stupid and they can't really drive that hopefully these figure eight ai will spare us some stupidity but they're putting the squeeze on us and tired checking each other into infinity literally into another dimension with that one but it's okay we slide up into the top 15 bop holding then jared either way we got morgan shepard up here our boy roller skater boy if we're gonna flip over eric jones just abused him dropped him on his head now we're slamming doors with everybody we see let's get that gas down across the intersection here before this thing starts getting ugly a bunch of cars just missed the corner entry a couple of them missing the corner exit having trouble all over we just tipped bubba wallace sorry bubba oh we're gonna pull around the door mark donahue come on get the recovery get that thing back in gear let's go let it oh come on there we go all right nothing to panic about nothing to freak out about we're still in the top five in the top three now with uh about a lap and a half to go in this contest oh and that's gonna be a hit in the intersection that's what we've all been fearing oh and some more is we're going to shorten my suspension up oh john andre where you going he just made a choice for the wall i'm driving underneath bubba oh we did not need to be three wide in the intersection 12 tires not better than four no matter what you might think and bubba's just hooking me trying to get rid of me as quickly as possible it is why does so many of these guys just choose violence why especially you morgan and mark donahue's one he's beating us i think i'm stuck on the platform i can't even get out of here get me out of here please just get me to the line it's all falling apart right at the end and that uh is gonna be that as we're getting shoved to the finish pushed across the line and we snag a few spots extra in 12th oh clint get a move on everybody little mini tire check there much smaller one than the first one we're allowed to just squeak up the inside here and a little payback there for the roller skating legend himself he's coming back but he's not done this might be the greatest rivalry in all sports by the time that i up and retire one day morgan shepard may have caused us the most pain in the history of our lives it's gonna be close between him and mark martin nobody's causing me any pain right now if anything i'm causing pain to todd gill and i'm gonna dump him and take the lead what an absolute trash bag i am and then i just cleaned somebody out on the intersect and he walks it off just did a perfect 360 just kept going i think we have got legendary things taking place here at the intersection this however is not going to get us through his clean but we do drive away we are having a tremendous effort this run this could be it this could be a real quick dub i have a nice clean intersection there get that thing to rotate come on oh boy gotta watch out for the light oh we just got heat secret that burger crime car did indeed commit crimes to come find me didn't even try to make the intersection made a dive for my door and my life all in one foil swoop and i'm still getting knocked around and like speed just gets pummeled and look at me and my boy morgan shepard so we meet again as everybody's getting blasted in the intersection cars flying everywhere and this is a battle for the lead right here actually john andretti's gonna pull us by a little bit we gotta get a move on here they're putting themselves in the wall kevin conway's gonna squeak us out again no how is this possible as far as i knew before today kevin conway's crew highlight was getting sued by extends so i mean he has just elevated himself into the upper echelons of rec fest terminators i mean he's becoming just quite the rival out there as we're four wide in the intersection just about and getting swaying around and just stopped into but still so many air just choosing to plant themselves on the wall for no good reason to tire check each other i'm amazed that wall tires behind us hasn't been touched yet it's kind of a miracle we've made a whole lap without that happening as i try to set it on park and he's gonna hook me into the wall just plant me head on face first teeth meet concrete and i'm getting swallowed up from behind and shots are being taken swipes are being swiped but i said swiper no swiping earlier it's not going to protect clipboard from my swipes and i have shot myself in the foot here because we're taking ourselves out of this race more than anybody else right now but they're trying they're certainly trying which maybe speaks how much i've screwed myself out of this one maybe let's get it back in here though as i'm getting getting bad touches from behind please everybody get off of me the intersection's getting a little dicey right there this exit this corner exit i don't really seem to know what to do about this aj i'm going to let you take the hell and i'm going to fall you into one as well oh no come on we're going the wrong way hold on a sec hold on turn it right now all right i think this run is officially screwed probably because of that right there couldn't even get the car turned around i'm getting the world's slowest speed pit maneuver right there along with maybe the world's most unnecessary one and i at least appreciate the turnaround here i do appreciate that couldn't tell you what else cause their race is over [Music] oh my god i feel like i'm about to have a brain aneurysm over here this is only race 15. at least we're done barrel roll across the finish why don't you we somehow got a top 10 out of that give me that slick little crossover move a little mini pack into the back of ned here ned's declassified figure eight survival guide would be very handy right about now however i don't think it's coming what is coming is a four wide squeeze oh kevin conway my man he knows how to just hold me up doesn't he he might be the best of all time mark martin and shepard may have to take a seat just like all these fine gentlemen right here piling themselves into the wall and that allows us in the top five by doing almost absolutely nothing and sometimes that's all it comes down to you can drive a clean race and just let it come to you just like i came to ned jarrett and we nearly space forced each other right there but we kept it low enough we kept it in low earth orbit did not leave the earth's atmosphere this time this time being keywords there but it will happen and something interesting happening is that we are in second and look who is in first it's my actual boy it's brad keselowski and there we go we have taken the lead just like that and mark donahue with the rolling roadblock just to try and put an end to that but he will not we'll take the white flag and look who we've got out run it's kevin conway in second followed by morgan shepard it is an absolute mess behind us to carl edwards with the roadblock carl how could you i am getting robbed eric jones is trying to play roadblock literally they are playing roblox to let kevin conway back in this fight i will not allow it and neither will they by the looks of it they finish him off we sneak through we've got 15 dubs we had to jump back in the replay booth for this one didn't we to check out the intersection action as we went on our way to 15 dubs got 10 more to go 10 more dubs is all it's gonna take to get to the promised land and hoist our i don't know what we're gonna hoist but we're gonna hoist something and we're gonna hoist it real high in victory in sweet sweet victory you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 375,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 90s nascar hellride, wreckfest, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest ps4 review, wreckfest customization, monster truck, xbox mod, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, wreckfest 90's nascar mod, talladega, funny moments, nascar heat 5, THE REAL TRICKY TRIANGLE, crashes, The Gauntlet 2.0, Gauntlet, Part 3, tribend
Id: wpBLM4E7W_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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