The Triangular Trials! | Wreckfest NASCAR Challenge

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what's going on everybody eddie sounded back once again here with sound head entertainment we are back in rec fest once again here today to try a special new challenge that i have formulated for us to try and survive here today as we have got to take on three tricky triangular tracks with three different types of nascar cars here in rec fest we'll be rolling through various different eras various levels of difficulty and various levels of jankiness as you will definitely see as we progress along this journey so we won't hold it up anymore let's go ahead and get right into the first round here at the dirt devil stadium with the return of the nascar camaro mod so underway we go here for our first run of the day gonna try to squeak through this lane here as we're taking our first one in the camaros in a while a little bumper car action we'll see how these things hold together some turn one memory breaks out three wide let's change a lane here oh we're gonna catch the hood and flip near flip and cause up massive pile up right from the start it's happened immediately we're gonna try to back this thing up the old-fashioned way did i just get it stuck don't do this to me come on oh there's the assistant there's going to come another one that i didn't need and that is going to end our day it assists us to the junkyard we're in a heap already we're done well race one of round one has gone poorly for us but exactly the plan for rec fest you know we haven't been here in a while so they got a stomp on our hearts and let us remember what that pain feels like of getting knocked out of the race within seconds and taking quite a few cars with us as we did a kyle bush-esque self-clear job by switching lanes to avoid a sign and what i thought would be trouble in front of us and end up causing even more troubles guys are going skyward back here let's just try that again all right take two maybe matching their speed into turn one is the key and then i just throw it right into the quarter panel of dale senior right there and he's gonna throw us into this pile of stupid it's not going anywhere boys come on maddie you just threw himself down a pit ben get out of here oh my they're just losing all control down here to mass hysteria and turn two oh derrick home just driving halfway across the racetrack backwards how very derek hope of you sir or modern-day cope of you i should say we don't want to disrespect an og but damn grow some skill please i'm begging let's try to get back up the hill and i get back up here let's gain the speed come on oh we're going to nose it in probably add a little extra damage we didn't need my god now they're gonna drive by all the incapacitated buffoons and try to navigate these jumps while doing it i'm not doing it i'm failing quite miserably at it currently and i beached it to boot great fantastic oh this is grand are we catching we're catching the leaders we're catching everybody barely oh nice job hitting the pole danica come on rule number two of stock car racing should just be know how to drive damn it maybe i should learn it hold on throw it in reverse teach him how it's done joey machete gets the dub well you know what good for them everything's coming up good for the team of checks lately physically and virtually let's just try this thing backwards what the hell we'll take it all the way home if we have to i'm going to get spun around here and i didn't even want to i was going to do a cow bush road america just take it back to the house in reverse what other gear do you need i'm like tow mater in this come on cross the line we go dale earnhardt's trying to get that thing finished up he's a lap down we somehow crawled back to second how the hell did we do that well they gave us a second place finish just to give us a taste we're gonna give everybody a taste of our pain here in turn one as the usual memery unfolds marcus ambrose coming across all lanes of traffic i tried that earlier marcus it did not go well learn from my mistakes my friend oh and then you're gonna just turn yourself across the nose i mean what are you doing man look at the pile in turn two it doesn't matter where we are it's never a bad day to have a crash when you're in rec fest apparently according to the ai it's just written in the lines of code that's deep in there deeper than deep hundreds of thousands of lines i guarantee it and i can't even get one of them to help me steer through a corner but we're gonna get the power down oh my god what they do with the brakes just go straight on here we gotta catch up we gotta go full board now we got no time to waste and i'm actually gonna lose a spot because of that come on how is natalie decker going to just drive by me like i'm standing still you could have this universe back what did i just hit just crashing the freaking invisible boat mobile and kept it going in full 360. i will take it natalie's throwing it away got jay back in here come on bro get out of here trying to finish a damn race in case you can't notice i don't think we're out of it nicole custer managed to not get customized as he has been lately and there's a nice little hammer drop on whoever that was and we will once again at least conclude our destiny to bring it across the line in reverse fair enough well we're getting one spot worse every time so let's try to not do that dave marcus and i i'm gonna hit the wall for good luck derek hope gonna put me in a damn tire barrier for good luck if he's not careful and i have now just dropped horrible horrible things on dave marcus and it turns out i don't think that was for good luck after all because this has not worked out very good for us we slowly get back going in the right direction i'm wheel spinning my ass off almost literally as we damn near get involved in that rack back there but we're just going to keep our head forward and oh my god there's just nothing good to look at when you're going forward oh no you wonder why i look back so often because it's i don't want to look at the horrors that are ahead of me that was terrifying there was just nowhere to go except crash into a pile that's your life sometimes like you can fully see within my trunk as well that's a it's a nice detail i should model something in there as i'm not paying attention and just crashed into cars laid out across the track should we take the long jump here we might as well we got to do it for style at this point that's a hard hard spine check of a landing too you got to be real real careful luckily for us our regularly scheduled trip to the infield care center is going to be coming right up i'm sure we're on a first name basis down there at this point from the crashes and regular beatings oh dave come on what are you doing how do you wreck when you're all by your damn self what is that and then i gas it too hard and smoke bread but i didn't send myself in the pit just to go ahead and make an ass of myself as i'm criticizing others and joanie machek is once again victorious just everything going great for the nemechek family as a whole let's see can we master this transition back up to the top again this time oh we got it with the greatest of ease on this occasion have you ever oh i thought that was just oh my god i thought that was just pieces of car laying there and then i caught it and it rendered and it's not oh i'm getting scammed by the game today and i'm not happy about it what the hell was that he just put himself in the wall and i'm now i'm hooking people now i'm causing trouble i'm not taking credit for that first one behind me that was just stupidity and i'm using daddy to help me turn and we're gonna run under mapping whoever he is this is why i call him maddie d all the time because i'm always worried that's gonna happen i just had a total stroke out trying to say the poor man's name and we're still wrecking ourselves to turn two all the way from one to two from the window to the damn wall and up through the damn high jump we got tire checks going off oh my god all right we cannot allow ourselves to get flustered like this even when dale's throwing himself in the line of fire like he just did we got to relax do the terror zone here let's just go ahead and send it what does it matter at this point and we just caved in the right recorder panel to hell with it oh and i can't even drive through that part of the track so we get an auto reset that's actually good info got a nice little drift going here sucks to be you j mac you couldn't hold it oh what is that what is this hole in the wall come on bro get out of the way marcus ambrose gets the dub shout out to the man from down under we'll try to get out from down under in the absolute slums of life where we're currently at spiritually after this beating we've been taking but we somehow cling to the podium thanks to the ai's room temperature iqs come on this race can be won and lost right here in the first quarter i believe we just got to get a clean run hamrick's not helping austin centric definitely not helping ben rhodes really said it and paid the ultimate price and thanks to that insanity i think we actually got through here cleaner than we ever had before come on dave i'll give you a push oh i gave you the bad push that's a bad touch i'm sorry that would be a rocket league sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry all day my chat's definitely getting disabled we got to pick our hopes and dreams up off the floor let's keep going push oh there's nothing like landing that perfectly i just feel so good and we got carnage up here in front of us second and third taking each other out giving me the spot come on can we all in a hidden car laying in the weeds oh my we can't be having that that thing was camouflaged that was perfect i couldn't see a thing speaking of which i think the ford just fell victim to the same thing and he's gotten bashed destroyed by a couple of cars coming through can we catch this leader we've got five seconds to joe nemechek and we let joe neema our dynasty is being formed by the nemecheks right now we can't allow another win to take place we got to get up there and it's happening it's happening he's losing time where is he he gagged how'd he do it there he is oh he's not he's he stays out he really just dead ass took himself out from the lead of the race front row joe oh my god danica you could not have been in a worse spot i'm trying to get this thing to the line as fast as possible and you're right in the landing zone we don't even get time to react we're through the final corners with 20 plus seconds on the field across that line round one is complete with a dump and we finished round one in six races which if you do the math at home means we took five steaming hot l's and beatings at the hands of the breakfast terminators but you know what that is okay because what else would we be here for if not for that causing some carnage ourselves even along the way but we did get that dub which is essentially a golden ticket on to our next round we will get to that shortly after these replays but first we got to see how we dethroned the nema czech dynasty once and for all and we did all this without encountering too much jing a lot less than i thought we would see with the d rendering after certain distances and whatnot but it really wasn't too much of a problem as we drop a hot elbow from the sky right on top of danica patrick in that 95 car and then drive off like nothing happened to come out of the corner and capture the flag we gotta take a look at that again here we come right at you we're going to land one right in the door of danica hopefully no passengers running today is it's just a hollowed out shell that's all that's left ouch well round number two of this triangular trial of sorts takes us to the tri-benz speedway a classic track that we've visited many times and had many an adventure at we've got a new era of car to play around with as well bringing out the 70s gate crashers with the nascar skins and we've got to watch out for the usual hazards like those concrete barriers that protrude into the track and like to sneak up and bite you so let's get to it and not get pulverized oh nice late start there and i immediately get ass back so so much for not getting pulverized then i don't think armor all is going to protect me from that one we're already hooking another earnhardt same as last race too we're starting out hot now we've got we've got jeffrey and dale jr now joining the mix so we're getting we're touching all the bases here that's what's important we've got somebody up there having a nice little hit into the wall and collecting a few others with them we took one of the earnhardts i think that was junior and we're gonna do a nice little slide job under temmie hill maybe oh my god no we want we're just gonna set him up out of the way and take brett muffin on a ride and i'm going sailing this is exactly what you got to be worried about we're seeing it all on lap one and the packs gonna come run through with some more aren't they yes they are nowhere is safe we have two health points two for brad how fitting they're gonna have to fit me into a wooden box if this keeps up we've reached a new low of being the last car in the race who's still alive that's that is a grand feeling and we've got jeffrey or not we'll give him the push and what oh yeah okay that makes sense and this time they let us through the first quarter without any problems i don't get this game man i don't understand it and then look at this and oh and it's earnhardt again now why is there an earnhardt conspiracy and i'm getting packed pushed oh we got problems everywhere right through the middle of the problems and we just missed the execution i know whoever this is going to stick it in there but i'm trying to get max speed here i'm not letting up for you oh and dw out of shape and up and over in front of the field damn you dw why couldn't you take out the cars in front of me and not me i'm gonna remember this dw and i'm gonna owe you one i will keep that in mind and kyle bush is gonna keep this in mind and probably beat the m m's out of me at some point and it will be deserved i should respect him more he's the ones keeping the head of cars at bay kind of but not really i got spots to make up here it's the last quarter on the last lap might have to send it three wide on these guys underneath just gonna have to risk it all three wide not just bodied elliot sadler right off the track we're coming to the line with no halt barred and it was a fight fest to the end and fourth down into the first corner we go again and a little bit of a turn job on aj there but he'll straighten it out and the whole pack is gonna straighten each other out through brute force it would seem earnhardt jr again getting taps for me i'm sure he's had about another i think we're five wide right now i think we might have been barely for a second elliott sailors probably have had about enough of me and we're still three wide i'm sending some guys off the track i'm setting myself off the track get back on get back on get back on that was a unhealthy unsafe just despicable rejoin but it's wreck fest you got to do what you got to do we made it last two up here on the high side down to the corner paul bernard's gonna make me pay for my crimes no paulie why oh my god it's a terrible crash and we're barrel rolling into the corner all the way down to two health points again and we don't even come back to our wheels we're on our side that wreck was so wicked we gotta just finish it off here right for the fans we'll do it even oh my god talk about up close and personal good thing that fence is made of vibranium that wreck was so brutal for us we got to check it out in the replay again as well so of course paul menard taking us out doing the dirty work the 21 goes on a pretty wild ride himself but not on quite a twisted tale as us and we don't even make it back to the wheels how sad brace for the compression in turn one breathing on my bumper we go we get a nice little shot out of there on the bottom end william byron gives us a little door check they all straighten it out it seems we've got a one two three pack ahead of us and dw is one of them now dw i do believe i owe you a little something something we will be seeing you later on my friend oh my god he got destroyed oh no i'm a regular carl edwards i took it a little too far white flag is out two cars between us and the dub can we make the move right here yes we can try marcus is gone took him out that creates some space in the pack now it's me and the man from monterey mexico track house's own can i set him up on this last corner he got a good run out of that last one this has got to be on me right here oh straight now straight now come on come on come on damn we were so close oh we gotta look at that again but not before a little bit of the wreck replay and here we have the 12 just getting launched down the race track and an onboard shot to boot let's take a look at this oh merwin carl was wrecked brad casellas get gateway just out of like hatred that kind of reminds me of that then we gotta check this on board of the finish seed suarez almost got caught up in that but he managed to hold it then we get to run on the outside he holds the inside beautifully i might say and then we've got the run in the last corner and maybe if we straighten it out we could have got there but he just edges us out by a damn nose we had another lap we would have been there into turn one four wide barely lose the spoiler via ass pack we'll get that run oh william coming down we'll take some guys out here we're just dumping guys all over the place removing potential hazards that's what we'll call it just got to navigate the top five we got two laps to do it how hard can it be look there's picking off two right there plain and simple they cannot get through these corners nearly as good as i can especially that first one they get through this one better than i can i'll give them credit for that but these ends i have figured out and daniel suarez going sideways and why that gives me a clear shot at the leader that's all i want white flag in the air oh we update it big time i oh i didn't mean to touch him that slowed me down can we complete the pass going into their corner i need to slow this man down he puts a shot in on me all right rubbing a pound for pound battle a little concrete check just gonna hold that bottom as hard as we can we send them out and we take the dub racing redemption if you will oh that was kind of easy it is a beautiful thing when the room temperature ai cannot get through the first and last corner leaving you to just pick up the scraps and we might have caused a few scraps to get laid around with these moves here we'll see how we made the final passes to get to that dub and we will prepare to head on to the final round which might have the most jank we've had to face yet this one was pretty much jank free which is what you love to see as well as this pass on the outside rubbing eraser with the competition and the track a little bit off in the dirt and we will come home to get that dub so let's go ahead and move on to the last track well look what we have here it is the final trial of the triangles here today and it is at the coyote park oval layout essentially a high banked pocono speedway with the pinball mod enabled this is going to be extra crazy and of course we've got the 90s nascar mod if you know what this car is based off of and you've made it this far leave it as a comment down below i worked real hard on it okay now let's not waste any more time let's go finish this off and we're off in the jankiest entry of them all and i am very terrified for this exact reason and that is just one element of the jank that we'll be having to deal with this long entirely too thin straightaway and the odds of us surviving it regularly are equally as thin and then the other thing you might have noticed is that these cars don't make engine sound anymore so i got to play music well here we go back through the danger zone here which is exactly what i'm going to refer to it and it's because of that exact reason you don't have to do anything wrong and you will meet your end that is all it takes the way eric emerald has been running the season i was just about to say i don't like starting next to him he's scaring me and then he immediately wrecks me and here we go it's all kicking off except that we're all right until richard petty wants to shove me into quicker man for no reason other than just cause he chose violet oh we have got problems down here in turn one the turn one meme has struck even through all the problems and how is that guy gonna perfectly drift into my path oh my god terminating from the grave these ai they never give up oh mike stop it another holy shreddering i cannot catch a break absolute animals out here and the tv camera's getting a great shot at me and they're not even looking couldn't even be bothered to pan over at me that is espn level pocono camerawork right there how perfect there's nowhere to run and hide we need everybody to just behave themselves and they can't do it we can't even make it to the start finish line it is mandatory obliteration at all costs how dare more than half the field make it past pit road and we can't have it this is so stupid i need to see it from an exterior angle as well look at that just an immediate just from the womb of the race boom space force instant recruit nothing in between all that happens is we left a shattered mess freed from where we started hopefully if you didn't believe me when i said this was the jankiest one yet you're coming around because i sure am oh i am indeed any doubters out there looking for doubters i want to get in the middle just because it's like my natural safe place but i don't think even brad keselowski's taking me out of the mix we got a super ass pack and that might have actually saved us it oh my god we've got such an aerodynamic advantage now if that's what you call it i don't think this thing's gonna drive so good in the corners it might not matter though everybody else is doing just as bad the third one meme lives on and we're gonna drive underneath the big one and jeffrey and i get out of the way come on man you're going to make me put myself in the wall after doing all that cool stuff just because you want to be on the way and austin centric off the pace that's going to put us in a second hold on a minute here where's that leader at oh he's choking he's choking up there he crashed the front stretch claims another victim oh and another one back there wasn't even that full how are you guys managing to rack into each other just move out of the way this is the one part of the track that's actually challenging you just need to miss everybody and get through this one last lap without davies break chatting you damn alia are you kidding me really the terminators are functioning at an all-time high or low depending on how you look at it and here's even more proof what am i gonna have to do to not get my head caved in on every single start i've got nine points of health we're not even at the line yet i made it five feet past the line and got slammed back you literally cannot write this stuff oh my god immediately with the packings it doesn't end it does not end rekfest is having a laugh at this point and i think i'm a cutting for pain for keeping it going come on land on the damn wheels please thank you last car on the racetrack alive that's what i've been reduced to we're only now crossing the start line and then if you somehow survive that you get you treated with this somehow we are rolling through this scene 80 minutes after the races started on the first lap and they are still memeing up the first corner and now for the death zone forget the danger zone and somebody is getting ass packed up there and turned around this is gonna be fun to try to get out of and somehow we do it a stroke of luck finally lands in our favor that is appreciated people driving up on the racetrack are not however this is gonna cause a problem and again we drive underneath the issues not bad and then somebody comes out of the woodwork just to take us out with the fatal blow can i just send it down the pit road to avoid immediate annihilation is that allowed or am i gonna get penalized and look at them nothing different about me being there or not further proof they're just destined to wreck now we'll just try to reset me if i do this wait i can is this allowed all we might have just broke the game if that's allowed we must use the jank to defeat the jake i am all about this we have managed to crack the codes but not for turn one memeage and again we just kind of drive through the middle and underneath it into seventh see if we can get through here in a moderately single file oh god oh god oh god oh cedric why why did you have to go down there literally the one guy in front of me is like let me go run into the dead car herder i am never not doing this ever again we are pit road champions from now on we are going to take this dub and we are going to use every ounce of jank we could muster to do it and kyle larson's going to drag race me and guess what i've got the run buddy yeah you better shake and get out of the way look at these two stooges i'm hearing i assendrick are we gonna have a problem syndrick really had to lay that baby touch on me and look what it cost look at the state of my car i look like the freaking turtle from nemo just a big green shell of stupid damn it now i have a bad feeling we're about to take a big old helping of anti-need on the straightaway and these bums wrecking in front of me is not being promising and they somehow held it crafting an elliott legends of our time managed to get through there without dying and they then can't get through time what why use the damn breaks i just got done praising you and you kill me for it let's see if we can survive a actual honest run into turn one can it be done not by the ai we've learned that the hooters car going for a ride and taking us all with them that little dirty bastard allen would never hooters wings aren't good enough to cause this type of pain what the hell wha what the actual hell is going on here looks like for once we actually got a lot of survivors off the initial start how about that and we still can't drive in a straight line with all this extra space and speaking of space they're going to space the space force has never had more recruits but it has in this brutal ass combination cars literally flying everywhere this is awful this is when i wish the game kind of had drafting physics even though we're going into the death zone which would not end well it would be kind of cool we're going to get enough of a run on austin centric anyway probably brad's future replacement feels bad man but i like me some awesome syndrome he's all right oh now what he's wanting me to [Music] ah are you kidding me does every single driver out here have to have a bloodlust of a thousand vampires geez i just want to live i just want to win one win and we could go home i'm not giving up there's 13 seconds a lot could happen but damn it just quit whooping my ass every five seconds oh my word i i don't even mentally were destroyed at this point but the leaders look they're losing time this could be it this could be the drama we're needing oh my god if they give it up right at the end and i sneak across the line i don't i don't know what i'm gonna do but come on come on come on don't get out of the way why am i here why am i just why what am i gaining i don't think breakfast has ever made me question myself this existentially i think it just took out the whole field we're in sixth already damn they just blended those boys up back there all right well this might be our best shot yet maybe right when we need it because i am as mentally depleted as you can possibly get and the entire leaders just wrecked themselves and me how can there be literally no survivors on the first lap and literally everybody gets damaged and rex in some damn way how's that possible brenden poole and i are surely gonna screw this up somehow i i can feel it in my bones but we're gonna push it to the limit maybe i'll just dump him at some point should i just recommend oh my that wasn't how i meant to do it but mission accomplished either freaking weight minimal damage to my car let's go oh my god this is a guaranteed podium look at the standings with david pearson out of the race everybody fourth down is wrecked out of this race we cannot screw this up we absolutely can but we cannot afford to this is a gift on a silver platter right here if i screw this up i'm deleting the channel i will literally do this last home stretch at 0.5 mile an hour if i have to but it looks like we got a clear path we're gonna do it we're gonna do it we have done it it's finally over we got the dump victories are seldom as glorious as this one when you consider the journey we have been on today this one ranks pretty high for me as we draw the triangular trials to a close we must look at some replays and recap the insanity that we embarked upon and we rose to the top over the course of the day three vicious triangular tracks three eras of nascar previously untapped levels of destruction still we rise to collect our dubs it's what we do it's in our blood it is only our nature at this point and with that ladies and gentlemen we will begin to wind down thank you so much for watching this episode if you enjoyed it you know what to do hit that like button subscribe for more we will be doing plenty more no problem with that it might just take me a while as you've probably gathered by this but we always have a good time when we show up and that is what counts so thank everybody so much and with that i will see you all in our next glorious adventure
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 286,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wreckfest, wreckfest ps5, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest funny moments, nascar, nascar crashes, the triangular trials, triangular trials, tribend, coyote park, dirt devil stadium, multiplayer, 90s nascar, 70s nascar, nascar camaro, nascar legends, mods, modding, download, tutorial, best of, best moments, highlights, best crashes, beamng drive, f1 2021, srx, monster trucks, dale jr, dale sr, jeff gordon, 23xi, nascar 2021, nascar heat 5, nascar career, wreck avoidance, talladega
Id: tMH7Hq3fF9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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