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what's going on everybody get he sound head back and once again it was sound head entertainment we are back in rec fest once again here today back at the he'll ride track because this place is insane and we have got something ridiculous plan here today so we needed it we've got the 90s NASCAR mod Bank once again as well and for the first time in a while at viewer-request we've got the pinball mod back ready to go and off we go on attempt number one here oh we're gonna check up to keep from packing the guy in front of me now the names are broken for this episode because they break this track for some reason I can't figure that one out oh I'm getting the shot I'm going flying already and we're gonna ride out of it what a move over then I go right into a pack and I get my head kicked it on the side of the ramp I was brutal right there my driver has got some serious brain traumas now going on but we're still driving it for the madhouse of cars down here I'm gonna try and squeeze through it and I am NOT going to look at cut damage we are dead oh there's the pakery right off the start we're just gonna get kicked around here right from the get-go and we're done didn't even make it out of the tunnel didn't even make it out of the opening chute Oh another one no I just know that's gonna happen a lot today isn't it Wow we are Ted again record time oh please no hope come on I just want to live we can't even get through the shoot anymore and look at the damage my wheels gone I can't even drive the thing this one's all done oh come on please please just let me get out of the tunnel with my life look at some of these cars look at that cars damaged look at these two guys right here geez we hardly knew you buds that is terrible what are you doing these guys are making me nervous man they call they just give right out on you like that it scares me out the damp and then I'm gonna half the ramp and I'm gonna wreck out because of it oh these AI man they know how to get me I squeezed through that middle oh yes we can look at that run straight through diver buddy just peek y'all I was gonna say be calm cool and collected and I get destroyed immediately and we are applying end-over-end out here and giving pinballed around a little bit am I gonna be able to get it off of this wedge we are oh thank you for that really appreciate that one buddy gonna back it out of here real quick don't mind me everyone Oh watch out for all these cars so there's people getting slammed everywhere and they're coming back but we're gonna sneak through these gaps oh man they're getting tighter all the time I was just about to say it and the cars are getting sent everywhere no we're safe and immediately just as I was saying it the gap closes on me and I get smashed if I can squeak to this inside no don't hit up that was close we survived how are we gonna live I'll just go ahead and show back here then and the seas are gonna part for us on the way through what a beautiful sight and there's car flipping up here in front of us Oh watch out wow that was paper-thin miss right there we're gonna try it through the middle of a bunch from here everybody watch a boom please or don't I think I just said that guy flying into orbit and we're gonna worry about that at a later date and time watch out please all my goodness we are coming on our own orbit and there we are we're gone we have been eviscerated and we are put a memory so I'm making an executive decision we're going down to one lap because this is all about survival when we can barely even make it out of this Judas are you kidding me what what just happened all right let me squeak through that inside again here Oh what come on game that's his cheap I had that oh my god our cars flying oh what's coming right happy you can't do that to me I was out here trying to live my life oh I'm gonna get squeezed into a twister and we're done we're down for the Cowboys that's it that's all she wrote take it to the house oh why that wasn't even me that time it doesn't matter what I do my input is irrelevant at this point oh thank you heiped I've really appreciated that last punch buddy that was the one that put me down thank you you can actually make it to the jump for once at least I guess that's an accomplishment itself at this point let's see if we can survive the ramp not very many will but we are going to oh I'm gonna get a little bit of a guide landing but we're good I can chase him up the hill this is where things get interesting the leaders are going into the danger zone they're getting tossed and so am i into a wall hang on Oh what again again I asked you what happened I won't stand for this though and then I'm getting past now that's quom I cut this part flying over top of us what there goes the usual behind us and then Dale dodge it just goes it turns on us thank you for that one partner excuse me while I navigate the minefield and go back around Oh watch out where are you going dude and I'm stuck oh that's just grand that is neat spectacular wonderful fantastic you name go what come on game you're killing me out here quite literally but that's cheap if I can get over the jump without spontaneously combusting sometimes a game just get you because they want to then they I'll get you the very next time we're going quiet face prison to the Fed and we're gonna land it as my audio does a little death note on me real quick that was neat I'm gonna go ahead and try through the junkyard real fast and get turned down on and shunted directly ahead and I am out of the race thanks to two of the tiniest bumps ever oh I'm sorry he held onto it though I gotta give him credit for that we're gonna sneak through kind of an open spot here oh but I clipped that 77 we're going for a ride here Huck it off the middle divider and keep it go and don't close the gap on me they did of course they did would we expect anything less the answer is no and that's a swift end to my existence right there the back of my car is gone everybody's minding themselves but we're going into danger zone number one here on the track and we're gonna get through there about it cleanly as we could ask for once again once again we get to chase the leaders up the hill but they rack it we're gonna get collected and to a twirl on top of it all and still somehow keep it going is we're gonna find our way around the corner here oh I'm gonna get clipped again come on guys I gotta get around you here into the lead I just got to show you the leaders are not focusing but there you have it the dream is dead it's gone we lost them me that inside line all or just don't or launch me over the skull sign that is also an alternative all right so that's actually a lot harder to keep from running into the back of them than it looks I want people to understand because they go oh they started a lot slower speed than you do that's nice cars flying out of our field of vision and into our field of vision all at the same time and we're gonna get plowed there it is knocked off our train of momentum but we're gonna get right back on it Oh ours just flip it over in the most random places and then I just get steamrolled by two guys there it is and okay cool meat guess we're doing this again all right sweet Oh oh man I'll even going up the halfpipe back here oh come on get out of the way you just get a decent start for once all they do is just spin the tires and then this is the 9 help I'm gonna make the jump though mission accomplished on that when all the little car am i Laden and I can't rocked and we're flying end-over-end down the track once again make a lane where you got to make a lane man oh no we get the tip sorry whoever that is did not mean Oh block track please no road block no road block please no road block I am begging just let me through please don't do it to me other Gordon car all right we're good we're through we're alive and living for now we all for now being the key words in the sentence keep it moving alright watch out for guys coming down the hill oh my god that guy just got sent into another dummy Jenna oh I don't even know what just happened to me I'm not gonna be able to get out of this am i I am by definition stuck tragic oh that's what I get for trying to clear a lane still alright though I'll call it a success this might not be a success and it's not Oh Jeff I'm sorry I'm sorry Jeff that's payback for Talladega that one time Oh cars just getting tossed around glitter a ting themselves getting spun into the spin cycle like I am and I am not comfortable with it get for that ramp just shoot for the ramp that's all we can do oh man that's way over the landing ramp my spine back through the skull again just had that surgically repaired it's right back through it when we have lost the race but if you can believe this as I spin out of the final corner we are gonna finish not only second but apparently in Reverse so there you have it ladies and gentlemen name a more spectacular finish that you've seen today you can't do it Oh got a pack hurry right next to us I try to get through the middle and that was my that was my demise wasn't it and indeed it was as we are out of the race once again you hate to see it come one's almost sabotage me on the landing and there's just cars everywhere oh we get a couple of punches a couple cold right to the dome oh it works still getting pinball don't mind me while I go mountain climbing where's car coming right at us all Mike yeah that we just oh the roof is completely caved in oh my god he might get that inside lane give me that lane oh sorry ruined him ruined this race ruined his life but made away with what I needed I thought that better and I got the lead Oh watch out why am I the inside lane now it's a bad idea and I'm gonna get hit Oh the knockout but we're still standing tall somewhat just wheel spinning like crazy get some movement in yet will you oh that's annoying whoever who's gonna suffer the consequence for this I think you are serious we just watched that guy down the hill oh what a beautiful shot that was all watch yeah like I came right at me though sneak it through here and get by these guys with inches to spare up the banking oh don't kick me over my side oh my god you gotta be kidding me I'll get my head caved in again Oh landing on people maimie more iconic things that I do that fell apart really fast but this is coming together boys down we go to the lead that is a terrible place to be park searing I would not recommend that what role we almost played it on another guy that would have been really tragic it's part of the track is so forward to be older this guy coming at us the other way but he's not gonna have enough time sliding out of the car all those codes oh no no no no no no no no I do not have enough time for this no Drive you stupid thing no but past I've been past and I've lost oh my I'm actually gonna be sick I am legitimately gonna be sick that was undeniably undisputedly our win I'm racing with aggression now I don't got anything to say to anybody just get out of my way that's what I gotta say we're coming through here this car stewards spinaroonie said I don't even care oh I just barely got through there and the weak side doors slammed and I gotta reverse my way up the hill look at this foolery that is afoot what are we seeing today these seems such cars flying out everywhere we just barely miss these guys oh that's the leader right there oh and then we just just plow into somebody that we can't even see and now we lose all the spots all the time and I just get decked for no reason where did that come from just get me out to the side oh that's not the side that is of the pack and that is a lot of cars that just got finally tossed to down the racetrack and then we just go ahead and spike one right there in the mouth I'm just gonna drive it backwards oh man they're going side to side over here we're gonna get through it and get to the lead what doc what was that Dame breakfast what did I hit and I'm dead what did I eat I want to know what I hit give me a clean jump this games been out to hurt my soul with these Furman AI drivers look at this want to save that one that I get aspect atomically and go flying across the jump but we're alive all that guy's not but we're alive first and second need to watch out they just got destroyed both of them and we're through to the lead again flying through the air to the lead oh come on we're this close we got to do it this has got to be the one breakfast you're not allowed to play with my art like this again just let me have this one I am begging and pleading out of the final corner there's no cars to try and take it away from us this time the victory is ours and we get to keep it Wow alright rec fest really tried there at the end and in fact they're still trying after the race is over but man they gave us a run for our money but we take the dub yet again so thank you everybody for watching hope you enjoyed this episode if you did be sure to hit that like button and subscribe if you have not already that stuff helps me out a ton and with that I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 1,698,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar pinball hellride, 90s nascar pinball, 90s nascar hellride, Hellride, wreckfest, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest ps4 review, wreckfest customization, monster truck, nascar heat 4, xbox mod, ps4 mod, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, wreckfest 90's nascar mod, talladega, hot wheels, funny moments
Id: PcxI93CeQhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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