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what is going on everybody Eddie's down that back once again year was tough well what's going on everybody it he sounded back once again here once again Bank with son had entertainment and we are here yet again in rec fest on a rec fest Wednesday and we are here to track that is going to be quite interesting and I'm sure destructive as you can see we are back at the Hot Wheels track slow fast and stupid but this is not just the old-school Hot Wheels track you know we've been playing around with Talladega super a lot lately it's been a lot of fun and I noticed there's another super track and that would be this one that we're on right here we have a Hot Wheels Superman a Hot Wheels Superman not quite but Hot Wheels super and it's gonna be pretty fun I have a feeling so we're starting about mid pack it looks like let's just go ahead and jump right into it I'm running as the king I'm Dinah Cohen it out right now I figured we'd started with the Class A cars and then move our way up if things are easy or if it doesn't take us that long but I don't know this could be a one and done this could be a two hour attempts or we'll see what's gonna go on there already grits Crossin here oh my god I like jumped over the red but the wrecks not over the wreck is not over and into the ground we go and you hate to see it what an absolute shame what an absolute shocking start as well as we can knock down to 17th with that and my rear end have seen better days this is this is what it looks like after you've been properly asked back usually but we've just been destroyed in multiple different methods oh my goodness and I in an attempt to avoid a wrecking car I have just launched myself into the Oblivion that is whatever this area is down here oh we got the graphical glitch coming back here everybody we're tripping out over here alright we gotta hit a reset whoa why did it pull me back at the start game I guess I wasn't that far ahead of it anyway but yeah it taken me literally almost a minute just to get out of the starting area of this I am having a rough go of things here ladies and gentlemen let's see can we get over here without incident oh come on we can land this I believe all right a little two-wheel action right there but we ended up getting it back under control and with that movie went to fifth how are we in fifth oh my god we're like we're were Space Shuttle boys we are going into orbit oh we're crashing back down oh we're gonna hit the fence no we're not nobody's gonna crash land harder getting launched off the side of the map instead and that might as well do it right there won't it Howie our lives - look at the car look at my motor vehicle unrecognizable it's a three wheeler now which is always great so let's see what we can do we got Jeff Gordon 41 seconds ahead of us because of course he is and then we got Ron Bouchard we got Dale senior behind us somewhere I don't even know is that him coming down the hill right there probably we moved up to third somehow by doing absolutely nothing Dale Jarrett is in second and Jeff Gordon is losing time but he gained it back so who knows what happened to him before and we're gonna continue on here we're gonna soldier on even with an absolutely destroyed the King has seen better days honestly and so has oh boy yeah this hill not our best still climb right there but we're good we got it now we're gonna go down the other side this is always a problem especially when I get launched off on one side like that don't you steer towards that walls like you all right this part it's gonna be kind of tricky I don't want to die right here because it's very easy to die here when your car is 100% healthy let alone when it's completely destroyed so let's see what we can do we're gonna hit the little launchers right here oh we're gaining speed oh my goodness we guys goin so fast right that was a little scary when we clipped that pan this is very scary this is very scary and that's why oh okay yeah well note to self how is the engine still in this thing it's on fire that that is a destroyed car if I've ever seen one we are still on the podium though we are still on the freakin podium and we have have the lead and as Dale Jarrett has taken over the lead Jeff Gordon has fallen to second and now it's swapped we have a battle for the lead taking place right now let's see can we catch him it appears something has gone our endlessly wrong with them all oh we're gonna jump right over those bumps and bounces we're going into second and I'm dead the wheel falls off and that is all it takes losing two wheels at a time now what you want to see but we meet our first demise of the day here on rec fest Wednesday not before a few others did Ken try to Carl over it's Matt kids at Neil Bonnett ramblas charter and then us and then Jeff Gordon finished last of the cars Oh Jeff I guess it I thought he was the last of the cars that actually finished but no he did indeed DNF as well and Chad oh my man Donnie Allison over here with the 14 minute lap time best lap just cooking him out there he did finish the race though and Dale Jarrett gets the win so we'll go ahead and restart this one up all right let's see if we can get a little bit cleaner start this time last time around it was a little little sketch but I'm gonna try this middle here and see if I can sneak through some of these guys here if I can find a gap and get dogs I was gonna be fine until I got a SPECT oh please don't touch me anybody I'm good I'm good how are we gonna make it out of that I'd love to tell you I do not know the mysteries that we have solved to make it through that first section I just saw something absolutely flying just in the blink of an eye right there oh why are you why are you sideways stop it stop it there we go that's how you do it that's the ticket all right up the hill we go flying up the hill getting some air time oh can we land it right on the landing ramp come on oh boy oh no oh no oh this is bad this is very very bad I think we've got it under control Mike in this again the rear of the car has seen better days oh oh oh man everyone a driver maneuver right there I almost bend it right in those pins once again let's see if we can get it up around the hairpin corner in here that's nice a part of the track all right let's see what we got all right so the situation report once again Jeff Gordon is whooping the pants off everybody but we got swerving Irvan up here in front of us now and Kyle Petty follows behind in fourth oh my god we are literally going to space we are in Earth's orbit I can't even see the camera is glitching out we're coming back to Earth in a hurry though we are gonna Oh yep yep you hate to see it we missed the landing ramp and I am in the fence I am in the catch fence this is a tragic tragic occurrence and I'm getting grinded to a pulp right now - so I guess it'll better reset before that gets any worse but wow talk about an overshoot straight into the catch fence and luckily that wasn't our day right there so let's see can we get out of here without causing an incident without looking like a buffoon let's go to the outside of this pin while we hit the rocket boosters there we go let's see what are we gonna do here we got to manage these pigs - the outside was the wrong call the wrong call indeed and I have actually beached my motor vehicle how have I managed to do that sorry well hey buddy how about I help you all you're invisible what is that garbage I was gonna be cheeky and knock that guy off the end any I just drive straight through and that is a rec fest baloney reel cam right there what is that what is this trash that I've just witnessed my car is completely destroyed and I can't think of a much stupider reason for it to be this way Wow see all these German the terminators they they're finding all new ways to get me at this point they are finding brand new ways to suck the life and the winds away from me and they're doing a pretty impressive job if we're gonna be completely honest with ourselves oh boy yeah there we go get a little end of the booster there we're gonna go full head of steam down oh I hear somebody down there just cooking their engine oh don't miss mr. pinned I will so don't miss the pin I want to miss the pin oh what a save what a way nice tuck you know we're back on the podium boys all right so all we need is something to go wrong for Geoffrey bow tie and hand Kyle Petty and we can be right back in this thing for the win now this is gonna be an interesting part of the track right here and this is not how you want to go over this this is not you want to see at all this is just a nightmare but I think we're gonna make it we're gonna spin this car around come on there we go though it doesn't want to turn very good but we should have made it we have survived and there's somebody just laying dead in the street over here who is this who are you Ron Bouchard you hate to see it but that is just the way it's got to be sometimes in rec fest we have been there ourselves and we are getting some air right now and I'm dead again damnit I wouldn't have died right there if that stupid thing about hitting the invisible car earlier wouldn't it happened if that wouldn't happened I would have been just fine right there but the game finds all new ways we're not gonna go into that again are we we were the last car to be killed but not to be for Ken Schrader's cale yarborough Tony Stewart Donnie Allison Bobby Isaac Bobby Hillin jr. swerving Irvin and Dale Jared all died before I did so I guess I got that going for me which is nice but let's see who did indeed get that win it was Geoffrey Bodine so there you go they didn't have to have a bunch of garbage scoring loops to get it to happen though good for him all right so we are going for attempt number three here attempt number one and two have been not successful I guess you could say but we're gonna once again try this little hole right here and it's just not even gonna work it wasn't a dream of that working was there okay it's all right though we are still a movement we got four wheels on the vehicle I just screwed over Bobby Allison by knocking hi t-bone him over the world right there and he started a barrel roll went on his own so we are gonna make it through the tunnel now out here we got Tony Stewart Tony Stewart we're gonna give him a little knock right that's for my buddy rusty right there we got to give it a little knock Tony Stewart come on now oh boy oh no yeah this is what I get this is karma this is indeed karma hi well you know what we learned our lesson once again here today we're just gonna go ahead oh oh that was that was dumb that was dumb pimp I'm gonna get it from the other side now cuz this guy's gonna come all that was explose tony stewart always just aspect me for his own Redemption but he couldn't get it done I was luckily I was able to slide it out of the way in time but we're down in 13 this is an abysmal running order right now we need to get the pace picked up and Tony going the wrong way Tony just I'd let you know but oh he landed that what a G and somebody just went flying off the side there in a boneheaded move for the centuries oh my word what did I say well it's not like we're gonna be able to tell who it was down there but somebody got absolute guys got a take down assist was it on Tony Stewart now he is still moving well we probably hurt him pretty good and we're gonna get launched once again aren't we oh yes we are ladies and gentlemen to hold on to your butts oh boy yep I love it when the camera does this and then I can even see when the impact is coming I just gotta judge it by the landmarks that that is just brutal and there goes a wheel and there goes well naturally there goes a wheel and there goes Tony Stewart and off the side he goes you hate to see it you hate to see that just be right there obviously in the way and yet I still run into it okay well I'd say it's at number three so far has not gone any better than attempts 1 or 2 and in fact you could almost say this FRA Khan works and some of the other ones that I I hear somebody else right behind me who is it oh oh oh here we go again boys here we go here we go here we keep on nope nope not even a dream or that being able to happen all right well let's see maybe this will kill us out oh come on no nothing all right well you're what we need to live to another day we survived we lost B spots but that's right before you alright look at this car the car the cars got like a little tail on it now to you I don't know what this car look with you I don't know what we're doing here but this thing is destroyed as you can see quite clearly I'm gonna urse at home there's somebody stuck up here against the the wall who would that be it's an El Camino no name over it so they are deceased F's in the chat for mr. El Camino man right there and we we have died ourselves so deathful that double-double the FS in the chat ladies and gentleman we got a half in there for DNA and once again we finished sixteen swervin Irv with the dub followed by Jeff Gordon cale yarborough for that podium and let's see what we're looking at down here once again Tony Stewart didn't meet his demise for we did I'm gonna soon when he fell off the side of the map was probably when it happened then the king is down here as well Dale Jarrett once again Matt Kenseth and Kyle Petty of course so we're gonna go ahead and hit another attempt or what is this attempt number four if I could just get through this start cleanly I think we'd have a pretty good shot of this Bo and I'm just gonna drive underneath Ron Bouchard for the start of the race nice all right well you know what oh yeah that's what happens when you try to brake by the way and not get caught up in the exit you just get ass back into oblivion but you know what that actually probably was one of the better ones we've had thus far I mean we're still living let's just move on with it we'll take it the wing is gone the wing lasts about ten seconds max here there's Kyle Petty in the in an El Camino sitting there's the side of the road there and I don't even know what what you can say about this that's happening to me right now there's no words to describe it meat meat always described and I'm back at the start nice meat described as everything meat is just a really it's like covers a lot of categories basically as well beacon same and you know we'll run the cycle I'm sure at some point but oh boy oh yeah this might be it this might be it right here straight into the side of the mountain nice neat great grand wonderful spectacular kill me back up the hill we go now at the rocket boosters oh boy yep getting some air on that one once again there we're gonna catch the end of the lip and that is that yep that that's not what I expected honestly I'll let this play out wait a minute it might be over we might have survived that oh look at the skill and talent somebody's had a bit of a moment right there as you can see there she's literally somebody's car laying there in pieces and that might belong to this fine gentleman up here this wouldn't be Tony Stewart wouldn't know I would be Dale jr. well damn not another performance your fans are looking for but oh my goodness Matt Kenseth just came out of nowhere and he has been a spank unlike any ass package we've seen before I mean did you see the damage on the back end of his car and had that once again ladies and gentlemen once again we've been launched into orbit I don't even know if we're gonna land on the track it's gonna be close yes we will in fact neither went into the track there for a moment still have all four wheels on the car pretty excited about that that uh this one right here looks like it's about ready to go at any time but we're gonna hope it holds on for a minute now I know that I need to stay on this side now that was my learning experience from the last time we've gone up the hill so I need to aim the car for right there Oh through the gap beautifully on the brakes hard oh my goodness that just saw my life flash you are my eyes thought I was gonna go straight into that pin luckily I did not and I see some competitors up here oh boy oh yeah let's grab this thing before we go down the giant hail or you can just do what ray elder did and launch yourself off the side of the map your pick the or choy so bobby allison is the leader oh my goodness i'm just barely clipping everything and we're gonna launch ourselves in or iraq if we can't make one happen organically apparently but there we go we saved it so we got neil bonnett seven and a half seconds ahead of us we had Bobby Allison ahead of us in the lead so we are sitting at the bottom of the podium now we want to try and improve that is this Neil Bonnett right here indeed it is but I'm too busy looking at him and we are going to fly off the end of the map once again and there is a decent impact on to the sea for oh what a great spot to respawn me game what a fantastic place you dinguses ah boy look at this look look at these geniuses alright well Lisa put me up here on the reset so we have lost almost a minute - Bobby and Alison he's probably gonna be crossing the finish line about now is this this is appalling this is quite the display and and this this is a display if you ask me I mean this is gonna be an ultimate ass packing landing err it is yep yeah you love to see it I guess at this point and there it is head on into the floor I'm amazed one of these wheels hasn't fallen off and then as soon as I look let the words leave my mouth it happens unbelievable well you know what it's a second laughs at least this is the first time we've even made it this far like this seems like a world record I don't know we just passed somebody you laying straight up dead in the road back there though they are cooked so let's see we're gonna need a miracle and a half here to get to Bobby Alice and I'm gonna need something real tragic to happen but I don't know I don't see it I don't see it happening I see something happening over on that side of the track no and there goes somebody into the drink there you have it now what would really be interesting is if they lined this whole jump this whole like ramp upwards area with those little boosters and that was just properly send you the moon wouldn't it I mean you'd never come down if you were lined with all those boosters but we're gonna go down now and we're getting a little light on three wheels alright we are just in about a minute he's lost time but he's won the race tragic things occurring I don't know what I just saw laying on the side of the track right there but it did not look very pretty I don't know what to do about this section of the track I'm just gonna try to bridge the gap I'm in the air all four wheels off the around don't you fly off the edge the edge oh my goodness I don't know how he just survived that so we're gonna come home to a well-earned second place ah just shy that win but we are not done yet I'm sure this is turning into quite the ordeal though we might have to make this just its own separate entity and come back later at this rate that things are going oh boy we're getting launched down the thing but we are gonna come to that finish line any moment a moment now through the trees and dead there you go alright so second place not terrible but not the wind that we're going for obviously Bobby Allison beat us to the line with a he set the fastest lap so I guess fair play to him fair play and then we have Carl Edwards and last you hate to see it 2016 championship failures and then you have for just finishing last so tragic very tragic alright I have a good feeling about this one and I'm gonna actually I'm gonna cheese it a little bit by braking or I hate doing this because I feel like it's cheating oh my but I also get a fantastic view of the destruction and you there just there's nothing quite like the Hot Wheels intro and they're still wrecking them back there but we are in the first corner without any kind of damage whatsoever so that is a extreme success at this point and I hope oh oh oh we're good we're good I can I can hold on to this I think I hope please thank you all right I'm gonna actually hit these and then slam the brakes immediately after to minimize the effects if that's even possible it is we go ahead and save the vehicle and we are going straight downhill now so I think this is second place in front of me right here no it's not this might actually be the leader in front of me because something has happened to Richard Petty in fact we're about to pass him there we go so some that he must be on the other end of the track and something happened to him obviously but Mark Martin is just here and farlis and he's crashed mark has looped it and we're gonna just sneak through Mark Martin I saw what you did my old buddy mark he's always trying to give me it doesn't matter if we're in lawnmowers or in that class a race car as he is gonna try to give me because I called him old that one time and now it's just it's all over voice it's all over all right but we how did Richard Petty pass me for a second there and then he's gone he's just disappeared from the leaderboard apparently I looked at that the split second as he went away let's see can I negotiate this I want to take this part nice and slow because they speed you up regardless if you want to be going fast or not I'm just gonna hold the brakes through that yeah maybe not the best plan of all time but it's all right we got time we have time to kill easy now we got 20 seconds ahead of the next car we got all the time in the world they're probably gonna eat it into one of those things so I'm not even concerned about it remotely and we have had maybe the cleanest first lap of all time here other than that little dink into the pole right there the pin rather I guess you could say Paul yeah once Vic bought the three C's Paul right there but yeah man we are living hit the brakes a little bit jump over those boosters because who needs those ones and then we are gonna get through here to complete our first lap get a best lap of 226 that is smoking around this place and let's see can we have one more lap just like it and finish it off here on a rec fest to Wednesday we shall see we will see cheese in that start Wow no end an offense into the fence and just like that dreams are crushed what a wreck alright well there you have it now we've let's we're nerfing right back in things yes within five seconds closing is right there I do believe that it's probably him though I am gonna kind of get off the side hit those brakes minimize that launch if possible whoa you have parked in a bad spot there mister El Camino and here comes swerve and urban he is he's right bond he is literally right mind me and it's kind of scaring me oh my good what are you he took a swipe at me he took a swipe in me right there I saw it I saw it well fine come on take swipes at me like ypu buddy oh and of course he drives under me how is he gonna drive under me oh he's gonna spit it out though oh you hate to see it what I'd what a tragic occurrence and he recovered it basically immediately but we we have we hate to see that kind of stuff here just no place in racing court obviously clearly all right up the hill we go for what is hopefully the final time today come on let's go for it down the hill what is hopefully the final time today but we're not done with Hills are we we got a dead car lane up here in the road tragic to get again but come on let's get up through here without too much incident across these hit the brakes hit the brakes slow it right back down and let's see can I breach the gap here no no we cannot nope no oh no oh no oh dear oh my yeah my car just got disintegrated well happen sometimes interact best but we are gonna go ahead and hit that fat reset and still somehow all all the tires are on it I can't believe it I'm just shocked as you are the door is hanging right over but I made I ain't nothing we've seen before so we are going to come home to the final stretch ladies and gentlemen I'm just gonna send it down the final jump and that is all that we need to say today as the wheel falls off past the finish line I hope all the wheels fall off now because we have got the dub here in rec fest at the slow fast and stupid super so there you go that was our first little taste of this track and if that had taken less attempts I'd probably roll into some other stuff but I think I'm gonna save that for another day so if you guys want to see that kind of stuff if you want to see us take the NASCAR legends the NASCAR Camaros the school buses whatever you want to see here let me know down the comments leave a like on this video and we'll get you there the very next time we're in rec fest or something else if you guys want to see of course leave all your suggestions down below I read the comments so of course leave me any suggestions the things you want to see and I will consider it and see when I get it into a video sooner rather than later we set the fastest lap to look at this we are flying and Ernie Irvan nearly had us there with a 43 but could not get it done so that'll do it ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching like I already said be sure to leave those suggestions down below leave a like on the video and of course subscribe for more so you don't miss any of the future shenanigans that we get up to and that'll do it though hey you again for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 1,713,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOT WHEELS SUPER TRACK, PULVERIZING PENDULUM, the worst wrecks yet, wreckfest, wreckfest game, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest nascar, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, next car game, wreckfest multiplayer, nascar legends mod, talladega, figure 8, cars characters, multiplayer, funny moments, crashes and fails, release date, league, hot wheels track, best tracks, soundhead entertainment, ed soundhead, beamng drive, bus, crash, gta online, fail, warehouse run, jets, lawn mower
Id: av55xUtCfwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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