THE TALLADEGA GAUNTLET | Wreckfest Episode #250

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what's going on everybody can you believe it we're finally back here on the soundhead entertainment Channel once again as always I'm Eddie soundhead and I'm here today in front of all You Beautiful People to celebrate September 30th 2014 the very date I started this year YouTube channel eight years ago today and on this channel today we also celebrate this being our 250th wreck fest video and wouldn't you know the universe has aligned magnificently to drop both of these on a Talladega race weekend which is where we will run a mini dega Gauntlet today with a fresh set of soundhead entertainment paint schemes from our friend drive-through we are going to be looking fresh all the way to our death which will likely come rather quickly because we have to win using the standard game physics then we have to run it back and use the pinball physics then we have to run it back and use pinball and moon gravity then we're gonna switch cars and run it all back and do it again so let's go ahead and get to it and we are off I just gotta remember to stay calm here is not a Sprint it's a marathon it's a guaranteed beating so might as well take it they're getting a little racy up here we got them in the wall still into the wall bubble walls is getting hooked I'm getting my damn bumper ripped off by the fifth you're gonna have to pay for that man you paying everything there's gonna be a hell of a bill to pay for too and this is all said done that is not gonna be pretty gonna have to paint an a Carver cow here pretty soon if he doesn't annihilate himself before I get the chance or just give me a run so I can get dumped by Chris Bush or Chris Christopher how could you do this to me Chrissy oh Kyle oh my God no Trout the breaks my guy he just ate the wall I'm gonna go try to eat the field all right anything a busher do me a favor it's payback get involved in this wreck for me because I'm just gonna lay out front and get annihilated immediately oh my God I think you missed it well I'll consider that mission accomplished for Noah Gregson and the center car was the original victim and then I became the victim as I get hit by seemingly everybody and then carried all the way into the first corner oh there they go Chick Hicks is keeping the turn one meme alive that's very odd brand taking some guys out tied down behind the wheel maybe a Terminator behind the wheel oh excuse me Kurt excuse me Tom sorry Kurt damn bro oh damn bro I'm sorry damn that shallow hang on my Karma's coming no no I'm just gonna cause an even bigger wreck still and I took out Brad oh they just got a little paged up here in front of us so there goes Kyle Busch damn he can't even catch a break in the video game it's not bad here to be a bush oh papa smoke people getting hooked who done it who is it the other Ty Ty Gibbs JJ yaley spin it right in front of me well it was JG Haley literally he's gone out of the race wrecked out there goes my windshield there goes everybody running into me I got a shot back on Chris Bush released now BJ McLeod's trying to get between us now BJ I'm gonna have to ask you to leave my friend thank you very much you're no damn referee oh yeah come on oh yeah there you go Ty did you just wrecked five seconds ago if not we're about to start another one oh we might really how did you get damn I thought he slowed down I thought I could block him I could not block him this is the worst tandem draft of all time oh see a branch it shades of Chicago land 2014 damn they have knocked the shrimpiness out of my car and I've lost to know Gregson at least that's somewhat believable they're really fighting for that spot up there Ty Gibbs Brad Keselowski side by side of the line and they stole my top ten so who cares I need a push please please give me the push I'm in a block now is that still worth that's a Joey Logano block right there everybody take notes that is not quite how you do it and it's over we got cars in the fence we got cars on cars Hot Wheels are being manufactured I don't know that I necessarily want to see this again but we have the tools we might as well watch the replay of me absolutely blowing the block and causing a seven to eight car pileup and my death and we even got a little side action on the 45 car careful there dudes that's going well nice three wide tie on tie violence and there goes Ty Gibbs oh my God he's dead no prayers are gonna help you now I feel like I just witnessed a murder and we may have just witnessed another failed block attempt I'd to be totally honest I don't even know what I just witnessed other than the world's longest slide on the side of my head I think we know where this is going somebody come finish me off please I'm begging you come on Brad this is your shot at the world's slowest retribution and you couldn't even finish the job what are you doing Brayden he's lighting himself up next to me Brad has no will to live either you should you're a winning owner now your things are going good we're about to get cleaned up we're about to get clapped it does not matter oh my God an explosion of metal and meat going everywhere oh well here you go in memoriam of tigers AI get your Psalms and your verses out for this one he is gonna need them Ko's the caution light flipping end over and and slowly but surely we'll come to arrest on the same for barrier now Ty Gibbs has been making Rivals left right and Center what are the odds someone does this to him for real I'd say hi then Brad and I decided to drink the Kool-Aid and lay down and wait for the comet to come and it did in the form of the Wrangler jeans machine and a couple other ones after the fact here we go come on give me another push but we'll mess it up this time Greg stick with the Biff that's what they always say now you stick with me we're gonna be okay come on it's gonna oh Garrett smithley okay bud I'll be seeing you then well I'm that's just not gonna stand that just cannot be I simply cannot allow that there's no way anybody see a moose I'm gonna move Son I see his ass targeted quiet here we go that is a strike right in his face the bomb has been dropped to great effect this is a story as old as time right here this is one of the finest examples of Revenge that you will ever find throughout history this is just cold-blooded assassination of a moose bet you didn't think you'd see that recfest did you like a squeeze a lime behind him oh yeah nice and gentle just the way I like it now they're wrecking I got the Moose back on me moose man we got bigger problems we got a wreck around us now we are the wreck around us and the wreck on us as Scott bush is right in my grill please take a few steps back thank you let me ride the train tracks in peace holy crap my trunk is gone well it's right there but it's it's gone well now it's gone now I'm gone and There Goes My Head that was right on the damn Dome you're gonna have to pull me if hey guys this is the next gen you don't even want to know what would happen to you after one of these I don't even really know what the hell just happened I have to watch this replay to figure it out because I was too preoccupied with the damn moose man's return and then we just wound up on this rack and yeah it's already ran into the back of Chase so you got turned around and then mounted all the way up the wall and onto the safer barrier by Chase Briscoe I don't know how I feel about that right there I know how I felt about this not good because it didn't feel good we're gonna have to be in protocol for a little bit after this one like I love why would you ever put him back on the field Miami what are you doing look who it is my old buddy the bip do what you do best buddy give me a push give me another oh he got a push and he used it to hang me out I can't believe it oh Biff the Wall's not gonna help you I'm not gonna help you nobody's helping you anymore you want to hang me out how's the wall feel I'm sorry I didn't mean it Christopher Bell tomorrow let's get the hell out of here oh oh Christopher no he's gonna get wrecked I'm not even gonna look back I'm just gonna assume something bad happened I'm looking at the map and it's looking like something bad happens it's looking like something real bad happened going pretty wide when you have like five Lanes to work with shouldn't be so scary but it is I don't trust these buffoons you know what they shouldn't trust me oh yeah look at this huh bet you didn't expect that did you how do you feel now I must harness the chaotic energy to propel me to Victory Something's Gotta Do It everybody Wrecking in front of me is it gonna do it and that's exactly what they're gonna try isn't it yeah something this that's like three accidents or one right now I don't even know what just happened I think the 48 hit the leaders and now I'm passing literally everybody on the last lap what the actual hell just happened right there please someone somebody warm up my golf cart because we are going to the replay booth for this but I can tell you that we are going to secure our first victory of the day I don't even really understand how the hell we did it so there is definitely some tomfoolery of put with the 48 car and I I'm now slowly realizing that that wreck I wasn't willing to look back at is probably going to be what set off the chain reaction that led to my victory first of all this 48 car gets absolutely destroyed and I don't think he's quite done yet because the two car with half a brain cell doesn't know whether to switch lanes or just plow to the man so he plows into the man and then everybody else just follows soon and Now ladies and gentlemen is how you win a race in a gauntlet in a video game or maybe an arter race all right so we're gonna have to praise the pinball gods and hope they shine down upon us to get the second dub of the day they're not shining down upon anything they are not helping us at all oh my God they killed everybody hello there my wreck to that car Landing I'm gonna count one two three four five six seven eight nine damn I gotta see the wreck that caused almost 10 seconds of hang time without moon gravity this is just pinball we haven't even gotten to moon gravity yet some of these guys look at the regular car geez we got moonshot space Force Cadets all over the place shout out to the game for starting Ty Gibbs right next to me these times too let's see how that works out for him or me baby oh no oh my car what the hell what just happened my car I didn't even think we hit that hard never mind the fact that I just got launched a football field down the racetrack but you know these things have to happen sometimes back to the matter at hand oh it's dead it is absolutely dead all right well who's finishing me off right here Boris said show me what the said heads are all about you did not do anything at all you hit like a small child you had done that to Greg Biffle after Watkins Glenn he would have been in perfect health and dude for me here here yeah there you go now the pushes are going to be effective or at least effective at pushing me into this big one right here which we might do on our own a.m we're going to collect the night car we almost did a sick Willian drum out of that we still might drive out of this as everyone is ragging around us literally everywhere around us and especially when you're least expecting it apparently ah we just crumpled the ass in a little bit we're good we're fine we could be doing a lot worse let's just keep it moving look at this it's a literal junkyard off of four cars parts arvix crappy ass parts for less that's actually where NASCAR gets their pieces of the next gen car right there oh and that's what I get that's a missile strike from Nascar telling me to shut the hell up now this did seem to be a rather large incident maybe the static caves will help us decipher exactly who crashed and where but I think the answer is everyone crashed everywhere save for like the top three the rest of us all took a steamy big fat piping hot hell as we're accustomed to but I imagine there's some paramedic somewhere in Alabama that gets assigned to Talladega on Race weekend and I can just imagine them sitting in the front of this ambulance right here I have no idea what the hell they're looking at and this just being what they'd see that's the reality I want to live in right there one where I'm pretty sure the 48 actually hit the ambulance and this is when NASCAR determined I had made actions detrimental to stock car racing and just hit me with a missile strike out of nowhere to shove you the hell up now I'm dead looking crash test dummy here to get into NASCAR's good graces I'm gonna erect Ty Gibbs Public Enemy Number One always coming back stay gone I took out the trash put him down for hitting people under yellow nobody's ever done that before somebody screwing it up there's a wheel missing off of somebody's car Larson's going around in front of the field he's actually in his own car and I'm actually on my side and I'm not even sure why a lot just happened right there at once and I a flash appeared on screen one minute I was driving normally the next time was on my side sliding and I'm not getting out of this one am I there's another case of me needing the replay was Chick Hicks responsible for that it sure looked like it and I think I just barely got clipped by the nine actually that might have been what sent me over on my side from the static cam the 48 could have been the one too but I think it was the nine because I once again go for another record slide and the 48 has to give me one last little tap which might be what kept me on my roof oh there we go we got some spontaneous bumper cars and they are out of here hold the wheels straight that's like when the rain hits at Daytona out of nowhere oh looks like we got another one six car Brad's going around oh he's going up and over and he's not the only one gradson and him tumbling looks like he had a Talladega Nights and the hood just hit me in the damn face can we please have peace Kyle Kyle Kyle Kyle wow what's just absolute unhinged behavior from the wreckfest AI as usual and there's more Cole Custer up on the barrier just grinding it we're gonna shot past Jacques we have a top three we have a top two scenario here at the end of this one white flag is in the air what in God's name Rocky's gonna die back here I already know it I'm just getting ready for it it's gonna happen early it's gonna happen right there oh no not again Ricky the rickster strikes again on Chick Hicks I'm definitely detecting the theme of survival over racing here today especially with idiots backing up across the damn racetrack Here There and Everywhere but we are gonna do it but not without one more Atomic ass packing they're never gonna walk the same again well we'll look at how we paved the road to dub number two and it started here on the exit of two with cars just flipping and flying everywhere around us and us just being super duper cool driving right through the middle like the freaking professionals that we are and not everybody else could do it like that you know that 90 of these replays are me just minding my damn business and everybody in front of me losing their ever loving Minds just had to drive past that one that was a pretty cute wreck though I'm not gonna lie and this I still want answers to this you guys think I throw races away sometimes what the hell was that cow then off of four and stradamus Strikes Again Ricky and his natural habitat is gonna do what he does the roadblock appears naturally and he has no choice but to just Ram straight through it like a fugitive of the law we get our double we move on so low gravity is loaded up and ready to strike and where better than turn one who could have predicted that and I've got nowhere to go again just bouncing off the Harrison burning out of the park we go all right so there you go low gravity making its presence felt nice and early because I'm not the only one out here too who's that Alex Bowman oh my gosh what do you know let's Chase Elliott what are you doing oh what a fat what a fantastic attempt to try to get back inside the track that was here let me let me show you how it's done if I can do such a thing and I definitely cannot get oh there's just a little trouble I'd run the damn track out here no reset challenge no damn problem as long as it doesn't DQ me for doing this or give me the turnaround I'm out come on oh careful not careful and dead damn all right gonna have to slow it down a little bit next time can I please land on the wheel so I can have a next time please please pretty please thank you thank you breakfast Gods I will appear between the two trees and rise up stronger than ever thanks to you give me the hell up here geez I look like I just went through a damn mud bog I went through the concession area on accident what are you people doing down there we can come back I believe never mind Die games wins damn I am a full lap behind too and he damn I'm on can we beat NASCAR Legend Daniel kiviak to the line yes we can snipe forth right out of his hands what a calm peaceful drive oh my goodness how things can change and I'll see you guys later I got space force you get to do forgive me I want to see what the hell happened to all the people that stayed in the park that's probably more interesting they all just got put in a little blender well they call it like a little Beyblade arena with everybody just blasting around here like a bunch of jackasses they just went and wrecked all the way down the racetrack good going so far so good a little bit of wall popping and bumping up Chick Hicks is getting turned Jesus Christ my car's dead my legs have to be snapped into pieces or maybe they're just gone after that oh my hang on to your life because it is fading quickly it's coming to a close after this one my friend 91 Health points My Ass by the way press X to doubt on that one we are uh we're dead as far as I'm concerned if I was in charge of the hell points on this calculation what a damn shame to hell with this chick Hicks card too this guy's been causing a lot of today I feel like it's been a while since we've been blasted into something at Mock speed like this too and then to still have the wheels and enough momentum to carry me just into the path of the Wrangler car and then that's just that's insult to injury right there that's unnecessary if there this was the NFL there would be eight penalty Flags laying on the ground right now but single file stupidity has struck someone got voted off the island up there we're gonna have a wreck right here in front of us for the nine is launched and now everybody's wrecking all around us literally everywhere where the hell do I go hold the wheel straight another masterful evasion right through the big one come on NASCAR Legend Kimmy ranking and give me some draft here's we got the leaders getting the pinch put on them I'm getting hit in the cheeks I don't even know what's going on behind me I got all eyes more in here somehow we're in second with the leader directly in front of us we're splitting cars flying through other dimensions right now what the hell kind of race is this look out that's it it's over done K own the victory is gonna be ours that is gonna do it my friends the NASCAR Legend segment should we make it to this line has come to a close we are halfway through the gauntlet we have done it well now we can soak in some replays with a little more Ease on the mind as we have finally reigned in the NASCAR Legends and completed the first half of this mini Gauntlet but we are by no means done but we need to see how we got there right from the seat of the pants of Edward sound Edward watching guys do spinner rooties on their heads right in front of us man it all came down to a couple cars putting the pinch on the leaders laying in the middle of the road that let me get to kligerman up here in the one then I get to absolutely laugh at Parker clickerman's face I hate to do a great guy tremendous person absolutely blew it what a stooge now look at how the eyeballs of Eddie sound heady one more time we took that shot in the cheeks and kept on Truckin it's not the first time it won't be the last looking at the disaster behind us as it unfolds and his flying cars fly between me and the competition we have no other choice and to look at our windshield and see how the five car decided we would be the victors here today but we're not done we got three more to go things are about to get a lot more expensive out here on the racetrack Talladega is being taken over the back half of this Gauntlet gets us in an F1 car once again masterfully and magnificently crafted by my boy drive through design he's done it again ladies and gentlemen look at this beautiful shrimp mobile we're gonna wheel it right to Victory Lane because all we need is three more dubs away we go against the F1 field and there were a few open spots went through the commentators in so hi crofty how you doing hope you have a good one here today hope we have a good one here today because I'm already getting my gearbox packed in off the line and now we're gonna adjust a whole new field of freaks and they're wasting no time demonstrating their behavior and crafty gonna body me out of the way he just took a bullet for me like the Secret Service I forgot how on edge this car is here at dang it does not exactly like staying in a straight line or when verstappen pulls out in front of me when I'm doing 300 miles a freaking hour and I'm causing the barrel roll now I'm dead I don't even know how I want from shock what just killed me right there I thought I was doing all right got a Ferrari claim to the fence over here and then hit me right in the dome no Halo that's easy brain drama I'm powering through it like a champ the holy Joe we gotta have a talk what the we got a cyclone developing up here in front of us give me that top 10 right through the middle of it my God just stay straight please how hard is it to just not try to kill me every time challenge impossible apparently and beautiful take my wheel I didn't want it anyway turn one particularly nasty to me throwing a Ferrari at my face to get this race started and then everybody behind me decided that it was a fine time for a big one which I guess had Talladega when you're an AI it always is then here I have no excuse for this other than the fact that the car just decides to try to kill you like three quarters of the way through the corner and sometimes you can do it sometimes you get turned into three quarters of a car you'd have thought these guys are gonna learn something from Sanborn in the little Bank section they have there but apparently not we're getting fence shots and side pod shots every time we try to go through turn one without fail and I'm walking it off unlike some people there they go look at him getting ready to give it to me right here until we drive through the middle of it of course we can like Days of Thunder that was fantastic go tasty get out of the way my wheel damn it are you my I do believe I started this off by saying it's important to stay calm because it is a marathon not a Sprint definitely seems kind of important to mention that at times like this when go TV just decides to park it right in the middle of the racetrack when I can't steer worth the damn anyway and I just made a Days of Thunder move that was so sick not bad we got the annual turn one turmoil getting kicked off oh my God the military GeForce test is out here Indie Car style and we're up and over in the air and soundhead style is pretty much what I'd call that at this point because we do it all the damn time something about this kaholi sick wheelie dude something about trying to drive this car all the way to the bottom of the track at the bank Corners just does not work it's like oh you want to go straight to the wall what in the world is going on around us here somebody up here in this blue car the way that they spun looked like an old Indy car I think it was Kenny brick however you say his name that looked pretty accurate to me other than that you just have a bunch of General destruction that we're pretty much used to at this point what if that's what this Gauntlet does to us what if it numbs us and desensitizes us to talladega's destructive rat here that we're getting a little bit too used to when we dump a whole bunch here at once and that blue car right there just rivaled Alex Bowman from earlier when it hit the caution like hey he's the guy that did the wheelie oh my God all right well that guy gets extra solid points that's about the coolest thing I think I've ever seen a shout out to everybody wrecking 20 years later time for our regularly scheduled turn one try to not die segment let's see a lot of people are oh my God that was beautiful get off of me right through the middle middle finest recordings I've ever seen and now we got these bozos and George Russell's gonna do me in after all of that are you kidding me and now the caution light gonna get his hits into everybody take a shot while you can why don't you come on Ferrari I know you want to do it you punk getting passed by Lewis Hamilton in a Ferrari what a timeline that is what a scene this is I love getting roadblocked to death and heavy into the wall I'm super dead now remember what I said a little while ago about feeling like I had 40 of these shots right here because it keeps happening well it keeps happening and I'm going to keep looking at it because it's truly marvelous every single time it happens look at how the back of this is especially hilarious because that forehead just keeps flipping and there's gonna just there's not a break in the world down here ladies and gentlemen if you can figure out how to make these cars stop you'll be a rich individual now back into the eyeballs of Ed boy we have to see this one from the cockpit view oh we followed the McLaren clean through it out the back town head entertainment brand destruction and some perfectly on brand irony too we can survive that huge wreck and drive right through the middle of it but it's two-car Calamity down here takes us out into the fence and has a horrible crash that would have killed me my entire body's crunched now nice and then I try to carry on no resets in this household what do I get for that killed murdered in Cold Blood and I'm not the only one don't forget about the barrels I think doing this on normal physics is probably harder than doing it with all the mods on because when they crash with the mods on everybody just go flying out of the way and this they all gather up in a pack right in the middle of the road just like that and then I get some stupid damage points taken off of me but now I guess the Field's thinned down oh my god there they go again oh drive by it drive by it cross your fingers Drive bite and take the lead drive by everybody all right I don't like the way latifi's stalking me for the lead here I'll never mind go TV strikes again hey give it then he taketh away well with that through the trial for our fourth successful dub collection of the day as long as an asteroid didn't come out of the sky and strike us down they handed us another one there for four dubs down two left to go in the first one in the F1 car out of the way and it wasn't exactly easy or pretty as you can see out the back of it sounded entertainment brand destruction that was probably the harder of the combinations that we're gonna do today so I'm glad to have that one out of the way although I'm not selling you know pinball moon gravity short at all I realize we still have a battle on our hands but we're able to get by everybody on this one get it behind us and now we have two more to do I think we could do a time to buckle down I'm sitting in my room I'm sweating I'm getting hot I'm getting thirsty this is actually taking a toll on me physically at this point I'm dying and again May the pinball Gods please shine I couldn't even get my damn prayer out first the pinball gods are not having me today the recfest gods are tired of it they said you're on your own in this one which is fair this seems like a pretty Godless combination to being Kevin Magnuson what are you doing what are you literally doing literally what are you doing what brain compartment do you have that's pumping out thoughts that say let's drive out in front of speeding cars in the middle of this racetrack that is the best thing we can do at this point in time I need to know that would be great information to possess it really would be there it is tremendous my day is going so well I am losing to the F1 commentators now this is a hot start to this combination I'll tell you that nothing really makes me feel good inside like getting mugged right at the start of these races that really just that really does it for me speaking of things that do it for me how about another shot of the 800th big one in turn one two goddamn day no shortage of those if we could make these wrecks generate energy we could literally power a small village with all the stupidity that you see here before you I mean it's truly incredible don't mind me coming through the shot that's not the stupidity I'm talking about but forget it never mind if you absolutely must just be gentle do we have to do this every time every single time you guys are stupid oh what is that could that be the Harvard graduating class oh wait no it's just the same group of morons and I have to raise every single time and there we go dead stop dead end again Watch How harshly I come to a stop on this that's the only reason I'm even bothering to come look at the replays again because I'm I'm fed up I'm I'm at my boiling point we've still got a little ways to go I didn't think it would hit me this fast it is set on quickly much like I quickly came to a stop and probably a death right there ladies and gentlemen I can feel it though oh a pop from Danny Rick keep your wheels on the ground son it works better that way everybody's wrecking around me I'm just gonna hold it straight that looks great I can feel it I am hitting the recfest wall it is it is hitting me big time right now this has been going on for too long crofty's riding the train tracks here and we got Magnuson once again life is good ladies and gentlemen if I ever see Magnuson again I'm gonna punt him just like that just exactly like that that couldn't be more accurate but what I'm gonna do I wanna die I'm not gonna let this game break you throw it all at me throw this huge one at me throw every single one of these guys happy I dare you couldn't even hit me you couldn't even hit me right past all of it strong Wills Will Survive come here karate I think I owe you a couple of them at this point I'm not even gonna get that chance you took yourself out your waste come on well we've done it I don't know how we did it but we did I feel like I have entered a level of recfest delusion that I have not seen in a long long time I can't even spin myself out across the line right without almost killing myself give me my dub I gotta use this time in the replay Booth here to decompress a little bit because recfest is twisting the knife in me like how that car just Twisted in front of the whole field and now they're all gonna go flying off into whatever respective Galaxy they'll land in eventually will come through here and just drive by all of them because we are literally the only thing out here with a brain cell attached to it it would seem I'm quickly finding out none of these AI are capable of conquering Talladega like we are almost at Daytona that's how I know I'm cracking I'm crumbling like a little cookie it is getting bad where are we Bill Talladega now if we wanted this to actually accurately portray the real ad soundhead experience being behind the wheel right now there needs to be way more brain trauma way more vision problems sweat they're putting me to the test here today that's what I know my own creation is coming back to bite me and I'm doing it for all you Champions out there for eight years please if you haven't already like And subscribe just one more to go could we please not rear end me oh my good Lord in heaven above I really this this is a religious experience right here not a good one I'm about to make it a real bad one James I just did 400 miles an hour right there you cannot tell me otherwise you wanna know how I know recfest is really on one today because even the cameraman can't catch a break we just killed him dead right through him right through his body smoked him he's gone and then we turn rackfest just into a pure Bloodsport at this point look at the speed that's definitely a land speed record and a space force record too just don't do it this guy literally can't help himself oh my God yeah good you know what Grand meat spectacular ran a cycle and this was I gotta run 40 right now if I really wanted to but I don't have the brain power it's all going to mush I'm too busy thinking about how you could set a watch to how I get ass packed at the start of every one of these things every single time and I even landed on the wheel so I gotta keep going I just gotta remind myself I love breakfast I love breakfast I love breakfast I would really love it if I could get past whatever this is up in front of me please Croft day unbelievable hey remember how five hours ago with the Legends cars we counted the hang time let's do it again one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven all right eleven the one from earlier was nine with no low gravity so I think that one from earlier kind of still wins damn why that land on the wheels car looks pretty cool with the nose gone I'm not gonna lie definitely not so functional but cool yes crafty not cool because he killed me definitely not cool crafty let's hypothesize about what's gonna happen right here well the F1 pace car come out of the sky and fly right into me and take me out of the start no of course not no of course absolutely not that would never be the case would it now the same thing would just happen for the 30th time in a row that's what's gonna happen here Hernando you are testing your luck right now everybody's testing their luck right now I'm testing my luck right now maybe this will be easier to do with everybody else spread out and me starting at the absolute asset of the bag oh my God see I almost wrecked [Music] jeans come on you guys gotta stop please I just want to get through this without having heart palpitations [Music] this might actually worked too this is the leader isn't it yeah see you later Nick DeVry more like Nick giving me the lead stupid let me see you later bye well leave me alone we'll go away damn the apron with this car that was my shot that was my chance right there oh Nick's dead Nick is dead he's flying into space if I land on the wheels I win if I land on the wheels I win if I laid on the wheels I win [Laughter] everybody is dead but me take that take that you Savages every single one of them fell on their sword but me give me that six give me that final double of the day we have done it it's over ladies and gentlemen I sound like Kenny Smith it's over but we have done it after three hours and 30 plus minutes of recording between races replays pretty much no breaks at all we have completed all six tasks in this mini Talladega super Gauntlet to celebrate 250 episodes of wreck Fest here on the channel hopefully you guys enjoyed it as much as I did even if it sounded like I was getting a little crazy in there which I very much was haven't been that deep in a hole on breakfast in a while but we crawled right out of it with the dub in hand and that's all you gotta do what a way for it to come to an end too all I had to do was land on the wheels to win everybody else wrecked and it just came down to fate and today was our day so we can celebrate thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this I know it's been over over two months I think since the last time I uploaded a video I apologize for that hopefully this makes up for it a little bit here as we've got a big old meaty episode that I'm gonna have to sift through and edit and shoot up on the channel here later tonight so if you hear this I want to say thank you for helping this channel go strong for eight years now hopefully we can keep it going for another 80 years because I ain't going anywhere as long as you guys are here I hope you all enjoyed it thank you all so much for watching you know what to do hit that like button subscribe for more we'll be back with more soon talladega's this weekend enjoy all the racing action this weekend hopefully your drivers win hopefully Brad keslowski wins and with that I'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 228,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Talladega Gauntlet, The Gauntlet, Wreckfest, Episode 250, Mini Gauntlet, F1 2022, NASCAR 2022, wreckfest, wreckfest xbox, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest crashes, wreckfest soundtrack, wreckfest customization, monster truck, xbox mod, wreckfest nascar legends, wreckfest nascar crashes, wreckfest nascar crash compilation, wreckfest nascar mod, talladega, funny moments, nascar heat 5, the real tricky triangle, crashes, the gauntlet 2.0, 90s, wreckfest ps5 review, wreckfest ps5
Id: r_D0TxvI7rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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