The Funniest Moments From The Lord Of The Rings Cast | The Graham Norton Show

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elijah i mentioned that you're going back to the hobbit movies was there any bit of you that kind of thought about it because you must have been getting to a bit in your life in your career where people have stopped yelling frodo at you in the street oh no oh really no that doesn't matter never goes away pretty perpetual thing oh okay so you can get a table so you've got a table anywhere i'm just wearing a ring it's a ring yeah it's not a ring of power though he doesn't like the ring it does a bit doesn't it it's actually hebrew precious it is yeah oh okay yeah and is it true and this seems unlikely that you own a single piece of every bit of memorabilia that they produced for lord of the rings oh well that's half true so i've got a few things from the actual film so i have the ring i have sting i have a map from um bilbo's study or the living room and back end and i just recently because i went back and did the final bit on the hobbit and they gave me the book that bilbo writes in he writes the hobbit there in mac again a hobbit's tale and then i finish it as one of the rings they gave me that red volume which is actual prop yeah whoa and my last day in hobbiton it was pretty magical i know it's amazing [Music] so listen it's a re it's a real place they've actually no it's not [Applause] we took all of the the facades away and then it's since been a tourist attraction and now it's been rebuilt for the hobbit but with sustainable materials with real woods so it'll always be there so from now on you'll actually get to see hobbiton and visit it as a real place would you be able to you can't stay there no you can't oh but they are turning the green dragon covers where's my bedroom here's the jacuzzi [Applause] [Music] i turned 19 when we first went to hobbiton and i'm 30 and i was talking to pete when we were there on my last day i said you realized that i had my 19th birthday in hobbiton yeah not wild wow that puts things into perspective how many people can say that i had my birthday party and hobbies i was circumcised at disneyland no one could have known that it was going to take off and be become a real place good luck getting into new zealand [Applause] [Applause] of you all at the premiere on monday night oh yeah and i mean it's been part of your life for night on 14 years now so it must was that an emotional night or were the emotions happened already yeah well it's over you know we're not not we've not been working on the hobbit for some time now but i it was very moving i mean you go and these kids have been sleeping out all night what do you know about this but the the the the so we can get in we're all homeless these uh people were not born when we started making uh lord of the rings you know so it's it's a big part of their lives and that's that's very very sweet isn't it and they'll be able to see all six movies now and show them to their kids that's what's nice we've made classics that's lovely and also it will take nearly a day to watch it wood wood golem we're really sorry i'm like poking with a stick but i want to get my money's worth so er could gollum introduce this lovely where are my faces it's time for music isn't it no it's not shut your face this is precious i love this singer for so many years now you did not precious what's your name precious her name is addison no and so i just we were hanging around and we were in a very beautiful part of new zealand where there was a sort of mountain over there lovely sort of big planes of lush green grass and it was it was like a picturesque it was like a a postcard of what how beautiful new zealand can be but i said okay aidan if there was a gun at your head you've got to do one of these two things you've got to either walk away from this scene not saying anything to peter jackson or anybody else you just gotta walk away and go to until you reach that mountain right and not say anything to anyone and when they say where's aidan he's got a line you'll just be fired that's over because no one will have explained it and that be certainly this job over and your name won't be you know you wouldn't have done poldark that's for sure no um or you've got to or you've got to masturbate to completion just in front of everyone here and again don't say anything about it yeah there's no there's no introduction there's no caveat it's just um you've got to do one of the if there was a gun ahead which one would you do and he thought and he chose the b he chose b just because he figured he figured he wouldn't get fired but he would get fired i don't think he's getting cold arc after that either you should be fired for that yeah i mean i'm if there's one thing i believe it's you should be fired for wanking on set yeah yeah i'm all against that i'm dead against that okay that idea of of people knowing who you were where where was it in the supermarket when you had the yeah i was in a supermarket the first time that happened to me where i was recognized by somebody yeah was it was before lord of the rings had come out and i was so i was like 23 or 22 or something but i was walking through a supermarket buying pasta and i'd done some pressing stuff oh no the first media come out i could correct myself and this woman came up behind me and it only just released then she whispered into my ear are you my elf and i was like no you've got unknown some pasta go around encouraging kids to be nice to each other and not to bully each other that's a good thing to do particularly not to bully the the gay kids in school or indeed the gay members of staff and and uh so i i was is this leading on to a little clip yeah i love this gift yeah yeah and uh so i was with the head teacher and and and some of the the senior students but outside the head teacher's window there was a crowd of really small kids who wanted to have a look so i i i pulled up the blind and had a chat with them so this is where is it near bristol somewhere yeah yeah and it went viral kind of viral man went all over the place this is ian at the school in your preparation for your examinations if you don't do your revision properly do you know what will happen you shall not though josh you have almost a phobia of doing action i can't do them have you ever had to do them no okay well but occasionally you'll be in a situation where someone will go oh like can you do an australian accent or whatever i just i just can't do it and like it makes me like um stressed like my hands go like when i'm stressed my hand goes like that and that and the thought i i can't like comprehend how you would even start to like like thinking about it like like i can't do it i just i've got this this is it and it's not ideal but you but you you did aspire to be an actor you well you nearly worked with martin freeman didn't you i nearly worked instead of martin franklin so oh wait a minute i knew so did you audition for the hobbit you auditioned for the actual hobbit certain build by baggins it was a very close run thing i can imagine yeah who got it yeah so i got asked whether i'd audition for the hobbit i think on site alone like come on like you'd think right and then i turned up and i was absolute dog [ __ ] i thought that like i thought i'm not gonna get this obviously but look at me i'm gonna get some extras work in new zealand yes yes that was very quick sorry i mean what are you talking about but in venus you are wearing almost a josh whitaking wig [Laughter] you're nearly in it that was the worst fit i left they said can we have your hat do you remember what bit of you had to do in the audition well i don't i don't mean no offense but i'm not into fantasy at all no you're just like children's [ __ ] [ __ ] mark ruffalo accused me of being a pedophile oh that's followed me around for five years yeah and every time i meet someone to go oh ruffalo was a bit horrible too and now it's happened again if it happens once it might be unfortunate it happens twice from two unconnected people oh god i'm going to get in a police car and you're going to be in the front in the liverpool accent and you're going to be expected to do scout as well but no a lot of people in britain went up for bilbo nice i'm just saying no it wasn't only me and you why are you even michelle because it's the last time i eat you yes you've become a tiny bit older [Applause] i cannot recommend it strongly enough it's wonderful people give you parties and and and send you cards and presents and and come and see you in the seat and i'm having a lovely time and was it wise they gave you a surprise party at 80. yes i think they were a little bit frightened i might have a heart attack but that would be the end of it it was the most blissful thing and what was nice was your party was kind of back in your old something ground yes it was my old school boats in school where i was brought up and it was the day before my birthday and i thought i was just going out for an indian meal actually and uh i was having i did have an indie meal but it was at school with a with 150 people some of them some had flown in from la and uh it wasn't me no it wasn't you you weren't invited because you didn't remember working with me now no i wasn't in charge of the list so you can't blame me i was invited either no um i do remember working with you but now somebody made an extraordinary cake oh they did yes it was so extraordinary that i couldn't bear to cut it and if only you could see it you would understand why well we can see some of it yes because uh so it was you essentially the cake oh yeah it was a likeness of me but people at the body well i cut into it was a sort of a bust on a prince and i cut through the prince but i mean i couldn't offer someone an ear or a nose well now because we have it oh my god now this you've kept this but i'm i'm keeping you this comes from my fridge it's a likeness but i wouldn't call it flattering what it seemed to me is it's not really like me but it's like a character that i might play do you think yes i think i could play that yeah do you not think yes but you can't eat it you could have us we could have a bite actually have you have you been nibbling no well we'll once all that down your suit that's not you that's not you but thank you is it refrigerated there yes that's a working fridge um we have it on set for just these but this is lovely so uh one of your old x-men uh he made a fuss about your birthday oh was people sent messages and they were invited to do that and the suddenly know not even a message why should we even sit with you here we are now this could be another party we've got a cake and we're all together is it yes [Applause] ian it's yours [Applause] yes are you going to tell this story yeah well i just saw the end result suddenly onto the screen at my old school i saw uh hugh jackman and 30 000 people uh and he was playing in manchester i was just eight miles away in bolton and they all sang happy birthday oh we've got the we got the clip this is this is yes this is him singing her birthday to you with all these people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] and uh and kate now you've done loads of accents and loads of voices and you know we would say oh what role would you like to play what voice would you like to do and it's a very i i was surprised by the answer to that question what was that what was the answer uh apparently it's it's a name beginning with l oh you mean lucy yes i love lucy no no it's my favorite thing it's it's lucy from a good man charlie brown peanuts peanuts lucy yes but you nearly got to play it well no because i yes cause one of my close friends is jeffrey rush and he played snoopy and i'd i'd always wanted to play lucy where did this happen he's done it i've missed it did you see that bird it's called an eagle but because it's little it has another name a sparrow and a christmas of thanksgiving we eat them and way up there [Applause] those tiny little black things those are bugs they make the grass grow oh my god did i get the rolls i know all the words i know i think that's really embarrassing but now elijah do you find no just because because you're in such an iconic film is there a thing where people just want to say i shagged frodo [Applause] they're earthly folk um i don't know i've not really had that experience i've not i don't feel like i've been approached by people that i would question why so you people haven't wasted it in your it's so ears [Music] people i certainly have met people like that they tend to be a little bit older what's happening backstage very quickly it is uh oscar's weekend this weekend and uh ian would you mind telling us the story about when you were nominated for uh gandalf and you had the the beads yeah well they weren't beads in in new zealand where we filmed lord of the rings [Applause] if you're lucky when you leave you're given a piece of green stone carved and you wear it often enough and your chances are you'll get back to new zealand that's the idea and it'll bring you a bit of luck so uh when those films were nominated for something like 20 oscars uh on that night everybody from new zealand was wearing the green stone that pounami they're called uh and when we're on the red carpet going into the ceremony i met maggie smith what what are you here for i said well i said well lord of the rings oh yeah she said what's that round your neck oh so it's my punami maggie i own your punami what's that if i said well if i wear it it'll it'll bring me luck and oh very nice and we went our separate ways and you know it lasts for three and a half or four hours you know don't you oh yeah and sit there and at the end of course everyone else wins the oscar apart from you i'm a bit dejected you're coming out looking forward to a drink and you bump into maggie smith and she points at you and it didn't work didn't it elijah you must have the most amazing night when lord of the rings what it equals the most most oscar wins of all time it equals the record it was surreal it was 11 yeah i think it was the most ever nominated and won together yeah wow but then i'd love this you didn't go to all the kind of proper like you didn't go to the vanity fair parties or any of that tell us where you went the um the fans basically of lord of the rings had their own party the one ring party celebrating the oscars and we went to that party and billy boyd is wonderful that's great and we actually i believe we took the oscars there and displayed them i think pete showed up and everything billy boyd sang uh dominic monaghan sang it was this a joyous beautiful event we ended up staying there all night we thought we were just going to show up and kind of make an appearance and thank everyone for for having a great party in our honor and it was the best we just stayed there we had a videotape later called hobbits gone wild what big feet moving on it was a beautiful night because we felt like we i mean they were celebrating this thing with us and you know so many of the people who who were part of making the films were there at the oscars that night and we were it was a big family you know we were celebrating as a family it was beautiful and was it the oscars uh no golden globes i think where you were was jack nicholson backstage yeah were you waiting to go on with jack nicholson i was waiting to go on to present an award jack was back there yeah this is good jack was back there and dustin hoffman was back there and um somehow lord of the rings came up in conversation and he stood he stood there and he said you know i can't do a job well you can do it no i won't i actually won't do it because you're too good but he basically said you know that movie it just had so many endings it just wouldn't end and he said to me that he actually walked out before the end he said oh that's how it started he said what happened [Applause] and i said jack what do you mean what happened he said well tell me what the end was and i said well you know at the end uh the hobbits are saying goodbye to each other and frodo gets on the boat and sails into the undying lands he said i didn't even see it i walked out before so he was basically complaining that there were just too many endings to the throats i had to go outside for a little medication when i won my academy award he was there he won this was his third academy award we're standing backstage because they're just about to take you to the press conference and he goes you know robbo now i have one for every decade [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,437,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arwen, Award-winning trilogy, Battle of Minas Tirith, Best moments, Fantasy epic, Fantasy movies, Fantasy storytelling, Fantasy world, Gandalf, Gondor, Hobbits, Journey through Middle-earth, Legendary movies, Legendary trilogy, Lord of the Rings fandom, Movie classics, Movie magic, Movie nostalgia, The Graham Norton Show, The Two Towers, Tolkien's universe
Id: eQpgpAEsRb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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