Anya Taylor-Joy Reveals Her Biggest Fear | Halloween Stories Marathon | The Graham Norton Show

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on Silence of the Lambs is it true that did you never speak to Anthony Hopkins no never spoke to him he was scary I mean the first day we had a reading we had like a little read through and we I got there early and then I went to the bathroom and I came back everybody was sitting down we did the readthrough of the of the film and by the end of it I never wanted to talk to him again I was petrified um and so then we did the whole movie he was always behind those the glass partitions or he was in his cell and because the scenes were so long they' of lock him in at the beginning of the day and he'd go there and then the next day he'd be on the other side and I'd be and I'd be on this side and we got to the end of the movie and it really had never had a conversation but you never passed backstage in a car no I avoided him as much as I could you've now forged this you know career as you know you know as the scream Queen J Curtis but then your mom Janet Lee famous I mean she was the original scream Comm in Psycho yeah oh and so was it weird that your first movie was going to be a horror yeah but you know the truth of the matter is it's just a fun curio but horror fans are as loyal as yours and when you were talking about how you felt when those people I am on what I call affectionately the Victory lap European tour for Halloween I'm just going around high-fiving everybody I meet because the same things with horror fans the same exact thing the amount of love and appreciation for these movies I don't know why people like to be scared but when you were talking about it it made me I was sitting here thinking that's exactly how it feels to be in a Halloween movie they love it and they show their love back to you with this tremendous love and support for these stories that they seem to love so in the exact same way that you felt that gratitude with your bandmates I feel it on my Victory lap jlc around the world tour which I'm in the middle of and having a blast you don't like these films sorry guys I'm not a fan of horror support the film Tom I'm such a wor when it comes to this kind of thing I would be the worst horror movie director you could imagine no but no but that's weird because John you didn't like these films no not at all I I am I think the technical term is a scaredy cat and um I never saw horror movies growing up uh I was too terrified and obviously I'm a huge horror fan now if you saw my iTunes list over the last year you'd say I think we have a problem um but it's uh it's phenomenal I I don't think I'm my name is the one that you see and say can't wait to see a horror movie from that guy but the original script came to me and it's actually uh an incredible story of family and so it's to me you can't tell by looking at the poster we can show that again um but it is a love letter to my kids it's it's about what would you do as a parent what what extremes would you go to to protect your kids and it is this true that this film you originally weren't going to be it well we had just had our second child and I was about to do Marry Poppins and so I was in a sort of general feeling of Joy I didn't know if I wanted to go towards the darkness of the pitch that he'd given me for this film and then I I mentioned a friend of mine too John when he pitched me I said oh you should call so and so and um and so he so and so is so good yeah so good so he did call so and so and you didn't send her the script admittedly she wasn't sort of hired but um so close but so close and then I read the script and I was like you need to call her and fire her are you still friends with we are until the movie comes out and then she's like because normally it was something so kind of computer animation and all that sort of stuff there's a lot of green screen Stu but you actually went to locations yeah I do think actually it's the great uh Jordan v Roberts who directed it really was insistent that we go to places on Earth which are both beautiful and dangerous um so that it didn't feel like a digital environment it felt like a real place so we went to um aahu in Hawaii dangerous scary I'm terrified very windy there very windy um we went the umbrella blew out of my cocktail um we went to uh Queensland in Australia where that's scarier I'll give you that they there a Rainforest there and they have the most um all the most dangerous animals in the world are in the state of Queensland in Australia crazy yeah snakes spiders some Queens are going yeah I escaped and you know you'd see the funnel web spiders starting to Jesus hly they people going to come to Australia they got the you're right they got the most poisonous spiders snakes jellyfish sharks crocodiles and they walk around in flipflops and I think no that's why that's why all the men look like Chris they they have to look their lives you had a proper terrifying encounter the sort of thing Kevin would not like this yes so I'll try and speak slowly so that everyone understand so we were filming in South Africa and unbeknownst to me the uh some of the South African crew had been filming what is known as a sack spider uh crawling up and down out of this tree so the sax spiders in the tree they're filming it filming each other I've got footage saying this is terrifying look how ter terrifying that is no one told me I run out of the uh the building everything's a secret so I can tell you what building I run out of the building Into the Wilderness as this sax spider just crawled down you got down my face me and went and I be beep beep I I absolutely bricked it and cannot repeat what I said costume was off and our first ad the first assistant director was English pretty casually just picked it up and chucked it as all the South Africans went no no and then we found out I could have died wow I didn't it didn't even bite if you Google a sack Spider by it is awful so that is a better St is it ugly like it's like got a really big body and big it was a sex sex no no not that that it's a stack spider everything has to be explained to you like you just don't understand it's got poisonous balls keep going me it's making the story a bit different different for you so the spiders balls we ask the audience about their biggest fears and uh let's let's just delve amongst just a warning before you say anything Ruffalo will take you down okay okay so hands up if you got a if you've got a fear we ask people uh nice lady here what's yours I'm actually afraid of sperm in places it's not supposed to be I'm a forensic scientist so what you're a forensic scientist yes so but but where is I find it in really weird places and it I feel like it's everywhere and it freaks me out I think you should have your couch checked [Applause] out you're good you're good well actually I tell you what I tell you what what I've got I've got one of those little CSI things no men are now thinking uhoh uhoh okay so what's your name Dean Dean okay come out here Dean put your hat down okay stand up there okay okay let's bring let's bring the lights down let's bring the lights down let's bring the lights down okay she's right she's great well done the lady I have an infamous picture of me um in my 20s and I was just owning this look I had a turtleneck I had mom jeans on I I was wearing a fan we've got we've got the picture here there you are it's a strong look it's it's something it's a strong look and this was this was you being serious yeah no oh yes I think I'm cool this is full on and are you aware that this is now become a sort of fancy dress outfit like people do this they do this yeah as a joke Seth Rogan was on the show yeah and he showed us his version here's Seth Rogan as it that's my guy there there's just a random man but very good eye for detail see he's he's got the tissue under the elbow which you have here because by let me just give the audience context as what that is the the what I had my arm on was very dirty so I thought I need a tissue please to protect the turtl mes you must have a beautiful home and uh it's not just adults no young fans are attracted to it as well yes and again again with the tissue I love the Rolex the tissue and actually uh some other people have done it as well yeah check this [Applause] out look at that I want a party got a party with those guys the three of you should dress up and go out in London tonight yeah the paparazzi would go hysterical be like what's going on what's going on piano H your mom my mother your mother no she was English wasn't she yeah and she was a costume designer yeah she was yeah but we've got a a she apparently oh my gosh I know she designed what dolly is wearing on this wow I love this show this but this outfit was in your house yeah I I wore that for Halloween you're not joking are you no the do is famously I mean how did you there was some rub right where did you go wearing that did you like did you go to Door did you Trick and Treat well I wasn't like 14 you know I was 16 um what did I do I got on public transportation well the thing was I didn't have the shoes so I had that whole thing I had the ears I had the bow tie I had the top I didn't have the cuff link and then it was the stockings that I didn't shave my legs and I was wearing these really ratty sneakers and then I was on the street car going to this uh fet Halloween party at the performing arts high school that I went to and did you have this with you I was wearing it it was Winter I was there I was no because you'd have to have this with you so people knew just how cool your costume was I know it was well made yeah can't no no come on no I want to full attention you have it that's where did you guys find this it's mine I trade it for your motorbike I fell off [Music] that so you are famous for for directing these films that are very kind of plot and twisty and surprises and shocks along the way and I heard you in an interview talking about how you don't think there's ever a moratorium on spoiler alerts that you must never do spoilers that yeah I'm I'm I'm you know that even today I was doing interviews for the new movie knock at the cabin and they were saying when can we talk about the ending of this movie I was like never not in this lifetime ever we went to we at the premiere yesterday and all these influencers now were at the at the premiere and they're they're kids and they're like I just saw this movie Signs it's incredible like they saw it yesterday you know and so it's like this new generation is getting to see these movies so I'm like don't say anything you guys don't say anything to your kids please just let them watch so can I tell you the most embarrassing story ever did you tell the ending no no not of that movie um which one spoiler alert yeah be hurtful it's not no I mean to my relationship it almost was but no it's it's a Freddy Prince story we've all seen six cense here oh my God don't do I'm not going to give it away did he just I'm not no give me a give me a little going to see a dead person in a minute we're about 20 minutes into the movie and I said something just like it popped out like oh is that uhhuh and my husband didn't see a movie with me for 15 years right rightfully so 15 years I forgot about that till I just saw saw you here yeah I'm having PTSD I don't know how I miss I don't know how I miss this aspect of har sport life so it's not just the shed building uh you have other interests end of October it seems like that's a very exciting time to be around the Ford flart household Halloween oh Halloween this has become a big thing for You Halloween uh no no no oh come on you push the boat out here's you and kalist was this last year so do the closeup yeah wow you look scarily like a woman I had a one night sound with him Wigan it was me it was you I should have known we went back to your boat it was a lovely night we made some waves w but does month of planning going to this the Halloween looks no well no some planning went into this this I look at you there that is what you call is that a PE board I'm the one on the left yeah let's see the picture again no no no the full uncensored version that's what I mean that's what I'm talking about that is I'm the one on the left and that's kalista artfully disguised as [Music] a she'll be annoyed if you don't remember what her costume was I we just throw it together the last minute you know we're living in Los Angeles you can find a peep pod costume pretty easily it doesn't it's all it's left on the day but but but we have a 12-year-old son he likes to you know he likes to go trick-or-treating and just don't turn him out in the street alone so so you you go door to door oh we you know maybe wait a respectful distance away from the door we're not in it for the [Applause] candy and I hope to be un I mean the point is why I hope to be unrecognized uh I think you might be unrecognized in this one this next one I think you probably are unrecognizable the wine Again full length please it was the wine that gave me away were you smoking then I I hadn't gotten that [Music] [Laughter] far B is one of those characters that does delight people and even this Halloween uh so people were dressing up as Moss from the it crowd and that you might you must have seen this picture there was a little girl do you know this well look it's a cheap costume it's a check shirt oh no don't don't don't Dash her dreams I will not this is a little girl in America and she's a big fan of her Halloween she went as Moss look at that adorable look at the watch she's got the computer the the calculator watch and everything that's good right the emotional range is too large though he need to kind of dial it back a I also spoke to her I said you've got to get there very I've got to mention your dog Finn star of Instagram uh oh is Finn there come here I don't have any treats and he's getting older just knows the truth you post these pictures you do like dressing him up and this is him uh I think they're having breakfast uh there I guess this is Halloween one year that oh God that was long time ago uh this is him delivering a parcel that was where he was this year and then this is so dramatic it's beautiful is that an homage to share No it should be God I've never seen that photo of her is this your husband was this post meeting you or was this before meeting you uh when they this is post meeting me I actually picked out the costume for him and I did his hair I thought that's how he wooed you send pics doesn't he look gorgeous it does was it Halloween at least it was Halloween oh okay that's something yes I don't know if you saw this but Halloween uh Lady Gaga this year was Edward Scissor Hands and then she's out she's out and about and she bumped into a Jack Sparrow what are the odds what are the and you you do sometime you do do the dressing up as Jack's SP you seem to like that I just run around the house like that but didn't you go you you didn't you go to Disneyland I mean that was of course a sensation I did I did I did something that uh as as soon as they they you know Pirates was going to happen I thought how great would it be to be able to have the opportunity to stand there as some sort of animatronic until the people come by and then you start screaming and you know scare them into a Mischief I mean so you know all these years later I got the chance to do it so I was very excited you know these boats are going to come around the corner and and and and um they they sort of looked at me as they were coming around and I'm frozen and I went o what are you looking at and nothing you know you know what I got all of the iPhones the world going wow well that's a pretty good anim TR I just say how pleased we are that Bill's here at all because there was a time when you were dead that's right what yes I know I'm looking a lot better now yeah I know it's right no well this is I'm I'm sure this is referring to the fact that uh I was mistakenly reported as dead on the BBC website the BBC not even like not I know it was the BBC website and um it just said uh tributes are pouring in for actor and comedian musician Bill Bailey who has died at the age of 52 which is really annoying cuz they they got the age wrong firstly I was so annoyed about that and they used a weird photo as well I was think no you TW you tweeted I mean what is that I think that is perfect for an obituary that is that says that says this sucks here is dead Daniel there the whole time look at that it's like it's like it's weird cuz it's like it's like he's it's like he's dead it's like he's dead don't put it next to me please no no no you no will he sit up not really so yeah um touch his hand touch his hand touch his hand I want to it's so creepy yeah that's that's weird come on dude he's he really is sort of falling apart at this point but he's been sent down Rivers he got molded by a bear like this was all things we did to him during filming and it's really good though look at the look at the look at the the the eyebrows yeah yeah I know it's it's just it's strangely horrible I don't know I don't know what's happening to it at the end of the press tour so if anybody you know wants [Applause] it maybe not actually even your enthusias and I feel like maybe you could not have this I had to see the movie you know I'm about to go out around the world and promote it I was like I Gotta See the movie so they screened it for Me by myself in a theater but I watched it in an empty theater but I had the volume control so I was groovy all the Talking great the minute the music comes up and the thing I'm turning it down to zero and I turn away but swear to God they insisted on having a guard in the room so that I wouldn't pirate my own and I'm telling you I looked I was like wait what and the guy is sitting in the back so my entire movie I I turned the volume down I turned my head like this and go like this but I got to listen to him and he'd be like this oh oh oh oh no oh oh no oh no no oh you know you know what I mean just it was like really I'm going to Pirate my own movie but I'm sell it to China and then you've got a friend is it a a friend of yours who's a psychic oh God yeah this is my favorite bit it's funny how one story comes out and then it obliterates it's defining thing In fairness other actors going okay I want to hear more I want to hear well look yeah I did um meet a psychic who's a friend of mine and I was seeing her she's got lots and lots of different um strings to her bone she does healing and she does um other things and but she also has a um a talent for mediumship and as I was do seeing her for something else she said oh Margaret is here does that mean anything and I said yes it does and I suddenly thought well I've got if I'm play before you get before I been asked to play her I hadn't actually said yes at that point and uh I said well yeah no actually if you've got the horse you know the horse's mouth it's in the room you're not going to say no actually you know so and so I said um yeah and I asked I said would you mind if I played you and uh she said I prefer you answer was no she said well no she did say I think you're a better idea than the other actor oh the other idea the other you know the other who was the other they never told me the other the other possibility but whether it was not sound of a l gunshot right now no no no but there are it was a very typically a typical Margaret thing in the CU you had met her I had met her she had a she had a way yeah a couple yeah yeah see you didn't ask but um but there's she had a way of sometimes complimenting you and putting you down at the same time she was um and the fact that she said yeah I think you're better than the it was just like you never knew where you were with her then she came through with another note which was useful whether it C whether it was true because the psychic was fantastically intuitive or there really was the Ghost of Margaret telling me I didn't I don't know but the note was good and it said get the smoking right okay and I smoked in a particular way and always always remember that the cigarette holder is as much a weapon for expression as anything else and that was a good note and she was somebody who was innately dramatic if you're Royal you can't necessarily talk much you're a walking icon you were walking so she was very she was very I think conscious about the silhouette and whatever she did with her body and particularly with her hands and so you know anyway am I waxing no I love you I just d just I I you don't believe in talking to dead people no that is and I can't end tonight without talking about probably the most iconic scene you've been in the scene in Alien when the the creature bursts out of the the the chest John her's chest you've spoiled it for me now it's going to ruin your experience um oh I could we got told to be quiet um when we went to see it cuz we were screaming too much no ser and you got to think it's meant to make you scream we obviously overdid it slightly but what kind of gang were you with gr no but I read and this seems incredible I you and other cast members talking about the filming that in that scene with John her that you weren't entirely clear about what was going to happen we knew what happened in the script we knew that something came out of John her's chest because his line was oh my gu and he never delivered that line um he came up with something better but when we got down to the set everyone was in raincoats which should have given us a clue we knew that this would happen but we did not know how they would make it happen because this was before CGI so everything you see in the in the film is actually happening and I I think there's a great Master where you see the whole cast kind of going because something does happen it happened effortlessly with just a few I don't know hoses and things like that and and we're all just astonished because it was so real well we think we worked out how it was done right yeah so we have a prop we have a prop so if you want come over and check it out to tell us if this is how it's done so come with me now Sandy you've never seen the do you want to bee on her I don't know is it a good F yes you can be joh her it's memorable so uh basically this is I take this off here we go like that there's a little SE there love thank so you hop on there and you put your little not little your just your arms your I'll shove you in there you go my arms in here there we go in into the little sleeves there okay is this is this sort of what it was like it's exactly the way it was yeah oh exactly oh I love sori cuz she's she's she's humor s you're being very good no no but but no if you get into your character he's having we're having breakfast and suddenly he starts coughing and he can't stop coughing and then suddenly something starts to burst out of his chest and uh okay so exct so you in the end he's in terrible pain we're going a bit hysterical is this right yes okay so you're thrashing around just move a leg you're trashing trashing okay okay okay we're getting ready to screaming and maybe moving [Applause] backwards bra it's good is it not bad I've forgotten this I'm now looking at that are you okay an Axwell Martin I did flag this gr no and I'd forgotten you did say and I'd forgotten I don't believe you'd forgotten no but now so you have a phobia of something on the set and it's not it's not gr and it's not Bruce Springstein and it's not sofas what what have you got a phobia of the this is okay because actually I can see now it's made of plastic but I do have a phobia of fruit bowls yeah oh for real no the bowl not the bowl the the fruit fruit the fruit is it that they're all touching each I'm sorry when did that start I I just don't know I've got a few phobias they just crop up okay so is it is it the fruit or the bowl no it's not the bowl but it's the fruit it's the do you eat fruit so what did you do for your five day we're getting like someone's parent now I don't think we're going to upset you Ana but you have a phobia yes but I think yours is a legitimate fear thank you very much yeah um I am really scared of revolving doors I'm get terrified of being cut in half or being stuck in one um and to be fair my first ever seen on pey blinders I was supposed to it was a Warner now supposed to run in through revolving doors grab someone take them through through the revolving doors First Take I get stuck in there so legitimate I think so yes and also could you have to you have to match your speed to the speed of the door oh God and if you're at the airport everyone with their luggage I'm just like I'm going to die I'm in here I have a fear of my of Revolt sort of Revol but my little say if I was in flip-flops my little toe being caught in the groove of the revolving why did you make this worse I I that with the to mean because when I go on the tube you know like on the tube like you got the escalators but sometimes I like putting my my shoes on the side and they get cleaned they got this little you do that they get clean I don't know yeah day I don't clean my Sho I know the side they get clean but I'm always scared that one day it will get [Music] stuck
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 494,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment, Halloween behind the scenes, Halloween candy, Halloween costume haul, Halloween costumes, Halloween dance party, Halloween decorations, Halloween facts and history, Halloween fashion, Halloween food ideas, Halloween games, Halloween history, Halloween jokes, Halloween myths, Halloween pranks, Halloween safety tips, Halloween skits, Halloween special, Haunted houses, Spooky atmosphere, The Graham Norton Show
Id: LM4yV1jjQo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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