Episode 10: With Their Families in Paradise | Servants of the Most Merciful

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and Wahine hamdulillahi rabbil alameen whatever one in our body mean what are people to entertain a lot somebody was tell him about it could add Dakota Sioux DK Muhammad in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Riley he was happy he was Island fishing and kathira first of all once again Eid Mubarak to you whether you're celebrating on Saturday or Sunday I'm a lost panettone accept all of your ebody all of your worship I lost pants on make us from rebelled over on from the servants of the most merciful and descend his mercy upon us I don't want to get into there in debate right now I just posted something on Instagram very briefly but follow your community insha'Allah Allah and may Eliezer jet accept from you whatever that day is it's kind of bittersweet some kind of lot to come to the end of this to be honest with you so this is the last session very Basel Rena the last of our live programming for Roma blonde and I pray that a loss of hanazad accept from us from us all and that a loss of Hanna Tata forgive us for any shortcomings that we may have and certainly we do have some shortcomings I genuinely appreciated and loved the sense of community that's been fostered HMDA data through this online audience and and and really I just want you all to know that the supportive messages that you've sent to yakeen the comments that you've made that we haven't been able to read all of them but they've meant a lot to all of us and it's kind of kept us going through the amount of sessions that we've had to have it's really kept us going and kept us focused because of how we've heard from all of you how this has been a benefit to you so I pray that Eliezer don't accept on behalf of the entire team if you get a chance to go to a pain Institute's website and click the about us then you'll see it how did Allah just how many people are part of making this happen so I want you to make your out for them all of the team members their families ask a lot to accept from them the moments that they had to step away from their personal or ebody to make sure that I don't mess everything up with this technology please do make dua for them and ciao that a lot except from them and accepted as a bad and make it a means of them being amongst those that observe negative clutter and that observed Roma Bahn fully and again I I do in shallow tada I promise to be back on very soon insha'Allah so after Eid which we're celebrating Sunday here take a couple of days off in sha allah tala and then i'll start with some brief reminders live reminders online and chili evening reminders and then we will be launching a very special june campaign and charlotta with daily programming's once again the theme of connecting to the poor and staying connected to the Quran I don't want anyone to lose the connection that they fell to the floor and specifically Islamabad I you know I pray that all of us will be able to stay connected to the poor and so connecting to the poor lad from various angles so we will have you know programs every day in sha Allah Ta'ala starting in a week focusing on the parables in the poor and the miracles in the poor and continuing reflections on the poor and verses of healing in the Quran and so much more in sha Allah Allah so please do stay tuned and we'll be back at it soon enough inshallah tada and also I'm going to ask you to fill out the survey that's in the description or in the comments I'm not sure if they put in the description or comments and shuttle but please do fill out the survey and let us know how we can do better for you in sha Allah Ta'ala as I said earlier tonight you know we we've tried to be here for you before Roma Bahn when especially when kovat broke out and we've tried to push ourselves as a team again as a team your team is a massive team and how did it not to push ourselves to stay with you during the Milan and Charlotte Anna will try to be there for you I am alone as much as we can be the nahi Tyla so with that inshallah coming to the end of a battle run on the servants of the most merciful and as I get to the end of the servants of the most merciful just an FYI it's raining really hard right now so I pray that it's a de sense of mercy upon us and that it's a means of acceptance for us in sha allah tala so i asked a lot to accept from us all and as i was studying for this series I really personally regained an appreciation for these ayats and connected with these ayats in a very in a very different way in hamdulillah and tonight is the sweet ending that I pray that all of us will have and you know the last hadith that I'll read tonight is one that I hope and charlotta will keep reciting to ourselves over the next few days in particular as a means of keeping our goal in focus allahu ta'ala so allah says when ladina a coruña robbing a habit and I mean as Wadena with the VR Tina or whatever you wanna limit Safina imama our Lord grant us the delight of our eyes in our spouses and children and make us leaders of the pious so you know the most distinctive characteristic of these about Al Rahman is their eagerness for the LACMA of Al Rahman which is most manifested in their prayer for salvation and so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala mentions that they are praying for their own salvation Rob penisula fan adabo Jon and Ola removed from us the punishment of the fire and they're very sincere as they are shedding tears asking allah subhanaw taala to grant them salvation but they now extend that Lama to their spouses and their children and so in the broader sense to their families as well and as we said a lakh rabona all up in my roof those that are closest to you are most deserving of seeing your beautiful character and one of the ways that you exemplify beautiful character for your family is you make duaa for them first a job enough trouble deep into the night that prayer that ebody that you're at that you make for your family is a special prayer this is the prayer that you make for your parents to be forgiven the prayer that you make for your spouses and your children to be guided and to be granted everything that you want granted for yourself and so what is the prayer that they are making for their spouses and their children it's a prayer for salvation okay robbing a habitat I mean aswad you know with liberty I Tina Kurata Aryan before anything else it's a prayer for salvation that a loss of hundreds Allah grant them the same salvation that they were asking for themselves now this is I think probably one of those times in fact throughout these ayats this is the time where it's most important to pull back into history and to see the situation unfolding the way that these companions were seeing the situation unfold in Mecca most of these people that were making this drought right now we're in a situation where their spouses and or their children had not yet embraced Islam okay so there are very few examples of families that embraced Islam in the Meccan period in the early American period and this is when the surah is revealed and so these people and remember the Sahaba are a generation of conference they're calling upon a loss of Hanif Matata and they're saying o Allah guide our families oh allah guide our spouses oh allah guide our children and you can imagine you know these are people that have become deeply in tune with the reality of the afterlife and that also have deep love and empathy for their families and as they are reading about the torments that some will face in the afterlife how badly they don't want their families to be on the receiving end of that torment right some maybe even more than themselves okay maybe even more than themselves because sometimes we love our family especially children we could love them more than we even love ourselves and so you have that Sahab Sahabi or Sahab iya that male or female companion whose wife or husband has not yet embraced Islam whose children have not yet embraced Islam and they are insisting upon idolatry and oppression and they are calling upon Allah and saying Ya Allah let them be the coolness of our eyes let us see the moment where they embrace Islam and they enter into this realization as well and there's an important part here of Dawa which is faster though surely the one who doesn't have something can't give it and so this person is already in a reality of prayer and in a reality of understanding the hereafter and be connected to the Athena and they want to give that to their families as well one of the easiest ways to run your family away from Islam is to be a hypocrite with your religion is to be a hypocrite with your religion and so these are people whose families are witnessing their excellent character they're witnessing the way they carry themselves as a babbler Rahman both in regards to their individual prayer habits and in regard to their public interactions they are maintaining a certain regimen holding themselves to certain standards in worship and in work in private and in public deed things that that cause admiration to grow in the hearts of those that are near to them that see them in their sincerity and they're calling out and saying yeah Allah guide our spouses Ya Allah guide our offspring Ya Allah guide our parents this is a generation of people some of whom whose parents threatened them and told them that they would go on hunger strikes until they left Islam right imagine your mom telling you I will go on a hunger strike until I until you leave Islam right so this is the generation of converts and they don't want to be the only righteous and saved people in their homes they want that to extend to everyone that is in their homes and they say well Eileen Eileen with subpoena a mama make us leaders of the pious this is not referring to political leadership or leadership in in a way that befits vanity but instead leadership in a way that we Fitz piety make us guided guides of good make us amongst those that lead the way make us amongst the sabe Poland make us amongst the forerunners make us amongst the true servants and there is not mentioned that this is in comparison with the the idolaters and the oppressors who were competing over what atta catheter they were competing over quantity that would engage in all sorts of sick practices to ensure that their errors would be amongst the royal and amongst the elite in Mecca and would hold certain positions status wealth whatever it may be so while they were in rivalry over this world and we're focused on placing the Orang in leadership positions in the sense of do neoui leadership positions these people are concerned with leadership in the sense of taqwa leadership in the sense of piety so let's break this ayah down a little bit further number one quarter mata Aryan let let it be the coolness of our eyes the last higher that we spoke about we mentioned that these are people whose hearing and sight when it hears the admonition either looky-loo the ayat it'll be him when they are reminded of the ayat of their Lord they do not become deaf or blind to those ayat so that is in that they receive admonition properly but there is another level of this which is the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam explaining to us in a long hadith Qudsi that when a person becomes amongst those who love allah and are beloved to allah subhanaw taala kun to Samarra Willet es not OB huh while the surah who led the officer will be how I become the hearing with which my servant hears I become the site with which my servant seeds what that means is that that person only wants to hear that which is pleasing to Allah only sees that which is pleasing to a loss of a note on and so here you have now a synchrony of the joy of my eyes being the pleasure of Allah sites what is pleasing in a lost sight taqwa piety right what is pleasing in my sight that my children be pleasing to Allah sight okay and so a babbler Rahman and Al Rahman are pleased by the same thing now in the family members around a bad Ilana in their spouses and their children and their parents their brothers their sisters what is a joy to their eyes is what is pleasing to a lost sight right so Rob gonna have an annulment as well Gina was the reality now portable to area no let us see that moment where they embrace Islam where they embrace faith where they embrace righteousness and where they move forward it's probably one of the most touching videos um if you look up there's a video of brother Hamza sorts is talking about his his mother may wasp parent Allah bless our brother Hamza he's talking about you know just you could see that the pain right of how badly he wants his mother to embrace faith and it's really moving and somehow are there are many many times that we'll find situations like this where Ya Allah I want my family to experience guidance I want my family to experience clarity this is a theme prevalent throughout the Quran and one that spends everyone from the prophets to the most common believer possible so a large L tells us in certain off that the person who had Abela I shoulda beena sunup our little bi was there any and as corny romantic ality and I'm Terrell alre day what an armada Saudi hunt Allah bla well especially if he's really in need to between a co in Niemann and muslimeen Allah tells us in surah al-kahf about this person who reaches an age of maturity and they're calling upon Allah sprouts are asking Allah to make their families righteous that that their families would be amongst those that are grateful to a loss of how no time that they're all gathered in that nimah that blessing of gratitude to allah and all counted amongst the believers and so a lot complete the favor upon us by letting us be a family of believers and Allah tells us right after that the painful discussion between a parent and their child one lady fall anyway leader he often lucuma atarid Anani and orange walketh harlot in corona in public waha maria study Thani la Hawaii like a man in the world a la hija fair called owner had a selfie Allah willing a mom pleading with her child a father pleading with his child believe don't do this to yourself don't go down this destructive path and the children saying back off back off are you telling me I'm going to be resurrected and people have perished before me and so well whom is that he thought is are those parents are begging to allah subhanaw taala whoa - you believe way like a man for your own good for your own good and that person dismisses everything that their parents give to them Allah tells us that this is a feature of the prophets the joy of ibraheem alehissalaam standing with his son is married alehissalaam next to the Kaaba holding up their hands to the sky and saying together Rob Bennet's a couple Mina oh Allah accept from us oh Allah make me and my offspring amongst those who establish the Salah oh Allah I have put I've put my family here in this barren desert well by now do you pee most velocity can establish the prayer so that they can establish a prayer o Allah allowed them to be amongst those that established the prayer so you have the joy of ibraheem is a time with his son it's married are you salam holding their hands up and then the pain of new honey his salaam as his son stays behind and knew how to use salam who for 950 years gave that wa and is facing rejection from his wife and from his son and he's calling upon him he's saying - yah - allah yeah a lot in Ebony monotony that my son is from my family yeah Allah he's one he's mine let him let him come forward but subhanAllah he holds back and he ends up in a place of misguidance back to the story of the brought him at least not a brahim passing away and you know making sure that his children are upon faith is Haqq speaking to Jakub Isaac to Jacob saying what are you going to worship after me yeah cool speaking to Yusuf Jacob speaking to Joseph aleikum Salam ajma'in what are you going to worship after me so all of these you know this all of these verses about the parents trying to transfer faith through their children and this is something that goes from again it goes from via the profits all the way to the common person and may allah subhanho wa taala allow us all to have families of righteousness this is also a connection in that it's an embodiment of Rama to the family it's an embodiment of Rama to the family they want their families to be saved from harm they want their families to be saved from harm and their priority is not just you know that their families become successful that their children graduate and and gain respectable oceans in this life certainly they want to see their children succeed but their priority is that their children and that their families are amongst those that are saved okay so this is the Rama to the families that Allah spent I was talking about from re baba wawa what is the loss of Canada RSA next a larger says occasional or Fatima Subaru while at Kona fee ha tehee attend Salameh they are the ones so how this is so deep so deep hoola EKU Journal or Fatima Subaru they are the ones that are rewarded with lofty palaces in paradise for their patients they are the ones that are rewarded with lofty palaces in paradise for their patients why you love Pune feeha tehy item was Salama and they are received in paradise with respect and with greetings of peace here tanya is is salutation it is its honor its dignified they are welcomed into paradise and given Salam given the verbal Salam in Paradise throughout the entire time so it's Darussalam the abode of peace as you enter into general you will hear Salam Allah sponsor says liest mareun if he had loved one in last Salama that you're not going to hear any idle speech in Jannah except for Salam okay which is that you're going to hear a lot of salam in paradise the angels saying Salam in Paradise the people of paradise greeting each other with Salam Allah subhana WA Ta'ala saying Salam when I think when we are available to you my servants Salam Salam Salam it's all Salam in Paradise the greeting of a flute jemna is Salam not just the humans but the greeting of Allah gentlemen period is Salam right so you hear a lot of Salam Anjana okay so let's go let's break this ayah down la EK your zone alpha they are given a loofah now obviously in common Arabic Allah is just a room okay or when we speak about it but Wafaa a lot of refer to not just mansions and palaces but typically speaking it would refer to a multiple story home and the highest room in that home which is reserved for the Royals and the elites so basically the master bedroom of a palace so it's referring to the highest palaces in general because we know that there are levels in Jannah and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has made it so that the highest levels in paradise aren't for at lamella are for people who were tested the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in an authentic hadith from an asymptomatic or the allahu ta'ala anhu area Limoges are not element Bela that the greatest reward comes with the greatest trial what in Allah either a had the coleman nutella home and verily when allah loves the people he tests them famine Rabia fella who will wah wah mansaf eaten fella how soft the Prophet slice on him said and so whoever accepts that with pleasure will earn his pleasure will earn the pleasure of allah subhanaw taala and whoever is discontent with that will earn the discontentment of a loss of hana hana on the day of judgment and so Nikias o melhor fighter be Mesaba rule verily they will attain they have these high palaces these luxurious mansions and these luxurious residences in jannah bhima sabha rule by virtue of the patients that they had now there are different levels of patience there's patience with people there is patience with prayer there is patience with establishing good there's patience with natural disaster there's patience with health there are different types of patience so let's break this down a bit a blue mama will be a lot are annually narrated that the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam said i guarantee a house on the outskirts of paradise romantic and Mira were in Kenema have done for the one who leaves off arguments even when they are right and I guarantee a home in the middle of paradise in the center of paradise for the one who abandons lying even when joking and I guarantee a house in the highest part of paradise for the one who has Santa who loca who perfected their character who or who excelled in their characters are hustling who Luke is the broadest stroke here so the prophets lie centum says the highest level of paradise belongs to the one who has Kirsten and hope to the one who has excellent character and excellent character comes through patience with people with bad character right which is something that we established early on in this series so while Spencer says would I kill your zone and lure Fattah be miserable here Saba is not specific sometimes in the Quran when the word Sabra is used when the word patience is used it has a very specific connotation here it's used in the broadest sense possible why because a bad omen endure persecution with patients a babbler Rahman endure insult with patience rebadow rahman are steadfast in struggling in the way of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala with patience a battle rahman carry out long hours of worship and work tirelessly without any concern for this world with patience a bad omen resist temptations the temptations of this world and the temptations of the shape on with patience rebound the rock man our patient in raising their families upon good okay so when a lost hunter says what more allocable Allah will spar alayha enjoying your families with prayer stubborn alaihe and exercise great patience with so allah subhana wa ta'ala talks about having patience with those righteous people that are looked down upon in society remember Islam was a religion that appealed first and foremost to the downtrodden to the slaves to the oppressed to those that did not come from elite places to the poor and a lot as it just says was good enough second melody may be humble hadith he will a she unis doing a watch I'll be patient make yourself patient by keeping the company of those who call upon their Lord in the morning and in the evening seeking his pleasure subhanahu wa'ta'ala so about the rahman art made patient toois so we'll help you what a loss of a sudden they make each other patients in the face of the natural difficulties that come with being amongst the people of islam by the way this is my right hand in case the camera shows left hand 100 minima just in case no one thinks i'm i'm going back after ramadan drink to in my left hand again alright not that I was drinking my left hand before it's camera people so Saba is vast and generally speaking the Quran Anderson to talk about higher levels in Jannah in a in in connection to the more patients that a person had so for example the prophets why some talks about a person who loses a child that's the greatest balot that you could face losing a child and a loss of hannah wa'ta'ala asked the angels to build bait bait with Hammond a house of praise for the person who loses their child and says at home did he learn in any way Natalie Roger that that person has a particular place in agenda so the higher you know the more you endure in this world whether it's at the hands of other people or inexplicable disaster then the higher your rank in Jannah is going to be so I Iike your zone a lavoro Fatih Bhima saw bubble what are the Angels say Salaam alaikum bima suburbs from peace be on to you for the patience that you have while you look ona fijate heya now Tahir refers to respect and essentially that is the honor and the respect that did not get in this life from the fools but they get in the hereafter from the Angels okay so the honor and the respect that they deserved but unfortunately because of their natural disposition because of their humility because of their character they had to endure much in terms of insults and disrespect in this life and so here they receive - heya Salaam returned to them for the Salaam that they used to respond to always when when they were faced by al-jihad on when they were faced with different situations they always responded with salaam they responded with saddam as a form of peace when bringing together brothers and sisters even if that was themselves being brought together or bringing themselves together with their brothers and sisters and they responded with saddam in the face of a jaw he doin in the face of those that were foolish and those that tried to provoke them saddam and so here now it's only appropriate that the sedan that they used to give to people is returned by the Angels in agenda allah subhanaw taala says Hadi Dina feeha has soon at mr. Corwin one more Pama therein they shall abide forever as soon as mr. Corwin one more Pama what an amazing abode what an amazing place to settle so what an amazing residence and what an amazing place to rest for the rest of your tour for the rest of your existence if you remember when a loss of Hannah Todd talked about the fear that they have of Hellfire in NASA that's Mustafar one one more common that it is a miserable place to dwell and a miserable presence to endure so it referred to place and then time must've thought refers to the place mo comma refers to being there for a very long time here a loss of hanataro responds and says how soon 'it's musta caught one one more Pama see the beautiful response of a loss of Hannah Tyla that this is the best place to have in response you feared the residents of Hellfire allows planning for you and decorating for you the residents of paradise you feared spending some time in Hellfire a loss of how no it's odd is entering you into paradise for eternity so this is a laws response to the drop that is made before and this is when a larger says when a few want to hide when whateva thought that verily the hereafter is better and longer lasting so hide one for first and that's when comparing this world be abode of this world to the abode of agenda that the abode of the hereafter is better what Allah has given you has in store for you in the hereafter is better than anything that could be given to you in this life due to the natural limitations of the round in which we dwell right now what a becau and it's longer-lasting its forever if Allah were to give you everything that you wanted here and remove the limitations of dunya then you would still die and so you would miss out on it so Allah Azza WA JAL loves you too much to give you something that is limited in a limited realm instead allah subhanaw taala gives you something that is unlimited in an unlimited realm okay which is the reward of paradise so this is the beautiful response that allah subhanaw taala gives to those that call upon him in fear of not just losing out on the abode of this world but of dwelling in the abode of hellfire may Allah protect us all so I want to end with this hadith inshallah tada which I think brings it all home and shot a lot to Ana and the rain is picking up so this actually might knock out my electricity and my power you know with the lightning and the Thunder here Eliezer that except from us all so I'm gonna end with this hadith which is is really one of my favorite hadith and so you might have heard me say that before with a few other hadith this is definitely one of my favorite a hadith their lives which allow us to hear these words the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam said that there will be an announcer in paradise so imagine you've just entered into Jenna and you have gone to your new palace and agenda you're taking it all in look around and you're saying is this real it's a pad Allah I mean because it has in it what no eye has seen what no ear has heard what no imagination has ever been able to comprehend Jonah has opened up before you you're in Jonah you're being guided to your new residence where you will dwell forever and you're looking around and you're just like wow subhanAllah is this real and so what is the first announcement that is made to the people of paradise may Allah make you and me amongst them mene mene mene may Allah make you and me amongst them may Allah make you and me amongst them may Allah allow us to hear these words the way that I'm about to narrate them to you but from a different voice the prophet sallallaahu are you is that I'm said as you enter into your Jenna and you take your place a beautiful abode an everlasting place once you get into Jenna you're not getting out you make it in there there's no expulsion from Jenna you Nadine when Adam a caller calls out yeah oh people of paradise in alikum and Tulsa who fella test camel obadah that indeed you will be healthy and you will never be sick again you will be healthy and you will never be sick again in this world sometimes it's not that the quality of life around us deteriorates it's that we deteriorate because our health withers away and so by the way when you get into Jannah you're never going to lose your health you don't get old in Jenna Jenna doesn't get old nor do you get old okay you just you're in a perfect space and with perfect health so the caller calls out and says yeah an agenda in nakum and Tulsa who fell at Eskimo obadah you will be healthy and you will never be sick again what in alikom and Takeo fella at a Muthu a Buddha and you will live here forever and you will never die you will live here forever and you will never die again what in Nilachal and timbu fella tea from a Buddha and verily you will enjoy eternal youth and you will never grow old again what in Nilachal and tenor a mole fella tapped an easel a Buddha and you will be content in comfort and luxury and you will never face misery or hardship again it's Han Allah how beautiful is this call and the prophets life that I've said Federica colu who rises over JAL one who will do until Kimora Jenna - or if to move her be malcontent a balloon and so it was called out to them that this is the Jannah that you have inherited by virtue of the good that you used to do this is the paradise that you have inherited by virtue of the good that she used to do Ya Allah make us amongst those that enter into our abode in Jannah without any form of accountability or any form of punishment without being touched by the fire and Ya Allah allow us to hear these words from the caller that we are told about and Ya Allah allow us to enjoy these blessings again you Nadia monad in a caller calls out in nella come and fulfill an Eskimo a Buddha you will forever be healthy and you will never be sick again what in Allah command Takeo filler to move to a Buddha and you will live forever and you will never die again when in elemental form of a Buddha and you will be young forever perpetually young and never grow again when I become untenable philosophy through Buddha and you will be content in luxury forever never to face misery or hardship again and that is the promise of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to eval go back man may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala make us amongst them may Allah enter us into his Rama with his Rama and always make us people that long for his llama and that manifests llama to everything that is around us and may allah azzawajal allow us to dwell in graves with his llama and allow us to be raised with his llama and allow us to dwell perpetually in his LACMA may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala allow us to be worthy of this lofty title of a bad man may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala shower us with his forgiveness and mercy in this final night of Roma Bahn may Allah subhana Allah forgive us for our shortcomings a lot I mean exactly all hyland to all of you once again inshallah Tata I will see you soon again insha'Allah Allah we will continue our programming shortly so please do stay tuned again keep keep us near drives keep our patient families in your drive if you go to the Athenian website and you go to the about us and you read through the teams make it your app for each one of our team members and their families as well that a lot of grant them the acceptance of this Roma Bahn I'm able to Pardo and an angel will say I mean and for you as well I thank you all for forgiving me some of your precious time in this Ramadan I take the Amana of and very seriously that if you dedicate a time to to listen to anything that I had to say then that is a great trust that you've bestowed in me I ask a lot to forgive me for anything I may have said wrong or any misguidance that unintentionally may have escaped from my mouth they lost a parent I protect us all from misguidance and they lost parents I keep us firm on the truth and so for the last time in Ramallah inshallah Tata I'm signing off and wishing you all the best and making dua for you tonight well sallallahu wasallam about a car gonna be in our mohammad already here or Savi geocell emphysema cathedra mr. Omari come welcome to why he will better cut
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 36,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramadan, omar suleiman, ramadan 2020, islamic video, ramadan series
Id: 6fOvTAaTLvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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