The Friend Test | Ep. 19 | Minecraft X Life SMP

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hey guys what's up ld shadow lady here and welcome back to xlife where i logged in today to discover that i still have six beautiful purple hearts however my plans today may or may not land me a place in the seven heart club so observe these glorious purple hearts while you still can because lizzy's doing something dangerous i'm building something i like to call the hall of friendship and this is significantly more dangerous than its innocent name would suggest okay i'm gonna build the hall of friendship opposite my house across the flower field so let's just clear away this pathetic dirt it's disgusting get it out of my sight okay now all we need is some bright colors so i've got loads of this solid white gray and i'm going to combine it with my presses to make impressive colors so now we have this adorable pastel color palette i'm gonna start building the hall of friendship it is very important to me that this place is cute okay there we have the basic structure but it's missing a certain something a je ne sais quoi that's really gonna make the hall of friendship pop and i think that pop is gonna be a flower popping out of the top like so now we also need the iconic bunny emblem on the front of the building and i think some pink flowers would work really nicely dotted all over the landscape so let's go and raid my own flower farm oh geez death has emerged from the hall of friendship and it's bony okay perfect now for the interior we should probably light this place up a little bit with some fairy lights because fairy lights are the purest form of light in the entire universe ah fairy lights so pure so true why are they not on what the heck how terribly disappointing why are they not lighting this up fairy lights are not the purest form of light in the universe they are in fact broken fairy lights are broken there much better now you're probably wondering why did i build this place well this is where i want to display the lucky people on x-life who pass my friendship test yes there's a test and it has two elements a trivia question and a trust fall and any player that can pass both tests will earn a spot on the wall i know what an honor i'm sure everyone will be queuing up outside this door ready to prove themselves in no time but we have a little bit of preparation to do first because i need to think of some trivia questions and i need to test out my so-called trust fall so first of all quiz questions i have a book here and i'm going to write out some questions if you want you can try and answer all of these in the comments below to see if you would pass the first friendship test number one what color is my witch wand number two what caused my first death number three what is the name of my shop number four name just one of my animals and number five name something unique in my house now we'll save those questions for later because part two of the exam is a trust fall so i'm digging a pit a big dangerous pit all the way down to bedrock it's a big hole and now that we have reached bedrock i'm gonna do something crazy i'm going to delete the bedrock by using this simple glitch until no bedrock remains so now we have a bottomless pit into the void let's just cover that up for now until the time is right now i haven't gone completely mad it's not my intention to kill my friends which is why i must test this first to make sure that it's not lethal so just to be safe i'm gonna hop into my test world on single player and make a small hole into the void and now if i were to jump down here you would expect me to die but if my calculations are correct there should be no danger at all for in fact i spawn on top of the world and i take no damage upon landing now hopefully this works on the server as well otherwise yeah i'm gonna die so guess there is no time like the present to test this out let's go oh no oh it's working i'm fine i'm alive and everything's fine phew now all we have to do is see if any of my friends trust me enough to jump down so first i'm going to invite my bestest friend and closest confidante joel to take part in my experiment welcome joel hello lizzy you have been selected as the first participant of the friendship test oh who's friendship my friendship of course okay there are two elements a trivia question and a trust fall what are you ready okay um what is the name of my shop it is the prince frog boutique frog prince breed frog prince treating fog pins three teeth that's what i meant to say close enough you get the point which means you get to move on to round two the trust fall wait what is this thing what what i would like you to jump down this hole i can see that it goes to nowhere don't you trust me oh what's happened whoa what oh my gosh what wait what i'd survived how the power of trust and friendship allowed you to survive the fall joel it's a mod on the server called forgiving void i discovered it and i thought i would put my friends to the test well i trusted you now what do i win oh yeah come over here let's take a picture you have earned a place in the hall of friendship but surely we're more than friends already best friends husband and wife husband and wife best friends cheers okay bye the next player proving their friendship is quigg okay so part one of the test is trivia oh no your question is what color is my witch wand pink that is incorrect now please jump down this hole oh wait where am i what oh i'm not dead well thank you for taking part i'm going to call that a fail because you only passed half the test am i a friend i i mean i failed yeah you're not a friend get out goodbye you're removed from the hall of friendship thank you very much goodbye next up welcome cpk to the hall of friendship would you like to take a test to prove your friendship to me yes okay you win the chance to get a picture up on the wall as you can see i already have one friend okay so part one of the test is trivia okay what caused my first death um your first death uh i'm gonna go for crocodile related death that is incorrect the correct answer is fall damage and now i'm gonna need you to jump down this hole of death um yeah um i'm not entirely sure you mentioned in you go in you go oh goodbye oh um wait what's going on i'm very very confused what yeah you were never in any danger don't worry i would never kill my friends even though you've proven yourself to not be a true friend because you didn't answer the trivia question correctly so if you'd like to leave the hall of friendship now that would be great goodbye the next player coming along to try out is catherine oh my god are you in the window yeah hello welcome to the hall of friendship would you like to take my friendship test and prove yourself a true friend and win yourself a position on the wall yes i'm scared but yes you should be okay there are two parts to the test the first part is a trivia question and the second part is a trust ball are you ready oh god okay your trivia question is name something unique in my house hmm you have a seeker in your basement i wait wait hang on a second how do you know i have a secret in my basement a secret room in your basement i always put secrets in my basement okay you passed the trivia test part two is a trust fall now before we start this i must ask you do you have a totem of undying or a flight ring on you i have a ring but not a totem okay please remove your flight ring okay now please jump down this hole i promise you it's perfectly safe if i die you won't die because we're friends and you trust me okay goodbye goodbye see you on the other side what is this am i dying welcome back what is that thank you for taking the trust test you have passed you have earned yourself a position on the wall thank you so much my friend for taking part friend goodbye friend goodbye friends now it's ollie's turn are you prepared to take the friendship test uh what does it entail part one is a trivia question which you must answer correctly cool all right i'm down part two is a trust fall okay i'm down question is what caused my first death you died to all damage correct oh nice that's cool now part two the trust fall would you please yep wait no i trusted you okay welcome back where am i what's happening i'm not i've not moved what are you on your rug yeah i went to my rooks i thought i'd die i can't believe you cheated with your rug you didn't trust me ollie where are you going why are you so tiny did i win no but i survived you have failed the friendship test you are banished from the hall of friendship goodbye take your rogue and get out of here next up is whip should i be scared is this like a scary hall of friendship or like a nice hull of friendship why is everyone scared of the hall of friendship but yes you should be scared okay there are two parts a trivia question and a trustful are you willing to take part sure you know what let's do it okay the trivia question is what is the name of my shop frog prince boutique nice congratulations you've passed the first part of the test okay for part two i'd like you to remove any rings of flight totems of undying or flying vehicles from your inventory we're good okay well now i would like you to trust me and jump down this hole off you go are there even blocks down there you'll see when you get down there just okay well let's do it bye nice oh what what what's going on did you think you died i yeah i did i did think i died there for a second and then i appeared in the sky and i thought i was going to die again from the falling yeah double pranked but you passed the test congratulations oh nice so here is your picture thank you so much for proving yourself a true friend put it on the wall oh of course next up we have jimmy part one of the test is a trivia question okay yeah jimmy what caused my first death your first death oh jim you should remember this one was it fall damage it was fall down you're correct oh my gosh part two is a trust fall i was wondering what this was i'm not gonna lie so i'm gonna need you to take off any rings of flight any brooms flying carpets or totems of undying and then drop down this hole wait that's just a hole it's just it does certainly appear that way doesn't it jimmy i just trust you i'm gonna [Music] see you wait um what's happening see you on the other side i'm blind wait what's oh my wait what something there what congratulations you passed oh my gosh thank you so much okay oh look at that well thank you for taking the test and congratulations for proving yourself a true friend thank you wait do i not get anything else would you like a souvenir you know yeah yeah i i'd love to take one home with me actually yeah thank you so much next i have invited supreme witch joey to prove his friendship to me if you pass both of my tests you will earn a spot on the wall many have tried and many have already failed okay part one is a trivia question so let's see what color is my magic wand my fellow coven sister you should know this i'm pretty sure you had the the tier one me teal no no no no by teal i meant to say was scott teal of course scott's teal it's scott come on you were green correct i had the green wand you've passed stage one now stage two if you would scoot over just a little bit and please remove any ring of flying any modes of transportation from your inventory and any terms of undying from your hand this is a trust test okay do you trust me joey yeah you know when i walked in here and i saw this cobblestone floor i had a feeling i was going to probably fall through it so okay when you're ready please take a leap of faith all right bye good luck joey how did i get up here you weren't even scared i trusted you that's why well congratulations you passed the test so i'm gonna take a little selfie with you that's it yeah that was the test oh i know it's amazing that some people failed that ta-da congratulations on your success bye and now it is jem's turn to take the friendship test i'm hoping that you will be able to grace the walls of the hall if you can pass my simple friendship test all right okay i'll do it am i gonna die let's hope not the first part of the test is a trivia question the question is can you name one of my pet animals in x-life [Music] so you have a turtle uh it has an apartment yes um you know lizzie i can't think of any other names i don't know i'm sorry you don't know a single one of my past names now i i've just i've i've forgotten well technically you've already failed the test by failing the trivia question but would you like to try it part two anyway yes okay part two is a trust fall so i'm gonna need you to take off any ring of flight any magic broom any flying carpets and any totems of undying oh dear oh sure i trust you okay you ready jump down when you're ready it's a trust fall oh it's okay it's okay you're fine what did you ha that that was wow my heart hurts what the heck well unfortunately you did fail the friend test oh that that's unfortunate you know i didn't know that friendship involved trivia do you do you even know my animals names uh do you have a a pet wolf called snuggles no okay you have a bear you have a bear i do yeah it is called yeah i see how it is right yeah it is called fluffy and no it's not called fluffy i guess we're not friends then darn it and finally i made scott take my test okay all you have to do is pass my simple test okay your question is name something unique in my house um you have the aquarium tank with your seahorse in it very good the answer is correct you pass round one okay now the final phase of the test is a trust fall please remove any flight rings flying rings flying brooms and totems of undying from your inventory okay when you're ready i'd like you to make the leap of faith can i three sec stay up yes three chair one oh so much trust oh oh oh oh oh how did i not die well congratulations oh that's really cute though so now that i have tested almost everyone on the server and my wall is looking nice and symmetrical i'm going to declare an end to the friendship test and repurpose this hole to display my new enemies quick cpk ollie and the adorable gem and of course i'm not forgetting my number one enemy jack sucks who has caused me many a death already so i hope you guys enjoyed this episode of xlife if you did please make sure to leave a like and i will see you next time the patented ld shadow lady friend test is for entertainment purposes only and not an accurate measurement of friendship [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 4,494,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, x life, xlife, x-life, minecraft girl, kawaii, cute, 1.14.4, home makeover, make over, parkour, challenge, sky parkour, x life heart, x life death, 6 heart, clubhouse, makeover, friend test, building, shop, cute build
Id: ySgylW6tU3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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