Fairy Circle Fort | Ep. 1 | Last Life

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hey guys what's up ld shadow lady here and welcome to last life where i'll be trapped in this small minecraft map with 16 other creators and the goal is to be the last surviving player soon after starting we will be randomly assigned between two and six lives we can trade lives to other players using a command but when a player gets down to their last life their name will turn red and they become hostile with the goal of killing everyone else but wait there's more there's also a bogeyman secretly chosen every week their goal is to kill a non-red player so they could be cured of the bogeyman curse because if they don't get a kill by the end of the session the curse puts them down to their last life so without further ado let's begin all right then three two one everyone turn around and off you try oh okay my first priority is exploration i'm going to find the border and find out where i'll be contained for the rest of my life on this server the border i'm about to be assigned to my lives oh no please be a high number i really need all the lives i can get right now oh okay four lives that's not so bad that's pretty good i think i got really lucky some people already have yellow names well i think it's time to go and find a cave to hide in and gather up some resources until it's time to emerge all mighty and powerful wow this is a very nice corner of the world i could live in this cave forever look at it it's beautiful okay so maybe beautiful is not the right word but it's home wait hang on a second i didn't invite you to my cave how very rude oh yeah nice okay now that my cave is nice and safe i really need some iron armor because there are many dangers in this world players with red names the boogeyman and even just regular mobs pose a threat to me [Music] the pokemon cometh i must get my iron i need the iron armor quick i must protect myself from the dangers of this world yes yes maybe i should block up the entrance oh the boogeyman is being chosen oh here it comes i am not the boogie man okay that is good because i did not want to have to kill somebody today but who is the boogeyman oh my gosh what if they're out there right now or if they're on their way i don't even have full in armor yet i need more iron wait is that a mine shaft oh my gosh i know this is risky but i think i have to go down the mine shaft this could be a mistake it'll be really embarrassing if i die because nobody else has died yet just be very very careful i'm going to oh no is that a spawner oh my gosh it's a spawner oh my gosh quick light it up oh that was close so disaster averted i went about exploring the rest of the mine shaft and to be honest it was rather uneventful not a single diamond just a few pieces of gold and the closest i came to any danger was this oh goodbye then but i did find a minecart chest after a while aha yes i mean no that's no that's really disappointing okay let's get out of here so after my disappointing delve in the mines i headed back up to the surface in search of any sign of intelligent life forms somebody's been here there was a log on the floor it is very dark this is on hard mode i've made a terrible mistake oh a wolf a pet wolf could keep me safe but i don't have any bones but i could get some i have ammo on now i think i can take on a skeleton here i know i'm intimidating with my six-pack and everything but he stole my life can you can you get it from him behind you i just asked scars like just do the command and i'll send it right back and he did it i'm not gonna give you this life back because somehow you got six and that's not fair but i'll keep it safe for you and if we end up in a situation where you somehow end up with less lives than me then i'll give it back okay you'll keep it safe that's an investment i think that's that is an investment you're keeping your life safe with me as long as i don't lose it i trust you more than myself what if the guy in the diamond armor was the boogeyman in the end no not today boogeyman not today can i need you liz yes quick question when i said i was the boogeyman you ran in fear right from me yes sea grant she ran from fear she knew i was big and tough she knew i had the giant six-pack yeah let i get to know you first wait does your arm actually have a six-pack on it oh that's weird did you actually think he had diamond armor wait that is fake i've been tricked i kind of you have been bamboozled wow i didn't even know she didn't know that's hilarious uh guys why why oh yes i'm gonna go in the ground goodbye okay scatter oh man yeah i'm not dealing with phantoms today that is not on the agenda but i came down here to get some bones and i'm not leaving until i get my bones skeleton i should have brought shield why didn't i make a shield yes and now i'm gonna make my shield so that i don't die yes yes oh wait i probably should have used my shield but at least i have bones now this could mean multiple wolves or just one really greedy wolf where are they oh there we go yes i could be the very first wolf tamer now i'm gonna call you dragon people be real scared of you in fact what else is scary ogres yes your name is ogre what else is scary taxes come on dragon ogre and taxes wait joel just got the same achievement are we doing the exact same thing on opposite sides of the world here come on boys we've got a world to dominate i think everyone is underground right now because i have not seen anyone except for scar and green so far oh wait i see something that is adorable i gotta go see who lives there wait a second it's made out of dirt i think it could be a trap i don't think i should go up there there's no way i'm falling for that oh my gosh there's somebody fighting over there maybe this is a chance to make some friends i'm not i'm not doing so great are you are you boo hello liz oh hello how many lives do you both have does anyone have more than five why are you gonna kill people that have more than five no i'm just seeing if anyone's got more than me and that makes me sad i have four lives oh no oh no i've attacked you by accident this is a problem and this is not a declaration of war i'm so sorry oh gosh this is a problem i'll be going now please do just keep running my wolf attacked mumbo as well it's not good i think we might have made an enemy by accident yeah oh well so far i don't think i've met the boogeyman but who knows any of them could have been secretly the boogeyman i also noticed that some people have enchanted armor and i do not so i think i should go back to my cave to get some lapis for enchanting ah home sweet home i will just station my wolves at the entrance here to protect me while i go down into the caves because i remember seeing some lapis in the mine shaft wait somebody has been here what who is here who is in my cave and left all the iron what's wrong with you you're crazy hello show yourself i'm dying to meet you diamonds whoever it is there's a fool that left behind a bunch of diamonds but seriously who was here ah lapis perfect now get me out of here before i run into whoever stole my mine now i just need to find the enchanting table which is in the middle of the map somewhere oh my gosh i'm so lost oh it's getting dark oh my god he's dead well that's kind of terrifying people are dying out here that is not good oh hello hello am i intruding no no well it depends are you the boogeyman no i'm not the boogeyman are you the boogeyman i am not how are you doing oh watch out okay actually you seem pretty safe up there what is this this is like i take it back you do not seem safe up there but what is this is is there something on the inside uh yeah yeah yeah there's something on inside you you want to have a look is it death of course not i'm not the boogeyman just watch your step oh my gosh what is inside here no i'm kidding it's actually nothing i literally just built this to just have a place it looks cool very quick oh thanks you're kind of in the middle of the map here aren't you scared that people are just gonna come from all angles okay now i'm moving thanks have you already started a place or no i am looking for the perfect place to settle well you got your your dogs to protect you so you are very safe yes i have many dogs just in case you were thinking of attacking me i would never they've already had the taste of human blood and guess what they liked it you scare me you scare me good i hope it stays that way i really need to locate this enchanting table now everyone i have met has enchanted gear when i finally found the enchanting table everyone was there everybody's breaking the helmet is what we've realized it turns out that beetle below was the boogeyman and so the threat of player on player violence had passed meaning i could enchant in peace people okay so maybe peace wasn't the right word but i did manage to enchant everything and get away safely now that the bogeyman has been revealed and i've got all my enchanted gear i feel a little safer now wait a second cleo has built a huge castle on the mountain that is amazing now i need a cool headquarters to live in and i have the perfect idea i'm gonna live in a fairy circle in the middle of this roofed forest i'm gonna surround myself with trees to protect me from my enemies and i'm gonna have everything i need in the safety of my fairy circle so i just got to cut all these trees down finally i have cleared this area in the middle of the forest and now i'm just going to plant all these trees around in a circle to create some walls like this it looks so good i just need to finish it all the way around a stunner shades on and a tree in my boot amazing singing amazing i have been on my own for the past hour and the one time i burst into song you appear incredible welcome to my tree fart i'm harnessing the power of nature to protect me from my enemies this is amazing not that i have any enemies yet but they're coming i can tell i really like this i really do hello hello people you're breaking my tree thought oh i'm sorry uh i have an opportunity for you okay we're playing a little game and it's called you bet your life okay the game is very simple it costs one life to enter and and lizzy i see you got plenty [Music] i noticed yeah and you look at all the names on that list and you wager on one person who you think will go red first and whoever wages on the right person gets all the lives and you can't vote for yourself oh you're interrupting my jam over here it's a scam so where are the lives starred in the media okay so here's the issue and i understand the concern but to keep it fair i am currently collecting the lives oh i see look i first hand witnessed grian borrow a life from scar earlier and then watched him lose it in the chat 10 minutes later so i don't in make these high risk investments okay okay well hey listen the contest is open until there is a red name so maybe consider it goodbye thank you for visiting the tree fart i like it i just want to say that real quick i'm loving it very very naturist nature's different and now you all know the location and i hope that none of you become my enemies well now that people know exactly where to find me it's more important than ever to fortify this place so let me finish these walls oh wait hang on a second there's a zombie villager if i can cure him i can have villagers oh what do i do i think i should contain him yeah that's what i'm gonna do i'll put him in this boat so he won't despawn and just hide him back here hello later oh hi this is cute this is cute this is going to keep you very protected thank you yes i'm using nature's best defenses trees flammable trees trees are flammable yes that is something i overlooked yes they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand is that is this a threat are you gonna set my tree fart on fire oh no no you haven't done anything to me okay and i do live in the shadow of your very lovely castle yeah so it would be really easy to pull lava down yep now that is true that would cascade down the mountain all the way to my tree fart which is flammable and your dogs wouldn't blame me at all no they would just sit here and do nothing about it i think as neighbors we can come to some kind of arrangement you're welcome up at the fort if you ever need somewhere to run to oh because we're neighbors and that's the neighborly thing to do maybe i can build an escape tunnel yeah absolutely yep i hate these things oh i think i'm gonna die i need some i'm gonna have to eat some raw flesh excuse me don't look at me this is embarrassing i'm gonna look look away thankfully even though cleo just witnessed me eating rotten flesh she still agreed not to burn down my tree fart and i finished building up all the walls just before i ran out of time for this week so this is where we're currently at with my fairy circle thought if you have any helpful suggestions please leave them in the comments below don't forget to leave a like on this video and i will see you next week for more last life [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 6,029,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Id: brlW0eAvGXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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