The Forest (with Max) & Moving Out (with Max) | 2020-04-23

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i didn't even have to change the um the name of the stream oh my god which was nice for shadowing right there yeah yeah i mean i didn't think of it just in my defense but i didn't have to do it like we knew this was going to be a good game yes definitely hello everyone i am kevin and this is max volume see what i mean i know there's the hype train coming already around any day now i probably shouldn't have started it like immediately but we've already started sorry we're loading on in um this is just before we died uh oh maniac and wilcore in the chat jesus christ good thing they'll be moderating this entire stream um yeah we just died after running off on some wild adventure but we just loaded it back up to just before that so let's just repress that and say it didn't happen press those remember why did i spawn tiny shack oh no what oh there okay that's fine i thought you spawned like at the old base i was worried just i don't have a bow it wasn't just before we died uh it was just before we left wasn't it oh i i would have had a bow you have your bow uh let me check yes and i have my many skulls and circuit boards my inventory is so fact oh my god that does a lot of damage uh wild chloe thank you for the sub um welcome everyone sorry we're just catching getting our bearings remember remembering where we were at you know i don't know actually you know yourself i don't know what safe this is but it wasn't before we left i think you were just putting teeth onto your axe that's what you yeah i only have one tooth that's kind of giving it away oh no i had like three zelen thank you for this it's okay it's all right let's just put on some more teeth yeah i went in down how do i put teeth on is it is it on uh isaac thank you for the sub as well turn that down i feel like i should leave some rocks behind why is this not crafting do i not have enough teeth the sap oil as well prejudice against people without teeth i hate it sabres where's my all my phones going off very professional uh what were you saying max sorry i told you i was saying you need to have tree sap stuff you know oh you're right you're right petersburg thank you for the [ __ ] oh wait we have a tree step thing here if i just listen to you i just i'm better off there's some in here kevin i i have my own okay so dimples thanks for the sub all right look at that it like makes it horrible it looks so nasty [Music] i built this beth thank you for the sub he said better lemon i'm going to say oh max you got to do the level one noise you already that yeah jesus spain's come out of nowhere man all right thank you erie the first thank you for this um i mean which way do we do it because it's it's going on to level two now turn down alerts yeah i've realized that i just don't know why they're so loud uh instead thank you for the the bits sorry let me let me try and turn them down i don't know why they've gone up i didn't change anything jesus wait uh elemental god thank you for the sub why why is it doing that okay i think i turned it down but uh speak there's max hello there okay yeah i think i think we're fine okay good what are these plants why are you on the same hold on a moment wait a second something is very messed up here what have you been doing thank you for the bits joined the skirt today and made new friends uh i thought of a song for pirates i tell rolling in the deep that is a good song oh what what happened i felt like a blue bird on the floor and just hacked it with my axe aggressive did not expect to just sit still while i did it but then i guess ai yeah yeah yeah yeah max is quiet okay hold on i gotta fix this issue then shouldn't be right i am maximum if he's quiet there's definitely something wrong uh old older be gay thank you for the sub sorry i struggled with that one what's wrong max did you find some tea oh god oh he found some teeth i think folks there's lots of teeth he squeaked at me there's lots of them there's like five of them kevin okay i think i've fixed her issue yeah there we go cynthia thank you very very quiet they wait i'm just putting their teeth on my axe they're not gonna like it oh they're really not gonna like it okay walk very slowly backwards wait use their traps use your traps equinox thank you for the the sub and it's the new hype train max can you do a hype train noise i know it's not the best time but oh god i'm trying scared oh oh oh oh come on come here and egg thank you for the sub i appreciate it look come here lady they they seem tricky oh my god he just fell over but i was so scared he fell over on this rock what an idiot i get him yeah he died falling off the rock apparently i really thank you for the bits i am dude perching on my rock oh god there's one right here what the [ __ ] jesus oh my god the teeth worked cannibals was that the guy you remember perching give me your teeth miranda thanks for the sob jesus christ i didn't realize he was there i was looking right at him and he was just stuck he was chilling on my rocks still a bit loud let me put it down a bit how do i get i want your teeth my teeth specifically your teeth what the [ __ ] i do oh oh this is going to be loud conga mills thank you for the gifted subs there five gifted subs thank you very much ding too loud ding is too loud being too loud chair sandals thank you for the bits oh god we're on level three max i didn't even notice jesus you gotta do it your guy looks like a guy who'd uh oh yeah a bit does he he's got that kind of fate he does he does sorry folks i'm trying to fix this i don't know why it was fine yesterday and now it's just decided hmm me loudly enjoy your setting that sounds fine to me is it uh collar men memphis amps i don't know thank you very much for the stop oh my god that one's evolved he has like arms on his back oh come here step under here sad hot dog oh look at me oh dude he is powerful is that evolving or is it still too loud oh god it's level four i'll i'll both double up on the um oh god evie thank you for the sub i'll celebrate the hype train and also scare away the locals oh thank you for doing it into the walkie-talkie no problem i thought you might like that uh double up it's fine okay great you seem to be attracting more of them well have you seen me look at my guy oh i do oh not the guy with the arms is just menacingly walking this way come this way i mean if he'd walk into her traps that'd be ideal nathan thanks for the sub is he gonna run come on run to me run to me yeah yeah come here come here come here no honestly come on wait if i stand there as well there's probably a higher chance uh it's like running in the seven thank you for the sub a little loud still okay i'm gonna max yes i entirely trust you i'm gonna stay here and you're gonna take care of everything that's what the people get a good look at the trap so they they can still see what's going on rainbow veins thanks for the sub they can see everything you're doing you've got to deal with this you've got a bird hold on yeah okay hey the max we saw that i'm about to die hold on let me eat and then i'll fix the notifications hold on let me just eat some of these snacks um do we have any water um i don't know why it's not that i'll be right back you deal with them uh all right yang hanks thank you so much for the the bits yeah your videos make so happy can you give me a name for my sims baby i want you to name it wow okay back off you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sarah ellie thank you so much for the five gifted subs hit the trap idiot let me come see him sarah thanks for those gifted subs appreciate it um let me see give me your teeth uh the drunken irish thank you for the cheer imagine if orti was playing with kevin everything would be on fire and kevin would be asking to be fed yeah but don't worry we've max who's a hundred times louder than rt which makes him funnier emma thanks for the salt but i'll cook some food in the meantime we have a new pet wait where oh is he alive yeah he's very much oh to [ __ ] save for the sub and thank you for the level five hype training i think we can you got the oh god he's angry yeah he's angry oh my god dude it's a lovely thicker we got their leader though that then lina lasagna thank you for the sub i assume i mean he has the most limbs on his back oh i've got a spoiled lizard like cook it anyway uh yeah go for it i'll put it in your how do i okay is this me drinking this is me eating uh bamboo thank you for the beds there we go look at that soup oh my god i just wanted water delicious i'm dying don't die please if you die in game you don't in real life that's not good news but thank you for the the bits days i wonder how long he stays alive there and oh there's more coming kevin this is i imagine i was hanging one of them a reverse hanging holy he's going to piss them off miss kind of thank you for the sub i can't drink it now because it's soup what does she do look that's her trying rack [ __ ] off no what are they doing hey wait stop phoenix thank you for the sub stop get up oh he's loose oh [ __ ] sake oh my god they're having a go at the shack oh jesus dude we spent so long building that shack this is terrible oh i haven't even done the hype train noise wait can we bring them under here will they fall for it come here they're like hitting the hot there's another one with loads of arms and stuff oh effects safe sweet cheese no the driving dude what is the problem right now our drawing rack is broken we're like five minutes into the stream three man ninety nine's the sub what happened oh max watch out how do we reset that trap why are they so aggressive erp jesus christ dude oh my god i'm dying oh god i'm dead can you revive me what the hell oh i don't know if you revived me but thank you i did thank you very much [ __ ] get off of the shack what the hell are you doing get down from there count to three that used to always work when my parents did it one the things just started screeching at you all right he's smashing up my farm final man thank you for the sub go go away who are we i love you oh i'm dead uh oh i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming get away from me oh jesus hold on sorry there folks if you just if you wouldn't mind thank you oh my god i say we get indoors you reckon they're like vampires like they can't come into the threshold unless they're invited do you need medicine kevin because i've caught some i do need medicine i also need to do something scream the hype train noise with my megaphone are you ready you might want to turn down your headphones if you think your notifications are allowed papa that one needs maintenance here kevin take this oh look we focus oh lovely lovely fantastic we're still being attacked though yeah did you grab the medicine here i already took some i'm doing pretty good on health guys still just holding the tray all right have you have something to try all back in oil jesus christ this is not a drive-through buddy back off all right away from the way someone got crushed wait someone got crushed oh yeah yeah we need a stick get a stick a stick i always have sticks here we go max you better have a stick there we go i'll reset this one did it run off yeah think of all the bones we'll get oh so many bones they're gonna be everyone loves when i take out the megaphone yeah we're gonna be so strong dude okay let me reset this trap as well because as they ain't stopping coming here should we just burn all these bodies i think that might be a good idea i would like to sleep thank you for the sub do you think we pissed them off with the the whole you know reverse hanging their leader they're just daunting him where's he hung from his feet um we need bone armor yeah we definitely do could have been the cause um let me see um i'm just gonna lower the volume for my alerts how do we fix the shaft i need to test something too because there should be when a subscription is a gift it should do this it should be a slightly different one but it's not doing it for some reason another shrill shriek in the distance kevin all right i'm going to turn that down and i'll just do a little test oh more of you okay good i think we might need to build that big perimeter fence sooner than expected kevin oh okay let me just do a little test okay that's better and bits as well we need to turn down save but our shack is all busted up and do a test for that okay that's that is no volume hold on wait why does it say oh it has no alert right now that's strange let me just give it a sound there we go uh norma k thank you for the donation thank you for turning thank you very much for the nice message noah appreciate it i think we're um we're fixed on the alert um situation now the drunken eye is cheered this is also a test thank you you've proved it works okay now what's the plan we're burning parties yeah oh my god i started quite the fire pit i think it might be time for that bonfire you found last time yeah that might keep him away yeah i have so many bones after this okay more traps or walls or what's the situation um like dracula thank you for the five gifted songs oh i don't know walls is gonna take a long time um thank you dracula that's super nice yeah walls will take a bit of time so i'm not sure if it's the best uh nymphius thank you for the five gifted subs immediately afterwards appreciate it i don't know why it's not giving the blue alert for um uh for that one second max build walls around her base while i just minimize for a second thank you for the cheer and be too hard the cool message there as well all right i'm gonna go up here and uh wait deathmatch thanks for the sub oh look at all these bones bones bones bones bones how'd you make a bow again was it sticks and something sorry i didn't need to take that out all right i'm watching you build now rope all right now we're just gonna take a look to see what is the story with those alert variations because there should be ah wait i think i got it [Music] um it shouldn't it ah i see i see the situation okay we might have an issue here sam jacobson thank you for the the sub there i'm just gonna disable that and yeah they should come up now if you get a sub as a gift it should come up with the green one instead henning thank you for the five bucks thanks for all the videos they mean a lot i think psrt is quite okay i think that's that's the solid message it's not hating on him but it's also being realistic exotics thank you for the sub um right how are those bones looking there's so many holy [ __ ] that's a lot of bones yeah should we just make armor i think so what what is this oh you got a club don't forget to collect the tree sap as well oh yeah i just went to collect it so if you need some oops i always just equip an item should we make like some sort of perimeter yes also is there a way to repair our shack now it's taking a beating uh possibly or do we just have to wait for it to break um i'm not sure anime lover thank you for the sub uh maybe someone in chat will know if we can heal it up or not why is he showing his arm he doesn't have anything on i'm confused jackie thank you for the sub you get the rabbits that's what i it's oh that's the bed i thought it was preparing maybe you can get a repair tool or something oh there's a repair tool yeah someone's saying how do you make a repair tool kitten lover thank you for the donation it's gonna be sticks isn't it let's start with a stick yeah i got rid of my green screen ah repair tool i wasn't really using that glue sticks tencep do you have sam i have eight for the bits thank you very much for the bits all right are we able to sleep at night do we have a good sleeping pattern in this game okay not bad not bad torture thanks close yeah it's close it's close gonna come out i'm trying to go in i was wondering what happened with the door it's like door's not working right door's fact okay so you're saying we should build a wall i think we should trump it you know you just drop it okay let's see where okay where is the wall is it under traps or there's defensive spikes or defensive walls uh let's have a look hold on j uh jsk rocks thank you for the sub bridge custom building we could just build it like just around this section for example what about like the basic wall it could do yeah is that but will they climb because like what we could do is i can get rid of this one second what we could do is like uh oh that is cool something like that i don't know what's happening but you are looking like you're doing oh okay hold on so like that ah and it's a defensive wall that i assume they can't go over ah very good yeah you're gonna need some vloggies and we'll probably have to do it in the morning yeah and that's the perfect time you think so just wander into the woods okay kevin it's your birthday no they just wish me happy birthday every day in chat one day they'll get it right okay and always have a birthday cake every day there's no reason not to you're having a little seek down yeah i'm getting some energy back just getting quite pooped why did you stand up as soon as i sat next to you like well i must be going you've been wearing disgusting bloody clothes now for a while that is true sir ellison thank you for the sob thank you for the happy birthday wishes folks i put some sticks onto your bed thing oh thank you we need rabbit fur i don't know where how we can catch rabbits i haven't figured that out yet i don't know i feel like we need some sort of sleep okay cool um yanghangs thank you for the we need like lure or something for the rabbits advice just lock them in your basement uh oh we can sleep let's go that's new nicer thanks for the donation and the the nice message there as well thank you oh it's d time d6 d6 the lonely island i have no meat where did my meat go right i think it was on the meat rack and that's gone with all these teeth i should get through this tree in no time through the axe looks so ridiculous right now caitlyn spelled right thank you for the bits as well oh max timber oh he shouted it thank goodness for once you're not gonna all right cool rabbits critter thank you for the bits can you bless me i can't i'm just gonna move this convince she's a i i give your cat my blessings i'm not sure what that means but there you go there pick up twigs oh i almost chopped your tree with the sap thing on it oh oh please do not that trick this game it just minimizes randomly i don't think my cursor goes off the uh oh no what is go oh no the baby jesus thanks for the sub someone said that on day seven there's a big boss fight so be careful what i don't know if that's legit or not but i'm tending to believe them we're not ready for that kind of action we've only got like five bones on our five teeth on our axes we need at least seven all right where's my bong and poopy some rabbits great name there all right rabbit be still stay still i don't think they like doing that rabbits they still hold stuff oh yeah good point do we have more of that soup uh i got a rabbit oh i'm out of stamina okay i'm gonna go eat want a rabbit you actually got one yeah wow moving up in the world i'll tell you nice do we have that soup i really don't want soup but i don't think we have soup do we have didn't you make a giant leg soup like last night yeah at all um i think i didn't eat it nice through dice through thanks for the sub but i think the uh the cannibals came along and they knocked everything over oh there's a rabbit on there for you i'll go find myself another rabbit oh thank you you're such a provider thanks for the donation i'm a feeder you want me to be a nice big chunkis okay i didn't have any food i will have some lizard delicious lizard oh i'm eating yes yummy yummy i feel like we should make a bench over there so that we could chop down trees then relax a bit you know yeah should we make one of those log carrier things it might be a good idea at this point because see would save us a lot of backwards and forwards we could do like mass deforestation yeah i like the sound of that pixel yeah for the sub yeah you always got sticks on you come here boy how do you how do you know i have sticks you always have sticks would be wrong by putting down all of my sticks oh you don't have enough do you know who's the stick boy now huh timber me oh god where is it going it hasn't resided yet okay it's falling now there you go that's a convenient way to fall you should build a drying rack yeah we need to build one of those we just got it destroyed by the cannibals for some reason they're really targeted pokemon thanks for the song one wall is done oh wait oh god we're being attacked and i think i set off the trap facts oh [ __ ] they're laughing at me they're giggling i'm getting self-conscious max come here what's wrong with them tim penny thanks for the sub come here come here yeah you're [ __ ] egypt you're [ __ ] easy you got a double kill on yourself oh there's more watch out i thought i had something behind me what the hell are these ones yeah die die tell us thank you for the donation ah okay okay so told us is saying that yeah after day seven they they start roaming around more in groups of four this must be what this is give me your bones um delicious bones i love bones uh can you reset this do you have sticks you're talking to the stick man of course i forgot the stick man himself hello me bob thank you for the sub don't die thank you i needed words of encouragement like that i do not have a stick however an achievement saying bird's eye kill bird with arrow that was me why did you get the idea i did it i did it everyone it took a lot but i got it done tsl games thanks for the sub do good gamer how do you actually get sticks do you destroy the little trees yeah they're like leafy boys oh leafy boys okay i got it well like the the thinner trees you know yeah the leafy boys yeah exactly yeah the technical term of course technical term definitely beefy boys pointless hippie thanks for the sub oh god i just realized i'm starving i thought you were someone else there for a second okay lots of stickies um i'm not gonna attempt to pronounce that it just looks like a cat to me thanks for the sob okay i think we're we're done we're done now we just need the default estate and i i need a drink also that lizard did not get his area thank you for the sub need water i need water in real life too come on fall timber oh god max it's going right for you oh i honestly wouldn't be surprised it's somehow foaming trees how do we oh oops just drop them on the floor all right did you finish making your thing you did yeah uh wait can i follow everything they can hold quite a lot but i can hold different things you can hold different things all right okay i didn't know that that might be handy we can haul the bodies away we should definitely make a big fire pit like outside the base where we can just burn the bodies and like do some sort of chant as we do it that sounds great i like the sound of that the drunken irish thanks for the bits and to realize these like effigies respawn which oh those weird things that they leave everywhere yeah stinky pickles thanks for the sub ah we have a visitor and then why do they they're really increasing dropped off a tree hmm come on walk this way as aerosmith sung at one point oh the wise prophet zero smith affiliate thanks for the bits okay oh they're freaking out that's because i'm chasing them get out of here you [ __ ] okay they didn't care i'm really happy to see you apparently so pompey thank you for the sub and the nice messages i need to get my food drink as much i'm drink shaming you right now i put some food on this bbq mr elephant thanks for the sub too oh god that scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah that noise is so loud one more log and we're done that's really oh she's just coming to see we probably should have fed her someone stole my steak wait did they actually steal the food i don't know it's gone it wasn't me like for once it actually wasn't so is that why they keep coming they're taking our food i don't know bastards i'm hungry having me hungry me hungry too but be thirsty more okay do you reckon i can hit one of those birds over there i'm not sure but if you do can you not put it on the player immediately because i need to make water this time let it go all right can i be serious okay let me set up the next wall down there and he's dead but i can't get him are you serious yeah sonny thank you for the snack okay we're gonna make this this is gonna be very symmetrical so that everyone's happy so we're going to go there perfect that's straight i think yep looks it to me all right all right bunny hold still yeah can they actually get in insertion thank you for this for the sub sorry derped up um can they actually get over our walls folks like if we make the walls like this can they get over them i saw one of them jump off a tree so wouldn't be too surprised but there's no trees to jump off zeno thanks for the bits no don't destroy the fire you idiot fantastic they can break the walls off effect's sake well it'll take them longer to break the walls i assume yeah the fire because i i destroyed that one oh you didn't just pick it up you actually destroyed it yeah oh jesus um oh eating legs in front of the cannibals keeps them away for a bit and also gives you a small speed buff while decreasing your sanity i see the timber which way okay there it goes they really don't like us destroying their forest i reckon this game is called deforestation i'm pretty sure that was the name on the box we're just living up to what it what it was you know yeah yeah yeah look at me stop landing on me you stupid bird boy it's like such a cute naturey thing for it to happen and then we just get pissed off when it does all right let's build another drying rack that they're going to leave us alone where is it rabbit key was earth day yesterday because if so we destroyed a lot of trees oh my god it was bad timing uh where is the where is it oh drying rack here we go oh yeah we badly one of those okay no this is fine timber oh there we go i wish there was like hot keys certain items i think you can do it the forgetful full sloth thank you for the sub i'm murdering nice here so many birds this makes everything a lot faster except oh look at you hold on okay there we go are you hungry still kevin uh the backpack someone said there are hot keys just combine items with backpack oh thank you strong irish thank you for the bits fine yeah i do contribute a bit more find that and that i accidentally took a seat i really needed the witch pretty winter thank you for the bits i worked directly with call with 19 infected mice and it can be incredibly stressful too so thank you one second one second where does it say that um so thank you for all those lifting whisperers to make me laugh thank you very much pretty appreciate it you're always too nice this makes everything so much easier oh how does the game explain that in the tutorial i mean it may have we just didn't listen yeah true we were very busy just killing everything that moved for the first half hour of this game yeah no fear back nothing has changed i think that running we had yesterday grounded me a bit because i'm like okay we we can die to these cannibals i shouldn't just keep charging at them and swinging my axe around we're not indestructible yet yet but we will get here we're gonna put some okay let's see so let's oh i always do that are the feathers in my inventory so how to wait so many i don't understand okay this is confusing the harlow thank you for the sub and oh there they are on the backpack okay and there's a confusing way of doing [ __ ] watchme doodles isn't it i i like it but at the same time what what's going on see that's feathers on my head oh my god that is beautiful makes it so much fun it's aerodynamic nano repairing so there's gonna be a thing now that i come back yeah it it maybe we seem to be liking this game like i think we were both fun we both had uh much more fun should we turn this into a logging company let's go come on let's let's head in which which one we had over here oh god water all right that's fine uh turgatory thank you for the bits very good a spider die spider did you get him yes all right there's a good chance this tree is going to go for you i care a lot thank you for the sub three more months die tree it's coming for you max max do it oh we lost a lot of the logs okay we're okay i thought one of them just dipped but no we're good we're good me sorry i'm hungry i'll start gathering the logs oh god i'll gather the logs if you want to start okay cotton i'll do oh i lost one of the logs oh well if you want kings yeah that one's gone that wood does not float for some reason i don't know what it what's in it it's a weird mix yeah i was like we can lift two of them at the same time but they can't float what's going on here i thought you crushed yourself what's close to be fair all right okay doing a run to the the watching the doodle the house i'll drop off the logs you keep going i'll keep going okay how many can you store in there ah it works lisa thank you for gifting a sub to the guitarist you fixed it you're a genius yes i think so the only problem is i don't know will it still do the super dab i don't think um the super dab will happen if people donate enough subs now i'll have to sort it out because i think that was like overriding the um the other gift sub thing so either have the super dab when someone gives like five uh gift subs or have the different version of the normal dab come up so it's a tough one you know odd choices to make yep it is a toffee uh knee fanny just subscribed thank you very much [Music] i'm coming back max you better have a lot of logs deforesting i don't know i've made like a pile for you on this side where are you oh you're over there okay i see you i'm on the way now hold on timber oh god i hope i can cross here oh it's like oh i was afraid it would just get destroyed there's a cannibal hut like right next to us over here i never realized are you serious like right down here i did not realize that we're surrounded on all sides by cannibals this is a terrible choice oh i just took those long times wait what are you doing uh nothing we need to stack up more i think i'm taking this the pile when it's not done there we go yeah if you're not familiar with this game it's basically just a survival game but there's also a load of cannibals running around and it gets um i think that's your max okay you are my max yes all right i'll see you later i feel like i [ __ ] hate that guy god damn it why do i have to be stuck on this island with him every time all right let me get some of this wall up this is going up really quick this is that's a good thing yeah all right saying how we're gonna piss people off like the the cannibals by continuing to build but we need the wood so i'm i'm okay with that missing them off that will never happen they're really friendly folks yeah they don't seem like the type to get angry um anki angry i hate when they get angry all right i'm gonna have to go this way all right we're gonna have to have a door somewhere by the way i haven't planned that part out yet [Music] we'll get there eventually the door's the last part how do you make doors in this game can you even do it is that possible i guess we could just leave a gap and then have traps remember it's december thanks for the sub you can connect the door with the blueprint wha spikes doors are an extra wall hmm the drunken irish thanks for the bits if you in the irish lads and max got stuck in this island who would die first [Music] probably me probably i can't find the doors uh salem theron thank you very much for the sub that's like cleaning the wall until it becomes a door hmm not really sure how the wall until it becomes a doorway oh oh god's angry oh it's rainy time to run indoors don't want to get wet um let me go back to the index inside press r on the wall blueprint to make it a door oh okay i didn't even know you could cycle through stuff like that let me see main index shelters i guess no um i could have sworn those custom shelters there custom building ah i just mean like click on here ah wait did you figure it out no no we had a eureka moment but then maybe it needs to be a normal wall because we have a defensive wall up so there must be a variant jc genius thank you for the sub um right okay so you can make like variants of items by pressing r on them but i think i need a normal wall to do that that wait that was the door what that's it really shut the door it doesn't look like a door like a trap one more rabbit oh we'll we'll try it i believe you ah are you doing okay i'm trying to get one more rabbit so we can finish that bed in just inside oh okay i hung you are you hungry okay let me cook you some ramen there's some food here on this fair oh yes thank you just used to people putting it directly into my mouth that didn't seem to help me i didn't help you okay hold on let's cook the rabbit then okay you need two diagonal pairs connected to make a door okay so you're saying like this okay what have you done now i'll be hungry forever sam with wiki with the fireplaces so many of these stupid things god damn it go to the rock pile we need a lamp out here or something as well let me see if i can make one oh the natives are gonna love this place oh yeah they're gonna love it dude uh jelly thanks for the sub skull lamp yeah girl lamp scots skull skulls yeah look at that that's nice oh i like the place together nicely we need a few more of those i think just light up our little garden i hope we don't have to upsize at any point i feel like this is a decent size for just the two of us you know yeah i feel like like we don't need anything bigger than no i know this is funny at least not for now until we make our crazy zip line circuit around god that's gonna be sick we can sleep by the way oh let's sleep me honky well eat your rabbit it's on the fire oh yeah me honky okay that's good that is good that did good there's some mysterious mushrooms on the floor you can have those thanks it'll be an excellent midnight snack wait i need one more fur to finish the bed afraid we can't do that nice teeth on your axe yeah do you like them luffy thank you very much for the sub ah i'm hungry me honky where did you eat before going to bed right just feed um rabbits it almost comes down to me being hungry rabbits where are the rabbits i'm gonna get log hunting good idea after i have my drink got a rabbit i can't eat those mushrooms the door i can see it how it's forming i didn't get it when it was one all right i got a rabbit's inside huh uh hella sad trash thanks for the bits i'm good i'm doing very good thank you thank you very much here's a different background i'd literally just put down the green screen that's it it's looks like i'm not using it in the streams uh z3 or goo thank you for the sub is that zerugu i think it's trying to get me to add this to the soup but i don't want to make a soup i know i need water i think i might have made a soup no delicious ferret thank you for the bits you welcomed me to the cult you oh i'm sorry i missed your your cult initiation welcome to the cult i'm sorry about that victor cam thanks for the sub i collected some water as well wait hold on i think i can just oh yeah okay i i had the water out of it i need the food as well aha yes me no longer hungry turbo flange thank you for the sub there we go me feel good can we get rid of these stumps um i think they respawn after a while can you yeah now that don't know if you get anything from it saltly thank you for the sub very much appreciated all right i'm cutting down a tree all right i'm just getting food and water and then mandy thanks for the sub we even know what day it is um it's thursday oh thanks kevin the quarantines with the rest of the week yeah the quarantines guy you're confused and sticking to me too killer thanks for the sub i'm just cutting down a lot of trees and then we can collect the logs oh okay the [Applause] the one actually gave me water and health that's so good that was good the soup that i made and you didn't share you already had your food me honky we are not uh oh timber okay [Laughter] thank you for the summer yeah i don't know why they just like going towards you are we doing more trees then um yes we need more wall these lines are pretty close to the base luckily enough extreme sniper thank you for the sub come on tree come on oh that sounds like a big one can be i think there's fishing didn't kill me where are you oh no don't fall that way ah all right that's not too bad i don't think we lost any we've lost in our log things did i leave some oh i did leave some i forgot that i stopped midway good call good call chad yeah they're saying just fish with a spear i like hunting rabbits as long as you feed me i don't mind what the food is i'm not a picky eater just feed me pixelated saucer thank you for the sub where are the rabbits now they're all gone well that's what happens when you kill an entire species you gotta ease up on the slaughter thank you for the sub sorry i'm struggling with that name as i do most names there's loads of logs over there's logs ah ah yes i need to build up that bench i'm building us another pinch grim twisted thanks for the sub i like that bench that's a nice bench solid solid bench i want to make a bench in real life i'm going to make a bench max yeah yeah that's how i come to decisions in my life just escalates really quick oh dude i'm going to make a bench yeah it's going to be sick oh that's going to be a good bench honestly the garden oh yeah that'll be nice can sit out in the sun you know oh yeah for the two days a year ireland gets on [Laughter] leave me alone catherine this is an exact uh what would you say uh but kroy thanks for the sub this is an exact recreation of what it was like to have me as a child just me walking around going hunky uh where have all the rabbits come i know i killed a lot of them but like use them um i was just moving them here i didn't plan on doing a few runs but i'll use it here a little bit further there we go fantastic how do we close babies oh that is nice like that noise is that good is it a good noise oh sounds very squeaky whatever that is it sounds extremely loud there you go uh the drunken irish thanks for the bits kevin is more tan now than i ever seen before it's just being inside you know the light bulbs get to me that's the door yep go ahead you like that oh my my ears yeah it's pretty [ __ ] loud that's a meaty door it is a very meaty door but um right we're almost on our little defensive wall which is nice i'd like to find some more rabbits make like water pouches out of them it's very useful you gotta stop killing them all then i thought they would respawn ah they would can we start like a what what is wrong with this tree what all right okay this tree and i found a rabbit figured something out he's immune to axes that's the one by the water is it um yeah yeah i had that same problem it's just immune yeah it's very much immune all right i'm gonna chop down some trees and then go get the carrot oh i like that the noise yeah it's so loud make spikes next to hot yeah that's a good idea you can have a garage i finished the bed which now allows us to sleep in the bed as opposed to the magazine queen sesame thank you for the song is there any benefit to it or max like do you get a better rest i hope we don't wake up too hungry oh that would be nice but i don't know if it does actually have a benefit we can test it okay this is falling i'll go get there are the rabbits you see your rabbits kevin you let me know i will i will run little rabbit run he's coming just inside your shirt pocket he knows too much film your bench making would that be fun if i actually made a video making a bench was that a good idea you did it you know like those asmr ones we watched oh just no talking just yeah the noise i mean you could do it with talking i suppose you're like if you have to like if you really have to talk over it kevin then i don't see why not you can just mute it and put some music on hey chill and watch or even rory thanks for the vids that's like people can't say my name right it's marcelo it's or marcel sorry that's what i meant to say but i guess i i might be wrong lady troll thank you for the sub ah squirrel and the nice message as well thank you very much and the squirrels [ __ ] stop moving hey gotcha squirrel wait what is going on with this okay this is not a waterfall i don't understand what's happening here nymphus thank you so much for the bits a building stream oh you want me to stream it instead of making a video oh that's an entirely different story i don't know if that's a good idea dream happy hour yeah i think it would be a long you process like uh are you talking like a uh like a table and bench kind of deal like this one just a bench or just a and like a like a bench with a back to it or like a bench uh i'd like i'm not sure you know you know i have a vote on it a little strawberry raven rory i'm glad i was close and kyler thanks for the sub yeah i i'm not sure i don't i could look up online likes the problem is i'm not going to be able to get any um timber at the moment ah just chop some trees down yeah i might legit have to chop a tree down to get one where did your green screen go oh really it's right there yesterday everyone was like oh kevin get rid of the green screen yeah today everyone's missing it so you don't know what you got till it's gone uh ace ready thanks for the sub jesus christ thank you for all the subs and [ __ ] folks the bits the subs donations just watching on being very generous oh look at you you all loaded up with logs yeah my chat have given me strength ah good job chad is the call thanks for the song where are the bunnies seriously i need their fur down that i killed them all and now you're like where are they are we the bad people probably park thank you for the [ __ ] species die out oh probably we haven't had a visit in a while no we haven't maybe they've seen a wall no we're 100 safe and nothing will come visit us excellent oh there's a deer just running we are in complete safety they're definitely not jinxing it can you see the deer that's right in front of you running around with an arrow sticking out of its head oh yeah that's kind of cute it's weird how they evolve like that nature's wild put the brains in the back where's that deer let me see it despawn with my arrow stratus thanks for the the stop the spawn it despawned with your arrow it took my it was my last arrow as well oh no wait how do you make this oh we'd need rocks and sticks for the defensive things red queen thanks for the sub we need rock rocks and sticks rocks and sticks make the defensive things i think i can cover that you reckon i think so can okay they can't go here so i'll just need defensive spikes in general uh coal ore where is it gonna say thanks for the sub let me see so we can do this one let me just show you them real quick so these are the ones for the cabin we'll need i think there um i can do that this is ellie jane thanks for the sub and then we can do this what are you hitting stop it now i need feathers these these are the defensive wall spikes uh nymphs thank you for the cheer for normal curiosity i want to see how you pronounce my name because teachers got it wrong uh one second let me see uh brienne i would say but i don't know i'm not the person to be trying to pronounce names honestly jax thanks for the sub god that noise is nice isn't it it's so you're gonna have to open it again now i'm afraid oh and finding a button for it is really simple it's all together okay five more rockies you have been collecting all these rocks i'm going to consider it i think i might actually make a video making something diy thing cosmic i think that would be fun you think so beat something a bit different to chill slash quarantine too i know how you could start the video yeah hear me out you do hey guys oh wait what are you doing hey friends how's it going call me kevin here and then you say no one will expect this you'll say today we're doing something a little bit different oh there you go that's a good idea because then we'll prepare them that we're going to be doing something outside the norm and then to to transfer your like your thing over you take your webcam and you fling it out the window oh my god you're a genius even though my my webcam is like a 700 euro camera yeah yeah it's chilling out the window all for the segment transition content well that would be something different you're good at this wanna hire me as a video editor please all right i'm gonna drop some more trees and i'm gonna build a wall and we'll think about this whole throwing the camera out the window thing i think it would work oh it would definitely work but is it a good idea it's the question what cost i'm out of sticks yeah my my camera is pretty pricey but you kind of need to get uh a decent camera when you do this [ __ ] i'm not a big fan of buying all kinds of stuff and i got it secondhand as well so i got a little bit cheaper um grier thanks for the the bits between oh you got to do jim come on he's a classic um yeah i don't really understand like i get it um southern samaras thank you for the bits before people get kevin to say their name just for that oh my god social goodness also by the way my name is sydney i think i got that right um oh what was i saying yes some people have such expensive cameras like into the thousands of the drunken irish thanks for the bits no i'm not opening up the same video i need to find another safe first um did these hurt then okay not us at least feldspar thank you for the sub building bad yeah it's fantastic i couldn't that would be funny because i'm sure i still have all the project files for uh memphis thank you for the bits it's a new one but you're closer to most of my teachers the oldest of brian when it's more like bryn okay i got close enough um what was it going to say i still have the project files from the baking bad intro emily blackwing thank you for the sub need to adapt it but like you could have the oven the same but inside it there's just like a bench so it's like zooming in it's like i guess they didn't have the the budget for a new intro i need to use my cat sorry i've been just talking in the chat so i've not been fully paying attention i've made arrows benching bad oh that's a good one too i saw a few people saying that pretty good i like that one ah she's falling max she's fallen well i'm gonna go pick up the sack because i don't think we've done that in a while okay i like how people were saying t3 sap oh my goodness the people were saying like rabbit don't chop down too many trees because it'll piss off the cannibals and i'm like literally destroying the entire forest we're taking our deforestation very seriously we need some building bad um you reckon after we get this little part done we could uh go on a little adventure you might be golden you want to do a cave run um i'd really like to madness thank you for the sub sorry go ahead max i was just gonna say i'd like to get the pouches and stuff all set up so what's that you can carry a water pouch yeah oh okay i think i think let me get my logo rabbit how is the hunting going yeah it's pretty pretty good what huh okay carol thanks for the stop i swear i built something here already did you destroy it no wait what i had am i going mad i swear i put down a defensive log thing here yeah you did what the [ __ ] i don't know where it's gone maybe maybe it collided with the defensive thing maybe i was like because i was talking in the chat so much and i was kind of on autopilot and i was like maybe i didn't do it it's kind of doubt it definitely did i'll just put it a little bit further away from that wall in case it collided it must have that that is annoying that was like nine logs for effects sake unlucky oh the falling tree destroyed it really oh could that have happened that's known as you need food kevin because i'm just cooking some now me honky man good i thought there's someone behind me that heavy [ __ ] breathing i'm excited now i just need to see if i can get stuff to actually build stuff build a bench it's gonna be good what are you gonna get what kind of what are you thinking oh i'd say solid wood you know bosch which none of that transparent no no i don't like any of that squishy wood you know is that a rabbit oh the worst thing in life i tell you you see a park bench you sit down and you just sink right into the bloody thing days thanks for the sub um no i don't actually know what wood the local store stocks i don't know what it is i'm guessing pine but i don't know cedar dragon thanks for the sub drop drop this all right here we go bring all the stones on your uh sufi thank you for the bits i hope i got it right uh what were you saying just putting stones on all of your things oh very good there you go you're doing fantastic out there thank you for the sub um in the morning we'll be going on a little adventure yeah what's this a spear bag and a warm suit does it get cold i guess we do get cold don't we clone battillion thanks for yeah so i guess it's for that look i have a water thingy a water thingy yeah can i have yeah let's just take it off after you cut a wild watermelon appears that's a nice look thank you melon i hope you're doing all right that's not spoken to you in a while now um what was i doing water 100 distracted by a wild watermelon appearing all right let me see i need to get more of this wall up you didn't eat your dinner it's burning here i'm hungry me hungry i don't believe you i'll be hungry behind you i'm gonna wake up hungry again aren't i all this wait emanated water out this isn't nice i made it for you it's bad wait oh what are these rabbits i don't know if they're done yet okay i'll have them they might need to dry or cook it anyway you webber thanks for the sub i'll put it back up there and uh do you like that oh yeah that's funny what that was it was kind of terrifying isn't it um e weber thanks for that stop sorry i didn't say it i didn't give you enough recognition there captain swiger bagger thanks for the sub too uh what's the plan max what is this pouch for i don't know you made it i can't really help you with this one please what are you doing are you chewing on that what am i eating thanks for the song you guys got insane dude oh it's used to collect berries oh okay that's pretty cool it's useful i'm really glad i killed the guy i arrived with because this guy's way better i like this guy he kind of looks funkier looks more like a survivor you know shark boy thank you out there he said what did i miss yesterday i was watching and you were struggling to build a chandelier now you have a fort we have come a long way to be fair this looks kind of cool we've done it all right um oh yes can you build a little stairs that would go up onto the roof and then a zip line down into the water oh i don't think we're surviving yeah one second let me just see can you build like stairs or even if we can build storage that you could jump on a custom roof no we don't want that um let's see oh custom stairs okay okay i see uh private neener wiener thank you for this song god the names are all always difficult we need eight logs for that wait i think i might have some exciting rock bang i don't have that many i don't know why i've suddenly swapped to making it stairs oh rabbits uh liam my my act thank you for the bits two deerskins to make a water bottle all right okay yeah i made one do you do you want another deer skin um i don't know if i have any lugani thank you very much for the bits oh hey take this one me honky but me sleep now thank you very much i like how you present everything in a tray when you're giving stuff over yeah it's cool uh we're testing out the bed to see if it's any better i mean if you want as well mr overtaker thanks for the sob we also save when we wake up that might be a good idea after doing all of this i think i just raged quit forever if we lost all this progress never come back to the forest pixelated thank you for the bits love how often you've been streaming and he plans to make terror youtubes i don't think anyone wants a turret youtube's [ __ ] terrifying how can we tell if these things are ready to consume uh i eat there we go i'll get more logs while they're cooking and noise dude i'm never gonna get over it the drunken irish cheer 500. thank you very much for that and you want a turk you two's i'm glad someone does to be fair i would like one too but i don't think i could convince them to make one it was already um a bit weird when because they were making one for rt and then they they've now they've been asking me for a while to do one but i hadn't i i hadn't actually gotten that interested um because i just had too much going on i thought they were cool but i just had too much to do and then when i said like oh is there any chance i could have two they were really hesitant but in the end they were happy with it the harlow thanks for the bits i've never seen you wear actual headphones i only wear them on stream yeah it's food kevin's on my ears when it's live there's food me hungry i'm eating your food i built stairs for you ah i'll feel better now there's also water cooking oh my god you take care of me so well i'm lobster thanks for the sub why are you holding the lighter i don't know i just thought of that myself yes the cannibals are on their way ah we could have little um concerts up on this roof like we could play for the cannibals oh yes salty tomato thanks for the sub and uh the the emperor thank you for that i want to kind of vote kevin what are we going to get oh my god i don't know how we would use it would probably be very bad at it this is fort turtle i'm happy to name it fort turg if max is okay with that i think that's a strong name yeah strong strong keep us safe all right will we go on an adventure yes but we might need to make you a water patch before we do that okay yes you check and see if you do have any skins on you that might be able to craft that i can't remember which deer skin do i need i think it's too okay all right so pop a couple in there and see if you can find the rest of the rope i can give you rope okay give me rope here kevin it's so big in this tray inside the little tray it's all about no um social contact now isn't it yeah i suppose okay one of our defense parameters isn't quite finished wait oops okay i think i've complicated the pot again somehow so are you saying i should boil the water and then put it in my thing yeah okay which i didn't do also did you get sick i've just been drinking contaminated water because i don't know how to empty it oh no no no maybe i can just empty it get into the stream now that's just to pick up more water i don't want to do that yeah i don't know how to empty it you don't know how to empty the all your your thing without drinking it is it yeah so i've just been taking it okay it's fine good if we found some berries as well this is annoying me i gotta move it hold on but effigy's out of here hopefully you can't see that now i think it made it worse alexander thank you for the salt one second i want to move my guitar it's annoying me that it's in the background i didn't realize the suitcases respawn cloth every day there we go that's a bit better it was annoying me that the curtain was all crinkled are you banging him out why not sorry i was making my guitar it was it was in the way uh our artistic call thank you for the cheer did we go into the very nice mix right here kevin um which one um did something come up there no that we came up the rope on the left but there's a cave oh no we haven't done that shall we go yeah fantastic reaper please thank you for the sub actually i'm just going to save just just before we leave just in case oh yeah okay i think i might need to save individually because obviously my game didn't save last time so let me come and do the same thing did it not save i might have loaded like or i might have saved a bit earlier than i thought uh maybe i'll do it just in case it sell opener thank you for the sub okay i'm just seeing the chat say we forgot anything before we go um nope i think we're good let's go pogo d thank you for the bits and uh very nice message as well no they're all saying water water and close the door they're all going nuts and i was just like no don't see anything everything seems correct here dela resort thank you for the sub i'm sure i got your name wrong i apologize okay i'll pick up some set before we leave did that drink it or oh kevin yeah you have some friends oh hello uh okay i'm gonna fill up oh you busted oh god it's really oh maybe we okay one second this this is bad maybe we don't need water right now okay hmm they're kind of blocking the door all right let's just run let's just run in okay go go go or will they just destroy our walls that's what i'm worried about we'll take a look at the situation from a rooftop viewpoint rd walls thank you for the sub oh my god they just scattered see they're afraid they're afraid of that noise they're like oh my god my ears they just run off okay you still have your bow and arrow and arrows and stuff oh i do have water in my thing okay um i don't have any arrows no how do you make arrows um you need feathers which is the hard part ah i have none but kill some birdies you can sneak up on birds can you ah oh look at him go god that is a stupid bird it jumped down on top and then the feathers sort of fly upwards so you got to catch them in mid-air all right okay i might have enough to make a hole what is this bird sitting on he was supposed to be sitting on my hand you know that thing they do but i had the catalog out so he just stuck through the catalog we could have a gazebo a gazebo yeah i'll get you some feathers kevin hold on okay oh i missed you have any feathers they're like on your back right guy plays games thanks for the sub i i don't have any no okay i'll collect some feathers real quick with stick fence bone fence a tree bridge dude these are you can build a tree house man yeah i know tree house let's make a tree house we'll just abandon our fort asylum wolf thanks for the sub we can have the treehouse as a secondary home from when this one gets ultimately it's going to go up and fly in flames at some point it definitely will we'll try and microwave some ice cream or something a little it'll explode all right um they're still lurking around but should we go hold on uh here take these feathers exactly if you've got a stick what are you doing i'm making arrows for you why are you swinging your stacks around okay i guess you were in your inventory because your guy was just swinging his axe around wildly the feathers are on the backpack on the top left can you make them with bones or i think you can wait what is the other thing oh you also need sticks anyway wait what's what is going on need a thick oh you need five of them what do you need five bones yeah i think so or can i just make you need more burns i'm gonna wait one hold on okay i've got twelve bucks this is fine i got some i got seven arrows that'll do me for now zipline is needed we agree trust me we gotta make one yeah that would be let's go to a cave and then when we come out it'll be night time which is perfect time for doing something different yes all right great we'll just build it at night yeah who's going to stop us it'll be like a mystery because we won't know until the morning where a zip line actually goes john won thanks for the sub do you food i i've got some snacks on me i have some snack he surrendered in all right where are we going all right go we're going to speed run this cave come on let's go i don't like speed running kids i'm not a fan i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready oh that bat was loud in my ear oh tent oh what is this oh snacks who the hell would set up their tent here a bear do bears use tents yup in a bear can i just hold flares the hell is that wait hold on was that just a reflection huh what the hell is that light or is that what light it looks like there's a light down there is that my imagination nope there is definitely a light down there i can't see anything though okay i i don't know hold on let me chuck a flare down there dive i don't think we can make it all the way down there without dying maybe this is yeah i don't think this is this ain't it chief there's any chief all right let's keep going thingies pinkies yes thingies oh yes what is that one i think that's a hand with no thingies oh no finky hands me honky already okay okay down i go what the hell is that a flare yeah okay you need the rebreather oh okay wait you can build torches how do you build a torch with circuit boards you can make a torch someone said oh that's just explosive someone said you can i'd love a torch because this lighter drives me mad yeah a lighter is not the best oh hello down there oh my god babies and everything i don't really want to waste dynamite valkyrie boy thanks for the sub very nice of you what do you reckon should we just go down at the same timing or not let's blind them yeah that'll show them they don't say um so if you aim where the notch is on the left okay very good uh adorable bonnie thanks for this oh god i almost fell ah you'll be fine wait what the hell are they doing uh he's he's like beneath us still all right they're getting pissy stick with cloth you can set them on fire with the torch too oh you mean just like the oh like an actual flashlight sorry yes yes yes um what should we do we can't really get oh jesus this is day one of us is gonna fall my mind is on you yeah yes i understand talking all caps saying how to make a clothing uh sticky mixed torch it's not gonna help now it's just a reference to one person by the way the rest of you are fine don't worry uh just go down do you reckon we should just go down i'm ready hold on what is this you know what this is what the [ __ ] is that i don't know is that a molotov or something attached to it i think so but i'm not really sure how to light it do i just left click hold on i don't like this if you have anyone know what that actually is pro tip don't die thank you that's all we need let's go you ready he's like he's trying to light it but he's not at the same time maybe he knows it's a bad idea all right i'm coming with you all right hold shift go oh jeez oh jesus oh hold on hold on i got you i got you i got you oh i'm sorry i'll be far away oh wait it's a mutant baby i thought it was just a normal baby um [ __ ] i just missed i missed someone who sobbed who just sobbed it was divine divine coconut thank you for the sob it was tier two was the thing i want to delay oh god do you have it open so you can see what [ __ ] i'm getting up to yes it helps uh patrilla's thank you for the song um i threw my spear all the way over here somewhere so god knows where it is quite expensive to make but done now oh wait oh no that's not it no i thought the rope was it but i ain't it dragon slayer thanks for the bits thank you very much for the nice message as well looks wet down there it does indeed doesn't it let's go down pick up that arrow oh did i miss one damn it oh they're complaining that you're stream sniping max which is a fair point what is happening here hmm i was worried that those things in the water were relevant but i don't think they really are doing anything let's go across it's a water path this is a pretty shitty water pack it's like one bottle frankie thanks for the sub i don't see a thing oh something sees us well time strike kevin great job you're doing great go on kevin you're doing it okay this guy's fast these guys are much faster than the other ones we're fighting uh the bolster boy thanks for the sub give me your teeth that's all you're after that's what my entire axe covered in teeth something's laughing kalyn thank you for the sub appreciate you throw a flare out how many flares do you have i picked up a whole bunch i swear i heard something like laughing oh to them okay possibly that's this way last night and we died it's very possible tripping unicorn thanks for the season they're so fast like cracked out can we always come oh okay oh jesus bad for my life it's i'm afraid i can hit you is friendly fire on it i'm pretty sure it is because i killed you yesterday yeah that's why i'm trying to not get too close yeah god you go crackhead you do you oh i'm a big boy just subscribe thank you [Laughter] look at him he's doing laughs just a statement he's fast it's very dark oh i hit him early see give me my arrow back you [ __ ] i just want your teeth and my arrow come on oh nice there's a little baby on the ground sonic the crackhead so instead of chat oh [ __ ] all right that's arrows back your teeth give me your teeth look at the babies why the hell are these babies like what's this got like a coffee anymore oh my god really yeah jeez oh you're going into them wait no i think we're good there's only two oh jesus well maybe like you oh i'm out of energy please just die to my low energy swings watch out kevin the other one's liking you this one's a bit clumsy thank god okay i need some energy if you can handle him go down it's it's kind of creepy the way they run at you when they don't scream because they just like hustle over here why do these things have like control thank you so much for the sub sorry max i interrupted you what were you saying oh look at all this money oh oh we're rich right now yeah this is going to be really upset there's like loads of really deep puns here yeah there really is mind the accent cloth yeah i'm just afraid of wasting it it's the only thing where do you even get cloth from because i've not noticed picking it up but obviously like a red dude like a red thing and you just find it like on the ground and stuff yeah the totems tend to have them ah and uh suitcases dad mattel og thank you for the sub sorry i know i got your name wrong what's this on the floor here what is this i found boxes boxes nothing in them now this is one of the most disappointing things that have happened to me today other than when you said yes to streaming with me i was just asking you out of politeness [Laughter] there's tnt on the ground here if you want it what is that yeah it's annoying because i was going to use some earlier but i was like no i don't want to waste it and now we can't carry anymore can we build a box at the house and store it i don't know maybe i hear some evil cackles oh profit thank you for the sub eat max i'm planning on it why do you think i brought him to this cave [ __ ] i didn't move my mic max look ball oh he's taking out the [ __ ] thing good advice i'm just worried i'll run out of cloth all right another ball oh we should get a dog yes is that it are we leaving already well it looks like it i carry it thank you for the sub you're too nice cloth only in suitcases someone said and on the token polls yeah true oh god back [ __ ] hell jesus christ you're strong max you just destroyed those rocks and knocked him out where are your teeth thank you very much for the the kind words found any teeth in a while oh oh oh he's laughing at my jokes he's obviously seen my newest video no that can't be genuine laughter miss dj thank you for the sub does the blocking actually work you're just hitting with the ball before where's his teeth okay this doesn't i just want his teeth kitten thanks for the sub you're after everyone's teeth dude you gotta stop it every time i meet up with max in person he's immediately pulling out my teeth which way are we going pliers yeah let's go that way wait there's what is this this is what i smash to get in here oh okay oh no finky hand are you kevin you might need to eat something oh me honky yeah he's a snacky everything has oh yeah looks safe oh no oh no dynamite adam from yeah let's chuck dynamite down we can go back and get some more all right where is it oh that does not hurt you forgot to lit it i've done that so many times he's in the bottom corner just underneath there yeah oh smart [ __ ] oh no he ran on top of yours you know thank you for the sub very nice of you oh he's there he's walking a little bit slower catch yeah i think this is a good fall yeah is he dead he's dead he blows a million pieces now for the babies jack something thanks for the sub die babies wait oh god jesus scared me full oh god reindeer thank you for the sub give me your baby jesus god he's obsessed we got to go back and grab that dynamite at some point oh yeah shut up babies what the hell silent all of you fall out no numbers thank you for the sun ah you okay oh oh oh you all right there oh my health's a bit low let me just get some paracetamol uh genesis aberrance thank you for the sub there's nothing even down here is that what's the point are you serious unless i'm missing something i've just been jumping around on these babies oh what's this there's something here kevin what what's he found oh what the hell is this a camera camera but we can use the tapes in the camera ah then we can watch them i thought we were vlogging i can't get out of this now okay yeah he just held it up for me for ages for some reason like oh what ah quite hungy i'm not too bad now uh that's dynamite uh do you remember where it is it was just down this rope and i don't think the rope is very long uh john orton thank you so much for the sub this way yeah it's down here right definitely just over here yes okay i'm full now i picked up two i think that's all there is i like what these ideas for vlogs you guys are making that oh it's a ball this one home oh god there's some dark ideas for videos in there with our new camcorder i'm going up wrong x out i hope there's nothing up here waiting for me if there is they're being very quiet so i think i'm okay yeah i seem to be okay i wonder where we're actually gonna come out after this thanks for the birthday wishes guys appreciate it my money's on cannibal civilization probably polluted water oh bats those bats are [ __ ] nasty like it's it's well done to be fair because it does give you a little spook but it is very loud must be the way out this is a very low cave oh look at this a trip rope you want to trip it oh no it's just a rope down i thought it was a trap i didn't swim down you reckon this was the way we came in um oh they're giving you happy birthday wishes as well oh thanks guys you remembered i don't think it is yeah this doesn't look familiar let's take a quick look happy birthday to everyone in chat as well happy birthday guys appreciate you happy birthday hmm no teeth came out no it's like a pinata but for teeth all this medicine there's medicine very nice uh we got candy bars did you need candy yeah why not found new clothing outfit do i look good what the hell are you wearing oh yes i see it now we are cold wait do i have that white cloak on too we both have you do but yours is all stained with blood oh that's sad we can just wash it in the water these are new outfits dude we can never change it's too perfect you really need to watch midsummer you really like it watch it at some point oh look at this this would be so nice oh the babies would love that oh yeah we should bring it to them of course we find cult robes really liking this game i didn't expect it at all no i didn't either i think it's just the fact that i've every time i've tried games like rust and such i just can't get into it yeah i have that exact same problem yeah this one speaks to me you know ethon on axe right up my alley fluffy laser wolf gave me 500 bits and said buy max a pint when this is all over oh god i guess it's a night of intense drinking for us yeah there's never one point when this kind of thing happens thank you very much normally let's see how much we can drink until one of us passes out the only thing we didn't think of is how are we going to find our way oh we buy the containers max now i'm all sticky how is that mine it's not but you need to fix it my drink leaked just run yourself under the tap okay uh terrible lamb thanks for the sob um that was so sad how did it even come out oh the top was loose it's a little screw action top and it was loose pesky thing hold on max let's just stay out here vulnerable in the dark while i fix my my thing that sounds lovely all right i think my boat is somewhere nearby here what did they say again here's bits to get max 12 shots a year was that it that was exactly what it was i'm pretty sure it's caesar it's just like social experiment let's see what happens if you give next 12 shots a day [Laughter] something that's definitely nothing good i'm looking for that thank you for the bit something you have to yeah there's culturals in every game we play apparently found all these snacks because i'm really low on energy zen thank you very much for the sub someone's like this is a cult question max oh you've only just realized i see oh those are not good berries do not eat those did i ever tell you that um someone bought the some of my merch and they were explaining it to their mother and then their mom was like actually worried that it was like a cult thing and they were like no no like it's all a joke uh age moist thank you for the sub they were like it's all a joke like it's not like a serious thing and then she was apparently saying that like oh just be careful because a lot of these things this is how it starts you know it's just a life situation and it's just a joke haha and then it gets serious very fast [Laughter] i found that very funny but like you know it probably will go that way anyway max now that funny story is over let's gather around the campfire while chanting in front of thousands of people that's a great argument [Laughter] put some food on there for you thank you rigid rose thank you for the sub wonder how yours is covered in blood which is that's because i'm slightly indominus that's kind of peaceful let me burn some money some of this college money i'm gonna hate you tom thank you for the cheer get your meat don't forget it otherwise it will burn yes thank you oh no put out that are we able to sleep we should be oh why did i eat beforehand i'm gonna wake up hungry oh there's water in our turtle shell oh very good willow the wisp thanks for the sub don't we have a second thing to do a rain catcher with uh yeah i've got two let's put another one out probably not a bad idea it's one for each of us when we wake up you know oh did i not sleep or did okay sorry my bad it's it's weird because when you move your mouth it it stops there we go drawn system thank you very much for the wait did it sleep for you yes oh it did for me as well but it didn't go black that was so weird so what happened it just swapped it just swapped to daytime that's funny so random uh what were you after building um we just built the stairs we want those defensive things investing in the call thank you senors all right well i get back to um fixing this wall um wait oh there's a bird right there max shoot it out of it it's one oh what a hit he must have been two maybe even three feet away what just happened there i don't know what happened with that alert but thanks whoever just wait why is that donated or something i think i may have set off the trap when i was picking up the bird uh flying lamb is what that spit acid jesus christ thank you for the biz flying llamas it's spitting yeah it's very specific uh yeah we need to reset the trap i'm just seeing if um i can see what that message said oh stone angel thanks so much for the 35 bucks thanks for all the laughs please check out this poem i wrote for you and the fans i will read that once this is once this stream is over appreciate it uh alpha chin thank you for the bits this is for a baby guinness and a couple of jaeger bars oh no i'm not baby guinness oh yes oh it's going to be fun when this quarantine's over i'll tell you that much oh no potato thanks for the song uh mexican alcohol poisoning i don't know what happened one moment he was fine mr volume yeah me hungry me thirsty oh drink out of the shell boy oh while i put another fresh rabbit on the fire for ya that's it thank you for the donation there you go there's some meat on there actually i'll put two can i drink this rain water i'm gonna drink it right it was fine i'm ash thanks for the sub oh there's enough for two sips as well apparently i thought you said two simps and i was like what are you trying to say two things like we're just simping over turkey please notice it is there food on the fire yeah there is okay ah buddy rabbit die more food brian kevin i'm trying i put did you not get both of them oh yes the second one just cooked thank you they're bunnies all right let me just close the store a few times yeah it seems to be fine yeah it's all good broken yep it's all good it's all good uh what were you saying about rocks is it a rock bag or a stick bag which one were we going on about what we like can we make it can we make a bag to carry something and i completely forgot what it was you did as well okay yeah i can't remember i don't know what it was that's fine raven rory thank you for the bits i must say the other irish lights can learn a thing or two from max volume you are correct not everyone can be maximum volume all the time katrin thank you for the bits how long has max dealt with your cult ways how long have we known each other max um you days what year was first egx 2015 i think it was before that turkey is the one well we knew each other before we went to egx anyway yeah something after thank you for the bits oh should we say 2014 no i would have been longer than that as well i'd say about 2012 2013 probably yeah something like mr rover thanks for the bits whether it'd be cool so jesus all right well that's what put it down eight years kevin eight years how have you survived dude i don't know how i get old you've aged horribly in the years i've known you and now i know why it's because of me you're aging me it's like when someone gets a presidency thank you for the donation build rabbit traps and rabbit cage to breed rabbits well we've got a rabbit cage but i don't know how to actually catch them divine coconut thank you for the time i didn't make the actual trap i only built the cage so i think that's probably why divine court gave bits and said investing in the hangover this is the fond now felix here's the trap kevin i found the trap to make a business ah yes yes yes let me just catch the end of that message i need sticks kevin i need lots of sticks all the sticks i i don't know if that about that business idea but you do you um sorry what were you saying with sticks you want sticks i need sticks kevin i need sticks what are you doing with the sticks because i'm making a rabbit sticks into something oh that does sound good actually yeah sticks quite a lot but then we get rabbits infinite rabbits yes which is never a bad thing i keep forgetting the hole is right here there we go i got i got some sticks will i just add them to your thing yeah yeah yeah please all right mostly thank you for the debates and said drink responsibly we'll try max gets a bit out of hand i'm always there to reign him in yeah i never encourage him at all you've never once encouraged me to go on just have another one left i've never never never no it doesn't sound like me actually i remember one of the the twitch londoners that we went to yeah the one where we got lost on our own because we were really drunk yeah i remember coming out the bathroom and kevin was just standing next to two glasses and he'd filled them like halfway up with this clear liquid and then he just like downed it and i went kevin and then he just looks around he's like what dude it's just water and i was like oh oh i thought it was god it's like are you mad nightmare ashley thanks for the sub yeah i remember because um what i did was i had two glasses on the counter and i had one filled with water like half filled would say so a lot of water and then when he came out i had the vodka just pouring in the second one and then i like closed it up and then i took the one full with water and took a massive swing and i was like come on max he's like no actually have a lot of terrible drinking stories yes not like terrible like ending badly not too many anyway but um [Laughter] there are also a few of those yeah we don't we don't get into any real trouble no only with ourselves yeah yeah this is self-inflicted harm maniac fleabag thank you for giving a sob to aloha oh i got so much tree sap now that tree sap collector's actually paying dividends only jesus seven more sticks oh there we go we want more i can't really remember any other things that stick out short but sweet the the vegas one before we went out was pretty bad where we'd run out of mixes so we just decided to um we mixed the last of the vodka with just orange juice because that's all there was yeah lifted by me thanks for the sub sorry for dropping oh and uh and then we proceeded to drink about half a bottle of vodka in two glasses with just orange juice yeah but that was not nice one brutal station yeah cause that was the only mixer we had but we didn't have much of it so we had to go like it was like picture having like vodka and orange juice but flip them around so there was a tiny bit of orange juice and a lot of vodka uh the witch bree winter thank you for the uh bits yeah that that was nice all right most certainly was not wilkin thanks for the sub it was a good night though that was a fun night yes oh i remembered the best part of that all night see um the bit in the we went to this like bear club i don't know what it was a complete dive bear they were playing the worst 90s music stuff i'd never even heard of and uh there was this part where uh me and max were just drinking and dancing and we we were like in the middle of the the pub we'll say there was a big kind of area in front of the screen it was playing the music and then we were dancing together and literally a circle formed around us as we danced i'm not even exaggerating there were so many witnesses this actually happened a circle formed around us it was such a weird night out yeah i realized that like a circle had formed and i was like what the [ __ ] is like out of a movie or something so i started doing this dance around like this and like putting my leg in and out and then someone next to me a woman booed me and they all went back to doing what they were doing oh the same night that he lifted up henry and swung him around in that club and the woman next to me just got really enjoyed it and she suddenly went out like a small like enjoyable noise about you swinging henry around she really liked it strange no that was funny when you got to get all your enjoyment out just express yourself in one noise just a quick little uh hype train noise i didn't know what to do i don't think she herself knew what she was feeling that was the real issue yeah that's it i feel like like our friend henry gets picked up every single time we go drinking no matter what happens he will get picked up sorry i need to cough into the mic there need more bones we haven't had visitors i'm kind of glad i don't like when we have visitors i've just locked myself up i don't think either of us have any armor now kevin i think it's both it's always off because they're like the outer circle with the little things that's your armor our robes will protect your smacks do not worry i really wanted to bring my [ __ ] uh thing the cart thing because i keep just running the logs but i've just been kind of looking at the chat even though all they're saying is bones right now anyways i don't know is it the wind i i don't know it's similar it must have been a strong i'm bringing the car i don't know sounds like bones yeah i thought so those have a very distinct noise okay i think that's all done now i mean now i've brought the cart it's all done i mean we can always use more logs uh i think we need more of these defensive walls though so i'm gonna put them down those are tall ones or the short ones the little short ones um like the the little spike sorry on the side oh on the side yeah i'm liking our little um what's it what was the name fort turg fort turk yeah i like fort terry yeah that's good that's good um is that burger gonna die for my tree i didn't oh you that's a weird way of hunting improved all right almost there how many logs do you need for that bad boy uh it's all sticks and stones we need to break your bones bones bones oh my god kill the bird can i remove traps or if i destroy it will they just be gone because i'd like to move them they're a bit too close to the wall it might be a tool to do that i don't know there is a repair tool let's make actually um where are you there you are i just gotta minimize a second uh moma bananas thank you very much for the sub uh wait who's that linked inc is going to bed everyone say good night to linked inc in the chat good night sleeping uh hadaratsu thank you for the sub you missed the stream you look very ominous just standing on that rock i think on birds are flying to me great that's just the power i have as the leader to be fair if someone was like i can show you the way and put out their arm and a bird flew right onto it i think i'd have to believe him anything else need fixing behind besides our heart tina i don't think so okay well i've got the repair tool now logan thanks for the bits and um i think thanks for the message i see what you mean about this trap being in a very dumb place yeah it's not very useful anymore i think i can just rebuild it yeah i don't think it was that much to build chance thank you for the sub i'm just gonna tweet out my my video um what did you upload today kevin minecraft harry potter oh good show yep yep because max played it with our other friends and i wasn't invited so i had to play it alone so yeah um let's see how far did you get quite far playing that sweet coffee thanks for the sub um i've gotten as far as potions i don't i think that was our next thing yeah so i'm further than you guys so i'm i'm i guess better than all of you guys combined if i did i suppose yourself and i have four people did you do the defense against the dark arts bit where you have to fight those skeletons and stuff at the end yeah yeah did he die a lot or was that just me uh will did okay because i feel like um uh major tom thank you very much for the [ __ ] it's probably a lot easier with more people yeah i feel like it wasn't suited to do it alone because i was getting destroyed i think i died twice or three times on it he was going to take me um dude these birds are so dumb they keep landing on me and do you keep killing them every time you just eat them straight off straight off the wait what is that oh it's a feather um straight off the air might say i think we can keep this trap this trap is okay it's just that one yeah that one's all in the way how do you get rocks they're on the floor also you just literally pick them up oh spider die i haven't seen any spiders yet it was under the rock sneaky boy so you literally just look around for rocks and pick them up yeah there's loads of them they're all scattered around on the oh okay i got a bunny oh yeah they seem to be everywhere logan smokes steve what should we call it our first bunny oh god i hope the retail is treating you well and i would name that bones ah bones come on bones so do you have a cage wait should we not have this in our house like they're just going to eat him aren't they i don't know let's leave him overnight another stick to reset the trap i wish there was a search option for yeah you know for for stuff you know a bone basket oh that would be so good like not a basket made out of bones like a basket for storing bones oh for putting the bones in yeah yeah yeah that'd be nice chewbacca thank you for the sub someone said you can make a a birdhouse oh you can you can get feathers oh my god this house is a [ __ ] burn mansion it's huge oh jesus christ okay everything's right max thank you for the warning do you want me to reset this uh yeah i guess so that was so loud jesus christ i was just perplexed by the the bird mansion mr barbarian thanks for the song oh that was genuine terror i didn't know what was happening okay got it okay if you have any sticks you can finish off this i know we need it for the wall thing but wait i found something uh logan smokes thank you for the bits uh all right let me get that message again sorry i didn't catch the end of it um i'm done in retail now i'll reduce how's quarantine and yes i'll give a shout out to your girl sarah and max will too hi sarah there you go uh my quarantine's been all right i think i'm quite lucky that i keep getting to work and everything like my work is largely unchanged and i'm streaming a lot so it's been fun how about you max how's quarantine been treating you um i get to play a lot more video games than i would normally is that a good or a bad thing though that's the question um i know i've told you this before but just before this quarantine hit i uh i said um i was like oh i wish i had more time to spend at home yeah boy did i not know what i was getting in for maniac fleabag thank you for gifting a sub to share yeah that's the thing i was kind of the same i was like i've been traveling so much to do like like i just done the two-point hospital thing um and just been moving around a lot uh king top thank you for the sub which can get kind of tiring not only from the traveling but working ahead on videos and stuff and uh i i kind of needed a break and then this happened and i was like oh jesus christ you don't know what you got till it's gone well i'm fortunate enough we've got a garden in the back so yeah true and at least now sorry what were you saying at least i'll just hang out and be in the garden and take in the sun bottle gamer thanks for the sub um oh and uh max me honky honky monkey we just there's something to these are doing pretty good now god rocks really are just everywhere they seem to just appear when you turn around left some food on the fire cooking don't forget to eat it okay thank you very much yeah they seem to spawn very frequently now we just need to like i've definitely gone over here before they're just spawning yeah gta 5 rp and i probably will at some point but it's so hard to get on to servers and gta 5 rp and then sometimes you join and they're just not good and yeah like i tried to get white listed on that one um no pixel or whatever it was but i couldn't seem to get a touch of people but oh well what can you do okay we just need sticks on this side now yeah i've just been putting rocks on everything yeah because they seem to be easier to come by worry about sticks later okay me very hungry there's food on the fire me honky eats the food on the fire the puss is in my mouth don't make it in your mouth okay oh god it's an oil you can't go around there oop yeah see what you mean rocks are just [ __ ] everywhere yeah it's time for bed bedtime feet more rocks on here i don't know if it's good to eat before bed like i don't think it is but it just seems like my hunger goes way down again so i need to stop doing that more rabbits to put on there we go i took another little sip there's still more water to sip on that's good leave it for the morning sipping on water honey thank you for the bits all my water is empty i've got like three bottles for water we did play totally reliable delivery service on um stream uh one evening but uh we've got another game that moving moving out game uh that we actually got codes for um we should give it a go it'd be fun uh yeah that'll be good i think i realized today that you got two codes but i think i have to play that locally and do it through steam oh remote play okay yeah actually gave me codes as well whenever we play it to give away on stream so i have a few to give away i'm not sure how much they gave me i just saw they replied because i asked for some is it not your bedtime yet no is it yours oh yeah mine's already up what i don't know we're out of sync why are you so sleepy oh it's been a long day yeah but we've not been attacked in ages yeah i see we're pretty safe now wait i think anything will come and touch us in a while yep we're a hundred percent safe someone said throw dynamite at the trees instead of chopping them that's a big brain idea i like that idea but a couple more rocks there you know while i'm here yeah i should collect more rocks too that the wind was bloody loud yeah maybe that was the noise i got earlier i just kind of made a really loud noise yeah thank you for the sub that's mytheranier i think your name is all of these have rocks uh no the side is like about half done might as well grab some more while we're running around yeah oh it's just luggage i thought there's so many hammers around for all the spots you might need to take the uh the cart out and fill it up with sticks maybe yeah that might be a good idea i'm not sure if you can do that take all the sticks we need in there i'm not sure if you can put them in there if not i think you can make a stick bag a stick bag would be nice i'd like a bag made out of sticks though i might need i'll make a step back stick back almost there with the rocks it looks like my sleep thing is a good bit off so i'm not sure how that happened a stick bag anyway for when we fix i can carry that would be a basket good point bone bag would be better though once we start breeding rabbits oh we should breed stones ah they're already breeding like crazy and there's so many everywhere sophilia thanks for the bits now for the trap kevin i will i will i don't want to get jump scared by that again that was [ __ ] terrifying to be honest okay i think we have enough rocks ah i think i'm still there on the front oh yeah you got them all yeah nice logan smokes thank you for the bits get about 100 sticks next time thank you very much for that um i'm playing with max his name is max volume hello despite him not being maximum volume right now ajk thank you for the sub we sleep yet how many sticks do we need per thing eight okay like 80s that's a lot of sticks a stick bag get you some rabbit skin in the morning shallow bath can't you for the sub sorry i don't really know how to pronounce your name hmm it's still quite a way off um i'm going to sit on the street it's like one fifth less left ignis thank you for the sub someone asked are we still going to play more projects on board are we done we'll probably play more of it at some point will we yeah i think we need to sort of like pick a point on a map and go on an adventure in that yeah otherwise we get very stuck at home yeah you know and you get a bit restless when you be stuck at home like that i guess we should eat this food then if we're not yet delicious burnt food nothing for my it's still delicious but nothing for my energy levels if that happens yeah i don't think it actually harms you it just doesn't give you any energy like it doesn't go up yeah all the dried rabbit's done let me just eat that instead i was so confused there on my heart or my stomach it looks like there's a hammer in it i was like what does that mean but it's just like behind my heart symbol or the the hunger symbol i'm gonna go out and find some logs branches those branches right in front here you silly goose never mind i heard a scream i'm coming back yep come on back home god that sounded demonic home sweetheart yeah that was a fun adventure i'll just close the doors what the hell was that it's quite shrill look they've got so much island to wander around could they just [ __ ] off we must look really tasty oh we must we're a bit of a snack all right fell in there thanks for the sub just the wind people are saying all right let's let's go back it's definitely a very screechy wind oh yeah wait what is that what i swear i see something over i gotta see what that is hold on i said no kevin you've watched horror films this is how people die yeah this is oh it's just a dude it's fine he's just wondering logan smokes thanks for the bits sounded like jack when you say pineapple on pizza is bad did did i say i don't remember saying that people are putting jack words in your mouth yeah oh look he's out there again sir oh tell him about the cult kevin come join our call let me tell you about it um welcome to fort dark yes something after thank you for the bits you want to come into fort turg okay i think he might actually want to come in banks thank you for the bits back off wait he has a flashlight wait he's a flashlight come here come here oh he's on his way oh if only we had her spike set up i literally missed every shot there okay max i'm dying i am dead max oh god can you help me up he might hit you so watch out yeah he's he's friendly oh he's friendly okay thank you very much he's just kicking the the the shed now what the hell is his problem really running oh jesus let's go over to the trap good idea do you see where he went no do you think he's gone inside oh no he's here hey buddy hey what is he doing oh he really hates structures for it okay stop it thank you for that stop it oh good fighting max you stop that oh yes it worked yes got my arrow as well bastard is that a torch on his head there should be a torch where did he go up there too we're bringing him inside oh you've got his head yeah i just closed the door so that we can hear it a few more times yeah i mean let's see oh he's a human torch now ow sorry somehow hit me while decapitating him i hid nowhere near you that time too how decomposed we have to get him i don't know how do we get his flashlight there goes my bone armor why is he might need his bones actually i don't understand do we have to me honky funky yeah i i'm more in a leg sort of mood right now oh dear where is the flashlight did you pick it off no i don't think i did either i can't he definitely had one he took it out and clicked it did he it's not that thing on his head then no like he actually took something out and clicked it holding out on us the best there's nothing around though there was there was a click what the [ __ ] was that what the hell is going on i'm fixing things oh look at you [Laughter] he could be your lamp indeed thanks logan for the pits i am really really hungry wait where'd the food go oh i think the fire went out put some money on there cash money all right once i'm more in an iron mood now it how it just changes from one moment to the next yeah yeah yeah it is isn't it it is [ __ ] mad oh um i think someone's outside aloha thank you for the bits you saying hello to them and yeah hawaiians aloha come on in i went outside i swear i heard something um clouds look menacing today oh they do teddy gucci thank you very much evan you sensed rain thank you for the nice message too did i oh my god i'm like one of those animals that knows what's happening before it happens can we go to sleep yet yes oh you can put the limbs on the drying rack as well apparently oh now me hungy do you want to try and some of that moving out game yeah we could do that for a bit yeah we could do a save and just take a quick little look at it uh let me do a save as well thank you this game yeah definitely save let me check how many teeth i have nine teeth kevin okay when we come back nine teeth that's how we'll remember if it's saved or not yeah and keep them counted you know nine gamer tips thanks for the sub all right exit to main menu um yeah it's all saved folks don't worry god we did a lot of progress we have a proper like fourth now that was always the goal to get the was wasn't it i'm proud of what we accomplished thanks for all the advice in the chat as well this it makes it a lot easier yeah trust me the games it's all right because it gives you sort of what you can combine your items with yeah but at the same time you don't really know where you can craft until you've crafted it once yes yes um ah i okay we we can play it but i can't actually give away the codes until the 28th so until release date yeah it's not actually released yet but they said i can play it so all right well stick around then be here on the 28th i guess what day is the 28th tuesday i might be on tuesday i'll see but yeah i'll give them out as soon as i can um so it'll be remote play we have to use oh it's nice and small the game yeah this game looks really fun i've always wanted to remove houses you know oh yes always while you get that set up i'm gonna go grab some water real quick okey doke um there we go updated information uh emmy thank you for the bits you're usually such an agent chaos in this game it's the most cooperative i've ever seen yeah i'm getting quite invested in it it's very it's very very fun let me see okay i have the game now let me get it up i you may have seen this on my channel i did a video where i said uh i make bad content or something there was three games in it and one of them was like a little moving game and there was ghosts chasing and stuff you remember it and uh it seems really fun but that was a demo the full game is out now and uh you can actually play co-op so me and max gonna give it a go um it seems like a funny game but we'll just play a bit of it see what it's like have you played dead by daylight i have played a bit of it i like it it's a good game i'm really really bad at it though like super bad moves so much better since the accident [Laughter] what the hell it's like they knew could you hear that what the hell that was so on point logan thank you for the bits now people are going to think you're moving out irl yeah what the hell it's like that was planned maria thank you for the bits i appreciate the message as well oh thank you for the hype train as well i just realized since the hype train is here i'll do level one since max isn't here well it's really far away um let me get this on screen for you actually yeah i'm sure it doesn't matter if i get up now divine coconut thank you for the cheer saying i like simpsons i like simpsons too oh i had so much fun doing that that video is so weird yeah sorry i wasn't showing you the game because i was then i was going to invite max first and set it up but they i don't think it matters let's see new game slot one i assume i'll just invite him here there is a hype train i already did level one don't worry oh good job oh i'm calling you on steam oh good i like chatting on my favorite place to call people not ringing idiot wanted two that's us thanks for the bits i made a discord bought a gym i wanted to show you i need to look that up i don't know how to do it though um are you using keyboard yeah amy and thanks for the bits is that have you got a controller yeah very cool probably going to be one of the teams that's easier on control look stop controller shaming me okay so easy chair sandals thank you for the bits that's a level two hype train max can you do level two is that okay hold on let me take a good step back here and hope that my mic still picks it up okay okay very good good job out there wait what is this look at that big big big big big big body i like it um how do i waffles oh my god that is lovely oh i'm gonna have a little pet i made this color this game is already unusual we love this game a divine coconut thank you for the five gifted subs that that did work i don't know what's going on with my notifications right now but thank you very much for those gifted subs i saved this look do i just yeah okay cool oh look max it's all stancing it's not there yeah that's how it went all right i think i'm ready uh yep okay great great great all the hype why all the hype built too yeah what the hell is this i need to turn this up can you hear it no mankind has been anointing and lifting up okay i guess this was taped over someone's wedding video i guess that was the idea it just didn't come across very well step to becoming a certified furniture arrangement and relocation technician ah wait a second wanted to be in all your farms yourself gee i don't know anything about moving furniture well you're in luck this training module will provide all the necessary information what about the video we don't need tutorials i know what we're doing i've moved things left mouse button we've tried kicking them really this way i'm just smacking things around okay lt for me yeah well done fantastic job over there over a year it makes the dream work i'm gonna put my back out by moving this couch very good job i'm just wheeling along i don't even care in the world i keep getting stuck on things so i don't even know what things they are you can also throw items but don't worry these foxes are trained for this oh god most of it thank you very much for the five gifted subs good job max the most for the kind thank you nope wait what oh oh the hype train max it reached number three you got this oh it's on the three yeah it's very good i like how it goes one two three steadily and once four and five get here fragile objects oh we have to catch them because they're fragile yep nice what's your name thanks for the cheer ghost slap him out of the way if he gets too close who you're gonna call i ain't a poop don't cross the street he was friendly what are you doing to him you're abusing the dead oh i was confused i was like moving my mouse but you're moving my mouth no i was trying to get rid of it i was like how did it come back to the middle here because i think there might be other controls but that's my i have to use those yeah yeah no that's fine so i'm sorry if you see a mouse everyone that's my controls one second you did it you're and whoever has lots of symbols thank you very much for gifting congratulations there in the chat your skills meet the minimum legal requirements just oh we're legal yep let's go ah so qualified for this job flashy dragon thank you for the bits we're almost ready for drive the truck kevin wait i'm driving i hope so uh let's see all right let's get the smooth moves moving truck moving for five times for the sauce smooth moves moving truck moving smooth moves moving truck moving smooth moves moving truck moving smooth moves moving truck moving was that fine yeah you impressed everyone dude pulse brandon thank you for the sub oh i'm driving oh you were driving along super squirrel thanks for that sorry i kind of missed your name though caitlyn shadow thanks for the subscribe back there oh it's level four hype train hold on okay i'm gonna do a loud one as loud as i can without the megaphone so get ready it's coming okay what are you doing moving all right here it comes sarah warrior wario thank you very much for the um bits okay that's as loud as i can go oh nice driving right started gaming thanks for the the sub all right we are going to do this like moving uh trying to get gold everywhere yes definitely we gotta get gold come on okay the frog go over the sun move that furniture get this i give the couch an old spank oh keep going all right swing it frog maiden thanks for that all right there you go for no time [Laughter] we want this tv fine flying lamb is that spit acid thank you for the sub the two people job do we just need to get everything yeah just move it all out okay oh my god i've got the fridge yep rock tv thank you for the bits do you ever plan on opening up your animal crossing i i think it was just leave that there hold on kevin i'll come help you with that fridge okay hold on let me oh wait we can throw i forgot okay let's grab it at mandy thank you very much for the sub how do i grab the other side of it i don't know use my long arm how do we swing [ __ ] i think i should hold the throw button oh my god what is going on there's waffles everywhere dude you're waffling everywhere becky boo thank you for the sub oh stop hitting me i'm in a wheelchair dude what the [ __ ] that's a hate crime all right there get this table in while we're here okay now the fridge fell out again hold on get it back in there i'm still all right okay all right almost got it thank you again for the cheer symbols i'm just going to call you symbols sorry all right what else do you need um this box someone left on the toilet oh god oh god the hype train's almost here you got to finish it fast ali win thank you for the sub gotta finish the move max otherwise you're gonna be on your own in a second hold on i've got the barbecue which is still on fire it's going in i grab this clock okay i can't take the clock we don't need the clock what about the deck here yes yep wait oh jesus what about the tv what am i trying to bring it indoors come on we almost have it oh god max i need my megaphone okay get your ears ready he's moving [ __ ] oh god the tv fell out wildest beast thank you for the sub oh god oh god it's opening okay keep going get ready i think we don't need the flamingos all right i'm going out into traffic can't the real slim shady thanks for the donation [Laughter] god i just had this table in there too because people are not ready for my megaphone all right i'm coming i don't think we're going to get gold robin pinkos thanks for the song and at this rate i'd be proud if we got bronze yeah i think even just finishing it what else do we need no no this doesn't fit of course we need the bed let me grab the other side thank you for the stuff hold on all right let's throw it okay how do we troll all right just pivot it okay pivot just pivot pivot all right don't worry we still we're still getting silver right away thank you very much you got to throw it on top kevin you ready okay wait how did we do that oh my god good job kevin all right oh this is the last thing this is the last thing we need next thank you for the cheer very kind of you thanks for making my ears bleed no problem okay bread moves wait who's driving uh what a great workout i broke a [ __ ] hard to go thank you very much for the bits this is that's asmr it is indeed that wasn't bad we're only 10 seconds off gold i think we could do that we were 23 seconds off it 20 what 23 we were well off it it's impossible bonuses don't break the weight why do you have to run alongside the truck that's how i get my workout no okay fair enough had a rash dude thank you very much for the bits you want to try to bring down our time or should we try a different one no we move on we have more houses we have more houses we have to attend to corner mike thank you very much for the sub our people have referred their friends why why would you do that ah pepperoni palace pepperoni palace all right let us go i'm a european i apologize got all over the road it's the territory ape thank you very much for the sub oh my god i just flipped that thing into the sky all right we are here good this place looks good got me dina thank you very much for the sub all right thanks for the hype train guys appreciate it there's pizza all over the bed these are my kind of people oh this is why they call it pepperoni palace let's go chief come on all right get that pizza we need the bed holy [ __ ] laguna thank you very much for the uh five thousand bits trying to work out the background sorry i wasn't even looking laguna's been generous pivot cheer sandals i agree thank you for the bits all right let's get ready to just chuck it into the back of the truck ready destroy defense yeah let's go wait all right there you go perfect okay thank you very much for the song i feel like we got it oh how did you do that or was that me i just pressed q but i don't know what it would be for you oh okay falling stream thank you for the sun getting stuck on objects oh god this corner coach is too much i'm coming to help with the corner account one second i've got a table maybe you get the armchair and then we'll come back in for the couch magic alex thank you very much for the cheer oh [ __ ] it help oh this is making my eggos pop oh god that sounds so wrong yeah i've got a gnome uh and they're shells thank you for showing up bring the nose pretty much for the 500 bits i caught the gnome before it made it oh i tried to smash it going all over the place we're ready for the corn again no no i've we found it like that all right go around yep yep yeah pivot yeah yeah all right look at that okay all right yeah hold on all hold on this might not fit all right hold on let me grab the other side a guy called the cat thank you for the cheer all right sorry hold on just okay yeah perfectly go around there you go oh yeah don't worry about the lawn snake yep they keep going almost there and not quite yeah all right just a bit more magic alex thank you again for the bits okay this one's causing a bit of bother all right just chuck it one second i'm behind the truck this is too much okay pivot okay you got it yeah it's in just leave it like that don't move yeah just don't touch it i i press q again wait what is oh i found a turtle oh we can make a gold bit of water with that yes oh jesus christ why is everything so heavy fit into the truck there's so much pizza it all has to go into the truck you say oh my god dude there's so much [ __ ] but this turtle is attacking me now he's pissed at me just because i threw him into the goals all right kevin through the window oh wait hold on here you go do we actually need to take this all right yeah we need that oh wait turtle why is he upset but you're going that way get out of here spank the turtle spank him i'll spank it yeah i don't think it's gonna have any effect not working what's he even trying to do to be annoying and it's working i'll help you know okay i need help with this no with the table it heavy uh blue the the big red dog sorry my headphones are broken so every time you speak it sounds like there's two of you which is chaotic oh god the megaphone will sound awful thank you for the bits all right we have to shove it in there you ready to throw it yeah please go on the other end okay okay ready sand dude thanks for the sub yes swing going again oh my god we're strong i love how the gnome is just sitting in there we don't even need him honestly turtle come here come into traffic come on let's throw him into the traffic i'm really trying but you can't pick him up can you yeah you can i'm pretty sure you can throw him oh oh you can't throw him into traffic ah i'm really trying they didn't want you to murder and yeah anything for their precious age rating this game should be rated r we're doing good that was a good throw yeah you get the right strategy just throwing [ __ ] out there and then put it in afterwards what game is this it's just called moving out it's new it's not out yet it's out on the 28th i think god damn it it's really hard to aim with this you're struggling i almost made it into the truck who barbecues pizza my favorite it doesn't seem like it should be a thing a turtle honestly [ __ ] off either get in the truck or [ __ ] off one or the other this guy he's obsessed with me he really likes you can you hit you oh just a fridge okay i'm gonna need a hand just load all this other stuff in okay this is gonna fit is it just the fridge it is a thing i've never heard of barbecue pizza barbecue pee that doesn't sound awful yeah i mean i guess it works but it's just it doesn't sound like the most appealing part of the world we might have to chuck this okay you ready ready go ahead here we go oh [ __ ] we are strong this doesn't match it all in the turtle bit me that means he likes you and i like him too i'm going to go bite him back just annoying on the shelf [Music] deliver the turtle oh we could have put them in there barbecue pizza is great really do come true it's a new employee dazzle hoof oh we unlocked the unicorn very good all right let's thank you for the sub that's canils thank you very much all right what was this called um oh my god look at that great driving deja vu it's like that video do you know going to the store the one where he's driving the car mr movie thank you very much for the sob tattoo good animation loved it oh it was fantastic okay the client said not to break their things we'll be careful just kidding they paid for moving insurance oh fantastic at that point just like the house on fire you know streets to me oh look at that four kevin here i'll drag it to the window okay i'll catch the other side i'll catch the other side we're going to be efficient this time all right out the window okay oh [ __ ] slam it oh yeah there you go and again there oh i'm on the wrong side got it and oh okay hold up is it not working oh there we go oh there we go yeah always on the first throw and then we'll be good yeah oh oh piani we'll go straight at the front door with this bad boy let's go yeah oh swinging you're the pain oh man just about back in back in back in oh another corner couch oh i'm taking two at the same time i don't want to mess it up efficiency yeah let me let me do it borisforlife69 just subscribe thank you very much what a name quite the name uh oh something fell out what the [ __ ] how did this fall on the road oh my god oh watch out oh i thought i was stuck on the road there all the clubs are gone out of it but we have the as long as that is what he's invested in okay um where to next uh there's some stuff outside corner count the corner couch i'm not a fan of these corner couches i'll say that this way you pull okay wait do i have to pull my way through yep and then you push oh fantastic and then you rotate yep and back around yeah yeah easy does it yep yeah yeah straight in straight in now straight in straight in straight in yeah kind of kind of like to the sub all right straight in now straight in hold on but straight into it straight in there very good all right we got the table is this a two-person job that's a two-person out the window with her out the window out the window now come on there you go my back is just oh my god why is the garden a literal maze all right sling her in wait she's there she's there she's there very good geez you waffled all over the place but i do offridge you know the drill all right the fridge the stove is still on but they're not really concerned no oh oh god all right hold on let me grab not the chair not the not that there we go got it got it let's go okay which way are we going front door that's the front door front door front door yeah it's slightly faster i think jesus christ is getting a bit of a knock okay kevin's sounding like barbed wire that's my best dolly impression i guess all right just throw it just throw it yeah straight in now straight in get it slap that back all right here we go oh there she goes g pyron thank you very much rj pyramid thank you very much for the bits surprise our backs are okay after all of this oh it's right there's two one man so let's take one yeah pull the wires straight out flying thanks for the sub i don't know which is the fastest route in and out of the house all right catch kevin okay oh oh oh we're getting really good we're still on track for gold come on we can do this okay yeah here kevin catch okay jesus christ the typewriter coach thank you for the sub we're going for gold boys we're going for gold i'm going around this way this time wait can you hit q okay okay all the hard things i'm just going to throw into the garden okay oh god that box went wild so leader thank you very much for the sub there's a box there see oh yeah i don't know where the last thing is god i'm getting stuck on these walls oh god we i think we just have enough time where's the last thing though wait i'm trying to get this box still oh is that it the box is the last no no crustacean thank you very much for the bits yes yes wheels is on the case let's go let's go let's go come on yes a moving performance sorry for uh i really want waffles crustaceans smashed the tv too yeah we smashed a lot of [ __ ] can you make crustacean some waffles please you know i really want a waffle iron i don't like my next purchase is it actually so my work bought one for national waffle day and national waffle day happened the week after quarantine so we didn't get anything oh no but they have a waffle iron and i was thinking of borrowing it maybe one weekend to make waffles definitely definitely worth i think it's definitely oh definitely worth it this is it's sort of stressful yeah this could be stressy it's more stressful than fighting cannibals yeah it actually is funnily enough um i think watch me call it it's kind of like unrailed in those games like it's yeah it looks all cheery and cutesy and it's fun but it's really stressful at the same time a point we're building quite the reputation we had someone specifically asked for us poof said oh i like the sound of that all right let's do one more yeah poolside pad really trying to drive into that pool just drive right into the cool 21 items oh my god we can do this all right we gotta tactically oh they have fragiles i'll throw them across to you you ready to catch yeah okay you ready because i'm about to draw everything across fuzzy foster thank you very much in my arms there you go nice wait wait kevin wait wait wait i'm ready okay okay oh okay okay there you go oh we're really good at video [ __ ] i don't i thought there was gonna be a barrier i didn't think i could just fall in like how you come out of a little moving box yeah that's quite cute i don't know if we need that okay i can't do this hold on there's plenty more there's plenty more to be thrown across max where are you going is it still fragile i don't know it's not fragile it's not too bad okay i'll just chuck everything over there then yeah i'll chuck it in we need the beach ball i feel like that's an important bit oh that's definitely important you wouldn't want to lose that okay a bed uh i got some cases here oh but i got it across another one coming in oh just about look at that catch look at that we're doing pretty good on this one i'll just try and throw everything across that i can yeah and then we'll worry about that two people yeah oh collection oh it actually was very light god this is a cool house can you hear me for me yeah taking stuff out of this all okay if you want to come through and get an armchair then we can take all the doubles tripoli thank you very much for the sub why are you guys saying the entire um b movie script in chat according to all known laws of aviation is that that's the one right i think so yeah that's the only bit i know i've never seen that you're struggling with the door there it doesn't seem to want to go through there we go i think it's just a matter of jiggling it just gotta jiggle you wanna oh wait you can't pull this up actually there we go that's actually faster there you go oh my god you waffled oh no waffle then i won't put it out i think i need to take this sorry let me help make it faster yeah faster okay we just need the three big items now i think we're on track to get another gold god couch carrying etiquette oh hello there we go oh i'm sorry for the fish you've even just been splashing into it oh no i'm stuck there here we go [ __ ] it [Music] out of all the bad memes along your chat the b movie script is the worst probably i really thank you for the the bits there uh we got down here the bed oh we got all right let's take the bed first we chuck it across the pond oh that might let's try it we gotta try it oh oh my god diesel man thank you for the sob what's that can we chuck that across as well probably yeah grab it at the other side oh god hey all right not that side not that okay ready wait still saying we can't oh wait we can't wait okay all right let's just grab this one and run grab it and run we're gonna run out of time yep i'll start dragging the bed if you can oh [ __ ] i missed out on gold now i think we've got grab it grab and grab it all right let's go oh my god this is not coordinated oh jesus this is right down to the last second all right throw the bed throw the bed throw the bed throw the bed oh [ __ ] oh we missed it by like 0.1 of a second oh that is so sad oh let's see the official time on that that was so close look at that [ __ ] wait golden wait wait did we still get it we got as it was in it flashed a silver i think we got it we did it oh good we [ __ ] did it look at those challenges jump over the pool keep everything dry don't hold a box for more than three seconds i was gonna say i wonder if we could jump over the pool i've caught a box look at my guy [ __ ] wheelchairing along next to the truck that is not fair gonna be so hench those arms it's gonna be massive chair sandals thank you very much for the bits a pint for your mods i don't even know if it's plural i don't even know if there's any mods in there at the moment i can give it to the bar we unlocked ramon and the head is made out of ramen oh fantastic that is great oh let's do jerry jerry's looks like fun will we do one more then yeah let's do jerry's jerry's looks odd because he's got a rooftop i'm curious then yeah we're here lads we're here only 15 items three minutes deal with packing peanuts they don't look like peanuts they don't taste like peanuts this boss is the funniest as you do stand up all right there's some fragiles yeah guys the the me the bee movie thing is done you can you should stop all right you came out the window coming down here sweaty pants thanks for the bits i just bought these kind of daily obscure snow i've never thought about playing oh that is risky i'm not sure about that there we go aiming aiming hard all right kevin you ready i'm ready how do i aim for you okay here it comes yep that was a test box i was testing the window oh just about anything small there's loads of things in this room the tiger lead thank you very much for the bits don't forget to pivot we're trying don't worry we are pivoting but this is a much quicker level god no thanks i think liam started out bad in the chat thank you we're we're all for funny games but you know everything has its limit you know why am i holding on to this why did i just block this entrance with the table all right all right kevin ready wasn't ready okay there we go very nice oh sorry i couldn't tell it was landing it's hard when it's like um uh colton thank you very much for the sub um it's hard when it's like trying to guess it vertically like i don't know if it's on me or a ball a lot of this it's not chuckable yeah then we should just probably wait more one more actually hold on i'll come up first and then we can on the toilet we can throw everything out here let's throw everything out the window that's a good shot actually oh god i want the other side yeah it's hard to get to the other side okay there we go all right jesus christ okay all right i'm going to rotate back to me all right oh we almost got it in the first one okay oh my god okay there you go okay uh sofa next yeah yep dog this level's hearted oh there we go yeah it has i got that with me i don't know the other side okay they're very good very good all right this is the last one i'll just run down with it let's go get out of here hey go away come here tv sorry that doesn't really help anything don't give up oh well is it player thank you very much for the sub she thinks they have parrot you give them that much okay last one's the bed we chucking it yeah not time for tv oh i think i hurt my ankle what's the deal with sick days but you're not sick just hurt and we don't have hurt days or sick days who's the boss here i can't tell obviously it's a driver if you can you spend like the bonus stuff or anything yeah i don't know probably doesn't seem to keep katie just said just realize you get cult points on kevin's twitch channel instead of the twitch points who came up with that idea again because it wasn't me i thought it was was it i don't think so i'll take credit for if no one else is claiming it um right we'll we'll end it there i suppose yeah how do i exit out of this that game seems fun though it's coming out on the 28th as i said i've got some keys that i can give away so um oh boris thank you for the bits again and what was i gonna say i have codes so i can give them away when it's the 28th i can't give them away yet because they won't they won't allow me which is fair because the game isn't out yet but um yeah all right uh max yeah do you want to say goodbye and i'll chat in a little bit i don't know i'm a bit shy yeah i'll say goodbye bye guys thanks for hanging out yeah i've been lots of fun we'll see you again soon max bye bye bye microphone sound muted wicked destiny thanks for the sub there as well um yeah thanks thanks for the stream guys this has been fun this has been good i've really enjoyed it i hope you had a good a good time i think it was a good stream it was fun we did uh we got quite a lot accomplished um what's the plan here all right um yeah i think i think it was a good um a good old stream sorry i was looking at something there i think it was a good old stream we had a lot of support tonight thank you very much for that but just for watching or chatting or if you have bits or subs or donations or anything super appreciate it um i'm not going to be streaming tomorrow i've got stuff going on tomorrow i got to do some stuff so we're not going to stream tomorrow i should be streaming saturday usually like i don't do any of the plans but on saturdays uh we seem to often do streams with the other irish lads so uh rt jacksepticeye uh terrorizer and dahida so if you're around for that that'd be great and i'll usually stream afterwards i'll do like a single player game or something but uh i'm not sure i'm not sure what the plan is but i should be streaming saturday um we're gonna rate uh we're gonna raid speaking of the irish lies we're gonna ray jacksepticeye he's raided me a few times now and i've not got the the pleasure to raid him back so please be nice don't spam too much please you can give a few turns uh turgamotes so such but please don't spam too much because we want to be nice um jack's a nice guy so so be nice and uh yeah we'll send we'll send people over there thank you very much for joining me if you missed the video today there's a link underneath the live stream where you can click the little youtube banner and um you'll get to go straight to my channel and check out the video i think it's a fun one madison thank you very much for the subscribe there as well thanks for all the support everyone and thanks for stopping by and i'll see you next time i suppose get ready to do our little raid now be very nice now be very very nice to our fellow irishman all right all right okay i'll see you later now bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye i love that game thanks for all you do love your work and always a good laugh which is needed now thank you i appreciate that oh are we getting raided by kevin i saw some targets come in and i was like oh cool people who watch kevin are here and now it's all raid stuff so thanks kevin welcome everybody or should i say turg what were you guys playing what were you guys doing oh i saw it actually earlier okay i saw you playing something earlier kevin i can't remember
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 100,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: paAjkRFExWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 5sec (10685 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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