Can Destiny's Guardians Beat the Space Marines of Warhammer 40k?

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oh yeah in the far future of humanity where war is a never ending tide of Life superpowered soldiers come together from planet to planet to face Unstoppable hordes of robots aliens and demons squads that can dispel the gods and creatures of lovecraftian origin but when it comes down to the greatest of humanity the Vanguard from Destiny or the Space Marines of the Imperium who comes out on top the issue we run into right away is that 40K is set up in such a way to win by mere factor of being so absurd that anyone on two feet with a mortal coil wouldn't stand a chance Space Marines versus Gears of War the COG couldn't even beat the Locust after destroying 90% of their own Planet Space Marines versus the Empire Stormtroopers are more akin to Guardsmen and have a 50th of the numbers same kind of goes with the UN C in most cases but with Destiny I think we find ourselves in a unique place because Guardians are tough they turn Gods into guns and if that gun isn't good enough they toss it in the trash for a handful of cash before killing the god a second time for a better role on stats they are effectively Immortal have spacebound superpowers and often wipe through hundreds of thousand of enemies in squads of just three to six on top of beating the absolute [ __ ] out of one another just for fun and some extra loot also there will be a ton of loot yeah right but Space Marines are equally tough in the right places losing a hand is considered a flesh wound they have two hearts three lungs and acid spitting glands they can eat memories from the Flesh of their enemies massive chainswords and guns that are so unconv itional and Overkill but are the smallest weapons they bring about devout angels of death that bring nothing but defeat upon the backs of the vile zenos that may oppose them let's be real Guardians would fight the Imperium anyways they each have different gods where the Guardians might try to go the Diplomatic towel route the Imperium wouldn't work together with them unless there were some tyranids around the corner but let's set up a more even fight once you include The Traveler primar the warp and more it gets a bit wild very fast and honestly I don't know who comes out if you included the entirety of these universes something we'll talk about more later the total number of Guardians is not really well known same kind of goes for Space Marines but the bunge devs used to hang on the idea that the number of player Guardians would reflect in the world often being a total of just over 1.2 million players on any given month for Space Marines the only outdated number we get is 1,000 chapters of 1,000 Marines so we're going to bring it down and call it a simple 1 million to 1 million we're going to compare equipment armor powers and how they fight as it goes we'll include more and more variables in this battle things like dreadnots the darkness other factions and more as we go so let's start from the basics what's the sted kit of these armies Space Marines are simple what you see is basically what you get 8 ft of armor a bolt rifle and that's pretty much as complicated as they can be ceramite based power armor so integrated to a Space Marine that no suit can be shared between two estaris and acts as an extension of the body think the Spartan armor from Halo but on steroids no super steroids good at absorbing thermal radiation and attacks the space marine armor is incredibly durable and shrugs off most low powered laser attacks heavier ballistics and plasma weapons is where they start to fall apart and get blown away bolters are highly destructive ballistic weapons that essentially fire a 40 mm rocket as if it were a Nerf gun referred to in 40K as being 75 caliber this is not something you'd want to get hit by even in Space Marine armor just a few shots of even the older model bolt rifles used by chaos Marines can split a modern-day primaris estaris in half if hit just the right way on top of their actual Feats of Strength obviously they're strong and the second heart and all that is important Space Marines are able to fight in almost any arena in the galaxy from a sea of acid to the vacuum of space fast too described as a blur to the human eye a marine is described as pacing 6 m per step now you saying bolt runs about 2 m per step with a max speed of 27 mph so if we extrapolate this comparison we can safely say a marine runs at roughly 71 mph as fast as a cheetah now as something that's also said to move too fast for their size this makes relative sense to me okay so Space Marines are tough but what about their opponents if we're looking at it under a microscope where a squad of Marines ranges from 5 to 10 soldiers a guardian fire team will range between 3 to six hopefully with an equal distribution of hunters warlocks and Titans specifics of the Guardian kit and durability aren't as easy to come by though some armor is described as being so heavy that the weight would crack Stones beneath them other Guardians have died by falling on their neck just the right way so regardless of their armor and weapons we keep on with the simple durable as regular humans but enhanced by their their Shields and their magic to Great Lengths and those Shields can be impressive able to withstand dozens of blasts from a slug rifle micro rocket propelled rifles of the cabal sound familiar now there's no specifics I could find for the Slugs but even if they're a quarter as powerful as a Bolter that means a guardian could easily shrug off at least a couple shots from a Bolter before their Shields evaporate and they're Torn to Pieces the greatest card up the sleeve of a guardian is their ability to simply not die and ghosts can take an inordinate amount of Firepower while not Immortal will take a hefty amount before cracking unless of course the weapon being used is infused with Darkness or the light which would kill the ghost much faster and their magical abilities get complicated too iora has used nova bombs to atomize Legions of cabal and Destroy Fallen tanks in a single blow the Golden Gun fires bullets as hot as the surface of the Sun in storm casters call upon literal strikes of lightning to Fringe their foes against a regular estaris it's starting to look like the Guardians can take the win even in a 3 on 10 scenario Space Marines are durable but their weapons are likely not to shred through a ghost by the time the Guardians die and revive taking the Space Marines out one by one so let's step it up Space Marine Terminators and dreadnots Terminators which are essentially Marines in bigger armor with heavier weapons emboldened by a literal fragment of The Emperor's own armor said to shrug off the stamp of a warlord Titan withstand the forces of warp teleportation and anti-tank Weaponry at Point Blank Range basically a squad of five terminators would compare to about 10 Marines this takes the fight from looking like a fire team facing down some of the toughest cabal they've ever seen into fighting callus five times over could the Guardians still win totally but it'll be much harder more pressure more Firepower working against them it mostly comes down to the placement of their super abilities and the number of Terminators they can eliminate between them at a time you may have golden gun but it'll be hard for a guardian to snipe a tank that can instantly teleport around but it might be close and turning it up from here I don't think would work in the Marine's favor I feel pulling out a dreadn or a knight or even a Titan just gives Guardians a bigger Target to strike with the force of the sun if they wanted a guaranteed victory over the Vanguard they need to outpace them what about the estaris flavor of magic psychers who draw on the warp to strike down the foes of the emperor these are called The Librarians coming from the liberius psychers adopted into the Space Marine program to harness their call of the warp in the worst of battles the only source I could find online seemed to indicate that a dozen or so Li Librarians belong to each chapter not too hard to believe with a billion Pyers and all of humanity and quadrillions of people beyond that only a few hundred million being good enough to become a Space Marine at that Librarians are powerful and Marshall Masters emboldened by their psychic energy but they're not even the best psychers in 40K like building a shelf and instead of using finely made screws at just the right size you just take a bunch of train spikes and Hammer them in at the right angle so the bookshelf is wheed together the Guardians have a total control of the light made even stronger by their ghost a literal manifestation of The Light Within them the biggest issue to me when it comes to Space Marines taking on Guardians is their ability to take the Guardians down for good most ghost entries are a little all over the place as are most of the topics here on both 40K and the destiny side of things so I'm trying to be fair by giving each faction the best of what they can do as far as the the stories seem to suggest ghosts are described to being destroyed by the cabal using orbital bombardment and heavy artillery as well as with weapons infused with the light or even Darkness so if the cabal can pull it off I'm sure the Space Marines could as well but that's if they can hit them as they are literal manifestations of the light within their Guardian a ghost Vanishing on screen is not it activating some cloaking field or just dipping out they enter almost a Quantum state that does not exist in the Mortal realm just like the warp in 40K but that means a ghost while they need to materialize in order to revive a guardian can stay well out of sight waiting for just the right moment with the extreme accuracy of most Space Marines they could probably be putting Guardians down I think here numbers play the greatest Advantage an equal amount of Space Marines and Guardians is a fairly leveled fight then any shift in either direction drastically changes the odds even more so if the Vanguard need 8 minutes for a super to cool down the thing about Guardians is that they just don't stop grey Knights would give them a fight but most of their kit is based around fighting Demons of the warp Guardians are tough but not demonic compared to regular Terminators grey Knights would definitely be the toughest fight yet and victory the closest but the only absolute Victor between Guardians and 40K super soldiers would be the custodes whose physical power alone could outmatch the toughest of the Vanguard it depends on the Foe and the abilities of the Guardians but for most infantry battles I feel the undying qualities of a fire team would keep them kicking for a long time against any nearly enemy with sole exception to the custodes a great example of this would be the guardian from Destiny the player characters they aren't the fastest they aren't the strongest Titans like way Ming could punch a mountain and force it to move but was still slain in a fight against the hive Gods but other Guardians our Guardian would get back up they can keep coming back again and again and again and again strong enough to not die for good yet deadly enough to kill you after sending wave after wave after wave of super soldiers your way now here we can also bring in elements of the environment whether it's the last City or even the whole Halls of Tera I think the battlefield makes an extreme difference here compared to a regular standard Space Marine Guardians tend to have the upper hand on Mobility their ability to take off into the sky and fly and do even more with strand a Space Marine might be able to run at 75 mph but they don't get a lot of vertical play without extra gear like jump packs or Vehicles as far as tertiary details like civilians and harmful environments Space Marines with the exclusion of the salamanders will stomp through hordes of their own people to kill the enemy whereas Guardians will probably be forced on the defensive if they had to defend the remnants of humanity so Baseline statistics let's sum it up Space Marines take a point for durability speed and accuracy where I think the Guardians have a lot to go for longevity and Mobility I might even give them the weapons too Space Marines have powerful weapons don't get me wrong but a Bolter in the hand of a Vanguard is instantly stronger than the Bolter in the hands of the aaries simply because the Guardians imbue their weapons with the light or Darkness on top of being able to summon ethereal weapons that burn with the Searing Rage of the Sun or instantly bring enemies to absolute zero when it's as dramatic as a million Guardsmen and a million Space Marines it seems to be that it's a genuinely fair fight and can swing dramatically in either way with little shifting changes it's hard for me to come to a definite conclusion because it's easily a case-by casee basis that determines any of these fights how many Space Marines are they salamanders or imperial fists is there dreadnots grites or a custodies around but that's not what we're here to do I think a solid way to compare these two powerful factions is the enemies they fight against Guardians have never lost to a single fight coming their way even before the final shape I'm sure they will find a way to turn the witness's own abilities against him and that's their biggest advantage over the imperium's angels of death the estaris in the Imperium at large have this cultish discipline towards traditionalism they refuse to expand or change and the evolution of their gear happens incredibly slowly if ever at all when it comes to species with incredible technology like the necrons or toao the Space Marines are folded in their archaic machines that sit well at over 10,000 years in age in almost the exact opposite way Guardians take every Advantage coming their way even to the extent of adopting the darkness to use against their enemies if these two ever did come to cross into one another's Universe there's no doubt in my mind that a substantial number of Guardians would even allow themselves to accept possession from the chaos Gods to give us nigh unkillable demon Avengers who could grow go to the length of the demon primar the guardian's whole thing is to adapt and change when they get beaten why wouldn't they change to take on Space Marines too versus aaries they just Crusade harder now I don't think this means the Guardians outright win because they really want to win but it's important point in the greater discussion here if we look at other enemies the Space Marines lose against it's normally to a matter of numbers Orcs and their W are a great parallel to me about how a fight with the Guardians might go the Orcs of 40K have beaten their way to Tera the heart of the Imperium twice that's with primarch's custodes the Imperial Navy and all of mankind fighting them back purely for their ability to ruthlessly continue onwards in an unending way of death and green nonsense for years on end and I think the Guardians would pretty much be the same on that warfront if you take this further the only reason Orcs tend to lose is just their lack of intelligence something that the Guardians are not lacking on what if we said [ __ ] it to the rules and dragged along everything smashing the universes together well I think a lot of these factions would even out both being Sci-Fi series based on fantasy tropes there's a lot of similarities between these factions the fallen and the towel The Hive and the tyranids the Guardians and Space Marines the taken and chaos and of course Vex and the necrons these are all important members of each prospective universe but it's not the question at Arms there is no doubt in my mind that the Imperium of mankind could eliminate the traveler and the Vanguard if they really wanted to at their full might with spaceships that destroy solar systems and Mech so large they split tectonic plates soldiers so determined that they can stand still for millennium and split a hair down the middle if called upon Warhammer is just so over the top it's the nature of the beast but the Space Marines are not infallable and that brings us back to the original question who would win 1 million Guardians Protectors of the light and Warriors from Beyond the Grave or 1 million asardes the angels of death and the swords of the emperor what comes out on top you tell me comment with your ideas your reasoning this is no question for one mere nerd like myself to answer we need Cav Jesus [ __ ] no brother can I get some help here even with the varied options of the Space Marines the occasional Speeder bike or dreadn that fights in the fry I personally can see the Guardians working their way out now once you start talking grey Knights custodes mechanicus militarum Etc the fight leans incredibly onto the 40K side but even at the very best when you ask all the sort of can it beat 40K questions to other Sci-Fi series Destiny is perhaps the most interesting to me for the sheer durability and the Feats of the Guardians coming closest to aaries out on the field Halo Spartans would get laid out clone troopers would be slain by The Hundreds the alliance was losing against an overgrown shrimp and the Cog well something's wrong with this thing it keeps jamming see yeah but credit where credit is due a guardian fire team of just three members can give a squad of Space Marines a decent run for their money even if they die they'll just get right back up and at the very worst I believe that if you threw the Vanguard into a corner of the Milky Way during the indominus era that they join the ranks of the other small scale 40K factions like the votan town or lar and be able to hold their own rather than be entirely obliterated it' still be interesting to see a guardian na a bolt rifle too because with the light they can theoretically Empower set rifle and make it stronger than those used against them which I think would be a very important thing to take into mind here so who wins nobody because you already played Destiny 2 and there's no going back this is the end of the video thank you very much for watching if you just mauled in the comments about how your perspective sci-fi thing is better because you say so um have fun with that I won't read those but I am interested to read anyone who has any actual ideas or theories on how this might go but otherwise just simply thank you for watching remember to stay cool have fun and be awesome and I'll see you next time Buster out
Channel: Buster McTunder
Views: 116,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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