How to Beat Chaos

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chaos is in a lot of ways the ultimate villain for Warhammer perhaps not quite as ultimate as neash but you know there's nothing wrong with taking second place they're pure evil which is a good start in my books hard to get yourself a better villain than the forces of hell they're menacing and frightful because again it's hard to look at something like a great unclean one or a keeper of Secrets and not be a little bit perturbed I don't want to fight those things and if you say you do you're probably lying and of course that's not to mention they're two most prominent features in my eyes they not only feed off the emotions of living things which means they have a permanent power source even if they aren't explicitly being worshiped but also whenever you kill a demon you don't actually kill it barring specific circumstances or rituals to permanently deal with one it just gets sent back to the realm of chaos so killing a demon doesn't actually reduce the amount of demons you have to ultimately deal with it really just makes it so you have to deal with the demon again at a later date kind of like aldwin getting sent forward in time just so you can have that problem in a lot of ways they come across as unbeatable but I don't think they are it requires either being incredibly clever incredibly powerful or a mixture of both but I truly believe the forces of chaos aren't Invincible the end times or a potential 40K equivalent aren't inevitable they're not guaranteed so today I've got a bit of a list of solutions for how to deal with the chaos threat once and for all none of the methods are perfect but they're not supposed to be as long as they can in theory deal with chaos I consider that a win but before I talk about getting rid of chaos and Warhammer did you know Valentine's Day is coming up you could really use a gift for that special someone and if you don't have a special someone which no judgment here I'm in the same boat you could use a gift for your special self 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only ever do something like corrupt one person every 10,000 years who then immediately explodes that's a win it'll also naturally focus on the four chaos Gods the most since those are the parts of chaos GW cares about but at least some of these Solutions can deal with chaos undivided as a whole now to start us off the simplest way to get rid of at least most of chaos is to just kill everyone in the setting take a quip trip to Halo bring back the Rings and fire them off a couple of times for good measure and hey there's some limited precedents in the cannon for this The cabal Wanted alfaris and Omega to get the emperor killed so mankind would be doomed and Chaos would go down with him the necrons would be fine too so it's not like everyone would be gone if you eliminated all life with a soul and over an age of Sigmar neash and his ilk would be fine I mean they're already dead chaos in the very best case scenario for itself with this can get some emotions from the flesh eater courts and maybe the Oar bone Reapers since those Lads have an actual personality same case for the tomb Kings from fantasy I would imagine sure those two AOS factions and individual tomb Kings would feed the gods a bit but the few thousand of them are just two factions isn't enough to feed the entirety of chaos if everyone else is gone of course this solution comes with the problem of you know killing everyone which for just about everyone involved is what we intelligent people in the academic world like to call the bad ending and for two of those three cases it's not really even a win the tomb Kings and necrons would have almost no chance of being transferred into proper bodies like many of them want and neither of them would have any more vassals to rule over nagash would probably be happy though I mean how many of his plans have amounted to trying to kill everyone all at once I'm pretty sure between fantasy and AOS he's tried that twice so in this scenario he'd be having the time of his unlife but also compounding on this is the possibility that the solution might not even work nurgle is the god of entropy and Decay The Circle of Life and in many ways death there's a real possibility that while the other three major chaos Gods would die out he'd be just fine to start the cycle a new only now at the added bonus that everyone ever born is a follower of nurgle which is the opposite of a chaos defeat so overall this solution isn't great both because of the obvious caveats of killing everyone and because it might not even work again though if you're a fellow Grand Alliance death enjoyer there are minimal problems with this one Nash might just become all powerful if everyone died and that's a chaos defeat if I've ever heard one fire up the Rings Nash you know you want to on a similar note another way to do this would be to do something like a setting wide nekron biotransference or somehow turning everyone in the fantasy world or Mortal Realms into vampires UND death on the fantasy side of things grants some pretty good resistance to chaos and a account kind of how it works it violates both the rules of mortal life defend whatever passes for rules for chaos being anathema to each it's not quite full immunity and if a vampire chooses to side with chaos like a number of blood dragons did with corn in the end times there's nothing stopping them from doing so but if every single being in either fantasy setting chose to become an undead I'm willing to bet it'd be enough plus it would supercharge the influence of either Nash or pre-existing death Gods granting them enough power to hold off the chaos gods or maybe even defeat them outright so while it might once again just result in an instant neash Victory it does fulfill the criteria of beating chaos eventually over in 40K meanwhile necrons don't have souls and Chaos needs souls to exist you turn everyone to a nekron you beat chaos even if you don't give other factions nekron Tech Beyond just biotransference the actual necrons could probably use their anti-chaos Tech to close warp Rifts Galaxy wide while everyone else comes to terms with being a Terminator of course this is not something that would be in any way feasible it would probably spell the end of chaos but also in some way ruin pretty much every faction involved especially the lar third choice available to you is to Simply kill the chaos Gods you know just do that walk up to four of the most powerful beings to ever exist and give them the old one two now bringing this up I'm sure there's a few of you who are going to drop the old chaos Gods can't be killed because they crucial parts of reality nugget on me and to that I say go to hell you know how almost everything in Warhammer especially 40K is being told by varying degrees of unreliable narration well whose word do we have to take on the chaos Gods being unkillable or that their Victory is inevitable and they're a crucial part of reality people depressed that they have to fight demons and the followers of the chaos Gods yeah those are people I'll take at their word on the matter no I fully believe the chaos Gods can be killed if you disagree then feel free to skip to the next section but otherwise let me explain for something with perhaps a bit less solid footing consider the fact that each of the chaos gods in 40K came into being at some point or another while sles being the last well yes there's that warp crap of once the gods exist they have always existed but I think it entirely stands to reason that if you can create a God you can kill one and the universe was clearly fine without them existing at some point or other so why wouldn't it be if you just got rid of them for some more solidly low-backed evidence of being able to kill the gods we have proof from both 40K and fantasy from 40K the emperor lit nurgle's entire Garden on fire and wounded him to top it off him and objects associated with him like his sword can grant a demon true death erasing it from existence entirely as he did to Horus if you can do that to a demon I think it's entirely possible you can do that to the god that spawned the demon you would need to vastly scale up the power to the point that bigie himself going toeo Toe with one of the Gods is required but it sounds feasible in theory alternatively inad the idea behind him is that when form from the death of every Eldar ever inad will use that power to defeat SES once and for all and free the eldar's souls from her grasp while GW continues to pretend that the Yari have never existed inad does grant them protection upon death from slesh half of what inad prophecy promised has already come true all he needs is more power for more dead Eldar to be able to take down slesh even keger supposedly has one final Jess that will free the Eldar from sesh's grip that's two different potential plans the Elder have to get rid of a chaos God right there as for the evidence from fantasy it's a lot simpler cane scar sles so badly that slach retains the scar no matter what form she takes it's a bit unab Bunga but if you get a strong enough God you can probably have them get rid of a chaos God if you can scar one I see no reason you can't kill one there was also a Syrian grand plan to defeat chaos that had a 50/50 shot of either working or getting everyone killed the end times happened so clearly it failed but I don't think that's the kind of failure that means it was never possible it just means the coin landed on tails and Assyrian lost the bet overall in Edy setting it's an incredibly tall order but not one that's impossible and that has arguably pretty firm grounding in the lore hell if you got gork and Mork to cooperate on the task and see it through they could probably Barrel into the Realms of any of the Gods and put them out for the count only eliminating the followers of the chaos Gods probably wouldn't work because they get emotions from all living beings but it did certainly weaken them even if you don't think direct worship has any effect for them and it's just the emotions of living beings losing all of their min I would probably hurt their plans that of course has the problem of Cass followers tending to be quite hard to kill and of course they often times have a literal hellhole to hide in if it looks like things are going south consider this maybe a step one of the Gods themselves killing the chaos Gods their mortal followers kill the followers of the chaos gods and weaken them then Sigma or someone comes in with the RKO out of nowhere and finishes them off of course with those methods out of the way now we have to get a bit creative and to start we'll turn to age of Sigmar because one of the ways to handle the chaos Gods if not chaos itself is trapping them slesh was indeed trapped by Tyrion Tas malakith and Marathi well yes it was because slesh was glutted on elf Souls from the end times and couldn't defend herself properly it shows it's still entirely possible to do so and while she is getting closer and closer to breaking out if it can be done once it can be done again even in their own Realms the chaos guards aren't 100% all powerful as shown by when the Eldar just Walts into nurgle's garden and spent entire days burning his demons to Ash if he was all powerful he could have just turned into Evers suffering trees immediately and to just assume he didn't choose to do so because he didn't feel like it sounds like an excuse more than anything the only Gods you can get away with saying that kind of thing are gork and mor they do whatever the hell they want trapping the gods is a sort of thing that'll require some metaphysical dickery to achieve such as sles being trapped between the Realms of light and Shadow and it's probably not the sort of thing with a one- siiz fits-all solution trapping corn would probably look a lot different and of course whatever the specifics may be it's a sort of thing that'll need constant maintenance and supervision to ensure sure they don't break out but unlike all the other options it has one case of working on an actual chaos God not a demon or champion of chaos but a full-on chaos God moving on we have sort of the reverse cutting chaos off from real space there's a few ways you can do this and the most obvious and effective one is in 40K just build some more nekron pylons and Bam no more chaos in real space the biggest hurdle of this one I imagine comes from the fact that no one wants to work together to allow the necrons to go through with this everyone is fighting everyone else and getting along long enough to deal with actual demons from hell is a sort of thing that's beyond 40K for more than a few battles at a time but they nearly shut down the eye of Terror with kadia pylons and before the Great Rift that was the biggest intersection between reality and the warp theoretically it can definitely be done obviously this comes with a whole lot of caveats if it did work Pyers would still be vulnerable to the predators of the warp warp travel itself is just asking for demons to show up but most factions have some measures to deal with these specific instances for example Geller Fields Eldar ghost Helms preventing perils And the tried andrue method of shooting any at risk psychers in the head proper Mastery of one's psychic power can also prevent demons from invading a psychers mind not perfectly none of what I've mentioned so far is but they can certainly help and let's not forget about the tyranids the shadow over the warp can get so strong and removes warp Rifts especially if the hive mind designs a fleet with that goal in mind the problem with this solution at least to me isn't that the methods are impossible and more the fact that the effort required to implement them on mass are impossible getting the Imperium to train every single psycher they have on how to master their gifts to the point of being resistant to Demons would be almost impossible from a logistical standpoint there's just too many people even if they went out of their way to do so some would fall through the cracks or awaken their potential after the chance to help comes along and from a morality standpoint the Imperium doesn't care about doing this because it doesn't care about their right to live in the Imperium of man your right to live ends the moment you stop being useful and a psycher risk of becoming a portal to the warp is most certainly no longer useful to to the Imperium it would also require a decent amount of cooperation from all factions to some degree and that once again isn't happening you'd have to get the entire galaxy to agree on a minimal warp usage treaty and that includes all those zenos Empires you forget about like the coral or of course allowing the Tyran to grow strong enough to blot out chaos in its entirety and that's just trading one villain for another plus they don't like going for chaos and you're not going to convince them to do it technically possible definitely not going to happen the second way to do this and one that is only technically possible and I'll settings is to fortify any entryways chaos has into real space so much that they just can't break through having one kadia is no longer enough every planet with even the slightest bit higher chance of a chaotic incursion is now aadia there is no longer one Prague in keev that is held against dozens of chaos sieges every city in keev is now Prague nordland is going to look like Normandy Beach and any realm gates are going to be watched by so many stormcast eternals you won't be able to rip ass without one of them jumping you for being a possible worshipper of nurgle the problems with this one are obvious resources the Imperium does not have the resources necessary to turn every planet into Cadia the Empire kab do not have the resources to turn every single City into a 20 layers deep Castle none of the gods or their factions do and even if they did and who knows the Imperium May damn well if it could just stop being even a quarter as inefficient as it is building these fortifications takes time it requires not only for there to be no problems with constructing and Manning the forts such as traitors or sabotage but for chaos or other factions not to intervene the various types of elves would probably let it happen in whatever setting they inhabit I mean hell Tas would probably help out with making a super fortified realm gate but even ignoring the fact that chaos isn't just going to sit there and let you make the biggest Fortress possible plenty of other factions won't either every flavor of orc Warhammer has is going to beine it for what is by all means going to result in one hell of a fight the tyranids are going to see all this construction going on realize it means a lot of construction workers and start invading for all that sweet biomass and if you think nagash would just let Sigmar or the for forces of order build a super Fortress without intervening you're out of your goddamned mind out of every single possible solution this is one of the most unlikely not only does it require intense amounts of resources and some small amount of cooperation between factions who hate each other those fortifications also need to hold out against an endless tide of demons but as with pretty much every solution so far it can theoretically work well in the long term it doesn't get rid of them when it comes to individual battles banishing a demon and killing it are the same thing the one you shot isn't going to be making a reappearance in the same fight and hey part of why Sigmar was trapped in the Elven Vortex by zch was because the chaos Gods feared he'd unite order against them and it sure their plans always failed if they're afraid of that then surely a super Fortress that can hold the line forever could work so all you need to do is make sure these fortresses never fall they all have constant maintenance and that you have the economy to Forever Supply these countrysize fortresses easy actually you know now that I'm thinking about it basar gelt and some priests and wizards walled off the entire Empire of man yeah it got some crack accident eventually but it breached the clouds it was so tall and God only knows how thick it was before it fell because the priest supporting it withdrew their support I'm pretty sure the only things that got past it were the changeling and a breach led by aold hell prass which failed why the hell didn't anyone just do that again [ __ ] Sigmar did it for an entire realm of reality this is actually a lot more feasible than you'd think now this next one is perhaps even less likely to work because it requires everyone in the settings collectively named Warhammer to get along but since the chaos Gods feed on emotions negative ones of course being the most prevalent it should theoretically be possible to change them fundamentally by worshiping them in different forms maybe give corn blood in the form of donations that sort of thing going forward on the assumption that both chaos itself and the big four are shaped by the beliefs of moral races worshiping them in different ways should theoretically make the chaos Gods Not evil getting everyone to just generally chill the hell out might have a similar effect and I'd count that as defeating them since chaos while still being around wouldn't be nearly as antagonistic anymore and there's some small amount of evidence in 40K to support this since it was the war in heaven that caused the foundations of chaos to form it was such a [ __ ] show that the warp itself became as turbulent as it would eventually become I think you could reverse that and make it calm once again of course the issue with this one is that the settings of Warhammer are so God awul that it would require fundamentally changing them in a level that's more or less impossible you wouldn't have to just get the followers of chaos to sit down and play nice you'd have to do it between every faction in the setting get the Orcs to chill out with the war get the Imperium to stop being so xenophobic things that just generally are not going to happen people are always going to want a war God here and Korn's a pretty damn good one much as it pains me to admit it trying to get the followers of Korn to either worship indifferently or just calm down in general is a sort of thing that'll just get you added to the skull Throne really I've just mentioned this possibility for the sake of the theoretical Gilman would be proud of me I'm sure On a related note trying to form other gods of chaos based on Kinder emotions would likely see a similar failed outcome perhaps it would work a bit better but odds are decent that the chaos Gods might just strangle this nent kind God of chaos and its infancy still it would would be cool to see nicer chaos gods in the wild an actually honorable Warrior God a life God who doesn't fill you with cancer it'd be cool in theory shame that if they existed they'd probably get scar branded before they could do anything Plus in all honesty it would probably be more worthwhile to just pour your hopes into an existing God Sigmar Tas karak a lot of better options than maybe getting some minor godling that won't do much in the end narratively it would at least give chaos some more dep but functionally it's not going anywhere although that being said an existing God could come along and aurp chaos from under the big Four's feet now this working is something that's phenomenally unlikely but it has major precedents from the end times of all places nagash planned on ascending to godhood and basically becoming chaos ensuring his ultimate Victory as he not only had complete control over death but also chaos it should come as no surprised that it failed but if you look at nagash's list of failures there's something very noteworthy about them aside from the scaven being involved in pretty much all of them Nash's plans fail because he's stopped not because they have no chance of working I mean the chaos Gods started thr throwing everything they could at him during the end times when he returned out of fear that he'd succeed so on some level it is feasible the last potentially feasible method that comes to my mind is a sort of mass sacrifice method where the souls of all the followers of the Gods sacrifice themselves and give their Spirit to their Patron deity every Imperial jumps into an emperor shaped black hole to Fu them the Eldar finally all just give in and end it to empower inad and over in fantasy everyone either ends up empowering Gods like Sigmar assuan or Cain and there's once again solid evidence to at least partially support this since the thing with inad was the original plan to bring him into being all the Eldar die inad is born sles gets obliterated who's to say this couldn't work with other gods of course even with the mostly solidly confirmed case of inad this might not have been enough many Eldar consider the Yari to be Eldar heresy so quite frankly it might have ultimately failed and immediately damned all of them if they took the plunge and consider that the Eldar are masters of their psychic powers and probably able to direct where their souls go to some limited degree with something like Spirit Stones other factions going aim similar route might just end up automatically losing because they lost all their Manpower at best and at worst instantly give all those Souls the chaos instead of the emperor over in fantasy land the issues are much the same only with the added benefit of it almost certainly just going to empower neash against the other gods if you do it in age of Sigmar he controls all the after lives after all everything that dies ends up in his bony claws sooner or later it would technically work it's just going to result in something that's just as bad as chaos winning to repeat myself though Grand Alliance death is where the true enlightened thinkers of AOS go those Realms are rightfully his so this is only a win as far as I care the biggest hurdle of course here is in convincing every single one of your followers to not only end their lives for you but entrust their Immortal Souls with you directly and not with an afterlife like the emperor might be building but directly giving it to the god they follow for some of them it probably wouldn't be too hard aariel could probably convince a good portion of the tree spirits of the santh to do it such as their Devotion to her and if you could convince the fire Slayers it would result in Grim near coming back they'd probably take their lives on the spot but others would naturally be much more hesitant plenty of 40K books show that Emperor worship isn't always on the fanatical level of everyone being willing to swallow a live grenade because a priest asked them to plenty of people would refuse and I doubt every citizen of the empire of man or the cities of Sigmar would do the same either I'd also like to briefly mention that from a moral standpoint this is beyond horrific but this is Warhammer atrocities are both a given and regularly performed no since taking a perfectly good option to deal with chaos once and for all off the table just because it's a little bit monstrous this besides things like ctors exist you're telling me you'd rather get turned into one of those than potentially become one with Sigmar any further methods I came up with are a bit goofy so really not something too worth considering that being said I am a big fan of the method of getting everyone everywhere constantly blackout drunk to cause chaos to lose all its power imagine it yes some people would get into a drunken brawl but most people would be too busy partying to pay Corn's constant demand for Bloodshed any mind they'd be too out of their mind to have half the brain power needed for a zch scheme and of course alcohol is a disinfectant that'll make sure nurl can't get his dirty hands on your soul either now perhaps this might Empower slesh but if everyone's having a reality wide party that means the emotions are going to be largely positive and either way I don't think a nice Buzz is enough to provide SES with the excess she needs just make sure no one breaks out the cocaine as for the feasibility of this one you just have to convince everyone everywhere to lay down their arms and have a drink instead for some factions like the undead basically impossible for others like the ogres or dwarfs they might damn well be doing that before you ask them to and that's about all the methods I found are come up with obviously all of these are easier said than done I just thought it'd be a fun video on the hypothetical level chaos being portrayed as unbeatable isn't that fun it just makes you think what's the point of trying to stop them might as well get it over with and give in and again beating them doesn't mean getting rid of the chaos gods they aren't all powerful and even if you believe they can't be killed they absolutely can be beaten and since I'm worried people might think otherwise no I don't want any of these scenarios to actually happen Warhammer would be a lot less fun if he just got rid of Chaos let me know of any ways you might have to beat chaos and as always thank you to my wonderful channel members you were the chaos to my chaos follower the thing that keeps me going in the name of making things worse if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out there of course there are plenty of out of 40K Cannon ways to do it but pulling other franchises and to fix the problems just feels like cheating you know that being said at least two ways to guarantee fix chaos exist one is to just throw Doom guy at chaos and watch as it shels and dies no more chaos within a year done he's Doom guy he killed God creator of all reality God the chaos Gods can't compare to that but my personal favorite is to take the chaos gods and have them fight against cod zombies that are at Round 50 or higher shoot them with a l Cannon and it's like oh cool you empty three entire pack-a-punched lmg magazines into me congrats you killed two zombies and made a crawler throw an entire Black Crusade at a single crawler and they take it down after thousands of casualties and half their ammunition Supply wasted or just melt their Godly Minds by implanting knowledge of the entire cod zombie storyline directly into their brains [ __ ] zinch couldn't handle that crap remember it was just Group 935 messing with stuff they probably shouldn't I miss those days
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 245,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, 40k, WH40k, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, AoS, Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Chaos, WFB, PancreasNoWork
Id: GHpwypeQOxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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