The Fixies ★ SPECIAL 1 HOUR COMPILATION ★ Fixies English | Cartoon For Kids

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[Music] friction Oh Thomas that door of your Suites terribly yeah and it's not easy to open either well that's because the hinges are rubbing that's why your door is not working right how can I fix it just reduce the amount of friction how with some oil on the hinges I can do it for you cuz I've got a pack enough all right [Music] can I help you sure you can wear the pack of that all right friction is the force that tries to stop something from sliding or rubbing smoothly against something else rubbing can make things wear out quickly there's a lot of friction if you want less friction you need to put something on the parts that rub against each other like oil there are special kinds of grease used to keep clocks and wheels turning smoothly and for skis a special kind of wax can be used to make them go even faster that's it now the top hinge it's all done don't heading check out what's working it's not squeaking I told you you guys are the best I gotta go go where I'm gonna go sledding maybe you'll take me with you sorry no look you don't have a sled to ride on I'll see you later [Music] [Applause] simcha should I grease the saucer what for it'll slide down the hill just the way it is ah ok then um wait here for me no look I'll be back real soon with a surprise for you yeah oh you're slippery I know what I'll do [Music] nolleke are you all right just stay where you are I'll be right there [Music] who called for me help is on the way [Music] hey what do you want to what did you say stay where you are right here I poured some oil on the table why'd you do that to reduce friction that's brilliant nobody move I know exactly what to do [Music] was the problem you're hard with the friction I want to see all of this oil gone in five minutes Janee r--'s are in a constant battle with the force of friction they want less friction so that cars will run faster and their parts will wear out less quickly but just imagine what the world would be like if all of a sudden there was simply no friction at all everything would start slipping out of our hands and falling off the table not would untie themselves and that's not that love it cars wouldn't be able to run without friction either wheels would spin around and around in one place unable to grab on to the road we wouldn't even be able to walk because when we walk we move forward by pushing off the ground with our feet and how can we do that without friction we can't so now I think you can see why it's not so bad to have a little bit of friction in our lives we clean it but it's still so stinky no like I completely forgot I promised you a surprise look what is it I made you your very own saucer for sledding oh that's great only what good is this thing without snow no look hey look what I've got for you snow yeah [Music] yep now you've got your very own Hill to sled on surpri and you don't need oil to make it go quickly shiver me timbers suka no look what you doing here we're not simcha no like we're courageous pirates yeah pirates and today we need home for the sea are you with us yes I am you mean no no ray oh yeah you can't join us without a test go and find a special thing something no sailor should ever sail the sea wait out I'm gonna do it but how with a map and it's over there huh I've never seen a map that's this puny what are you talking about puny that took us a half hour to make from where you're standing now uh-huh from here you mean guess you're right first head to the north until you will fight hold on but where's the north where the North Pole ice and polar bears are but how do I know which direction the North Pole is my compass of course a compass is a social tool that helps sailors and pilots know in which direction they're traveling whether in the air or on the seas our planet is like a big magnet that has two poles the North Pole and the South Pole these magnetic poles help the needle in the compass find its way the needle is magnetized so one of its ends will be attracted to the North Magnetic Pole and point at it while the other end will always point towards the south that I know but there's no compass around here then let's make one by ourselves outer what we can use a meal we just have to magnetize it it how's it supposed to turn around in a saucer of water [Music] [Music] well there you go now one end is pointing in a direction of north and the other to the south but which points where well there's the window so that can't be the right way then North is there I'm really liking this sharp little fellow we've got here you calling me a little fella no it's just the way it's pirates talk all right then north we go first head to the north until you see a sleeping monster maybe the only monster on the riser lamb do it himself hmm now turn to the left and go 300 paces more 300 exactly count on myself uh-huh okay then that means I'll go one two three now straight ahead until you get right up to the giant tree you call that a tree Wow amazing I can't believe my eyes it's a real ship compass it's also called a marine compass the first compass was invented more than a thousand years ago in ancient China with its help the Chinese were able to travel across the desert and about 200 years later the compass appeared in Europe whether the Europeans came up with the idea for the compass themselves or took it from the Chinese isn't clear on one thing's for sure we fixies remember how those early compasses were built the first compasses were made with a magnetized needle on top of a floater inside a bowl of water later the needle was put on top of a pin that let it spin freely and it started to look like the ones we use today since the needle of a compass always points to the north a sailor can easily figure out which direction he needs to turn his ship if he wants to go north he follows the needle north if he wants to go south he goes in the opposite direction your dad brought it home with him late last night on his work you were asleep hold on I want to check something what's up yeah they line up together of course they line up if not how else would you have gotten here we're done with the needle it has to go back first time SAS 600 paces six for you matey the remote Hey the button got stuck on the remote how can we get it back how are they're looking learn no like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no lick she stole the remote no look where are you hiding no leg hello there cities hey where are you hey Tom Thomas you got here just in time usako ran off with the TV remote and so what I can turn it on without it and my favorite cartoon is just about to start dad about the cartoons will ya know like he's missing I'm afraid no like hid inside of the remote and you sucka took it oh no no it's in big-time trouble Tom Thomas there must be something you can do - soccer - soccer come here where is that dog hiding I'm gonna go look in the other rooms for now I'll wait here ji-suk is not out there where are you hey simcha I ran to get a pack of that what are you gonna do with it I'm gonna search for the infrared ray that comes out of the remote that's so great but what is it I'll explain it to you inside of most remote controls there's a special type of light bulb called a light-emitting diode or LED for shorts when we press a button the LED sends an invisible infrared ray and in the TV there is a receiver for these invisible Ray's the TV understands the command that comes from the remote control and carries it out like changing the channel or the volume [Music] if the Rays are invisible then how is it possible to see him in the pack of Matt had sassy special goggles that can help me and now what yells - no look get him to close the contact on any one of the buttons no legs you gotta push one of the buttons down the nothing for you here but here is something [Music] he's over there [Music] ooh Sokka come here do you want a hot dog so you wanna play tough all right then [Music] you're in one piece how did you find me by looking out for the remotes race it's just a shame it's impossible for me to see him what are you saying you can if you want to see infrared rays all you have to do is look through a digital camera try it for yourself turn on the camera on a mobile telephone now go ahead and press any button on the remote control and point the camera toward the front of it you'll see a bright dot on the screen of the camera that's the light emitting diode working it's letting off a special light that can't be seen by the naked eye it's also possible to point the remote control at a mirror and then through the camera you can see how the light emitting diode turns itself on so what that means is that invisible Ray's bounce off of a mirror in the same way that regular life does so you can control the TV by bouncing the light from a remote control off of a mirror you don't believe me then go ahead and try it yourself by the way if your toys weren't all stuffed under the bed we would have found the remote without the goggles don't worry about it when the cartoons are over I'll put them away [Music] the shadow play what are you doing here uh I dropped the paperclip trying to help you you've got funny shadows that's what you're like real actors performing in a show huh actors playing a theater you know I wanted to send her a bed and so what how about we make our very own theatre a theatre with shatter laughs Tom Thomas we need a piece of paper it's really quite easy to make your own shadow theater you can make the screen out of a white sheet or a big piece of paper next make sure the room is dark and shine a desk lamp at the screen now to make the shadows just put yourself or a cardboard cutout between the lamp and the screen your shadow or the shadow of your puppets will come to life but make sure that the audience sits on the other side of the screen the play will be much more magical for them from that side [Music] like oh wow you look totally like the real Red Riding Hood hello dear granddaughter hello dear grandmother grandmother what very big prize of that the better to see you with my dear voice is funny grandmother I never noticed what very big please you've died there's so much better to eat you with my dear ha ha you'll stop me with that little stick that's not in the fairy tale but in the fairy tale it's a normal hunter and what do you think I am look for yourself you're way too small to be the hunter fine think Cody play without me well I guess I'll have to make the hunter out of paper then that's all take a break I'm really thirsty she was so salty that grandma no lick don't be upset the wolf is huge and I'm so little then let's make you bigger you see now yeah yeah you're right and if we go back here even bigger now you know if you go back here near the lamp your shadow will get bigger on the screen cool there are just so many different kinds of theatres in the world in the dramatic theater they speak the lines of the playwright at the Opera the actors don't speak their lives they sing them accompany by an orchestra and here at the ballet the performers don't speak or sing their parts here the story is told with dance there are also theatres where the performers are animals in an animal theatre you can watch performances by cats and dogs or goats and pigeons or even bears and seals there are also theaters where the stories are told by puppets to tell the truth the puppets are brought into life with the help of people yes there are so many different kinds of theatre my favorite is the shadow theatre I think it's the most beautiful and mysterious theatre of them all hello dear grandmother grandmother but very big eyes you've got the better to see you with my dear and grandmother what great big sharp teeth you fight all the better to eat you up with my dear just wait [Music] the hunter look so strong you're a hunter then where's your gun why do I need a gun you're so tiny I can use a flyswatter but I'd rather do it like me like one with my bare hands way to go [Music] [Applause] who is your favorite 9 was the grandmother well I think Red Riding Hood was the best for me the hunter he was so mighty and so fearless ever made the special effects hit the team the first period is almost over Tom Thomas his team is leading to nothing there's no getting around the difference in class [Music] go 3-nothing and that's the end of the period time for the teams to take a break this isn't a fair game six of these guys and only two of us go ahead and call your classmates all still out scoria you sure about that uh-huh well Tom Jonas you asked for you young fixes take classes and study just like human kids what Lexi schools are quite a bit different than schools for people to begin with there are no more than ten students in a room in suka instance there are six and the children don't study in one place on one day the lesson could be inside a refrigerator the next day in a computer and the day after that in a vacuum cleaner this is the best way for fixies to learn all about them and put their new knowledge to the test but the most important thing is that they have to learn to work as a team and help each other stronger fix he's helping weaker ones and older fix he's helping younger ones this is a must for fixes because appliances are so very big that if we didn't work as a team we little Fricke's could never get by [Music] as the second period is about to begin our full team introducing mom Motors roaring and now the brains of our past ok what's the score now here is the spirit of our class so you want quick time Thomas I'm not afraid yet I'm calculating the angle to use wow that's some team you got there [Music] it's a blowout now the intermission before the final period we're missing something here I can tell you what you mean confidence calculations delicates I know speed what's missing here's teamwork cyntha you're right it's one from master bun here's what we're gonna do [Music] attacking Jack don't lose control a line change on the flyer the puck is to menu towards the goal to score and break the tie it's [Music] great teamwork is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one time Thomas what do you say now how did I get creamed like that cuz you're by yourself here and we are a team get ready for your lesson be crowd quiet down please oh it's so hot here in today's class we'll learn about it must have been an earthquake yeah was an earthquake hooray sorry there professor oh I have to find an outlet so I can plug in this fan oh it feels terribly hard it sure does well keep looking you'll find one now then no it's impossible in this whole laboratory there isn't one free outlet look at this no just pull out one of these wires and then you'll live a free outlet I can't I fear I could pull out a plug for something important ah bolt himself would get all tangled up in these wires don't worry about it professor you genius we'll find a free outlet for you that's right my colleague cup of tea will do you good so just go relax thank you my colleague and as always I'm eternally grateful Pixies have opened schools for their children in all sorts of different places like factories stores and warehouses anywhere where there's lots of machines and appliances and places to hide from humans and this is where we hold our school right here inside the laboratory of Professor you genius it's a fantastic place for me to hold class every day new devices materials toys and even food are brought here for examination and there are lots of scientific devices and tools to study here as well but most importantly we never need to hide from the head of the laboratory because my colleague professor you genius someone I'm proud to call a friend he loves fixies helps us anytime we need and we'll never let our secret Alton why should we do first we have to start out with pulling apart these wires [Music] [Music] thank you digit kiddies well the way I see it in order to get the nod out that's over here we need to expand the loop that's over there and then push that wire through it and then do it again from the other end that's it there we go girls hey pull it hard [Music] hey check it out the screen wire up here isn't plugged into anything then no one's using it so that means we should go and pull it out from the outlet [Music] [Music] I found another one or no one's using I mean thinking I found it together lowlich why are you so upset because you guys are doing all the work how about this player nobody's checked it yet really did you find some treasure no liqu aha there are six free outlets under here great now professor you genius can plug in his fan and his kettle and even a soldering iron to a device that doesn't use batteries you need to plug a pair of wires into an outlet but it's important not to let the wires touch one another or the electricity can burn them out that's why wires are covered in plastic or rubber so the electricity won't pass from one wire to the other or to us when we touch them so always be very careful with wires and never ever touch a bare wire you could get killed by the electric shock Oh what would I do without my wonderful friends thank you ah sorry I just I didn't I wanted to I should go go ahead that's a great idea and we'll start our class what were we talking about about wires well it looks like our class is over time to go play - today's lesson will be on pipes and tubing right here inside of this laboratory you can see them all over look over there and then some more over there there's another one so who can tell me some different uses for tubes ditch are used in plumbing to carry the water Noack in school we don't give an answer without being called on digit you get it for carrying waste I am talking two-digit bow gas go sewer pipe sale stop interrupting us and don't forget about smoking a smoke static that's just rude behavior out right now [Music] all right shower hose that's also a tube right I told you to get out Thanks and a vacuum cleaners got one too huh and the spy glasses that pirates use when they're sailing hey what do you say we all go with sneak out of here great idea let him call out to himself Shh and a true pizza to that you blow through [Music] like is my younger brother there's a lot he still doesn't know but that doesn't stop him from getting involved in things he probably shouldn't unfortunately that can get him into trouble so every once in a while me or my parents have to rescue him no I wouldn't call no like a pest he's just a bit curious that's why he broke the number one Dixie ruling hide from humans no that's the one who first became friends with Tom Thomas well I was there too but no like started actually first it was grandpas many years ago he befriended Professor you genius and after that the professor let us have our school in his laboratory so it turns out that no like is just like his grandfather [Music] did you go on tubes I just look at all the tubes in here there's rubber ones e-blast ones that are curvy oh yeah pens parts of them are too soon he stopped talking he ran out of ideas and those tube slides at the water part the barrel of a rifle and the shell of a bullet those are tubes oh there's a tube with the serious crap and it's also dripping and hissing it's dripping well how can I show you when you kick me out of class [Music] well what's going on take a look that tube up there is leaky that Fassett dripping down his that dangerous it's awful any second now it'll explode you would delete a sandwich so what we do it's a disaster don't panic fire better go to that hose and shut off that valve Simca go get a packer Mack will fix this pipe ourselves it's very important to be sure that a pipe won't leak but making pipes that won't leak isn't so easy pipes can be made by rolling up a sheet of metal and sealing it up unfortunately the seam can break and that's why people have figured out how to make pipes without seams they do it by stretching out hot metal on special machines and PVC pipes are squeezed out of hot plastic like pasta when the plastic is cooled down it hardens into a pipe we fix it just in time knowing way to go there Hey simcha where is he don't know hey he finally left here I am Noack I want to thank you for being alert and I'd like you to join our class be only don't forget in my class students cannot answer unless they're called on now then pipes and tubing digit please continue well but no looks set all of them already not all a strong for drinking a shake is a tube and some noodles are tubes made out of dough and what's it calls on that see a hole in a mountain wait a second I'll get it a volcano that's not it they go this way I mean the kind that go like that their tunnels you got it well done there yeah the video call [Applause] turn on the camera right away it's me simcha just as I expected no like why aren't you in school school it started no but you'll be late if you don't hurry I'm on my way simcha is that really your fixie school um well actually it's the laboratory where professor Eugenius works at he lets us have our school here who's that single look is that the professor that's the manipulator who not who what it's a mechanical arm for real oh please show me some of the other things you've got but how can I show you come on with the camera computers and tablets are able to connect with one another through the internet that's why you can talk to another person on your computer like you're talking on the phone and if the computer has a video camera then it's possible to send not only sound through the internet but video as well that's why it's called a video call with video calls it's possible to talk to your friends to see them and to show them all the things you can see yourself Wow you flew there so fast no like get out of the way you're blocking the view of the lab [Music] Tom Thomas what are you watching it's just a cartoon about these funny little guys can i watch with you no it's boring dad and I've already seen it next that blue guy he starts jumping watch make it cartoony now that redheaded character we'll see watch dancing these guys really are funny and here the super fast move [Music] [Applause] that was funny I gotta get going that's all you can rest my dad went out oh [Music] thank you Thomas what are you doing over there huh movie but why on my computer sorry professor yeah will you forgive us so how is it any good uh-huh it's a super funny one really yeah you see that boy there he's gonna start waving his arms around like a maniac crows like a chicken cockadoodledoo and now the boys gonna go in and shoot paper I can't do this all at once hmm a movie that's what we're watching here right people have always been interested in seeing what's going on outside of where they are and with the invention of video transmission it's now possible to see what's going on almost anywhere now without leaving your home you can see what's happening on another street or even in some far corner of the world with the help of video calls doctors can help their colleagues perform complicated surgeries teachers can give lessons by video and scientists can take part in video conferences with video you can watch a live theater performance in another country and even in outer space an astronaut can feel great at home just chatting away with friends and family and it's not just for astronauts either now almost every tablet and phone here on earth has video in it introducing Tom Titus nice to meet you there son and I'm Professor you genius so I guess you're also a friend of the pixies yeah my friend that's a secret the two of us share and you know keeping secrets is what friends do the robot did I already tell you what I'm hoping you'll get me for my birthday present yes honey only a thousand times herself a robot is loyd our 300 would just be the greatest would you make a vision I want it I really do do well tomorrow you'll find out but now it's time to sleep Tom Thomas Wow that is one great present and we got TomTom is absolutely zero for his birthday ah we're just terrible friends so how does this robot work okay so let's give this a try shall we first we'll take a walk the robots going I can tell you one of the robots eyes is a video camera the robot sends the picture to the screen on the controller so the player can see where the robot is going yeah and that's just one thing they know how to do a robot is a smart machine that can do very difficult or dangerous work for humans with its strong metal arms a robot can move heavy objects or put together parts to build cars and other machines robots are often tempting to power space or to the bottom of the ocean to help scientists there are also robots that can understand what people are saying and robots that can talk and even make jokes just like people I got it let's turn you around uh what was that look you know he destroyed him no stop yeah we're playing with that right you think Tom will notice uh I know what you're doing all night I'm off to bed I'll get him to work I'll stay up until I do Zuka let's try a no we're gonna need some help [Music] the problem is clear from inside one two three inside moldy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] inside [Music] [Music] we fix things right [Music] Wow you got it we need to hide robot assign our 300 I can't believe it [Music] well happy birthday to you Tom Thomas I'm sorry Tom Thomas last night your robot you know I broke it dad it works perfectly don't you see [Music] I'm so proud of you you fixed it I couldn't fix it at all I tried everything oh you want to tell me that the robot fixed itself put a joker [Music] mom dad thanks so much I love it [Music] I should have known it was you who fix the robot the nightlight [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's all you've had enough monsters it's not good to watch these kinds of movies before bed mom mom really I'm not scared let me watch the end would you I told you that's all [Music] well good night honey [Music] but who's there huh they're very close I feel them [Music] can you believe it he's sleeping and he didn't turn the light off yeah and so and so if every human went to sleep with a light on there wouldn't be enough electricity to go around everyone can probably remember walking into an empty room with the lights turned on or finding a TV on that nobody's watching one little lighter TV might not seem like much but just imagine how many people are living on this earth well if everybody forgot to turn off the lights our TV when they weren't being used the amount of wasted electricity would equal the amount of energy produced by a hundred power plants and each of these power plants needs freight cars of coal or rivers of oil to keep running and all that fuel has to be extracted and burned constantly how do you see how expensive burning a lightbulb is for the earth so don't forget to turn off electrical appliances when you're not using them it's so easy but who'd you got the light [Music] they're very close look what's up with him I think he's playing sleep hockey Luke say Kay's position is left out haha anyway he should get a penalty for wasting electricity monsters no look Simca forgive me who did you think we were mmm monsters well I see how you could mistake Simca for one but obviously not me hmm Tom Thomas what are you doing why are you sleeping with a light on I was so dumb I watched his monster movie on TV before Ben you know I'm scared to sleep without the light on and that dumb old monster flick why were you watching it I felt like getting scared you're great getting scared keep quiet or we'll wake up your mom and dad how am I gonna fall asleep now here's a good idea you can use a night light a night light is a little light that humans who don't like to sleep in the dark use in their rooms the night light has a dim glow that's because it works with a special kind of light bulb that uses very little electricity these kinds of light bulbs are called energy efficient that's hard to say and you can find night lights that use such low energy bulbs that they can work off of a battery but you know there isn't a night light here huh how would you get by without us tonight I'm here to help you I'm gonna be your night light look right there there's our lamp shade [Music] thanks so much you really are a friends indeed no liqu it was easy just go to sleep no look hmm do you know any good stories I don't want about a big meat grinder nah no way you better tell me a story about a nice kind fixie ah I know a good one here's how it goes grand Luce was working inside of a very big clock actually the clock wasn't that big I'm not sure if those branches but it was a clock I think the thermos where should I put it put what Tom Thomas oh it's you my ice cream are you choking I can't Tom Thomas are you all right I'm fine it's just that it's a present for my mom today is Mother's Day then you need to go get it your I can't dad and I are going to congratulate her together what's your dad gonna give her I don't know but when he gets back home the ice cream will have melted and put it in the freezer and what if mom looks in there and finds it the surprise will be ruined so where won't you find it I'll tell you where inside of your dad's office I don't see any place to hide it here there's no freezer anything why don't you take a look inside the box use a thermos but what good is it to me thermos is are for keeping things hot the ice cream will melt in there it will not the thermos is made by putting one bottle inside of another between the bottles is an empty space and that's the secret of the thermos that space stops heat from getting out or in so if there's hot key inside the empty space doesn't let the heat from the tea out and if there's ice cream in the outside from getting in and that's how huh [Music] that's it I'll go and play for a little while thank you where are you what are you doing don't touch anything and don't even think of the ice cream your tongue what did you say what if you breathed on to the foil hi not no like I'll go and get Tom Thomas winter is a wonderful time of year holidays presents snowballs escapes sleds but the cold is also something serious that you shouldn't fool around with the most important thing is to dress warmly cover your head with a hat and your throat with a scarf then there's less chance you'll catch a cold or get a sore throat and to keep your hands from getting chapped don't forget to wear gloves and never walk around in wet shoes in the winter that's a sure way to get yourself sick and there's one more thing I want to tell you it's great to have fun in the cold but use your head don't eat snow or stick your tongue on metal fences poles or doorknobs your tongue gets stuck so strongly to the metal that it will be very hard to get off I wish you all a nice winter wear dad you're already home mm-hmm then why are you taking my present what do you mean your present I mean this one since when did it become yours oh hi there what's the fuss all about oh it's nothing at all I have a surprise for you I want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day a thermos how wonderful thanks so much is there something in here I don't think so inside there's a present from me [Music] vanilla ice cream my favorite and how did that end up in there hmm thank you so much my sweeties no you got me so scared thank goodness you thought of turning into a screw inside of there ha ha does your tongue hurt do you think you can talk again I can talk oh that's good we better hurry we still need to go in which our mother a happy mother's day and you should kiss the toothbrush once I finish you my top secret growth potion I will create my own giant canine crew oh yeah it's fun but it's gonna end badly Tom Thomas get ready for bed I'm going dad but first my secret recipe starting with the bits of carbon eat xerus and now a little bit of bread and butter s and finally fear the homework you sod yeah don't be afraid drink my baby and you'll grow ten times your size what it doesn't taste good oh right I forgot it needed stirring this hypersonic mixer will do the trick Tom Thomas you shouldn't use what doesn't belong to you that's your father's toothbrush you said it uh oh you Tom Thomas are a big boy but your brain is smaller than Millett right thank you just go up with the toothbrush back in its place I never touched it no that's not right at all Tom Thomas what's up I'm almost done dad simcha no luck please I really need your help no panicking first we need to understand what could have broken inside of there [Music] an electric toothbrush is really simple as long as you know these three parts the battery the motor and a very clever mechanism that connects the motor with the bristles the whole secret to the toothbrush is right in there that mechanism uses this inning of the motor to make the bristles move and that's how it brushes your teeth so what can we do about it here's what we did first reading up the motor then we take the gears out and then the mechanism how much time do we need to do that one or two hours what no just listen here Tom Thomas you need to open up the battery compartment wait for me right here these are your teeth well I mean they're not your teeth but do you get what I'm saying nowadays we use a toothbrush to clean our teeth but it wasn't always that way the ancient Egyptians used a chewed stick to scrape their teeth while the ancient Greeks rub their teeth with Vikings well who knows what they used only 200 years ago an Englishman named William Addis came up with something better he drilled holes into a meat bone inserted punches of bristles into them and there you go the toothbrush and here's what I need to tell you all as a fixing that is as a master repairman you need to make sure to brush your teeth often especially after eating or you'll be getting them repaired often at the dentist then what's wrong with it you're not gonna believe it but the battery died that's all I know what to do I'll put in new ones you dad turned the toothbrush on looks like everything's fine it's working way to go excellent you never find out what kind of slop next up with this brush what how dare you know how dare you refer to my mighty potion like this Tom Thomas somehow soap got all over my toothbrush can you explain that yeah you got caught what do you say now [Music] you see please don't let that seep in
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 9,225,534
Rating: 4.0809031 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: l-eKs4uvQFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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