The Fixies ★ A Knight In Shining Armour ★ Fixies 2019 | Cartoon For Kids | Cartoons For Children

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[Music] [Music] the drums now you hear it I would love to but the only thing I can hear is no likes bagging no like what are you doing rehearsing my soul oh no it's the drummer in a rock band didn't you know that why don't you're going to rehearse somewhere else if you wouldn't mind I just can't see you genius will you come to the laboratory there's something very strange in there what I'm hearing some kind of awful sounds you are I think it's a ghost back from the dead don't you worry about ghosts Lisa I'll check what it is hmm so it's you making the racket what I'm just rehearsing will what is it don't worry it's just a piece of equipment rattling you know what you should do you should go and practice back at home my young friend it's very hard to make a drop one way to make it is to take an empty barrel and replace its bottom with a spin made leather or plastic if the skin is stretched tightly the sound can get very bright and loud really big drums are usually played with percussion malice or beaters while smaller drums can be played with sticks or with bare hands instruments that make sounds by being shaken scraped or beaten are all called percussion instruments there are lots of different percussion instruments like the small hand drums that are called bongos big shakers with handles called maracas cymbals made out of metal they'll those really make a lot of noise and there's tambourines ratchets and even spoons that's right people can make music using spoons as a percussion instrument yeah go ahead I've just got some homework to do I can do that and better than you can too then I'll go like that or like that [Music] [Music] [Music] wish I play a violin instead I don't want to find the drama but I can that in their head [Music] maybe someday they will get it [Music] keep going no Lee and now let's turn it off can you hear that it stopped buzzing it did hey everybody it's know like yo what's up so our noisy ghost is back I thought you were practicing at home now Tom Thomas is drumming there I had to run away well our excursion is over and now I would just be so happy to listen to your rock group [Music] [Music] [Music] the armor I heard him he ran into the hallway you check the kitchen Olek and I'll check the living room [Music] I just don't get where could he be hiding the office we've forgot to check in there [Music] there's nowhere in here for him to hide inside the shirt no like Tom Thomas couldn't even fit half of himself inside of that shark yeah then in that huge face uh-huh he's all scrunched up in there and laughing at us there's no one but I know that I heard is he you imagined it let's go take a look in the bathroom I imagined it it's so stuffy inside this armor the arms got stuck mouse how much longer are you gonna look for me Arbor is very hard clothing board by warriors to protect them against swords and arrows people started Becky Garber in ancient times but the full-body armor that night's war didn't start until the Middle Ages the armor worn by Knights on horses was heavy it could weigh a hundred pounds and if a knight got knocked off of his horse he needs help to get back up again by the way the Knights horses they wore their own heavy set of armor for protection hey did you turn into statues Tom Thomas is that you and me who else lift up this visor I can barely breathe and leisurely cuz I can't don't you see my arms got stuck we see you look funny funny to you but now I'm stuck and I can't get out of here come on oh please [Music] what we need right now Chuseok Oh what's wrong with you it's me hey stop it [Music] help I can't get up come on let's undo the latches no look quickly [Music] thanks for helping me it was nothing I couldn't have done it without you put the night back together uh-huh before dad gets back protective clothing isn't just for people who are fighting in battles travelers put on special nets to protect themselves against mosquitoes and nets and beekeepers wear protective clothes too if they have nothing to protect them from bee stings their job would be quite painful without their protective clothing it would be impossible for firefighters to go into burning buildings and save people and how could a strin odds go into outer space without special clothing it's freezing up there and there's no air to breathe at all and that's why they wear a special costume called a spacesuit when they travel the spacesuit not only protects astronauts from the cold but supplies them with hair so they can breathe by the way the fixies also wear protective clothing so they can stay safe while they work well--there's did we get it right it looks like we got it right only wears the helmet NOLA cranky got it Thanks there she Sokka whoa calm yourself down there we go it's all back in place again too bad that your night looks like a ballerina twirling around you see his arms I can't move it it's stuck here's what we'll do give him something to hold [Music] look perfect the combination lock [Music] no lick are you here stop you're hiding I'll still find you know lick is that you hey come on that's not fair you saw let me go again I don't want to you want me to play hide and seek when I got a brand-new game to play with where is it I don't see it anywhere in the room I took it to school with me for what reason just show it off Wow awesome game Thomas can i play your game uh-uh cuz I'm not done playing with it yet now just try asking me to do some favor for you wait was it a three or a four it could have been five I forgot what about I forgot the combination and now I can't even do my homework everything I need to finish is inside of there I'm not climbing in to find out your homework don't even ask me Thomas why do you look so upset the code for the lock I don't remember it don't you worry we'll open it I know all about a code lock a simple code lock is filled with a few tips that have numbers on them in the center of each disk is a hole with a nudge when all of the disks are turns so their notches line up in a straight row the locks pin can slide out for you and to get the notches to line up just turn the disks to the locks code and the lock will open it's that simple it looks like we've gotta take a look inside the lock I see no like where are you there's work to do I won't do it I'm not gonna help such a greedy boy no look won't you help me out here and I won't be so greedy anymore all right you broke me down Oh me as soon as we're done you're gonna let me play with the game right there's no room in here hang in there we'll start turning the disks one at a time and you yell stop when they're lined up hurry and your code was really simple way too simple the secret numbers and letters that you use to lock something up are called the code or the password and to make sure your password is a really good one here are some things you should know never choose a password that's really simple for someone else to guess like one with numbers or letters that are all the same or are all in order it's also a bad idea to make a password out of your birthday Durr name it's better to think of a password that's a bit more complicated and don't forget your password once you come up with it write down your password on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe place but don't show it to anybody else and then if you happen to forget your code or password you'll be able to remember it with the help of that piece of paper and why did you ever put a lock on your backpack I was hiding the game from the other kids then why did you take it to school today I wanted to show it off to my class I'm DJ Shelley no way if they would have seen it they'd be like I want to use this I want to play and say you hate it and didn't show it to anybody not to anyone then why take it to school silly to show it off there you're just some show-off you're just so greedy sorry was greedy boy we let us play now huh play away [Music] we're not bothering you are we can you jump a little easier you're shaking the whole desk toasters the baby monitor oh [Music] it's my old baby monitor on fix check checking one two three checking it's working hmm why don't we give it to the Johnsons I just had a baby the other day oh this is mine and I'm planning on using it aren't you a little too big for it no I'm not big at all well I didn't realize that you're still a little boy and a greedy one that's at [Music] they're never gonna notice this hey fixies are you here we're here now why did you call us I gotta show you how I turned into a mind reader I find that just a little hard to believe okay then I'll show you I'll leave you alone and then you'll hide this bunny wherever you want then I'll come back and find it where's a good hiding place well we gotta think of one [Music] we're ready for you and now I'm going to read your thoughts here I go hmm you hit the button here look tada he really does read mine oh that was a lucky guess bet you can't do it again well I bet you I can we're gonna have to be sneakier Vera she's the most beautiful girl in our class she knows it too it doesn't hesitate to use it she can even be a bit sneaky like when she needs help with her homework then digit suddenly becomes her best friend but if she doesn't want to carry her pack a mat she'll say foyer please help me you're just such a strong fixie but all those boys like her just the same digit does I know it does but I guess I do do although I really like simca more or maybe Vera or Bulova I haven't decided yet verda can be difficult and even bossy sometimes but one thing I know for sure there does a good friend a friend that'll always come help well that is if she's able to pry her self away from the mirror [Music] I think that we should throw it down into the sample Cup but in we concentrate in another place that is good but it won't work it's in here cities simcha were you thinking about the cup no I swear and my mind was blank then who did huh hmm Thomas what do you say we go again as many times as you want I know how he's been doing love this it's a baby monitor that's how we can hear what we're seeing I don't get a baby monitor helps parents watch over their babies the system has two units that look like wireless telephones the parents keep one of the units by their side and put the other one in the room where the baby is sleeping if the baby suddenly wakes up and starts crying the unit in the baby's room will pick up the sound and send it by radio waves to the parents unit mom or dad will hear the crying and go and comfort their child so he's listening to herself this time I know what we should do [Music] [Music] huh where is it if you read our minds you'd find your button under the baby monitor you tricked me that's really not nice and spying on us is nice you think I'm sorry I just thought it'd be fun well anyhow Tom Thomas you're too old for this thing unless of course you still need it I'm not a baby I was just you know checking it I'll go and give it to mom mom I'm not greedy about what let's give this monitor to the Johnsons and this car is for their baby boy hmm I don't think that baby's big enough yet for your car so what soon he's gonna get bigger and become a big boy right like me [Music] so pakka Matt simcha can I have the pack of bat I'd like to practice with it a little before the exam take it you're really good with that thing good I couldn't very worse with it I wanted a vacuum cleaner actually you were pretty close there you did manage to get the hose at least this is not at all funny in order to get a tool out of apartment a fixie must not only press the button on his chest but he must also clearly picture exactly the tool he needs by the time they are adults this is easy for feces to do but while their children they must study hard to master this important skill as facies learned about new tools they take exams to prove they know how they work and if they pass an exam the new tool is added to their packets and there's no end to what you can find inside screwdrivers hammers ladders values and even soldering irons but many of the tools that sixes use are quite different from the ones that humans have and the reason for this is very simple it's because the keys have two creaks appliances that are much bigger than Vail I just wish I knew which tool was gonna be on that exam you just stay right here [Music] you gonna ask about it's a secret it's so bad but I'm sure you can keep a secret right of course then I'll tell you today's exam is on pliers you see you won't tell anyone will you ask about pliers huh how could you know that it's a secret okay you can get the pliers out of there is a great tool indeed [Music] lawyers are a great tool in dealing you got it thanks a lot don't look it's not really me thanks a lot for what what secret that the players oh that you know I picked a new topic I decided that I won't be the tool only it's a secret totally all right I'll try to do it is a great tool indeed [Music] I'm sure that's only if he asks me about a hammer would be way too easy for those kids so now it is drivers faces mallets awesome all of these are super duper great jaws yes indeed that's all that's enough of this I'll just go and take the adapt yeah [Music] professor well what do you want to ask me on today's exam nothing you already passed what you mean you're not gonna ask me anything at all no need you're excellent at getting tools out of a pata mat but how could you know that that's a secret and we fix ease sure know how to keep secrets [Music] [Music] the drums now let's turn it on it's buzzing you hear it I would love to but the only thing I can hear is no expanding no what are you doing oh my soul oh no it's the drummer in a rock band didn't you know that why don't you're going to rehearse somewhere else if you wouldn't mind you genius will you come to the laboratory there's something very strange in there what I'm hearing some kind of awful sounds you are I think it's a ghost back from the dead don't you worry about ghosts Lisa I'll check what it is hmm so it's you making the racket what I'm just rehearsing real what is it don't worry it's just a piece of equipment rattling you know what you should do you should go and practice back at home my young friend it's very hard to make a drop one way to make it is to take an empty barrel and replace its bottom with a skin made of leather or plastic if skin is stretched tightly the sound can get very bright and loud really big drums are usually played with percussion malice or beaters while smaller drums can be played with sticks or with bare hands instruments that make sounds by being shaken scraped or beaten are all called percussion instruments there are lots of different percussion instruments like the small hand dramas that are called bongos big shakers with handles called maracas cymbals made out of metal they'll those really make a lot of noise and there's tambourines ratchets and even spoons that's right people can make music using spoons as a percussion instrument [Music] yeah go ahead I've just got some homework to do I can do that and better than you can - then I'll go like that or like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] which I play instead I don't want to but I can't drop that in their head [Music] maybe someday they will get it by me [Music] thank you [Music] keep going Nolan and now let's turn it off can you hear that it stopped buzzing it did hey everybody it's no like yo what's up so on noisy ghost is back I thought you were practicing at home now Tom Thomas is drumming there I had to run away well our excursion is over and now I would just be so happy to listen to your rock group [Music] [Music] - today's lesson will be on pipes and tubing right here inside of this laboratory you can see them all over look over there and there some more over there there's another one so who can tell me some different uses for tubes ditch are used in plumbing to carry the water Noack in school we don't give an answer without being called on did you get it for carrying waste I am talking to ditch it now gas goes through pipes sales stop interrupting us and don't forget about smoking a smoke static that's just rude behavior out right now [Music] all right the shower hose that's also a tube right I told you to get out Thanks and the vacuum cleaners got one too huh and the spy glasses that pirates use when they're sailing hey what do you say we all go with sneak out of here great idea let him call out to himself Shh and a trumpet too to that you blow through [Music] no it is my younger brother there's a lot he still doesn't know but that doesn't stop him from getting involved in things he probably shouldn't unfortunately that can get him into trouble so every once in a while me or my parents have to rescue him no I wouldn't call no like a pest he's just a bit curious that's why he broke the number 160 ruling hide from humans no that's the one who first became friends with Tom Thomas well I was there too but no like started actually first it was Grandpa's many years ago he befriended professor you genius and after that the professor let us have our school in his laboratory so it turns out that no lick is just like his grandfather [Music] did you go on tubes I just look at all the tubes in here there's rubber ones e-blast ones that are curvy oh yeah parts of hammer tubes - he stopped talking he ran out of ideas and those tubes at the water part and the shell of a bullet those are tubes oh there's a tube with a serious crack and it's also dripping and hissing it's dripping Wow how can I show you when you kicked me out of class what's going on take a look that tube up there is leaking that facet dripping out is that dangerous it's awful any second now it'll explode [Music] you would delete a sandwich so what we do is a disaster don't panic fire para de go to that hose and shut off that valve simcha go get a packer Mack will fix this pipe ourselves it's very important to be sure that a pipe won't leak but making pipes that won't leak isn't so easy pipes can be made by rolling up a sheet of metal and sealing it up unfortunately the seam can break and that's why people have figured out how to make pipes without seams they do it by stretching out hot metal on special machines and PVC pipes are squeezed out of hot plastic like pasta when the plastic is cooled down it hardens into a pipe we fix it just in time you know it way to go there hey suka where is he don't know hey he finally left hear him know it I want to thank you for being alert and I'd like you to join our class only don't forget in my class students cannot answer unless they're called on now then pipes and tubing digit please continue well but no like set all of them already no not all a strong for drinking a shake is a tube and some noodles are tubes made out of dough and what's it calls on that sing a hole in the mountain wait a second I'll get it a volcano that's not it they go this way I mean the kind that go like that there are tunnels you got it well done there yeah [Music] [Music] this cell phone hey no like come on out and play he's not allowed he was punished can you tell me what you did I grabbed a pacman and I forgot to ask how long do you have to sit there until Massey and poplars come home from their business what did you say business a work trip they're inside of your father's cellphone right now they were busy doing repairs in there when he left the house for work do you know the reason why a mobile phone is also called a cell phone mobile phones are connected to other mobile phones with the help of special radio stations that are put on top of towers and building roofs each one of these stations send signals to its own area below and each area is called a cell a mobile phone works anywhere it can find a nearby station that it can connect to so as long as there is a station nearby you can talk as much as you want you can even move from one cell to another and without you ever knowing it your mobile phone will switch from one station to another one so your conversation can keep on going even if you're running after a bus go riding on it Tom Thomas hello there you go my dad came back home already hi dad how are you can you believe it it looks like I lost my phone what do you mean you lost it where I have no idea so what I'm gonna have to sit here forever now you our parents are missing the phone's stopped shaking a while now we're probably already at home not home to me how can we ever get home to our children where's my Marcia don't whine we'll work something out don't worry I got a phone let's give them a ring they can't answer call but what if they answer us column Tom Thomas I don't even think it we're not allowed to talk to humans we're not gonna talk to them we're just gonna listen we need to close the contacts it's no use oh they answered the phone let me talk papas yeah it's me yeah yeah where are you in the telephone the phone part is not what she's asking you oh it's not a lot like gasoline in here ask your father was he anywhere around gasoline [Music] dad did you go anywhere today where it smells like gasoline gasoline I had to go to the gas station that's the place where you're a telephone disappeared are you sure yeah well I've got intuition intuition intuition huh you know what I'll go check [Music] [Music] your phone is ringing it's just incredible you see I found it son you're one clairvoyant I didn't notice when it fell out of my pocket back at the gas station my sweeties so uh just by any chance you think he might happen to know where I can find that nice watch I lost no don't worry there's no rush just use that intuition you've got [Music] [Music] even when I heard him he ran into the hallway you check the kitchen Olek and I'll check the living room [Music] [Music] where could he be hiding the office we forgot to check in there [Music] there's nowhere in here for him to hide inside the shirt no like Tom Thomas couldn't even fit half of himself inside of that shark yeah then in that huge face uh-huh he's all scrunched up in there and laughing at us there's no one but I know that I heard is he you imagined it let's go take a look in the bathroom I imagined it it's so stuffy inside this armor the arms got stuck [Music] where mouse how much longer are you gonna look for me Arbor is very hard clothing borne by warriors to protect them against swords and arrows people started Becky Gobber in ancient times but the full body armor that night's war didn't start until the Middle Ages the armor worn by Knights on horses was heavy it could weigh a hundred pounds and if a knight got knocked off of his horse he needs help to get back up again by the way the Knights horses they wore their own heavy set of armor for protection hey did you turn into statues Tom Thomas about you and me who else lift up this visor I can barely breathe and leisurely cuz I can't don't you see my arms got stuck we see you look funny funny to you but now I'm stuck and I can't get out of here come on oh yeah please [Music] just what we need right now she Sokka what's wrong with you it's me [Music] help I can't get up come on let's undo the latches Nolan quickly [Music] thanks for helping me yesin I couldn't have done it without you uh-huh before dad gets back protective clothing isn't just for people who are fighting in battles travelers put on special nets to protect themselves against mosquitoes and gnats and beekeepers wear protective clothes too if they have nothing to protect them from bee stings their job would be quite painful without their protective clothing it would be impossible for firefighters to go into burning buildings and save people and how could astronauts go into outer space without special clothing it's freezing up there and there's no air to breathe at all and that's why they wear a special costume called a spacesuit when they travel the spacesuit not only protects astronauts from the cold but supplies them with air so they can breathe by the way the fixies also wear protective clothing so they can stay safe while they work well there's did we get it right it looks like we got it right only wears the helmet NOLA cranky [Music] thanks their cheese Sokka whoa yeah one more calm yourself down there we go it's all back in place again too bad that your light looks like a ballerina twirling around you see his arms I can't move it it's stuck here's what we'll do give him something to home well how's that look perfect the bark home and so what do we do if we happen to see humans - right and what have you've got nowhere to hide then we turn ourselves into screws that's correct there could it be on earth could I have put it such a scatterbrain ah it's professor you genius there's no need to hide from him he's our friend where has it gone ah did you lose something again professor yeah how did you guess it's just awful yesterday I started testing a new iron and today it's totally disappeared into thin air where could you have put that thing um I've got it down to two places it could be in the warehouse or mmm not in the warehouse yeah that information I'll help us find it or not help us find it yes follow me to the warehouse [Music] let's look at this one wow it's a here's how I think he's doing it I think the professor has glasses made to see through the boxes of course not I only know how to read the barcode that you can see on each of those boxes oh yeah exactly if you look at the printing on packages and boxes you'll often find a symbol with a lot of black lines and numbers these symbols are called barcodes each barcode has all sorts of information what the item is what country it came from and even in which factory it was made with the help of a special reading device a scanner it's possible to read all the information the barcode holds it really is an excellent system for stores to know what they've got you don't even need a scanner to do it I can figure out barcodes without one I'll teach you if you want please let's see we're looking for almost everything that is sold there is some kind of mark for instance this kind of mark is called a barcode and this one a QR code these marks help us find out a lot of information suppose you walk by a building and see a QR code on it just point the camera on your mobile phone at it and information about who built it and when it was built will appear on the screen isn't that great it's a shame not every phone can do this yet and that's not all there are also marks that work without pictures there are electronic strips that can hold information these chips can be put inside of ID cars or travel passes and all you need to do is press the card numerator so it can check if you're allowed to go on through uh you just made my day you found it so quickly what would I do without you huh is something wrong this is not an ayah sandwich is that mine yesterday I wanted to put it into the fridge only I guess I put it into my oh I just get distracted so easily look we need to think this through logically if you wouldn't place your sandwich into the box where the iron should have gone then you must have put your iron oh here you are here you are my new iron oh I looked everywhere for you thank you my friends once again there's no need to thank us at all you're always there when we need help you've even let us open our own school here in your laboratory we don't have to hide ourselves yeah that's because you're so kind and you [Music] creatures pass him on the right why didn't you hit the brakes he was just too scared what do you mean too scared something got into my eyes those were your hands my turn let me show you how it's really done what's wrong with the computer oh it's been really acting up for a while it turns off by itself it's no big deal I just turn it back on I don't like this oh come on no like let's go inside and take a look just like people machines can get sick too they can get a very high temperature and even start coughing and sneezing and if a machine or an appliance gets seriously sick sometimes it can be too late to fix them at all so wouldn't it be better if we could keep them from getting sick in the first place everybody knows that people who look after their health get sick less often and live longer and the same goes for machines machines break less often and live longer if they're properly taken care of that's why machines need to be checked from time to time and cleaned and oiled and that's what's called preventive maintenance and preventive maintenance is something that always should be kept in mind by humans and by Pixies [Music] what is that what is what can you hear that what are all those sounds it's probably just mmm a fifty-year that woke up what do you mean fish eater didn't you know the inside of some appliances they're live horrible monsters they love to attack fixies and eat them and the smaller the fixes are the more the fixie eater like stadium ha ha and how come you never told me anything about big theatres before I didn't want you to get all right scaredy-cat let's keep going [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no it's just a fan not just no like it needs our help see how sick fat man is let's go and get it working right now a computer can only run when all of its parts are working and even though a fan looks like nothing more than a simple little engine with a propeller the computer couldn't work without it it has the very important job of keeping all of those other parts cool when they start eating up it cools down the inside of a computer by blowing a stream of air but if the fan gets dirty and starts working poorly the computer might get overheated and turn off or it can simply break [Music] you have to turn off your computer how come I'll tell you later [Music] that parts done now really let me try alright just like your nose [Music] and then suddenly I hear this terrible rumor of a fixator but I wasn't scared one little bit and I just ran right into the battle and simcha oh she was hiding somewhere you know she's a girl and they're all cowards so I had to fight the monster all by myself oh I guess that was an example of how girls hide like cowards when they're too scared [Music] [Music] the fire extinguishers so who can tell me in the home what is the greatest danger of them all is that well dogs are dangerous for us but what is very scary for us and for humans well I was just answering what you asked us although your joke was awful fire your answer was actually correct nothing can be worse than getting caught inside a house on fire don't know much about chemistry but I can handle circuitry that's an interesting idea I have to try it out [Music] and that's why every pata mat has a fire extinguisher inside of it and how do you turn them on well I'll show you at the end of the lesson no like listen yell fire I just want to find out how the professor turns on a fire extinguisher forget it fire do it for you fire you again I was joking it's a stupid kind of joke and I want you to leave right now actually I should call your parents to discuss this terrible behavior fire is no joke at all remember never fool with fire of course you should never play with matches or with lighters everybody knows that but those aren't the only things that can cause a fire inside of a house so can a stove or a fireplace and don't forget electrical appliances like electric burners space heaters and ions if you act carelessly around any of these appliances they can cause a fire and we should never forget to take extra special care with sparklers candles and fireworks sparks can jump off of them and set fire to highly flammable things like paper wood or cloth so what do you do if a fire suddenly breaks out that's right you pull the fire department by dialing the number for all emergencies 9-1-1 [Music] huh what's going on no way no way fire it's burning for real fire what do I do oh yeah I need you fire extinguisher Oh where are you and that's how a pocke man can become a fire extinguisher do you understand we understand there's a fire it's over there no you don't know when to stop fire I'm not joking this time please believe me if they're nice try fire I look even your smoke this time no simcha that smokes from a fire uh-huh I'm sure that this time it's for real it's the truth I swear I'm not lying this time I think it's true he's not joking we've got ourselves a real fire here Tula simcha turn off the soldering iron be careful kids you has to stay back here away from the fire and what can we do to help take out your fire extinguisher [Music] long ago people used to put out fires with just water or Sam today people also use fire extinguishers fire extinguishers are cylinders with hoses they're usually painted red so they're easy to see the cylinder is filled up with a special powder or fall if someone needs to put out a fire they point the hose at the fire pull out the safety pin and squeeze the handle the foam or powder shoots out of the extinguisher and puts out the fire our fire extinguishers are just too small for this fire we have to find professor who genius to put it out I already did all right where's the fire [Music] new fixes are just the greatest thank you you saved the whole laboratory if not for you fix ease I can't even fathom how this could have ended and what I'm wondering is how the fire got started at all fire I had nothing to do with that yes sure then who was yelling fire fire you know what maybe it was you that set the fire well if that's what happened don't even think about coming back to school without your parents colleague colleague wait it's all my fault I didn't turn off the soldering iron forgive me now we know whose parents the school should be calling [Music] the barcode and so what do we do if we happen to see humans - right and what have you've got nowhere to find then we turned ourselves into screws that's correct earth could I have putted such a scatterbrain ah it's professor you genius there's no need to hide from him he's our friend where has it gone ah did you lose something again professor yeah how did you guess it's just awful yesterday I started testing a new iron and today ah it's totally disappeared into thin air where could you have put that thing um I've got it down to two places it could be in the warehouse or mmm not in the warehouse yeah that information I'll help us find it or not help us find it follow me to the warehouse [Music] if we have to look inside each one of them it'll take us two days maybe we'll get lucky let's look at this one wow it's a fan made in Germany by the way he's right there is kettle in there professor this a drink you get it's gotta be magic oh yeah here's how I think he's doing it I think the professor has glasses made to see through the boxes of course not I only know how to read the barcode that you can see on each of those boxes Oh exactly if you look at the printing on packages and boxes you'll often find a symbol with a lot of black lines and numbers these symbols are called barcodes each barcode has all sorts of information what the item is what country it came from and even in which factory it was made with the help of a special reading device a scanner it's possible to read all the information the barcode holds it really is an excellent system for stores to know what they've got you don't even need a scanner to do it I can figure out barcodes without one I'll teach you if you want let's see we're looking for my box with an iron when I bring in the professor [Music] today on almost everything that is sold there is some kind of mark for instance this kind of mark is called a barcode and this one a QR code these marks help us find out a lot of information suppose you walk by a building and see a QR code on it just point the camera on your mobile chrome addict and information about who built it and when it was built will appear on the screen isn't that great it's a shame not every phone can do this yet and that's not all there are also marks that work without pictures there are electronic chips that can hold information these chips can be put inside of ID cars or travel passes and all you need to do is press the card near a meter so it can check if you're allowed to go on through uh-uh you just made my day you found it so quickly what would I do without you huh is something wrong this is not an iron mine yesterday I wanted to put it into the fridge only I guess I put it into my oh I just get distracted so easily look we need to think this through logically if you win and place your sandwich into the box where the iron should have gone then you must have put your iron oh here you are here you are my new iron oh I looked everywhere for you thank you my friends once again there's no need to thank us at all you're always there when we need help you've even let us open our own school here in your laboratory and we don't have to hide ourselves yeah that's because you're so kind and you [Music] the pakka mat simcha can I have the pack of bat I'd like to practice with it a little before the exam you're really good with that thing good I couldn't very worse with it I wanted a vacuum cleaner actually you were pretty close there he did manage to get the hose at least this is not at all funny in order to get a tool out of apartment a fixie must not only press the button on his chest but he must also clearly picture exactly the pool he needs by the time they are adults this is easy for feces to do but while their children they must study hard to master this important skill as facies learned about new tools they take exams to prove they know how they work and if they pass an exam the new tool is added to their pack events and there's no end to what you can find inside screwdrivers hammers ladders values and even soldering irons but many of the tools that fix issues are quite different from the ones that humans the reason for this is very simple is because the keys have two creaks appliances that are much bigger than they are I just wish I knew which tool was gonna be on that exam you just stay right here [Music] you gonna ask about it's a secret it's too bad but I'm sure you can keep a secret right of course then I'll tell you today's exam is you see you won't tell anyone will ya huh how could you know that secret okay you can get the pliers out of there [Music] just be careful how you use a more your fingers you could bruising good going you got it thanks a lot no look it's not really me should be thanks for what what secret about the players oh that you know I picked a new topic I decided to have her won't be the tool only it's a secret totally all right I'll try to do it [Music] [Music] great [Music] super I'm sure you're gonna pass that's only if he asks me about a hammer I'll be right back a hammer would be way too easy for those kids so now it is a drill [Music] hammers wrenches drills food drivers places mallet sauce employees all of these are super duper quilters yes indeed that's all that's enough of this I'll just go and take the exam yeah professor well what do you want to ask me on today's exam nothing you already passed what you mean you're not going to ask me anything at all no need you're excellent at getting tools out of a caca Matt but how could you know that that's a secret and we fix ease sure know how to keep secrets [Music] [Music] the cartoon yeah like that yeah Tom Thomas aren't you done yet yeah show us your surprising quit drawing but this is the surprise so make yourselves comfortable quiet on the set and action [Music] huh you should put a huge bump on his head it's just like a cartoon that you draw in there hey did Ross a real cartoon there oh right real cartoons they only show them on television but they make them exactly the same way animation is made with many many pictures called frames each one of the frames is a little bit different from the one that comes right before it for example a characters can lift his arm up a little bit at a time and then if you watch the frames very quickly one right after the other it looks like the character is really moving and that's how cartoons are made and you know what to make one minute of a cartoon you might have to draw more than a thousand frames oh wow I'm not patient enough for that it's no big deal that your cartoons short especially since it's funny so funny Thomas who's this kooky guy you drew here you're just joking no llyich you don't recognize yourself so this is supposed to be me on here did you already forget what happened to you this morning you weren't too fast for the pole Oh suka you didn't have to tell him about that real sisters don't treat their brothers like that oof and your cartoons aren't funny at all no look don't go it's okay he just needs to soak for a while while he's gone there's something I want to show you do you have a cartoon you can put on the TV I have plenty what should I do let's watch it again but now I want to show you the same cartoon afraid at a time here take a look this is a frame then here's another and another even that cool uh-huh so cool and then back at regular speed there's 25 frames every second what should I don't it's magical simply you know [Music] I feel awful for no liqu yeah I feel awful too there are many different ways of making animation hand-drawn animation is of course drawn by hand and stop-motion is made like this the animators pose the model and take a picture of it then they move the model a little bit and take another picture and they do it again and again and again until there are enough frames to make the characters look like they're moving very smoothly across the screen another popular style of animation is clay animation in these films everything is built and rebuilt out of modeling clay but today most of the cartoons are made on a computer at first they make a computer model of a character a sort of digital puppet after the models are built they are colored and animated to move this is the kind of animation that's used in the fixie cartoons Thomas what are you doing are you drawing a new cartoon nah I started fixing the old one so no uncle stop being angry good keep trying and I'll go and get him no I'm not here no forgive me please don't be so mad there's a cartoon to watch I've already seen your stupid cartoon so what'd you do now what a huge bump on the head not a chance I did it all over again I'm sure you'll love it you're sure that all right go ahead show me your car kids quiet on the set and action [Music] there you go now that I really liked good cuz I'm all out of paper well I think the first cartoon was funnier but this one's much better of course the tools hang on there are these really cool things that I want to show you [Music] look how many things you got all at once your dad's gonna be so angry when he sees what you did with all of his tools I'm gonna put them all right back where they were and where were they open the box and you'll see it's neat there's a special place in there for each one of the tools from hammering in a nail or drilling a hole with your bare head there's no way but with the help of the proper tools it's a piece of cake but of course that's only if you know how to use them tools need proper care if the head of a hammer is loose or a drill is dull then you shouldn't work with that it's dangerous and when you're done working put the tools back in their places oh you'll be tearing your house apart trying to find them the next time you need them the pieces go here and the wrench goes over there this drill bits too long for this spot let's see if it fits in this one huh any idea what this tool is for for splitting wood or carving stone that chisels what you want to own Wow simcha you're a real poet now try to answer this little poem when you have a thing to measure this round tool is quite a treasure this tool right I know what it's called it's a measuring tape let me measure you know it wow you've grown you've almost reached 1 centimeter glass I also have a rhyming riddle for you well thanks a nail into the wall to make sure pictures never fall a hammer I was first and the hammer goes right here and now I have one for you to guess if you need to screw in screws here's the tool that you should use screwdriver I was first again you got it right all right Tom Thomas we'd better hurry we still have a lot of tools here to get sorted out humans just like fixes use hundreds of different tools to do their work picking the right one depends on the task at hand for instance if you need to hammer in a nail use a hammer but you don't use a hammer for a screw for that there is a special tool called the screwdriver a wrench is the tool for tightening nuts and bolts a vise is used to hold a part in place and a drill to drill a hole if you need to cut a piece of wood you should choose a saw you can use a handsaw for example or a hacksaw different kinds of pliers can be used for snipping gripping or bending if you need to smooth something down you use a file if you learn how to work with tools properly you can build just about anything [Music] looks like we did just in time oh and how about this do you know what kind of tool that is I don't know there's no place for it in here just throw it out come on and what if my parents use it looks like we did something wrong here my dad came home Tom Thomas I'm in here hi there reading way to go son I don't get it where is it what I put a piece of metal under the table leg so it wouldn't shake but it disappeared so that's where the tools places hey did you take it what I didn't it must be somewhere come to the table and you look under the sofa all right [Music] what do you think he wants he wants us to get that metal thing out of his dad's box come on let's go you come [Music] any luck me neither [Music] I found it dad it was under the table just like I told you huh you were right it's strange how could I have missed it maybe you're just tired from working too much maybe what uh it's a new word to teach to teach hmm I do like the sound of it [Music]
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 2,249,717
Rating: 4.1976762 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 35sec (5495 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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