The Pyramid | The Fixies | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] please [Music] not yet hurry will ya that's it i'm ready for the contest wait that's a pastry this is a pastry nolick but this is an egyptian pyramid oh wow doesn't it look just like an anihil sure does i remember in grand force told us that inside of those is a labyrinth and a mummy of a sparrow no a pharaoh [Music] the egyptian pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures the biggest one of them is the great pyramid of keops it's more than 4 000 years old and over 100 meters tall like a 40-story building how it was possible to build such a giant way back then is still a mystery there were no hoisting cranes in those days some people believe that the pyramids were built by aliens but i have a feeling that they couldn't have been built without the fixies help [Music] so is there a labyrinth in there of course show me you joking i just put it together for the contest no way i'm gonna break this apart hey isn't that a weigh-in where are you going i'm just gonna look at the labyrinth and the mummy mummy what are you talking about well we're right now stop you'll get lost i won't get lost so i think i'll go this way and then this way come back nolik i was already here and i was here oh oh oh i did get lost you were right what hey there do you know where nolick is in there he went mummy hunting and he got lost mommy whoa a real one class don't know like yahoo are you in here no then where who knows who builds labyrinths like this anyway hey nobody asked you to go in my labyrinth who are you talking to in there digit fire and nolicker inside and i need to go to school now [Music] well i for one have never gotten lost in a labyrinth because i know the rule for getting out you need to always keep your hand on the wall i can find them for you where are you guys over here [Applause] i forgot which of these walls i was touching with my hand [Music] did you find them no and i got myself completely lost in here tom thomas you've got school today don't you yeah i do only i got a pyramid full of fixies it's like an ant hill mm-hmm the first one wanted to go mummy hunting the second one went looking for the first one and the third for both we're lost in here and i've got school to get to wait maybe you could just try to shake them out good idea watch this way you don't get lost [Music] when you're going on a trip think about how to keep from getting lost and how to find your way back don't just rely on maps and the gps in your phone take a compass with you it will show you the cardinal directions without needing phone service you can also find north and south by looking at the sun stars or even an ant hill in the woods take a good look the slope that's gentler faces south and the one that's steeper faces to the north and if you find yourself walking through a labyrinth don't get lost just walk with one hand always touching the wall and eventually you'll get out another way to get through a labyrinth is to tie a rope at the entrance and unreal it along the way then you can follow its path back out [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's the first one and the second and now look [Music] but i couldn't find yours that's because there's none in there what you mean i got lost in there for nothing you're in such a hurry you didn't listen to what i said but without a mummy how can you win oh then maybe you could be my mommy no thank you [Laughter] well did you win a prize uh-huh my pyramid won and here's a special extra prize for being the only one of us who knew how to get out of the labyrinth again another box of those pastries that's fine with me i really love them they're awesome i wish fix easy food what a shame then i'll give some to your mommy [Laughter] the backpack [Music] all right oh it's all done time to play come thomas is that how you pack your backpack why not what's wrong with it i don't know how you think you're gonna find anything at all in there i will too then go and find your ruler here you go an eraser hang on i'll get it where is it uh you can't find it what a shame it's because this backpack is so lousy the backpack is just fine you don't want to lose anything you gotta pack it carefully or have a pacman that can just hand everything dia oh yeah that's just what i need a pack-a-mat only fixies have pack-a-mats and i'm gonna have one i'll make my own there's no way way cuz i'll help him do it sure no look a backpack is a bag with shoulder straps attached it was invented to make it easier to carry heavy loads for long distances and also for freeing up the hands backpacks help us maintain good posture and avoid slouching by putting the loads weight onto our back muscles and our spine and you can fit so many things into a backpack especially if the backpack has lots of separate compartments and everything is packed nice and neatly the first backpacks were quite heavy and uncomfortable they were made out of wood and leather these kinds of backpacks were worn by ancient hunters later on lighter backpacks appeared that were made out of canvas and became quite popular with travelers and soldiers today's backpacks are so light that even kids can carry them [Music] testing of the world's first pack of that design especially for humans begins ready ready to go first thing out of your backpack uh i need pac-man eraser got it watch me [Music] cool a pen your blue one got it [Music] we're experiencing technical problems we need a break [Music] testing of the world i know i know just start take out the eraser [Music] let's say you did it take out the blue pen oh wow the ruler is next [Music] [Applause] class testing of the world's first pack matches where's uh no lick don't worry he'll come later tesla all right already let's get it started go ahead the eraser we've seen that twice already the blue pen [Music] can you take out the ruler sure i can drum roll please whoa it's not possible let me see hmm now i get it why don't you take out your science book sure [Music] yeah some inventors you are your invention calls for a little improvement and i know what it is what just make sure that when you put things into your backpack you do it neatly do it neatly takes forever and it's boring i'm gonna show you how to make it fun whenever it's a school day a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need your pencils books and papers will fit inside indeed we'll fit inside we'll fit [Music] [Applause] you [Music] whenever you go hiking a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need a backpack's all you need whatever you've collected will fit inside indeed we'll fit inside we'll fit inside we'll fit inside indeed without a bag you won't get by you won't succeed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the pencil [Music] well done tom thomas your mom's birthday's today and you're still sleeping hey what's that it's a drawing a portrait of his mom in my opinion this mom doesn't look very much like tom thomas's mom maybe he didn't get to finish the picture yet he was tired and passed out this is not good we gotta do something ah we can help him the pencil is right here a pencil has a lead inside it's the leg that makes the drawing only leg doesn't grow on trees it's made out of a mineral called graphite that's mine out of the earth's crust but how does the leg get inside a pencil it's simple pencils are made with rods of lead and two wooden boards grooves are cut into the boards and the lids placed in them the hands are glued together and cutting the pencils the artist tool is ready [Music] this isn't gonna work oh give me a place to stand and i shall move the pencil through the air [Music] try and get it closer to the drawing [Music] you gotta lift it up a little you gotta push it harder no look we're blackheads look there's a pencil sharpener a piece of lead that's all we need all right let's check out how it was done by the old toys by the great masters like us [Music] yeah she could use a little more hair and a hat too [Music] and a bow around her neck beautiful and your sock has gotta be in there [Music] yeah let's keep drawing [Music] tom thomas are you still sleeping [Music] fixies no need to thank us uh where is my drawing what have you done to it if mom sees this piece of art you created she'll go and faint i know it from happiness right fright's more like it does that look like my mom uh well then give it to your dad your dad won't think i know it but it's my mom's birthday not my dad's you gotta be kidding me [Music] there's also a famous painting like that it's called the black square it's a classic you don't think you'll like it people want to remember the highlights of their lives and so they take photos of nature of their families of themselves even of the food they eat people have been doing this even before the invention of photography by drawing an artist might draw the sun a river some apple trees and soon he's made a landscape and if the apples aren't on trees but on a plate next to ava's cup or basket then a still life is what it's called if a person's in the center then it's called a portrait and when artists make pictures of themselves it's called a self-portrait of course it's easier for us to take a quick photo of things we pass along the way but just like the old masters we put a piece of our souls into our drawings and if you draw more often you'll see it for yourself i promise you that maybe you could just give her one of your older drawings maybe you should just erase the mess you made of this one that could work erasing's gotta be easier than drawing whatever there's no way you can make it worse hey i think i know a way you can fix it you can use the eraser for drawing a portrait uh portraits don't seem to work out too well for us but a still life drawing is a piece of cake [Music] super uh-huh pretty good right tom thomas everything's on the table for breakfast mom happy birthday i drew this present for you thank you tom thomas what a lovely still life so unusual i tried really hard we'll hang it up on the wall now let's go eat what would time thomas have done without us yeah whenever you get into a jam your real friends will always show up to rescue you [Music] the jewel tom thomas it's time to eat where did it go [Music] did you see this tiny little i can't believe now i'm asking a dog tom thomas are you looking for us hey fixies maybe you can help me one of these stones is missing and so and so the spin is very valuable and so is the stone if i don't find the stone soon it's gonna be the end honey your lunch is getting cold there's no reason to panic your precious stone will be found wait a second can stones really be precious of course they can gemstones are the most rare and beautiful of all stones but it's not easy to find them diamonds emeralds rubies sapphires people find them underground and inside of mountains brave divers go to the bottom of the sea to find pearls people have performed heroic acts and committed daring crimes to get these precious tools the magical shine of gems can both enchant and ruin remember only gems acquired honestly bring happiness [Music] i can't find it anywhere [Music] maybe two soccer took it she saw that it was valuable and [Music] why are you making just like angry dogs are supposed to keep treasure safe but this one eats them maybe you didn't look carefully for example did you check inside my flower pot the sticking is just a waste how could it end up in here because i know this is where we left it is that so all right spit it out [Music] ah look at this a diamond this will look absolutely perfect on my back a mat but i was the one that found it it would look perfect on mine too let's bring our pack-a-mats and try it on them we'll put it here for safekeeping [Music] well who could have taken it we still need to check inside of your soccer you got to be joking she'll eat you up [Music] where are you going huh inside to get the stone out no don't please [Music] i'm ready to do anything my friend needs me to by any chance are you looking for this ah where in the world did you find it [Music] i found a buried diamond [Music] it looks like a diamond but to be sure we'll have to conduct a test a raw diamond looks like an ordinary stone but after cutting and polishing each of its facets that special stone transforms into a rare and very expensive jewel that can adorn a necklace a crown or a museum's display case the truth is only a small part of all found diamonds is used for jewelry it's because a diamond is also the hardest rock on the planet that makes it perfect for cutting glass diamonds are used in making strong drill bits and cutting blades many important medical instruments could not be made without them with the help of diabetes it's even possible to drill through a mountain when building a tunnel that's just how valuable diabetes are they can cut a pipe and go well with a dress isn't it pretty only it's not a tom thomas [Music] and now it's gone [Music] to suck a degree [Music] thanks so much fixies i was sure my precious present was gone and who is the present for katya i think she'll like it i've got to tell you tom thomas that's not a precious stone you got nothing but glass there i know but it doesn't matter [Music] what i was risking my life for the sake of a piece of glass first it was for the sake of your friend and second the cost of the gift doesn't matter it's only the thought that counts [Music] the tom rock is back hooray so how was your camping trip super you've got to check out what i found rocks that's just half of it wow is that a screw it looks kind of strange cuz it got petrified millions of years ago screws weren't around then they came much later and how do we know that it could be the first one discovered and maybe it's not just some screw know what i'm saying are you saying that we might be looking at a fixie fixies believe that their ancestors came into being not that long ago right when humans started inventing complicated devices but what if that's not true maybe millions of years ago before the dinosaurs there were a different kind of fixies that inhabited the earth and maybe there were people then too and fixies weren't hiding from them they were friends who they helped with everything together they used to create inventions construct buildings and make scientific discoveries but then there was some horrible catastrophe and this whole civilization disappeared and what if someday scientists find traces of that civilization then ancient sixties will be discovered as well that would be so cool oh my imagination ran away with me you're right he could be our great great grandpas or a great great grandma do you think maybe we could bring it back to life we can screw it in somewhere you get energy from electricity right what an idea but what if our great great get super scared cause everything is different [Music] we can build him a prehistoric world to wake up to [Music] peace time to bring him back to life and you tom thomas disguise yourself we'll break them like this we need a different way to do it [Music] we need more power for this [Music] there wasn't any electricity back then that's why shocking and won't work [Music] oh our great great ancestor who came to us from an ancient home be released from this stone be free why is it always so difficult with relatives wake up wake up and what if [Music] [Applause] we've tried everything this is just a waste of time uh let's sing a song about the screw our song no look it's never gonna work you don't know that we can at least give it a try if you think i'm screwing nothing take it out but just be great everything will break without them with a little screw look it's me it's impossible it really did if you think the screw is nothing take it out thomas hey well how was your camping trip uh seems to me quite a success yeah so let's see what you found there do you know what this is well it's a rock it isn't it's the stalk of a sea lily you mean a flower an animal who lives at the bottom of the sea its stalk makes it look like a flower like a lily on planet earth there are lots of rocks some of them are hiding deep below the surface and others appear with volcanic lava remember those fairy tales where an evil witch would turn everything living into stone well it's really happened just without any magic some prehistoric plants and animals were petrified way back when and they've remained that way ever since thanks to them we can get an idea about what life was like on earth millions of years ago and this one's a devil's finger the squid's ancestor how do you know all this stuff when i was your age i collected fossils and rocks let's go i'll show you my collection [Music] do you think any of our ancestors were sea lilies shame why did i let myself get so carried away there weren't any ancient fixies in the world hmm but i i still believe in them these haven't found the right rock yet but don't find it i know they will [Music] buttered bread [Music] thomas it's not right to eat when you're playing a game i know your mom told you that come on stop distracting me oh no that's the game [Music] now that's what you call murphy's law noah no that's a little buttered bread the love buttered bread there's no way that's a real law people say that bread always lays butter side down scientists laugh at that but there is a greater truth in it first of all a sandwich usually falls from the low height of a table and so it only has time to make a half turn second the side of the bread with the butter is heavier and that pulls it towards the ground and third people remember the bad things that happen to them so they believe that butter bread always lands the wrong way [Music] that's just goofy i don't believe in that law it's true and not just for butter bread but any open face sandwich then let's do an experiment we got tons of food in here we just cover some bread with it and then throw it all right let's do it [Music] [Music] well jelly side down uh-huh energies went down and the chocolate spreads out of luck too the baloney didn't do any better do you believe me now not yet let's keep going we should try some other methods of throwing [Music] oh that's everything there's nothing left no there's still some turkey where did you see that here it is from this plate instead your mom already cooked it hey turkey show them how you're supposed to fall [Music] aha didn't i uh tell ya [Music] you vandals why are you throwing food all over the place it's simply awful hey give it back please we're testing the law of buttered bread you gotta be kidding your mom is gonna love you for that can you please put a sandwich on a plate already it's too heavy for us to keep holding it up good there you go tom thomas do you have any idea at all how nutritious that turkey is and delicious i'd imagine and turkey's a healthy food that has lots of protein vitamins and what do you call them micro elements that's not all eating that turkey could make you grow if you eat that sandwich you could grow a centimeter i think that's true yeah and it'll give you some extra strength which you're gonna need when you clean up your kitchen [Music] humans eat food not only to make them strong but also to grow and develop take a look at all these different foods do you think they have anything at all in common well actually they do all foods contain nutrients like proteins fats and carbohydrates combining them properly is the science of nutrition foods with fats and carbohydrates give humans energy while those with protein are essential for helping children grow people love to eat food that is delicious fresh and assorted try to eat all sorts of good foods like salads and soups cereals potatoes vegetables and meats and not just sandwiches but when it's time for a little snack a sandwich can be just right and it's so easy to make [Music] [Music] what happened to all of our bread there's only one slice left i made an experiment a real one i see well science requires sacrifice and there's no doubt that scientific experience is way better than playing with the phone all day right mm-hmm can i have another piece of turkey i don't know why but i'm really hungry today hmm [Music] no that's what i call murphy's law no that's what they call the law of buttered bread dad do you hear the law is a law the frying pan can you do this easy how about this there's no skating rink there will be what will there be a skating rink where in the frying pan oh all right my bragging buddies go get your skates fixies love playing sports you might find fixy adults working out with weights or maybe working on a gymnastics routine fixy kids love having fixie board contests or taking part in parkour competitions where they have to run jump and hop over all sorts of obstacles these kinds of competitions usually take place inside of sophisticated appliances orienteering is held inside these appliances too that's when fixies use a map to follow a complicated route and the route is quite exact you can't make one wrong turn but the fixie's favorite game has got to be hide and seek nobody can compete with them in this game you don't believe me watch [Music] the rink is frozen so who's first nola come on [Music] [Laughter] well are you going to jump wow class and that's all not at all [Music] no link no lick no lick no [Music] [Applause] [Music] then it's your turn simka now watch and see how it's done [Music] oh wow no look you never had a chance [Music] [Applause] just like always she gets in my way and now she's gonna win no look do you really want to beat her uh-huh you see the salt what you think we should cook her of course not but if we put some salt on the ice it'll melt simka didn't you say that you were gonna skate with your eyes closed piece of cake what can't do it watch and learn [Applause] and two [Music] that wasn't fair guys you wouldn't have done 100 jumps anyway let's start the contest all over again but this time we play by the rules oh look there's a scratch in the pan what what a disaster you can cook just about anything in a frying pan meat fish vegetables in order to stop food from sticking to the pan modern frying pans are covered with a non-stick coating like teflon you can cook in these pans without even using oil and they're easy to clean but you have to treat this kind of kitchenware very carefully it's better not to use metal spatulas or forks that can scratch it because you shouldn't cook food in a pan that has scratches on it it can be really dangerous for your health yeah this pan's completely shot it's all because of your dumb bet it's all because someone was cheating mom's back please simca help me out will ya i'll give you any wish you want or three no five five i can help you if you guys jump up and down 100 times on one leg we could do 200 tom thomas what do you say we make those crepes [Music] hmm these crepes are perfect i just love cooking with this pan why are you jumping i want to make my legs stronger anyway you never could have jumped 100 times in there water hi i'm all ready no look he's gonna stay home like we agreed uh-huh see you soon who's there no look it's you i gotta go i'll go with you no we've got we've got an important job little kids aren't allowed why can't i help you because this work is very demanding only it's boring and you're impatient so you'll bother us huh right and patience patience song like totally patient prove it then how see that um water filter you have to count how many glasses of water it cleans how many do i need to count if you can reach 100 i'll believe you're patient why do they need that filter why don't you drink water out of the sink don't worry about it you need to be counting that was one without water life is not possible the human body is made up of two-thirds of water and people need to drink it all the time but only when it's clean water water is transported from rivers and lakes into houses through pipes along the way it gets cleaned of debris and dirt but even so this water might still contain toxic substances or harmful microbes that's why people use filters to clean water for drinking no bad stuff can get through this last line of defense [Music] where did they all go [Music] they're not drinking anymore how long do i gotta wait here huh tom thomas are you thirsty they drink some water but i don't want water but you gotta don't you know that your body is almost all water and so and so what did you run out of it then all that'll be left of you is just some skin and bones oh that's what my mom is always saying that i'm skin and bone there you go that's why you need to drink water drink some more and some more come on come on that's all i ran out of room you've got plenty of room left why do you care about how much water i'm drinking because i gotta count how much water is going through the filter i really got it yeah and what it's gotta go through me for you to count it i'm totally full what am i supposed to do i've been waiting here in the kitchen all day but nobody's drinking what's going on the filter is broken you gotta call simko right away 415 416 417 418. it's an emergency what the filter's burning you're really funny nolan he's not choking something's going on over there we gotta hurry where's the emergency look so what's going on here great now we're stuck fixing the filter it's not broken the flashing red light is an indicator it means it's time to replace the cartridge in the filter [Music] since ancient times people have been coming up with ways to remember things or to not mix things up knots on ropes were used as reminders that it was time to pay back the debt or reaper harvest people would cut notches into trees to help remember numbers later people invented the abacus calendars and day planners and now things are even easier because devices can give us reminders alarm clocks help people get up on time a loud oven timer can save a pie from burning the green light of an indicator shows that the device is turned on and ready to be used a red light shows the opposite today's smart appliances can tell their owners what they need to do without them humans can be so absent-minded [Music] it's all ready this cartridge is enough for another 2 000 glasses 2 000 and what do i do about this oh right nolik you've done a good job there way to go yeah if you want i can do it tom thomas wants some water to drink i can't drink anymore and i can't wait anymore either well looks like his indicator is flashing on now [Laughter] the baby doll [Music] julia you gotta get out we can't all fit in here this time we'll take a ride and next time you can and i'm by myself again hey don't worry i'm gonna be getting such a cool car later today tula will it be a big one it'll be big enough for ollie tom thomas [Music] here your toy came just like you wanted awesome [Music] wait what is this a baby doll [Music] splendid mom where's the car oh it's gotta be some mistake i'll find out for you i'm calling them it's good to be a kid people take care of you feed you buy your toys and read your bedtime stories but in return you have to listen to adults go to preschool then school and always remember to put on a hat all kids dream about being a parent at least for a little while because moms they're just super human human moms can do laundry cook meals iron clothes and check their kids homework all at once fixing moms can fix irons and hair dryers and can teach young fixies how they can do it it's a shame that you can't become a parent before you grow up but you can have fun pretending to be one that's why girls like to play with dolls boys usually don't like it but i don't see why dads can be really cool too [Music] what am i supposed to do with this now i'm not some kind of girl who plays with dolls hey there come on now that baby does a real cutie why don't you put it down and we can get back to racing wait wait the baby's hungry he needs to eat thomas help me no i won't won't you please he's crying don't you hear [Music] that's all [Music] oh i really loved him oh i really loved him oh i really loved him like my mom loves me every day i feed him storybooks [Music] oh [Music] sauce [Music] tula what happened the dolly disappeared how tom thomas have you seen him uh no i'm not watching after that boy but what if something terrible has happened my dolly's eyes were shiny toes and [Music] fingers so now my life is gloomy i can't find my cutie [Music] my dolly go go where'd my dolly go where'd my dolly go [Music] honey don't be upset about the car it's gonna get here soon by the way why did you put the doll in the cupboard it was so hard to find but is it still home it's in the box over there it's gotta go back to the store my poor dolly's gone my dolly we're supposed to send him back today only i told mom that i'd rather keep him hey and what about your big new race car later you do all this for me you know [Music] whoa [Music] plastic [Music] [Music] yes yes you're right time to take matters into our own hands please hold on tom thomas did you take out the trash i didn't have time yet good that's just what i wanted to hear uh and that bottle on your desk do you need it [Music] that's great thanks i've got five more of them and this is only the beginning of our mission operation rescue what is your dad up to operation rescue could be your dad might be a superhero do you think no like you're too funny for words what's so funny about that who else would be taking part in rescue operations and those bottles you think you need them for heroic deeds or maybe he decided that it's time to sort your plastic waste [Music] plastic is adorable and practical man-made material lots of useful things are made out of it packaging toys appliances and even furniture but you shouldn't just throw out things that are made of plastic nature can't digest it and so all that plastic will leave the earth covered with a thick layer of trash to avoid that catastrophe we all can help put plastic into specially marked containers and then instead of harming the planet it can be turned into something useful no that doesn't make any sense superheroes do not collect trash and we'll prove it you'll see of course it's our evolution i mean a revolution [Music] together we'll save planet earth [Music] you're so lucky tom thomas together we'll save planet earth [Music] tom thomas do you have any more plastic in your room here that i can take one second [Music] you still use those things for such a noble mission it's not a problem all our useful things should be taken care of dad i really want to do it with you want to do what what you're doing you know the operation about saving the planet like you said on the phone ah you mean sorting out the plastic don't you sure i've got a couple of these boxes filled up already will you help me take them to get recycled really what for just dump it out with the trash son if we don't start doing what we can to recycle i'm afraid our planet will become one big dump [Music] [Applause] there's lots of stuff that humans just throw out that can be transformed into something totally different for instance an ordinary plastic bottle can be turned into a ballpoint pen or a watch or a chair or dishes or even some clothing for example there are some factories where old plastic is sorted grounded into pieces and cleaned and then stretched into thread that can be used to make brand new clothing isn't that fantastic but this is only possible if people learn to collect and dispose of unneeded bottles bags cups and other plastics separately from the rest of their trash imagine how happy nature will be when the piles and piles of plastic disappear from our woods and from our seas let's take care of our planet together [Applause] i thought you were trying to rescue the planet like a superhero actually we are superheroes and we're also a bit like magicians really give me a second see this shirt here it's made out of recycled plastic like that cool right no joke so you ready then it's time to go those lucky humans with their trash is sore and we we fixies do all that we can to make appliances live longer that way they don't get thrown away and we should sort our trash as well that's a good idea the detective all right there that is wasn't it great that we got to stay after class and watch that movie together yeah that film was great that detective what a guy he figured out exactly who did it solving a crime's not easy at all but it looks like a lot of fun i think it would be so cool to go solve a crime ah where's my lucky screwdriver i can't do anything without it here we go this could be the crime of the century detective nolik are you ready but we're not there's no escaping our fate colleague our time has come in order to become a detective or an investigator you need to be very attentive and astute because detectives solve mysteries find missing things and detangle the most twisted cases for instance who ate the whole cake without permission a real detective will notice the minor details right away crumbs under the sofa a trail of paw prints across the room by following the clues a real detective will easily discover the thief all right it's time for us to figure out who stole the screwdriver and the screwdriver don't we need to find it [Music] not now first let's find a thief oh look at that it's digit digit huh why are you back at the laboratory our school classes are over i want to talk to the professor i came up with the coolest thing to make what cool thing it's a secret that's a bit hard to believe all right now suspect what were you doing after school what do you mean suspect there must be some mix up here you're trying to dodge the question you want to change the subject on that's it i'm leaving no screwdriver no experiments [Music] you want to take over for you genius and that's why you stole his lucky screwdriver you're under arrest [Music] the main qualities of a detective are intelligence and logic logic is an ancient science that teaches people to think with reason to help them solve problems puzzles and riddles do you want to feel what it's like to be a real detective then try to figure out what i'm describing to you i'm thinking of an animal that you can meet at home or on the street it has a tail and it's long you have any guesses a dog a cat or a mouse uh-huh there's not enough information yet but what if i add that it be owls and sleeps all day long then the answer is clear a detective works the same way he collects the facts decides what's important gets rid of what's not and only then figures out the right answer understand then you're ready for another puzzle tell me who doesn't belong here are you gonna talk what funny mustaches you got there oh it's a party right mm-hmm they arrested me is this a game you're playing you believe that a lucky object can bring good fortune now don't you well yeah and what now it's clear you help digits steal you geniuses lucky screwdriver yeah because you like lucky stuff arrest her tula how long do i have to wait you gotta see this we called the criminals who stole the screwdriver from the professor cool huh just awesome let's go tula she stays here under arrest yeah i got it come on let's go we're not joking around oh and exactly what proof do you have what proof do i have well uh just what i thought you have nothing fire she's their partner of course knowledge arrest her at once what did she do wrong it's insane now do what i said i won't do it ah you're with them stand with the crooks over there hey we're partners aren't we now wait a second i'm wondering if you were the thief me yes right it's not me i swear i'm a detective nolick please tell him you put it away in the warehouse oh lisa i've told you a hundred times please don't touch my mess uh appears i was a bit off track you'd have been better off looking for the screwdriver detectives that's what i told you all right we'll look for a new tactic to use on our next case what do you mean on your next case where's my lucky soldering iron [Music] detective shall we begin the virus [Music] good job you're almost there now put the pedal to the metal [Music] take that johnny you lose you want to race him again we can't we just finished the last level oh we were just getting started wait a second let's see what it says here congratulations your prize is a smartphone and a collection of brand new levels to race oh right class click on it it's not smart to just click on random buttons hmm there's nothing to worry about [Music] [Applause] whoa hey what's going on someone messed with the numbers there you go didn't i warn you guys do you think it might have been johnny johnny of course he got upset that we won so he put on the cap of invisibility then he snuck into the room and deleted everything from the computer stop what are you talking about a cap of invisibility this has nothing to do with johnny at all looks like you got a virus then we need to get tom thomas's mom in here what for isn't it obvious she's a doctor she'll get rid of this virus in no time [Music] that won't work quit a computer with a virus isn't treated like that a doctor won't be able to help here especially a dentist like your mother then who can help us you need special software for that antivirus a computer virus is a destructive computer program it can not only delete or steal important information but completely destroy your computer and the scariest thing about this virus is that it spreads very quickly and can infect the other computers on the network very much like a human illness to find and stop these viruses you need to use an antivirus program antivirus programs also protect computers against new infections and by the way your dad's computer uses antivirus software and mine doesn't have it no you won't let anyone near your computer you never have any time dad let's do it later okay i gotta finish one more round it'll only take a minute oh look at that the virus is starting to wipe out everything now that means this computer will disappear and this room too and and all of us [Music] stop stop quit panicking we have to save the computer right away tom thomas your dad has a box with antivirus software bring it [Music] games music cartoons there are so many interesting things on the internet but just like in the physical world you have to follow some rules when you're online first you should only visit websites that you know sometimes a destructive virus could be hiding behind a pretty picture and there are plenty of scammers on the internet that's why you should never give anybody you don't know well your address or send an sms so you can download a free game if you happen to get a letter or a text from a stranger you should show it to your parents right away only communicate with people that you know and don't just sit all day playing on the internet there's still nothing better than going outside and playing with friends in the fresh air [Music] [Music] that's it the enemies destroyed well done let's check if everything works [Music] now we need to de-install the software how come there's no need no we have to that program should only be installed by an adult otherwise your parents will figure out you got help from pixies sorry about that [Music] all done and here comes my dad dad will you install this on my computer please you need it right away how about a bit later no we can't keep putting it off there you go now your computer is protected how come you became so responsible all of a sudden oh dad you don't know what kind of viruses are out there roaming the net you're so right [Music] but if you need a picture please don't let their secret out but if you need a fixture please
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 4,692,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: l6NZ3NYk1QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 31sec (3811 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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