The Fixies ★ Verda Favourites ★ Full Episode Cartoon | Fixies English 2017 | Videos For Kids

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I almost caught one yesterday, I chased him but he fled. But if I told my dad he’d say, “It’s all inside your head!” You really cannot catch them, Or find their whereabouts. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Vent Tom Thomas! Tom Thomas! OK! Simka, Toola, check it out! It's pretty, isn't it? Splendid! It's nothing but a trinket. It's completely useless! Useless? Look how well it matches my hair clip. Useful things are the kind of things you truly need. For instance like this rope ladder I've got. It's splendid! And where do you plan on climbing with this thing? Now, this mirror here is both useful and pretty. How splendid! Toola, you say everything is splendid. Well, here's something super splendid that I bet you don't have! What is it? It's a mechanical super claw. It must be just perfect for scratching your back! Now look what I have. A photograph of Vector! And he signed it for me too. Are you sure that's Vector? You've got a photo of the bravest Fixie on the face of the entire planet? Yeah. And the most beautiful. Is it him for sure? No way! Let me take a look! Nuh-uh! You’ll smudge it! You've been fooled! No! Yes! - Jealous? - You are! My photo! Oh no! What was that? A draft. This is completely your fault! It's not my fault, it's your fault for bragging so much! Please girls, stop fighting! Let’s go find it. It's just horrible! To lose a picture signed by the most famous Fixie ever! It will be horrible when that picture of a Fixie is found by humans! So, where could it be? I know how we can find it! Exactly! We’ll blow a bubble and watch which way it goes as it floats away. We'll follow it and find your picture. Do you know why you can blow bubbles out of soapy water? At the surface of any liquid there's an invisible film that is very thin but very strong. If you want to see it for yourself, fill up a glass with water all the way to the very top. Now you need to take a coin and carefully drop it into the water sideways. Then drop in another coin, and another, and another. You'll see that the water doesn’t pour out but rises up and forms a hump! That's because the water at the top sticks together. Why? Because of a force called surface tension! Thanks to surface tension water can form drops. It also helps us blow soap bubbles. Because when we add soap into the water the film gets even stronger, but still not strong enough to stop the bubbles from bursting. Ok, it's ready. Now we need to blow. Do it together! And… I don't think this way is going to work. - Look, it's flying! - We did it! The vent! Of course! Why didn't I think of that before?! Have you ever seen holes in the bathroom or kitchen that are covered with grids? Well those are called vents! And behind the vent is a long pipe called an air-duct. Unpleasant odors and musty air can be forced into the ducts and sent out of the house. And if you want that old, stale air to leave the house even faster, open a window and let in some of the fresh air from outside. Keep the air in your home as fresh as it can be! Hey, take a look! It got stuck over there! Get it before it flies away! How can we grab it?! What do you mean?! Don't you remember what I've got? - Tideesh! - Tideesh! Thank you, Simka! What would we ever have done without your mechanical claw! And your fantastic ladder! Then, here you go. A present for you. Thanks, it's just great! And I wanna give you this! Ah, gee! It’s just splendid! Simka! Are you here? What have you got there, Simka? A little mirror! It's pretty, don't you think? Oh, you girls! You’re all the same. They take care of our machines, Irons, phones, and toasters, MP3s and TV screens, Even rollercoasters! Without them clocks stop ticking; Without them lights go out! But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Doorbell Nolik! Nolik, what are you doing here? Just whistling a tune. Are you're gonna whistle that tune the whole time Tom Thomas is away?! He just left with his parents for a week, and we've got guests coming, remember?! What guests? I invited everybody! The class? Yes! Class! Are they sleeping in there or what? First they invite us and now they don't wanna let us in! I'll share the present with you then. Fire, maybe you'll get it to work now. When they get here, they’ll ring the bell. How come? Why don't they just do what they always do and climb through the keyhole? No way! It's not that simple, Nolik. Today they are our guests. Ah... The guests ring the bell, and the hosts let them in the house. It doesn't ring. You think the doorbell's broken? I say we go fix it! Before we fix anything we need to know what went wrong with it. First we’ll fix and then we’ll know what it was! Back in the olden days, people would hang a bell over their doors with a string, and guests would tug on it to make it ring. Today doorbells are electric and they make all sorts of different sounds: some buzz, some ring, and some even chirp like birds. The sound comes from a box inside the house called a chime. To make the chime ring, you push a button that's located outside. The button works just like a light switch, but instead of turning on light it turns on sound! Verda, will you join me? I gotta think about this. Yeah. Simka! You think your guests are going to come at all? Simka! Toola? Hey! The doorbell doesn’t work! It must be broken. That's odd. We heard it ring this morning. Nolik, let's go! First we'll examine the contacts. Yep! Good and tight. OK, let's check the speaker. The speaker's fine. Maybe the electronics are the problem? And what if we disconect these wires and switch them? - What will that do? - We'll know soon enough. You know what?! Why don't we connect the wires straight together? Isn’t that dangerous? We'll find out. Don't worry. Nothing happened yet! Fire - he is the engine of our class. He is the fastest, the nimblest, and the bravest. Fire never sits still for a second and he’s always looking for adventure. New ideas just burn in his head! And that’s why his name is Fire! But not all of his ideas are very good, so he's constantly getting bumps and bruises. He just can't help getting carried away. If he’s burning with an idea, he can even forget about his classes at school. Grandpus punishes him for that. But it doesn't seem to bother Fire, because some new plan will pop into his head the very next second. To be honest, Fire's my favorite out of all the boys in our class. It’s sure never boring when he's around! Hey, you down there! I figured out why it's not working. So what's the reason? There’s no electricity in the whole house. So that's why the bell isn’t working. And what? We can't visit like real guests do until the electricity comes back? And when will it work again? Don’t know. It could possibly take hours, guys. Oh! It’s working again! Enough ringing! Hey, Fire! Quit fooling around! He's not fooling around! It’s not me, see? Then who's ringing it? I don’t know! Well, I know. The doorbell's ringing because Fire connected the wires together. True. But I'll fix that right now. Your guests sure are noisy! Yeah. Thank goodness the humans aren't home right now. Hello! Hello there dear guests! Let yourself in to our home through the keyhole! So, should we go in? - Go where? - Go inside. No, that's not how guests act. So what do we do? Real guest always ring the bell. Ok! Hold me tight! Fixies go to Fixie schools And study to be masters. There's so much they need to learn To save us from disasters! There isn't one appliance That they don't know about, But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don't let their secret out! The Drum Now let’s turn it on. It's buzzing, you hear it? I would love to, but the only thing I can hear is Nolik's banging. Nolik, what are you doing? I'm rehearsing my solo! Nolik is the drummer in our rock band. Didn't you know that? Why don't you go and rehearse somewhere else if you wouldn't mind. Yeah, alright. I just can't work like this. Nolik, stop it, please! Oh, my head is just splitting. Professor Eugenius! Will you come to the laboratory? There's something very strange in there. What? I'm hearing some kind of awful sounds! You are? I think it’s a ghost. Back from the dead!!! Don't you worry about ghosts, Lisa. I'll check what it is. Hm. So it's you making the racket! What? I’m just rehearsing. Well, what is it?! Don't worry! It’s just a piece of equipment rattling. You know what you should do? You should go and practice back at home, my young friend! It's not very hard to make a drum. One way to make it is to take an empty barrel and replace its bottom with a skin made of leather or plastic. If the skin is stretched tightly, the sound can get very bright and loud. Really big drums are usually played with percussion mallets or beaters, while smaller drums can be played with sticks or with bare hands. Instruments that make sounds by being shaken, scraped or beaten, are all called percussion instruments. There are lots of different percussion instruments, like the small hand drums that are called bongos, big shakers with handles called maracas, cymbals made out of metal. Now those really make a lot of noise! And there's tambourines, ratchets and even spoons! That's right! People can make music using spoons as a percussion instrument. Tom Thomas! Do you think I can practice my drumming here? Yeah, go ahead! I’ve just got some homework to do. I can do that. And better than you can, too. And what if I play like this, huh?! Then I'll go like that. Or like that! Ever since I had decided That a drummer's what I want to be, There is nothing that I won't bang on, Cause the world's a drum to me! So I bang on radiators, With a spoon the pot goes - boom, bam, bum! Maybe someone will take pity, And they'll buy me my own drum. Bang it, bang it, bang it boom, bang it boom, bang it boom! Bang it, bang it, bang it bam, bang it bam, bang it bam! Bang it, bang it, bang it bum, bang it bum, bang it bum! Bang it, beat it bum, bum! Bang the drum! Bang the drum! Both my father and my mother Wish I'd play a violin instead. I don't want to, I'm a drummer, But I can't drum that in their heads. So I bang on radiators, With a spoon the pot goes - boom, bam, bum! Maybe someday they will get it, And they'll buy me my own drum! Bang it, bang it, bang it boom, bang it boom, bang it boom! Bang it, bang it, bang it bam, bang it bam, bang it bam! Bang it, bang it, bang it bum, bang it bum, bang it bum! Bang it, bang it bum, bum! Bang the drum! Tom Thomas, let’s take a break! But I'm not done! Keep going, Nolik! This is fun! Maybe it's fun for you! Stop!!! That's enough!!! And now, let’s turn it off. Can you hear that? It stopped buzzing. It did. Hey everybody, it's Nolik! Yo! What's up? So, our noisy ghost is back. I thought you'd be practicing at home now. Tom Thomas is drumming there. I had to run away. Well, our excursion is over. And now I would just be so happy to listen to your rock group. Hurrah! Bang the drum! Come on, not so loud! Did you say something?! I beg you, not that loud, please! Fixies have a special sign I happened to discover. They hold three fingers in the air And flash it to each other. They send their greetings to you, They sing them and they shout. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Wires Quiet down! Get ready for your lesson! Be quiet! Quiet down, please! It’s so hot here! In today's class, we'll learn about... What was that? It must have been an earthquake. Yeah, it was an earthquake! Hurrah! Sorry there, Professor. I have to find an outlet so I can plug in this fan. It feels terribly hot! It sure does. Well, keep looking. You'll find one. Now then, where was I? Oh, right, today… No! It’s impossible! In this whole laboratory there is not one free outlet! Look at this! Just pull out one of these wires and then you'll have a free outlet. I can’t. I fear I could pull out a plug for something important. Volt himself would get all tangled up in these wires. Don’t worry about it, Professor Eugenius! We’ll find a free outlet for you. That’s right, my colleague! A cup of tea will do you good, so just go relax. Thank you, my colleague! And as always I'm eternally grateful. Fixies have opened schools for their children in all sorts of different places: like factories, stores, and warehouses – anywhere where there are lots of machines and appliances and places to hide from humans. And this is where we hold our school - right here inside the laboratory of Professor Eugenius. It’s a fantastic place for me to hold class! Every day new devices, materials, toys and even food are brought here for examination. And there are lots of scientific devices and tools to study here as well. But most importantly, we never need to hide from the head of the laboratory, because my colleague, Professor Eugenius, is someone I am proud to call a friend. He loves Fixies, helps us any time we need, and will never let our secret out! - What should we do first? - We have to start out with pulling apart these wires. That willl take a second! Over here! No, here! Nolik, come help! Let's do this! Come on, come on, come on! Just one more tug! Stop it! I can't get out! Loosen the wires! We need to pull out this one! Stop this nonsense, will you?! Thank you, Digit! Tideesh! Well, the way I see it, in order to get the knot out that's over here, we need to expand the loop that's over there, and then push that wire through it. And then, do it again from the other end. That's it. Very good, girls. Now pull it hard. Perfect. Hey, check it out! This green wire up here isn't plugged into anything. Then no one's using it. So that means we should go and pull it out from the outlet. Got it! Tideesh! Verda, here is another wire that isn't plugged in! I found another wire no one's using! I mean… Simka and I found it together! Nolik, why are you so upset? Because you guys are doing all of the work! How about this wire? Nobody's checked it yet. Really? Oh, wow! What? Did you find some treasure, Nolik? Ah-huh! There are six free outlets under here! Great! Now professor Euginius can plug in his fan, and his kettle, and even his soldering iron! To get electricity to a device that doesn't use batteries, you need to plug a pair of wires into an outlet. But it's important not to let the wires touch one another or the electricity can burn them out. That’s why wires are covered in plastic or rubber, so the electricity won't pass from one wire to the other. Or to us when we touch them. So always be very careful with wires, and never, ever touch a bare wire! You could get killed by the electric shock. Oh, what would I do without my wonderful friends! Thank you! Sorry, I just… I didn't... I wanted to… I should go. Go ahead. That's a great idea. And we’ll start our class. What were we talking about? All about wires. Well it looks like our class is over! Time to go play! I almost caught one yesterday, I chased him but he fled. But if I told my dad he’d say, “It’s all inside your head!” You really cannot catch them, Or find their whereabouts. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Team The first period is almost over. Tom Thomas' team is leading two-nothing! There's no getting around the difference in class! Simka, pass it to me! Simka, over here! Goal! Three-nothing! And that's the end of the period! Time for the teams to take a break! This isn't a fair game! There’re six of this guys and only two of us! Go ahead and call your classmates. I'll still outscore you! You sure about that? Well, Tom Thomas! You asked for it! Young Fixies take classes and study just like human kids. But Fixie schools are quite a bit different than schools for people. To begin with, there are no more than ten students in a room. In Simka’s class, for instance, there are six. And the children don’t study in one place. On one day the lesson could be inside a refrigerator, the next day – in a computer, and the day after that – in a vacuum cleaner. This is the best way for Fixies to learn all about them and put their new knowledge to the test! But the most important thing is that they have to learn to work as a team and help each other: stronger Fixies helping weaker ones, and older Fixies helping younger ones. This is a must for Fixies, because appliances are so very big that if we didin't work as a team, we, little Fixies, could never get by. As the second period is about to begin, our full team comes to the ice! Introducing the engine of our class – Fire! My motor's roaring! And now the brains of our class – Digit! OK, what's the score? Now here is the spirit of our class – Toola! Could I be our goalie? And here she is, the face of our class – Verda! And oh, what a cute one. So, you wanna quit, Tom Thomas? I'm not afraid of you. Nolik, pass! Shoot! I'm calculating the angle to use. Oops! Pass it! Quick! Quit sleeping! If you gonna scream at me, I'm not going to play at all. Wow! That some team you got there. Six-nothing! It’s a blowout! Now the intermission before the final period. We’re missing something here. I can tell you what. You mean confidence? Calculations? Elegance? I know! Speed! What's missing here is teamwork! Simka, you're right. It's one for all and all for one! Then here's what we gonna do. We got it! Attack and check, don't lose control. A line change on the fly. The puck is zooming towards the goal To score and break the tie. It's one for all and all for one! Great teamwork is a must! Let's go and show them how it's done! This game was made for us! Hockey's our game! Hockey! Hockey's our game! Tell me again what's the name of our game?! I can't hear you! Hurrah! We won, Tom Thomas! What do you say now? How could I get creamed like that? Because you're by yourself here, and we are a team! Tideesh! They take care of our machines, Irons, phones, and toasters, MP3s and TV screens, Even rollercoasters! Without them clocks stop ticking; Without them lights go out! But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Laboratory! You've got to get to the school. Right away! What did he say? That we've got to get to the school. How come? - Did you hear why? - I didn't. Did you? I wonder if Simka didn't go to school today? Or if Nolik got into some kind of mischief! I’m worried this is something serious. And that's five, six… I like this hair style! Seven, eight… Hi there! Hello, Verda. Where's Grandpus? I'm not postive, but go and look in the Chemistry Area over there. Over in Chemistry? Tell us, was Nolik doing anything wrong today? Nolik? He's always fooling around. Right. So we're not here for anything Nolik did. Maybe something awful happened to him! Like what? Well, how about anything! This isn't just a school for Fixies. This is a laboratory! The Laboratory where Professor Eugenius works is always humming. In the Mechanical Zone Professor Eugenius tests all sorts of different devices to see how well they are made. In the Chemistry Zone he conducts experiments on the quality and safety of food. In the Electrical Zone he repairs electrical devices and checks their safety. Unfortunately, the Professor can be absentminded, and that can cause things in his laboratory to bubble, spark, or even explode! Masiya, there's nothing to worry about yet. But how can I not worry? Digit, have you seen Nolik anywhere? Do you know if anything's happened to him? This is a laboratory here, who knows what could happen to anyone. Like what? What are you saying? Like that. I told you. Things happen here. - And where…? - Let’s go! Quickly! Masiya, no need to panic! - Toola, where…? - Oh, it's so good you’re here. We really need your help! What is going on? Grandpus! What?! Where?! In the Mechanical Zone... there! And Simka and Nolik? There. They're all there! Oh, my children! Don't lose your head! Masiya is my wife and the mother of our children Simka and Nolik. Masiya is a real beauty, a kind and gentle soul, and a wonderful homemaker. She is also a very responsible, and extremely skilled fixie. She is our family's expert in kitchen appliances and gadgets. Masiya works from morning till night fixing and cleaning anything that is in need of her expert care, because she just loves when everything is clean and tidy. But most important for Masiya are her children. She takes loving care of Simka and Nolik and tries to protect them from harm. Masiya worries about them so much that sometimes her imagination gets carried away with what might have happened to them. Although our little Nolik can get himself into situations that even Masiya could never have dreamed of. Nolik! Hang on tight! We'll save you! - Heeeey! - You’re alive! What's going on? I don't need to be saved from anything. So, it's Simka we need to save? Not you? I don’t need saving either. I'm fine. And what are you so worried about? Everyone's alive. Then why did you make us come here? I need you to help with a little accident we had. Nolik! Was this your fault?! Oh no! It’s not Nolik’s fault. Quite the opposite, he was trying to help me fix it. Papus, we need you to help us with one of the pieces that we couldn't get back in place. This one? Tideesh! A perfect repair! That was really the only reason we had to rush here? Why not? There was just no way we could let this wait, so I sent for you. - But Fire said… - Why Fire? Why is it always Fire? How come you had to scare us so badly?! I'm not the one who scared you, you did that all by yourselves! Fixies have a special sign I happened to discover. They hold three fingers in the air And flash it to each other. They send their greetings to you, They sing them and they shout. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Shadow Play Oh! Hi there, Tom Thomas! What are you doing here? Ah… I dropped a paper clip. Give me some light! What's so funny, huh? We're trying to help you out! You've got funny shadows, that's what! Hey, check this out! It’s an eagle! And Simka is a goose! She looks more like a moose! I do, huh?! Alright! Then take that! You're like real actors performing in a show! Uh-huh! Actors play in the theater, you know. And we're just under a bed. And so what? How about we make our very own theater?! A theater… with shadows! Class! Tom Thomas, we need a… a piece of paper, a huge sheet! It’s really quite easy to make your own shadow theater. You can make the screen out of a white sheet or a big piece of paper. Next, make sure the room is dark, and shine a desk lamp at the screen. Now to make the shadows, just put yourself or a cardboard cutout between the lamp and the screen. Your shadow or the shadow of your puppets will come to life. But make sure that the audience sits on the other side of the screen. The play will be much more magical for them from that side. Tom Thomas, light! Oh, wow! Simka, you look totally like the real Red Riding Hood! Hello, dear granddaughter! Hello, dear Grandmother. Grandmother, what very big eyes you've got! The better to see you with, my dear! Nolik! Come on, we’re rehearsing! The wolf's voice is funny. Grandmother, I never noticed what very big teeth you've got! They're so much better to eat you with, my dear! Yu-u-um! Yu-u-um! Yum! Let them out, Wolf! Or I'll… Or I'll... get them out… myself! You'll stop me… with that little stick? Hey! That’s not in the fairytale. But in the fairytale it's a normal hunter. And what do you think I am? Look for yourself. You’re way too small to be the hunter. Fine! Then go do your play without me! Well, I guess I’ll have to make the hunter out of paper then. That’s all! Take a break! I'm really thirsty. She was so salty… that grandma. Nolik, don’t be upset. The wolf is huge and I’m so little! Then let's make you bigger! You see? Now you're bigger! Yeah, you're right! And if we go back here… Then I'm even bigger! Now you know. If you go back here near the lamp, your shadow will get bigger on the screen! Class! There are just so many different kinds of theaters in the world! In the dramatic theater, the actors speak the lines of the playwright. At the opera, the actors don’t speak their lines - they sing them, accompanied by an orchestra. And here at the ballet, the performers don't speak or sing their parts. Here the story is told with dance. There are also theaters where the performers are animals. In an animal theater you can watch performances by cats and dogs, or goats and pigeons, or even bears and seals! There are also theaters where the stories are told by puppets. To tell the truth, the puppets are brought to life with the help of people. Yes, there are so many different kinds of theater. My favorite is the shadow theater. I think it's the most beautiful and mysterious theater of them all. Hello, dear Grandmother. Grandmother, what very big eyes you've got! The better to see you with, my dear! And Grandmother, what great big sharp teeth you've got! All the better to eat you up with, my dear! Yum! Ooh, just wait! Ah-hah, Wolf! I've got you! The hunter looks so strong! You're a hunter? Then where's your gun? Why do I need a gun? You’re so tiny I could use a fly swatter! - But I'd rather do it like this… - Like what? With my bare hands! Way to go! Hurrah! Splendid! Who was your favorite? Mine was the grandmother. Well I think Red Riding Hood was the best! For me – the hunter. He was so mighty and so fearless! And for me, the special effects! They take care of our machines, Irons, phones, and toasters, MP3s and TV screens, Even rollercoasters! Without them clocks stop ticking; Without them lights go out! But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Baby Monitor Oh! It’s my old baby monitor! On. Check. Check. Checking, one, two, three, checking. It’s working! Why don't we give it to the Johnsons? They just had a baby the other day. Uh-uh, this is mine! And I'm planning on using it! Aren't you a little too big for it? No, I’m not big at all! Well… I didn’t realize that you’re still a little boy. And a greedy one at that. They're never gonna notice this. Hey, Fixies! Are you here? We’re here now! Why did you call us? I've got to show you how I turned into a mind reader! I find that just a little hard to believe. OK, then I'll show you. I’ll leave you alone and then you'll hide this button wherever you want. Then I’ll come back and find it! You got it! So, where's a good hiding place? Well, we have to think of one. Right here, under the keyboard! Great! Go on, Nolik! Come on in! We're ready for you! And now I’m going to read your thoughts. Here I go. You hid the button here. Look! Ta-da! He really does read minds! Ah, that was a lucky guess! Bet you can't do it again! Well I bet you I can. We're going to have to be sneakier. Verda, she's the most beautiful girl in our class. She knows it too and doesn't hesitate to use it! She can even be a bit sneaky. Like, when she needs help with her homework, then Digit suddenly becomes her best friend! But if she doesn't wanna carry her pack-o-mat, she'll say, “Fire, please help me! You're just such a strong Fixie!” But all us boys like her just the same. Digit does, and Nolik does, and I guess I do too. Although I really like Simka more. Or maybe Verda. Or both of them. I haven’t decided yet. Verda can be difficult and even bossy sometimes, but one thing I know for sure - Verda's a good friend! A friend that will always come help. Well, that is if she's able to pry herself away from the mirror. I think that we should throw it down into this pencil cup. But then, we concentrate on another place. That is good, but it won't work, Fixies. Come on in! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! It's in here! Tideesh?! Simka, were YOU thinking about the cup? No, I swear! And my mind was blank! Then who did, huh? Tom Thomas, what do you say we go again?! As many times as you want! Tsss! I know how he's been doing all of this. It’s a baby monitor! That's how he can hear what we're saying. I don't get it. A baby monitor helps parents watch over their babies. The system has two units that look like wireless telephones. The parents keep one of the units by their side and put the other one in the room where the baby is sleeping. If the baby suddenly wakes up and starts crying, the unit in the baby's room will pick up the sound and send it by radio waves to the parents' unit. Mom or Dad will hear the crying and go and comfort their child. And so, he's listening to us now. Tsss! This time I know what we should do. We'll hide it under the globe. Go on! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Huh? Where is it? If you read our minds, you'd find your button under the baby monitor. You tricked me! That's really not nice. And spying on us is nice you think? I'm sorry, I just thought it'd be fun. Well anyhow, Tom Thomas, you're too old for this thing. Unless of course you still need it. I’m not a baby! I was just, you know, checking it! I’ll go and give it to Mom. Mom, I’m not greedy! About what? Let's give this monitor to the Johnsons. And this car is for their baby boy. I don't think that baby is big enough yet for your car. So what! Soon he's going to get bigger and become a big boy! Right? Like me! Fixies go to Fixie schools And study to be masters. There's so much they need to learn To save us from disasters! There isn't one appliance That they don't know about. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don't let their secret out. The Talking Doll Mama Well then, now you know what you need to do to fix it. Professor! Professor! Our lesson is over. I’m sorry to be a bother. No problem, Professor Eugenius, our lesson is over. I've got an urgent matter. You see? Mama, konichiwa! - You've got yourself a talking doll! - Yes, only she speaks Japanese. The problem is I've been asked to get her to talk in English. - We’ll teach her. - It’s a new technology. I'm puzzled. Don't you worry. We'll figure it out, Professor. Thank you, my colleague. You're always there when I need it. What would I do without you? Professor! Can you tell us how toys talk? Not now, children. We'll learn about the doll tomorrow. Now it's time to go home. I already know everything about that doll. You do? Changing her voice is so easy that anyone can do it. How? Here, come. I’ll show you. Early talking dolls used to work with a noise maker inside. When the doll was turned over, air inside the noise maker got pushed through a squeaker at the end of it, making a noise that sounded like the word "mama". Funny. Today the noises are recorded onto an electronic chip that's part of a little player inside of the doll. Just press a button, and the sounds start playing. So now dolls can say much more than just “mommy” or "daddy". They can say anything at all! Well, here's the chip. This is where the recording of the doll's voice is. That's awesome! Can you rerecord the voice on there? Well, yeah. OK, I gotta go. See you. Wait, Nolik! I thought of a really funny joke to pull! What if we... Uh-huh! Well now, as I promised yesterday, I'm going to tell you all about talking dolls. Some start talking when you rock them while others react to noise. And for this little lady you need to press a button to get her to talk. Who wants to? - Toola! - Me? Well, OK. I can do it. Go ahead! And you'll hear her say, "Hi there, Mama." But in Japanese for now. Toola! Toola? Is that Japanese for, "Hi there"? Toola, why are you hiding a picture of Digit in the pack-o-mat? How could she ever know that? Maybe you're in love? That doll is alive! They call that joking! I just thought of a better joke that we can play! Yeah! What? Toola, don’t cry. She’s not alive. She is alive! I'll tell you who did this horrible thing. It was Fire and Nolik. It's true. But now the joke will be on them. How? The smartest fixie in our class is Digit! Sometimes I think that he knows everything about everything. Professor Grandpus has a lot of respect for him. Digit is always in thought whenever you see him and he doesn’t like when anyone distracts him. He just has no time for fooling around with the other boys. Digit prefers to solve problems using his brains and not his muscles. That’s why he can have a tough time at gym class. But he's so sweet that it makes you wanna help him. To tell you the truth, Digit isn't always great fixing things with his own hands, but no one understands technology better than he does. If something breaks, Digit can always figure out exactly what's wrong with it and the very best way to fix it. - We are going to make it even funnier this time! - Uh-huh! - You came back?! You trouble makers! - Masiya! Now I’ll show you what happens to bad boys who hurt girls' feelings! Oh, you got scared! Who's crying now, huh? They probably thought that the doll came to life! You know what, Digit? I just started thinking that it might be better if she WERE alive. You know, Toola, you sure are hard to please! They take care of our machines, Irons, phones, and toasters, MP3s and TV screens, Even rollercoasters! Without them clocks stop ticking; Without them lights go out! But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Gramophone And that's a photograph of my mom when she was little. She sure looked happy didn't she? Cause parents were all happy when they were children. But then they grow up and start getting all gloomy and as boring as can be. Oh! What's this? Do you know? “A Song About a Screw” ? It's total nonsense! Nonsense?! It's about a screw, which means it's practically about Fixies! Why don't we listen to it and find out? If it's good, we can all dance together. How do you listen to this thing? Like this? Why don't we try to use the player? It won’t fit in there. Look, right here it says: “gramophone record”, see? So we need to find a gramophone player! Find what? Let’s go to Grandpus! Grandpus! We found a song about a screw we want to hear! We're looking for a player for a gramophone record. Ah, I understand. What you need is a gramophone. A gramophone is an old appliance that that was made for playing back sound that was recorded onto records. If you want to turm on a gramophone, you need to turn the handle to wind-up its spring. The spring makes the record spin. Then a needle is placed on top of the record, and as it moves through the groove on the record, it shakes a little which makes a diaphragm, a sort of mini drumskin, start to vibrate. The big horn of the gramophone then makes the sound louder and we hear a voice or music. The most amazing thing is that a gramophone doesn’t have an electric motor or any electronics. That's right! You don't need electricity for a gramophone to play back the sound that's recorded on a record. That's because a gramophone is an entirely mechanical wonder. If you want to know, there is a gramophone in office of Tom Thomas’ dad. It's on the desk. Great! Let's go! Thanks would be nice. I can't find the "on" button. There is no "on" button. You need to grab that handle and turn it. Now take that thing and put it down onto the record. It's not playing! Look, there's no needle in there! And where can we get one from? We can make it! Do you have any nails around here? Is this good? That'll be great! Verda, are you ready? Totally! Better cover your eyes! Tideesh! Five, four, three, two, one It's working! Listen! A little screw went for a run! And now without this little part Everything just falls apart! Class! If you think a screw is nothing, Take it out but just beware - Everything will break without them With no little screws in there. The bulldozer was a strong one Until there was a thud And then the mighty giant Fell straight into the mud! Five, four, three, two, one A little screw went for a run, And now without this little part Everything just falls apart! If you think a screw is nothing, Take it out but just beware - Everything will break without them With no little screws in there! Tom Thomas, what’s that music playing? It's a gramophone record. Gramophone? I thought it was broken. We fixed this old… Not we. I fixed this thing. Really? What a wonderful boy I've got! Other kids are breaking and you fix them. What do you say, we play that record once more?! I used to love it so much when I was little! The mighty crane was working Until there was a pop! And then the mighty giant Gave out and lost its top! Five, four, three, two, one! A little screw went for a run! And now without this little part Everything just falls apart! Tom Thomas’ mom really dances super! Yeah! She knows how to have a good time, even though she's a grown up!
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 6,494,722
Rating: 4.1763377 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 46sec (3466 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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