Hold your breath | The Fixies | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] to each other [Music] please the frying pan can you do this easy how about there's no skating rink there will be what will there be a skating rink where in the frying pan oh all right my bragging buddies go get your skates fixies love playing sports you might find fixy adults working out with weights or maybe working on a gymnastics routine fixy kids love having fixie board contests or taking part in parkour competitions where they have to run jump and hop over all sorts of obstacles these kinds of competitions usually take place inside of sophisticated appliances orienteering is held inside these appliances too that's when fixies use a map to follow a complicated route and the route is quite exact you can't make one wrong turn but the fixie's favorite game has got to be hide-and-seek nobody can compete with them in this game you don't believe me watch the rink is frozen so who's first nola come on [Music] [Laughter] well are you going to jump wow class and that's all not at all [Music] no link no lick no lick [Music] [Applause] sure say no more mr braggart it's your turn simka now watch and see how it's done [Music] oh wow no look you never had a chance [Music] [Applause] just like always she gets in my way and now she's gonna win no look do you really want to beat her uh-huh you see the salt what you think we should cook her of course not but if we put some salt on the ice it'll melt simka didn't you say that you were gonna skate with your eyes closed piece of cake what can't do it watch and learn one and two well done that wasn't fair guys you wouldn't have done 100 jumps anyway let's start the contest all over again but this time we play by the rules oh look there's a scratch in the pan what what a disaster you can cook just about anything in a frying pan meat fish vegetables in order to stop food from sticking to the pan modern frying pans are covered with a non-stick coating like teflon you can cook in these pans without even using oil and they're easy to clean but you have to treat this kind of kitchenware very carefully it's better not to use metal spatulas or forks that can scratch it because you shouldn't cook food in a pan that has scratches on it it can be really dangerous for your health yeah this is completely shot it's all because of your dumb bet it's all because someone was cheating mom's back please simca help me out will ya i'll give you any wish you want or three no five five i can help you if you guys jump up and down a hundred times on one leg we could do 200 tom thomas what do you say we make those crepes [Music] hmm these crepes are perfect i just love cooking with this pan why are you jumping i want to make my legs stronger anyway you never could have jumped 100 times in there concrete when will you be back from your fishing trip before dinner so you won't have time to hang up the mirror again if it's not one thing it's another um we were just planning to hang it right now uh it'll only take us two minutes and then we'll go fishing huh what do you want what am i gonna go on a fishing trip with you you know fixies don't go fishing but you promised me that today we will go and visit the aquarium i was only planning on going there to clean it so let's go fishing while we're at it we'll pretend please okay nolick but we'll just pretend to hooray [Music] nah those won't work why won't they because our walls are concrete they're much too hard for nails see that it's gonna need to be drilled [Music] i guess we'll need to use a special drill bit that's right for this wall concrete is a very strong building material made out of small stones sand cement and water when the concrete mixture dries it becomes very hard like a solid piece of rock for building houses bridges and other large constructions reinforced concrete is what people use to reinforce the concrete it is poured into a mold with steel bars when you drill into a reinforced concrete wall you have to be careful not to hit the metal bars [Applause] [Music] humans not big enough it won't hold up this mirror but it's all we've got so we'll have to go and buy another that stinks means there's no time to go fishing now actually i think this will hold it for a little while [Music] that looks great so ready we don't but we'll figure it out [Music] i really don't like how that mirrors hanging [Music] that's what happens when people are in a rush to finish we're fixing we never do things like that we going fishing or not yes we will after we take care of this mirror in ancient rome volcanoes helped make concrete after they erupted people would mix the volcanic ash with stones lime and sand this concrete was used in many of the famous buildings constructed in that time for instance the pantheon with its concrete dome and this one is the famous coliseum it was also made with concrete the colosseum is almost 2 000 years old but it's still standing strong later when that land was conquered by other nations people forgot about concrete and how to make it thank goodness that 200 years ago they suddenly realized what a great material it is and they reinvented concrete it's true when they say oh everything new is well forgot no [Music] haste is the mother of imperfection it looks like i ran out of wire lousy timing i've got to get to the warehouse warehouse that means we're not going fishing no look a promise is a promise and that means we go this should hold for a little while [Music] it's funny we almost left without the fishing rods don't panic we did a good job of anchoring remember what i said haste is that yeah i'm not hearing things looks like a trip to the store after all for screws yeah and a brand new mirror it looks like today's fishing trip's cancelled and ours is too nullic at least the fish will be happy the blood test hi tom thomas huh what are you fighting with flies no dad signed me up for a class i'm starting to learn martial arts are you gonna fight like in the movies what do you mean i'm gonna star in the movies i'm gonna play a superhero [Music] he'd be a great windmill for sure tom thomas [Music] is first period free for you tomorrow yeah excellent then in the morning i can take you in for a blood test oh blood tests why do i need that to make sure that you're healthy for your martial arts class and remember don't eat anything before the test don't worry it's just a little needle a little what mom and what if i take some other kind of sport like just for instance then i don't need a blood test what's up are you scared no i'm proud of you dad never told me i need a blood test it looks like our superhero's a little scared i think i'd be too blood sounds scary nothing scary about it a human body has a huge number of little tubes called blood vessels with blood flowing through them the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells takes away carbon dioxide from them and protects them from harmful microbes to be sure if you're healthy or not it's often necessary to have a blood test the most accurate results come from blood that is taken from a vein the sample is analyzed to see if everything is all right and if not the doctor will prescribe a treatment you see it's totally safe and there's nothing scary about it uh-huh oh blood should only be drawn on an empty stomach what's that mean it means no eating before the test what happens if i eat well then they won't take any blood from you hmm that's an idea what's an idea um i got no idea okay good night you're really not scared at all for some reason i don't believe it [Music] huh hey what's going on you're not allowed give it back oh my mom's coming oh tom thomas did you forget you're not allowed to eat now do i have to have this test go on go get yourself ready are you trying to run away i thought you want to be a superhero you're being nothing but a coward i'm not a coward you are i'm not you're acting like one anyhow i'm not going there don't even think about it no like help ready to go all right tom thomas get up it's time well thanks a lot and from now on we're not friends making an accurate blood analysis is not a simple task originally this work was done by people that would examine a drop of blood under a microscope today in modern laboratories technicians analyze blood with the help of smart analyzing machines these machines can do the job much faster and they don't make mistakes like people can after you give some blood to be analyzed the test tube is sent on a real journey to reach the laboratory for analysis in the laboratory it moves from one analyzer to another each one of them examining a different part of your blood then all of the data is put together and that's it the blood test is done you can get an email when the report is ready and check the results online so you don't even have to go out to pick it up pretty cool huh [Music] thanks to you we just lost our friend it's because he was being a coward and if it's my fault at all it's only a little bit fixies are you here we're here look what i've got a certificate for bravery you had the blood test and you weren't scared uh-uh look way to go so are we friends again of course we are all right they get you tease me a few of those moves yeah sure wow yeah the detective all right there that is wasn't it great that we got to stay after class and watch that movie together yeah that film was great that detective what a guy he figured out exactly who did it solving a crime's not easy at all but it looks like a lot of fun i think it would be so cool to go solve a crime ah where's my lucky screwdriver i can't do anything without it here we go this could be the crime of the century detective nolik are you ready but we're not there's no escaping our fate colleague our time has come in order to become a detective or an investigator you need to be very attentive and astute because detectives solve mysteries find missing things and detangle the most twisted cases for instance who ate the whole cake without permission a real detective will notice the minor details right away crumbs under the sofa a trail of paw prints across the room by following the clues a real detective will easily discover the thief all right it's time for us to figure out who stole the screwdriver and the screwdriver don't we need to find it [Music] not now first let's find a thief oh look at that it's digit digit huh why are you back at the laboratory our school classes are over i want to talk to the professor i came up with the coolest thing to make what cool thing it's a secret that's a bit hard to believe all right now suspect what were you doing after school what do you mean suspect there must be some mix up here you're trying to dodge the question you want to change the subject on that's it i'm leaving no screwdriver no experiments [Music] you want to take over for you genius and that's why you stole his lucky screwdriver you're under arrest [Music] the main qualities of a detective are intelligence and logic logic is an ancient science that teaches people to think with reason to help them solve problems puzzles and riddles do you want to feel what it's like to be a real detective then try to figure out what i'm describing to you i'm thinking of an animal that you can meet at home or on the street it has a tail and it's long you have any guesses a dog a cat or a mouse uh-huh there's not enough information yet but what if i add that it meows and sleeps all day long then the answer is clear a detective works the same way he collects the facts decides what's important gets rid of what's not and only then figures out the right answer understand then you're ready for another puzzle tell me who doesn't belong here are you gonna talk what funny mustaches you got there oh it's a party right mm-hmm they arrested me is this a game you're playing you believe that a lucky object can bring good fortune now don't you well yeah and what now it's clear you help digits steal you geniuses lucky screwdriver yeah because you like lucky stuff arrest her [Music] tula how long do i have to wait you gotta see this we called the criminals who stole the screwdriver from the professor cool huh just awesome let's go tula she stays here under arrest yeah i got it come on let's go we're not joking around oh and exactly what proof do you have what proof do i have well uh just what i thought you have nothing fire she's their partner of course nulic arrests her at once what did she do wrong it's insane now do what i said i won't do it ah you're with them stand with the crooks over there hey we're partners aren't we now wait a second i'm wondering if you were the thief me yes right it's not me i swear i'm a detective no lick please tell him you put it away in the warehouse oh lisa i've told you a hundred times please don't touch my mess uh appears i was a bit off track you'd have been better off looking for the screwdriver detectives that's what i told you all right we'll look for a new tactic to use on our next case what do you mean on your next case where's my lucky soldering iron [Music] detective knowledge shall we begin the heart [Music] oh because i got a real problem what is it i can't decide which club i should pick johnny signed up for robotics and katya is going to be in chess you call that a problem go with johnny and why not katya [Music] they go with chess but they don't have robots my mom told me i should listen to my heart do you know how to do that i found it see you gotta go no look stupid could tell you she knows everything [Music] the heart is the main pump of a living organism it's a unique muscular organ with a multitude of blood vessels attached to it the main function of the heart is to continuously move blood throughout the body the human heart pumps about six liters of blood every minute even though this pump is not that large make a fist your heart is about the same size as that to make sure your heart stays healthy you need to strengthen it with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet nolik please come help me why me two is stronger huh interesting and do you know what is meant by the word heartlessness well i think it's uh some kind of human illness heartlessness is when a human or a fixie leaves someone who has a problem behind huh thank you very much young man uh i mean young pixie heartlessness does it last forever of course not we just need to help one another more often how am i why do you care oh by the way i found out how you can listen to your heart you need this tube it's called uh stethoscope a stethoscope but i don't have one that's what i'm for the thing is way too tiny hmm ah your mom must have one oh yeah well it's beating loudly and what is it saying to you not a word and now it's beating huh what was that [Music] this is just absurd a heart can't talk you know what why don't you just try again [Music] tom thomas oh who is that it's your heart talking boom boom can you hear me uh-huh i believe their robotics is right for you uh and what about chess who cares about chess robots are way cooler this voice reminds me of someone so that's what you look like my itty-bitty heart well i did it from the bottom of my heart when a human is at rest his heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute this rhythm is called the pulse rate place two fingers on your wrist or your neck can you hear it boom you can count the beets when you're sleeping your pulse slows down but when you get excited run or get worried or afraid your heart begins to beat faster and pumps the blood harder sometimes it feels like it's beating so fast that people say oh my heart is going to jump out of my chest but don't be afraid it's not going anywhere and when people say listen to your heart they don't mean that your heart can talk it means that you should trust yourself and listen to your feelings and then you'll definitely find the answer you're looking for looks like at the end of the day i'm heartless i couldn't help my friend at all no look but you helped you really did i finally figured out which club i want to join robotics like i told you not that i want to learn medicine water hi i'm all ready no look he's gonna stay home like we agreed uh-huh see you soon who's there no look it's you i gotta go i'll go with you no we've got we've got an important job little kids aren't allowed why can't i help you because this work is very demanding only it's boring and you're impatient so you'll bother us huh and patience patience [Music] like totally patient prove it then how see that um water filter you have to count how many glasses of water it cleans how many do i need to count if you can reach 100 i'll believe you're patient why do they need that filter why don't you drink water out of the sink don't worry about it you need to be counting that was one without water life is not possible the human body is made up of two-thirds of water and people need to drink it all the time but only when it's clean water water is transported from rivers and lakes into houses through pipes along the way it gets cleaned of debris and dirt but even so this water might still contain toxic substances or harmful microbes that's why people use filters to clean water for drinking no bad stuff can get through this last line of defense [Music] where did they all go they're not drinking how long do i anymore wait here huh tom thomas are you thirsty they drink some water but i don't want water but you gotta don't you know that your body is almost all water and so and so what did you run out of it then all that'll be left of you is just some skin and bones oh that's what my mom is always saying that i'm skin and bone there you go that's why you need to drink water drink some more and some more come on come on that's all i read out of the room you've got plenty of room left why do you care about how much water i'm drinking because i gotta count how much water is going through the filter i really got it yeah and what it's gotta go through me for you to count it i'm totally full what am i supposed to do i've been waiting here in the kitchen all day but nobody's drinking what's going on the filter is broken you gotta call simko right away 450 416 417 418. it's an emergency what the filter's burning you're really funny nolan he's not joking something's going on over there we gotta hurry where's the emergency look so what's going on here great now we're stuck fixing the filter it's not broken the flashing red light is an indicator it means it's time to replace the cartridge in the filter since ancient times people have been coming up with ways to remember things or to not mix things up knots on ropes were used as reminders that it was time to pay back the debt or repa harvest people would cut notches into trees to help remember numbers later people invented the abacus calendars and day planners and now things are even easier because devices can give us reminders alarm clocks help people get up on time a loud oven timer can save a pie from burning the green light of an indicator shows that the device is turned on and ready to be used a red light shows the opposite today smart appliances can tell their owners what they need to do without them humans can be so [Music] absent-minded [Music] it's all ready this cartridge is enough for another 2 000 glasses 2 000 and what do i do about this all right nolik you've done a good job there way to go yeah if you want i can do it tom thomas wants some water to drink i can't drink anymore and i can't wait anymore either well looks like his indicator is flashing on now [Laughter] the marshmallow [Music] why are you so sad christmas is just around the corner maybe it'll be a lot of fun for you but not for us why is that nasty and papa's had a quarrel over what [Music] every year we've got to repair those string lights oh yeah it's awful christmas is almost here and there's still so much work to be done what do you think of that and this here you are you don't hear the phone ring you don't answer messages and we have string lights that aren't working right we need help papas can't you give us a few more minutes you said that an hour ago haven't you wasted enough time we are not wasting time look at the camera what got one of masia look there you are so having a good time um we were just about to leave and you can stay right here i've already done everything myself you obviously have more important things to take care of so you left me over there by myself working my tail off just so you can play where are you going to relax oh yeah fine with me so now we will have our christmas don't panic no look we'll get your parents to forget i i mean to forgive each other how my dad always says that the way to a woman's heart is to give flowers and candy and where are we gonna find flowers right now oh we'll make them out of marshmallows people are always trying to improve recipes the french used an ancient egyptian mallow root recipe to create the marshmallow a fluffy dessert that can decorate a cake will be roasted on an open fire in russia pureed fruit and berries were mixed with egg whites and sugar and then whipped together to create their own fluffy dessert zee fear some ingredients have changed over the years but these old desserts are still popular what will they think of next and how do we make papers give them the mafia we're gonna set them up on a date i thought she handles everything herself now papa's really so kind i love helping others come on ah all right no no and no i'm relaxing i told you but tom thomas won't have time to make his mom's card if you don't go and then she'll end up without a present fine i'll go but i'm only going for his mom's sake sweets aren't just for eating they can also be used to decorate a christmas table for instance it's very easy to make this christmas tree out of marshmallows make a row of marshmallows at the bottom of a plate one two three four five six seven the second row has six of them the third row five then there's four three two and a special one on top add bread sticks at the bottom as a trunk and sprinkle the plate with some sweet confetti there it's ready with the help of some little cookie cutters it's possible to make hearts and snowflakes out of marshmallows or you could make a reindeer put a candy cane through a marshmallow use sugar beads for eyes and a nose and pretzels for antlers beautiful right merry christmas hmm i don't get what's going on the monitor's working what did you call me for uh i didn't call hmm and you've got nothing for me to do here no ah then i guess you came to apologize uh no you know what i have had enough uh well what's it say for massia uh for me yeah for you that's so sweet i hope you can forgive me for yelling at you i'm just tired no i should apologize it was bad of me to leave you alone and where are the children it's almost christmas there you are come here the solar eclipse all right here we go thomas what's that for there's a solar eclipse today look and i'm gonna watch it that's so cool and what do you need the box for simca did you forget it's dangerous to look straight into the sun huh it's so dark how long until it starts to get dark half an hour we'd be happy to help you out with that what are we only one thing i don't get title be gone like gone forever how did you come up with that there's been plenty of eclipses before this one in outer space everything is in a state of constant movement the earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth sometimes the moon gets in between the sun and the earth and covers the sun and so for a little while the sun no longer appears as a bright glowing sphere but a simple black ball this phenomenon is called a solar eclipse but a solar eclipse can only be seen by humans and fixies that are in its shadow while it's happening [Music] but anything can happen like what if something gets stuck then would it say dark forever and what is that ever happened it's happening now no look either help us out or stop bothering us all right look this is the earth here and the moon there the flashlights are sun [Music] you see the moon's shadow falls on the earth and now watch when the moon starts to go the light comes back stuck just like i said the end is near the it's just that someone should be more careful with the glue it's possible to take an ordinary box and make a special device that was invented by people long ago it's called a camera obscura this clever invention was used by artists as well as scientists it was the basis for the very first photo cameras it's quite easy to make your own camera obscura cut out a small square on one side of a box cover it with aluminum foil and poke a little hole in the center of it put a sheet of paper on the opposite side the light will pass through the hole and shine through the darkness and on that screen you'll see the eclipse only it will appear upside down to see it you'll need to look at it from above but make sure not to let extra light in beautiful and remember to be careful with those scissors [Music] but don't you understand that it's scary in the dark it is impossible to live in it don't be a coward you glow in the dark but what about tom thomas is he gonna have to walk like this [Music] you'll be able to light up the way for him and if i run out of juice i'll use my flashlight and when the batteries run out relax i'll find more in the dark yeah we have to get prepared right now can you see the sun uh-huh one minute left you ready wait hold on i'm not ready yet i'll get yours a little more no i needed those batteries ten seconds nine seconds eight seconds [Music] here it goes whoa it's totally beautiful no come on out you'll miss everything it's amazing class it's so awesome that we did this look look now the sun's coming back out show it to me it really didn't get stuck [Music] you mean the whole eclipse is done it was cool wasn't it uh-huh only i missed the whole thing hmm well you'll see the next one right if you don't get spooked again you're not going to throw the box away are you i'll save it for you i can use it to store something useful batteries for instance what if tomorrow's the end of the light and nolak's not ready for it plastic [Music] [Music] yes yes you're right time to take matters into our own hands please hold on tom thomas did you take out the trash i didn't have time yet good that's just what i wanted to hear uh and that bottle on your desk do you need it that's great thanks i've got five more of them and this is only the beginning of our mission operation rescue what is your dad up to operation rescue could be your dad might be a superhero do you think no like you're too funny for words what's so funny about that who else would be taking part in rescue operations and those bottles you think you need them for heroic deeds or maybe he decided that it's time to sort your plastic waste plastic is adorable and practical man-made material lots of useful things are made out of it packaging toys appliances and even furniture but you shouldn't just throw out things that are made of plastic nature can't digest it and so all that plastic will leave the earth covered with a thick layer of trash to avoid that catastrophe we all can help put plastic into specially marked containers and then instead of harming the planet it can be turned into something useful no that doesn't make any sense superheroes do not collect trash and we'll prove it you'll see of course it's our evolution i mean a revolution [Music] together we'll save planet earth [Music] you're so lucky tom thomas together we'll save planet earth [Music] tom thomas do you have any more plastic in your room here that i can take one second [Music] you still use those things for such a noble mission it's not a problem all our useful things should be taken care of dad i really want to do it with you want to do what what you're doing you know the operation about saving the planet like you said on the phone ah you mean sorting out the plastic don't you sure i've got a couple of these boxes filled up already will you help me take them to get recycled really what for just dump it out with the trash son if we don't start doing what we can to recycle i'm afraid our planet will become one big dump [Applause] there's lots of stuff that humans just throw out that can be transformed into something totally different for instance an ordinary plastic bottle can be turned into a ballpoint pen or a watch or a chair or dishes or even some clothing for example there are some factories where old plastic is sorted grounded into pieces and cleaned and then stretched into thread that can be used to make brand new clothing isn't that fantastic but this is only possible if people learn to collect and dispose of unneeded bottles bags cups and other plastics separately from the rest of their trash imagine how happy nature will be when the piles and piles of plastic disappear from our woods and from our seas let's take care of our planet together [Applause] i thought you were trying to rescue the planet like a superhero actually we are superheroes and we're also a bit like magicians really give me a second see this shirt here it's made out of recycled plastic like that cool right no joke so you ready then it's time to go those lucky humans with their trash is sore and we fixies do all that we can to make appliances live longer that way they don't get thrown away and we should sort our trash as well that's a good idea [Music] the rock tom thomas is back hooray so how was your camping trip super you've got to check out what i found rocks that's just half of it wow is that a screw it looks kind of strange because it got petrified millions of years ago screws weren't around then they came much later and how do we know that it could be the first one discovered and maybe it's not just some screw know what i'm saying are you saying that we might be looking at a fixie fixies believe that their ancestors came into being not that long ago right when humans started inventing complicated devices but what if that's not true maybe millions of years ago before the dinosaurs there were a different kind of fixies that inhabited the earth and maybe there were people then too and fixies weren't hiding from them they were friends who they helped with everything together they used to create inventions construct buildings and make scientific discoveries but then there was some horrible catastrophe and this whole civilization disappeared and what if someday scientists find traces of that civilization then ancient sixties will be discovered as well that would be so cool my imagination ran away with me you're right he could be our great great grandpas or a great great grandma do you think maybe we could bring it back to life we can screw it in somewhere you get energy from electricity right what an idea but what if our great great get super scared because everything is different [Music] we can build him a prehistoric world to wake up to [Music] [Applause] time to bring him back to life and you tom thomas disguise yourself we'll break them like this we need a different way to do it [Music] we need more power for this there wasn't any electricity back then that's why shocking and won't work [Music] oh our great great ancestor why is it always so difficult with relatives wake up wake up and what if [Music] [Applause] we've tried everything this is just a waste of time uh let's sing a song about the screw our song no look it's never gonna work you don't know that we can at least give it a try if you think a screw is nothing take thomas hey well how was your camping trip uh seems to me quite a success yeah so let's see what you found there do you know what this is well it's a rock it isn't it's the stalk of a sea lily you mean a flower an animal who lives at the bottom of the sea its stalk makes it look like a flower like a lily on planet earth there are lots of rocks some of them are hiding deep below the surface and others appear with volcanic lava remember those fairy tales where an evil witch would turn everything living into stone well it's really happened just without any magic some prehistoric plants and animals were petrified way back when and they've remained that way ever since thanks to them we can get an idea about what life was like on earth millions of years ago and this one's a devil's finger the squid's ancestor how do you know all this stuff when i was your age i collected fossils and rocks let's go i'll show you my collection [Music] do you think any of our ancestors were sea lilies shame why did i let myself get so carried away there weren't any ancient fixies in the world hmm but i i still believe in them they just haven't found the right rock yet but don't find it i know they will [Music] the jewel tom thomas it's time to eat where did it go [Music] did you see this tiny little i can't believe now i'm asking a dog thomas are you looking for us hey fixies maybe you can help me one of these stones is missing and so and so the spin is very valuable and so is the stone if i don't find the stone soon it's gonna be the end honey your lunch is getting cold there's no reason to panic your precious stone will be found wait a second can stones really be precious of course they can gemstones are the most rare and beautiful of all stones but it's not easy to find them diamonds emeralds rubies sapphires people find them underground and inside of mountains brave divers go to the bottom of the sea to find pearls people have performed heroic acts and committed daring crimes to get these precious tools the magical shine of gems can both enchant [Music] i can't find it anywhere [Music] [Music] give us back the gem all right [Music] dogs are supposed to keep treasure safe but this one eats them maybe you didn't look carefully for example did you check inside my flower pot this digging is just a waste how could it end up in here because i know this is where we left it is that so all right spit it out [Music] ah look at this a diamond this will look absolutely perfect on my packing mat but i was the one that found it it would look perfect on mine too let's bring our pack-a-mats and try it on them we'll put it here for safekeeping [Music] well who could have taken it we still need to check inside of chusaku you gotta be joking she'll eat you up [Music] where are you going huh inside your soccer to get the stone out no don't please i'm ready to do anything my friend needs me to by any chance are you looking for this where in the world did you find it i found a berry diamond [Music] it looks like a diamond but to be sure we'll have to conduct a test a raw diamond looks like an ordinary stone but after cutting and polishing each of its facets that special stone transforms into a rare and very expensive jewel that can adorn a necklace a crown or a museum's display case the truth is only a small part of all found diamonds is used for jewelry it's because a diamond is also the hardest rock on the planet that makes it perfect for cutting glass diamonds are used in making strong drill bits and cutting blades many important medical instruments could not be made without them with the help of diamonds it's even possible to drill through a mountain when building a tunnel that's just how valuable diabetes are they can cut a pipe and go well with a dress isn't it pretty only it's [Music] and now it's gone [Music] thanks so much fixies i was sure my precious present was gone and who is the present for katya i think she'll like it i've got to tell you tom thomas that's not a precious stone you got nothing but glass there i know but it doesn't matter [Music] what i was risking my life for the sake of a piece of glass first it was for the sake of your friend and second the cost of the gift doesn't matter it's only the thought that counts the baby doll [Music] julia you gotta get out we can't all fit in here this time we'll take a ride and next time you can and i'm by myself again hey don't worry i'm gonna be getting such a cool car later today tula will it be a big one it'll be big enough for ollie tom thomas here your toy came just like you wanted awesome [Music] wait what is this a baby doll [Music] splendid mom where's the car oh it's gotta be some mistake i'll find out for you i'm calling them it's good to be a kid people take care of you feed you buy you toys and read your bedtime stories but in return you have to listen to adults go to preschool then school and always remember to put on a hat all kids dream about being a parent at least for a little while because moms they're just super human human moms can do laundry cook meals iron clothes and check their kids homework all at once fixing moms can fix irons and hair dryers and can teach young fixies how they can do it it's a shame that you can't become a parent before you grow up but you can have fun pretending to be one that's why girls like to play with dolls boys usually don't like it but i don't see why dads can be really cool too [Music] what am i supposed to do with this now i'm not some kind of girl who plays with hey there dolls on now that baby does a real cutie why don't you put it down and we can get back to racing wait wait the baby's hungry he needs to eat thomas help me no i won't won't you please he's crying don't you hear [Music] mama that's all [Music] oh i really loved him oh i really loved him oh i really loved him like my mom loves me every day [Music] oh [Music] tula what happened the dolly disappeared how tom thomas have you seen him uh no i'm not watching after that boy but what if something terrible has happened my dolly's eyes were shiny [Music] me [Music] go where'd my dolly honey don't be upset about the car it's gonna get here soon by the way why did you put the doll in the cupboard it was so hard to find but is it still home it's in the box over there it's gotta go back to the store my poor dolly's gone my dolly we're supposed to send him back today only i told mom that i'd rather keep him hey and what about your big new race car later did you do all this for me you know [Music] it wasn't me you're not even in this [Music] episode
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 1,390,235
Rating: 4.2014651 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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