The Fixies ★ Candy - The Chick - The Spare Part - The Team and Hockey SONG ★ Cartoons For Kids

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Can you believe that Fixies are Such itty-bitty creatures? Even when they’re magnified It’s hard to see their features. They’re tiny, infinitesimal, So small it makes you doubt. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! Candy Nice black eye! Tom Thomas, did you fall? How did you hurt your eye? I had a big fight with Johnny. Oh, wow! How could you?! What was the fight about? We argued over who's cooler, a racer or a boxer. A race driver's cooler! Of course! That's what I said to him. But Johnny had to prove it’s a boxer. Well? He proved it alright. Can't you see? You don't prove anything at all by fighting! What a profession - a boxer! Yeah! Now your dad, he's got an amazing profession – a journalist! He gets to travel to different countries, and brings back all sorts of funny stuff. They even show him on TV! No. What do you mean? Boxers are cooler. Everyone's really afraid of them! Don’t be gloomy, Tom Thomas. Have a candy. I've got a good idea! How about a taste tester? That’s the best job! And what is he testing? A taste tester is someone who tests the tastes of drinks and food. Yeah, how come? They want to find out if the food is delicious, and what all the flavors are in it. Super! What a great profession! But a taste tester is not a job just anyone can do. I can do it! Then let’s check! So open your mouth and then close your eyes. Try to figure out what the flavor is inside of this piece of candy. Strawberry! That’s right! Good job, Tom Thomas! And this? That tastes like orange! You missed that one. It was lime. Yeah, Tom Thomas. If you wanna be a food taster, you're gonna need to do some serious practicing. Let's do it! Raspberry. You got it! SImka, how do they get the candy to be hard on the outside, and filled with liquid on the inside? Don’t get distracted, you're training! Hard candy is made like this: first a sweet syrup is cooked until it is thick and stretchy. Then the mixture is pulled into long hollow tubes that are like noodles. As the tubes cool down, they start getting harder. And it's right then that the tubes are filled with the soft fruity center and then cut into pieces. It all has to be done quickly, before the tubes have a chance to get totally hard. And that’s how candy is made that is hard on the outside and soft on the inside. It could be strawberry, only I just can't tell anymore. Ouch! What’s wrong? My tooth! Was I hearing things? Or did someone yell? Oh, I got it. Come on, let’s take a look at your tooth. A taste tester has to be the most delicious profession in the world. They taste all sorts of things like cheeses and chocolates, and decide which ones tastes better. Everything is tested for taste, even water, because different waters taste differently. There are also testers who don’t test food and drinks, but rather they test the smells of things like deodorants or perfumes. Not everybody can become a really great tester. First, you have to be able to tell apart all the different tastes and smells! You also need to know when it's time to stop, or you can make yourself sick and lose your ability to tell things apart. That’s the reason why taste testers only take very small bites of food and very, very little sips. If you gonna have a bad tooth, it's good to have a mom who's a dentist. That’s true! She’s a good dentist. She'll fix it in no time! She'll pull that tooth right out! So? Did she pull it out? No, she just gave me some medicine to gargle. Your tooth, does it hurt? Yeah, it hurts a little. Hey! Now I definitely know who's cooler than a boxer! Who? Who else? A dentist! Even boxers are afraid of going to the dentist! Fixies go to Fixie schools And study to be masters. There's so much they need to learn To save us from disasters! There isn't one appliance That they don't know about, But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don't let their secret out! The Chick Ah, Professor Eugenius is making breakfast! Only the eggs will never get cooked at this temperature. What are you doing?! You can’t heat up these eggs to temperatures that are this hot! Why can't you? The chicks, you'll kill them! What chicks? Where? This appliance, do you even know what is? I thought it was an egg cooker. You thought it was an egg cooker?! Listen up! I do not want to see you around this thing. Not anywhere close! Got it? I won't get close to it. But Grandpus, we don't even know what this is for! It’s called an incubator! To help her chicks hatch, a mother-hen sits on her eggs for a long time, keeping them warm with the heat of her body. An incubator is a device for hatching chicks that is used in place of the mother hen. It is always nice and warm iside, just like under a chicken’s wing. But not too hot. An incubator can even turn the eggs so they get just the right amount heat all over. Chicks that are hatched in an incubator are no different from the chicks that are hatched without them. Fire! What? This thunderstorm is really scary! Let’s be scared together! I’m not scared at all! Me neither. I was joking. Just joking with you. What do you think, are the chicks scared in there? Holey Moley! Wow! That was a big one! Even the electricity got turned off! The incubator turned off too! And the temperature is dropping! And for the little chicks, is that bad? I'm sure it is. It’s cold in here. These chicks need help! And Grandpus isn't around! Then we're going to have to save these chicks without him. Nolik, get the door open! Help me! I can’t! Grandpus said I can't get near the incubator. so try opening it yourself! I can’t do it! And I can’t help you! But the chicks are going to die of cold! Let's just do it! But don't you go and tattle to Grandpus! I promise! Hurrah! It’s a bit early for hurrah. A candle? Yeah, we’ll warm up the chicks with the fire. Class! Time for hurrah? Now, yeah! Tideesh! Like sparrows, ducks, storks, and ostriches, all birds lay eggs and sit on them to help them hatch. And it's not only birds. Other animals like snakes, crocodiles, and even turtles have babies that they hatch from eggs. To protect their children, they try to hide their eggs, like deep in the bushes, in the cracks of rocks, or in the sand. By the way, roe is also little eggs, just without the shells. From this fish roe, little hatchlings are born that will grow into big fish. And from tiny frog roe tadpoles hatch that will then develop into full grown adult frogs. And you've heard of dinosaurs, right? Well, those giant reptiles that lived millions of years ago, they also hatched out of eggs! What happened to the electricity in here? It's a black out from the thunderstorm, I guess. This is just awful! My incubator! Someone lit a candle! And the temperature is normal! So who put the candle in there? Tell us right now! Nolik, don’t be a tattletale. It was me. By yourself? By myself? Of course yourself! I wasn’t allowed near it! Well, yeah! He wasn’t allowed near it! All by yourself! Then well done! You saved the chicks! Our hero! So, Fire, follow his example! And you, Nolik, accept our heartfelt thanks. Look inside! They're starting to hatch! Alright, Fire. Come take a look. Now I’m allowing you. Look, a little chick! It’s so cute! And so yellow! Look at him! What a little sweetie! Fire! What? Well, I really know who saved him! Tideesh! Can you believe that Fixies are Such itty-bitty creatures? Even when they’re magnified It’s hard to see their features. They’re tiny, infinitesimal, So small it makes you doubt. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Spare Part Hey, what's going on? It was just working. Hi there, Tom Thomas! Simka, Nolik! - Look, I’ve got a problem. - Sorry, no time to play! We're busy! Busy? With what? We got put in charge here for the day. We even get to use one of the pack-o-mats! Papus and Masiya went out to visit our Fixie-friends. Papus used to be with them at the Space Center years ago. Ever since he was a boy, Papus dreamed of going into space. And why not? Fixies work on rockets too! He even got a job at the Astronaut Training Center. He was put in charge of the centrifuge. And he made sure it worked perfectly. The centrifuge is a sort of a very fast carrousel for training astronauts. And Papus trained inside of it too. Unfortunately Papus never knew the rocket was scheduled to fly on his day off. And when he found out, it was too late, and the rocket blasted off without him. Since then Papus hates his days off. But he still longs to fix something like that centrifuge. You know, something turning around, like a washing machine. Too bad for Papus that the one in his house seems to keep working perfectly fine. So, that means today you fix everything? Uh-huh. Well, then it's your lucky day because my car just broke down! Hurrah, we’ve got work to do! Nolik, let's go! Well, what broke down here? Wait a sec! Here! This part burned out. It's all covered in black! I wonder where we can get the same part but a clean one? A clean one? Nolik! Genius! There’s the same exact part inside the dishwasher! We can take it from there! Come on! Do you have any idea how all these parts are connected to one another? With this thing right under you. It's a special part called a “circuit board”. A circuit board is made like this. First the board gets covered with the thin layer of metal. Then paths are laid onto the board where the electricity is going to flow. After that all the extra metal is washed off of it with the special cleaning liquid leaving the metal paths that were drawn on the board. These paths work just like wires to connect the parts on the board to each other. And then all that's left to do is attach those parts to their places on the paths. Pull it! Tideesh! Tom Thomas, tideesh! Hurrah! It works again! Tom Thomas! I’m about to start the dishwasher. Are there any dirty dished in your room? No! Slow down! Slow what down? Slow down your mom! We took the new part out of the dishwasher, see? Mom! Wait! Don’t start it! You need to put… put... Yeah, put in this one… dirty cup! Nolik, follow me! Inside the TV is the same part. Now - back to the dishwasher! We barely made it! We grabbed the part from the TV in the living room. Not the TV! My mom’s favorite program is about to start! The television… its working now. And where did you get the part for it? From your dad’s computer, in his office. Hi everybody! I’m home. Hi Hon! Are you ready for dinner? In a bit! I've got to finish a little work on the computer. Simka, hurry! Where else can we find that part? Stop! That's enough running! Here. Take it back from the car! And then we put the part back into the computer and it started working again! Oh, that was really silly! Remember, you little experts. Never repair any device at the cost of another one! - I understand now. - And I understand. If you were smart, you could have taken the part out of the old radio in the closet. Papus, but you know the radio wouldn't work then! That old thing hasn't been working for years. Masiya and I have pulled out half of those parts already! I almost caught one yesterday, I chased him but he fled. But if I told my dad he’d say, “It’s all inside your head!” You really cannot catch them, Or find their whereabouts. But if you meet a Fixie, please, Don’t let their secret out! The Team The first period is almost over. Tom Thomas' team is leading two-nothing! There's no getting around the difference in class! Simka, pass it to me! Simka, over here! Goal! Three-nothing! And that's the end of the period! Time for the teams to take a break! This isn't a fair game! There’re six of this guys and only two of us! Go ahead and call your classmates. I'll still outscore you! You sure about that? Well, TomThomas! You asked for it! Young Fixies take classes and study just like human kids. But Fixie schools are quite a bit different than schools for people. To begin with, there are no more than ten students in a room. In Simka’s class, for instance, there are six. And the children don’t study in one place. On one day the lesson could be inside a refrigerator, the next day – in a computer, and the day after that – in a vacuum cleaner. This is the best way for Fixies to learn all about them and put their new knowledge to the test! But the most important thing is that they have to learn to work as a team and help each other: stronger Fixies helping weaker ones, and older Fixies helping younger ones. This is a must for Fixies, because appliances are so very big that if we didin't work as a team, we, little Fixies, could never get by. As the second period is about to begin, our full team comes to the ice! Introducing the engine of our class – Fire! My motor's roaring! And now the brains of our class – Digit! OK, what's the score? Now here is the spirit of our class – Toola! Could I be our goalie? And here she is, the face of our class – Verda! And oh, what a cute one. So, you wanna quit, Tom Thomas? I'm not afraid of you. Nolik, pass! Shoot! I'm calculating the angle to use. Oops! Pass it! Quick! Quit sleeping! If you gonna scream at me, I'm not going to play at all. Wow! That some team you got there. Six-nothing! It’s a blowout! Now the intermission before the final period. We’re missing something here. I can tell you what. You mean confidence? Calculations? Elegance? I know! Speed! What's missing here is teamwork! Simka, you're right. It's one for all and all for one! Then here's what we gonna do. We got it! Attack and check, don't lose control. A line change on the fly. The puck is zooming towards the goal To score and break the tie. It's one for all and all for one! Great teamwork is a must! Let's go and show them how it's done! This game was made for us! Hockey's our game! Hockey! Hockey's our game! Tell me again what's the name of our game?! I can't hear you! Hurrah! We won, Tom Thomas! What do you say now? How could I get creamed like that? Because you're by yourself here, and we are a team! Tideesh!
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 12,594,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: Y0coukOhC7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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