The First Good Tempo and Recall Timings guide! (Advanced)

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have you ever been playing league and then for absolutely no reason you decide to do this okay we're 12 minutes into the game and i'm o4 playing a scaling champion at the rate we're currently going the enemy team is going to snowball the game and will have no chances of winning we just killed the enemy mid laner so i desperately need to make use of this chance to come back i'm sitting at 800 hp the tower plating is on its last legs and according to my calculations echo should be at his inhibitor i have no choice but to go for it so this video is about recall timings you might think but bonks why are you doing a video on this topic all you need to do to recall at the perfect time is one wait until you need to spend money or regenerate your resources then two set up your wave or jungle camps in an appropriate way so you don't lose golden exp while you're doing it did you really think it was that easy schmuck man i expected better from you although most people don't realize it recalling has so much more to it than that in fact there's a completely separate concept that recall timings are centered around that even some of the teammates i get in my 200 lp lobbies are clueless about that concept being tempo so in this video i'll explain what tempo is how it relates to recall timers and how you should be thinking about recall timers in general hopefully me doing that will give you a massive edge over everyone else since there are hardly any other good guys about it on youtube right now and it's an incredibly high level concept this one's going to be heavily loaded with information so strap yourselves in lads and let's begin if i were to ask you what the advantages and disadvantages to recalling are you would probably say that the advantages are that you get to spend your money and regenerate your resources and the disadvantages are that you might miss golden exp while you're off the map while this answer wouldn't exactly be wrong it doesn't paint the whole picture since it doesn't take tempo into consideration to describe what tempo is simply is pretty much just a measurement of opportunity picture it like this after you recall spend your money and regenerate your hp in mana you're given a cup of water with a tiny hole at the bottom the water represents your tempo and because of the tiny hole at the bottom your tempo is constantly being drained away every time you go for a play you drink some water from the cup the amount you drink is relative to the size of the play and the size of the play is relative to how much time it took and the amount of resources you used on the play for example pushing a wave is like taking a tiny sip from the cup but diving the enemy bot lane or fighting the enemy team for dragon is like taking a massive gulp the more water you have in the cup the more opportunities you can take if you leave base for five minutes and just farm minions without making any plays the entire time you might think you still have some tempo left because you're still at full hp in mana right but actually you don't water has been draining out of the cup for the duration of the five minutes so you've actually run out the draining is a representation of the fact that you're now sitting at 2k gold meaning you're weaker than everyone else who has spent the gold that they've been gathering for the last five minutes because of this all the plays you can go for are extremely likely to fail since you're so weak so there are no opportunities for you to go for hence why your cup has run out of water meaning you have no tempo left if you tried to dive bot in that state you're likely to just mess up the whole play and lose your team the game so you should base and refill your cup that is what tempo is it's quite easy to understand but applying it to your recall timings can get quite difficult at least i think it is because to me it seems like the biggest difference between low mmr and high mmr players and how they base is that the lower mmr players tend to base only when they absolutely need to however higher mmr players will take opportunities to base even if they don't necessarily need to just so they can reset their tempo this type of basing can also be referred to as tempo basing so bearing this in mind if we go back to the list of advantages and disadvantages to basing that we had earlier we now know that another advantage to basing is that it allows you to fully reset your tempo once you're back on the map but another disadvantage is that it temporarily resets your tempo to zero and by that i mean after you recall you're forced to spend some time in base regenerating your resources and some more time running back to your lane or wherever you wanna go during this time your tempo is zero because you can't take any opportunities unless of course you have tp alright we finally made it to the good part so now that we got this list how can we use it to help us with our base timers what we can do is we can use the advantages as triggers to find when we want to recall ahead of time this is something that seems simple on the surface but is actually way more complex when you get into it because at first all it seems like you need to do is think about when you benefit from one of these advantages and that's when you know you want to recall so what i mean by that is you ask yourself the following questions one am i about to have enough gold to reach my next item spike two am i about to run out of hp or mana and three am i about to run out of tempo the problem with these questions is that they only give you an indication of when basing is absolutely necessary which loops back to the thing i was saying earlier about the difference between lower elo and higher elo players in fact based on the time i've spent coaching and watching players in the gold to diamond range i can confidently say that 99 of you subconsciously ask yourself these questions when deciding when you want to base that means you're never going to make the call to base in situations where the answer to all these questions is no since it doesn't seem necessary right but that's bad because as i was saying earlier sometimes it can be better to base even when it's not necessary just to take a random example i found recently to demonstrate what i mean in this game we have an ari versus yonei matchup in the mid lane the lane isn't relevant to this example by the way but essentially ahri gets a solo kill onto the yonei she shoves out the wave now pours these are her resources and she has 1430 gold with these items so let's ask the three questions one does she have enough gold to reach her item spike well here she actually does have enough for her mythic but for some reason this ahri player wanted to buy these items so the answer is no has she run out of mana or hp no she still has some left and has she run out of tempo no because she still has enough to take the plate since the answer to all these questions is no she decides to stay for the play because she doesn't need to base now she's reached enough for her power spike and run out of tempo so she decides to base the yonei now comes back to lane before her and shoves out the next wave now yonei is in a position to go and make a play on the map and there's absolutely nothing ari can do about it because look where she is yonei ends up doing nothing with the timer but if he was a better player he would have realized that there's a fight happening top side and he could have maybe got himself a double kill by joining it if that ended up happening it largely would have been ari's fault for recalling so late if she recalled directly after taking the wave instead of going for the play she could have followed yonay to the fight or prevented him from moving so now you can see why asking these three questions and only basing when necessary is a bad thing and if you're sitting there right now thinking wow this ari is so bad i would never do something so stupid you probably would this ahri is a d4 player which is a pretty solid rank and i've seen ground master players making a similar mistake before no one is exempt from this so let's look at the thought process ahri should have gone through to reach the correct decision here in the form of you guessed it a flow chart actually to be honest you probably didn't get it because it's only the second one i've done but not gonna lie i think they might be the new wave i don't know though tell me what you think of them in the comments so first look at your money look at your resources and ask yourself the question with the resources i have left can i get enough money for a better buy if no that means you want a base now that obviously doesn't mean based on the spot just that you want to which by the way we'll be talking about setting up bases and all of that in a minute but for now we're just trying to find out when we want to base if yes however next ask yourself the question am i giving up the tempo advantage by staying for it in this ari clip you can see that the yoni gets back to lane way before ari does meaning he has the tempo advantage ari's cup is empty here while yonez is full meaning he gets to make the next move hence why he has the tempo advantage you could also just describe it as whoever gets back on the map first has the initial tempo advantage if no that means you want a base after you get enough money for the buy you're looking for if yes ask yourself this final question is it worth it to give the enemy the tempo advantage for what i'm gonna get the answer to this question depends on three things the champ you're playing the champ the enemy is playing and the state of the map the champ you're playing is important because it dictates how important it is to hear your item spy if you're playing something like zed and you already have your first dirk then hitting your item spikes isn't going to be as important so zed players aren't going to want to give the tempo advantage up as often whereas if you're playing something like ezreal basing at the right time throughout the game to hit all your spikes is like life or death so ezreal players will be much more willing to give the enemy the tempo advantage the champ the enemy is playing is important because it dictates what they're gonna do with the tempo to use the same examples again if you're playing against the zed he could potentially use the tempo advantage to shove out a wave and roam to bot lane to secure a double kill so you probably want to avoid giving him the tempo advantage unless there's a really good reason for it if you're playing bot lane against an ezreal he probably isn't going to do much with the tempo advantage he gets so you can be more willing to give him the tempo advantage if it brings you a better advantage and lastly the state of the map is important as it dictates what the enemy can do with the tempo advantage in the ari example a fight was happening top so giving yone the tempo advantage when he could potentially move to it was a horrible idea the same can be said if it looks like the enemy will get a chance to invade your jungler at their buff or dive one of the laners on your team take these three factors into account to decide whether or not it's worth it to give your enemy the tempo advantage in order to hit your item spike if it is worth it you want a base after you've got enough gold for the spike and obviously if it's not worth it then you want a base as soon as possible so now that you know you want to base you now need to set it up to do this ask yourself the final question can i create a situation where i don't lose any minions or jungle camps when i go to base you can create a situation like that by crashing a big minion wave into the enemy tower or clearing your camps as a jungler so if the answer to that question is yes then go and create that situation if the answer is no then you need to find a way to minimize the amount of gold you're going to lose and kaboom you now understand how to find the perfect base timers of course that doesn't mean you'll be perfect at it but now that you know the thought process you need to go through to find the best base timers you can go into some of your replays when you feel like you ended up in a weird situation in the game you played and check to see if you based at the right time or not by following through this flowchart if you find a moment in a game where you feel like you based at the wrong time but you aren't actually sure if it was wrong or not you can come to my discord and ping me with some kind of recording and i'll probably help you out anyways thanks for watching lads and here's the flow chart in a bit [Music]
Channel: Bonks
Views: 28,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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