How to Win Top lane in the first 4 waves - Top lane Macro Guide

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what if i told you that cheetah recalls were the most misunderstood and wrongly used concept by at least 90 of the players i've coached everyone seems to have at least heard of the term but people also seem to not know exactly when or why you should use them as opposed to doing something else so i made this powerpoint which took far too much time to help convey the concepts it will be available on my discord so if you want to feel free and join to download it go for it um just a minor disclaimer though i i obviously can't include everything in this powerpoint of video i'm sure you all have different ideas of your own that you could add but that's fine this video could be hours long this topic is huge and there's so much more i could talk about but i've tried to include the most important things so firstly let's talk about um some background knowledge that you need to know why does wave management of the early game matter early game waves matter um basically because it's the earliest point in which we can influence our team and spread a lead from our island right in general early leads mean more in solo queue and can snowball into more leads right um league also in general is a really hectic game right so in general the game is not flowchartable um but this is an extremely flowchartable part of the game because of the limited variables which is why it's important to get the decision making down constantly right so why crash specific ways um when you crash specific waves you don't have to be in lane anymore right obviously as you don't have anything to farm therefore you can leave lane and you can time this with ally plays so while the enemy top laner can't follow because he has to farm under tower your um if your team wants to make your teammate wants to make a play you can leave the lane and pressure with him so that's why it's important to time it well early waves revolve around mini objectives like the scuttle crab so lastly the most important thing that you take away i hopefully you take away here is that we're going to be talking about skeletal crab a lot and the fact that it spawns at 3 15. so wave 2. um i'll explain the options of what to crash now basically what the pros and cons of to each are so that you can apply the decision making to your future games right i'm not gonna tell you and give you a million i'm gonna not gonna give you a million scenarios and tell you what i want to crash i'm just gonna give you the pros and cons of crashing each because you all make different champions every game is different so you can apply it to your games so let's talk about the second wave um and why you would crash it basically the most common champions that crash the second wave are fury users like tryndamere um this is because generally they can take good trades that are weigh the cons of crushing the second wave um so that'll weigh the cons of crushing the second right um so you know tryndamere uh gets a bunch of fury spins onto the enemy crits for a million damage right um this doesn't mean you should do this every game on tryndamere so some games uh where you can't get these trades potentially then you should consider not crashing second wave right so if you crash second wave haven't got the trades off ask yourself was this the best option compared to future options i'll talk about in this video um so another reason to crash second wave is in match ups where you have shove but are in a bad early match up so this is quite specific um for example some matchups uh at the absolute highest level such as jax vs camille are won by hard crushing the first two waves to avoid bullying of camille early and getting out of the early as after this you only have to wait for the bounce back and you can just chill like you've avoided the first three so three or four levels because um you haven't had to interact you just shoved waves right so the cons of um the cons to the second wave crash are that you have the least options on the crash as it's a small wave crash right um the bigger the wave the more temper you have the crash also doesn't sync up with any ally plays so the big con is also that the bounce back um means in another big con is that the bounce back means that in some matchups you can actually lose priority for the scuttle crab at 3 15. i'm not going to get into how i made it how sorry how um you can do this but i made a video on it it should appear on your screen now so uh if you want to watch it then go for it click it and then here okay the big one the third wave crash right if you take one thing away from this video um i really want to emphasize it's that you learn and understand when to crash third wave and what to do afterwards okay this is the most important thing the single most important thing you know how to do um is that you crash third wave into walking down into river and securing scuttle craft for your jungler this is this is you spreading your lead in lane um and can snowball into even bigger leads for your jungler right so i'm not going to explain any further than that for what your jungler can do i just want to explain the top lane side of things if your jungler does not need assistance or they're going to bot crab then you can cheat a recall after that but scuttle crab always takes priority over cheetah recalling so other reasons include the fact that when you crash third wave you can leave lane on this timer and it's also when an enemy jungler has full cleared that's the same timer so you can just leave and you've essentially dodged a big gank window right you can also potentially look for a db um if it's impactful enough or a d board so there are almost no cons to this um third wave crash other than you can be cheese level two ganked or died to a ganking jungler right like elise orexite and all this thing but in which case you shouldn't really be pushing anyway lastly this is a big mistake i see people make if your jungler is pathing to top crab and might need help secure it for them and do not cheater the biggest mistake i see people make is people cheatering on a third wave crash because they're like oh i want my cull or extra d blade um instead of helping the jungler who clearly wants to go for top lane scuttle grub and the enemy jungler also wants to go top lanes colorado and they're just coin flipping which jungler comes out on top when they could be there and secure it for them i can't tell you how many games i've seen lost from this anyway let's take a look at an example um okay let me open it up one second so this is ergot versus yeon this is a coaching vote i had and this is going to be an example of a third wave crash and how to execute it oh whoops that's not what i want on the screen there we go so ergo obviously own i got for sure can crash the third wave into yawn right because i got just stomps you on so we're gonna show how to do it basically tldr you look to get control of the wave by whatever means necessary so in this case oh god can take good trades into yeon an example of this is a cheese trade and let's speed it up he flips him there you go and now there's absolutely no way in hell young can contest the wave he already kind of could before i'm sorry uh kinda couldn't before because it's joan but and ergot's an insane early game champion but now for sure it's guaranteed right so what he's going to do the ergo is he's going to look for kills if possible if not in his ba in in the back of his head he's looking for a play which is the third way crash into helping skeletal crap because he sees his jungler pathing to top crab so i'm going to speed up one more time and he's slow pushing this is the second wave now so what i see a lot is people accidentally pushing the second wave too fast and getting in an awkward position where they can't crash under the turret so if that happens to you you've got to go back and find out why that happened and maybe you push too fast maybe something like this and then you've got to be really hard on yourself and fix that so ignore this ward it's really bad he doesn't need it and then the third wave comes so what you should do here is insta crush the wave and i want you to ask yourself why he does something in a second right just pause the video ask yourself why he does this and if you can't think of the answer i'll answer in a second um so if we if you see this why does he do this it can be slightly better but why does he just use his e on the way here just pause it okay i assume you are full about it and the answer is because there is no way in hell he can get a kill on young so i'm sure a lot of you watch ls right um he makes a good point and it's a fundamental how relia like how useful is the trade here compared to effectively getting the wave in okay um he'll grill pro players for trading when they should just be crushing the weight because there's no hope of actually killing the enemy right the trade won't amount to anything there's the reason it won't amount into anything it's because jon is so close to his tower that he can just walk back you know urgot should never get he should never get in range for a flip and young could just walk back so the more reliable play is to just get the wave crashed in as soon as possible and then run into a river to secure the crab and that's why you should use your spells on the wave if you can afford to use them in the match up and still secure the wave so he crashes doesn't really matter if he gets the farm unless you're planning to cheater you need to hit a certain threshold of gold and then he passed upwards for some reason but he runs down into river now yeon is stuck farming top lane because he received a big slow bush crash on the third wave right and now what you should what what he should do perfectly here is just chill in this pixel bush he's dropped a wood here which is good it spots out the joy if the jungler comes to the top side he should wait in the pixel bush and just play point guard for this scuttle crab so that his olaf can secure it now he's waiting in river guarding the scuttle crab and he defends it and he wins the game imagine if he went to cheetah recall he'd be in base walking here and there's no world he would ever have been able to secure the scottish crab or kill granted hecarim did int but the the um the flip side is if hecarim didn't get uh hecarim wouldn't get this crab right so he wouldn't die but the hecarim wouldn't get this crab and olaf would still be able to get it so olaf would still have a lead you'd still be spreading your lead but i'm sure you've all seen junglers cry for not getting crap and this is why okay that's the example for that let's go back to this let's give up my script again okay let's look and then uh here's the here's the video so if you want to check out the example again then feel free um wave four wave four this is a lesser understood and a bit less important but i thought i'd include it in the video so the question is what does a fourth wave crash sync up with right so the big one is that champions um who full clear and their clear time so usually you can forfeit crash as the ally jungler um ally full clear jungler wants to pressure right so you can actually time a fourth wave crash with a dive um after a champion has full cleared so this is obviously quite hard to set up in solo queue um but for any competitive players out there or really high yellow players out there you can set this up with your jungle pre-game so it also lets you cheetah with 650 gold that's the total amount if you see us properly um so there's potential for a sheen maybe with a futures market if you push slowly enough for the fourth wave crash this sounds good for gangplank for example right um also you get the most tempo as it's the biggest wave crash and you can roam for the longest right so you also get a good tp window um the cons are that if you want to crash the fourth wave you generally have to trade a lot less because you want to push slower um [Music] of course right the more aoe you have the more you'll push so you've got to factor in how much push you have whilst you trade and then decide how many trades you want to actually make so if i'm playing renekton for example my q onto the enemy will actually hit my minions and it'll push faster and then maybe i'll i'll be forced to crash third wave and i won't be able to crash the fourth road right so you've got to keep this in mind um and you'll also the last con is you'll also be gankable for longer because you'll be stuck in lane um trying to crash the fourth wave which comes up three minutes right so it's a lot longer anyway let's look at another example of um a fourth with crush versus uh in my competitive game and i understand the reason i'm showing examples because it's quite hard to digest so i'm using example right so let's look at this game um it's i recorded this with my streaming software and i forgot to take my map overlay it's twitch chat anyway so you don't miss anything um so i'm the renekton um this is my competitive game and i in the champ select we have the full clearing jungler and i said we can dive on the fourth crash right so i can't trade very much i know that much because i want a slow push this is the third wave so i've cut i've cut to the third wave right because i've been slow pushing notice that i'm wonderful hp normally any renekton would have had traded right problem is this never really amounts to anything usually but renekton's strength is and a lot of other champions tracks like volleyball set they can 100 to zero the enemy top laner with the jungler right so i can 100 to zero this mundo with my diana so what i'm setting up for is a fourth wave crash and that's our plan so i don't really need to trade earlier the only trade i need to do right so i decide beforehand i know i need to um knock off bone plating for the dive and i need to knock of his passive for the dive so i can stun him right and that's the only trades i'll do in theory i i mess it up a little bit but like that's the idea so i'm crashing fourth wave this is third wave right now okay and then i i push relative to where the next wave is on the screen right i could just track my my minions ignore this trade it was the worst thing i've ever done in my life but you could just say i'm baiting for my uh diana to come or something like this it's fine and then the fourth wave is going and now i just wait i tell my dianda to skip um to skip gromp because she's being a bit slow for some reason and then this is the fourth wave crash and now in theory he just comes because the wave's still here we can kill even if so this wasn't executed properly right i could crash this and we could just dive him under turret and i could slice and dice out right that's the whole point i wanted to convey but do you see how the timer has synced up with diana being available on the map and now we push him off a big wave right even miss executed we've gained the lead and now this will lead into him having to tp back to lane i'll have tp advantage i can tv bot secure drake or something you know so um last window last window so what wave do we crash right so this is the hard part i've given you all the options all the different pros and cons to crushing each one but it's hard to decide what wait wait we crash so i'm going to give you a simple process um and i call it the loading screen plan right firstly let's take a look at our options right we can pretty much only slow push and choose a wave to crash on or let it push into us so then we have to decide which wave will crash or if we'll let it push into us and hold the freeze and contest the enemy wave crash right um so what factors do we look at when we decide what we're going to do the first thing is the 1v1 match up okay can we secure bush that's the pretty obvious one um you have to decide and know your your match up 1v1 top lane can i push into this right and just know how strong you are level one all in and stuff and how to get the trades to get the push can you trade in a way that scuba wave control is pretty much the the whole thing i'm getting that and then the enemy jungler type is also important right so what i mean is if they're going to be gank heavy or farm heavy keep it simple um obvious an obvious example would be like if you're going to lease you know it might be likely that you get ganked right whilst you're in the middle of a third wave crash um or if you're against oodia it's gonna full clear and not really gank you that early right so if one's clearly there's a chance that you get a decent chance that you get ganked on like whilst trying to perform a third wave crash like 240 gank by elise or 230 or whatever then you're not going to try and do the the third wave crash you know so you recommend just letting it push into you as opposed to if it's a full clear champion then you can try and go for the third week crash because this gank windows later so the last factor is what crab they're pathing to so you have to do this one in game but you can already like plan ahead um you can decide in loading screen what option you'll go for if your jungler or the enemy jungler is going for either crap right so if your jungler is coming going to bok crab then you my um cheetah recall right on the third wave crash if you're not gankable like for example so you take all this account and you make a plan so if we can't push try to imagine what the enemy top wants to do if they understand what wave they want to crash for example if they want to crash third wave to rotate the crab and push back you can test the crash so they can't obviously some matchups don't allow for this right but for example every time they try to push and alter the wave you push back and then you deny the third wave crash and keep it frozen so that if they leave they're forced to miss farm you know that's how you counter player and then the faq i don't really want to read this out um you can go read this or you can pause it and read it if you want to because this video is already getting pretty long and my throat is going so um i'll just close the video and now i just want to hope i hoped that the video was uh helpful i just wanted to say that so i have more videos which should appear on your screen now um which involve various macro micro guides um this took a disgusting amount of time to make so i appreciate it like in a sub and all that so i'll be streaming um i'll likely be streaming on release of this video so if you're interested in watching me play um and explain my thought process etc then feel free so thanks for watching guys and see you later
Channel: Eragon
Views: 32,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, lets, let's, play, mc, commentary, episode, ep, with, twist, gravified, playthrough, walkthrough, mo', creatures, mo, games, game, how, to, mods, mod, mocreatures, installed, aether, aether2, League of legends, Coaching, League, LoL, top, lane, teemo, guide, grandmaster, ranked, teaching, mid, improve, wave management, wave, management, cheater, recalls, cheater recalls, scuttle crab, waves 1-3
Id: LbdsvevjZZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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