How to ACTUALLY Master Wave Management in 22 Minutes (Guide for anyone below Diamond)

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wave management is the most important concept to learn in all of league of legends if you want to reach diamond but it's also the most complex so naturally about 5 000 different channels have made videos on it to milk it for as many views as possible which i'm definitely not doing in this video by the way i would never do such a horrible despicable thing but yeah remember to smash that like button despite how many videos have been made about the topic they all either throw too much information at you making the video impossible to follow or they don't really tell you enough i remember when i was first trying to learn wave management two seasons ago i had to watch at least 10 different videos before it all started making sense in my head which is something i really don't want anyone else to go through so here i am making this video the process of mastering wave management can be broken down into two steps firstly you need to learn how to do it then you need to learn when to do it which is kind of the same as how fapping works now that i think about it so as such this video will have two segments the first segment will be the theory side of things in other words the how and the second segment will be about the application of the theory or in other words the when in general i've noticed that most gold players and some plat players have the theory completely down but suck at applying that theory while the silver players are shaky on the theory and don't even think about applying it at all take that with a grain of salt though because i personally didn't even know what wave management was until i hit plat but sometimes i'll be watching my bronze friends play and it feels like they're laning against literally dopa my point is even people within the same ranks are a different level with wave management so think carefully about which parts of the video you might want to watch before you get into it so let's start with the how which is actually quite simple when you break it down to be able to manage waves you need to be able to do two things firstly you must be able to understand wave states and secondly you need to be able to execute the wave management techniques being able to understand wave states means you have the ability to look at a wave and know immediately what it will do if it remains untouched in other words is the wave going to push into you stay where it is or push into the enemy on your journey to mastering wave management this is the first thing you need to understand to tell what a wave might do you need to look at two things its strength and its position a wave strength is a combination of the number of minions there are and their hp values if one wave has more minions than another or its minions have more overall hp that means it has more strength and the wave with more strength will be the one that pushes for example in this picture the blue wave has more strength since there are more minions so we'll push into the red side and in this picture the blue wave is more healthy so again it has more strength and it will push into red so far this sounds quite simple right what about if you mix them up like here the blue wave has more health but the red wave has more minions so how do you work out which way it will push well the truth is you can't there's no real way to work out what the wave will do the only thing you can do is rely on your feeling sadly this feeling isn't really something i can teach you since it only comes with experience but as long as you keep trying to guess what the waves will do in your games you'll build up that feeling really quickly the reason i'm mentioning this is because there are so many players that will just play league of legends with their brain completely off and thousands of games later they still won't have to develop this feeling at all when it should be something that you can perfect in a maximum of 200 games if you don't have the feeling yet watch the rest of the video assuming you do then when you're in a situation where you need to judge the state of the wave give it your best guess you only stand to learn from it if you mess it up and get it wrong god damn as i'm saying this i'm having the realization that i need to stop feeling all these wave states and start feeling some grass why am i such a nerd the other part of understanding wave states as i said before is its position this one is pretty simple to explain if a wave is closer to one side of the lane it will eventually push the other way for example in this picture the wave is pretty much even but it's closer to red tower this means it will eventually push back into blue this happens because when the next wave arrives the red wave will make it to where the minion clash is happening first since it has less distance to travel and obviously the side that gets reinforcements first will end up winning the fire the only time where this isn't the case is when the lane is frozen which i'll talk about more in a minute so now that you understand the wave states that's the first part of the howl the second part is learning the wave management techniques the three techniques of fast pushing slow pushing and freezing fast pushing is shoving a wave as quickly as you possibly can to crash it into tower as fast as possible slow pushing is pushing a wave slowly yeah crazy right so you can wait for multiple waves to arrive before crashing it usually this is done by only last hitting the minions but you can increase the speed of the push slightly if you want in the example on screen you can see that i started pushing the first wave and because i was pushing it slowly by only last hitting the second wave arrives then i transition into a fast push to crash both waves at once and finally there's the freeze where you keep the wave just in front of the tower like this for the red wave to stay frozen here it needs to be the same strength as the blue wave with an additional four caster minions sometimes in top lane and bot lane you can do it with an extra three caster minions but it varies i'm not going to explain how to do this just yet since it will be in the application part of the video and it's easier using examples so don't worry about it for now and boom that's everything you need to know about wave management but just because you know everything doesn't mean you're suddenly going to be good at it learning the theory is one thing but applying it in game is a completely different beast which is what i'll be showing you how to do next so what i'm going to be doing is showing you examples from two different games i played last week where i use wave management to build huge advantages in game one i'll show you how to make decisions based on the wave state and how to use pushes and in game two i'll show you how to freeze so as i said before the first game is going to be about pushes meaning slow pushes and fast pushes so how do you know when to push and how do you work out which push to go with to work out when you want to push you need to consider the benefits of crashing a wave into tower crashing a wave into tower gives you complete control of the lane and pretty much allows you to do anything you want but it puts you in danger of ganks in all limbs the bigger the wave you crash into tower the more time you get to make moves on the map or do whatever it is you want to do you can go ward roam recall dive your enemy or poke them under tower move to an objective or anything else you can think of so if you want to do any of those things and you're confident that you can avoid any ganks and win any all-ins then you want to push if you don't really need to do any of those things then there's no point pushing so now that you know you want to push how do you work out which style of push to go with a push has two parts to it the time spent pushing the wave and the time the wave spends under tower when you think about what happens during these two parts it's pretty easy to work out whether you want to start a slow push or a fast push in the second part of a slow push a much bigger wave is crashed into tower than with the fast push so you get way more time to make moves on the map but the first part also takes longer so if you need to make a move on the map quickly then a slow push isn't going to be ideal it's pretty much a question of time you obviously want to crash a bigger wave into tower since it gives you much more time so if you have enough time to start up a slow push and finish it then that's what you want to go for if you don't have time like say in a situation where you need to roam to a fight quickly or get a recall off then a fast push is what you want to go for let me show you an in-game example to give you a better idea in this game i'm playing orianna versus kiana and my goal is to poke her as much as possible in the early levels while i'm stronger than her if you remember what i said before one of the advantages of crashing a wave into tower is that you can poke your opponent under tower while they farm it so what you'll see me do in the early levels here is start a slow push that way i'll crash a massive wave into tower and have loads of time to poke her down as she tries to farm it also since i'm only using autos to slow push the wave here i can save my abilities for poking her so you'll see me try and go for poke a lot during the lane while i'm doing the slow push as well i decided to speed this part up because not really much is happening all i'm really doing is last hitting the minions and trying to poke her with my q so don't worry you aren't missing anything and so now i'm nearing the end of the slow push and i'm about to crash a massive wave into tower as i was explaining before my goal is just to poke her so whenever she goes for a minion you'll see me just try and use my q on her like that i could also go and look for a ward here but i choose not to because i'd rather spend my time poking her and i only have a limited time while this wave is under tower now at this point i decide to go in ward because i can't really poke her anymore so i go and play swarden i see the zin and now the wave is pushing back into me and the kiana for some reason decides to go for a fight uh so you'll see i kind of wipe her out in this fight because i poked her so much so there isn't really much to talk about in regards to that fight but i wanted to make a point about the next decision i make normally after getting a kill in lane what you would do is push the wave so that you can crash it into tower to create a timer to reset but in this case because i can evaluate wave states i notice that the enemy red wave is much bigger than my wave meaning it's slow pushing into me normally you wouldn't take a reset when the enemy wave is slow pushing because the enemy will simply crash it into tower and you'll miss loads of minions but in this case the enemy is dead so the wave will continue slow pushing until i eventually get back to lane so i can back here and i won't end up missing anything and as you can see that's exactly what happens and i get back to lane and the wave still hasn't crashed so i pretty much are not missing like no minions the takeaway so far is that i started the soapus at the beginning of the game because i wasn't afraid of any ganks from the xin nor was i afraid of the all-ins from kiana i then used the crash to poke her under tower it's important that you don't think of this as he wanted to poke hiana so he started a slow push what you should be thinking is he started a slow push because no one could stop him from doing it then he used it as a way to poke her anyway after goofing around for a bit the wave now ends up in this state in this position i have complete control to do whatever i want so naturally i start another slow push so the reason i'm starting a slow push here is the same as before it's pretty much just because i can and no one can really stop me from doing it and then when i crash the slow push that'll give me a chance to do what i want but here i look at the map and i realize that kiana is trying to roam top so i transition from a slow push into a fast push this is because i want to crash the wave so i can deny the minions eventually i crash the wave and i try and zone her away from the wave because i know where she'll be coming back and see how we have a little bit of trade here and pretty much as you can see i poke her down really low because i crashed the wave into tower so yeah pretty simple the takeaway was i started to slow push because i could and then i crashed it fast because i wanted to deny the minions so at this point i look at the wave and i realize that the minions are about even but the wave is towards her side what this means is the wave's gonna push back into me so rather than fighting against the wave and trying to push it i decide to let it push into me because the kiana's really low on health and if it pushes into me and it's on my side she'll be really vulnerable to a gank or an all in from me now at this point i see the zin invading so i go and help the other line for some reason she decides to flash on him and yeah we make the mistake here of taking this fight and basically what happens is i kill the kiana and then we go two for one which sucks because now the zing can push the wave and crash it into tower pretty much what the mistake here was was actually trying to take that fight what we should have done is just tried to back off and given him the raptors and then i would have had a freeze and the wave would have been really [ __ ] for the kiana but sadly we messed up and now the waves in a not a great spot but it is fixable but pretty much the takeaway was i looked at the wave state i saw it was pushing into me and i let it push into me because i wanted to put the kiana in an awkward position and so now the wave is going to bounce back into her so what i decide to do when i get back to lane is i start a slow push again and why do you think i'm doing it well same as before because i can crashing a wave into tower gives me a massive opening to you know do whatever i want and so i just decided to go with it and let the slow push happen and so yeah i'm speeding it up again cause there's not really much to say i'm just last hitting the minions pushing it slowly trying to poke her same as before and now it crashes into tower and i see a fight happening top so i start moving to it but then the fight ends so i don't really get to do anything there and then because i still have a timer i decided to look for some vision and yeah i'll just let this play out there's not really much to say i'm just using the timer that i created with the slow push here to you know get vision take an advantage a little bit of a fight happens here but i season on the map so i'm forced to back off and so once again the takeaway is i started to slow push because i could and then i used the timer to you know go get vision do whatever i wanted you can kind of see a pattern here right where i'm because i can i start a slow push and then i go do something it's really that simple like it's not that difficult to realize that you know you can do a slow push so you should and then here i realize that kiana has probably backed because she's low on health so instead of slow pushing i decide to fast push the reason i go with a fast push instead of a slow push is because i want to crash it into tower as quickly as possible to get tempo and deny her minions so basically if you think about what's happened this game is i've been pushing the entire time and then i'll slow push whenever i can and then whenever i don't have time to slow push say there where i was trying to push the wave or let's say if a fight was happening at dragon or something i would have done a fast push so that's going to be it for this example i'll quickly do a little summary after this and then we'll move on to freezing so as you saw from that game i used slow pushes as much as possible to push the advantage i had over the kiana and then when i needed to urgently do something like recall i transitioned into fast pushing it really is as simple as just looking at if you have enough time for a slow push and if you do you go for it and if you don't you go for a fast push that's literally all it is there's not much more to say about this so let's hop into the next example and talk about freezing so freezing a wave is frozen when the minions are fighting just in front of your tower and the enemy wave is the same size as your wave plus an additional forecaster minions to hold a freeze you want to keep the wave as close to this state as possible without letting it crash into tower so how do you know when to freeze well it's actually really simple just ask yourself the question do i need to push right now if the answer is no then just freeze allows you to safely farm close to your tower and forces your opponent to overextend if they want to farm which gives you a chance to all in them or your jungler a chance to gank so it's pretty easy to know when you should freeze the hard part comes with actually doing it keeping the wave in the same state and not letting it crash can be really difficult to do especially against champs with waveclear and if you're weaker than the enemy laner then it's pretty much out of the question once again the only way for me to give you an idea of how to do it is through an example so that's what i'm gonna do so in this game i'm playing kiana versus silas i decided to cut out the first three minutes of this game because nothing really happened but i thought i'd leave the next thing in just to give some context as to where we are right now so basically i see my jungler close by on the map so i decide to go for a really aggressive trade i end up losing having to flash out but my jungler comes in clutch and cleans up the silas for me i push out a few waves take a reset and then i come back to the lane and it's in this state so let's look at the current state of the game pretty much my entire team is either dead or in base so right now if i were to crash a wave into tower i wouldn't really be able to do anything meaningful in other words i don't need to push right now the wave is pushing into me i'm stronger than silas and silas doesn't have very good wave clear in other words it's time to freeze so as you can currently see the red wave is bigger than the blue wave and it's going to push into me if i want to keep the freeze then i need to keep the red wave around the same size bigger than the blue wave that it is now so what you'll see me do is if the silas hits my wave then i'll hit his wave basically because i'm trying to keep the wave at you know the same ratio it is now if that makes sense and i'm also going to try and look for aggressive trades because that's like the whole point of a freeze right it's like i take every trading opportunity i can so like that as you saw there i went in for a trade and i'm just i'm just gonna keep letting it push into me that's all i'm gonna do here and if the silas walks up to try and clear it i'm gonna zone him off so currently the red wave is three caster minions bigger than my wave um pretty much three and i want to kind of keep it at around that size so i'm only going to go for last hits right now and the silas just used his q on the wave so now it's going to push into me faster and i need to start cleaning it a bit you see what i'm doing here i'm just kind of keeping the red wave the same amount bigger than the blue wave you know consistently like the ratio is more or less staying the same and then right there again i go for a trade and you need to remember the whole point of having a freeze to begin with is that you is so that you can play aggressive so when the stylist walks up i go for a trade that's the whole point of the freeze to begin with and i want to keep the ratio the same that's all i'm doing and now i have also i'm going to look for much more aggressive trades and you'll see the wave is just not moving right like it's staying in one place and if it gets too big then i'm just gonna i'm just gonna thin it out and right here it's about to crash so i have to tank it and you'll have to do this a lot when you're freezing you have to like tank it to stop it from crashing that's fine just keep doing that let that happen pretty much what you want to do is keep the red wave bigger than the blue wave and not let it crash and you know i whiff my out there like an idiot uh kane comes and then here the cane comes and do i die i think i die here yeah i actually die here so that was kind of my bad but i should have just survived that and the cane should have broke the freeze so i want to quickly talk about breaking the freeze so what's going to happen when you freeze is the enemy jungler is going to come sometimes and try and break the freeze for your laner as as the kane just tried to do that when that happens that's completely fine that is what should happen if the enemy jungler comes to your lane and breaks the freeze that means you're wasting the enemy jungler's time and drawing pressure to your own lane so your other lanes can play safe or can play more aggressive sorry and so now i can come back to lane and because the silas didn't clear it quick enough i can actually set up a freeze again which is why i'm using this example here because the stylus kind of trolled and he should have crashed the wave but now i can set up another freeze and now i'm just going to keep it here again same again keep the same minion ratio don't let it crash and go for aggressive trades that's pretty much all i'm doing so i'm gonna i'm gonna speed this bit up actually and wait till silas gets back so now the stylus is back we're pretty much just going to go into the same routine as before another trade like that keep the wave in the same position and keep the ratio the same so what you'll see in a sec here is the the thing i was describing before where the game will come and break it and i actually have to put my flash there because yeah bad position grab some more aggressive trades barely survive there actually and the wave is still frozen um because they didn't really properly reset it and the silas decided to try and push it again so now i can just freeze again and keep the freeze going and so now my objective here is to either kill him with this freeze or get my jungler to come and if that happens you know the silence is screwed like if you look in the top left right now you'll see this guy's 26 yes down right now so he's losing pretty badly so with a kill this game would just be pretty much over and that's like the advantage of freezing you can just create massive cs leads and silas is actually a really good champion to breathe against because you'll see he has to keep using his q to clear the wave or like take cs which actually pushes it so you know if he wants to take last hits he has to push it which just keeps it frozen i go in there and i miss my second q i should have been more patient that's my bad [Music] yeah now we keep the freeze going i actually see kane over there he clears the ward and yeah i don't know just gives me a free kill i'm not really sure what that was uh probably gonna speed this up again here until silas is back because he's recalling so he gets back waves still frozen he has to clear it which he should be able to easily do since uh i'm weaker than him now but my jungler is close by so i ping my jungler to come kill him this should be a free kill uh all that needs to happen is warwick presses r i press r the stylus dies so you'll see that will probably be what happens just kidding by the way that doesn't happen because solo q sucks and the work doesn't want to press r so you know he doesn't press r doesn't press r doesn't press r and then he ruins it completely and i die it obviously sucks that this happened but you know even though this happened and we kind of [ __ ] up you still see the point right like the freeze got me a massive cs lead it should have got me a kill as well but then we messed it up so yeah even though this ended up happening and it you know kind of the game went south the freeze was still really really good and yeah we still got up a massive lead and it should have been an even bigger lead so you sort of see what i meant so i'm gonna end the example here nothing really happens after this uh so yeah so that's about it for the freeze example the main takeaway is that as long as you know that you don't need to push and that the enemy can't break a freeze if you set one up you can just go ahead and freeze so let's summarize the whole application section firstly know when to push if you need to push decide between a slow push or a fast push use a slow push if you have nowhere to be urgently otherwise use a fast push if you don't need to push and you're able to set up a freeze then set up a freeze the timestamps for each section are on screen if you need to go over any of them again you might have noticed that i didn't talk about mid game or late game wave management in this video that's because it's almost impossible to do it well in solo queue since the moment you decide to set up a freeze in the mid game or late game your team will just go for a 4v5 and throw the game every time trust me man basically don't bother with it it's only going to screw you over it's pretty much no different from the early game stuff anyway if you're interested in getting free coaching or finding people to 1v1 to get better at the game quickly pop in my discord because we got all that also if you could subscribe to the channel and like the video that would be sick these videos take about 30 hours to make each so i could definitely use some more encouragement hope you enjoyed it though and thanks for watching in a bit [Music] one day
Channel: Bonks
Views: 37,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Crloehynke4
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Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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