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hi everyone and welcome back to another video So today we're going to go over a bunch of advanced learning techniques techniques that I use to gain advantages over other Pro players if you haven't watched my first lighting guide I would recommend checking that out but even if you're not the level to put some of the stuff in your gameplay I actually think you'll find it kind of interesting anyway as always everything is time stamp below so let's get into it let's start things off with a really effective level one cheese for helping you get priority over the first three waves so as you know from my previous guide the first three waves met are really really important if you have controlled the first three waves it makes trading a lot easier because you have creep advantage and you also have level Advantage so I'm going to go ahead and show you how to do this basically one thing that people don't realize is you don't have to wait for the wave to be in the middle to start ordering creeps I see this super often in my coaching sessions but actually a little cheese you can do is walk up further in the lane if your opponent isn't there and you can start ordering the wave before it meets in the middle so this allows you to have like lots of push on the wave before your opponent even gets here so let's actually see I get one two three four five Auto attacks on the creep wave before my opponent even gets their first Auto attack on the creep wave so this pretty much guarantees I'm gonna get priority over the first three waves Because unless they're willing to use like every single queue on cooldown for hitting the wave there's just not really any way that they can make up the kind of like five Auto attack deficit and if they do use all their spells on the wave then that gives me an advantage I can take I can punish the fact that they're using their cooldowns on the wave by trading onto them and also it just allows me to see us very easily because I'm not getting harassed so first off can you do this every game and the answer is no if your opponent is stronger than you at level one you can't do this if for example um I'm the rise versus orianna in this matchup if orianna was standing here at level one if I just go back a bit if orianna is standing here orian is stronger than rise at level one so I can't do this if I'm the orianna vs rise then yes you actually can do this you can walk up and there's no way for ryze to trade back evenly against an orianna at level one so actually orianna can easily be the one doing this in this matchup the second thing is obviously should you do this in every matchup and the answer again is No if you're in an even matchup or a slightly winning or losing matchup this can be very very effective because both of you are going to be contesting for the way if you're hard winning the matchup like if you're the lane bully chances are you're going to get control of the wave anyway and you actually kind of want to push it slower you don't want to push it quicker um so you would just want to wait till the wave was in the middle and then you would start Auto attacking it right because that gives you a longer period of time with which you can kind of like you know slow push the wave over it that's a longer period in which you can harass so you don't want to be fast pushing it you want to slow push and so the only reason we're Auto attacking it so much is because we know since this is an even match uh and even match up that our opponent is going to harass back heavily they're also going to be wanting to push the wave so don't do this in hard winning matchups because you get control anyway you also don't really want to do this in in losing matchups because if you push to your opponent is a losing matchup the wave will end up Frozen on your side and you won't be strong enough to crash it so if you're in an even or a winning matchup obviously you'll was strong enough to break an opponent's freeze because you win trades against them but if for example I was rise versus let's say irelia or something if I push this wave super fast versus irelia and she freezes it here I'm not strong enough to break it so then I just end up with the wave in a really bad position so if you're in a losing matchup as you know you want the wave to come to you so it doesn't make sense to do this let me show you an example where my opponent actually is in the lane but I win a level one so Cinderella resolution Lucian normally gets priority of the wave because lucian's an ad champ obviously with having more A.D his Auto attacks are doing more damage to the wave than mine are so typically like if Lucian pushes High to level one and syndra does as well unless Cinder is willing to invest a lot of Mana pushing the wave lucian's going to get priority now the thing is Cinderella is actually stronger than Lucian at level one just because like she outranges him um with her trades you know like Evolution starts e it's not really going to do much the cooldown is so long that he's not going to be able to play the rest of the lane so he's going to start q and obviously he's uh Lucian Q is outraged by Cinder Q so in this match because I'm stronger in level one I can actually walk up in the lane and start getting a couple Auto attacks on this creep wave before it meets in the middle you can see here I've managed to get two Auto attacks before the wave finally meets in the middle essentially the best time to go for this cheese is when you're in a matchup that's kind of even it can be slightly losing or slightly winning and will allow you to get pushed over those first three waves even if you lose at level one you can still look for the cheese if your opponent isn't here if your opponent is here you can only do this if you were stronger at level one another thing that's really really important for even matchups is actually Auto attacking the wave on cooldown so something I see again in a lot of coaching sessions is people wasting a lot of time kind of like moving around and not actually using their Auto attack on cooldowns so if you have both people really trying to contest the wave whoever gets more Auto attacks on the wave is probably going to push it faster so for that reason you really want to be like maximizing your auto attacks try an auto attack as much as you possibly can so this means as you can see here I'm like literally using my auto attack every time it's up I'm not spending a lot of time walking around like that and I even try and use my abilities um not just to like harass my opponent but also to stop them from Auto attacking like I push the wave which is like what I want in this matchup and I'm also forcing them to move away and stop auto attacking and you can see all during this time that I'm using my auto attack on cooldown as much as I possibly can again you don't really want to use this if you're in a super hard winning or losing matchup because you don't want to push the wave faster in a winning matchup and you don't want the wave pushing away from you in a losing matchup but this is extremely useful for winning matchups where they're basically skill matchups where they're even matchups and whoever has control the wave gets a huge advantage next we have a way to use mid priority to actually help you in the 1v1 so normally when I talk about how to use a mid priority it's doing stuff like warding or roaming or basing or farming camps it's not normally stuff that actually helps your lane it's kind of stuff that either just like you know you get to spend your gold or you get to help your team or something like that but one thing you can do to actually pin your opponent to their Tower and just like keep them keep them stuck like zero pressure on the tower just like struggling to farm is actually to use your mid priority to ensure that you get priority on the next wave so I'll show you what I mean here so I push I get priority on this way and I come here and so what I do instead of like looking for reward or something here because I don't have a water instead of roaming or anything like this again because I can't really remember I actually use my priority just to push the next wave so you actually see here before this wave has even died um I've already pushed like half of the decks wave in fact she has not hit a single creep on my way and her wave is already almost dead so it's like how is she ever gonna leave her Tower here like she can't she's just stuck you know clearing the waves on the tower especially because she doesn't have Mana um so this is like really really effective for taking Tower plates for just like keeping your opponents stuck in Lane I'll show you some other examples a bit later of how to take Tower plates but you can see here again same thing I don't really have anything else to do on the map so what I instead do is I try and catch this wave as far up as I possibly can so again before my wave is even like beating here before they would have even had an opportunity to hit my wave I've already basically killed two creeps of their wave so this just ensures that you have permanent priority on every wave and pressures your opponent a lot because they don't get to access your wave until when it's like basically already under Tower and then they have to use all their cooldowns to actually help CS under Tower so this is an extremely good way to use your mid priority in order to help you in the 1v1 matchup now I know I'm going to get some angry comments saying Wham that syndra had no Mana of course you pushed her under the tower I can do that in my games too so I'm going to show an example here where my opponent actually does have manners the same concept rather than using my priority um to roam or bass or something like that I'm just using it to make sure I get Auto attacks and start pushing the next wave before my wave even hits the middle so you can see here that I'm getting several Auto attacks on this wave before she even gets access to my way on top of that I'm positioning quite aggressively so that if she wanted to come up here she would actually take some damage for it so this allows you to just maintain priority on every wave keep your opponent just like literally zero pressure pinned under the tower and can't do anything next up we have the boots rush so there are a lot of mid lane Champions that are very heavily reliant on skill shots and against these Champions you can Rush boots either tier one boots or Tier Two Boots and then you can use your movement to force cooldowns out of them and then look to punish those cooldowns or you can just kind of move aggressively with your boots in order to create pressure and there's a lot of matchups that can only really be won because of this in fact there's um I'd say the most famous one is actually a Kali versus Indra so in Pro play akali is a counter to syndra but I'd say for that like pretty much unless you're a challenger player syndra is actually an accounter to akali and the reason is that akali can Rush boots and use their movement speed to kind of force out um senator's cooldowns um but if you don't do this at a high level you just don't move properly and you get hit by too many cooldowns or you don't pressure at all and you're just like let Cinder push you in then it's like way way easier for syndra play so let's look at an example here rise versus syndra a matchup where I have rush for boots and you'll actually see that I just have so much more movement speed than my opponent I have like 384 right now and I believe my opponent has um like 335 I think is cinder's base or 330 or something like that and it just means I can use my movement speed to just force cooldowns out of her and a lot of the time like if you're playing safe and just like letting your card cooldowns on you again syndra will just destroy rise but if ryze can use his movement speed to constantly force cooldowns out of his opponent like this 330 base movement speed by the way then you can actually win matchups like this that you shouldn't be able to especially skillshaw matchups like I think there are a lot of matchups that are just you know genuinely unwinnable or like if your player if the two players are even in skills should be unwinnable but pretty much every skill shot matchup is a skill matchup on some level because if you can dodge more skill shots then well you can win the lane now boots do have a weakness and if you don't know how to make up for it it can be kind of bad so the problem with rushing boots is that you won't have much Mana compared to your opponent if your opponent rushes say lost chapter or they just rush a tear or whatever they're going to have more Mana than you and what that makes you vulnerable to is your opponent just Spam pushing you in now the reason this shouldn't work on a high level is that if your opponent is using cooldowns on the way and you have a movement speed Advantage you should find it very easy to punish these cooldowns and trade on your opponent because if you have more movement speed than your opponent it's very difficult for them to get away and also it's like obviously if they're using that all their cooldowns on the wave to push that just like gives you free trading opportunity so this is another reason why if if you're not like really high level it can be sort of difficult to get um use out of the boots because like not only do you need to have good movement a good understanding of how to force cooldowns out of your opponent if your opponent does just decide to use everything to push the wave you also need to have really good knowledge of how to punish cooldowns so this is a matchup where my opponent could just use everything on the wave but instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my aggressive positioning to try and force cooldowns out of them that aren't on the wave so you can see that I have a lot more movement speed than my opponent here I actually have a Time Warp tonic um before it was nerfed and tier 2 boost and that's allowing me to really just like pressure my opponent and basically make it so they're not allowed to push that wave this example here should make it really obvious the cinder is going to use her cooldowns on the wave and then I'm going to use my movement speed to heavily punish her for it you can see him I'm kind of just Landing like normal as soon as Cinder uses cooldowns like this I decide to run her and I can get a really good trainer and just chase her down also you can use my movement speed to dodge skill shots so if you can get used out of boots rush they are very very broken in skill show matchups and I would say they're actually somewhat mandatory in some matchups um I've talked about this before but there are some especially melee versus Range matchups rushing boots is very very important and a lot of the range ones as well another really easy way to win matchups is to abuse the sustained difference so in this matchup here I'm playing Cinder with TP and corrupting pot against a Victor with Ghost and doran's ring two potions this means I have a massive sustain Advantage the first thing is obviously that I just have a second health bar at any time you can base and TP back to Lane um with a full HP bar over your opponent and this means that you can afford to trade evenly if you both trade and deal 50 damage to each other this is going to be in your favor because you can just always TB back and completely refill your HP corrupting part also has a factor in this because when you base you just fill up your three corrupting pots so I can easily trade out my three corrupting pots for his two potions and then I can just TP back with another three corrupting parts so you can see here that I have a massive sustained advantage over him I essentially have two health bars more uh more sustained from my potions than he does which means any damage that we trade back and forth is always going to favor me on top of this this is a matchup that I think early game typically syndra can actually trade a bit better than even but you see a trade like this right deal like 54 and he does 59 to me despite the fact that this is ever so slightly in his favor in terms of just like the raw numbers this is massively in my favor he does not have to sustain to deal with this and I absolutely do also worth noting when you're abusing a sustained difference is it's not just a health bar that you can attack you can actually attack the Mana bar as well so if you're a resources champ this is really really important if you can push in waves against a champion that has Mana problems well it just like needs a lot of manner to clear the way you can eventually kind of push them out obviously here it cost me no Mana to push in this ways and it costs silos a fair amount of Mana to clear out waves and so that means just again I can abuse the sustain difference in this case I guess it's more that I don't have to sustain any mana and I can just like unload everything on the wave and that allows me just to push in and eventually he is forced to base you also want to look to abuse item Spike differences and time your bases around them so so if you have high level knowledge of a matchup you should know what kind of item that your opponent spikes on and what kind of item you spike on so let's take this match up as an example Riser syndrome in this matchup rise will Spike and Merc Treads they again they're very good against syndra the tenacity Mr movement speed are all very helpful syndra on the other hand will Spike heavily on last chapter it will give her the Mana and AP in order to keep up with rise as the wave clear and it will also just allow her to take over the lane in general now the important thing in this matchup is that Merc Treads cost 1100 gold and um what's it called Lost chapter costs 1300 gold so that that means that if rise can force a base at 1300 gold so either he pushes the lane and bases or he chunks um syndra out and forces her to base it's much better if both parties are based on 1100 gold this is way way better for Rise than it is for syndras so in this matchup I was thinking okay I just want to make sure that syndra doesn't have enough Mana um to get lost chapter on her first base and she doesn't and so when I get back here and I have mercres just versus this like kind of random assortment of items the lanes actually in a pretty good spot for me so there are so many matchups where this is important if you're playing something like Jon and jasmo you have an 1100 Gold Spike again normally against a mage with a 1300 Gold Spike you might also be playing a champion that rushes Dirk so there's a lot of different matchups where if you have a cheaper first bike than your opponent trying to force a base around that first Spike can oftentimes put the lane really in your favor so how do we get more plates and take our opponent's Tower well there's a couple things to keep in mind the first thing is you really want to Zone your opponent far enough off the wave that they have to use cooldowns on the wave when it begins to crash this does a couple things one it means that they can't thin out the wave before it reaches the tower so the so the wave will always be at full HP and can tank for a long time and the second thing is it's going to be harder for them to use cooldowns on you if they have to use cooldowns on the way obviously if the wave gets up here and it's almost already dead then they can probably just use cooldowns on you instead so you really need to kind of create safety for yourself by keeping this entire wave alive and playing aggressive enough that they can't use any cooldowns on the way now you can't do this on every matchup again because like a lot of the time Champs will either have low enough cooldowns um that they can still use them on you or they're a champ that's like threatening enough that kind of stops you from Auto attacking the tower another thing is that you need to be really careful where you hug when you're heading the tower so obviously if you're hitting a tower that's the kind of like most vulnerable point of the lane like you can easily be ganked so you need to make sure that you have like a ward in this Raptor pit and be hugging to this or like you have a ward um maybe up here and then you're playing towards that side so the two main things basically are to try and Zone your opponent off the wave as much as possible so that they're forced to use cooldowns when the wave crashes that keeps you safe from any trades and then obviously keep yourself Alive by hugging correctly and you can do this in order to kind of like take people's Towers you'll see here that most of this wave only gets cleared after I'm Auto attacking the tower so you can see every wave like this I managed to get a couple more and if you actually watch this game I'm gonna link it in the description because it's a game I was very very proud of I managed to take this guy's entire Tower without even the herald so if I actually go back here you'll see the end enemy team got the herald and I don't know if you can see I think my cam is covering it let me just quickly move it the enemy Towers on four plates um at this time and if I skip ahead back to where we were I actually completely Auto attacked his Tower to death I'm sorry I just really want to show because I was I was very excited about it um so yeah basically tldr is just you try and Zone your opponent off on every wave as you can see here played very far up don't let them use any cooldowns make sure you're not gonna die when doing it either from getting traded on or from getting ganked and then you should be able to get at least a few Auto attacks on every wave and eventually you'll be able to take the tower fake warding can also be a really useful tool especially if you're playing a lane bully that needs to push up in the lane to be honest I don't think this will work at a very high low so I'll put it in but it's mainly because you guys might find it interesting I'm not sure if a lot of you actually get used out of it but what you can do is if you're pushing up really far to the tower you can actually just come up to the wall and then press S as if you've awarded so if you come up here like this and you then press s it'll be very convincing that you've watered over the wall and they will probably ping it um and then you can use your actual word somewhere else this also works when you're just like learning a normal um just like in a normal Lane like your opponent sees you here you walk here you quickly press s it'll look like you've ordered this even though you haven't so this can be a really good tool to make it seem like you have a lot more Vision around mid and then you can again you're kind of relying on your opponent actually communicating it and also the jungler actually respecting it so I don't think it's something that's really going to work outside of Challenger or Pro play but um I think it's pretty useful and also it's like not very hard to do you know like even if it's something that doesn't work that often and maybe like lower ELO games it only takes like a second to come here and like fake a word and who knows what kind of impact it might have in your game so guys that is going to be it for this video but I do want to summarize a couple of other things the first is the kind of approach that I took to leaning in competitive play kind of the method that I approached it with was early game when we're even I would look to abuse stuff like cool down sustain match up level minion advantages Etc to build that initial lead and then try and translate that initial lead into a CS lead try and translate that seriously into an item lead and finally translate my item lead into a greater gold lead such as like kills or plates or anything like that so hopefully you guys did enjoy this video I think I managed to put in enough stuff in here that is like both interesting and useful there were a couple things that I kind of wanted to put in but I couldn't really find good examples for them like in my play like I'm sure I have them but I just like couldn't find them you know I was like looking through games I couldn't easily find them so some examples of stuff like that was I think one thing is actually like bluffing your opponent a little bit so you'll notice that like if someone gets a ganked they try and like play a little safer right and they'll baby be a bit more respect for the jungler so I just found that after someone got ganked you could actually play insanely aggressive and they would kind of still play as if your jungler were there or like another way would be that um if they didn't know where your jungler was like normally if you're jungler goes in or like bases right it's kind of you should play safe during that time um because your jungle is not on the map right but if your enemy doesn't know that you're jungler based you can actually play insanely aggressive and your opponent's like okay this guy like his jungler must be here he's playing so aggressive right um so I kind of like struggle to find examples of that again I know I have them somewhere but I think like if I make another video maybe I'll include that but I really didn't want to include it without examples because it makes it harder and just a bit more yeah a bit more difficult to follow but hopefully you guys did enjoy the video if you did enjoy it go ahead and like And subscribe and otherwise I will see you guys next time
Channel: Shok
Views: 82,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laning for beginners, Laning guide, how to lane LoL, laning guide season 13, chovy laning, challenger laning, laning guide league of legends, LoL laning for beginners, LoL laning guide, LoL laning season 13, Chovy laning, Challenger laning Lol, Laning guide league of legends, how to lane in LoL, mid lane fundamentals, how to lane like faker, faker laning, doinb laning, rookie laning, laning league, laning LoL, Shok, ShokLoL, Mid lane guide
Id: 48FJq6t6UGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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