The Fearway | Full Movie | Action Horror Survival

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[Music] [Music] you want to know my biggest [Music] fear it's not dying or Heights or planes or spiders or anything like [Music] that it's the thought of losing you I care about you so [Music] much and honestly I can't even imagine a life without you so make me a promise stay stay in my life [Applause] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I am missing three fingers Burns cover half my body and I'm missing an eye missing an eye yep like would you be wearing an eye patch or something no I think I'd embrace it just have it out there for everybody to see just this big old hole in your head you're okay with that yeah I think you'd get used to it with some time it's pretty gross are you going to wear a glass eye at least hey that wasn't part of the question okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I I would I would still be with you wow what I would you're really desperate okay all right um what if I have a man but oh and suddenly it's over what it's over plain and simple okay so wait a second I am willing to put up with Burns a missing eye whatever but the minute the minute I decide to grow out my hair long enough to wear it in a bun that's it have a nice life see you later seriously heart wants with the heart wants baby oh treat him mean hey you're still here hey babe would you mind slowing down it's a 55 here uh you know your father said your mother was a backseat driver too wow what you think I'm a backseat driver I didn't say that yes you did no no no I think you'll find I said your father said your mother was a backseat driver two you said two did I I just want to get you there so you have time to have you know time have time I know I've known for a while this would eventually happen do you want to talk about it no okay he always had a big heart I guess we just didn't know he literally did too and not just figuratively I know it's going to kill him eventually but I just want him to make it to the wedding I don't want to talk about it if he could just be there for that day maybe that would be enough well not enough but it would give him something to look forward to maybe even live for you know he could get involved with the plans help us find a venue I just I want it to be the best day for him too but I don't want to talk about it cuz he worked he worked hard all his life just to take care of us and it's not fair because there isn't anything anyone can do but I can do this and it will help him focus on the future even if there's not a lot of that left but I can give him this day but I don't want to talk about it then we you don't have to talk did it again didn't I yeah it's okay what no no way you're s watches the fire burns [Music] toh watches your life comes to pass goodbye love goodbye I don't need that voice within [Music] anymore you okay what was that okay maybe go look and see what we hit uh yeah yeah okay what is it it's it's nothing what I said there's nothing well that doesn't make any sense I don't know what to tell you I know but it's strange what's strange no blood no dents I mean not even a scratch on the car I consider it lucky I just paid this thing off a year ago Michael what you're not at all freaked out by this I'm confused but grateful I maybe we hadit a pothole or an animal that ran away oh yeah and what animal would that be out here an armadillo so you saw an animal no I hey where you where you going Sarah Sarah hey I'm okay I'm okay what is it ice ice in the desert that's weird not weird more like impossible do you think that's what we hit no the car would have slipped what we felt was like we hit something maybe we slipped on some ice and hit a rock I know babe there's nothing else come on okay it's just [Music] ice come okay fine [Music] [Music] [Music] time oh time is killing me in [Music] [Music] only the [ __ ] is this guy's problem what what uh babe I think we're being followed what the [ __ ] are you talking about oh it's just some douchebag riding your bumper break check him [ __ ] see he could have passed us but now he's [ __ ] with us okay well maybe just pull over or something whoa whoa whoa he's just going to stay right behind us slow it down [Music] any particular reason you decided to play Tokyo Drift with that guy we were being followed followed on a straight road he could have gone around it's probably just some college boys trying to show off and mess with you cuz they can doesn't make them any less of [ __ ] but being followed a big stretch there babe I know what I saw okay so why didn't they follow us in here Witnesses you watch too much forensic file okay so he was a murderer yeah maybe I see or a serial killer mhm but he didn't follow through because of the witnesses exactly yeah you're right the uh the tumble weed would make some excellent Witnesses on the stand mhm what's more likely tumble weeds yeah maybe it's more likely College [ __ ] thank you anyway you should probably call your dad let him know we're going to be a bit late now that I can agree with [ __ ] of course no service maybe this place has a phone is this place even open let's find out [Music] take a seat wherever you like maybe we should just stay on the road don't be that girl what that girl walk straight into a place and then walk straight out I am not that girl I know that but these good people don't I can drive if that's the issue I'm hungry of course you are I'll tell you what if you can make me a BAC and grilled cheese in the car we'll hit the road okay fine but be quick because I have a feeling this is not a place you want to be after dark it don't get dark around here pretty late oh I was just kidding any open tables yours this is great [Music] [Music] listen this may sound bad but I have to say it I feel like we should wait to get married what why because of your dad okay look I just don't think we should put the stress on the man look I I know you want him there but don't you think that maybe just knowing we're going to be married might be enough he wants to be there he's always wanted to walk me down the aisle babe that was several heart attacks ago nothing's changed a lot has changed look don't you think it's best you spend time with him I feel like that's what he would want oh and how would you know what he wants oh we've been dating since freshman year of high school I know your father better than I know my own hell he he's the one who taught me how to drive oh did he teach you how a speed too don't deflect please fine what is it you want to say just because your father is ill it doesn't mean we need to jump the gun to get married maybe we shouldn't talk about this I'm sorry that that came out harsh what I'm trying to say is we shouldn't just rush the planning okay it's our day especially your day don't you think we should enjoy it but you know of course you want him there look I'm gonna I'm gonna do whatever you want you still want to marry me right of course I do I'd be crazy not to who else would I have to tell me when I'm wrong I hate you I hate you too hey you guys I get y something to drink uh coffee for me please I'll just have a water you got it I'm honestly just happy to be serving someone else besides those two for a while feels like they never leave oh I promise you won't take up too much of your time you guys stay as long as you like nice to have some livelier folks in here for once I'll be right back with your drinks well that was interesting you know it's cold what the food it's cold we'll send it back we're in no rush I don't want to go it we have to sweetheart you know we can't stay what if I don't want to hey how are we doing today hm she's worried oh that's not good anything I can do to help get her more coffee what are you doing nothing liar I was deciding what I want you're eavesdropping aren't you sh not so loud babe babe you've got to stop doing that I can't i' like to hear the drama I hear you between you and me people watching is my favorite not exactly much else to do those two something else here's your drinks you do you guys know what you want to order yet I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to look okay I have a question what are these quarters for everyone get too that's what you need for what for the Juke Box you don't have to you can keep them if you want I would be 50 cents richer spend it wisely my 50 cents you're two quarters oh I'll have to check the 401K first before I blow this Michael sorry about him you'll tune him out eventually well at least he's nice to look at yeah hear that babe don't ever lose your [Music] looks well better put these quarters to use no way babe it's your lucky day what did [Music] song [Music] well wasn't that quite a show thank you I am a performer at heart that's his song like your song yeah you're a singer well like a million years ago some friends and I made one album well I don't think we've ever had a celebrity in here oh that is not me well they had your song didn't they YouTube has my song well hey it's the first that it's in a jukebox still right yeah you know I'm going to have to tell the guys that the record company is still making money off of us well it's a beautiful song thank you it's about her lucky lady well you guys ready to order actually we can't seem to get reception do you maybe have a phone here we could use we're on our way to see my dad and I just want to let him know we're going to be a little late we got a phone box outside if you want to use it pay phone people actually still use a pay phone I don't know you being wasted on the own um you know we should probably get going we're L enough as it is we can just eat when we get there right I mean we have to be able to get service somewhere it's probably just a dead zone grilled cheese and bacon to go please is that it yeah I'm okay to she's not okay no I'm fine babe I am too hungry to pretend that you are not hungry I'm not hungry and I'm not sharing well that's love um actually where's your bathroom here right over there hun it ain't clean blame the bus boy that's reassuring you want the job cleaning toilets our bus we don't have to no sorry then I'll suggest we don't complain of course right good I guess I will be going to the bathroom now be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] sh two grilled cheese thank you here you go oh no no it's not me you got to pay oh I know I'll get that but this was just for you I really couldn't that's that's too much please my father worked hard all his life too and I don't know something reminded me of him with you and that's a good thing please take it take [Music] care thanks y'all come [Music] again [Music] [Music] you think we'd have some service for what to call your dad really and play my game mhm well we are kind of in the middle of nowhere it's all right he'll understand yeah we should have used that ancient pay phone well you can't now why is that cuz you blew your Quarters on a vanity performance wow you know that performance was for you hey keep in with me I still got my quarters you are a wise woman I am well you know what they say youth is wasted on the young stop it she was Star Struck by your celebrity glow oh hey you okay yeah I just don't feel 100% I guess you should eat I me I don't think that'll help your stomach ache again yeah it must just be like a bug I got or something well [ __ ] fing Christ [Applause] again Sarah Sarah it happened again Sarah are you okay yeah I think I'm okay okay good um I'm going to go out and see what we hit okay it was going to be nothing again what do you mean we must have hit something like before what we didn't we must have no because I was looking at the road the entire time this is the same place we hit something [Music] before [Music] youee [Music] so you feel it's okay to sit back and let this happen this is no different different to any other time crowd we usually get it's not our problem it's not fair nothing is ever fair when it comes to the clients we do as we've always done it's our purpose we made a deal what did you forget we didn't forget how could we you remind us all the time yes time time is exactly what I bought us that's what the deal is what do you think happens to that deal if we go messing around in area that don't concern us well there's something you should know about the girl I don't even think she knows oh For Heaven's Sake what give them to [Music] me no this is not a trade discussion this is for employees only young lady you can give them to me or I'll just take them you have bigger problems you know I can make him come for you too too get her more coffee and a [Music] discussion no no that can't be right wait Michael would you please stop and wait a minute we uh we we must have turned the wrong way when we left the diner okay that that's it we just we've just got to go back the other way I turned the right way Michael you saw me we're both tired we both make mistakes what else could it be I don't know but it's not that all right look it's still early we still have a decent amount of daylight left what time is it uh 411 it's only 4 you know it doesn't feel like 4 what I do know is that we need to get in the car and go back to the diner because we got turned around turned around on a straight Road give me the keys please listen to me I am we can talk in the car no we need to stand still until we make sense Sarah Sarah give me the keys but don't argue why we were [Music] followed Sarah give me the keys something's not right I can see what's not right give me the keys No Sarah Sarah what are you doing I'm just GNA go see what he wants maybe I can talk to him and get some answers oh my God hey what happened Sarah what the hell is going [Music] on [Applause] we cannot run it so what do we do I don't know I'll think of something just keep driving Michael we're low on gas Sarah what did you see Sarah just call the police okay I can't I don't have any service [Music] oh my [Music] God he the diner worked last time [Music] Sarah are you okay Sarah Sarah what did you see I don't know but it wasn't a person it was something else and it's not going to stop until it catches us please can we use the phone you have it's right over there you coming I'm going to ask him some questions babe it's going to be [Music] okay 911 what's your emergency yes hi uh we were being followed and chased by someone they're in a black muscle car and they were chasing our car down okay ma'am where is he now uh I don't know he drove off after we pulled into a rest stop what's your name Sarah Collins you're at the diner on rout 66 yes yes that's us can you send someone over to help well he's gone right I don't know look he's chased us twice now did you get a plate number uh no we didn't well I can have a unit swing by do you have somewhere you guys can stay for a few hours hours ma'am you're not exactly at first in Maine it'll take some time to get a State Trooper to your location you're kidding right no ma'am I'm not if you're not in immediate danger this isn't an emergency but he's still out there then you and your boyfriend stay off the road till the state trooper unit gets there and they'll advise you what to do from there excuse me stay where you are and we'll be there as soon as we can can I get some help here ah my friend so good to see you again I need your help I need your help so what what happened to you we were we were driving you again out there and we hit something again let's get some water shall we listen to me we were driving we were driving right we we we hit something again we keep hitting it and we keep getting chased down by this guy right he and which is why we ended up here in the first place it's like and he's trying to run us off the road and I think he's trying to kill us okay and I know why I don't know what we did to him and I don't know why he's out there but I'm just wondering if he's been here before and and is calm down my word what a what a stressful day it sounds like you're having it sounds like somebody's just messing with you but there's no need to get so worked up I don't think that's it I I think this guy is targeting us he he's stalking us my what what an exciting day it seems like you've had Denise how we doing with that water we need help I will help you what help is it you think that I can give you I'm not being sarcastic I'm actually asking you sir what is it I can do to lower that heart rate of yours just a little so that you relax I can't relax we're out there and there's a guy fight or flight what fight or flight that's what you're doing right now your body thinks it's in some sort of trauma why do you think you're in danger so you triggered this ancient Instinct of Man fight or flight like if you hear a growling dog or a car suddenly breaks in front of you an adrenaline rush kicks in and it's fight or flight so you you ran right to to here yeah we run because we cannot outrun this guy but you can you're here you're safe you've stopped yeah there are people here so there's safety here safety in numbers yeah there's people here so you are safe sir for now well you are for now so say it like you believe it we're safe there's nobody here trying to hurt you nobody chasing you you're safe say it we're safe all right now how's that h of yours ah drink this and I promise you'll feel better and if there is somebody out there chasing you I'm not surprised he found you because you left the diner going the wrong way remember I'm sorry what when you left you took a right and you should have taken a left you we saw you we were actually taking bets on how long it would be before we saw your car whizzing by again remember which reminds me one of you owes me $20 yeah I I don't see how that's possible we could have both sworn we went the right way is that so yeah we certainly both remember it that way well myself and my colleagues all saw you take a right one you should have taken a left look you're exhausted you're clearly tired you've probably been driving all day you don't know which way is left which way is right okay so if we went the wrong way how did we end up back here well the road it does a huge Loop if you take a right down there you'll see what you probably thought was an exit but it's actually the continuing Highway if you stayed on it Loops you right around and you would have come right back here sir that wasn't on our GPS GPS nothing here works this is a well it's a dead zone yeah we noticed that all right take a minute take a breath honestly you know what I think you guys need an app no that's very kind we have because you've got to be somewh right you got to go somewhere everybody coming here is passing through nobody's coming here this is the middle of nowhere but honestly what use are you going to to be to anybody if you don't know which way is up and which way is down Michael hey what happened are the police coming yeah eventually what yeah they said there's nothing they can do they're going to send out a unit but the ETA is ours hours yeah this is such [ __ ] no I know I I let them know that trust me they said just stay here ah well if I might that sound smart if there really is somebody stalking you out on the road isn't it best that you spend the night here well surely by first light in the morning he won't still be hanging around it'd be long gone if that's the advice from the police really I must insist we have a room here you can sleep in you can head out first light and you will get to where you are going how much will that cost us oh please this is clearly an emergency it's on the house really I must insist okay I guess that's something we can do great how about we uh grab a seat pleas uh let's get them some menus let's take care of our guests guys I will seat you room but I will be right back well hello again hope everything's all right could be better well at least you're staying to eat this time yeah I guess so here are the menus can I get you something to drink can I actually just get a couple more quarters for the phone booth I can only give you two you can take mine no that's they're mine okay I can do what I want with them that's very kind but that's all right I have them I just I left them outside oh I don't want to be any trouble it's no trouble I'm going to go and you stay here and wait and I'll be right back actually I think I have some here from before spend those okay all right sorry about this folks um why don't we get our best customer a fresh pot of coffee it's all right okay listen they don't need any help they need quarters honestly we don't but thank you so much we appreciate you trying to help us I'm trying they're not they say they will my word I am so sorry is she okay to be frank no she's a bit of a self harer but a regular here so we we know what to do and we do our best to take care of her if you'll excuse me I'll go do that did I hear you need some quarters yes thank you I'll see you to the room it will be ready shortly please enjoy yourselves all right um I will go call my dad well do you want me to come no no you [Music] stay come on come on please pick up hello Dad hello Pumpkin Dad it's me honey can you hear me Dad pumpkin dad are you there I can't hear you Dad Sarah I can't hear you Dad are you okay I can't hear you Dad Dad it's me hello [Music] Sarah [Music] Dad Dad where are you guys are you going to come today or not Dad [Music] [Music] please I'm not ready please I just I just need some more time everything is going to be okay please take take it easier I really don't want to go we've been here before you have to go you can't stay it's easier if you don't struggle you'd like that one you you think you're safe because you feed the beast but he's hungry he's always hungry Rebeca I take no pleasure in this no no please no I'm sorry no no [Music] so y'all enjoy the food yes we did thank you I H don't think I can fit in my pants any anymore I gained 10 lbs just by looking at it glad you enjoyed it thank you your room's not ready okay oh my mistake go we were going to take care of that for you oh thank you very much that'll be all Bob yes sir I'm just singing to your room sorry would you give me one more minute thank [Music] you still freaked out Michael yeah me too I mean it's still daylight outside it doesn't even look like it's changed hey check your phone again for me I can't it died a while ago [ __ ] me too did you bring a charger no I have one at Dad's okay well look I think we should just try to rest and relax for the night okay yeah I'm not going crazy right that's not exactly taking it easy come on just tell me I'm not baby if you were going crazy that means I'd be going crazy too and there is no way that we'd both be going crazy at the same time okay well what if I went crazy and you're just in my head right now we're not going crazy and we shouldn't be going down that rabbit hole we need to rest yeah all right everything is going to be okay I promise okay so good news the room is ready now I've made sure it's the one without the bed bugs but legally I think I'm required to tell you there is a little bit of mold in there I don't think it's a big deal for just one night stays I'm I'm kidding there's no no mold or no bed bugs it's a bad day to throw around jokes no I think we're just a little tired yes of course of course I'm sorry just you guys need some well-deserved rest you are probably right yes first time today I'm right apparently Bob yes Bob how about that room key room for three two hope you can see that there are two of them there's some dishes in the back that I think require your attention go yes so sorry about him he's like Eagle the room come on it's ready I'm excited to show you the rest of the place so how long you've been running this place oh all my life it feels like you don't sound like you're from around here ah London originally of course but uh I've done there you're a long way from home everybody I know is dead and gone so this is home now sort of have you ever heard of anything like this happening before like people being chased down in the area honestly I can't say that I have you know it just feels a little strange like why Sarah these are questions I wish I could answer for you but I just can't so best not to think about it now I have a special surprise for you guys the honeymoon sweet I think you're going to like it did you tell him my name no then how does he know it maybe he heard me calling you yeah babe maybe but Sarah no no I just I need some more time I'm not ready please please I'm not [Music] ready we have to go what do you mean ah here we are uh we seem to have forgotten some overnight things in the car hey babe will you help me with it yeah oh that's that's that's all right I I can have our bus boy bring it in to you he he'll just drop it straight inad no it's okay I think we rather get her ourselves oh I get it the man's a little OD but trust me he's honest honest to a fault actually go in relax you've already been through so much today no really thank you you don't want to do this Sarah it's my name neither do you Michael look it's it's not safe out there how would you know that I'm asking nicely please just stay doesn't sound very nice let's go inside the room we'll talk it all through I'll explain go no wait guys go wait wait wait wait stop stop it's not safe [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that about both of you doesn't surprise me you scared him off like that you know what happens if they run to be fair you're not exactly the smoothest talker are the most approachable man oh [ __ ] you both they'll be back they have nowhere else to go I just need to ask you instead of condemning these poor people can we help them do we look like Angels no [ __ ] you stay away from me both of [Music] you what just happened I don't know but they're in on it okay well maybe not all of them but you were right before something's not right man I hate being right they know more than they're letting on I'm sure of it oh yeah the manager the manager the way he was acting he knew he knew what happened to us yeah so we run we run as far as we can Sarah what what it's back it's back it's watching us no no no I can't do this anymore who who's out there whatever it is it's back do you think it's them I don't know but we're being hunted oh hey hey okay okay hey all right okay hey hey I've got this go ahead keep your foot on the gas good good just like that good good good now Breathe No breathe baby baby breathe breathe breathe breathe okay good that's good just keep doing that keep doing that I've got this it's going to be okay you sure I'm okay are you good to take the wheel again yeah I'm scared Mike I don't know what to do where do we go from here we just have to keep driving we're going to find a road somewhere okay just just keep [Music] [Music] driving [Music] [Music] was something reminded me of him with you and that's a good thing look what exactly is it I can help you with Bob look boss I know this is our job but you got to try and help them we don't have to try and do anything we don't have the power or influence you do we serve you and those who come through you might actually be able to do something what exactly is it you expect me to do call him no no come on wouldn't be the first time but something like this it is maybe he'll make an exception this time no Bob the answer is no sorry can't okay just come you won't even try hope you know what we have here and how quickly it can be taken away like that it's gone you know what the difference between us and management is what you think what we have here is actually worth something yeah that's all we have but to work yeah they're dead a dying Bob it's not awkal you won't even try thought you said your phone was dead it it was hello Dad are you there dad are you okay do not stop for anything keep going it's the one thing we haven't tried [Music] no oh my keep going I cannot run it we have to try it's the diner again no don't stop it is the only time he leaves us alone we don't have a fight no just trust me keep going they were waiting for us I know but we can't trust them we have to keep moving I don't know how much longer we can do this well as long as we can we have to [Music] try well guess they decide not to come back after all they're going to realize sooner or later that they can't outrun it I just been stubborn can't say that I blame them they're young and healthy still have that fire inside that little bit of Hope yeah well hope is a dangerous thing Bob well it's keeping them [Music] alive you know better than that now we used to be better than this okay you're going to think I'm crazy but you have to trust me what are you doing something different what the [ __ ] are you doing you're about to find out this is your plan look we haven't tried going the wrong way yet so I don't see what can hurt at this point God you are crazy well you knew that when you decided to marry me so really who's crazier you definitely you look unless you have another plan we are doing this fine there's no one behind us this might work and that's how you jinx us how long have we been driving this way for oh gee let me think uh let's see um oh yeah less than a minute you're a jackass well what do you want me to say Sarah the sun hasn't moved the time hasn't changed it could have been 20 minutes it could have been an hour it could have been 4 hours well here's something we haven't seen Jack [ __ ] since you pulled your little maneuver yeah that's a good thing no Michael it's not well how is that no creepy death car following us no Diner no possessed radio and no imaginary things to hit so for me that's progress wrong that's neutrality progress would be finding something positive like another road for example I'm sorry should I turn around and go say hi to our friend in the black motor vehicle of death so what then we drive on this endless Road to Nowhere forever forever is not a possibility gas we're almost empty great [ __ ] fantastic at least let me switch with you I've had some rests recently you haven't you can't keep going like this I'm fine Michael please I know this is against protocol yes I am aware I just asked that you take a look at their file maybe there's some kind of mistake I'm not implying anything just maybe this doesn't feel right I understand [ __ ] [Applause] hey hey wake up what what happened did we run out of gas no I just realized something what we've driven past this exact spot a few times now I mean granted no Diner or creepy car but we still aren't going anywhere what if what if we don't play by their rules whose rules whatever whoever is trying to keep us on the road we need to be unpredictable what do you mean what I mean is whatever is happening whatever's chasing us they want to keep us on this road so what do you suggest we do go Offroad oh she's not exactly built for off-road okay so we walk we walk you're insane hey look if we run out of gas we're going to have to do that anyway okay but the desert could go on forever we could be stranded forever it's either that or being stuck on this road forever God hey do you trust me yeah sometimes well let's go for a walk come on let's go I tried we need to try something else like what it needs all of us he's never going to do it if we all work together you know we can overturn this I don't know that neither do you do you remember when we were them we had our chance I'm not talking about the deal I'm talking about our baby don't do this we never had a chance I mean what if we knew then what we know now shouldn't we try if not for them and for another baby who never had a chance wouldn't change anything we don't know that we could try but instead no we took a deal to live and we are this is living you know that it could be worse I'll go if you go with me okay make him see that's good we've been walking forever with no end in sight hey keep the Fai nothing is stayed the same so no looping just going to take a little while longer how much longer can we even last as long as it takes what is the first thing you want to do when we get out of here take a bath I about a glass of wine with it no [ __ ] that I'm going to need something stronger after this champagne I'm thinking vodka cran well whenever we get out of here I will make you whatever drink you want hey you okay I see something come on quick I knew it I knew this was the right thing to do no no not again what the [ __ ] oh my God it's our [ __ ] car what it's our [ __ ] car whose blood is that I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening I don't know oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we're [ __ ] dead we're dead we're dead we're [ __ ] dead we're dead we're [ __ ] dead Michael [Music] please no no no please don't do this us please I'm not going down Michael stop stop it no no come on you [ __ ] you want me Michael no stop you want a piece of me come on [Applause] Michael Michael okay okay come on come [Music] on I wish you would just tell me what to do come on it's going to be okay it's going to be okay we just need to get back to our car and face this come on I know what we have to do come on babe we got to keep moving he's going away he's trying to cut us off it's okay it's okay I got you baby how you doing back there you okay oh never better okay we're going to get help you're going to be okay there's no help here no no no don't you start talking like that you remember what you said right everything's going to be okay I got a confession I lied Sarah Sarah it's not going to stop we aren't giving up it's the diner again how is this possible [Music] [Music] f okay okay all right I'm going to be right back okay no please stay it's okay I'm just going to be gone for a few minutes I'm going to go figure out how to get us out of here hey look at me it's going to be okay I am marrying you okay I know I'm not lying I know it's okay I love you I love you hey where's the manager we need to talk he's outside where you parked your car he's waiting there he's expecting you he's never done that before it's because he knows he'll be able to get to you soon enough you need to start talking now you lasted much longer out there than I thought you would let me tell you something you don't know Sarah you can't outrun him it's just not possible what do you mean all you're doing is prolonging the inevitable what even is this place think of this place is somewhere between your world and mine a kind of in between in between of what are we dead no Sarah you and Michael were in a car crash you've been fighting fighting for your life this entire time you're not really stood here with me you're bleeding out beside the road you just don't remember so this is Purgatory no no because you're not dead not yet anyway but we will be right everybody dies Sarah so we've been fighting for nothing no now this is the most important fight the fight of your life it's just a losing one for most Mortals but maybe now it's not the right time it it's difficult to explain Purgatory isn't the right word because that isn't what this is I like to think of it as the easy res in that's what it is it's a we're trying to help we're trying to help you cross over peacefully why that's our purpose we made a deal to help people like you to accept their fate to have a last supper to drink your favorite drink one more time to slip into a long beautiful deep sleep to make it easy for you so that death thing it's been trying to kill us it's the Fairman the Fairman the one that takes you to whatever comes next it his purpose his soulle purpose is to take people like you from one place to another don't think of him as a living thing it's just a process that happens to all mortal isn't his job in stories to take you across a river in a boat or something it's not important Sarah look I'm sorry I know this is difficult to accept so it's over that's it yes if you're willing to accept your fate then yes I guess there are worse ways to go you mean them with Michael Michael's the love of my life had so many plans with him but if it's our time to go then it's our time I mean there's nothing else we can do right and I'm tired of running yeah oh Lord God help me no Sarah okay there's there's something else you should try at there's a chance a slim chance a remote chance I don't know but you have to fight Sarah okay I would fight for Michael forever is there a chance he can live no no no it's bigger than Michael it's bigger than you it's bigger than you both it's you have something something worth living for not worth dying for so you just something to hold on to in this world the food didn't make you sick can you feel [Music] that [Music] yeah H you were in no shape for that I figured out what this place is I'm in hell aren't I oh no poor thing we don't even know if there is one really but I am dead aren't I it's not that simple and what what is this place and what have we what have we done to deserve this you didn't do anything trust me you're not being punished please where are we well the rest stop of course you rest here while you wait to pass over the fair men will do that once nightfalls time is barely moved time doesn't work the same here as it does normally you're actually experiencing all of this within just minutes of your time so what happens next try your best to fight it like you have why are you doing this the Fairman takes a toll on us Soul we feel like a huge mistake is being made here it's not fair it's not right we took a deal so we could live forever but this isn't living if we do things like this to people like you how do you even know all of this we have extra sensory Powers I know everything once I touch you I know you're scared right now I'm scared of what's to come but I know I'll have Michael don't think about that don't talk like you're slipping away you you have to fight you and Michael have something worth holding on for worth fighting for can you save the child suppose I could would you want that a child without a mother without a father they deserve a chance I mean if it's me and Michael's time that's fine but but she's innocent he it's a boy so you got to fight that boy when need the father that's right Bob what's happening take it easy pumpin dad he's buying you time to save the baby no listen there isn't much time as soon as the sun sets and Darkness Falls he'll be able to go anywhere he'll be able to take you so you have to hurry Sarah in your heart you know what you have to do well then you must hurry [Music] go [Music] I understand it isn't my place I these are very special circumstances I wouldn't dare challenge you if I didn't truly believe with everything I have that a mistake was being made here [Music] I with all due respect how could anything be out of your control well thank you thank you for taking a look and thank you for everything you've done for us and thank you for the greatest gift of all free [Music] [Music] will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay stay in my life forever see the ghost up on the hill watch as the ocean turns to still watches the fire burns to [Music] watches your life comes to pass goodbye love goodbye S I don't need that voice within [Music] anymore hear the birds out in the trees singing today just for you and me hear the voices on the W as the wind gets a little high goodbye love goodbye S I don't need that voice within goodbye shame goodbye grief I don't need you next to me goodbye hurt goodbye pain I don't need you in my veins goodbye love goodbye s I don't need that voice with [Music] anymore take my hand come my way forget the past that was yesterday watch the sunrise in the sky wipe the tears from your [Music] eyes [Music] goodbye love goodbye S I don't need that voice within goodbye Shan goodbye G I don't need you next to me goodbye hurt goodbye Fain I don't need you in my vein goodbye love goodbye S I don't need that within [Music] anymore [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 264,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube
Id: 9FOj3Q7zgPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 6sec (4866 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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