Arctic Void | Full Movie | Mystery Survival Horror | Michael Weaver

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[Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] where's the ride you said book the flights you want them in how are we going to make it to the dock Alan relax there's got to be cabs here look around there's no cabs there's none okay all right well that's fine we'll Summit and meet some locals no i r i don't want to meet any locals all right what I want to do is I want to make the boat which leaves in 15 freaking minutes I'm going to do something right now watch this watch this m how you doing the number you have dial is do I need hey Alan Allan I got it worked out that's Alan as buddy runs the cab company he's going to be here in 5es minutes so uh we're all set you want a [Music] minute [Music] [Music] for him SC book [Music] [Music] for C in CL and [Music] so where are you guys from uh United States Los Angeles it's your first time on spurn yes sir how do you like it I don't know yet me neither and I've been here for 26 [Laughter] years locals are fun m [Music] G the G on the G on the right don't forget we're the minority hero the white people no bears good luck with [Applause] that the camera guy yeah Sean TI Sean Ray Marsh I host the show let me help you with this no no no no no I I got that I'll get this one thanks well I'm sure our producer said this as you blew by but we're thrilled to have you I don't know why our regular guy didn't get a Visa but as long as you got a camera we'll get what we need you ever done a travel show uh no nature show no you going to be great welcome on board long we are based in longin which is the northmost settlement in the world we always have people from all over the world on this boat so who is from Sweda hey sweet brothers from Sweda money money money oh money and we also have some scientists from trumu they are here to uh study aquaculture or Aquaman or something like this I no no no no no don't put your hands up uh I think the books give it away yeah and we also have some Germans here ger always Germans visitor will come and yeah good super duper yes last but not least we have Americans some Hollywood weirdos and they are here to film beautiful swart and to corrupt us with their sex and bad superheroes okay a few tips about spard these islands are one of 14 demilitarized zones so there's no danger of War here you are in one of the safest places in the world although another way of looking at it of course is that we all sit in Ducks if someone does decide to wipe us out that's a joke come on come on guys come on okay no more jokes we have Lun a little bit later and we have some great viewing points so if you have any problems any question just shout out and what's my name okay so let's get his baby rolling hey got your coffee thank you listen I wanted to uh say sorry about before I was uh stressed about missing the bone no I understand as you can see we have a short hand grew up like brothers so but what about you where you from um nowhere in particular it's an army brat really was that tough moving around like yeah but you get used to it yeah I don't have friends from 35 years ago hey that might not be such a bad thing did you get some some good stuff at Jim up there on the deck yeah he was great any was right I also went up to the bridge got some shots from up there nice nice uh did you get a shot from the back of the boat uh no I didn't I'll do that now yeah could you I think it would really be useful yeah appreciate it thank you Sean oh where you going you're my drinking buddy he's a bit boring huh well we all are compared to you R A come on Alan I said I was sorry no you didn't actually he didn't say you're sorry okay okay I apologize I [ __ ] up the travel I was just trying to make your life easy and I appreciate you bro it's fine you got a great ass and it's a bit Supple and it's a bit hairy but it's really nicely shaped Supple it's not hairy yes there he is he's back I like it I like it appreciate it I'd like to see you in that shape now let's welcome Sean to the party H hey hey Ray listen we are lucky to have this guy okay please don't piss him off be fine it's going to be fine it's a big boy what's his story anyways why the hell is he in Norway who knows I'm just thankful that we got a guy with 2 days notice yeah yeah that was lucky the hell's he got for lunch right hey that's his food whoa what the Jesus that is some retro rig wow don't turn it on come on Ray it's weird Ray well music it's actually pretty relaxing it's nice check it out oh [ __ ] hold turn it off turn it off hey man excuse me yeah bro yeah don't forget your coffee yeah what he' be fine don't look down but I think the German girl are into us don't say anything all right no R don't there we go hello ladies oh hello again listen did you meet my old friend Alan Mero oh no not yet Hi how are you uh I apologize for my friend here he's very forward so feel free to ignore him it's all right we know he talks a lot we have a show in Germany oh oh they have my show in Germany you see what he said he said his show why do you welcome the show too uh yes I do what is it that you cuz I don't remember you uh I'm not on Allen's being very modest he he actually is the show he's the director and producer wow I'm just the mouthpiece now that you said it I [Music] can [Music] Jesus damn [Music] it [Music] if there is a place on earth that could bring about an existential crisis spard must be it looking at this Barren landscape it's hard to believe life can be sustained here at all but there are a multitude of species on land in the air and underwater we even found a viking Santa Claus ho ho ho okay and cut it's perfect is that it yeah we'll use that for the opening that's it wow that's easy hey man you're a natural you're great thank you Jen thank you Jim I got to ask this and I I don't want it to come out the wrong way but why do people live in this place to gets away from people like you no but you know it's I think it's for the beauty really and the Solitude and the risk cuz up here here you it's the nature set of rules and if you don't play by those rules you're dead maybe they find you when the spring comes maybe not you're kind of a wacko aren't you Jim come on guys yeah would you like a drink sure well you have a drink you guys I I don't drink anymore my God that's terrible let's go uh I have some cognac I from the how's it look oh looks good yeah [Music] good Jesus do you see that what there was a bird no I I don't think it had eyes what do you mean I don't know must be seeing things really excuse me you guys are from the University right I'm sorry do you speak English yeah yes uh can I ask you what you're studying yeah um well yeah the university in uh truma they want to open a fish hat tree here um so we're studying the water and food sources and things like this nice but we're much more interested in the geomagnetic storms up here I'm sorry I don't know what is that when there's a storm on the Sun that affects the Earth's magnetic field have you ever heard of an aurora the Northern Lights yes and that's the type of gor are they dangerous not so far but they could be yeah a massive one and all technology on Earth would be useless the planet would go dark everything with electricity would be totally corrupted really yeah well what about the human brain that's electric ah the thinkers have found each other yes well let me jump right into it kids because I know you're in the Science World is there room for God in [Music] science that's that's pretty deep should we have a cigarette yes an idea okay all right we'll see you yeah yeah yeah yeah right yeah fine you thinking about Marie she's not going to leave yet it's just a warning she wants things to change how are things going to change she doesn't want me to travel for work that's what I do f are we even doing here man this isn't fun anymore it's it's not fun what are you what are you talking about alen people literally do this for fun they travel the world for fun yeah but is it worth my marriage is it worth my kids we're back in 10 days I'm 4,500 mil away from home I've literally run away from my problems who does that everybody everybody does that everybody I do that you know it's this place that's just making you squirly yeah I back in 10 [Music] days i' never seen anything like that before go inside please show is over please ger come on okay please inside and you as well what the hell was that I don't know it's gruesome yeah we got that right yeah good God that was strange this is a strange place my friend ladies and gentlemen we are now taking lunch on the bow where we have some tasty minky weight for you exhibit a Jim whenever you're ready well whing is legal in Norway this is minky whale the law allows 999 minky to be caught every year it used to be that uh every Norwegian ate minky but now it's mostly the people in the north the snobs in Oslo they don't go for minky oh they feel sorry for it oh it tastes a bit like human and cut I think I think we got that thank you very much everybody shoots and beong I think I'll have your job in I give it freely that was a great job thank you so much do you want some more no no delicious I'll get some plate fig think is killing me man you is you didn't is it fine line between polite and stupid Alan you don't have I need bathroom your stomach's about to explode [Music] cheers oh God how was that whale of a time very funny where's Sean uh he's getting some stuff on the front good to theci [Music] Jesus Christ where's everyone did we miss h was there an Excursion they wouldn't have left all their [ __ ] hello Jim must be in the labs captain I don't know what the hell is going on all right wait let's talk this out uh we're on the bow we're shooting the whale stuff with Jim yeah everybody's there you get sick you go to the bathroom right like come out we're talking on the back D power goes out it was maybe 5 minutes at most what hello Sean Jesus yeah where is everyone I don't know I was in the bathroom well what the [ __ ] is going on what do you mean they're not outside no no no one's outside no one's inside no one's on this [ __ ] boat okay is this real am I going insane you guys are [ __ ] with me right no I'm not [ __ ] with you man this is not this defies the laws of nature there's no logical explanation for it did you check the bridge yeah nothing what about the engine room you think everyone stuffed themselves in the engine there's [ __ ] 20 people on this boat I'm going to check the engine room you see my notebook notebook I plug in for Christ's sakes looking for people hello hello this is tibits hello hello I'm eating mini donuts oh going to be in [Music] trouble go hello hello uh this is uh Ms langon the we have a mayday people have disappeared we we we need help we have an emergency uh yes this is langus and Mayday we uh we left longbin maybe uh 4 hours ago we we've been going north northwest uh 4 hours the [ __ ] I'm Mayday we have we're listen we're drifting we have no power and uh no no [Music] power what are you doing Alan Alan does it matter yeah it [ __ ] matters we're drifting I saw something come [Music] here that's a town maybe it's where they all went I'll get the [Music] raft [Music] [Music] [Music] Alan [Music] Mercy we St Town we're going to go to shore whoa you know you're bleeding right did you fall no this needs cleaning come inside [Music] huh you think Jim is a big Hunter S Topson fan I love this book you know I'm going to keep this for him where'd you get the rifle get in we should go [Music] [Music] he [Music] we should stick together there's bears everywhere you know where to use that poting shoe right this place isn't right this got to be an old coal mine it's a goddamn Wasteland is what it is if there's no one here we're [ __ ] [Music] [Music] Ray hello maybe we should go back to the boat you think the Amish built this place Focus listen look at the woodwork Sean should we go back to the boat swimming pool or is that like against their religion or they at least had food there look at the detail work what is that [Music] [Music] right [Music] what the [ __ ] is that [Music] Jesus there's no one here there's no one here what in God's name is going on God you know what God show yourself to me huh show yourself you [ __ ] coward Alan we need you here now if we're going to get through this yeah get through this Ray this is not some travel incident okay the airline didn't just lose our [ __ ] luggage a supernatural event occurred here Ray that's what's happening who gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] we need your help you know something this this is proof that there is something bigger than us am I right Sean yeah see he gets it Ray all right th this this is beyond our meager existence why is there no one here you know why because we we're in the middle of the Hereafter Ray for [ __ ] sake this makes no sense it makes no sense this is a ghost town this is Ghost Town where're the [ __ ] Ghosts no no no no the people went somewhere we just have to figure out where is that what you're worried about is that what you're worried about where all the people went I don't give a [ __ ] where anybody went you know what I care about I care about why we're still here think about it [Music] Ray [Music] [Music] hello hello ghosts Ray oh what there something right sounds like a radio [Music] oh bu there's got to be someone here someone was here who the [ __ ] was [Music] here God Dam it [ __ ] [ __ ] that does not look good I think I'm going to just park it here for a second you know we got to keep looking around Mercy we'll come back for you okay okay you got that yeah I'm good hey bring back another TV this one's busted we got to talk about Allan man yeah [Music] for [Music] well I thought this is how the world works all energy flows according to the whims of the great magnet what a fool I was to defy him there is a big machine in the sky some kind of electric snake coming right at us we'd be fools not to ride this strange torpedo all the way to the end the possibility for physical and mental collapse is now very real no Sympathy for the Devil buy the ticket take the [Music] [Music] ride [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] are you my friend I'm your friend and friends don't need [Music] friends [Music] oh you got family I got an aunt and uncle in the states that's about it I end up here came to Oslo for a girl how'll work out like all the rest sounds like a Norwegian country song well trying is succeeding in my book yeah then I'm a massive success you I'm a total failure by that metric commitment issues so you're a cover yeah I guess scared of making a choice I can't live with huh all seems ridiculous right now what's the story with that necklace that's my sister Cassie used to play Jack she died when I was 10 sorry it's all right I try to live for the both of us now I like doing the show cuz it keeps me moving you know makes me feel alive M doesn't like being away so much anymore there's a light on hello holy [ __ ] it's heated I'm going to check [Music] upstairs hello someone [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Happ [Music] donut we're going to be in trouble daddy daddyi donut mini donut mini donut [Music] Mercy what the hell are you doing out here oh hey you got my message let's go let's get you inside come on it start snowing come on buddy there's food in the kitchen that's great I'm going to go outside and grab the bags I saw bear what's that hey Ray yeah I need a dram what can I get [Music] you anything whiskey [Music] anything God damn it [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] P yeah I'm not mad about the taxi [Music] anymore [Music] [Music] sh Reay I need a bathroom [Music] [Music] there you [Music] are all right got come on okay [Music] I'll get you some [Music] [ __ ] [Music] and really looking forward to this looking [Music] forward okay [Music] fore spe [Music] spee [Music] [Music] here's some soup and water [Music] M Ellen you got to stop drinking it's messing you up man I I saw Sean saw just lay back hey I left the luggage in the lobby thanks listen there's food here but not much else okay so we either need to find a working radio or move on move on where long you been we have the nautical chart it's only 40 Mi away how long will that take in that boat for 4 and 1 half hours assuming the conditions are good and there's no wind okay we need more fuel there probably some air there's no instruments on that raft we have to respect the elements we'd be killing ourselves he's in and out man he needs medical attention look civil Twilights in 3 hours then Darkness it's too dangerous to be on the water for at least 6 hours I'll find some fuel Ray for the Bears [Music] thanks what are you doing here who are [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] what are you doing what are you doing no where are you [Music] no [Music] [Music] br how the hell we end up here Jesus all right you got to stop drinking you got to try and get some water down he was upstairs just watch the all go down look at Jesus I saw him right okay brother just relax take it easy the boat the boat I saw a video of Sean and now he's fine trying to kill me with the headphones okay Alan you're not making sense just relax it's a [ __ ] plot Alan relax listen he's killing my [ __ ] mind Ray [ __ ] dying watch the video R watch the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] video [Applause] foree [Music] son what the hell are you doing where you said you in the bathroom where you hiding a [ __ ] I'm going to punch you man I'm going to punch you fu you like all right all right all right right I tell you I'll tell [Music] you just what the [ __ ] is going on I'm just here to document the effects effects of what experiment what experiment we all exposed to a vibration it's like a hum but you can't hear it exposed what does that mean it's a Sonic weapon it attacks neurofunction the brain you're in the military not anymore what are you some kind of mercenary no they just paid me to be here film it who who's doing this some government people you don't want to know trust me they could be working for some government but I don't know anything about that they just hired me to film it what did you see what happened to those people vaporized or something there's this interference my field of view shifted when it came back they were gone [ __ ] you man you expect me to believe this dystopian [ __ ] we're just supposed to get disoriented throw up quit [ __ ] lying man that's not possible I don't know man I don't have any [ __ ] answers I don't want to be here what's with the headphones it's like a countering vibration he said it's like an inoculation it's why we're still here I listen to more than Alan yeah that makes sense well could it help him now I don't think so it's meant as a safeguard not a cure I gave it to him earlier so what's next what do you mean how are you going to get out of here they were supposed to get me from the boat but I can't reach him the satellite phone they gave me doesn't work where is it where's the phone [Music] [Music] come on M we got to get you up down Brother come [Music] on [Music] we're going to get out of here soon okay long your been a couple hours away but you got to eat okay your body needs energy to fight the infection you got to sober up Allan what about Sean he's coming with us he's got no choice listen right something happens to me I need you to say something to Maria and the kids no no no no [ __ ] all that you going to see her in 2 days you tell yourself off [Music] right right I'm not going to make it no no that's not true Mercy it's just a mindset you tell yourself you are and you're going to be fine you're going let me go there are people that love you and they depend on your love stay with us you need to leave me here look and it's right it's okay it's okay it's what's this what's meant to happen okay I'll say how to c see what did you say what did you say no I'm I'm not going to do that we're not doing now what we're going to do is we're going to get in that boat and we're going to go follow the coastline South and we're going to get you to a hospital all right and I don't care if you agree with me or not that's what we're going to do now look at them look at them and you tell them that she'll be home [Music] soon [Music] [Music] for [Music] hey guys um it's your dad and uh look I know I I look pretty bad right now but um I'm fine I'm fine so uh Ry and I we we ran into a little bit but [Music] and Dylan I want you to I want you to take care of your mother okay and Ruby love you guys so [Music] much but I'm going to be home home soon okay I'm coming home [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] what the hell are you doing checking the engine we got a 4 and 1/2 hour boat ride over Open Water Ray we can't afford any fuckups right thanks how'd you get involved in this Old Navy buddy reached out needed the money spend it wisely yeah who who who whoa whoa what what what what here something wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on relax you hear that come on let's go [Applause] bears look so friendly on the signs [ __ ] we have your location extraction in 30 minutes holy [ __ ] they're coming Alan Mercy comeing forth we're going home a good host right everybody everybody loves you everybody loves you okay Mery okay so how's this going to go down you guys hang back I'll go out and talk to them what are you going to say I'm going to tell them the truth there's two survivors you better not [ __ ] [Music] us I like it here we're almost there Mercy hang on for me okay hang there it's getting close to time I'm sorry [Music] alen hey we have have some fun all right here we have we're not done though brother this is going to be our best episode yet [Music] I [Music] yeah [Applause] no don't go Alan Alan [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you [Music] far away in those sad I for miles and miles miles [Music] miles s my [Music] soul by theze you will down where holding Waters overflow for good the ship rise to the morning where the darkness beond the shell some light is burning you know it's calling you know it's calling me back home put down the sorrow and dance to me that were in mind Str to me in stars that swim acoss youring through this night make sweet real RO with down [Music] sorrow beside sh there's a [Music] hey [Music] up here comes the spring let it touch the song back my soul and if [Music] I I piss in pie it's feeling always always always always [Music] every time tou [Music] [Music] song [Music] SH now of the of the of of the sun is shin
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 495,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Rune Temte, Michael Weaver
Id: tzSmf6eBiRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 2sec (5102 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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