Peaks and Valleys | Wilderness Survival Drama | Full Movie | Alaskan Wild

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(ominous music) (wind rustling) (birds chirping) (somber music) (door opens) (melancholy guitar music) (somber music) (solemn music) - [Cliff] You sure about this? - Little late now. - [Cliff] It's not gonna be easy. - When have you ever known me to take the easy way? - [Cliff] What are you thinking, Jack? You're not ready for this. - I ain't got much choice. (aircraft buzzing) Hey! This look like a landfill, asshole? (body splashes) (splashing) (foreboding music) (groans) (tense music) (gentle guitar music) (grunts) (fire crackles) (snoring) (foreboding music) (screams) - [Bailey] No! - Son of a bitch! (clanging) (yelping) God damn it. (screams) Hey! (crying) Would you knock that shit off? Well go ahead and scream all you want! Nobody's gonna hear a damn thing. What I mean to say is that you're wasting your breath. Nobody's gonna hurt you, because there ain't anybody around here but me. And I ain't coming near you. Nearly froze to death fishing your miserable little ass out of my fucking lake! And bringing you back from tits up status. If that's the way you wanna act, then fine. Fuck you very much! (door closes) You're welcome to the woods! If that's what suits you! But the other option is in here with a fire and a warm... A meal, anyway. (grunts) Ah, shit. Been out for hours. Not that you have much call to be picky. Guess you ain't hungry. Would you just take the fucking pan? You don't have much call to be picky. Meat's meat. Sit. Yeah, they're a little stale. So, what brings you out here? Spur of the moment vacation? Mute, huh? That's good. Makes no difference to me, I enjoy the peace and quiet. - So, you're not with him? - She speaks. No idea who the fuck you're talking about. That answer your question? Oh, knock that shit off. Whatever you gone through is over. Crying about it is only gonna make it feel like it ain't. - You have no idea. - No? You're beat to shit. You got more tracks than Grand Central. And with the exception of my breakfast, I'm guessing you ain't had a lot to eat but dick in a long time. So what happened? Slinging your ass and you got picked up by the wrong guy? - Fuck you! - Like I said, it's over. You got dumped out here to be forgotten, and I seriously doubt anybody's gonna come back looking. So take a breath. - So what now? You gonna call the troopers? - No longer an option. - So what, you're gonna take me in then? - I'm guessing you're out of Anchorage, right? That's here. See? We Are here. Couple hundred miles from anywhere. The only way in or out is by plane. - And where's your plane? - Don't got one. Buddy of mine dropped me off for the winter. - And when are they coming back? - Couple of months, maybe. Sooner if someone feels like checking on me. (coughs) - Sorry. - About what? The mess, or wasting a hell of a lot of good whiskey? (coughs) They'll help with the stomach. - They do anything? - [Jack] Yeah, they'll help with the stomach. - [Bailey] I'm gonna need more than two. I have a high tolerance... - Shut the fuck up. I ain't listening to any of that high tolerance bullshit. You'll take what I give you or you'll go without. - Fine. But do you have anything else? I'm in fucking pain! You're not gonna give me anything? Fuck. I'm sorry. I need it. Please. Please. Please. That's it? - They'll do you just fine. Have you been through the wringer before? - The what? - The wringer. Your skin feels like it's on fire. Your whole body feels like it's being wrung out like a wet rag. (foreboding music) Add to that the injuries you gotta recover from. The risk of infection from those sores you keep picking at. You're in for a treat. - I never would've pegged you for a doctor. - Yeah. Fire is dying. So what the hell do I call you, anyway? - Bailey. My name's Bailey. And you? - Jack. - Fuck. (melancholy music) - You sure about this? - Little late now. - It's not gonna be easy. - When have you ever known me to take the easy way? - What are you thinking, Jack? You are not ready for this. - Ain't got much choice. (foreboding music) (ominous music) - (whimpers) Please. Please, no! Please. (engine rumbles) (rustling) (moaning) (coughs) - [Jack] Refill. - Do you have any more? - No. - You don't even know what I was gonna ask for. - Don't even start. - [Bailey] It's not an act, is it? You're really a complete fucking asshole. - I'm give-a-shit impaired. That's different. There's also rice and beans on the stove when you think you can eat. (groans) This ain't no gutter whore buffet. You're gonna have to get used to rice and beans. - Fuck you! I'm not fucking hungry! (Jack sighs) (thudding) - That'll help with the appetite. And hopefully the attitude as well. (wind howls) Hold still. (hisses) It'll leave a lot of scars. Any deeper and bandages wouldn't help. Scars ain't all that bad, though. Like little history lessons. Merit badges. There. (crying) What the fuck? - My leg. It feels like something's stabbing it. (whimpers) What are you doing, stop! - Put your hands down! - Do you... My back hurts really bad. It's right down here. - That's your kidneys. Rubbing it out ain't gonna help. You need to keep drinking that water, even if you're not thirsty. It'll help with the cramps. (melancholy guitar music) (ominous music) - [Pilot] Rise and shine, Valentine. (foreboding music) - [Jack] I'd go east. - I wasn't... - Yeah, well. Course when the clouds roll in, it gets a little harder to tell which way's east. - I've never seen them that bright before. - They're always like that. You can't see them in the city. Once you get away from all that bullshit, you start seeing things the way they really are. - Come on. - What do I look like, Betty Crocker? This is what we got. - Shit's bad enough going down the first time. I have to taste it twice. I don't fucking get it, you were gonna be out here for months, how is that all you brought? - Didn't cross my mind. Look, I got everything I need to survive right out there. - Yeah, well there's more to life than surviving, Jack. - Hm. You may be smarter than you look. Chicken with tomatoes and feta cheese. Spicy penne pasta vegetarian. - What are those? - MREs. - What? - Meals ready to eat. Here we go, banana chips and apricots. Potassium. It'll help with the cramps. I'm not a fucking masseuse. - Can't open it. How do you open these? (grunts) - Fuck if I know. (chainsaw rumbling) Yeah, you bastard. (yelping) (crying) - [Bailey] Something's wrong. Something's wrong. - What? - I don't know. It's not a cramp. I can't, I can't stay here. Jack! - What? - Something's wrong! Fuck, I need help. I need help. - Help, huh? What kind? Just a hookup, or you need somebody to cook it for you too? - Fuck you. I need a doctor. I can't do this. I can't, I'm fucking dying! - Shut the fuck up. You don't know shit about dying. First you gotta have a life before you can understand what losing it is. - Stop acting like you know me, I didn't do this to myself. - All right. Fine. I'm listening. Well, come on, gutter queen, paint me a fucking picture. Tell me the wonders of being a standup junkie hooker. (chuckles) Come on, tell me what it's like to be a fucking piece of trash. - I'm not fucking trash. - Really? Far as I've always known, when you got something that's used up and no good to anyone, you toss it the fuck out. The guy on the plane knew that, didn't he? He threw out the fucking trash, didn't he? (tense music) He didn't even bother to slit your sorry throat. - He didn't think he had to. He beat me, raped me, cut me. Shot me full of heroin to shut me up, and some kind of fucked up upper when he wanted to... (thudding) He liked to fight. He had me chained in this room with no windows and no light, except when he was there. (sobbing) Please! He had this line he liked to use. - [Pilot] Rise and shine, Valentine. - You know, you're right about one thing, cause I loved it when he shot me full of that shit, cause it's like I wasn't there. Cause I could escape for a little while. But I woke up, and I was wrapped in plastic, and all I could think was don't move. Don't fucking move. And then he dragged me up the stairs by my feet, and I let my head slam against every step, because I knew if he didn't hear the same thud every time, he'd know. And I should've run. But I didn't fucking move. I didn't fucking move. - And after all that, you got the nerve to tell me that sweating that shit out of your system is killing you? - You're a dick, you know that, right? - And you're an annoying little bitch. We can't change the wrong that's been done to us. (solemn music) But we're damned if we don't let it change us. (door closes) (dishes rattling) (groans) (groans) - You okay? - What the hell is going on? - Sorry, I'm just trying to help. You look like shit. - Probably caught a bug dragging your ass out of the lake. (coughs) - This is supposed to be pork sausage and gravy, but it smells more like sawdust and ass. Anyway, I got to thinking this morning that you've been shoving these doomsday dishes down my throat since I got here, but I've never actually seen you eat anything. So, payback's a bitch, and today her name is Bailey. - And you got the dog breath to match. - [Bailey] Mm-mm, it's that. - Well, since you're feeling up to cooking, I guess you can clean up after yourself, too. - [Bailey] Okay. Think I can handle a couple plates. - And those. - What? (serene music) Oh, that's fucking gross. Oh, shit. (footsteps approaching) Really? That's fucking disgusting. - Find the hole, dump them in, and bring back the buckets. - Really is beautiful out here. - Used to be quiet, too. - Who's that? Someone you used to be sweet on? - Sweet is for diabetics. - So you never dragged anybody else out here and held them against their will? Oh, Jack, am I your first? - That's Jack and Cliff. My brother. We built this place. - Well, I guess if anybody could deal with your charming personality, it would be your brother. - You're guessing wrong. We didn't see eye to eye much. - Shocker there. Let me guess, conversation must have been cooking? Cleaning, personal hygiene. Whose ass the sun revolves around. It's the last one, isn't it? Fucking hell. Fucking disgusting. Oh god. (melancholy music) - It's kinda pretty. - [Jack] Kinda. - Are you fucking kidding me? You can't share? - Those are my favorite. Huevos rancheros. You're right. You're the one who got up early this morning. No? You must mean that you're the one who trudged their happy ass out on the lake and chopped out the hole. No? Did you sit out there for over an hour, freezing off your tender bits, waiting for that fine fish to bite? You know, if you had cut up even just one stick of wood to cook this lovely meal with, I'd have given you a vote on who gets to eat what. - Okay. Fine. Just freaking stay. There, single piece of wood. Oh, thank you, Jack, you shouldn't have. - [Jack] Don't get cocky. Lunch is on you. - Okay. (uplifting music) Where's the water start? - About 30 yards. That way. Don't worry, you won't fall in. But if you do, I ain't going in after you. Good luck. - [Bailey] Is this such a good idea? - Depends. - On? - Whether you want fresh fish for lunch or sausage and gravy. - Am I supposed to do something? - Make a hole, get your fish out. - Make a hole? What's wrong with that hole? - That's my hole. Got my fish in it. Your hole has your fish in it. Don't make me explain why you can't stick your pole in my hole. Jab down hard to break, like so. Use the sharp edge to clean the sides and the flat part to scoop the broken ice. (grunts) (gasps) (splashing) - Yes. Check it out. - Ain't the prettiest hole, but I'd stick my pole in it. - I bet you say that to all the girls. - This is the drag. You set this for how hard it is to pull the line out. Three or four pulls should be deep enough. Okay? You got it? - Just wait? - Until you see a fish. - [Bailey] What, what? Oh my god, Jack! Jack, I felt a tug! Jack, come back! (laughs) I have one already! I don't know what to, come here! Hurry! I fucking got one. (gentle guitar music) I don't know what to do, help. He's right there. - Gonna make a real woman out of you yet. (laughs) - That's too fucking cool. (gentle guitar strumming) - [Jack] That's not yours. - Sorry. You don't play it? - It's not mine either. - Is it your brother's? You guys in a band or something? - For a minute. - What happened? - Fought too much, got tired of it. - So you quit? He quit. - Cliff is a fighter. Last time was we spoke was in a damn hospital. He was on the side of fighting. But I just couldn't see wasting what little time there was staring at a ceiling, waiting for somebody to come along and wipe your ass. Worst part was I didn't have the courage to say goodbye. I just snuck out. Like a fucking coward. (gentle guitar strumming) - Jack, I'm sorry. - I don't need your fucking pity. Sure as hell not like that. You pull that shit again, you can sleep out in the woods. (Jack coughs) Hey, that's my fucking shirt you're ripping to shreds! - When was the last time you were around a woman, Jack? See, there's certain things that I can live without. Hot water, food I don't have to clean and gut before I can eat it. But the one thing I refuse to get used to is bleeding all over the one set of clothes I have! (sighs) - What do you mean, bleeding? - Think about it, Jack. You're not stupid. Where are you going? - Wood. (groans) Son of a bitch! (thudding) - Jesus, Jack, what happened? - Nothing, get me a towel. - [Bailey] Shit, what do you... - [Jack] A goddamn towel. - Okay, okay, okay, here you go. What did you do? (groans) - I fucking cut my leg. - You can't just wrap it up like that, you're gonna bleed to death. - No. - Let me see it. - Get the fuck off of me! - Let me see your leg! - Damn it, no! Stop it! - Let me see your leg! Sit back! Stop! If you fucking die, then I am gonna die! And I refuse to fucking die out here, okay? So sit back and let me fucking do this! Sit down. (tense music) Okay, okay. Here, do you have something I can fix it with? - Ow! Son of a bitch. - Shit. Okay, okay. Have what you have. Jack! Okay, okay. Okay. (grunts) Jack. Jack? Jack. Swelling's going down. - Feels like shit. Fish for dinner? - No. It's freezing ass cold, I didn't get anything. I think we have something else, though. (rattling) Okay. We have marinara sauce with meatballs and Asian style beef strips with vegetables, and that's it. - We're gonna die. - We don't have any more food, Jack. Is there something we can hunt? Those? I see them everywhere, what are they? - Ptarmigan. - [Bailey] Can you eat them? - Yep. - How do I get them? - You shoot them. I guess I'm gonna have to teach you that, too. There's a black case over in the corner, get that. - [Bailey] Okay. (grunts) - You ever shot a rifle? (gentle music) Bullets go in here. Pointy end up. 17 of them. Once they're in there, push this back in. It's gonna be kinda springy. Push it all the way in and turn it to the right to lock it. - [Bailey] Okay. - Now it's loaded. You pull the stock back, like so. That puts a bullet right here in the feed. Push it forward to push the bullet into the chamber. When you're ready to shoot, you pull the hammer back nice and slow. Hear those two quiet little clicks? Don't wanna scare your squirrel or your ptarmigan. - Moose? - No. You ain't gonna get anything big with this, just squirrel and ptarmigan. The occasional grouse. Hold that hammer. Just like that. Pull the hammer back. With your fingertip, squeeze the trigger nice and slow. (gun fires) - [Bailey] Tell me you can make waffles. - [Jack] You can take the girl out of the ghetto. - [Bailey] Don't start with me. You look like shit. - Well, you ain't exactly making my pants feel any tighter, neither. - You're clearly delirious. You're burning up. Is there something you could teach me? Some sort of asshole hillbilly cure-all? - [Jack] Just a bug, don't get your panties in a twist. - Panties. I remember those. - I doubt it. (groans) Didn't hear the shot. How far out you go? - North side of the lake. I met somebody. (ominous music) - What? - Met one of our neighbors out there. - We don't have neighbors. What did they look like? - What, oh my... - What did they say? - It was, it was a moose. It was a big ass... - Moose, huh? That would have been a nice change of pace. You should've brought that back with you. Steak. - Yeah, well, I figured that if I took a shot at it, probably wouldn't have... (aircraft buzzing) What is that? That's a plane. That's a plane. - Wait! - Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey, right here! Oh my god! (screams) Get off of me! What the fuck are you doing? - No! (grunts) - No, no! Hey! Fuck. No! What's your fucking problem, Jack? - If they were here for me, they would've landed. - [Bailey] What does it fucking matter who they were here for? - Because that was the same plane that dumped your ass in the lake! - If it was that sick fuck, it would've been all the better! God, what do you think's been running through my head every second of every fucking day I've been out here, Jack? Two thoughts, get home and put that piece of shit in the ground! I mean, wasn't that the whole fucking point? That I can get better and leave you the hell alone? - I'm not ready. I thought... You're not ready. I don't know how this happened, Bailey. - Bailey? You know that's the first time you've ever said my name? You don't want me to leave, do you? Do you? - I wasn't ready for this. - Ready for what, Jack? To go home? What's the fucking plan, are we staying here forever? - [Jack] No. - [Bailey] Then what? - I heard that plane and I got scared, all right? Caring for you is about as close as I've come to really caring for anyone in a long time. - You saved my life, but you need to realize that our time here is running short. If you pull that shit again, I will be the only one leaving here. And don't act like I can't, either. - Are you sure about this? - Little late now. - It's not gonna be easy. - Have you ever known me to take the easy way? - What are you thinking, Jack? You're not ready for this. - Ain't got much choice. (tense music) - [Bailey] What's going on? - Got a craving for steak. Going after that moose of yours. - Well, it's long gone by now. - Yeah, well, they ain't the quickest. Especially this time of year. Should be able to track it. North shore? - Yeah, just give me a minute, I'll come with you. - No. Got a better chance of sneaking up on it alone. - You really need all that? - Maybe. If I have to, I'll camp out overnight. - So you're leaving me here all alone? - You'll be fine. You got your rifle. - Jack, this is fucked up, just let me come with you. - We need that moose. Besides, you're getting under my skin. We could both use a little time to decompress. - It's not gonna be easy. (chuckles) - When have you ever known me to take the easy way? (somber music) If I'm not back in a couple days, send out the damn search party. Keep the fire lit. There's plenty of wood. Put a couple of lanterns on the porch so I can find my way back. - Jack, I'm not mad at you. You don't have to run away. - I ain't running. Not with this fucking pack. One last hunt and we'll be set. Both of us. (melancholy music) - Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack! (gun fires) Please! (engine buzzing) (suspenseful music) Hey. Who the fuck are you? - Who the fuck are you, this is my cabin. And that's my gun, too. Is Jack here? Jack, it's Cliff! - Cliff? - Yeah, I'm his brother. And I'm also a cop, and I'd appreciate you pointing that gun somewhere else. Where is he? - He said you were dead. - Well, that sounds like Jack. Jack! - [Bailey] He's not here. - Where is he? And how in the hell did he get you out here? - I was dropped off. - Oh, nurse or girlfriend? - What? - It doesn't matter. Look, a friend of mine flew over a couple of days ago. He said he thought the cabin was in use. I really need to talk to him. - What, about what? What's going on? - You know he's sick, right? - Sick? - Yeah. Yeah, he walked out of the hospital a couple of months ago. I tried to convince him, but... He's got cancer. (foreboding music) I really need to talk to him. - He left days ago. He's tracking a moose on the other side of the lake. - Oh. He shouldn't be too hard to find, then. - What the fuck, how do you have service out here? - Oh, usually only get a couple bars out here. - We're hundreds of miles from anything. - No, the road's just a couple of miles from here. (dramatic music) (coughs) - Morning. (door opens) (tense music) (woman crying) (dramatic music) - [Doctor] I'm sorry. If you need anything at all, call me. - Are you sure about this? (woman crying) - [Woman] No, please. - Little late now. - It's not gonna be easy. - Oh, don't hurt me, please! Please, I don't wanna die. - When have you ever known me to take the easy way? - [Pilot] Rise and shine, Valentine. - What are you thinking, Jack? You're not ready. - Ain't got much choice. (gun fires) (engine humming) (sorrowful music) (woman crying) (groans) - See? We're outside it. ("Master & a Hound" by Gregory Alan Isakov) Both of us. - You did good, Jack. ♪ Where were you when I was still kind ♪ ♪ Just a water treader waiting ♪ ♪ On the line ♪ ♪ Just a dry gin drinker ♪ ♪ Master and a hound ♪ ♪ Turned a circus swinger, look ♪ ♪ He's coming down ♪ ♪ Down ♪ ♪ Can you shake it up ♪ ♪ Just once for me ♪ ♪ Your little globe ♪ ♪ Just so we can see ♪ ♪ The snow blowing 'round ♪ ♪ Your hands ♪ ♪ And the wingnut turned ♪ ♪ The song that we both know ♪ ♪ Sent us flying 'round ♪ ♪ The carnival ♪ ♪ You can throw all ♪ ♪ Your lucky coins on me ♪ ♪ On me ♪
Channel: Stash Movies
Views: 497,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alaska, wilderness, tundra, snow, drama, survival, woods, off the grid, danger, rural, adventure, isolation, cabin, trauma, ice fishing, heroin, Tubi, Tubi Movies, Free Tubi Movies, Top Movies, Top Free Movies, Top Movies 2024, Movies Free, Full Movies, Free Full Movies, Movies Full Movie, Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Free, Free Movies Full Movie, YouTube Movies Free, Watch Movies, solitude, YouTube Movies, Watch Free Movies, Movies to Watch, HD Movies, 4K Movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 19sec (5779 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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