Blood and Money | FULL MOVIE | Survival Crime Thriller

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[music playing] [gun fires] [groans] Oh. Oh. [breathing heavily] Mm. [groans] MAN (ON RADIO): --joining me now from Bubba's Trading. John Horowitz, Joe Barton is still with us. All right, you tweet as much as I do-- your thoughts on the action so far. [open door chimes] [car door slams] [wind howling] [zips jacket] [whistling] Hey, Cal. It's Jimmy. I hope I'm not calling too late. CAL (ON PHONE): Hey, Jim. No problem. I recall you saying that your boy had a doe tag. CAL (ON PHONE): Yeah, he hasn't got anything yet. Well, uh, listen. I don't have a doe permit, but I shot one today. I thought maybe you could send Benji down. He could tag it and then take him off my hands. CAL (ON PHONE): Sounds real good. We'd definitely use the meat. Remember that place we fished in the spring? That's the little turnout that overlooked the St. John's river. CAL (ON PHONE): I remember. We can be there by 8:00. All right. All right. Well, good. We'll see you tomorrow then. Good night. CAL (ON PHONE): Yep, we'll see you in the morning. [phone beeps off and slams shut] [pill bottle pops open] [sighs] It's good to see you [inaudible] MAN (ON RADIO): Sure, it's two years. The government [inaudible] up the research fund by $2 million in hopes of speeding up work on the cure. Advertisers are often faced with the problem of-- [sniffs] [sighs] [trouble breathing] Ah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Shit! Ah! [coughs] Mm. [retches] [spits up] [groans] [coughs] [panting] Ah. [coughs] [exhales] Oh, heavens. [exhales] MAN (ON RADIO): Objection. Rick Manson's World Motion tour is over. And what a success it was. Manson is being [inaudible] across Canada [inaudible] journey is over. The battle against heart disease must continue. Tom and Harriet Banks are the lucky winners of the-- [door slams] All right, buddy. Good to see you. [air brakes hiss] [truck rumbles off] [door opens] Hey, Jim. How are you doing? Hey, Billy. How you doing? Real good. Real good. You signing out? Yeah. Sorry to keep you waiting there, Jim. You could have just dropped the note in the box. Eh. Jim, do you remember what day you came in? Three or four days ago, I think. What would that be, the 10th or 11th, maybe? OK, here we go. Yeah. Paulie signed you in on the 10th. Yeah, right. Yeah. How's that rig holding up for you? Jesus, Bill. She's got over 100,000 miles on her already. That's good. Whatever happened with that cabin you were looking at out past the Blacks' property? Just didn't work out. Anyway, that's my home now, out there in the [inaudible] Nobody's going to pin you down. That's for sure. You're damn straight. So what are you going to do, head back to [inaudible]?? No. I'm going to spend the night in town. Then I'll come back out here for about a week. I still want to bag my buck this season. Sounds like a plan. Take care, Jim. Oh, Billy, did you guys happen to open up that washed out area of the Pinkham Road yet? Yeah. Yeah, they did a few weeks ago. There's nobody at that checkpoint, though. They just started to-- I don't know-- to renovate the shack or something. So just be careful if you go in that way. There's no way to track you. Will do. Thanks for the info. Have a good one. Take care, Jim. Y'all done there, Mr. Reed? Can I get you some more coffee? Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you. Did you read about the robbery at the casino yesterday? Those people that got shot? So sad. I did. It seems to be the way the world is now, doesn't it? You could say that again. Mm. So how long are you up here this time? I think another week. I just want to get out there and bag my buck. A friend of my husband's got one the other day. Ah. They're around. Sure is cold enough. Yeah, let's hope it stays that way. Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Yeah. OK, thank you. See you next time. All right. [coughs] MAN (ON TV): And a save again by McGovern. Three seconds to go. And on the final night of the regular season, the Maine Blacks have just played their best game of 2018, '19. They win, 6- nothing. WOMAN (ON RADIO): A government spokesman has stated that there is not much truth in the rumor that the Pentagon wastefully dumped military equipment and supplies costing millions, perhaps billions, of taxpayer dollars in the years since the Vietnam War started. [traffic noise] [sighs] [sighs ] [sighs] Hi. Hi, Debbie. Listen, I-- I'm sorry that you had to see that yesterday. It was very unprofessional. No, no. It's OK, really. It's all right. Are you all right? Yeah. It's-- it's my daughter's been sick lately. Some husband and wife stuff too, I guess. It's just so strange. Nothing is as I imagined it would be. It never is, for anyone. Yeah. No, maybe you're right. Sometimes I say this is the day that I'm just going to get out of here and actually see myself doing it. Play the whole thing out in my head. And one day ends, and I'm still here. I'm sorry. I can't believe I just said that. It's OK. I get it. More than you'll ever know. You remind me of my daughter. She was just like you. Really? Yeah. Debbie. I should go grab that. OK. [sniffs] GEORGE: It's so hard to describe. I mean, it's like-- it's like my insides are just being eaten away. And well, drinking, that's the only way I can fix it. Part of it comes from my time overseas-- what I saw, things I did when I was serving. And I take it all out on my wife and kids. I love them so much. And every day, I just want to leave and not torture them anymore. I turn to God. I go to church. And I pray. And I ask God to forgive me. But He's nowhere to be found. I can't find Him. [sniffs] [chatter] You said you served? Yes, sir. Two tours in the sand with the army. Infantry, 3rd ID. Nam, me, Marines. The 2-1. Jim Reed. George [inaudible] Those were some powerful words you said up there earlier. Been there. Same exact place. It's fucking rough, man. My little girl has been in and out of the hospital. I don't know how to help her. Those fucking doctors, they just talk at you, you know? I got to get my shit together. They ain't going to make it without me. You married? I was. Kids? Yeah. Any chance you could fix it? No, my daughter's gone. And my son and I haven't talked with each other in a year. I'm not quite there yet. Any advice? If I had any good advice, I probably wouldn't be here. [chuckles] Yeah, right. Huh. Just take it one day at a time, George. That's all any of us can do. Yeah. There's my ride. I gotta get going. OK. Yeah. See ya. Hey, Mr. Reed. Hi, Debbie. DEBBIE: Hey, Jeff, do you want to take Ali, you guys go eat in the car? I'll be right there. Late night? I saw your truck outside Wheeler's last night. I hope I'm not out of line here. I remember you saying you're sober. Yeah, it's been a long time. I didn't slip. Yeah, I know. I could tell. Close, though, right? I've had some experience with it. You know, there's some really good meetings around town. Yeah, yeah. I know. Yeah. All right. Well, I should-- I should get going. Probably murdering each other in the back of the car. Have a good one. You too. Debbie? Thank you. [coughs] MAN (ON RADIO): I mean, is that-- is that a sound theory right now? MAN (ON RADIO): I think it's a very sound theory. I would be very surprised if we go back [inaudible] Charles. But [inaudible] that number that he had on the S&P, that 2,800, 2,820 number, and your 2,600 number on the Dow. Those-- [metal squeaks] [fire crackling] [snow crunching] [gun fires] [echoing] God damn it! [coughs] [gun fires] [gun clicks] Oh, my god. Oh, Jesus. Oh, no. No, no. Oh, my god. Oh, shit! What on earth are you doing out here? Jesus. Don't talk. Stop! [inaudible] talking to that man. What? What the fuck does that mean? No. No. Oh. Oh, Jesus! Oh. [rapid breaths] Jesus Christ. No. MAN (ON RADIO): [inaudible] killing at least 49 soldiers and [inaudible] civilians. [inaudible] A 49-year-old unidentified man [inaudible] are dead with three children. Four others suffered serious injuries. [coughs] [metal clangs shut] Good evening. Wha-- oh. Evening. Uh, ah, I, uh-- I'm sorry, I-- I didn't-- I didn't see you. I thought maybe you were sleeping. I put my details in the box. I forgot a couple of things. I got to go back into town. No fucking bother at all. How about a cup of coffee? Coffee? Oh, no. Uh, no, thank you. I-- I really am in a bit of a hurry. This late at night? Get the fuck out of here. Come on. I insist. Yeah, OK. What the fuck? Why not? Huh? You want a splash? Oh, no, I'm-- I'm good. Ah, ah? Suit yourself. [bottle thuds in drawer] Ah. You know, I love the night shift out here. No bullshit. Used to have a dog that would come out here with me. Mm. [sips] Then my wife (MOCKINGLY) wants to keep him at home with her. Yeah. [inaudible] [laughs] Anytime. She's the boss, I guess. Guess that leaves me shit out of luck. You know what I'm saying? I can turn up the heat if you're cold. No, no. I'm good. Thanks. [clears throat] What? Is that blood on your jacket? Looks pretty fresh. Didn't get to see what you had on your truck when you pulled in. You, uh, shoot something out there? No. I didn't shoot anything. You sure about that? Because you got to report anything you shoot out there. No. No, I know that. It's just-- I'm sick, OK? I'm sick. I cough up blood every once in a while. I had a wicked episode today. It was fucking brutal. Is that the cancer or something? I-- you know, you just reminded me. I need to go out and take my pills. Thanks for the coffee. WOMAN (ON RADIO): [inaudible] had to be turned away [inaudible] [coughs] [woman continues on radio] [engine accelerates] [service bell chimes] $60 on pump 4. Is that it? A pack of Bilsons. All right, $67.75. Shit. I'm out of quarters. Give me a sec. Uh-- [sighs] [service bell chimes] Sir-- Sir. Is that your RV outside? The custom job-- never seen anything like that. Yeah. Made down in the Carolinas. How's the gas mileage? Oh, she's pretty so-so. Pig drinks a lot of diesel. [inaudible] drivers smashes it, huh? There you go. Thank you. Have a good night. [engine starts and chimes ring] Two shots of whiskey. You're going to actually drink them this time? Just pour the fucking shots, OK? [music in background] Again. Do you believe that shit? MAN (ON TV): Recapping our top story, a massive manhunt continues tonight as authorities search for five suspects in a violent armed robbery at the Franklin Casino two days ago. The robbery led to a shootout between casino security and the suspects, leaving three security guards dead and 12 civilians injured. Earlier today, authorities released surveillance camera images of two of the five suspects, hoping for the public's help in identifying them. According to the casino, the crew made off with close to $1.2 million. Police believe the suspects may be headed north for the border. The five are considered armed and extremely dangerous. If you spot them, call the state police immediately. In other news, a water main break near During Avenue caused major flooding earlier today. [engine racing] Oh, fuck! MAN (ON RADIO): [inaudible] [unzips bag] Ah. Ah. Oh. Oh, shit. Jesus Christ. [panting] George? What in the fuck are you doing out here? Huntin'. Huntin'? What the fuck else would I be doing out here? Are you OK? MAN: Yeah. Yeah, so where's the money? MAN: I think it's right fucking here, OK? Where's the fucking money? It was right here. What the fuck is going out here? Get the fuck out of here now. What? Run. [gunfire] [panting] [grunts] [groans] MAN: Give us the money! You do, and you both can walk away! You don't want me to hurt your friend again. Your friend. What's his fucking name? GEORGE: Ji-- Jim. Jim. But he's not my fuckin' friend. Jim what? I don't know. I just met him! What's it going to be, Jim? GEORGE: Give them the fucking money! I have a wife and kid! MAN: What's it going to be, Jim? Give them the money, Jim! Last fucking chance! GEORGE: Give them the money! [gunshot] MAN: Find him. Skip, hold up. There's fucking tracks everywhere. Yeah, same over here. All right. Come on with me. [shoes clomping on ice] [grunts] [bag thuds] [wind howls] MAN: [inaudible] Oh, you son of a bitch, you bastards! You runt mother fuckers! [gunshot] MAN: Fuck you! [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [lighter clicks] Oh. Oh. [hears noise outside] [coughs] [zips bag] [snow crunches] Fuck. [gunfire] MAN: I have your gun! Just come out and give us the money back. We won't hurt you. Jim Reed! We know everything about you. Don't make us find your son, Steve, and his family. [gunfire] MAN: Frank, where are you? Do you see him? [panting] Oh, shit. Fuck! [flowing water] Ah! God damn it! [shivering and panting] [groaning] Mm! [stirs] [sniffs] [exhales] Come on. Oh, fuck! Shit. [coughs] [indistinct talking] Maybe we should just go, Skip and Frank. Yeah, is that what you think, huh? Take a good look around. This is what you're thinking got us, you and that dead bitch! She told us it was the perfect place to hide the cash before we went-- And you're a genius! If you weren't my son, I'd fucking kill you right now! I'm done waiting. [slams hood] Stay here! And try not to fuck that up! [car door creaks] [car door chime] [splashing] May I at least put my dick away? [gunfire] Don't do this. I wasn't going to do anything to you, I promise. That's why I'm here and not out there. Doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter? Because I don't give a shit. You know it's my girlfriend you killed. So? So if you want to call it even, can we just do that? Can you just let me go? We'll call it even. [gunshot] [gun clicks] [car still chiming] [glass breaking] [music playing] Hey! [gunshots] Are you kidding me? I can fucking see you behind that icicle. You put me through all this shit for this? This is all the stuff you got for me? Move real slow, man. Throw the gun out. I don't have a gun. All right, then show me both your hands. Good. All right, come on. Let's go. Yeah, yeah. All right. There you go. Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. Ha ha! Really? Are you fucking serious? You're a joke. Oh, this is pathetic. Lose the fucking knife. All right, enough games. Where is it? Where is what? I was out here hunting. Yeah, you and me both. I saw you running with the bag, you asshole. Now where the fuck is it? And that's the last time I'm going to ask you. All right, I'll take you to it. Then you get up and you take me to it. Hurry the fuck up. I'm moving as fast as I can. You better not be fucking with me. If you are, I'll kill your son and his whole damn family. You know that, right? I'd kill your daughter too, but looks like you took care of that one. Yeah, I went through all your shit. Oh, she's beautiful. Too fucking bad about that one. Must suck living with the fact that your kid died because of you. Lot of fucking guilt there. Bet you wish you could have saved her, been the fucking hero. How much longer? How much fucking longer? We're almost there. [coughing] That was your kid in the Chevy. How the fuck do you know that? You know, you're right. I did kill my daughter. I did. Seems I have a tendency for killing kids. What the fuck does that mean? I shot him. Who? Your son. He was taking a piss, and I shot him in the face. Are you fucking with me? No. He's dead. You motherfucker! You are a dead man. Go ahead. Fucking kill me. How you gonna find the money? Fuck! No, get the fuck off me. Ow. What the fuck did you do? Oh, what the-- fucking-- my fucking leg! Can't move my arm. Hey, you can't leave me here. Fuck, I'll split it with you. I'm gonna freeze to death. Fuck you! No, he talked about leaving for a long time. Well, I just never thought he'd do it. No, no. I'm doing OK. Yeah. I'm getting used to it. I just feel so bad for the kids. No, you're right. No, I need to move on. Oh, hey, I gotta get back in there. Yeah. No, I'll call you after my shift. Yeah, 8:00. OK. No, I'll talk to you then. Thanks. Hey. Hey. You OK? Yeah. I'm good. Oh, some guy left this for you. [music playing]
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 793,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thriller, Drama, Crime
Id: lUsbhHisRj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 37sec (5377 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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