Traffickers | Action Thriller | Full Movie | Black Cinema

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(Ominous music) (Ominous music) (Stamp clicks) (Soft music) (Sirens wailing) (Man coughing) (Birds chirping) - [Reporter] Tiffany, do you still consider yourself a patriot? - Tiffany, do you feel you let your country down? - Tiffany, what does your father say? - [Reporters] Tiffany, why did you attack your lieutenant? (Door closes) (Man coughing) (Man coughing) (Man coughing) - I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. - Thank you. Thank you so much. That's everything. Be safe on the road. If you need anything just let me know, okay? (Engine starts) (Soft music) (People chattering) (Upbeat music) (Dramatic music) (Tiffany grunting) - Dummy! Gotta put it over her nose! The nose! The nose! (Dramatic music) (Man grunting) (Man grunting) (Woman screaming) (Dramatic music) (Tiffany grunting) (Man grunting) - [Man] Is all this your real hair? - Yes. - It's nice. - Thanks. And thank you for showing me around and helping me find the best places to find representation. Appreciate that. - Of course, honestly, you should've hit me up a lot sooner. Rell said you been down here, what? Like three or four months now. - Yeah, but I needed time to adjust. - So let me ask you, what do, what do you do for fun? - Write. - Of course. But not work related. - I told you. I haven't really done much. The most I dos go running down the street at this trail for my apartment. Well, close to it. There's nothing close in this state. - Right. It's not like Philly with the corner stores. You definitely need a car down here. - Yeah. - Um, so what, what's the name of trail? - La Chan park. It's like an hour away from here. - So who do you go running with? - Myself. - Please, don't go run there by yourself. (Dramatic music) - [Tiffany] Thanks. (Dramatic music) (Radio chatter) (Camera clicking) - [Officer] Get back now! (Camera clicking) (Camera clicking) - Officer Dale. You'd think people would have more respect for the dead. - What'd she see? - Not much? She saw someone in a purple jacket walking away, but- - walking? Not running? - That's what she said. She also doesn't know if it was a male or female, the person's height or build. - Hmm. - Yeah, I know. I gave her my card. I'll let you know if she remembers something useful. - All right. - [Man] Do me a favor, please. Please, help me out. - Anything that hints to COD? - No hint needed. He has two stab wounds, but it was the cut to the artery that was fatal, hit an artery and he bled out in under two minutes. - Welsh. - Captain. I told you I'd make it. - Hmm. I was in the area. How was the case? - It's still going. I did my part. - And Pierce? - Oh. He's still waiting to testify. That's why I came ahead. I'll just fill him in when I get back to the station. - I'm sure you will. You'll be okay, Welsh. - Is that for me? - It is. It looks like you're looking for a woman. - Of course. (Chuckles) Lover's quarrel turned deadly. Ain't the first time we seen it. This was a big risk. - Not really. It's the woods. - Yeah, but too many people frequent this trail. And there's really no way of knowing if it would be secluded or not. - Unless you're familiar with the trail. You'll know the busiest hours, he could have gone in, cut the artery and that's it, kept walking like nothing happened. - He, as if a woman is incapable of committing such an act. - Don't let this case cloud your judgment. - You just handed me a pair of female gloves, cap. - I said, don't let this Tina Howard case cloud your judgment. - Yes, ma'am. What's that? - [Captain] Can you come take a picture of this? (Camera clicking) - Well, let's hope we can get some fingerprints off this thing. (Bag rustling) - Did your witness see anyone? - Nothing that helps. - There's cameras in the bathroom, I mean, they don't cover much, but hey, maybe you'll get lucky. - Yeah. Maybe. (Air whooshing) - This is my half mile Mark. I do 30 dips. - How many, how many miles do you do? - One time around is a mile. I try to do three or four depending on my mood. - You stop here. You stop here every mile, half mile? - Yeah. Around this time, the park is always clear so I know no one will be here when I stop. - You are so beautiful. (Panting) - You ready? - Yeah. (Tiffany panting) (Soft music) Shit. - Or witnesses. However, police were able to confirm the incident is being ruled a homicide. They have yet to comment on motive or suspect, but as always, we will keep you posted with details as we get them. (Door creaking) - Hi, I'm detective Pierce. And this is detective Welsh. Mind if we ask you a few questions? - Sure. - Do you wanna know what the questions are about? - Sure. - Do you mind if we come in? (Dramatic music) - [Tiffany] Sure. - Do you live here alone? - Yes, ma'am. - That's your purple jacket? - Yes, ma'am. You said you had some questions for me? - Uh, yeah. About a murder at a park up the street from here. You don't seem surprised. (Suspenseful music) - I'm not surprised. I watched the story on the news. I'm waiting for your question. - Right. Um. Were you at the park yesterday? - Yes, sir. But since you're at my house, I'm sure you already knew that. I assume you came to ask me questions you don't know the answers to. - Did you see anyone at the park yesterday? - Yes, sir. There was a woman there. I see her quite regularly. Older woman, maybe early 60s. And there was a male there. I don't recall ever seeing him before. 5'11". 180 pounds. Mid 40s. Had a black jacket on. Light denim jeans. A black trucker hat with the second amendment on it. And he had a cane. - Right. And did he stand out to you for any particular reason or do you just make a habit of categorizing everyone? - I run alone, sir. I make a habit of keeping my eye on my surroundings. - Do you mind if I show you a picture of the victim? - The victim? - Yes. To see if maybe you saw him in the park. - When you go on your runs, do you carry a weapon? - Do you recognize him? No? - I can't be sure. He looks so dead. - Sorry. First time seeing a dead body? - No, sir. I was stationed in Kuwait so I seen a dead body or two. And not like that. - What, uh, branch you serve in? - Marines. - Hey. Oorah. - This is a nice scarf. (Suspenseful music) Did it come with gloves? (Phone buzzing) (Phone beeps) - Hello? Yes. Um. I live right around the corner. Can I still come? Thank you. (Phone beeps) - I hope I was helpful, but I have a service appointment for my car so. - Oh. Oh. Well, you didn't answer my question. Did the scarf come with gloves? - It could come with gloves, but I only have the scarf and unfortunately I can't remember where I got it from. So if you'd like a pair, I can't help you. - That's unfortunate. Thank you for your help. - If you remember anything. - I'm curious to know how you found me. - The bathroom building had cameras. We just ran your plate. - Did it show them? I mean, him coming into the park with anyone. - Why do you ask? - I just thought maybe if it did, that person could help you find him so. - Okay. Well thank you for that suggestion. Uh, hey look, if you have some time, why don't you come on down to the station. We have a video and maybe the man you think you saw is on it. If you help us identify him, it would be a great help. - Yes, ma'am. I can. - Thank you for your time. "Do the right thing or everything will go wrong." Who wrote that? - It's just something my dad used to say. - Wise man. Look forward to seeing you at the station. - Hey. Why you tell her to come down, look at that grainy ass footage? We could barely make out the plates. - The woman at the park said she didn't even know if it was a man or a woman, but whoever it was was wearing a purple jacket. - Yeah, but we couldn't make out the color of the footage. We don't even know if she was wearing it yesterday. - But I bet she did. And I bet that whoever's fingerprints are on that knife are hers. I want her at the station when we find out. - What do you know about Chris? I mean, what do you know about him? He tried to rape me. - Wait, hold on. What? - Him and this guy yesterday at the park. - [Rell] Tried to, or did you have your piece- - no, I was jogging. - Don't say no more. Listen. - I... no, no, fuck that. Say no more. You know what? I'm on my way. - No, don't. - Now I'm on the next flight outta Philly. Fuck that. - I gotta go. - Tiff, I'll see you soon. I'm on my way. - Okay. - I'm finished? - Yeah. You ain't need no spark plugs changed. I did your filter an oil, but you do got a leak in your head gasket. Now, I can order the part, it'll be here tomorrow. It'll take a couple of days to fix just 'cause of where it's located at. - How long is a couple of days? I need a car. - Uh. Oh, I got a loaner car. And it'll take what? Two, maybe three days. That's all. - Oh. Okay. Thanks. - Yeah. So you want to do it? - Yeah. - Ah, soon as you cash out, I'll order the part. - Okay. - Oh, this is bad. - Come on. (Mouth smacking) - Oh, this is bad. It's like having the lens cap on while recording. (Laughing) You shouldn't do that. You can have some if you'd like. - No solid print on the knife. I got a few partials in the system, but I doubt we'll get anything. The gloves. - The gloves. - I love when y'all do that. - That's what I was thinking. I mean, with that material, even if it was unintentional, it'd still wipe off the print. - Why do you keep saying that? She intentionally did this. - You don't know that. - I know she's hiding something. - And this guy is who? Her sugar daddy accomplice? Come on, Welsh. - I don't know what they are to each other, but with the description she gave us she wants us to find him. Now, I don't know if they're in it together or if he's just a witness. I mean, I don't know. - Well, maybe she's the witness. - She's hiding something, Pierce. - Yeah. I didn't get that. - That's because you were too busy oorahing with her. Think about it. All her answers to your questions were evasive. She never said she didn't know him. And she told us what he'd look like in the photos. - She said she didn't have the gloves. - She doesn't have the gloves because we have the gloves. - Um, could I? - What!? - I was just gonna say I was done. Uh, this is about as good as it'll get. (Suspenseful music) - Well, there's the cane. - Yeah, but it doesn't seem like he needs it. And why is he covering his eye? - Maybe the Vic cut him with his own knife before this guy killed him? My theory still sounds better than yours. (Phone beeps) (Car rushing by) (Phone buzzing) (Dramatic music) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, little mama. I was just trying to see if you need some help. - Thank you. I'm finished. - Yeah. Yeah. We, we cool little mama. - Back up. - All right. All right. (Engine starting) (Suspenseful music) - Hey, look at this. - Is that the knife? - Yep. And guess who issues this particular knife? You guessed it. Oorah. That means a little marine girlfriend had access. - You can't say oorah if you weren't in the marines. - You're not in the marines. - Yeah, but my dad was so that means I can- - [Welsh] No, it doesn't. - The substance on the rag found on the scene came back. The rag was submerged in chloroform. - Could be her's. - Well, we couldn't pull prints from the rag, but there was a ziploc bag also picked up by the body. It had chloroform residue and the victim's prints were all over it. (Pierce laughing) - I told you she couldn't go... miss. Cooper. - Tiffany That's him. Is this it? Does it show them coming in together or what they drove? - You sound like you're doing a little investigation of your own. - I go to this park a lot. It'll put my mind at ease when I know the bad guys are caught. - The video camera only covers the bathroom. So we didn't see the victim or this guy when they enter, just when they leave. - So they parked somewhere you can't see the plate. - That's if they came together. - Right. - Tiffany, do you still have your knife? - Excuse me? - The weapon used in the murder was a marine issued knife. If you let us see yours, we can clear you as a suspect. - Am I a suspect? - Until we have no reason to suspect you, yes. You still haven't answered my question. - I'm sorry I couldn't help you detective. - That's another question not answered. - Well, you've all but slapped the cuffs on her. I would've walked out too. - She's hiding something. - Yeah and we'll never know what now, because every time you look at her, you don't see Tiffany Cooper. You still see Tina Howard. - Call the lab, have them pull the serial number off the knife. We'll find out what she's hiding soon enough. - Right. And what the hell is wrong with your hands again? You give 'em a call. (Gun cocking) - Do not turn around. - Hey! - I have some questions for you and I'm a little pressed for time so I'm gonna need you to answer them quickly and honestly. Earlier today there were two men in here. They drove a white high top cargo Van with no windows on the side. Who are they and where do I find them? - Hey, I don't know what you talking about. - Think harder! One of them was fat and had a patch over his eye. Who are they and where do I fund them? (Dramatic music) Hey look. If this is about drugs, I don't get into that stuff. I can't help you. - Who are they? - Listen, I'm tryna- (man grunting) - Oh, shit! Shit! Ah! (Groaning) Hey! - I'm sorry but I really need to find them. - You're the girl from earlier. Tiffany. - So will you help me? Larry. Larry!? - Yeah. And I could think better if you ain't hit me with a gun. - Sorry. - And banged my head against the door. - Please. - Look. If it's self defense, why don't you just turn yourself in? - If I do it now, without the guy with the patch, it's gonna look like I'm lying. - Tiffany. I don't know these guys. My brother he's part-time owner, part-time drug dealer. He sells heroin and coke to him. Now these guys, they get into some shit so you shouldn't go there alone. So if I tell you where they be at, you gotta promise me that you gonna go to the police and let them handle it. (Soft music) (Insects chirping) (Gun clicking) (Suspenseful music) - Let's go. Move it. Move your ass. Let's go. Move. Let's go. Go. Shit! I think she's oding. - [Man] Fuck! We leaving her. Come on. (Metal bangs) - Bro. - Let's go. - [Man] Come on! Let's go! (Engine whirring) (Woman groaning) (Phone beeping) - Yes. I need an ambulance to 9389- - [woman] No! - They're traffickers. - Wait, who? - They're traffickers. - Who are you talking about? - Chris! And the guy with the cane from the park. - [Rell] Tiffany, you have to calm down. - They're driving a high top white cargo Van with no windows. License plate Charlie, tango, Foxtrot, three, four, nine, five, six. - [Rell] Tiffany, wait, how do you even know his name? - Just go to the fresh cuts barbershop on east side. You'll see. I don't think they believe me. How many girls are there? - Why are you driving so fast? You're gonna make me throw up. - I'm sorry. I'm just trying to hurry up and get you to the hospital. - I said no hospital. - You said no cops. - And then you called the cops. - I'm just trying to help. - You wanna help? Pull over and let me out. And gimme money for food. I'm starving. (Woman sniffing) What? - You want something to drink? - You got some strawberry milk? - I got sweet tea. How old are you? - How old you want me to be? 18 or 19 depending on what month it is. (Soft music) I was taken in April, 2018, a few months before my sweet 16. I remember I just finished the sketches of my dress, 'cause I was gonna have a party. They don't let us watch current TV shows or the news or have phones or clocks. And I'm not the type to do things that I don't wanna do. So I spent the first few, however long, beat up, drugged up, unconscious, in a dark room for a really long time. And when I realized that I wasn't getting out, I started a new birthday. I spent three with them. So 18 or 19 depending on what month it is. - It's February 12th. - I made it. The last girl that aged out, they killed her right in front of me. - Aged out? - When you age out, they say they'll let you go. But not the last girl. Um. They offer her a job to stay and help recruit the girls. And she said, no. She packed her stuff and she was ready to leave and I had to use the restroom so the new guy let me use the one in the hallway. And when I opened the door, dresser shot her in the head. I got in so much trouble (sobbing) Just for seeing that. And they put me in a dark room for a really long time. And that's when I knew I had to get out there. (Person knocking) (Dramatic music) - Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. Come here. (Door creaking) Just stay here. (Gun clicking) - How are you? - I can't believe you came. - Oh yeah. Anything for you baby girl. - [Tiffany] I don't think the police believe anything I say. - The police? What did you tell the police? - That these guys are trafficking girls. - Chris. - And this guy named dresser. I don't know if that's his last name or a nickname, but I seen them taking girls from the basement of this barber shop and putting them into a Van. I gave a plate to the detectives, but I doubt if they run it. - Detective? What detective? - Some detectives that showed up here earlier. The detective Pierce, he may believe me, but the lady cop definitely doesn't. - What's the first name of the district? - Um, I don't know. (Tiffany sighing) He gave me this card. Why? What are you gonna do? - I'm gonna go here. Follow up. Make sure he believes. I mean, you wouldn't have killed Chris for nothing. - The way they were looking at me. How do you know I killed Chris? - I know you. I know you're training. I mean, I'm proud of you, baby girl. Your father would be proud of you. (Things falling) Wait, is there somebody here? - Uh. Yeah. I got company. - Company, like company? - [Tiffany] Yeah. Um. - Let me meet him. - Uh. No, not like this. Where are you staying? I can call you in the morning. - I haven't got a hotel yet. I came straight in. Make sure you were safe. But now that I see you got company, I'll just call on you, check on you in the morning. - Okay. (Tiffany sighing) (Tiffany knocking) Imani? (Dramatic music) - Don't blame that one on me. Okay? You're the one who insulted the judge. - I insulted you. You told that judge we had inadmissible evidence. - That was a slip of the tongue. You know I meant the other one! Welsh! We'll have the (sighing) Arrest warrant in the morning. We have the evidence. (Phone ringing) Pierce. (Suspenseful music) Babe? (Phone ringing) - Hey it's Tiffany, can I come by? Okay. - Hey, any movement? - Not yet. Got here last night about 10:50. Lights were on when we got here, but it went off about midnight. It's three exits. We got wilkes on the back and he said he hadn't had anything back there either. And her car's not in his parking structure so I assume it's in the garage. Need a gate card to get in, but she'd have to come out here and she hasn't left the garage yet so. (Suspenseful music) - Any word from Pierce? - Nope. - You all good? - [Officer] Yeah, she hadn't left as far as we know, like I said, she was, uh... - Hey, hey, you need cool out. You're making me nervous. - I am running out of time. They were at my house. - You tell 'em about fresh cuts? Yeah, I ain't think so. Would've heard something if they raided the place. So let me ask you something. You gonna let this go? - No. I went there last night and I know, but I didn't wanna send the cops there if it was nothing. So I checked it out first. It's not what you think. They're trafficking girls. So no, I can't go to jail tonight. Someone has to save them. - Wait, and that someone supposed to be you? Huh? 'Cause sounds like to me just a couple days ago, you was about to be one of 'em. - I don't need your encouragement. I need a location. - And what you think you gonna do? (Tense music) (Tiffany humming) (Ominous music) (Men chanting) (Man laughing) (Woman screaming) - Shut up! I said shut up! Shut up! (Woman screaming) - Hey, hey, hey. - No, no, wait! They just put somebody in there! - Stop it. I know. There's nothing you can do about it. It's nothing that you can do. - Why? You're up next? - No. I want you to be up next. Look who's guarding the tent. - Those are members of our unit. Get off of me! - They're letting it happen. You can't do anything about it. - No, where's the... - Cooper. Please. If you want, when we get back to the states you can report it. It'll be safer for you. If you make a fuss here, you might not make it back. - So we just gonna let this happen? - I have a wife and two kids to get back to. I'll give you some advice I got on my last tour. Stand back and stand by corporal. This is not our country. - More on that tonight at 10:00. This video surfaced months ago and millions were wondering what was behind this woman's rage? Earlier today we have confirmation that the woman in this video is marine corporal Tiffany Cooper. What this video does not show you is that moments before she attacked her commanding officer, she emailed media outlets video footage of members in her platoon engaging in sex acts with trafficked women in the country they were stationed. - Hey, I'm sorry. I was in the middle of something. - [Rell] It's okay. How did you find out about fresh cuts? - Um, this guy I met. And he thinks he may know where the girls are being held too. - Oh really? Okay. I mean, you think you could trust this guy? - The first location panned out and I'm about to go check out the warehouse so we'll see. - [Rell] Well, I mean, if you on your way to the warehouse, listen, send me the address and I just meet you over there. - Okay. I'll text you the address. I think I'm gonna reach out to the cops again. - [Rell] No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't do that, 'cause see, I think detective Pierce actually thinks you guilty and they wanna arrest your ass so honestly I think it's just me and you, baby. - Okay. I'll see you soon. (Phone beeps) - Hey, got something for you. (Upbeat music) - Figure these will suit you. Yeah, my brother ain't the only one with a part-time gig. Oh, yeah. Say you a marine sniper? Now I could tell your ass ain't gonna listen. So, when you go, you run into some trouble, turn that shit into a graveyard. - All right. Well, just call me back if anything else. Hey, have you heard anything from Pierce? - No I haven't. - Walsh! - Hey, cap. Have you heard from Pierce? - Oh, he had a family emergency. - Emergency? He never called me. - What's going on with your poi? - I'm, I was just following up on a lead that you gave me so. - Pierce said you didn't believe her. - Well, I just learned new information and that leads me to believe that maybe she had a reason for what she did. So I'm gonna follow up on it. - Okay. I'll go with you. - No, cap, I got it. - No, I'm coming. - Oh shit! The hell you think is in here? - I don't know, but I wanna be prepared. I counted four cars on the east side of the building and the white Van so that mean a guy dresser is here. - Okay. - The objective here get the girls out safely. Bring him in alive. Anybody else (gun clicks) Is in the way. (Ominous music) (Suspenseful music) - The fuck!? (Suspenseful music) (Tiffany grunting) (Gun firing) (Woman panting) (Gun firing) - No, no, no. Jesus. No. No, no, no. Jesus. No. (Tiffany groaning) No. - Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't you think you've done enough? You the reason she's dead. If you would've just mind your business, tiff, she be free, but instead my people had to grab her outside your apartment building. (Suspenseful music) - Hey, we good, boss? - Oh man. I'm amazing. Hey wait. Oh. Who's over there with the girls? - Q got 'em. - Q got 'em? Get back over there, man. This is why we keep losing inventory now, man. Shit. (Rell laughing) What's this? - Boss. - Oh, wow. (Knife clinking) A knife. Aint that something. You know, I'm very, very surprised to see. - Oh. (Groaning) (Tiffany groaning) Oh. Mother fucker. - You good, boss? - Fuck no. Get her ass up, man. Tie her up. (Rell laughing) I told Chris not to play with you. Shit. I told him. I told him, I could have given you everything. All you had to do was say yes, but no, you wanted to run off and play GI Jane or some shit. - I was 18. (Men grunting) - Oh, stop. You can be replaced. It's a million of you out here. Put that shit down. Put it down. Tie her ass up. No, no, not the front. Put it in the back. Put it in the back. (Laughing) - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Nah, hold on G. It's all right. Don't worry. You go out for delivery tonight. And I will test the goods tonight. You a quality control. But before all of that, I need to know how you know the scoop on all of my businesses? Hmm? - Why? Why? - Well, first of all, you ain't gonna believe this. All right. When you went on an interview last week, the CEO who was also my business partner, he sent me a screenshot. He said, "I want a woman that looks just like her." And I laugh. I said, "we could do better than this. I can get you the real thing," but you have no idea how much money this man is paying for you. And that's when I told Chris and dresser, you know what? Go get dresser ass. Go get dresser's fat ass and bring them out here, man. Hurry up. Now, see that's when I told Chris and dresser to kidnap you outside of your home. But don't you know, they didn't even tell me that they fucked up and exposed my whole business. I had to find this out. I had to find this out through you. That one of my own workers fucked up and exposed my whole business! Huh? - Come on, man. - Man. Shut your ass up, man. (Dresser coughing) Man, she knocked out D man, somebody go help him up. Shit. But you know what? I must say. - Don't worry. He's still knocked out. - Oh shit. - Drop your weapons now! - Ha. It's a party. - [Welsh] Put your weapons down! Get down! - Put 'em down, fellas. Put 'em down. - Down! Down! - Put em down. Put 'em down. Go ahead. - All right. All right. - Get down! - Down! Down! - I'm just gonna sit back and watch everybody trespassing on my property. That's what I'ma do. - Oh, don't worry. We'll get to know you soon enough at the police station. Tiffany turn around. - And you must be detective Welsh. - Do I know you? - No, but I know your scummy ol' captain very well. - [Captain] Is the money in my account? (Gun clinking) - Oh, is it in account? Yes, it is. - [Welsh] Are you serious? All this over money? - You know what they say, money is the root of all evil. (Gun fires) (Dramatic music) (Guns firing) - I'll cover you! (Gun fires) (Guns firing) - I think the girls are somewhere through that door. That's at least three armed men with assault rifles. There could be more. - Assault rifles? (Gun firing) I'm on my last clip. (Tiffany panting) (Guns firing) (Suspenseful music) (Gun firing) - I'm out. - The two by the door just went to the front. - I can draw 'em out. - No! Tiffany. You're unarmed and you're not in the military anymore. You're just a civilian. Stand down. - [Man] Tiffany. Tiff! - Wait. - Tiffany. - [Tiffany] I think I know that- - whoa! You listened. - [Tiffany] Please tell me you got a friend. - Oh, I got you, shorty. (Guns firing) Oh shit! - Whoa, whoa. You don't have a permit for that. - I'm sure you be dead if we weren't here. - We? There's more. - Hell yeah. (Guns firing) There's three other guys with Ak's in the back. I don't know what they're waiting for, but it don't look like they gonna wait too much longer. (Guns firing) - He's moving! (Guns firing) (Dramatic music) - Where Tiffany? - I have a plan. (Guns firing) (Gun firing) - You hear that? Those my guys right there. All right? That means the guys that were over there are now making their way over here. - That means the girls are either gone or loaded up. (Siren wailing) Wait, stop! Don't you hear those sirens? That means backup is coming. - Like you said, we not legal. And I don't plan on my guys down by your guns or theirs. - Stop! You are not gonna die by our guns today. Look. Take this. Make sure backup knows who's are friendly. If you see a way to get out of here without running into them, take it. Drop the badge. I'll find it later. I'm gonna go find Tiffany. (Tiffany grunting) (Suspenseful music) (Tiffany grunting) (Tell groaning) (Dramatic music) - Look at your ass. You fucked all this up. Now look at you. Look at you now! (Tiffany screaming) Told your ass, there's a million of you. (Rell groaning) Fucker. (Tiffany grunting) (Rell groaning) (Tiffany grunting and panting) (Rell groaning) (Rell groaning) - Rell. (Panting) I'm gonna kill you. I wish you could really stay around and watch me take down this business you love so much, but some people don't deserve jail. (Welsh panting) - Pierce! Pierce! Pierce! Oh my god. Oh my god. Pierce come on. Come on. Come on, come on. (Gun firing) - Ah! Shit! - There's a special place in hell for people like you. - Hold on. Wait. Hold on. (Screaming) Wait a minute. Ah shit! - And I'm gonna see to it that you and your business partner get there as as possible. - Tiffany! No! (Dramatic music) - [Larry] And what you think you gonna do? - [Welsh] And you're not in the military anymore. - [Marine] Stand back and stand by corporal. It's not our country. - [Welsh] You're just a civilian. Stand down. - [Rell] There's a million of you out here. - Rell, you were wrong. There's only one of me. (Rell groaning) (Gun fires) (Dresser grunting) - Hey, stop! Before I shoot your ass. (Sires wailing) (Dresser groaning) - Come on, man! Cops coming! Come on! - Hands up! - Get down on the ground! - Show me your hands! - Get down on the ground right now! - Lay down! Lay down! Lay down! Get down! (Dresser groaning) - Man, take it east! - Get down! - Take a right. - Take it easy, man. (Soft music) (Welsh sighing) - Listen, I know you think you're doing the right thing, but you're not. You killed him. He was down, he wasn't a threat, but you killed him anyway. And soon you're not gonna know the difference between the guilty and the innocent. One time a woman came to my office for answers about her, about her daughter's case. Answers I didn't even have. A man killed her daughter and got off. So what could I do? I went to my captain's office just to get the shrinks info for her. Came back and the case file was open. I knew right then and there that she had the address and I knew exactly what she was gonna do. Well, I thought I did that. That man killed her daughter, left her alone to die and got off because he knew people in high places. So I figured, hey, if the courts won't serve justice, I bet she will. I never thought that she would kill his son. Now because of me, an innocent life is taken. Do the right thing. Or everything will go wrong. - Detective Welsh. Here to arrest me again? - Even if the charges are dismissed, the arrest record still exists. I had a friend expungement. This way, you can finally get that fresh start that you came down here for. - Thanks. And thank you for testifying. No doubt that helped a lot. - Well, you saved a lot of lives, miss Cooper. - How did you know I'd be here? - A hunch. - So did you look into the CEO of global tech? - You know, we can't just go off hearsay. - Thanks. - Don't. Don't do this. - Drink coffee? You know, I used to think doing the right thing. Meant following the law, falling in line. Turns out laws only protect certain people. I was told to stand down in Kuwait, that it wasn't my country, but this country is mine and it seems to stand down whenever women's lives, especially black women's lives, are at stake. So I won't. - Tiffany, I read your record. Now you may be dishonorable to America for going against its habit of hiding secrets, but you are a hero in my eyes. Let us gather the evidence. And if there's something there, we'll get him. - That animal is snatching girls off the street and stealing their lives from them. Him and others like him don't deserve to walk this earth. - I can't let you do this. - You can't let me do anything. (Dramatic music) Stand down, detective Welsh. You're just law enforcement.
Channel: Stash - Black Stories
Views: 829,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: human trafficking, Action, Thriller, Tubi, Tubi movies, Tubi full movies, Tubi top movies, Tubi black movies, BET, BET movies, BET full movies, BET top movies, BET black movies, Black cinema, Black cinema movies, Black cinema full movies, Black, military, cops, Trust, Chase & Escape, Survival, Suspense, Psychological Thrillers, Revenge, Georgia, Violence, shady, Vigilante, outlaw, criminal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 44sec (4424 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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