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good evening and welcome to tonight's show we are delighted to have with us here a very talented musician and singer you're probably familiar with his work with the Flying Burrito brothers and the birds he has just returned to our Shores having played with none other than the Rolling Stones ladies and gentlemen Gram Parsons the new he took friends out drinking and it's lucky Sur they told them there was a TA there alone the way and he felt so bad when he saw the traces of old lies still on their faces so [Music] why do some supposed to be a FAL it's been a bad bad day [Music] [Music] no what he's dead he's dead hold on tell me who's dead Parsons grandp Parsons we met in a bar and we are are you sure he's dead yeah he's really dead he's just listen call an ambulance and then get out of there where are you Joshua trian roomate and another light burns out in the desert Graham Parsons the standard bearer of the new country music movement is dead following an overdose of drugs while many of America's young people are today in warning their parents will view this as another example of how today's drug culture can so easily claim a life he was so beautiful and he understood what my heart was feeling I'll never laugh again my inner Joy has gone he sang country music in a way that it had never been sung before it was country rock although Graham hated that term and I think it's fair to say that when Graham died he died a star we'll leave you with a young man's own words Graham Parsons wrote a song called in my hour of Darkness which contains these words and you are I'm his Road manager oh I see his Road manager yeah so you're not his physician or a close relative no Mr Parsons is awaiting a postmortem he will then be delivered to his family I suggest you speak to them if you want to pick through his personal effects sir you listen here you listen here Mr Parsons is dead and no longer appears to need a road manager which makes two of us hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hello buddy how you [Music] been good morning doctor good morning what are you doing just taking some stiff down in neurology we don't have a neurology department neurology who who hold your horses let me get my paperwork I have the paperwork you have your paperwork I need to get my paperwork grah Parsons was the best friend I ever had and the greatest musician I ever saw we loved it out here in Joshua Tree we made a pack that whoever died first the other would come out here and set his Spirit free gram gave his word and I gave mine we k Mountain on the the world Ching up the hill and we were women and men now there's so much that time time and memory Fade Away we got our own Ro to Chances we got to take reached side by side each one faten for the other and we sit until we died we always be Blood [Music] Brothers God damn I'm so sorry baby yeah and out of a job again never would have happened if you'd been there how do you know why I wasn't well if you were there you wouldn't have let him die I was still on staff he was still my responsibility so where you been anyway how long this time two weeks yeah let's have this conversation again like you hav't just in six weeks on the road yeah but I usually leave a note and there's a payche check invol hey lady Barbara long time no see don't try Ando me cman you repellent slime ball huh is that the latest victim me Barbara wow it's a lot tidier than I remember who the hell is she Graham's ex-girlfriend girlfriend I thought he was married welcome to the 70s sweetheart what do you want Barbara I'm here to fulfill grandma wishes that's nice have no idea what you're talking about do you know what this is no it's Graham's will to whom it may concern I would like it to be known that it is my wish to leave Barbara Mansfield my assets and belongings in the event of my death signed Graham Parsons that absolutely settles it I mean that's the single most impressive legal document since the Magna Carta still the jester Kaufman and still very unfunny it's not a will and you know it oh no it's better than a will darling it's a signed promise from Graham to leave me all of his things anyway it's not of your business okay I'm here for the guitar oh okay thank you there you go look I don't have the guitar Gretchen his wife took it about 6 months ago fine and I want the Masters get them myself thank you hey maybe you want check the cookie jar too why'd you let her in it's all part of the grieving process do me your favor sweetheart will you go grab the guitar where are you going I have to make a call afternoon Joshua Tree obseques ABS it's Latin means burial gr Parsons was shipped into you yesterday is he still with you yes he was here it was a real thrill for us here we're such a small facility we nearly had Jane Mansfield back in ' 67 when she passed through but she was diverted to Frisco oh we'd done him up real nice too but he's been moved on where too New Orleans although he just left so he's still on the road to Los Angeles Airport hello hello Phil Phil what you doing these things aren't that big okay is that a problem no not really so what are you up to it's best you don't know all right keys I don't know what this craziness is but I'm not getting involved that's the point I don't know what it is you're planning but I'm not bailing you out this time right I'm leaving again this time I'm not coming back I simply can't give you any money based on this piece of paper well this isn't a piece of paper this is a promise from Graham to give me all of his money Miss Mansfield Mr Parsons is a valued customer of ours was was we can't just um pass his money across to someone who says they're in his will we have rules you don't seem to understand these are his wishes Miss Mansfield I truly understand thank you you're welcome well then will you please just tell me how I'm supposed to get my money well I imagine you first need to prove that Mr Parsons is actually dead as we have no record here are you saying that I'm lying no no no absolutely not but getting a copy of his death certificate would probably be a good first step [Music] all hey man I'm looking for Larry ostberg you osterberg welcome to my home nice place what the hell's that noise mono marari on the sitar by nikil boner okay there's no smoking in here I'm afraid all right who are you please I'm Phil Kaufman how may I help you Phil coffin I'd like to hire your car why well I'm picking someone at the airport don't you know anyone with a car yes I know someone with a car but I'm told yours is more suitable H why is mine more suitable it's a hearse yeah how is our hearse going to be more suitable for picking someone up from the airport it's a joke a joke yeah prank surprise oh okay is it $200 worth of surprise no no it's more of a $50 surprise I can lend you a bicycle besides the car is booked booked how I use it to carry equipment for a band look here's 200 bucks to unbook it let them carry their own trombones you don't got to count it you can trust me let's see never met you in my life you shout at me through my window you want to hire my hearse as a joke and you're $20 short why should I trust you the last 20 is for gas and besides I'm the one who's operating on trust I haven't even seen the car yet it's a hearse what else do you need to [Applause] [Music] know neise Bernice is a Cadillac Superior Royale Tiara limousine Funeral Coach we got a 429 V8 engine offering 340 BHP 4,600 Revolution per minute you're looking at a 21 ft Beauty with a 156 in wheelbase containing a four barrel Rochester Quadro jet carburetor with turbo hydromatic transmission Bice weighs over 6,000 lbs it's yellow yeah it's yellow Bice comes in yellow it's supposed to be black but they're all black that might be my point so how is a yellow covered with flour is going to be less of a surprise than a black hearse because I paid you $200 for a black hearse now you PID me $180 for a hearse and a hearse is what you got take a long hard look at Bice you'll see she's one of a kind she's big she's fast she's beautiful comfortable but she's not black all right give me the keys why cuz I got to go oh know she didn't go anywhere without me [Music] [Applause] I'm stuck on LA freeway got rain water in my boot done can't feel my to I'm feeling [Music] Little [Music] Wheel in the Cadillac they say't you hop I went [Music] fly a [ __ ] what's the matter nothing well what flight are they on we'll wait here okay well what what time's your flight going in soon okay how soon why do you ask so many damn questions I don't know shouldn't we be at arrivals would you please shut up asking me stuff okay okay okay so how long are we going to wait morning morning what do you mean morning we'll make the pickup in the [Laughter] morning you wait till morning I'm going home I'm only back because I don't trust you with Bernice if you I don't I don't even know you and if you think I'm just going to walk away and leave you with the car you got another thought on the way [Music] Parsons you've just arrived from New Orleans Mr Parson yes and you're flying directly back to New Orleans on the same plane that's correct well I hope you enjoyed your stay at Los Angeles airport Mr Parson thank you I'm here to pick up my son's body he died out here you see and I'm here to take him home I'm hoping that's enough information for you I'm so sorry we'll see to it that you get every assistance you need on your journey sir most kind can I help you yeah I'm here to pick up a coffin um name minor the stiffs the deceased Parsons what was his name again Parsons p a r s o NS Parsons yes and he's a uh musician was he was a [Music] musician papers oh yeah they'll be right along um this being a rush job they said you'd understand yeah well you better tell them that we got rules and this would be the exception that proves that particular rule well I'm afraid we can't issue a certificate until we have official notification of death well he's dead at this current time the Greater Los Angeles registar of births marriages and deaths does not regard the local newspaper as an official recorder of record and here's your deceased much obliged good luck with her yep that's a sheep and yours is supposed to be male yeah um Gone Gone what do you mean gone must have got the wrong box box is being loaded how do I get it back you're a damn Thief well that's very [Music] hurtful Barney you receiving what the hell excuse me why I got to get off the plane I I just got settled in excuse me is that your hearse herse are you okay boy okay sure sure what you doing here boy huh [ __ ] can we speed things up a little what hry just want to get out to Joshua Tree where it's still light Joshua Tree thought you said New Orleans what when you came in you said you were driving the casket out to new or Orleans but just now you said you were heading out to Joshua Tree so Joshua Tree yeah Joshua Tree City Louisiana never heard of that I it's small it's just a another local community struggling to get by I don't like to look of you wherever there's a hippie there's a crime even if that crime hasn't happened yet it's what I always say and here we are should have told me it was a Berkeley hey I need you to ass sign for it again and three more so what you doing here we're uh meeting someone off a flight you're meeting someone off of a flight yes in a hearse yes it's a surprise which part's the surprise uh the fact that you're in a bright yellow hearse the fact that you look like something out of a horror film or the fact that you're a half a mile away from the terminal and they're going to have to walk across two runways to reach you the first part the first part okay did you go ahead and tell me what the hell's going on well I don't care if it is first thing in the morning but I need a drink never sign for many darn Bits of Paper the hell with Vietnam it's paperwork which is slowing this great country down we're drowning in triplica morning officer morning I was just saying how people with work to do people like yourself officer are engulfed by paper grab the in will you doesn't that just drive you crazy yeah I guess it does one casket six sheets of paper to sign six that can't be right does that sound right to you no sure don't last thing I want to do is hold you up further with my chatter you have a good day now officer thanks for your help come on let's go let's go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa just a moment boys your Sidekick here just got finished telling me about you picking someone up from the terminal a surprise he said and here you are loading a coffin into your vehicle you see the gentleman we're meeting at the airport doesn't yet know about the the sad passing of his aunt and you're going to meet him off of his flight with her coffin yeah we're doing it this way for the avoidance of all doubt that's a real nice touch the the ignition's a bit temperamental right you have to use his screwdriver I see that you have a good day now officer we did it we did it what what what what what you what was all that babbling about I didn't Babble godamn hippies you hit the wall I clipped it I clipped the wall there's a gap 50 yards wide all you got to do is aim for The Gap and you missed the Gap I was distracted we are supposed to be picking someone up and you ared with a coffin I just woke up you on drugs boy hello officer guess they make these herses wider than they need to shut up you want drugs boy uh not not not at this time not at this time well let's see you just missed a gap of 50 yards and you hit a wall in broad daylight why was that well well wait fantastic well done oh yeah now it's all my fault you hit the wall of course it's your fault Jesus here it [Music] comes well well what what are we doing now he said to wait [Music] nice going hippie went straight through the Gap that time you got it Jesus what now get out what are you talking about come on we got to keep moving get out and take your friend with you look I can see you're a bit sensitive about this whole casket thing get out stop saying that I can't get out why not I look man ain't right to throw me out into the street with a coffin stop what the hell you doing I'm driving back to the you can't do that I'm driving back to God damn it come on man I can explain Parsons Parson was he in a Berkeley what's a Berkeley a luxury casket of solid mahogany finished with a split hinged lid eight brass-plated casket handles and an engraved inscription plate empty absolutely completely totally it seems awfully heavy for an empty coffin well they're made of the finest Poplar and that's very heavy wood Poplar no way mahogany or Oak but not Poplar well I'm not going to argue with you over it Poplar is very well suited in making the coffin okay so why is there an empty coffin in the back of my car I'm selling them onto a company in Palm Springs lots of stiffs lots of money and then of course they're very environmentally sound you know and perhaps under these circumstances you and I should renegotiate the financial agreement between us you just gave the body away well not it's a bank people around here don't generally just take bodies they're not intitled to why did you give it to him because he signed for it who signed for it John nobody John nobody and where do I find this John nobody there hey wait wait so then Bobby transfers them over into hardboard boxes just prior to Cremation and I drive the caskets over to the guy know in Palm Spring who resells them as new well I'm not sure the one careful only thing works with coffins the whole thing is complet completely immoral yeah well I saw how upset you were back there when I mentioned money just think of his recycling look I really need to get home why I just do well while I acknowledge the power of your argument we have someplace we need to be just sit back and enjoy the ride what do you mean that the body was stolen who the hell Ste a body Hey where's that son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] isn't here yeah well he's stolen Graham stolen Graham mhm yeah they had some sort of weird pack I don't know I think think he's taking Graham out to the desert why I don't know some Voodoo thing with hot wax and Dolls to stick pins in that's ridiculous that's a wise move if you ask me I didn't ask you so where are the cops I called them supposed to be a funeral in New Orleans I got to find my son New Orleans the man said he was driving the casket to Joshua Tree Louisiana Joshua Tree [Music] scr and welcome me back to town come out on your porch step into your par and I'll tell you how it all went down out with the truckers and the kickers and the Cowboy Angels and the good [Music] Sal I still don't fully understand what you do well I do everything everything l number here's for drinking money by trade I'm a role manager oh one of those like a well paid gopher no not like a well-paid goer I'm in charge of movement maintenance and management I'm a patron and a partner I'm a competant and companion Ally agent and Ambassador I'm like an executive Nanny not a gopher oh executive Nanny not a gopher thanks for clearing that up he is a brainless interfering [ __ ] look I don't know what it is you want exactly but that's him isn't it fine Phil hey baby it's a love machine God what a horrible thought look you are going to R jail for when I get you you Phil Phil hello star barbs got to go thanks thanks a lot Coffman Coffman what was that about sunstroke you've hardly left the car since we met how can you have sunstroke I'm s susceptible oh you're a winner you are a winner you want to see what Phil coffin is all about you want to see what that [ __ ] is capable of huh are you coming [Music] pull off here this isn't the way to Palm Springs it is if you're a coffin Smuggler I give up what now guess now hey you're an Undertaker sure am ain't you supposed to be in black no we're special rock and roll Undertakers musical morticians hey can you slam some high test for me uh this car runs on regular you say it's for the car ain't for the car come on hippie Let's Roll sun stroke huh yeah [Music] yeah afternoon hello I was wondering did you happen to see a Hearst pass by here in the last couple of hours what's it look like oh it's a big car couple of guys inside did one of them guys get sick over there I don't know maybe yep I seen it [Music] open up cuz I'm coming up to you down your wings and let stand [Music] station so the yin represents negative the dark side and yang represents positive good if you like the first is Earth and second heaven the yinyang symbol is really evocative about the whole concept as you travel around the circle white or black will increase until the opp let me give you an example so what seems to be in order to truly know good you must first know evil without good is a comparison I allowing yen to flish you welcome Yang and by letting go of you are waiting it would be so nice if we could get through a couple of hours without crashing the car I was distracted of course you were I don't believe it middle of nowhere quick get out of the car what now pretend to have a conversation okay what about I don't know what about ever since I met you you talked yabba yabba yabba religion your supersonic supercharged car the dark side now you got to talk and you can't think of anything to say whatever your damn poor religion is I think it worked well it's more of a philosophy than a religion I mean religion is more shut up afternoon gentlemen afternoon officer how's it going oh it's going just fine F thank you and how are things with you good good uh we just stopped to take a look at this fine view you guys got uhuh it is mighty nice around these parts feel like the desert and how are things with you today sir uh well really well actually thanks the reason I ask is you seem to have run into uh one of our road signs yeah I'm surprised you hadn't noticed earlier it does appear to be impeding your forward progress that's a funny line thank you I was wondering if you gentleman could give me a hand sure sure anything I'm looking for some fellas that stole a body back there at the airport a body stole a body uhuh a body rather like the one in the back of your vehicle there that's an empty coffin officer I know it sounds strange but these guys there were two of them they stole the body loaded it in the back of an old yellow hearse painted with flowers and they're supposed to be headed out this way hearse flowers I think he's on to us Larry he's just having a little fun at our expense uh in the car take the keys God damn he said body he said we stole a body meant a coffin he didn't say coffin he said body apprehended suspects in yellow Hurst with stolen body tell me we have not stolen a real person look the place I get the coffins from probably hasn't filed a report yet it'll be sorted out within the hour trust me I'm overflowing with trust for you man I feel this overwhelming feeling of trust every time I look at you what are we going to do time what we're going to get arrested and then we're going to go to court and then we're going to go to jail and that's what we're going to do for a while what if I could slip out of these cuffs that' be great and then maybe we could suspend you from a bridge in a straight jacket and light the Rope on fire no really I can slip out of these cuffs show me I think we should go we'll be moving on now that your sign no longer appears to be impeding our forward progress hey stop that car in my bike how you do stay turn it off I can't he's got the key so we've Escape but we can only drive in a circle yes you're going to jail what what you hey hey hey are you [Music] crazy well that's it going to lock me up throw away the key why would they do that you saw what happened I drove in that [ __ ] bike that's destruction of police property or something you worry too much not until I met you what are we doing what do you mean what are we doing here what are we chasing I don't know about you honey but I need gram that's real touching but You' got to come to terms with the fact that he's dead I know he's dead honey okay it's just that his body hasn't officially been identified and there's no certificate of death this is all about money isn't it isn't everything look I was an orphan at 14 and a waitress at 15 I do things the way I do them because it puts food on the table now I just want what's mine and then I'll be gone gone real fast and why do you deserve anything Barbara without my support he would have never even made it Phil Kaufman came along and just [ __ ] on everything Phil's not responsible for your problems with graham you lost him all on your own oh what do you know I know that he can be a pain in the ass but when it came to Graham Phil only ever did the right thing never in his life has Phil Kaufman ever done anything because it was the right thing to do I will bet the ranch that wherever he is right now he's having some fun because that's what he does that is all that he does Jesus what the hell is that it's a dinosaur that's very perceptive what's it doing ponx place ponx is probably some kind of dinosaur Dino Burgers reptile steaks evil soup titanosaur portions prehistoric prices liquor sered pull over let's see let's not the cop is probably right on our Trail we need to get on to Palm Springs and do this thing and I can go home you can do whatever it is you do let's do that we need to stop I'm starting to get hungry and I ain't very nice hungry I boat to keep going what gave you the impression this was a democracy pull over do you have any idea what it's like to love someone oh oh sweetie that's very touching that you're in love with Bill Kaufman but unfortunately so is he I'm sure you're just handy to have [Applause] around okay you vindictive [ __ ] I am going with you to Joshua Tree because I want to know what the hell is going on but don't you ever tell me how or what to feel about anybody or I'll smash that pretty little face of yours off the road got it do you kiss your mama with that you f I do not everyone else when he brings the food he announces it dipus this Allosaurus that with us he just slaps it down and runs for cover probably something to do with that rabbit food you're eating look I'm a vegetarian I have a problem with dead flesh I get it stuff will mesh up every [Music] time a yep beer mhm would you put a slug of bourbon in that please sure day yeah real bad day what happened my boy died out here the other day and a couple of punks stole his body oh man I'm sorry that's worth a shot on the house obliged we got to go I haven't finished my drink why would someone steal a body all gone maybe they were souvenir hunters or something he was sort of famous thanks guys is Grand Parsons Grand Parsons Grand Parsons Grand Parsons is Grand Parsons dead we better get going he said someone took Grand Parson's body two people yeah he was a real blabber mouth one I didn't think he's ever going to shut up and although that's real interesting we got to keep our schedule schedule what schedule there is no schedule we got to make our delivery we got to get our package to Pal Springs remember package we've stolen that man's son stolen his son that's outrageous I'm app that you could even think we would do such a thing I don't know what you take me for I want to see in that box we got to go it's heavy of course it's heavy wood is heavy yeah I remember finest popler Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus oh boy yep they gave us a full one look we'll sort all this out we get out the Palm Springs oh my God you stole Grand Parsons technically we stole Grand Parsons I stole a coffin I didn't know there was a body in it I save that Lang Court what are you doing I don't know what am I doing I mean what am I doing why am I here why am I with you what is going on calm down I thought it was bad enough when I ran over that c bike no my [ __ ] body snatcher if you can wrap it up we could go go you go I'll tell you what I'm going to do I'm going to go inside and I'm going to give that man his son back I'm going to do the right thing I'm going to follow my conscience I'm going [ __ ] Jesus come on hippie hippie come on hippie hippie come on [ __ ] come [Music] on [Music] sorry about that K but there's something I got to [Music] do turned up again you're in my sight there's a on my lands I think welcome back hippie why'd you do it do what have a guess well I gave my work this is what Grand wanted what cruising around the desert until he started to smell well I make a promise I keep it you made made me do it you jerk never hit anyone in my life you pushed and you pushed you gave me no choice come on not your lights not now [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] yeah m I'm one of the guys that took your son where is he may I come [Applause] in [Music] Phil Phil what happened to your head hippie hit it I thought you had gone hold that thought what the hell does that mean it means I need to know what the hell is going on here I told you what's going on he's going to set fire to my Graham and some freaky ceremony with black magic and dolls dolls I want my man back enough of this [ __ ] where are the keys [ __ ] whatever happened to peace love and understanding hippie your calman yeah hello Stanley you remember me psychotic girlfriend hello Barbara nothing wrong with your memory you boy mind telling me why you stole my son well I didn't even know was in the box I'm going to cremate him out here in the desert where he felt most at home that's what he wanted the hell you are caufman know I can't let you do that I know you have to I don't have to do anything Mr calman this is my loss my son it's too late to claim him now and what's that supposed to me all he ever wanted from you was your approval he wanted you to be proud of what he achieved of course I was proud of him I saved everything every photo every album every the article it's no good telling me you should have told him I understand you were his right-hand man as well as his friend I was both yeah and that when he died you weren't there when he needed you the most that's right so the guilt is not all mine then I guess not lost him once in life and now you're trying to take them away from me again oh God can we just cut through this okay now you two stole the body theft and you are an old fool who should have called the police but hasn't stupidity now let's just call the cops and get this thing done okay the sooner we get a death certificate and bury him and then his soul will be properly laid to rest that's it hey get your head off of me [ __ ] give me the chair let me out of here oh you are in trouble Coffman this is [ __ ] cman I was his Road manager and his friend we both loved it out here in the desert we had a pack that whoever died first the other would come out here and set him free graham gave his word and I gave mine you're a couple of druggies why should I believe you sir I don't take drugs what about you are you a drugie yes yes I am Sam they're going to burn your nice work bastard let's [Music] go hey man what I can't do this just do what feels right to you God damn [Music] it you called them no you going to call him you haven't given me a reason not to there isn't a reason someone tried to steal my son's body I'd stopped them for sure so are you prepared to go to jail I'm expecting to don't Mr Parsons what is it son I've been a junkie for over four years now you don't need to I've taken heroin speed uppers downers Blues morphine methadone mushrooms Quaaludes acid volume barbit with straight LSD marijuana marijuana laced with opium nimat ton mescalin of course and uh medicinal meth quone which made me shake uncontrollably for six days and vomit on the hour it's very impressive son not my point sir better make that point I started working my way through this list on June 5th 1969 and since then there hasn't been a day when I didn't at least smoke a joint are we sure this is helping and now I stopped it stopped because seemed I had something more important to do he's doing this because he gave his word and I'm prepared to do it now because I think it's right I believe every body has a soul and Graham's Soul does not belong in some family plot surrounded by strangers belongs out here where he was happiest I'm going go outside say goodbye to my [Music] son really take all those drugs I don't remember where'd he go you're going you're going to be somebody in [Music] there oh thank [Music] [Music] God Hi listen I know I was going really fast but you have to help me okay they have stolen my boyfriend's corpse and they are going to perform a ritual with his body your driving license please ma'am excuse me what your driving license ma'am I just told you that they stole a body and you want to see my driver's license okay okay Officer l you people are supposed to be on the lookout for a hearse okay a hearse is a big long car now you can usually tell which ones are the herses because they have cofins at the back of them now the one you're looking for is painted yellow does this look like a yellow hearse to you you homosexual is that a ticket are you riding me a ticket yes it is man yes I am turn off here man can you give me a hand here Jesus Gra sorry Graham what now now we do it lift up the lid what why flesh Burns easier than wood I have a problem with dead flesh oh look a little peaky man a little decorum would be nice all right you think that's enough I don't know maybe a little more enough I am not having a conversation with about how much gasoline you need to burn a human body that should do it there's a little uh I'm sorry I wasn't there when you threw away your damn full life I was there before and I've been there ever since good luck Graham here's my last one [Music] buddy oh my land is like a wild goose wanders all around [Music] everywhere trembles and it shakes till every trees [Music] loose it rolls in and it rolls take me down to your Dan [Music] floor i w mind people when they stare paint a different color on your front [Music] door and tomorrow we will still be [Music] there Jesus build a ship to sing a song to it sails [Music] River Jesus what the hell is that that would be Graham Parson on fire oh maybe too much fuel no I just didn't factor in the amount of booie had in him how do you know that's your boyfriend I recognized the birth mark on his shoulder you know officer can I make an observation knock yourself out we're in the desert and it's dark and if you want to catch somebody in the dark it's probably best not to turn on your big flashing lights and make a big loud noise with a siren you want to know what I think ma'am no I think it was suicide they just want to get away from you hello Graham bill you think you should it's not going to hurt me now is it nice Wheels very stylish they come in handy for transporting dead people Nothing Better I am dead then huh you're more than dead you and the Box are down to bones and breast well all right here's mud in your eye what can I do for you Graham I guess I just wanted to say thanks I'm just taking care of business that's what you pay me for that's what I do you shooting for rays actually I I just quit bye Graham goodbye Phil I'm glad it all worked out what I'm glad it all worked out all what worked out doesn't matter can we go I'm getting sick of sand you baby we're [Music] boogieing I was blind I see you better I don't man I was blind now I can see you may believe I don't moving on up now out of the my sh my shes my [Music] sh I love now I believe in you I got no I was lost I believe in you get out of here finish it well we did it we saved the soul sing my damn mustache that's for sure shall we yeah that's real [Music] hippie I we got the wrong guy man I tell you I didn't do it [Music] you love me and you so my clothes I love you and that's the way that it goes so it goes now you know how I feel so it goes it just couldn't be real we know it's wrong and it's I carry my shoes I've been waiting tell you some news you won't be home all night and you know one another fight you been love find some love I love you [Music] baby Jesus [Music] Christ [Music] you love me and you so my clothes I love you baby that's the way that go so it goes now you know how feel so it go it just couldn't be real you will be home all night and you don't another you better find some love I love you baby Jesus [Applause] [Music] Christ [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] there's a train out on the main line climbing to hatch PE there's a place cross the railroad track they call [Music] eternity somewhere there's Juke boox cowboy shooting pool Street narcotics in his socks no thread left on the spool there's a fire in in the desert Whiskey on the Wind I'm must say it's been a pleasure [ __ ] my [Music] friend and all that's left is a promise and a pack of matches put a sein ghost in Buck Owen clothes and Rh stones in the ashes [Music] so long City of Angels speckle Birds spread your [Music] way braid me a Halo nor guitar string there's no spirit in the Ember just a sweet song on the breeze a station wagon zigzag through the Joshua Tree there's a fire in the desert Whiskey on the Wind I'm must say it's been pleasure ad my [Music] friend all that's left is a promise and a pack of matches for the sequ GH CL rhones in the ashes it's SE clo RH stones in the [Music] ashes
Channel: Movie Marathon
Views: 115,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnny knoxville, movies in english, hollywood movie in English, hollywood movies in english full action hd, hollywood movie, hollywood movie english, hollywood english movie, free movies, Homefront, top hollywood movies, movies, english, full movies, full movies english, full action movies, watch for free, Full Movie, English Movies, full free, free movies on youtube, adventure, drama, Gabriel Macht, drama movies, free movie on youtube, bestmovie, movies full free, robbery, HD
Id: 5HwIil9dasw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 0sec (5100 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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