The Flood FULL MOVIE | Tom Hardy | Thriller Movies | Disaster Movies | The Midnight Screening

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[Music] [Music] malcolm have you got the latest title readings from wick lost the signal from the monitoring station what was the last reading before we lost the signal [Music] what it's gonna be a mistake despite attempts to limit loss of life and property damage the residents of maine on the east coast face the grim task of cleaning up a shattered state the storm which moves from the great lakes and your dad's really been looking forward to having you over yes he has isolated i am not patronizing you mel please tell me i was never like that more tea please i think they call it being a teenager there's water pouring through the door oh wow [Music] oh oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] your sister's going to kill me i promised you you'd be on time better hurry up then so hey tony ciao tony i'm in have you done now i'm supposed to be into scanning my in-laws remember on holiday well if you can call it that you're talking about done your favor tuscany's miserable this time of year well my mother-in-law showed me this in the off chance you've actually done some work how was the rig i would you believe me if i told you have you shot your email this morning let's check in now god yeah that footage is from yesterday today's worse this storm is unreal i'm on the way to wick now the storm it there this morning apparently the sea walls collapsed it's a huge mess a lot of people are missing i haven't seen anything like that in a while we've been asked yeah the sea defense is further south sure what do you need manpower if you got it we need as many guys from the fight as you can spare i'll take care of it i'll call you later listen tony yeah if it is any worse don't hang about yeah yeah not tiny i mean okay zero did the wind do that no it's wave damage what kind of wave would do that danny back from houston yes get a chopper pick him up and make him care matter of fact get all the help you can find is he all right up there yeah yeah i'll be fine [Music] you need to review this pressure's continuing to drop in the north sea our press officers are pushing before their updates we're inundated with requests i need to run the latest shipping forecast right now okay okay quiet everyone this storm we've been tracking the last few days i need everything on it where it's headed how fast get me the latest atmospheric pressure reports for the northeast and everything you've got from the british oceanic data center all right in 40 minutes i'm briefing the deputy prime minister [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the thames barrier became operational in 1983 and is the largest fixed tidal defense system in the world it has 10 movable gates stretching 500 meters across the river and is capable of holding back billions of gallons of water that would otherwise flood london money miss morrison these came for you thank you sneaky we're going shopping then just got one job i'll make it quick yeah i'm looking forward to this it's been a while since we did anything following the together flooding that occurred in wick's coffin damage is estimated to be in excess of what is it nothing let's get going morning frank of course see the news this will be what you're interested in then figures from the tidal gauges are murray and aberdeen things aren't looking too clever with this storm in scotland [Music] is this likely to have an impact on our timings nothing's showing up as yet but we're double checking with the med office now 10 hours to high tide can you recalculate the tide's expected height when it reaches london bridge i'll activate the normal protocol for a high tide closure the rescue operation continues here in wic despite continuing hazardous conditions air rescue support has been called in but those in need of rescue far outnumber available resources leaving nani stranded on rooftops and high ground figures from wichita the current death toll at 21. another 15 are missing we can expect those numbers to rise i'm still waiting for reports from further along the coast and the prime minister is calling in from australia in about 10 minutes so i need a damn good explanation of why we had no warning sir isn't this the same storm that hit the east coast of the united states forecasting is not an exact size but haven't you been tracking it across the atlantic for the past five days the storm is constantly changing you have models don't you with respect sir when a storm surge is moving this fast there's no scientific means of predicting exactly what it's going to do by the time we have new data it's already out of date sorry storm surge deputy prime minister if you'd allow me so this particular storm is a massive low pressure system it's essentially a hurricane as the low pressure pushes down on the sea water is sucked up into a hump this is storm surge and this is what hit wick yes so what was the size of this thing we don't know yet but they can be anything up to 25 feet above normal sea level stretching over a thousand square miles that volume gets even greater as the surge is pushed into shallow coastal waters what's going to happen next well based on the available data the storm is moving northeast back into the north sea but so the worst of it's over i believe so so actually you can't predict what this storm is going to do at all can you i'm confident about this sir deploy full emergency services within a 50 mile radius of quick and use all available resources to check the sea defense is below wick already underway all right let's try and do everything we can and hope this time you might be right kate hi dad yeah just calling to remind you it's your granddaughter's christening at 10 o'clock i haven't forgotten please don't be late and dad just so you know rob's coming i see yeah i didn't think he'd be able to make it but it's been a long time are you sure this is a good idea yes i do does rob know i'd be there dad i want you there and your granddaughter wants you there it's a big day for her you know so no excuses please ten o'clock then don't be late should we send through those figures to the coastal engineering committee uh no let's look at them again when i get back are they that bad there's my granddaughter's christening now i got her a present but um i can't remember where i left it ah yes well spotted we are witnessing the worst storm to hit scotland in 30 years this way [Music] how are you holding up well we're used to targeting the weather here in scotland but this this was something else we just were not prepared and why wouldn't we given any warning sir do you have any idea of the fatalities we've experienced today any advice for us [Music] what's your name what's her name my name is kirsty kazdy that's a very pretty name very pretty name sorry sir so what plans have your office put in place to deal with the storm damage this morning set up a meeting with hopkins from the main office and follow from the environment agency and the better that will have an explanation okay just in time i gotta go bye what kind of uncle did you take me for thank you waiting in summer probably just as well we thank you almighty god for the gift of water to sustain refresh and cleanse all life over water the holy spirit through water you led the children of israel from slavery in egypt to freedom in the promised land in water your son jesus received the baptism of john and was anointed by the holy spirit as the messiah the christian as jesus took children in his with your arms [Music] you look well oh my just supposed to wait in the car it won't be long love i should have stayed at home [Music] hi i'm sorry i can't come to the phone right now [Music] why didn't you tell me you'd be here because i knew you'd react like this and i wanted you both here i've hardly seen each other since my mom died oh yeah maybe you're right maybe you're right he did turn up to the funeral i'll give you that my daughter needs a grandfather she deserves that bob this is a new start i'd like us to look forward to be a family yeah wait a family you mean like um being there when the kids are growing up that kind of thing come on you know it wasn't as simple as that you should see him with elsa he really does care okay the only thing he cares about is himself anna you're okay yeah yeah bad day well it's about to get worse you need to go to the barrier what they're closing the gates this evening but there's a problem and it needs looking at right away thank you rob you sent everyone else up north to help tony you're the only one i have left yeah christ i mean sam's there we're under contract someone's got to check it out well that's easy for you this though you weren't married to the woman there must be someone else what about you very funny but i'm a bit busy running your business for you taxi's on its way bye yeah thanks okay sorry i'm gonna have to come work is it again what's that supposed to mean can't see it can you just like him what [Music] come on [Music] many regions have been devastated by the strong winds and high tides created by the massive low pressure system the accompanying storm surge has caused [Music] this storm continues [Music] [Music] hello malcolm lyndon morrison oh professor morrison it's been a long time indeed i i have a favor to ask you now's not really a good time professor the boss is on the war path and we're flat out dealing with this storm this won't take a minute could you email me the figures from all the tide gauges south of aberdeen can i ask why you need that information let's call it professional curiosity we can call it that i'm not sure that's what the boss would call it this is just between you and me malcolm i wouldn't ask for these figures if i didn't need them hi it's me you okay holiday my mother-in-law's looking good right now where are you i'm on the mainland i've checked out the sea wall at wick trap tony what's the matter it's crazy here look that's that's it just leave it we'll find some other way of sorting this out my god cody [Music] this is [Music] more coverage from our growth mom thanks and the inspector hendrick's mom has sent you in some cakes again why don't you just take them home i don't think it's me and she's trying to fatten up penny penny can you get me samantha morrison at the barrier will do yeah absolutely ma'am as you know due to the high spring tide and the storm damage in scotland we are planning a precautionary closure but if anything comes up i will certainly let you know great thanks penny get me the met office i assure you commissioner you have the full cooperation of the met office on this i need to be kept fully informed i've emailed you the latest updates thank you thanks for your cooperation we're on top of everything professor i'm a bit busy actually hear me out those figures you sent me for the tide gauges yeah don't you think they're on the high side it's a storm surge nothing to be unexpected given the circumstances i fed the numbers into my computer model if the surge continues to grow at this rate the entire east coast of england could be in trouble malcolm the latest on the title gauges where to go yes just hold from him the chairman of the u.s federal bank mr moyes you're on speakerphone arthur i'm sorry to hear about your casualties well i know i appreciate that arthur and i'll convey your sentiments to the prime minister i'm sure you are well the douse dropped a further 40 points overnight confidence has been low here since the storm damage in maine and we have got some big players stopping some huge quantities of stock could be facing a major meltdown well i'm sorry to hear that arthur but you know just at this moment we're trying to deal with the human catastrophe i'm just calling to let you know you could be facing an economic one too a couple of these guys have started dumping uk stock it's having a ripple effect thanks arthur talk to you later you want the treasury yeah [Music] [Music] tony called him no no nothing to worry about no just let me know when he calls in all right anna bye hi sam hi what are you doing here problem in pair one no one else available well i'll do you good to get your hands dirty you're looking well thanks i hear business is good anna's still running things for you well nothing's changed she gives the orders i obey nice flowers i know it's not your birthday now i know it's great isn't it yeah it's great does he know you hate roses oh look at this it must be my lucky day they sent me the big boss to push around oh are you really there frank looking as lovely as ever yeah should we go why not [Music] oh we interrupt this program for breaking news from the english coast the severe storm that hit wick and our growth earlier today is continuing to wreak havoc further south having left a trail of devastation in scotland the storm is now battering the coastal towns of northern england our guys don't think it's anything major but with this early closure i am seeing somebody pay you guys so much just to sit around i thought i might call on your services i think you mean specialist expertise don't you what do you reckon it could be corrosion or where problem in the main bearings which would affect lift capacity yeah we thought as much leave it with me i'll run some ultrasonic tests if it turns up positive we wait nine months for the past hurray all right uh mel where are you it's me give us a call back please it's dad okay [Music] hi i'm sorry i can't come to the phone right now but if you leave me oh my god [Music] [Music] i want to know we're not going to need any more body bags before this day is out latest figures have the storm heading east into the north sea towards the hook of holland that's what you told me this morning what about our growth sir with all due respect this storm is not behaving within expected parameters has the danger passed yes or no it's difficult to say if the prevailing winds were to drive the storm south the surge would be squeezed between the british coastline and mainland europe this creates a funneling effect and raises sea level that's just a worst case scenario most surges lose momentum before that they they just peter out not always though no not always [Music] so what do you think well nothing of immediate concern she's pretty tough yeah how much longer do you need is your deadline for closure well we need you out of here in two and a half hours oh well in that case i'll get out your way soon as possible then shall i [Music] you know i didn't mean it like that yeah yeah [Music] okay well you can manage till frank gets back oh yeah don't worry about me his name is duncan we've been out a few times i don't need to explain myself to you yeah that's right so why are you explaining yourself because you asked no i didn't because you wanted to know he's an architect oh really england are two nil up i i thought you were on pier three i didn't think you were checking the scores two ni oh you're canadian why aren't you oh two-nil the deputy prime minister has visited the disaster zone and has met with some of the survivors he has reassured the public that everything is being done by the government to restore normal services to the area the prime minister who is currently in australia is being kept fully informed of the situation is it possible that this storm could change its course if we did see the storm change its current course and a severe rise in sea level there could be extensive flooding down the east coast of england damage estimate well the last time we saw something similar 1953 the storm that hit east anglia and canby island killed 300 people on land and another 200 at sea nearly that surge was a body of water four metres high the size of ireland that's a pretty serious worst case scenario at present we know that this storm is heading out to sea experience suggests it will be pointless to cause further and unnecessary alarm at this stage with more time deputy prime minister with more data we can build a better picture right so tell me how the hell am i going to reassure the public say morrison is everything okay change to the regular maintenance program our in-house guys inspect all year round there's a test closure every month at least one gate is operated every day without failure it's like clockwork test closures aside any weather-related closures 21 in the last year uh in the 1980s we were averaging maybe one a year but it's down to rising sea levels unpredictable weather patterns etc frank can i get a minute alone with rob sure look the flowers bit of a surprise i just got a call from anna oh yeah there's been a car accident something to do with the storm it's tony he's all right [Music] is that is he all right i'm so sorry no it can't be it can't be a mistake no this killed me alright [Music] what's the name there this is not your fault i did i sent him there i put him right in the path of that stone you're not responsible for this do you think they're gonna buy that his wife and kids because i don't does the prime minister have any plans to cancel this tour of the commonwealth return home here to deal with this crisis well the situation is fully under control of course but yes the prime minister will be flying home from sydney but he's very keen to be here for and with the british public at this time why was there no warning well you know just at this present time we're concentrating on managing the situation but someone must be responsible with respect assigning blame at this point of time is really not very constructive the latest figures from the met office indicate that the storm is heading eastwards out into the north sea deputy prime minister are you saying that the danger has passed [Music] well yes yes i'm very pleased to be able to say that the indicators at the present time show that our coastline is no longer under threat and that's the last question [Music] right there you are next time let me know what's going on i was worried sick about you i've been trying mum all morning and she's not picking up and there's been this storm in wick did you know dad i'm sorry look there's been a lot of damage up in wick yeah and your mum and your gran no one's been able to trace them yet but there are people out there they're looking for them it's just a lot of confusion and panic at the moment and and i don't know they've got lost in the mayhem okay there's a gentleman in reception i explained you were busy but he won't take no for an answer he's insisting on seeing you hell he says his name's leonard morrison excuse me sam sorry to have trouble yes no it's fine i i know it's okay if you're here because of rob no yeah he's here he's looking into something for us we have an early closure today this has nothing to do with rob oh he's very upset we've just had some terrible news tony lombardi was killed this morning tony what happened he was caught in the storm oh god rob must be yes this storm that's why i'm here the impact of the tidal surge and storm we have all the latest readings there is no reason for immediate concern and i'm in touch with the med office i just need to access some data here so i can be sure of what we're dealing with i have the utmost respect for your research it inspired me as a student but we do not deal in theory here you of all people know that it'll take five minutes [Music] rob you all right yeah yeah [Music] it doesn't make any sense it was heading east towards holland two hours ago this wasn't meant to happen it's heading straight for us the storm and the surge are dangerous enough but tonight's high tide is the highest tide of the year which is why we are closing the barrier my computer model is now predicting that the storm and the surge will reach the mouth of the thames estuary at high tide this means that the volume of water moving upriver will be massively amplified don't underestimate the barrier it's designed specifically for problems like this not this much water sam you know i wouldn't come here you've spoken with any of your old colleagues at the environment agency about this they're not taking my calls you're saying the confluence of storm surge and tide could be catastrophic let me see the model now we've got to try and stay positive when she didn't pick her phone up i thought you'd had another fight with her and she switched off me and your mum i mean we both know this hasn't been easy for you you don't understand i spoke to her this morning and it was me i hung up on her and it was stupid and i just wanted to say your mum's a very understanding woman yeah i should know i pushed her to the limit enough times and she wouldn't have had a second thought about it really you can tell her when you see her that that you didn't mean it come on we better get inside come on commissioner sam morrison hi sam what can i do for you we may have a problem i forgot leonard morrison here he's an expert in the field professor morrison has uncovered some worrying data according to this it looks as though the storm and today's spring tide could collide resulting in a volume of water so great that it could override the barrier that's serious yes ma'am let me get right back to you of course [Music] rob [Music] morrison's an environmental scientist he was chief analyst at the flood hazard research center and sat on a parliamentary advisory committee which reported on the sighting of the barrier the report he submitted outlined a key flaw he reckoned that the barrier was situated in the wrong place and recommended that it be built closer to the mouth of the thames estuary closer to the sea basically his concern sent around the fact that under certain title conditions the barrier could be overwhelmed get me sam morrison again come on just turned up he's here about the barrier yeah of course he is look i know that this is really bad timing but i do think we need to listen to what your father has to say i don't care what he has to say if this storm changes direction is that what this is about uh don't don't tell me um storm surge coincides with spring tide and the barrier won't hold am i right yeah i've seen the forecasting on his model it's a very real possibility you still don't get it do you this is an obsession this obsession destroyed our lives he's been wrong from the very start and he won't accept it even when it meant losing his own family my mother died heartbroken over this why should i listen to him now i do understand but we've lost tony to the storm [Music] for his sake please just hear your father out i knew hopkins what's the latest position the storm has dramatically altered its course within the last hour it's likely to hit the southeastern coast of england later this afternoon can you be more specific well we're looking at gales of up to 80 miles an hour so i think we should anticipate considerable damage you're all missing the point with respect to professor morrison this is hardly an appropriate forum for your theories according to my computer model oh please well forecast from the met office and the environment agency haven't been very accurate so far have they sorry professor please continue assuming no changing wind conditions my figures indicate that this storm and the tidal surge traveling with it will reach southeast england and the thames estuary at high tide what does that mean the combined volume of water will overwhelm the thames barrier so are you saying that central london is now at risk i'm afraid i am my most conservative estimate is that the barrier will be overtopped by four meters and i'm not talking here about a single wave this is an event that could last for hours so which areas are most at risk the danger zone includes the dotlands light railways 68 underground stations 30 main line stations as you will see there are three world heritage sites at risk 8 power stations dozens of museums and art galleries and of course your location in whitehall um what does this mean in terms of population 16 hospitals 400 schools approximately one and a half million people either live or work within the flood danger zone how long have we got figures i received from the met office indicate that the storm will reach the thames ash jury three hours from now dear god that's seven o'clock this evening why didn't anyone see this coming or somebody did we need to initiate evacuation protocol immediately the longer we delay the decision to evacuate the greater the risk of there being substantial casualties is that do it rob thanks for in there well looks like you were right i'm sorry i didn't believe you hey coming back in half an hour back every penny all right if any bags are left unattended they will be removed and destroyed [Music] yeah hi kate now listen i want you to do something for me don't ask questions just listen get in the car take the family and get as far away from london as you can i want you to drive as fast as you possibly can no no look dad's here with me at the barrier don't ask questions just do what i'm saying kate listen listen dad was right all along yeah goodbye [Music] [Music] anna would you track down the girls for me they should be leaving the cinema about now penny make sure you call home too mom it was my understanding the emergency services would receive at least 12 hours clear warning of a major flood alert and we've had barely three what the hell have you people been doing when this gets out there's going to be panic on an unprecedented scale we have less than three hours before the surge hits the barrier how long can we keep the underground running well we'll have to clear the lines an hour before the water hits but that only gives us two hours but less to clear the tunnels by 6 20 london underground are going to have to start withdrawing services around five o'clock impossible that's barely enough for now russia will have already started look trains have to be run out to depots staff pools stations closed your trains means we're shifting fewer passengers once word gets out stations will fill with people trying to get out of london trains that do manage to get through are going to be full before they even reach most platforms [Music] no you encourage them they start breeding here we go [Music] into the heart of darkness all major exit routes will gridlock within 40 minutes of a major public alert and so all london airports must immediately be put under military jurisdiction we need to issue the public with instructions they need to be told to get themselves to high ground wherever possible we need to move as many people as possible to the safety points the problem is they won't know where they are they won't even recognize the sound of the evacuation sirens because we haven't had time to get that information out so we need media cooperation it'll be critical otherwise we're looking at hundreds of thousands being left stranded in the flood zone right i'm declaring a state of emergency this just is the emergency management committee cobra the river thames are to be evacuated government advice [Music] high ground wherever possible [Music] initiate the gate closure now right away [Music] [Applause] [Music] family thank you don't forget i'm heading down to the machine room now yes man down there come on bill where are you this is your first time down here yeah was it oh okay so where are we heading mate down to the lower pump room gotta change the circuit board oh mike i have to brief the prime minister so i need a status update barrier has initiated closure and evacuation procedures have been activated sir no population movement on this scale in this time frame has ever been attempted we're dealing with millions of people [Applause] river area [Music] space between the gate and the sill is reduced to 75 millimeters we're right on target i couldn't get to a decade i've spoken to him somewhere so we have to get these people over here time's moving on you know frank and the boys are refusing to go i'm not gonna leave without them [Applause] [Music] please evacuate and make your way to the nearest emergency exit [Music] please evacuate your way to the nearest [Music] emergency [Music] it's going to be at least 45 the zone have been minutes that means we may not get to the queen elizabeth hospital in time the patient's population there approximately 2 000. this came in a few moments ago man [Applause] i suffered coast half an hour ago [Music] prioritize the schools [Music] yes yeah nearly there right i'll be going then where i gotta go i'm too fat sweet sweet phil do work here don't you ah it's filthy up here bill i know boss you've got to look at these title gage figures excuse me [Music] put me through to commissioner nash at cobra hello sam ma'am we've just received some new information the search is growing in size and it's traveling up the estuary at a height of four to six meters how long have we got it's a matter of minutes before it hits us sam patch all video feeds from the barrier through to us immediately yes ma'am [Music] sir [Music] no time to argue we need to relocate now [Music] please god [Music] [Music] what's that let's get out of here all right you need to hurry up what about the others damn we having a good time we have to go out now no no no we have to go [Music] hey [Music] i think we should walk i know you're frying sweetheart but please we need to get to high ground and we will okay we're not going to get anywhere fast while walking so let's just sit tight okay come on zach who are coming in here mate what about it it can't be right can it well what do you think's above your head son ah sends hey relax there's eight meters of earth and rock between us and the river you think you're safe yeah i won't be here if it wasn't job done can we go now hello control uh low control nothing ever works around here no give jamie a kiss for me i'll see you about first anything on the girls i left messages on their phones with all the numbers here they'll be pat's fruity as a matter of priority the moment they call get me an update on the hospital and school situation as soon as you can mom my cousin has a dog right called baxter and he hangs off a towel like that he will just hang there all day i'm telling you bro don't know there's a dog in it that's what dogs do how much of those things coming up then hundreds of pounds for a pedigree no yes it is i hear that no i don't hear anything mate exactly hello control i'm in control we need to get to a phone find out what's going on i need to see what's happening out there come on i need pictures come on [Music] look if we stay here we're gonna die come on let's go let's go come on dad no no i can't i'm sorry i can't sound it's breaking up we gotta jump it's all right come on grasp it we're gonna be all right okay come on one this is madness [Applause] two this was supposed to be instant plug and play we're almost there mom we've got it sir [Music] jesus it's been completely overwhelming morrison was right [Music] can you get in any closer than that oh my god who's that switch to night vision it's professor morrison we need that man here asap sir are you sure we have time for more theory all our protocols have failed us no one on the planet knows more about storm surges than professor morrison you know that he forecast this years ago he said the barrier will be overwhelmed he's the only one who can tell us now if we have a chance to stop this let's get him here deputy prime minister all military aircraft are committed elsewhere well then requisition a civilian one top priority yes ma'am no morrison what's happening i want that barrier signal back up we need to see what's happening out there ah [Applause] so we've got it good mom mom you need to see this [Music] the rescue helicopter is nearly at the barrier thanks [Music] oh [Music] i think we found your straight yeah i get the figures over to you right away get the number of evacuees at the safety points over the pm right we'll do so deputy prime minister they found morrison right so you really think he can make a difference now he's our best bet ready here you go we're two search and rescue four we're on the way wait you tell him to wait there are two more people down there please my son's down there he jumped you've got to try and find him no one could have survived that i'm sorry i beg you sir we're on the orders to get you to cobra without delay uh [Applause] oh you think you can make it to the door i don't know it's all right the current will take us okay i'll be right behind you i'm gonna let you go all right [Music] i need the latest evac figures from tilbury to london bridge johnston where are we with the underground closures oh we've evacuated most of the tube stations and the immediate dangers are now clearing dlr stations around canary wharf how much longer people are working as fast as they can i need time to get them out too all right give me updates every 10 minutes and i need to know what's happening on the roads which areas are gridlocked and which are clear if we're to get people to the safety points [Music] wow this is the old transformer for the northern line i think there's a phone in here well that's not right come to the top of here see if we can't get out that way oh ladder there's a pattern for me bro you know what i think you might be one of them workplace bullies no no mate you might want to see someone about that uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] over here yes [Music] wow [Music] he must have done otherwise what was he playing at guys i hope he's no still in a barrier he couldn't beat that would be suicide he must be in the water your wife's on the phone from france can i put it through i'll call back as soon as i can okay commissioner commissioner how do we stand at the moment well sir we're up against it scale of this thing even new orleans can't compare [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shut up okay i'm really concerned about the security situation now signing this will give the military certain powers limited powers to overrule civil authorities during this current state of emergency what i must retain authority to coordinate air rescue i need to get thousands of civilians to safety points and i can't do that without military assistance all transport all vehicles must remain under cobra's command we're more than willing to work with cobra mom but i have to ensure the security of all rescue personnel buildings government property of course with respect everything including security concerns must remain under the control of cobra and commissioner nash is to be given full military cooperation in accordance with the greek protocol i'm not trying to change procedure sir but if civilian unrest does get out of hand i have to be able to react accordingly yes but cooperation is what's needed if we're to save lives and you work under cobra in all areas of the evacuation reporting to commissioner nash is that agreed major general yes sir where's my liaison officer behind your mom [Music] ah bill it's locked okay come on you know i am having serious second thoughts about all this young lad like me stuck underground with a bloke about you mom what it seems the girls left your message early in the confusion we didn't get it they're meeting friends in time and town it could be anywhere i'll keep trying to get through what do you think's happening hi it's me this is officially my 100th message just give me a call done whenever you can [Music] you okay we're gonna try and stay warm i never believe this can happen the barrier was completely defenseless we had no idea what we were dealing with my crew friends i should have skate with them my sound is all right it's all right i have to go back need to see maybe somebody shut up we can't go back we can't go near it you don't understand i have to prom it's the only way i can do something listen listen defiance on high ground we go there if the gear's still working we can make contact with cobra they'll know what's happened to the barrier i think that's where guys would go if you made it i'm sure he's fine he's okay we have to get off of this boat how the hell are we gonna do that we need another boat [Music] run [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they just back because status report in the royal family they've been safely moved to balmoral all right bullet points please we need to look at the time scale we're working to mom there's no sign of a slow down the momentum of the surge itself is enough to keep the water coming but there's no light up in the wind and the rain that's just adding to the problem the met storm forecast led us down completely is this data reliable an event on this scale is practically unheard of this is a thousand-year storm this latest day to feed is as accurate as can be yeah but i need to know what further collateral damage we can expect if the surge maintains its current momentum we have i don't know an hour before most of central london is underwater two at most what can be achieved in two hours no matter how fast we work we're not going to get everyone out so we should concentrate our efforts on the key evacuation areas in the southwest we should deploy the bulk of our troops and any available emergency service personnel here agreed but we'll be abandoning this entire corridor of people in the southeast burnsie lewisham given the speed this thing moving we we have no choice we have to prioritize focus on the south west mr boom right next schedule briefing 15 minutes the next press conference move it [Music] what are you doing there has to be a lifeboat or something on this truck last time i promised huh so far we're estimating that we managed to clear over half a million people living and working in the photo a number of those still trapped a waiting rescue has yet unconfirmed man you know the rescue phase would be a hundred times more difficult given the time we had i'm having to move my guys from pillar to post because of road closures all of which is losing us more time liaise with transport let's see what we can do to speed up the movement of rescue personnel [Applause] commissioner we have to shut down the gas and electricity mains in deptford kennington campbell and burmese the hospitals can only run so long and back up jenny's and we're a long way from having them all evacuated it's that or we could have another fire of london on our hands we're getting reports of heavy flooding at tower hill on most of the main roads into the city a lot of the major routes out are now unusable most of the bridges are currently gridlocked the links between south london and the north have been effectively severed liaise with major general ashcroft and see if any of the um military carriers can get through it's crucial that we don't leave these areas in the south cut off from support what's happening with the railway stations oh dockland light row is clear now good work and your staff everyone's out mom hold on sounds like they've got the trains running again oh no train i've ever heard [Applause] what is it is that from the tabs what is it i don't know we gotta go go go commissioner what's happening in the high risk facilities prisons care homes hospitals richardson could you pull up the uh hospitals please frontline hospitals have all been cleared sir good except some thomases i'm in trouble i'm afraid we've fallen badly behind schedule there simply isn't time now to get ground transportation in there for the chronically ill [Applause] oh [Applause] foreign [Applause] what did you do [Music] [Music] i'm running as fast as i can i can't open it it won't open [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh this is turning into one of the worst natural disasters ever recorded more than 200 000 people are still unaccounted for and emergency services are stretched to breaking point the scale of the disaster is a reminder of what the citizens of new orleans faced two years ago londoners were taken almost entirely by surprise as the storm surge hit the thames estuary the white house pledged support from all u.s military personnel based here where are they ten chinooks are on their way from milton hall mom why is it taking so long what are our helicopters doing all in the field i'm afraid moving evacuees transporting medics to field hospitals and currently we're airlifting 600 inmates from belmar prison christmas just make it first hmm [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] come back come on [Music] everyone's dumping the pound half a million trades in the last hour alone but how the hell is this happening get me the treasury communication of the treasury is intermittent at the moment oh moyes from the us federal bank is on hold you need to take the report arthur i'm here now how are you bearing up well on top of everything else the pound's taking a beating arthur we need your help unfortunately we are all in the same boat the dow has been hammered and the dollar has dropped three percent in two hours our first responsibility has to be to stabilize our own currency and markets you can't isolate the us economy like that when the river thames overflows it just doesn't affect london it floods wall street too point taken but restoring confidence that the currency market isn't going to be easy we need time yeah and time is something that neither of us have and i don't need to remind you that the united states has major financial interests in this country and if we go under the impact will be felt all the way across the atlantic get me the treasury whatever it takes [Applause] [Music] quick [Applause] okay wow why have you brought me here we need your help sir my help if i've been listening to when it matters this catastrophe might never have happened it's not too late i'm sorry i can't help you i need to find my son there's not much you can do for him out there the best chance to help him is to help us you'll bury a breach model we need access to it and your projections for collateral damage in the flood plains they may not be relevant anymore of course they're relevant there are millions of lives still at risk i need access to my database on the university server if it's still up and running is there anything else we can get you professor yes my son rob he's the best marine engineer in the country his company is under contract to the barriers samantha morrison is in charge of barrier operations yes sir i think it hurt for defiant defense uh defiant engineering robs the company it's uh not far from the barrier but it's on higher ground there's just a chance they might if there's a chance we'll find them commissioner this may all be too late but we have to try hold on okay hold on [Music] it's okay it's okay i won't let you go [Music] hurry up [Music] please don't let me die you're gonna be [Music] okay okay [Music] oh ah if you don't move you're gonna die we'll be rescued if we stay put somebody's flying squiggly nobody's gonna rescue us you have to come please please come [Music] hang on [Applause] come on [Music] come on come on [Music] thank you come on you're gonna die here come on no i can't swim [Music] done keep going keep going you always rising how long do you reckon about 20 seconds [Music] 10. [Music] oh my god uh it's a dead end what are we gonna do we're just gonna [Music] hang on and we're going to think of something to do [Music] alright hi christine this is me i'm with mel we're okay we're safe uh we're in canary wharf we're heading for greenwich we've heard there's safe points there and we heard about what happened to wicken if you can get a message back to us please call back because cause we're worried about you [Music] i got a signal for a minute left the message hey you would do brave no i wasn't yeah you were you were braver than me listen there was nothing we could have done nothing at all come on open it up [Music] just one second sorry this can't wait mom i'm afraid we have to shut down all civilian mobile phone services networks are overloaded it's beginning to interfere with command control procedures all right it may take me a few minutes mom thank you uh calm down you'll find another way out we'll find a way hi mom claire of course it's me thank god where are you mum i can hardly hear you mom claire is emma with you yeah yeah she's here with me claire listen to me you have to get to high ground do you understand you're breaking up but please don't worry we're okay we need everyone out the cab now come on girls i have to get out the cab what's happening i don't know what's going on glad to stay together hold on to emma just stay together mobile phone service will be restored as soon as possible me [Music] so oh look at this oh [Music] it's soft [Music] [Music] don't worry [Music] huh you're right dad yeah i'm fine you took your inhaler didn't you the worst is over i promise they're gonna come and get it okay they are how do you know that they're gonna come and get us and then we're gonna go and find mum what makes you so sure she's even alive because the alternative is more than i think i can bear okay we're here now case somebody's coming find yourself there they work they're two boys maybe they'll help us you okay yeah i don't know i don't know i'll go and have a look okay i'm having a look up there you stay here coming in everywhere the first service guys have scoffed all the biscuits as usual so i bought you these tea coffee they're damn smart girls mum of all the times over the years and i've sat with worried parents not knowing where their kids are if they hurt or i had no idea what they were going through after losing john the girl if any mom no ifs not with clarinema noise just one variable can throw off an entire forecast worst storm in our history and i got it wrong keith don't talk to yourself we all got it wrong people make mistakes every day but mine's gonna cost lives keep it together and we gotta do what we can now really hard to imagine someone called duncan so is it seriously what i don't do serious anymore what happened to us sam it just didn't work out what i'm doing again so many things i want to say and i don't have the courage to say it i have a tony i thought we could speak to tony for the rest of my life and now he's gone and dad he's lived with what's happening today his whole career and i've spent years hating you for it i got it wrong sam you've lost so many things water's pouring in up there there's no way out from here all right look i think i've got a bit of a plan if memory serves me about 150 meters down there on the other side there's an air shaft if it's not flooded we could perhaps get to ground level that way during the blinks hundreds of people have come down using these tunnels as shelters yeah the government put up these massive steel blast doors closed them in sealed them in from the explosives right there's got to be one for this station they're under something official like a tube map or something if we can find it get it closed it could buy enough time to get that air shaft and get out here yeah right yeah [Applause] run [Music] hey that's it [Music] [Music] come on [Music] again [Music] so [Music] yeah is [Music] [Music] hey you all right i think i found a way out okay so this must be what bill's talking about all right hi you're gonna have to climb you're only safe here for five minutes i really don't think i can make it all right oh you can yeah you'll be fine no you will follow me and you'll be fine good night this is crazy if one of us slip we'll all go and i was gonna fall away no one's gonna fall no one's gonna fall just keep looking up [Music] going honestly [Music] the latest indications are that the storm was turned it's moving away heading south that's not the point the crucial issue is when will the surge lose momentum that's what i'm saying no storm no service but the surge this powerful would maintain its own momentum and for a long time what do you mean it could take out the rest of the city are you saying we haven't seen the worst of it all of those people at the safety points including your rescue teams are at high risk do you see that mr hopkins that's just two people there are countless others depending for their next breath on the accuracy of your forecast as are we uh [Music] hey [Music] hey keep your eyes on me just keep looking at me you can do it keep there you go keep looking at me there you go we're doing well give me your hands [Music] i'm all right oh i'm gonna look around by my calculations the water will be six to eight feet deep here here but only one or two feet deep here yeah yeah so these are the roads your people should be using to get survivors to greenwich park and other safety points so these are our key evacuation corridors but if these are our only access routes land-based search and rescue in these other areas going to be well-known possible i need more air support all our rear support is already deployed um pilots are massively demonstrated they're already flying longer than a safe or legal and my guys aren't overstretched they're fighting a monster out there you can't expect miracles from us if this is all we've got to work with like firemen are dying out there how's it looking down there not good water's still rising you didn't take your inhaler you don't have it do you i lost it earlier i'm down there i'm fine honestly dad actually not so honestly but i'll manage we're gonna be all right we're gonna get through this oh don't tell me i'm in a no smoking area i don't need to you know i'm sorry there's no excuse for what just happened in there no there's usually a pretty good reason i had a team go into a care home the residents were abandoned by the carers we were too late the team are a mess and if i'm honest with myself i don't know what to say to them well you tell them they tried and that no one could ask anymore and you thank them for their courage and then you move on fix the next problem all of us [Music] yes thank you [Music] oh [Music] i tried the four lines are down [Music] alive oh how could anyone survive this [Music] hello hello can you put me through the copa yeah can you repeat that yes that's right put them straight through we want to talk to them mom yes i think you'll want to take this call is it her name claire yeah that's that's fantastic news wait there's someone here you should speak to me i'll pass you over yeah okay i wasn't here it's you rob oh thank god i thought you were yeah i'm i'm still here i just can't believe it's you where are you at central london what's left of it we you stand with you yeah yeah she's here rob i may need your help i'll make sure your birth picks up as soon as possible i can't tell you how relieved i am no rob i need to speak to sam can you put her on yeah sir leonard sam oh god it's so good to hear your voice listen sam about the barrier what do you think it's still operational oh oh god well i can't imagine the barriers in very good shape is there any way we could open the gates manually well yeah no no you could override the auto setup but i think access would be an issue sam i think the barrier is our answer but we need to rendezvous defiant first okay mom we're redirecting four chinooks to these safety commissioners do you have a miracle for us professor i don't know about a miracle tides ebb and flow like clockwork we can tell the timing of high and low tide on the river a hundred years from now and right although the surge is still plowing its way up river the water level here downriver of the barrier is beginning to fall with the outgoing tide the closed barrier usually is acting like a dam keeping the water level high on the city side if we lower the barrier the water upriver can drain into the estuary what we then need is a force which in effect increases the rate at which the tide ebbs is that something we could actually create there may be a way zack yeah we're going to go now why have to find something for this leg before we picked up want you to stay and look after the others okay you'll be safe here someone comes in all right yeah thank you well thank you [Music] [Music] the storms dumped nearly four inches of rain upstream and of course that's swirling the river massively these locks they're all at breaking point to stop the surge plowing its way any further upriver i think we should open these flue skates let the whole lot flush downstream we'll need exact timings from the met office of course so that the whole operation coincides with the ebbing of the tide richardson get me manpower availability estimates in these areas i'll take that off there there there what if we open the sluice gates wouldn't we just be releasing even more water into the floodplain of course but if we get the timing right with the barrier open we'll have the water from the sluice gates counteracting the surge and the outgoing tide pulling it back down the estuary hopkins where the hell's hopkins i need him here [Music] give me the waterways manager commissioner has the danger pass yes yes or no i believe that it's heading straight forward sir safety points are filling up we're running out of fresh drinking water we're gonna need to requisition more transport within the next 30 minutes right but make sure you coordinate with that girl oh and do you speak to the pm shortly do we know yet how many people didn't get out latest estimate is um 200 000 sir [Music] oh [Music] peace [Music] [Music] stars [Music] and so we ask for your understanding and prayers for those who are braving terrible conditions in a bid to save lives this is just the start of a terrible day of reckoning for london rescue services are undeniably strange and we have to face the consequences and preparing us for the worst loss of life on this scale something we've never experienced before in this city i believe london will survive and we will recover thank you i don't think anyone made it [Music] may i join you our only reason for being here is to save lives and god knows how many we lost out there failed or i did you've done everything humanly possible countless people owe their lives to you including me have you seen the pictures who could have survived sir my girls are out there i don't even know where they are what are their names glad emma that's the tricky one goes round with me and was the peacemaker just like her dad was sounds like a pretty unbeatable combination to me this thing isn't over not by a long talk if we can lower the barrier we would force this thing back that sounds like the old leonard morrison who liked to cause trouble all those years ago trouble me any um luck finding salmon brub merson still trying to look at them look at this place let's go this time sam we don't have time for this just one [Music] [Music] minute all right thank you it's hopkins what about him his body's just been found i should have seen this coming oh no i'm sorry see if you can trace this next of ken well oh oh bloody hell [Laughter] does duncan make you laugh yeah all the time bloody does now we need to get this looked at properly [Music] i really miss you [Music] now you're supposed to say it don't worry you know what i'm saying don't you remember there's reasons oh no no i gave you them it's the stupidest thing i've ever done in my life and i'm sorry it's my biggest regret [Applause] he isn't safe yet i better get going [Music] [Applause] stand still we're not losers no he's injured that's we just broke in for medicine i would have mentioned a bit about breaking in but get in touch with commissioner nash at cobra she can vouch for us mr mrs morrison yeah you're a hard team to track down we've got instructions to take you to defiance engineering this all looks great but in real life we're dealing with massive unpredictable forces i don't care what your model says there's no way we can gauge or predict what's going to happen when these two bodies of water come together it's a hell of a risk marble and the chances of it working out the way the professor thinks it will must be a million to one it i've taken all known variables into consideration including the issue of timing i think my plan will work grossly have you in the waterways team looked at these figures yes and i concur with the professors they're as accurate as we can hope for at this stage we have to get out of here i've got an idea be back in a minute come on dad can you come and help us and you blind faith in computer models is what got us into this mess in the first place ignoring computer mode please what are the timing issues low tide at the barrier is 10 45 a.m for this to work we have to open this loose gates at precisely 9 15. the barrier gates will have to be lowered before the snoozescape waters reach them barrier is not currently operational as you well know yeah indeed but i've spoken with samantha morrison there is a way of lowering the barrier but we don't have much time if the barrier gates can't be lowered then the plan with the sluice gates won't work we'll be gambling with millions of lives so you're asking me to open the sluice gates unleashing millions of gallons of water before we know for sure whether we can lower the barrier how sure are you i'm sending my son and daughter-in-law to the barrier does that answer your question i need to brief the dpm before we do this richardson [Applause] [Music] they found us [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just when we thought that no one could have survived thousands of people are holding up signs telling us they're alive they're people still alive thank god [Music] sir i need to go ahead we're running out of time but i've already spoken to the prime minister about it but i need to know is this our only option i'm afraid sir oh we do nothing and i'm sure you'll agree that is not enough but this plan hinges on the barrier gates opening when we know the electronics have already been wiped out completely this backup system may not be operational either how sure are you in the work the mechanized override facility is designed to operate the gates in the event of an electronic systems failure but you don't have something certain about it there's no guarantee that it will work minister but this is our only hope but the key thing is no we need a decision with a high risk of failure sir we cannot take this action sir we're out of options we need to do this minister i'll go to the barrier myself go ahead how's it going all set are you sure you're okay to do this yeah i'm fine anyway we kind of uh don't want us to be apart anymore let's go sleep [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] thank you they're all that matter [Music] [Music] it's good to see you dad do you really think he's up to it do you remember ever being able to talk your son out of anything he's so stubborn i wonder why sir we're opening this blue skates we need to get airborne where is she dad look at all those pictures do you think that they're all well well no i mean i expect they'll be rescued you know we were i'm sure i'm sure they will [Music] [Music] commander brian if we don't open the barrier in time our ability to manage this disaster will be non-existent within two hours this control center will be taken out i understand give me professor certainly mom commissioner professor morrison the surge is moving further inland you're absolutely sure it shows no sign of stopping as fuller downloaded the latest projection yes we're counting on you understood i always hoped we might work together not like this one what we're trying to do is very dangerous i'll take my step no one knows the barrier like me it's my job even if it kills you [Music] i won't let anyone else take my place rob i know i haven't been much of a father no no i wasn't much of a husband i'm sorry i doubted it's obvious now why the work meant so much [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is where we are in the backup control room this is the room we need to get to it houses the manual override which will allow us to drain the lat room the problem is that this room will be flooded and there's a good chance that all these access routes are also underwater so what are you suggesting all the sluice gates up river have been open we're on a clock here we need to drain the lightroom in order to operate the hydraulics that will open the barrier now even if we do make it as far as the override room the barrier's anti-terrorist motives will activate and there will be no way back out the drainage system is only operable when the room is sealed from the inside whoever goes into this room is gonna run out of air before the door can be reopened from the other side this is a death sentence this is madness we need a contingency if they don't succeed what do you suggest there is only one option mom the barrier gates must be destroyed we don't have the authority i'll get it sam i can't let you do this whatever happens on this barrier is my responsibility i have to sam listen this is no longer a civilian responsibility a senior officer here it's my duty i need you both here to operate the latch release i've made my decision commander you're a brave man but we both know it can't be you you don't know this barrier well enough it makes sense no i won't why you know why he doesn't know enough to go down there i'm asking you [Music] is [Music] prime minister all our aircraft are fully armed and fueled i must reiterate time is of the essence i don't need to be reminded of that major general what is the status of the rescue operation of the barrier well that's difficult to tell at the moment we're still having communication problems with the team on the ground that's all we need right now i don't want our handling of this crisis to come under any more question we are monitoring it minute by minute major general your aircraft are to remain on the ground at the present time deputy prime minister give me a reason to delay this [Music] [Music] hello there open the door open the door [Music] dad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes of course commissioner prime minister for you prime minister commissioner i need an update search waters are continuing to work their way upstream their momentum has slowed but we have major damage and further potential loss of life at chelsea clapham hammersmith and putney and the skate waters that have been released to combat this surge current estimates suggest a confluence between the bluescape waters and the surge in less than 30 minutes it's not enough commissioner you're giving me very few options [Music] [Music] my [Music] mom commander bryant's on the line from the barrier good signal a bit patchier commissioner nash are you receiving me yes yes commander brian a situation has arisen we're under pressure from the prime minister and the military unless you give me something concrete we have less than 10 minutes before aircraft are ordered to take off and destroy the barrier mom professor morrison is currently trying to engage the manual override system he may need more than 10 minutes i need an exact time i can't be more precise you don't know when he'll be back buy me all the time you can mom professor morrison won't be coming back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lower lightroom will drain in two minutes you should be able to access the pump room now okay let's go [Music] don't be crying these guys come on to brian this is how morrison put me through the commissioning place [Music] we've begun priming the gates as soon as it's completed i can open the barrier no we just need two more minutes before it can open prime minister we need to get the aircraft to the barrier now we're running out of time prime minister we need a decision major general you have my authority to destroy the [Music] barrier we have a go you're clear for takeoff [Music] [Music] sam you all have to get out of there now it's too late ma'am we're gonna finish this [Music] it's only a matter of minutes mom [Music] that's it [Music] follow me quickly get those pencils ready [Music] okay we're minutes away from the barrier [Applause] [Music] sir any minute now this blue skates waters are going to meet the sun i know that damn it commissioner nash status report could just bear with me a few moments prime [Music] minister [Applause] [Music] [Music] mario sam they've done it the gates are opening they've done it they've done it the gates are opening [Music] stand them down ashcraft abort i repeat a vote so [Music] [Music] all right dad dad here she's gotta be here i'm gonna go and find her mom [Music] [Music] thank you he left he loved you [Music] i'm sorry dad thank my father [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] r [Music] so [Music] days you
Channel: The Midnight Screening
Views: 13,539,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, film, hollywood movies, the midnight screening, free movies, movies 2021, best movies 2021, flood movie, tom hardy, Robert Carlyle, david suchet, flood, disaster moves, disaster movie, disaster movies full movie english, best disaster movies, action movies, best action movies 2021, film action, action movies 2021, new action movies 2021, thriller movies, thriller movies 2020, best thriller movies, thriller films, tom courtenay, tom hardy movies, flood part 1 and 2
Id: iHNe7k0FvoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 15sec (11055 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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