Christocentric Meal (April, 30th) | Was Redemption Complete on The Cross?

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Crystal centric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus Imelda Mina is my name and I'm excited to welcome every one of you today to this wonderful time of studying and looking into the mirror of God's Word for an accurate reflection of who you and get ready to make adjustments ready to make adjustments so you will be affected in your thoughts concerning who you are in Christ Jesus I have co-hosting the broadcast with me this morning my wife dr. Richard Amina honey good morning greetings everybody welcome to the broadcast amen let's pray together father we rejoice and we thank you lord as we pray the prayers the polite prayers to the church at Ephesus over you people we cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in our prayers today that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory will give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that Christ dwells in your hearts by faith we pray that the eyes of understanding be flooded with light we decree that you will know the hope of your colleague the riches of your inheritance in the seeds and the exceeding greatness of his power towards you who believe according to the working of his mighty power which you wrote in Christ receive understanding today in the name of Jesus thank you father France and pray in Jesus name Amen praise God what lot have all of you connecting today were looking at was redemption complete on the cross again remember in Philemon 160 says that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the acknowledging the word acknowledge is what accurate precise comprehensive insight and that is what we are looking at all of these details we need to pay attention to it so was redemption complete on the cross there have been several songs that in father Redemption was completed when Jesus died on the cross many people believe it act there's a song like a cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away and across and across he was not on the cross that the bodies of your heart rolled away it wasn't so look at it that is at the point when Jesus died was very damp Shawn was done not on the cross okay salvation was consummated in three acts the death of Jesus the burial of Jesus and his bodily resurrection with his ascension to present his blood before God these are the acts that establishes the completion of Redemption just a cross though sometimes the cross is Somali called the cross to mean the death burial and resurrection but there are people who see that cross as John has only you see the people who see the cross are the stick the that the suffering of Christ was a bad one no the beating that he suffered yeah Rita yeah but they were beating him on the road that was his suffering and then there was the climax was he climbed across and said it is finished everything finished but that is actually where the journey actually begun so that's why this detail is key is key to on the yeah because you know agree is the total since on the schoolhouse what if Joe were painter Jesus Johnny climax oh he's suffering was hanging on the cross yeah but that's where Charlie did Johnny where Johnny actually studied on that cross where he died then he was taken from the cross to degree because otherwise the same thing exactly beat them and hang them on the cross in fact that's a steep source of power they suffer more than that so that can be the soften the real suffering was the death that date was the suppression and that is what he cried in the Garden of Gethsemane their cup was a cup of suppression because the problem even so yes the price was the same pressure because of fall of Adam was the pressure the day you shall surely die that was not extinction was suppression so the payment will be that suppression all right now first Corinthians 15:3 so I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures let us have ever read first Corinthians 15 30 but if there be no resurrection of the Dead and it's Christ not risen Suda yeah 14 and if Christ be not risen then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain so any miss that is not predicated on his resurrection is in vain me see he's been is useless motivation enterpreneurship hi give me the sugar get you excited in charge you know fruits telling you about all kinds of useless things is V any message that is not built on his resurrection is Christ be not risen okay the preaching is V so any preaching that is not on his resurrection is in vain preaching the preacher is sweating the preacher is jumping and is wealthy yes and your faith is also vain and your faith is V you are yet in your fear so all that motivation that you are hearing and feeling now is you know maybe you're going through and things are not working for you don't worry hey you are see me you see mother air you're serious it because you are not free from scene or do you have the revelation of his resurrection and that's what the preacher must preach all the time all the time the pajamas never get tired of preaching his resurrection all the time otherwise he is wasting his own time and the people start you know I said this is your church if you remember I said how many of you get tired of seeing your face on the mirror when you come to the mirror to check yourself you can miss it you look different so you want to see monkey today chimpanzee tomorrow baboon next tomorrow lion next Tiger another tomorrow what kind of a man are you gonna be if you don't get tired of seeing the same thing in fact the reverse is the case if you see anything different you want one corrects it quickly you don't get tired of looking every time the one of God this is sunshine you nose never get tired of hearing the same thing every time you come to charge except you're not born of God establishments yes that's where your reality lies now the word vain means worthless any missing that is not built on his resurrection is a worthless machine and as futile futile and Jesus had to come out of the dead to show that the price had been paid so the resurrection confirms the work of redemption and it puts the final seal on what Christ has done the resurrection when he said it is finished on the cross he was not referring to the work of redemption he was referring to the law the fulfillment on the law at his resurrection Redemption was fully consumed it so he had to appear bodily as a full proof of his walk and the fact that he's alive is the eternal security of our salvation the fact is alive that redemption is not for sometimes but for all time and that is resurrection that is bodily appearance resurrection I see Thomas you so that is the proof that it's not for some time yes but for all time yes under the eternal security there is a wretchedness of eternal security Holly Ridge follows Hebrews chapter 9 verse 11 and 12 but Christ being come an high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building Neda by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for take note of the word eternal redemption eternal redemption not temporal redemption not conditional will you know there are some people going around preaching what they call second work of grace what is what Christ did once and for all it's not like second level of concentration or sanctification Jesus it's not installment in our PR today no no it's not instrument it is what he has done perfect job so take note of the word eternal redemption okay our redemption is eat Anna honey read for us Hebrews 5:8 and 9 though he were found yes yet Landy obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him so where the tannery Densham he became the author of eternal salvation everything is eternal if you take note these are things they believer must understand they are not for new believers they are essential for believers to know like somebody says you know what your teaching is nucleation reality is foundational it is foundation classic when the use is to be a new creation where you have grown how many years in Christ they used to been a new creature come on old creation you are a new creation forever so those realities are your realities forever those are the things you keep looking at forever keep you everything we teach in the pistols a new creation everything we teach is new question reality because this is our reality all right so they are essential for all believers - no honey read false Hebrews 7 24 25 but this man because he continueth ever had an unchangeable priesthood wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them save to the uttermost became the author of eternal salvation obtain for us eternal Redemption everything eternal eternal or Hamas which is eternal all of jesus walks explain to us that the fact that he is alive is the eternal security you know he is able also to save them to them what trauma was not common to God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for it having died that's right but this man because he continued [Music] attea is the walk of jesus is our high priest now he's he he bettered you and he leave it for him unlike the physical priests that every I have to change the evil not so first off of himself then before he offers you own but this one this priest lives forever ever after offering himself he rules in order to continue as your priest forever right right well we feel half-wit if you like didn't agree if there was any failure at all we didn't have been in the dream but since the grave death in keeping so Jesus paid an eternal prize to give us eternal Redemption an eternal salvation and consequently an eternal inheritance eternal price eternal Redemption eternal salvation and eternal in here for this reason we have been perfected forever this is the reality of our Redemption and this is why it cannot be lost because never be lost because it's not efficient no no no it is not for those images not a better one yeah he's not a better walk another fact that's not but yeah he's not on us this is Raqqa he did everything that was demanded just like scene is he like forever yes Jesus life is it hungry he came to remove the old nature and he was missed in nature that is forever eternal we're eternally in Christ were one with Christ eternal we can never be separated we're in him his nose that shows you then never to with this security guarantees this one we are intertwine with him we are in him he knows where both of his bones his flesh of our flesh praise God and it was in a confession today I am eternally saved redeemed redeemed and I received any and I have received an eternal inheritance in Christ does your confession and that's what you should walk around today declare it eternally saved eternally redeemed and you have received eternal inheritance in Christ Jesus don't let nobody take you captive don't let nobody confuse you with drama this is as simple as you can get yeah simple just take these truths the way they are and in your spirit if you are really born in as well speaking there'll be a witness and literally this is it even though your head may not attack me by your spirit to tell you this is true if you are born of God because it's a witness of the Holy Spirit who is supposed to guide you into all truth when truth is taught yourself peace and assurance even though your mind there may be a contradiction because of wrong teaching where your spirit will tell you this is it and we trust God with you today that you will have such strong witness of the Holy Spirit that nullifies and they get every contribution in the system every mindset every wrong teaching and every error that you have the pedal and carried on yourself we command them totally destroyed now we declare that the finished work of Christ becomes your reality that what in the reality that the price was paid eternal therefore you obtain eternal inheritance eternal salvation eternal redemption everything in got for you is eternal and therefore he secures his walk by his resurrection he rose from the dead and that is what eternal security in Christ Jesus so as you go through the day go with this full position in boldness and righteousness enjoy the blessings of Christ and we decree concerning you sin has no dominion over you we decree that today you are dead to sin and alive to righteousness you are a master over sin and is servant of righteousness therefore today we decree that your going out is bless your homonym is blessed continue to enjoy the fullness of grace they're born dance of grace God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things you continue to abound on to every good work great Grace's upon you to the walk of your hands are blessed you're going out is blessed those of you going for interviews today you have the favor of God in the name of Jesus in your favor with man we decree that all that partings - life and college that is yours you enjoy the manifestation in the name of Jesus thank you for us we acknowledge these realities for viewers around the world we acknowledge together with them that Christ is made unto every one of them wisdom righteousness and justification and sanctification our redemption in the name of Jesus thank you for answered prayer in Jesus precious name Amen praise God hey guys order for the book and all the other resources that this ministry offers for your spiritual edification and growth it's so important so important so important so that you are free from the molestation of ignorance and the molestation of religious bondage because two three traits when you grow in the knowledge of his son in the knowledge of Christ you enjoyed the Liberty that holy Christ provides we're excited that NASA which allowed to order for all of these resources and materials but share with people around the world was going on right here on this channel on this every day [Laughter] what they bring for you meanwhile is hungry when you bring food you see no so he saw hey it's so much money cheap it's never see a is so not it is it Danny the next time they bring something how if because I'm hungry you're not sure so when they brought it for the guys and they give him with an axe in question he asks for they gave him he ate so the father now said to the sir it looks like what you said is true so the next time they came he said excuse me Corral the food is now said you know it's not for sale is part of your chicken ah the masa everything you bring my own celebrity ticket for you - don't apologies don't you be cheeky yourself you tell you completely you enjoy what Christ has done an injury not apology yes enjoy that apology and don't try to be nice about it yes for you I live in the treaty leave the whole of today rejoice in and enjoy order Christ has been available for you we love you guys you know we look forward to sharing fellowship with you again tomorrow morning I don't you come again your way tomorrow morning share with people what's going on on this planet me yes tomorrow is me it's gonna be powerful sharing together I don't ill then this is Richard and Abel Dominus a the kingdom of God [Music] the knowledge of Christ after the flesh is incomplete knowledge is incomplete knowledge is incomplete knowledge because all of the vast resources and all of the glory that the father bestowed upon the risen Lord was not available in the incan it cries Oh in the Incan it cries he was anointed the risen Lord is not anointed the risen Lord is the anointed the Incarnate Christ was anointed the Incarnate Christ had a name under heaven the Incarnate Christ had a name under heaven Peter Peter carried it over into us there is no name under heaven given among men whereby we can be saved his name was under heaven the risen Lord God has given him a name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus all things in heaven on earth the Incarnate Christ name on the heaven the risen Lord name in heaven name on earth name under the earth his name rules and reigns and I have news for you before he died he gave the believers or yet those who believed in him a right to use the name it was a right to use the name when he rose from the dead his name is our name we are know using the name that is our family name is mojo so right now it is our me if ye be Christ's if you be Christ's you are Christ's you don't just add his name to use you are him he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit the new man the new man is alive to God the new man is created in righteousness and true holiness the new man read for me 18 to 20 of that self second Corinthians 5:18 to 20 and all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and have given to us the Ministry of reconciliation all things are of God in this born-again man all things are of God he does another generation our cause all things in him out of God all things are of God all things are of God read for me the next verse to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation he has committed unto all the word of reconciliation next verse now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead be reconciled to God 21 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him but we might be made that we might be made our make is righteousness righteousness is not accredited to us righteousness is not imputed to us we are righteous we are made we are made the righteousness of God in Christ that's we are so therefore the new man is Christ Christ is the new man the new creation is Jesus Christ himself is not an individual the new creation is Christ his fixed one is fixed to all the new creation is Christ so if any man in the new creation he is a new creation the new creation is Christ is he not Christ what is it called a prototokos the prototype is the first begotten so who is the new man Christ and if any man in Christ what is he new creation what is it called identification the new man is Christ but by identification you are the new man in him he's a risen Lord and I have used for you he reigns not just over the earth he reigns over the heavens not just over heaven and earth he reigns over the underworld every me boughs and every tongue confess his lordship glory to God as a glory to God somebody shot I'm born of God said very loud and born of God say it confidently I am born of God same way Adam is all men the new creation is Jesus the same way Adam is all men the new creation is Jesus himself so how can Jesus have generation of course is a simple question does Jesus have generation our cause so to talk to me are you still thinking does Jesus have generation a cause so do you have generation atoms by identification he is a new creation and by identification you in him and a new creation so what is not in him cannot be in me is the petrm song I mean came a-knockin Tala to nominal or do Shakya when when the lamborghini producers put out a model of a lamborghini what they are telling you in essence is that whenever this Lambo is mass-produced whatever is in this lamborghini that is the sample of all the Lamborghinis of this model will be exact no more no less every article every quality every piece of item in this model called black oak in here when when you place an order for this Lambo it is the exactly that will be reproduce for you no more no less why that model is an indication of what will be in all the orders when God was said to must produce his family on the planet he brought forth a sample song and he said let all angels worship Him see Baba got a gig again what you're saying is anything you see in that sample saw when other songs are born there will be exact normal no less I can never be cost never know man can cost me no Daisy can cost me and no shrine can cost me I am above the clause we are am i seated together with Christ we're in the heavenlies there can be no cause where I live the heavenlies is not a distance the heaviness is the immaterial Ram right here the heavenlies is right here that you can see does it mean it's not here are you seen the FM signal in this building but half an is in this building and if you want to prove it get and get get get get an object that has the capacity to become FM signal and you will hear F M music in this building that you can see it does it mean is from here we know how we walk by faith and not by sight glory to God born of God [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word you needs not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily news making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and our confidence as a believer to order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel tamina call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life a new year [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,506
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Id: AUCujyg7wHk
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Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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