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or therefore any or all of the books today all you need to do again it should email to doctor email demeanor at and will respond to you properly and give you all the information you require to acquire these books I'm excited very excited invite a friend tag somebody created watch party but today is gonna be a powerful time of teaching you the word of His grace fasting your seatbelts as I take you on a gospel adventure into the service when the spirit of our God is already moving happy new the father and his family Matthew chapter 16 verse number thirteen when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he exceeded sample scene who do men say that I the Son of Man who do men say that I the Son of Man an observed a statement it observe very well that statement is consistent in Scripture who do men say that I the Son of Man em or who do men pray that I am or who do men think that I am or who do men preach that I am or who do men teach that I am because that or think can fit into what you preach what you sing what you teach who do men think who do men preach who do men sing all who do men pray who do you say that I am Simon Peter answered and said that were the Christ the Son of the Living God look at it in verse 16 and 17 of that same chapter Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God verse 17 and jesus answered and said on him blessed are thou Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven the word revealed on the line that what revealed is a Greek word apocalypse - apocalypse - where you have apocalypses similar to the word revelation to uncover a truth uncover a truth revelation is the uncovering of a truth or to lift the lead or barrier of knowledge to take the lid off or the barium away from knowledge verse number 18 and I say also unto thee thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail notice Paul's prayer in the revelation of Jesus Paul's prayer is that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him revelation revelation alright so in the revelation of Jesus comes the revelation of who you are you will never know who you are until you know who Jesus is because the believer is in Christ it shows that your emotions see a little of who you are your emotions say little of who you are your experiences say little of who you are your past says little of who you are and he said I say also unto you I say also unto you that you are Peter so Peter didn't know who Peter was Peter had to be told who beat ours I say unto you also that you are Peter Peter didn't know who he was look at Galatians chapter 4 verse 9 but now after that you have known God or rather are known of God and because he's the one who knows you is the only one that can reveal you to you sometimes your opinion about yourself is wrong I am what the world says I am I am NOT what I think I am I am NOT what I feel I am I am what the world says I am look at it again in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 and I cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers next verse that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ of wisdom in the knowledge of the spear wisdom in the knowledge of the spirit and they observe the prayer continues machine the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know who what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints being enlighten has to do with literacy spiritual illiterates coming to spiritual literacy someone you give a comb for example and you told him that this comb is anointed keep it at home and don't lose it and every time you come your hair forward you are making progress does his spiritual image rate anybody that takes you serious and carries your comb and even takes the combo considers it is a spiritual elite rate and there are people who are holding the combat still keeping the comb in their house - becoming the hair forward spiritual illiterates my house desire for Israel is that they be saved for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge only as zeros illiterate will carry a comb to be convinced head to advance forward even demons know that that is a stupid exercise even the devil knows better than that to some people the holy spirit for them is inside a bottle that's another glittery there the holy spots were poprad at the eyes of your understanding being lighting once your eyes are open you know that come this chrome bottle of oil is bottle of oil good for frying chicken it has no secondhand value that you may know what is the hope of his calling that you may know the hope of his calling dance in the saints in the same all of God's wealth all of God's which is his inside the believer is not in a comb the riches of God are not in a bottle of oil who we are dead in trespasses and sins vast you wherein in time you are according to the cause of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience you were there but he asked we keep you together with him he has we came you together with him I don't know what's wrong with us George people one moment we see it shall be permanent it shall be permanent were the Lord has done for me it shall be permanent then we turn again as a Salvation cannot be permanent salvation cannot be permanent does his spiritual tillage rate you don't sound that we know that whatever God does is permanent Venu knows his salvation is not permanent it doesn't make sense and there are people who are supposed to be circularly intelligent but spiritually illiterates who will buy that who will buy that fallacy well of course we have to settle this matter the salvation that Jesus of us is eternal but the salvation that another Jesus offers cannot be eternal because there are these Jesus and this another Jesus so we have to find out which of the salvation are they talking about because they could be right in their own right because they are talking about another Jesus and if ensenada Jesus his offer cannot be eternal because his only this one man after yes offered one sacrifice for sins forever he sat down because a job has been permanently settled but if he's another Jesus he doesn't have the ability to give eternal salvation so again you don't have to argue too much you just need to find out with Jesus are we talking about here because there is Jesus there is another there is another gospel there is Holy Spirit there is another spirit so before you argue with people come down because they may be speaking what they know that you don't know but if you're truly born again our prayer is the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that means you need to be educated about who you are you need to be educated about who you are anyone who needs to know you needs to know you by the spirit anyone who needs to know you needs to know you by the spirit look at John chapter 14 verse 9 jesus said unto Him have I been so long time with you and yet has thou not known me Philip he that has seen me has seen the father and I'll say is that damn show us the father in other words when you see Jesus you have seen the father when you see Jesus you have seen the father look at verse 20 of John chapter 14 and that day you shall know the Greek word give no school that I am in my father and he in me and I in you you shall be no school you will realize like training a child in school he grows to come to realize as he grows in other words there's a gradual progression to arriving at this knowledge and that day you shall give no school you shall know there will be gradual progression in this knowledge whether you know it or not is there but you can only enjoy his effectiveness when you know it when you know it your Christian walk becomes effective the word quino's goal is to learn by teaching to learn by teaching then in the process of teaching you come to see it revelation means the truth is uncovered you can see it revelation means the truth is uncovered and you can see it guinness co which is also knowledge is to learn by teaching by teaching by teaching so your mind programs information and as you begin to see the things you didn't see before your mind begins to make adjustment your mind begins to adjust your mind begins to adjust and anybody who teaches you out of these realities that we're dealing with here is lying to you anything contrary to these realities is a lie because all of us have come to a place of realizing God in Christ we see God in Christ we see God in Christ and there are people that are angry because we say God does not kill God cannot kill God has never killed and the reason is because they are yet to see God in Christ they're here to see God in Christ because if God kills them why are we not kill him officially because as he is so are we if he's a killer all of us who go around killing but if we cannot kill then we are either disobedient or we're mentally agitated about the character of God moreover one of the ten commandments is thou shalt not kill how can God actually not to kill when he himself is a killer are you accusing God of hypocrisy or what because if he's a killer and you're born of him then you must of necessity be a killer on daily basis but I have news for you the God of all Jesus Christ never killed and he will never kill when Jesus walked the face of the earth he never killed anybody even at the point of dying he was depraved Father forgive them they know not what they do that is the character of God manifested Jesus is the exact accurate comprehensive total character of God manifested in human flesh what Jesus does not do God doesn't do he that has seen me has seen the father Jesus speaking said so Jesus is the father revealed the Pharisees knew the Old Testament and then why young boys just they're educating them his name is Jesus Joseph his visit teaching them things George of the four verse 19 the woman said unto himself I perceive that thou art a prophet I perceive that thou art a prophet that means they didn't even know him all right so there was a discussion between Jesus and the woman there was a discussion between Jesus and a woman on where to wash it the woman said the mountain is a place to worship Jerusalem is the place to worship that was the subject of discourse because she was talking about a place but Jesus was dealing with a New Testament reality she had no access to understanding in John chapter 4 so she's searching her water and Jesus came to have an axial water to drink look at verse 10 of that John chapter 4 jesus answered and said unto him if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is asserted a give me to drink thou witness of Acts of him and he will have given thee living water he will have Acts him and he will have given thee living water if you knew the gift of God so Jesus was not talking about what was temporary Jesus was talking about what was permanent she was dealing with temporal situations then Jesus added in verse 14 of John chapter 4 but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never touched it shall be permanent what the Lord has done for me the water that I shall give him he shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life the water that Jesus gives is permanent when you drink it you are satisfied forever permanent whatever he does is permanent and Jesus was dealing with salvation here Church of the four verse 21 Jesus senator woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the father so Jesus is bringing in the character now look at verse 22 you worship you know not what we know what we worship for salvation is from the Jews when he says salvation is of the Jews what he actually means is the salvation is from the Jews 23 I love this one but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh the father seeketh such to worship Him the father is not seeking worship he's seeking such to worship Him so true worship as here does not imply that there are fake worshipers the use of the word true through worship as the use of that word is a Greek word unlit here in the Greek al ETA Alethia has to do with permanent true worship as is his status permanent washable true worship as his status it means permanent worshipers John would say this is the true light it doesn't mean that there is fake light this is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world meaning he is pointing to the permanent light it's like Jesus talked about true riches true riches means permanent riches you know if you are not faithful with your righteous maman who shall commit your trust they truly she's the permanent witches so it is always in comparison to what is temporal they are talking about Jerusalem a place temporal and Jesus is talking about worship in a permanent state that is not tempera true worshipers true worshipers so Jesus man sent to this woman you will not need at least to worship true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth so true worship is not a location true worship is a person that person is a believer that has a revelation of God that is true washing a revelation and accurate revelation of God in spirit and in truth means in spirit which is the reality in spirit which is the reality so there is to go to Jerusalem to the temple to bring offering and Jesus who say you don't have to do that anymore now it will be in spirit the word in spirit means in the unseen reality a reality that is not tangible or physical to the eyes on sin spiritual or immaterial in spirit and in reality not sincerity reality so Jesus is talking about the reality of washing he says he see cared for the reality of washing he seeketh such to worship God the Father never sought anyone to worship him in any place God the Father never sought anyone to worship him in any place never and he's also saying this in front of Solomon's Temple what was the temple for huh it was for watching who examle Beauty God never enter data for once showed up in that temple even one time so it was an economic waste God never showed up in their forms temple of Moses God was never there even the temple of Zerubbabel God was never there God it was everywhere always your money untying the kind of arms good yeah the kind of temple I'm looking for his number mines he told him and vertically but these guys were dull of hearing his Papa much is not my power is going to be built by my spirit it's gonna be people to buy my spear I don't need a physical place no location in the physical can continue no location is good enough but the temple I'm gonna live in it's gonna be built by my spirit we're dealing with the father and his family glory to God somebody shout hallelujah that's better that's more like home now alright so jesus said the time comet and now is when the true worshipers shall worship in spirit and in truth in reality spiritual realities they will worship in spiritual realities they will worship in unseen realities so the true worship of God is in the unseen realities the true worship of God takes place in the unseen realities it does not take place in any physical structure Hebrews chapter 8 verse number five who served on to the example and shadow of the heavenly things example and shadow so they were saddened onto the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonish of God when he was about to make the tabernacle for see saith he that thou make all things according to the pattern shot to thee in the Mount please take note of the word heavenly things now if you read that you will think it was God that acts mozzies to build a temple but they were in shadow the what shadow is all skia it means darkness or something obscure that men would in a scare you will not see the truth in something that is obscure now look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 be we are less any man spoil you through philosophy Safiya vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ verse 16 of the same Colossians of the two let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink why didn't you eat the communion let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of her holiday Christmas service is the service of the new moon fest of December morning do you the dew of hammer which are a shadow of things to come but the reality is of Christ all those practices we appointed to the real deal so that temple was a shadow Ischia shadow means darkened darkened that means information of things to come but the body the soma in the greek used for actual things reality the body the real thing the same word is used in first Peter 2:24 who is also bore our sins in his own body the body there is the word soma which is reality the reality is a person so don't let anybody judge you in meat or drink because the reality of all those practices is oppressing many you can never handle symbols and beasts in reality if you're handling symbols you can see reality but if you let the symbols pancha to the reality and you abandon the symbols then you can embrace the reality you can handle the symbols and the real at the same time that's why until this day when Moses is read there is a veil because Moses is shadows but the reality is Christ himself so Moses saw a vision of a heavenly the water heavily is the word immaterial heavenly me immaterial so whatever he saw was in the spirit Moses presented to the assembly in the wilderness a dark image Shawn he was trying to paint pictures of the real he gave them a priest he gave them a high priest then those of them that disobey me give them leprosy people like Miriam Annie Bruce chapter 3 verse 3 look at the way the writer of Hebrews puts it for this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses in as much as he who had built at the house have more honor than the house verse 4 for every house is builded by some man but he that built all things is God verse 5 and Moses verily was faithful in all his house as his servant for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after as everything Moses did was a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after which were to be spoken after so see how his role was to point them to the things that would be spoken after that was his role to point them to the things that will be spoken after Hebrews 3:6 but Christ as his son over his own house whose house are we on the line whose house are we if you hold fast the confidence and rejection of the whole firm on to the air so if price is going into a house he will be going to a physical house he will go to his household whose house are we so Moses said before the law was made that man was God's habitation in Exodus 15 why did he ask them to have a house he left them to be sacrificing then he went to Cana instead of praying Lord show me your glory they are busy offering animals he is he one gonna say Lord show me your glory he is trying to communicate realities to them that they are oblivious off all right now today we are not asking the Lord to show us the glory get born again the day you go born again the glory came on your inside his name is Jesus somebody shot we have the glory today can I hear you louder so question why did he give them the temple of worship why did Moses give them the temple and why did Moses send them there to worship why did high priest and a priest why why why why Hebrews chapter 4 verse 2 for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it the word preached so the gospel was preached to them oh yes whose house are we that's what the gospel says the gospel says God's house is people the gospel says our sins and iniquities they will remember them again no more the gospel says he has perfected forever those who me sanctified the gospel says we have come to Mount Zion we have come to the heavenly Jerusalem we have come to an innumerable company of angels that's what the gospel says in Hebrews 12:22 he preached pull to them that gospel was preached to Israel but they didn't mix it with faith their heart but didn't mix it faith so if the gospel was given to them and they didn't believe it it means they were functioning in unbelief so because of unbelief he asked them to build a temple because of unbelief he asked them to offer animals because of unbelief he asked them to have a priest and a high priest all those was because they rejected the gospel and Moses gave them an alternative to keep pointing them to the reality look at Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 to 4 again for we which have believed do enter into rest so many shot I have entered rest can I tell you something you know these people that go around preaching the term you can lose your salvation they have not understood that salvation is rest if they understand our salvation is rest they will not be thinking that if you seem God will remove your name if you repent you will write it if you see Megan that means in one day if you know how many times your name leave the book of life and how many times they write it back then God is jobless and then that cannot be rest because such a busy cleaning a writing is not rest if it is race is should be Noah's overall we did not believe that entered into rest and he that has entered into rest he has ceased from works even as God sees from his in the beginning who am I talking to you misplace any teaching that upsets you assurance of salvation is another gospel number the policies should be treated as an edema should be cut off should be cut off save anybody preach another gospel he say PR with him the Greek word for purity means put up a major resistance against the passion put up a major resistance such that by mistake you don't get his voice again what are you talking about diatonic ah put up a resistance I am raised for the defense of what Christ has done for we which I believe is a believer in this Miriam do anti interest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world vast number for for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest the seventh day from all his works that dress was salvation the works there was salvation the rest of God rested was salvation symbolized in the book of Genesis and the writer of Hebrews was caught him from Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 to 3 rest from walks when you believe you do nothing believe him puts the work on someone else and puts the receiving on you believe him puts the work on someone else and puts the receiving on you when you don't believe where you don't believe that you have to do you are left with performance performance is for unbelievers believers don't perform they receive what has been done he gives a gospel to them to believe they did not believe in the absence of what God should do Moses gives them what to do since you don't like a one God is doing why are you do and he gave them hard walk Moses he gave them heavy walk made them to stop building temple spend 46 years building since you don't watch a disaster look at what it will take you to do what still is not good enough 46 years of investing and beauty heavy our class's dawn your punishment has not started pressing on it's just introduction if what Christ has done is not good enough your punishment it has not started press on it is warming up to stop wrestle you know what it took God to pay for man see you know what it took him now I say I can do that what God has done is not good enough let us help him Nobunaga the opposite of the gospel is walks the opposite of the gospel of Christ is walks in the gospel you believe and do nothing God told them I want a kingdom of priests they said to God we don't want God said I want to raise among you people a kingdom of priests they said to God we don't want so they appointed Moses their mediator it wasn't God that appointed Moses it was Israel that appointed Moses they said to Moses you go anything God tell you come on tell us whatever you tell us will be so they appointed a mediator for themselves in Moses so Moses now having been appointed a mediator engage angels to aquitine so Moses and angels we are in fellowship while Israel where the receiving end God gave Adam rest before sinking the seven day was go stress for Adam he was created on the sixth day and he began to function on the seventh day from a place of rest that's God's plan that man should operate from a place of rest yes when you become a beneficiary and not a performer will you become a beneficiary of his walk and not a performer look at our Moses engaged angels to approach it Israel acts 7:35 glory to God this Moses wonder if you say who made the a ruler and a George the same that God sent to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush look at that axe of the seven verse 53 again so you know that Moses ingots angels who received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it so it was angels from Shani with Moses over the unbelieving Israelites look at Colossians 2:18 so the law was given by the engagement of angels let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels and worshipping of angels and worshipping of angels intruding into those things which are not sweet yet not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind in other words fulfilling the law and the dictates of the law is angel worship fulfilling the law of Moses and the dictates of the law of Moses you are a worshipper of angels is called angel ocean fulfilling the law and the dictates of the law is Angele worship look at Hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 it's a serious matter for if the word spoken by angels were steadfast spoken by Angels was steadfast so anybody that obeys those was pokum by angels is worshipping angels he was that fast and that is were under angelic worship every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward angelic washing the world spoken by Angels not the words spoken by God the walls spoken by angels in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 and 2 he told you that God does not speak through angels God speaks in his song God was sundry times in divers - spec to the father's by the prophets as in this last days spoken to us in his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world when else by himself purged our sins sat down God speaks to us in his song but where you disbelieve what God has done then you come under angels and we're interested to you and you carry it out you're a a worshipper of angels so the law of Moses given by angels was angelic washing god never spoke the law god never spoke the law god never spoke the law God is consistent God is constant everything they ever said was in his song everything God ever said was in his song hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 2 3 4 if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward look at the next verse how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which are the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed on to us by them that heard him God speaks in his song God never spoke through angels God never spoke to us through angels he spoke to us in his own the law was given by angels they spoke it to Moses and Moses gave it to Israel so when you bring yourself under the law of Moses you are a worshipper of angels you are not a worshipper of God nao-san hebrews chapter 1 verse 5 the writer of hebrews not began to retire the angels to which of the Angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son which of the Angels has ever called a song he's humbling the Angels he's putting the Angels in their place in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 and they're not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for the Musha the heirs of salvation and inner servants are they not house boys are the Angels not boy boy not a Narellan boys so when you don't believe the gospel errand boys will take charge of you well you don't believe the gospel around boys house boys will take charge of you Hebrews 1:14 Hebrews do too they are supposed to be ministering for not to be giving instructions to but when the people received the word and didn't mix faith with it then house boys have to determine their faith how shall you escape from house boys ruling you if you neglect so great salvation how shall you escape angelic washing if you neglect so great salvation look at Hebrews chapter 2 verse 6 but in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him so God was putting up from our minds he was putting it out to show us that he has never never spoken to us through angels he always speaks to us in his own concentration hallelujah so all judgment of violence all judgment of violence or destructions we are where manifestations of the law all violence judgments vengeance where manifestations of the law spoken by Angels given by Moses spoken by Angels given by Moses don't forget Moses was faithful in his house concerning the things he will speak for after so questioned why then was the temple build hello why was the temple built from all I have said why was the temple of Moses built because of unbelief because of unbelief they believe that God will stay in buildings but God cannot stay in them they are faith was that God can stay in buildings but they are not qualified for God to stain them they never believe it say they were victims of unbelief Jesus laughed at them Jesus said the baby when it was hungry went an edge shewbread Mach 225 and he said unto them have you never read what David did these doodles talking have you never read what David did when he when he had meat and when he was a hunger he and I were with him have you not read in calcineurin let us tell you next was how he went into the house of God in the days of abierta the high priests and did eat the shewbread which is not lawful to eat before the priests and gave also to them which were with him he ate and gave his boys he said we are not pleased about it because there's nothing inside here all these things they said there's not anything and he said unto them the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath so on the Sabbath day the disciples can eat food and they can heal the sick and they can do everything because the Sabbath is not a day the day cause Sabbath was a pointer to a person called Sabbath that's why when you enter Jesus of entered eaten a Sabbath is called the rest of God forever God never stayed in a physical temple write that down in capital letters God never stayed in a physical temple and Jesus humbling them said the greater than Solomon and his temple is here the greater than Solomon is here greater than solomon's temple is here why did Moses them build a temple because everything Jesus was meant to do Moses get them to do everything they rejected Jesus so what Jesus was meant to do Moses asked them to do it since Jesus is not good enough for you people so what Jesus will have done do it Jesus will build a temple for God so since you don't believe in the one Jesus revealed Beauty is a kind of punishment since you have rejected the one Jesus is going to build build your own so they started building all the money all the time morning and evening and as they're building the happy that they're beautiful god they're beautiful not knowing that God does don't mean it God does not require and God has never instructed for him in a brush of the advance for him look at this you'll love this Musab on to the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the Tamannaah who foresees safety the Adamic all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the Mount look at verse 4 for if he were on earth he should not be a priest seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law there are priests so he is dealing with the father if Jesus were on earth look at verse 5 and 6 now of that same chapter who serve on to the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonished of God when was about to make the temp tabernacle for see saith he that thou make all things according to the pattern show to the in the mouth look at verse 6 but now have he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises so he calls Jesus a priest and the work of Jesus is to offer why did he ask them to build because they did not believe the gospel Jesus did not become a priest after Aaron Jesus mentions Melchizedek so before Aaron before the law Melchizedek symbolized Jesus before the law was given so Jesus is a priest look at his priesthood in Hebrews 6:19 which hope we have as an anchor of the soul please pay attention both sure and steadfast and which enter it into that within the veil 20-win and a foreigner is for us entered even jesus made an high priest for ever made and a high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec the high priest Aaron takes the offering into a physical building which they call God's temple he takes up the offering the sacrifice into a physical building which they call God's temple and he see me as the blood on the mercy seat physical physical physical Jesus is also called a high priest now if you are not careful you will think Jesus came to replace Aaron to take blood to a physical temple and smite on the mercy seat if you are not careful so they said there's a bit of carefulness require here now on what I'm about to see pay attention he had said in Hebrews 3:6 locality but Christ as his son over his house whose house are we is it clear where's girls house we so if Aaron took blood to the physical temple and put it on the messy see Jesus a priest forever after the order of melchizedek will he also take blood to a physical building so where would Jesus take the blood to his house where is his house you are his house whose house are we Hebrews chapter 8 verse 5 again pay attention who serve on to the example and shadow of heavenly things as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle for see safety the Adamic all things according to the pattern should 2d in the mound go to Hebrews chapter 9 verse 1 now we are going to read very slow then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary a waterless sanctuary ordinances and a worldly sanctuary look at verse six of that Hebrews chapter 9 now when these things were those holding their prince went always into the Festiva Nakul accomplishing the service of God 7 but into the second when the high priest alone wants every year not without blood which he offered for himself and for the errors of the people next verse the Holy Ghost hallelujah the Holy Ghost this signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest well as the festival accrual was yet stunning that means the Festa panicle did not score points with God there was not in inside because the Holy Ghost was signifying to them that even though there are this physical building the way to the wholeness of all was not yet available verse nine which was a figure the physical turban who was a figure for the time damn present in which were offered gifts and sacrifices but cannot make him that did the service perfect as pertaining the conscience so not in spiritual was happening there was a say physical activity without any impact which stood only in meats and drink and when you eat and drink what do you do you go to toilet and canal ordinances imposed on them who imposed it moses until the time of the reformation so it had an expiry date all these things had expiry dates but Christ hallelujah become a high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building this was very clear in the temple that that was not a temple so what is sacrifices for because Moses emphatically told him that the way to the holiest was not yet available he was not yet manifest you couldn't produce any impact conscience cannot be clear look at verse 11 again but Christ being come an high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not merit as that is to say not of this building next verse to have now pay attention Nerra by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered he he entered in once into the holy place but he only entered having obtained eternal inheritance he didn't enter to obtain half tires obtain the eternal inheritance he now entered with the inheritance you didn't see that cover Adam he entered after he has obtained eternal inheritors come connect connections only you okay Jesus said destroy this temple and in three days illicitly Reseda so when was the temple restore in three days so when we enter into the tabernacle after after he has obtained destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up so what happened on the third day he raised up the tempo what happen again on the tee on the third day he had off fab and obtain eternal inheritance so now the temple is standing and he has obtained eternal inheritance then what did he do he entered so which temple did he enter the Temple of Solomon or the temple of his resurrection who is the temple of his resurrection so see Jesus didn't go to a planet somewhere Nagaraja calorie bomb he did it so what Kabara taught the father and his family he first of all constructed the family fixed the family rose from the dead and secured the family after securing the family he redeemed the family from sea and it created a new man out of that resurrection then he entered inside to live in that family forever somebody shot glory he entered you to stay not for a few days but forever look at verse 12 nana by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal heat Anna no temporal not conditional salvation eternal eternal redemption for us that's what you obtain give me the next verse having obtained eternal redemption for us for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean Sanctifier to the purifying of the flesh next verse how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God porch what is supporting a planet or a man's conscience so when he rose ready to go with the blood into a man to part his conscience purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God he lives in me I said he lives in me I say he lives in me so Jesus used the blood where in our hearts he used the blood in our hearts he poaches your conscience so where was the blood of Jesus used in our hearts so everything that priest was doing is a function of works but the real works belong to Jesus the Prince was not supposed to do anything he too was supposed to believe but since they didn't believe they were given had walk hard label that a new life filthy rocks let me close Hebrews 10 one for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of those things not the very image of those things can never capitulate us can never no matter how many years they keep offering sacrifice in that temple it can never because it was not intended to ever never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect next verse for them will they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshipers one spot shall have had no more conscience of sins next verse but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again you know every time you confess see you I established in sin consciousness that is what confession of sin does the confession of sin is equivalent to the offering of animal sacrifice every year is the same practice is the same practice because every time you confess the sin put it off there is a remembrance there is a remembrance again made of sins every year look at verse 4 hallelujah for in it is not possible for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of good should take away sin it is not possible why were they offering it they were being punished since Moses give them Christ and they rejected Christ then go to the temple am i offering animals and they kept at it he kept touching I gave you the gospel you rejected the gospel so I gave you a temple where you keep going all the time remember your sins and being punished by your sins but never told anybody to build a temple because in the temple there is a remembrance of sin God was going to build himself a temple that you were living and that temple will have no scene that temple be a new creation a brand new man a new kind of humanity that never existed before does not have a record of the past and does not have the consciousness of sin there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are way up get on your feet and shut no condemnation I am in Christ Christ is in me I am born of God I thought somebody was shot a powerful Emer so now free from sin I'm free from shame and I am free from guilt I am cause house I am God's temple I am cause residence I am cause clearly in place I thought I will have a power city amen welcome back ladies and gentleman welcome back oh my goodness what a service what a time of learning a time of unlearning and a time of relearning the word of His grace brother Paul's is a commend you to God until a word of His grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified the word has come with clarity please don't go away if there's anything that was wrong in your life the Word of God has gone forth to fix it I rebuke sickness I rebuke pain I rebuke confusion I rebuke discomfort now receive healing receive a miracle where you need one today in the name of Jesus receive a miracle I clear every confusion out of your life will rebuke fear and the hold of Darkness is broken in the name of Jesus thank you Father hallelujah I'm excited now listen very carefully I want to encourage you I have a lot of books like you can see them displayed on the screen all of these are resources written painstakingly to equip you answer your questions and bring your clarity of explanation of the Word of God should email to dr. email demeanor at and will respond to you properly and give you all the information you require to acquire these books you can order them from our office either the books CDs or the dvds doctor emailed Amina at shoot us a mail today with your orders I will ensure that we reach out to you today if any city where there's no charge where the message of Christ like this is preached or thought that is already an opportunity for you to serve Jesus by getting involved with ministry this is the way it works all you need is shoot us email we will take them and equip you and prepare you to begin an extension of our church ministry college campus where other believers in your locality can assemble with you in your own venue and learn together within a message pray with you and together all of you can reach out to more people with the truth of the gospel or you are in a place where you desire to just belong to the campus shoot us a meal with your location today we're connected to the nearest campus to where you are of our ministry they always enjoy to serve you the grace of God always a joy to bring your clarity to equip you to build you up in the knowledge of Christ
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
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Id: 9JIRlsrjzDk
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Length: 61min 7sec (3667 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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