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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous envision of truth with dr. evil demeanor [Music] welcome to the ever increasing word feast right here on Facebook or YouTube whichever social media platform you're watching from today evil demeanor is my name there is a magnet of God on my life to reintroduce Jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you that's what this broadcast is all about today so get ready to order so you can relearn the truths concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ let me also advise in the cost of teaching certain questions may arise just be patient pay attention and listen carefully because creatures will interpret scriptures as you patiently follow the teaching of God's Word you know the Bible tells us that the time shall come when people shall not ndo sound doctrine so sound doctrine is to be endured so until you know the Word of God also tells us that with meekness you receive the engrafted word which is able to save your soul with meekness so there's a meekness required and this endurance required where sound doctrine is concerned so as the teaching of God's Word begins to come get your notebook get your pen follow the teachings most of my teachings are in this series because we take them to holistically look at subject matters in the light of Jesus Christ let me encourage those of you that are connecting for the first time today get ready to keep following we are right here on Facebook and YouTube every day we're here at 12 noon GMT +1 we're here at 6 p.m. we're here 10 p.m. every day you don't want to miss any of them because all of these times that I've mentioned they are designed to equip you with sound knowledge of Jesus Christ in the midst of a world of uncertainties with all kinds of messages of fear going all over you need to stock up you need to feed yourself with the truth of the gospel so do rooted and grounded and not moved to and fro with every wind of doctrine two more things to introduce to you today if you are in a city where there is no charge Christ st. our church where they teach the message of Christ it is not good for you to be in isolation the Bible says God has sent the solitary in families God wants you to be a part of a local assembly a gathering of believers where you can pray together learn the Word of God together and effectively serve one another and go out to the world and bring the gospel of Christ if you want to join any of our campuses around the world today or you want to start one in your own locality and be in a lighthouse in that community all you need to do shoot me immediately telling me about your desire to either be a part of a campus or to start one with your location and your phone number we will get in touch with you and help you either begin one or identify with an existing one the last thing is I have a lot of books like a Concilium displayed on the screen all of these are resources written painstakingly to equip you answer your questions and bring your clarity of explanation of the Word of God and if you want to order for any or all of the books today all you need to do again is shoot email to dr. email demeanor at and will respond to you properly and give you all the information you require to acquire these books I'm excited very excited invite your friend talk somebody created watch party but today is gonna be a powerful time of teaching you the word of His grace fasting your symbols as I take you on in gospel adventure into a service when the spirit of our God is already moving happy new Jesus is the exclusive custodian Jesus is the sole carrier Jesus is the perfect imprint the playroom at the corporate headquarters of the Godhead Jesus is the executive carrier of the Father so if you don't know Jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father [Applause] Church in the air and church online join doctors Abel and Richard Hammond as he wants you survival study through the month of June about 30 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the Christian faith salvation in Christ you date from 5th of July to 2nd of August 2020 time 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. from 1 days to Saturdays 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Sundays applied on our Facebook and YouTube page and also live on Kingdom Life Network TV on my TV Austral decoder in life on comfort fm hooyo by 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday and live on inspiration FM 105.9 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily be the heart of this pearl he said the father and his family Matthew chapter 60 in verse number 13 when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the Son of Man am if your pen was man I will underline that question who do men say that I the Son of Man am next verse some say that our John the Baptist some Elias and others Jeremias for one of the prophets he said unto them but whom say ye that I am Who am I to you put aside the human opinions put aside the human testimonies Who am I to you now pay attention to who Christ must be to you next month Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God thou art the Christ next verse and jesus answered and said unto Him blessed are thou Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven so we have been study in the revelation of Jesus and the father the revelation of Jesus and the father or the father and his family in the last session we reached a conclusion that the father is the one building the church that was very clear we also established that children don't build a family it is a father's walk children don't build a family it is the father so pay attention to the personal pronoun I will build my eye my I will build my children don't build a family it is a father who builds the family if they pay attention in the book of Acts the word father was used almost non-existent in the book of Acts you will only see the word father use three times in the book of Acts the first time you see the word father in his in Acts chapter 1 verse 4 and this was Jesus speaking and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father this is Jesus speaking which say if he you have heard of me Acts chapter 1 verse 7 the second mention of the word father in the book of Acts and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father had put in his own power there's a second mention of the word father in the book of Acts the third mention of the word father is in Acts chapter 2 verse 33 they are formed being by the right hand of God exalted glory to God and having received of the father the promise of the Holy Ghost he had shed for these which you now see and hear this was Peter on the day of Pentecost this had only three times the word father was mentioned in the book of Acts after that there is no mention of the word father but the characteristics that is familiar with family was revealed in the book of Acts which shows you that the book of Acts is a historical book a historical book or it's an eyewitness account of the book of Acts is not a book of doctrine it's not a book of doctrine is a historical data of the transition and the growth of the Elly charge so you don't read the book of Acts to know who you are for example the book of Acts was where they were first called Christians and Antioch and if you observe that they were never called Christians canta brother Paul showed up it was the teaching ministry of God appalled that brought about that revolution that created the understanding that these people are Christians it was at Antioch where brother Paul's teaching ministry was very predominant after brother Paulus thought for one full year the people became a reflection of his teaching and then when the people in Antioch saw this group of people looking exactly like they have read of Jesus they said this guy should be called Christians so it is after the teaching ministry of what appalled that Christianity actually came forth which means there will be the need for a solid teaching ministry to raise a generation of people that operate in the realities of Christ that is why the greatest assignment of the charge is teaching teaching teaching teaching teaching them to observe teaching them to observe go and make disciples teaching them the church is his school the church is not an entertainment center the church is not a place of hype in people is a place of teaching and building and equipping and maturing people and perfecting them so that they can function in the realities of what Christ has made available to them can I have a powerful amen in Acts chapter 11 was that place where they were called Christians even though God doesn't call us Christians God doesn't call us Christians God calls our songs God calls us songs but are you still a Christian yes of course you're still a Christian but God calls you song so we took time to establish that this is the father's walk I will build my I might look at John chapter five verse number 17 but jesus answered them my father worketh heat tattoo and I walk my father worketh he tattoo and I walk please pay attention my father worketh he taught oh and I walk in other words the work of the son is the work of the father the work of the song is the work of the Father look at John chapter 5 verse 19 then answered Jesus and said unto them verily verily I say unto you the son can do nothing of himself but what he seeth the father do for what things soever he doeth this also doeth the son likewise so whatever Jesus was saying the father was at work the Sun does nothing what the father does is manifested in the song what the father does all the work of the father finds expression in the son the father will get in the son acts 10:38 brother Peter speaking how God and knowing that Jesus of Nazareth in the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him so the father walks in the son the father walks in the son the father does not work on the song the father walks in the son not under Sun in the Sun so the song is the work of the father the son is the work of the father or the son is the father's walk so John chapter 15 verse 1 well it is some exigencies on Sunday I am The True Vine and my father is the husband man don't forget where we stopped on Sunday I am The True Vine my father is the husband man so it is only the father that is working the son response to the work of the Father and when somewhere with this please pay attention it is only the father that is walking the son responds to the walk of the father the father is not waiting to see what you will do no he is responsible he is the one at work in you only the father is working he is the one at work in you so we will find a walk of the Father in everything done in the Sun we will find a walk of the Father in everything that is done in the song the song is not trying to impress the father the song is not trying to impress a father no the Sun is giving expression to the father notice what the father said about Jesus this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased in whom I am well pleased so he is not pleasing me he is not pleasing me he is my pleasure he is not pleasing me he is not trying to get my approval he is not trying to please me my pleasure is expressed in him he is the expression of my pleasure he is the expression of my pleasure in whom I am well pleased I am the one pleased with him the father is pleased because the son is his work the father is pleased because the son is his walk Jesus in his death in the death of Jesus please pay attention in the death of Jesus this is the way the scripture describes it Romans chapter five verse eight pay attention but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us please pay attention I'm gonna read again but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us that's exactly how Jesus said it in John 3:16 exactly the way Jesus said it in John chapter 3 verse 16 for God for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life for God commended but God commendeth his love toward us God commended for God so loved the world so that means everything Jesus did all the steps he took to save where the steps of the Father he is the one walking the father is the one walking please I wanted to sink the father is the one walking and he is the only one walking look at Romans chapter eight verse 32 he despaired not his own son but delivered him up for us all he does he had not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things that means the sacrifice of Jesus was the father's help the sacrifice of Jesus was the father's help he said the father gave me commandment to lay down my life he said he gave me power to lay down my life and to pick it up again it is a father's walk every step Jesus took to save was the father at walk on the cross jesus said my God my god let's look at the way he but you know much you record it I never will look at the way Luke records it Matthew 27 42 he saved others himself he cannot save if he be the king of Israel let him not come down from the cross and we will believe him that is Matthew's account he caught up from the Prophet they need these words because they were prophesied by David when you read some 20 you will see it so now see the father's the work of the father it looks account is it sounds different look 23:46 when jesus our cried with a loud voice he said please pay attention father into thy hands I commend my spirit and having said das he gave up the ghost into your hands and when he said that he gave up because it is still the father working it is still the father working so the father is still walking please pay attention there was no time the father was not working there was no time the father was not working the father was the only one walking he is a husband man he is the husband man in romance of the six verse 4 look at how Jesus was raised from the dead therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead how by the glory of the Father by the glory NASA placed on the line by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life he was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father it is still the father at work it is the father himself at work so the father's capacity was shown when Jesus was raised from the dead the father's capacity was shown when Jesus was raised from the dead editions chapter 1 verse 16 pay attention cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers now pay attention to this prayer that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory the father of capacity the father of daksha the father of strength may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the father of glory so that prayer is what the father did that prayer is what the father did I cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of capacity the father of glory may give it is a father's walk it is the father that will give the father of glory may give so Jesus is the expression of the father at work or the father's walk the father's walk finds expression in Christ meaning that Jesus and the father are one the father is walking and Jesus is the tv-screen through which we are seen the father's walk Jesus is the father's walk when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand go back to the officials of the one the seventy that a God of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him eating the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory the glory of his inheritance in the center simplistic underlined and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which twenty which he wrote in Christ who wrote it in Christ the father the father of glory which he wrought in Christ when he the father raised him from the dead when he the father raised if Jesus was raised by the glory of the Father the capacity of the father which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the day and the father set him at his own right hand in the heavenly now pay attention when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand the word right hand means to exalt right hand is not right and for eating Amala right hand is a figure of speech for authority when you hear right hand it doesn't mean that his left hand it simply means exaltation or the place of authority so the father said Jesus at the place of authority and his own right hand in the Old Testament it was used right by your right hand you have delivered us it doesn't mean he left us by his left hand right hand is the arm of power the arm of authority the right hand of the Father is not a location is a position the right hand of the Father is not a location is a position means when you see a man's right hand you have seen that man you have seen everything about him you have seen all of his command a man's right hand is that the totality of that man his authority his influence his command his wealth his riches the right hand of a man is his scope of influence and authority so Jesus demonstrated the father in his incarnation yet Jesus demonstrated the father in his incarnation in his debt in his barrier and in his resurrection Jesus demonstrated the father in his incarnation in his death in his burial in his resurrection in his ascension he demonstrated the father please pay attention he stretchered the father look at Philippians chapter 2 verse number 9 wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name giving him a name which is above every name verse 10 that add the name of Jesus not the mention of your name mm-hmm there's no fuss like that so he's a fallacy total heresy there is no fast that talks about the mention of his name this watch was in the Bible that at the name not a dementia that are the name of Jesus every knee should bow not a dementia at the name God has given him a name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth next verse and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord how to the glory of God the Father to the glory so the resurrection and the exaltation is to the glory of God the Father because it is still the father at walk to the glory of God the Father the son has no glory of his own the glory is the glory of the father the son has no glory of his own let me quickly rewind because some of y'all still struggling with the mention of the name there's no such fuss anywhere if you find one show me it's not at the mention of the name it's at the name at the name not a dimension so you don't even have to mention you just need to know the name once you know the name you walk in the revelation of that name every devil respects your appearance and the name the word name is not name as in F Young the what name is Authority the office and the office and the influence or the authority question where is Jesus are you in doubt where is Jesus where is his authority where is the right hand of God so if you are the custodian of the right hand of God if you're the custodian of the office of the Father and if you are the carrier of the entire scope of the father's influence where you are conscious of that and you work in their consciousness demons run when you appear I don't know if I'm talking to someone here it's not shutting Jesus gggg that you're shouting me miss you don't know what you're talking about those who know what they carried on make noise it's not a dimension of the name is at the name and the instance of that authority and the instance of that influence that capacity the instance of that capacity now let's proceed so the Sun has no glory of his own the glory is the glory of the father so the father has all the glory the father has all the glory look at John chapter 1 verse 14 and the world was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth the only is the father's the glory as of the only begotten of the Father so the only is the father's we're dealing with that it is only the father at work the only is a father's only begotten is a Greek word mono journeys or mano Genoa mano journeys or mono Genoa which means uniqueness mano Genoa mono journeys uniqueness meaning the Incarnation is unique and it will never be repeated the Incarnation is mono is unique it will never be repeated why the Incarnation was a miracle of God manifesting in humanity and the purpose of which he manifested was accomplished so there will be no need again for God to be manifesting in humanity he already manifested and the purpose for that manifestation which was the resurrection has been accomplished now not just the resurrection not just a resurrection keep that resurrection somewhere and in a few you will see what I mean in when I say resurrection so that's why he is called the only-begotten the mono journey is or the mono Genoa uniqueness the reason why it cannot be repeated is not because it is impossible is because it ended what God had to do it ended the mission for which the Incarnation was required it ended the mission for which the Incarnation was required now don't forget it is only the father working John 3:16 again calls him the only begotten Son again the Incarnation is a glory of the Father and somebody said me very loud the Incarnation is a glory of the father he says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory in the Incarnation we saw the glory as of the only begotten of the Father and this glory is full of grace and truth or full of grace which is truth now John 12:24 verily verily I say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit if it die it bringeth forth much fruit now before I XJ dusk vas come with me to verse 27 of John 12 now is my soul troubled and what shall I say father father save me from this hour and for this cause came I unto this hour for this cause 28 pay attention father glorify thy name glorify thy name now put that bastard of holy them you observe that in the incarnation we beheld his glory and the glory was full of grace and truth or full of grace which is truth so we see the glory of the father in the Incarnation so the Incarnation was the manifestation of the glory of the father and the glory of the father manifested the capacity of the father which manifested the king carnation was full of grace which is truth and we beheld the glory we beheld we saw the glory of the father you know and that glory we saw was full of grace and truth now haven't seen that glory of the father Jesus now again saying father glorify thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying I have glorified it and will glorify it again I have glorified it in the Incarnation and I will glorify it again in the resurrection I have glorified my name in the Incarnation because it is the father at work but in the Incarnation and in the resurrection it is the father at work Jesus gives expression to the workings of the Father are you still in the building now follow me I'm going somewhere so Jesus is the father's walk the death of Jesus his resurrection his ascension is to bring glory to the Father his birth his death his resurrection his ascension is to bring glory to the Father look at verse 32 of John 12 don't forget Jesus as at the final to glorify His name and the father said I glorified it our glorified and Jesus speaking if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me lifted up from the egg and it is because people don't understand Bible language they now compose a song live Jesus higher let Jesus high who are you to live Jesus who can you lift your wife can you even lift your wife high can you carry your wife and lift her high that it is Jesus now you want to lift high its lack of understanding it's like another song the church sings weekly you crown Jesus you which crown do you have for your surface all of these are songs born out of emotional illiteracy did you hear what I said they are born out of what emotional illiteracy how can you crown Jesus how can you crown you an emu crown zoo you live Jesus what are you letting him up to when Jesus said and I if I be lifted up from the earth if he specified what he meant if I be lifted up from the head which refers to his resurrection lifting him from the head means resurrection from the dead if I be lifted from the head I will draw means in my resurrection I will appeal to people I will appeal that draw is appeal not force I will appeal it is a message of his resurrection that we use in appealing to men to come to salvation I will appeal I will draw all men I will appeal lifted from the edge if I be raised up Jesus himself proved the - what he meant in John 3:14 and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up next verse that whosoever believeth so the lift him is the resurrection that whosoever believeth in his resurrection shall not perish but have everlasting life as Moses lifted up so shall the Son of Man be lifted up that his resurrection is what he was talking about but of course there can be no resurrection if there is no death because John 12:24 says except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it has to die fast there must be a dead now the question is how is Jesus the glory of the Father how is Jesus the doxa of the father because the father is the soul the father is the husbandman the father is the husbandman it is a father who planted the seed in the ground I will die it is a father who planted the seed in the ground he dispute not his own son but gave him up for God so loved the world that He gave God commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died so it is the father the planted the seed in the ground and it is the father that will make the seed to grow because the father is a husband man so the Incarnation the dead the barrier the resurrection the ascension is the father's walk it is the father's walk it is the father's walk but not the glory of the father the voice that came from heaven said I have glorified myself before I will glorify myself again I will manually Menengah Carosa kalyana bear bro Chaka Lydia I have glorified my name before I will glorify my name again I need you to see something that's why I'm taking time I have glorified my name before I will glorify my name again the voice came from heaven Moshe collinear thank you Lord Jesus we receive right now Chocolat Abajo dia we receive we receive revelation we receive Zak una voz pengelley bouzoukia now Colorado burro Cascadia we receive bangerra Kalia Naga Kousuke Lena manga thank you lord Hodja Galia ba Baracus catelleya thank you Father we receive we receive we receive hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord now stay with me he said I will purify again we saw the glory of the Father in the fact that Jesus came as the mono general the misogynist the only begotten Son then jesus said glorify yourself again he glorified himself in the Incarnation in the Incarnation was the appearance of God in humanity and in the Incarnation he appeared as a son of God that appearance of the Son of God is the glory of the Father I have glorified malladugu gosh so in that glorification called incarnation was a son of God so it is son glorified him in the Incarnation then he now said he will glorify again he will glorify again so that means they again will not be Jesus alone because if it is Jesus alone there'll be no need for glorify again because he has already been glorified the glorified again implies is going to take on a different dimension from what was before don't forget except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it abides alone alone alone alone alone alone keyword alone but if it dies it bringeth forth much fruit I have glorified before but now I'm about to glorify again because the corn of wheat is not going to be alone the corn of we we'll die and as the colorful dies it will germinate but when it germinates is not germinating as monogenesis much I mean 18 as mana genuine because the father will throw the corn of wheat into the ground then it will bring forth much fruit that much fruit is the work of the father that much fruit is the work of the father if Jesus rose from the dead alone then the father failed if Jesus rose from the dead alone then the father failed because the intent was not for Jesus to rise from the dead alone he has already come to the earth alone Oh there'll be no need to die he could have as well walk the earth alone and when he's tired go but alone was not the intent but alone was the pathway to the intent the glory of God is not that Jesus rose alone the glory of God is that the kernel of which brought forth much fruit so Jesus lies in with us is the glory of the father I glorified in the son in the Incarnation but now I will glorify because sons will be brought on to glory Hebrews chapter 2 verse number 10 for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering he brought many sons unto glory so the glory of the father in the resurrection is that many songs were brought the glory of the Father in the Incarnation is that the only begotten Son came but the glory of the father in the resurrection is the many songs have been brought to glory so Jesus becomes the prototype who's the prototype why is he the prototype because he is the one that was sown he is the one that was sown and when he was soon he germinated a mass produced as the prototokos romans 8:29 for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate conformed conformed to the image that to be is not an original so if your Bibles were on our consulate for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn of prototokos among many strangers among many foreigners among many brethren you are no more strangers you are no more foreigners but fellow-citizens natives natives that is Guerrero God now that would conform that would conform is where many Christians who don't understand how to interpret scriptures come up with songs like Lord I want to be more holy in my heart lord I want to be like Jesus get born again more of you get born again draw me close to you get born again don't you wanna be a part of the kingdom get born again they think that when you are born again you don't look like Jesus so now you have to after you're born again you now have to walk out your salvation so you can be like you see the way they are their heads are scattered work out your salvation so you can be like Jesus it is the father's walk and the father is the only worker is the husbandman I am not working I am not working I am the father's walk did you see what we've been traveling through for we are the father's work so that hwadam predestinate conformed is the greek word summer fall summer fall s4 mo fo summer fall is not a process is it once and for all event the day you were born again you were born confirmed the observer conformed is not futuristic is past confirmed you are already you are born confirmed where you are born you were born conformed you and Jesus or Jesus are you are exact no inferior no superior as he is so are you you don't need to confirm you are born confirmed that's why you are his brother many sons unto glory he's not ashamed to call you brethren you and him look exactly the same it's not in you doing something is in the way you were born you were born exactly like Jesus that's why he's the prototype that's why he's the prototokos confirm some of all confirmed once and for all in the event that that is different from Romance of the twelve a school be not conformed to this world that were conformed to this world is such a mateesah suture material which is a process where you adjust your emotions and personality where you adjust and even in their adjusting you only are just as long as you're looking at the mirror if you are not looking at the mirror you cannot adjust so even in the adjusting the adjusting is as long as you focus on the mirror it is the mirror that assists you in adjusting we always open face beholding the glory of the Lord as in a mirror we are change what we behold we change into so Sugiyama teasel is the adjustment of our emotions and personality but summer fall is our natural identity by birth in summer fall it is used by manufacturers some of all used by manufacturers you put in the raw materials you bring out the product you put in the raw material you bring out the product so right now we are confirmed to his image you have an irreversible status it is called a son of God once a son always is owned behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God now are we the sons of God hallelujah bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering for what he does sanctify it and they that are sanctified are all of you how all of you they are all of one what is in him is in me what is in the seed is in the fruit that came out of the seat glory to God this realities can blow your mind you see the belonging against the born-again man is the fattest walk so the born-again man is the glory of the Father John 14:2 in my father's house are many mansions and you know we've we've done exigencies on that so it will read in my father's family there are many temples in my father's family there are many temples if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you so that where I am there you may be also so the Incarnation was a glory of the Father the resurrection also is the glory of the father that is it is to the glory of the father now the father is not absent in all of these the father is the only one walking he is the only one walking pollutions 118 he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have preeminence the firstborn so in this you will see many songs in him honey when you have a seed in that seed is a tree trees seeds hello is that true Jesus is the corner of wheat in that wheat is the father's family so while you are seeing seed the father is seen family because when that seed falls and dies the father will raise it up in the resurrection of that seed is the birth of the family you are God's family and all of you came out of his resurrection now said the gospel will preach for people to come into the family is the message of his resurrection because the family came out of his resurrection you can join the family if you don't believe in the resurrection believe me your heart a Lord Jesus confess with your mouth that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved how are you saved by his resurrection once that message is not heard a man is not saved he can be in charge all his life he is a false brother that is why the preacher is critical in the scheme of salvation because what you preach will determine what are the people are saved or they were deceived to think they are saved if a preacher fire and you cry you are not saved if I preach sing and the danger of seeing you cry you're not see cannot be saved until you hear about his resurrection it is hearing that that brings regeneration into the dead man the message of his resurrection the gospel which I preached how that Christ died for your sins according to disclose again the third day according to the scriptures that's the message whereby you are saved now so it's not aq we are not in a queue we are not in a queue full order some ladders are shot some ladders are tall some la danza Villa de la de all that is nonsense what did I call it it has no sense nonsense means it has no sense does it have sense it is nonsense which colada heaven is foul you can't even follow like that to to the height of an aircraft is it to have when you follow a ladder people just make caricature of the Christian faith because we live John religion is people climb some other people causing trouble in the body of Christ and music ministers who have not been taught who are those right in nonsense and because you sing it all the time it becomes your reality you must mind what you sing men don't let nobody robbed you of your reality in Christ you don't claim like that to anywhere they hide the highest ladder you can climb into the roof of your house am I gonna help you that you your enemy who don't like he is not on that a ladder to take glory to God glory to God so we're not in a queue everyone will be found in him at the same time Ambus all of us are found we're in him when at the same time the prototokos look at the fish of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love pay attention to verse 5 having predestinated us unto the adoption of children how I am the fattest capacitor glory who you are that's who you are to know the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints in the sins after the act of the resurrection you know what God did after the acts of the Resurrection he carried his glory and put inside you after he raised you from the dead he took his capacity kebaya I'm put inside you so when you move God's capacity is moving yeah God capacity as an Todd yeah yeah yeah when they see closed doors you see open doors yeah we're there so nobody can go you see where to go there yeah what cannot stop the father cannot stop you because you are the father stresses on the sick and they recover you cast out demons and they obey you somebody shout I hear you severed me I'm not a victim I'm a victor I am in charge of circumstances and situations I rule my world I thought our here powerful a man so poor pray that you will know the riches the riches that you dispose prefer that you may know the riches of the glory the glory all his inheritance in the sea that you will know that that you will know what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ Christ in you rugged our member aanda Zachariah Yvonne Chaka oughtta be better católica better membra no secular Baha many Christians don't believe that God is a father they don't even know that God has anything else to do with fatherhood otherwise if they know that God is a father they only pray for people to die you know don't we pray for people to die have you ever seen any father that is in his right senses wishing his children death I'm talking about biological fathers your biological parents don't want anybody dead they want everybody in the family alive everybody in the family including stubborn children they want the child to still be alive because they are hoping the child will change no biological father wishes his children dead even if he's a witch even if you say which ones in student you may like to inherit this profession he wants to transfer he returns and Jesus said if you that I even if you that I even compared to God know how to give good gifts to your children how much more your father anybody praying for anybody to die is in league with Satan because Satan had the power of death the killer is the devil my father shall I give up I am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly he that has the son has life in him was life and the life was the light of father we receive every revelation required to help us function in our full capacity in Christ in the name of Jesus varias terminated holes of darkness broken - renewed in the name of Jesus and we rise totally empowered to function in our full capacity in the name of Jesus and I decree that this morning everything that does not look like what Christ came for is flush out of your body flush out of your life you are blessed beyond limits great gracious upon you and in the name of Jesus I decree that everything the potential lights on coldness on your inside face expression through you good gracious upon you and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound on you every good work as your Amen is coming like thunder abound to every good walk abound on to every good walk I bow down unto every good work I bow down to every good work in the name of Jesus lift your right that I shot very loud I love the father's walk and the furnace work is finished therefore I have all things that pertain to life and godliness I am God sufficient I am God sufficient I am God sufficient I didn't hear powerful amen do you believe what you just said can we give the lot of greatest praise in the bill [Music] is the exclusive custodian Jesus is the sole carrier Jesus is the perfect imprint the play Romo the corporate headquarters of the Godhead Jesus is the executive carrier of the father so if you don't know Jesus you don't know the father you can never know the father Oh Sarah Church in the air and church on live so his antique that he used on Adam was his dead son join ductus Abel and virtual demeanor as he brings your sound Bible study through the month of July at thirty days of glory 2020 exegetically ex Christian faith salvation in Christ in date from 5th of July the 2nd of August 2020 time 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday's to Saturday's 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays applied on our Facebook menu to page in also live on Kingdom Life Network TV on my TV of trouble decoder and life on comfort fm hooyo by 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays in 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday and live on inspiration FM 105.9 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily be apart he says welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back oh my goodness what a service what a time if there's anything that was wrong in your life the Word of God has gone forth to fix it I rebuke sickness I rebuke pain I rebuke confusion I rebuke discomfort now receive healing receive a miracle where you need one today in the name of Jesus receive a miracle i Clare lot of books like a Concilium displayed on the screen
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,735
Rating: 4.6756759 out of 5
Id: JLD2-e9vSGA
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Length: 67min 0sec (4020 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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