10 Unusual Trailing Houseplants

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hi everyone my name is nick and today we're going to talk about 10 unusual trailing house plants i've done a couple other videos in the past on top 10 troweling houseplants so this is sort of building upon that however in this video we're going to be focusing specifically on unusual uncommon typically hard to find house plants so it's going to be a little bit more interesting if you will and let's get right into it so the first one i want to talk about today is one of my favorite peperomias this is peperomia hoffmanniae a very nice like carpet of plant this is really just like the epitome of a trailing house plant and you can see i have it in this um spherical pot right here but it's just completely like enveloping the front so i do have this one sitting on a shelf um i think it's more suited for that with the way it's kind of a waterfall of plant i kind of like to hang up my plants that are a little bit more like full all around the edges and you'll see some of those later on in this video um but that's just personal taste right there so this is one i think is just perfect for hanging on the side of a bookshelf as the side that's getting hit with the light the vines just really seem to just vine for days well not necessarily for days it's not the long largest house plant but it's very quite full specifically for a peperomia if you grow any pepperonis in your home um and you haven't had them for a long time they're probably not going to be quite as full as this but peperomias do something really wonderful as when they grow over time they kind of max out on their length and start to put off new shoots from the base so this isn't necessarily applicable for all pepperonis but for many of the pepperonis that i grow in my home i've noticed that they really do stop stop trailing when they get to a certain length and really do focus more on pushing out some new growth from the base which i think is rather incredible but this is one that i just don't hear about very often i don't think it's rather expensive at all i think i got mine for like 15 or less mind you this was a couple years ago but it's a really incredible houseplant it's really proven to be well for me i will point out though that it does get spider mites every now and again they really do seem to enjoy these tiny leaves they must be a very succulent and full of lots of juices for them to suck out but it's uh not a death sentence on this planet whatsoever it's just something i have to bear in mind when i am personally growing mine so a really great houseplant it's greater for those brighter light areas in your home i'm growing mine as i said on a shelf which is probably like maybe like two three feet away from a southern facing window so it's getting a decent amount of light and i think really the only way to really kill this plant and the conditions i have it in is to over water it as peperomias across the board are quite susceptible to raw if you do over water them so i'm very forgetful with this plant i probably water it no more than once a week and it seems to really enjoy its life it's been doing really well for over two years now so a really wonderful peperomia that like i said i don't really hear about that often so definitely quite unusual and let's talk about this one right here so this is a hoya this is hoya rotunda flora and i think this is such an incredible hoya this is one of the more interesting ones and i know some people who are hoya haters say they all look the same but this one is quite unique it's got square foliage or more rectangle it's probably more of the geometry but it's such an incredible shape it's like flat and fuzzy it's got such weird like ridges to the leaves it's so incredible and i will say mine probably does have some mealybug on it if you grow hoyas you probably know they're quite susceptible to mealybug but that's once again something you just have to keep an eye on it's not necessarily a death sentence unless you let it take over the plant but you know a couple mealybugs here and there don't hurt it's just something you gotta take like a little q-tip and cover with a little rubbing alcohol and swab in there every once in a while or you could use house pants systemics there are so many ways to take care of mealybug issues that's just a couple that i use in my home but this is just such a cool hoya i don't see it very often like i said it's probably one unfortunately on this list that probably costs a little bit more money just because of the nature of the market of hoyas it's not really a nature it's very much influenced uh but uh yeah probably cost a little bit more expensive at this point but this is such a cool hoya i would understand why it's worth a little bit more money it's it's so cool you never really see a hoya like this so one i really have to talk about today i think it's so interesting don't have much to say about it it hasn't flowered for me um it's just kind of grown a little i think it's grown all this since i've got it i can't really recall but um hasn't given me any issues so if it's one that you do shell out the money on i can tell you to rest assured that it will grow quite well for you as it has done for me so really cool plant like i said very interesting that's what this video is about interesting plants so next let's talk about let's talk about this one so this is a relative to the hoya rotunda flora or hoyas across the board this is a ceropagia linearis this is some subspecies of it i can't recall the name of course i will put it on screen this is what they commonly call string of needles and this is very closely related to string of hearts which is a subspecies once again of seropeggia linearis and that is where string of hearts i've said for years is like the fastest growing plant that i've had in my home but i would say cerapegia uh linearis or the string of needles is even faster growing than the string of hearts and it's just very aggressive and i have another one in my home that i've only had for a number of months mind you but it's grown practically all the way down to the ground and then growing like back up itself because it just has more of a twining nature uh than the string of hearts probably probably because of the way that these leaves are just much more smaller and weigh a lot less i would guess i can't really say for certain but it's such a fast-growing houseplant this is one that you'll be shocked if you put it in a brightly lit area how fast it's going to just trail down to the floor for you as it did for me it's quite shocking and this is one that will probably be extremely easy to propagate as well you could just propagate them as stem cutting similar as you would cut a pothos or you could even see right here there's this little tuber which is very similar to like a zz plant and this would root up very quickly in water or probably soil even so a surefire way to propagate your sarah peggy's is to make sure that you have a tuber um but i've had pretty much 100 success just cutting um stem cuttings like i said similar the way you would cut like a pothos or philodendron or a hoya so it's very very simple a really fun house plant i've been seeing this one just a little bit pop up this year really 2020 is the first year i've even seen this one on the market although i had seen it in the past but it's one that's just starting to show up so i highly recommend it if you do find this one if you're lucky enough to stumble upon it i would highly recommend giving it a try because like i said it is like the fastest growing plant i have stumbled upon and let's talk next about oh this is a fun one right here so this is i gotta pull it up because it's in a hanging macrame this is a rip salas this is reptiles pantapdera and there are a handful of rip salas on the market lately this is one that i would say is probably a little not as often seen i don't think i was ever personally able to get it in stock at the plant shop where i had worked when i was a buyer so this is one that i found at kind of like mom and pop greenhouses who are just kind of like propagating off their own stock of plants and then selling them in their greenhouses so that's how i came across this plant but um it was very inexpensive when i did find it i think it was for this entire plant costing me like no more than ten dollars so a really incredible rip stylus i think it's really interesting looking uh with the way that the leaves are kind of creased and i think they call it pen tapped red because i believe it means five sided so i believe if i were to like chop this plant if i were to propagate it and then like hold it up to you guys with the chop and facing the camera it would look like a star because it has five sides i could be mistaken but that's what i'm led to believe so i think that's really interesting and it's been quite easy for me to grow so far it's been i mean i haven't had this plant for longer than a year at this point but it's it's done quite well for me i will say that it's given me no problem so i just think it looks so darling the way it's hanging up it's very it's very not about the foliage it's just very funky it's like a conversation piece but rip salads or jungle cacti have been very reliable house pants for me to grow specifically if i'm hanging something up just like a little bit of ways away from a window or i have another one on top of my refrigerator so they seem to handle like dappled medium light very well so this one is actually hanging probably like three feet away from a southern facing window kind of shielded by a couple other plants and i think that's a perfect setting for it if i uh fried this plant in the window with like that strong southern facing light that i have in the northern hemisphere in my south facing windows that would probably not do this plant that many favors but i would imagine that over time it could probably acclimate to that kind of setting as it is in nature a cactus but jungle cacti are used to growing in the jungle where they have a little bit more dappled light so that's just kind of the settings that they're a little bit more used to but i think they're so incredible i would say not even just rip sally's pen chapter i'd say all rip salas are quite unusual looking at least and they're not the most like common plants in house plant stores so i think they're really interesting and as i said they're sort of like a conversation piece which i think is really cool and actually i would say one that's even a little bit more like a conversation piece and it looks very very similar to that rip salas pentapdra is this right here this is a cystis quadrangularis and if you follow me on youtube you might recall that i am a very big fan of cis's plants i think they are so interesting there is such a vast variety of the types that you will see insist this there are kinds that look like weeds you would find here in the northeast and like just a woods if you're on a walk and there are types that look like rip salads like this right here there are kinds of even more succulent and just a very robust it's there's so many types of scissors out there they're such interesting houseplants i highly recommend giving them a go but this is one that looks rather unusual this is not an uncommon houseplant i would say this is actually a rather common house plant but i am going to override that today because i think that this is an incredibly unusual looking house plant for so many reasons first of all it looks like a rips house as we were just talking about i think it looks uh pretty much dead-on like the planet i was just talking about but it does actually grow foliage so here is some foliage on the vine right here this is a plant i've been growing this for only about a year and a half now and it completely defoliated or lost all of its foliage during the winter time regardless if this house plant has foliage or not i think it is so incredibly unusual it really just looks like a bunch of cucumbers that are tied together in a segment like sausages it's just it's so funky um i think it looks completely different when it has foliage to when it doesn't have foliage so i think that's also very interesting so there's just so many things about this house plant that are so great and it's very easy to grow which makes it even greater too i just grow this one in a western facing window and it just hangs out there i water it when i think about it which is probably like every like two weeks maybe i don't think about it very often it kind of just blends in amongst the other vines and stick like things in the window so um it's so funky absolutely had to talk about today i think it's absolutely an unusual uncommon interesting trailing house plant that i don't think a lot of people would even really consider for a trailing plant in their home so absolutely have to talk about it today uh let's talk about this one next this is a really stunning houseplant that i don't hear about too often at all this is a piper uh this is piper or natum sometimes they call it piper crocodile and i think it's absolutely gorgeous i think this is in the top five most beautiful house plants that i have in my home and this is very closely related to the pepperoni that i talked about in this video or pepperonis across the board this is also in the piper aca family and this is very closely related to peppercorns or the plant that actually produces peppercorn which looks pretty much dead on like this plant it just has plain green foliage which is very interesting but this one is much more about the foliage it is it's very very beautiful it's got this beautiful green and pink splashing on the front of the leaves and if i turn the plant around it's got a beautiful shade of wine red on the back and i've been growing this one for uh probably like a year at this point so not incredibly long uh however it's grown quite a bit for me it's grown this entire vine when i got it i got it from a cutting from a friend and it was probably like five maybe four or five leaves on the plant up to here it was just this little bit in the pot and it's grown all this since then and i was not expecting this plant to be such an incredible trailing house plant i have it sitting on a shelf the shelf in my bedroom and the more i'm looking at it as i'm filming this video i'm like i think i really need to get this thing hung up somewhere because i really think that would do it much more justice but at the same time i'm also like i should probably start propagating this thing because it is just one long vine coming out of this pot and i think i would be a little bit more apt to perhaps three or four vines coming out of the pot i think that's a little bit more my style but this is a really beautiful house plant i think it's very easy to grow i grow it in my bedroom which is decent humidity it's usually probably like fifty percent and then um it's about six feet away from the southern facing window it does have a grow light nearby but it really hasn't given me any issues it's been incredibly easy to grow which i can be very happy to report because i feel like when i got this plan a lot of people were telling me like that's very hard to grow and so many absurd things that are just not true at all but i think it's just so incredible when you have a plant that this is this gorgeous that is also very easy to grow because i'm thinking like calatheas and that's just not the case for those but this one i'd say is even more beautiful than any calathea i can imagine and it's super easy to grow so um once again i don't really think i've ever seen this plant for sale like in a in a greenhouse or a plant shop here in the united states i'm sure it's out there i just think it's probably one you'd probably have to order online from people who are just selling cuttings of their own but like i said i'm sure it's out there but this is such an incredible houseplant i really do hope that this is one that becomes a little bit more widely available in the future because it's it's fantastic it's probably like my top 10 favorite house pants honestly i feel like it's in my bedroom and i wake up like every morning and i just see it just like shining and i'm just like that is the most beautiful house plant ever so i'm shocked it's not more available and we have a couple more to talk about today this one right here is a philodendron i have to flip it around so you guys can see it in the best way so this is a fillet under my eye and this is the same plant that is actually right here which is probably a little bit better of a specimen but i didn't want to ruin my background today so i grabbed this one that i have in my bedroom that desperately needs a new pot i think i've had this one for probably just a year as well not incredibly long but it has grown quite a bit for me and it loves to jump out of the pot it's like a stem that's like stuck in the pot and it's rooted very nicely in the pot so it's not going anywhere but the plant itself likes to like come out and just like dangle by its roots and it's it's actually quite humorous but it's not really what i would like for this plant because it's a really fun house plant anyway we're getting kind of off on the tangent um this is philadelphia a very incredible house pen i love the leaf structure to it i think it reminds me very much of thematophylum by panata fetum which they also call like philodendron hope or philodendron siloam if that rings a bell for you i know thematophylum by panata fetum is a total mouthful of gibberish this is like that large plant condensed into a tiny little plant that also happens to be a trailing house plant so this is one i have up on the top of a shelf and i kind of let it just trail through and you can see this one leaf is getting a little dangerously close to the grow light because it's looking a little chlorotic but um if you can see these two beautiful leaves here you can get kind of a better sense of how this plant looks in its prime conditions so it's a really incredible plant um you could also grow this one up a moss pole but i found that it does actually perform quite well as a trailing house plant which not all philodendrons do you can even see with this one i have behind me here and it has this nice vine down here which has a nice leaf on it so yeah i i think this is a really great trailing philodendron if you're looking for something a little bit more funky and the philodendron group of plants this is one that i would highly recommend and i really don't believe that this one costs a lot of money now they often sell this as philaden tahiti and i cannot speak for certain if that is the same plant as philadeli i have looked very closely between these two plants and they look identical mind you i purchased this one as a philodendron tahiti and i purchased this one as a philodendron myoi so in my eyes they are the same plant but there are plenty of plants out there that are like exactly the same but just have the smallest of differences that the cultivators notice and then they patent it as a new plant or something like that so um like i said i can't speak for certain philodendron tahiti could very well be its own plant and i could be completely mis speaking but to me these look dead on exactly the same um but if they're two different plants that's actually pretty cool too so maybe perhaps we're talking about philadelphia and tahiti for this one but nevertheless incredible philodendron whether it's tahiti or maya y i highly recommend it an incredible trailing house plant that you will not be disappointed with and like i said it's rather inexpensive as far as philodendrons go so definitely one that i wouldn't sleep on it's been a very reliable grower for me so oh my gosh these i have not set myself up for this usually my plants are so much smaller and it's so much easier to put them around me but this is like the most spread out i've had to have my plants to avoid any accidents while i'm filming so next we're going to talk about this one right here this is another peperomia this is peperomia perciliata and this is one i've just slowly been starting to see on the market lately which i'm very happy about because it is like the most darling little pepperoni it's fuzzy as well similar to like the hoya rotunda flora which i really appreciate it's just very fun i love the little dainty red stems that kind of just zigzag all over the place and the leaf shape is beautiful it's kind of like a little heart shape it's kind of similar to the philodendron skin or i'm sorry not the filler the peperomias scandans if you're familiar but just a little bit more minute and fuzzy and i would be daring to say a little bit more fun so i absolutely love it and i've i like i said i've been just starting to see this one pop up on the market i know just when i was leaving the house plant store they were starting to show up in like six inch hanging baskets which is phenomenal because this is a plant that i had purchased probably not quite a year ago in like two little tiny two inch pots and pressed them together to grow them out into this dainty little four inch pot which i think is absolutely adorable but i think that a six inch hanging basket of this would be absolutely stellar so a really incredible peperomia rather easy to grow i can see the little tiny inflorescences right here i don't even know if you guys can be able to see those on camera or if i'm even in the right spot but there's little tiny inflorescences right there which are actually the flowers and they're all over my plants so hopefully it means it's happy i can't be for certain but how do i grow mine i grow mine roughly i'd say four feet off of a southern facing window it does have a grow light nearby but i would say that this peperomia seems to be rather easy going i don't think it would really care if it had that grow light around i think it would probably actually do a little bit better and a little bit less light now that i'm looking at it i'm like i think it's got a few spots on it to look a little bit chlorotic so perhaps i'll move it to another shelf on my bedroom shelf system that receives a little bit more dappled light and perhaps moves something that will prefer a little bit more brighter light into the area that it's in because i'm noticing a couple like dried up leaves here and there so yeah thank goodness i pulled it off the shelf for this video because now i think i'm second guessing how i'm going to grow this plant so yeah maybe i'll grow this one in a little bit more medium light i think the most important thing when it comes to pepperonis as i was saying with the pepperoni or half many eye is not to over water them pepperonis are very very susceptible to root rot and they will rot very quickly if you over water them so pretty much all of my peperomias i don't see myself watering them more than once a week unless they're receiving really bright light like if i was hanging a pepperoni in a southern facing window which i would not do with this one some can handle it but um yeah i would say it's best to be hands off with your peperomias uh that's how i find the best luck with them so definitely air on underwatering but this is so cute so dainty kind of similar um in the sense of the pepperoni half mania and kind of that smaller leaf structure and that trailing that's much more like relaxed and feminine in the way it's kind of just like la di da but i absolutely love this house plant i have to talk about today i can't just talk about pepperoni half mania when there's so many incredible trailing pepperonis out there okay so i'm gonna talk about this one next so this is a syngonium this one's syngonium erythrophyllum and this is a cultivar called yanokarti road and i would say across the board syngoniums are very unexpected trailing house plants i don't think you ever really see a syngonium in the house plant store and you would look at it and be like that's a trailing plant the way that you would look at like apothosis or a hoya or a philodendron but i think they perform very very well as challenging houseplants you can see right here i have these lovely two vines that are kind of running amok and i feel like this is one that i just had this one sitting on the table next to our microwave but i'm looking at it now once again as i pull these off the table to or the shelf or whatever to talk about in these videos i'm starting to notice that i think this one would look a lot better hanging up and then i get to really appreciate that stunning wine red foliage that this plant has hiding on the back um and of course it's got some really lovely dark foliage on the front so it's like a very gothic plant i really enjoy it this is one that i really wish was a little bit more readily available i really don't see it i don't hear about it i don't really know what's up with it but somebody should be growing this plant because it's cultivating it because it's incredible syngoniums like i was saying they're very unexpected trailing house plants uh but usually when you buy a single name it's like a little bush or just like you know very tightly wound together and they're kind of like a little bit more have a little more height i would say where they kind of probably are like six inches tall and you wouldn't really expect them to trail but as they start to form these vines you can see this one right here is you know not quite heavy enough yet for it to trail over or like fall over and start trailing but once they do get a little bit more weight to them they really do start to trail as they vine and i think it looks really incredible and looks very very reminiscent to apotheos in this sense so i think that's really incredible and as i was saying i just don't think you really consider this to be a trailing housemate and it makes me kind of want to get a couple more like just standard singhonians because i don't think i really have that many in my house and try growing them out as trailing houseplants i think it's such they're such fun ones to grow but they do take a little bit of time to get going i would say i think i've had this syngonium for probably two years now so not incredibly long but you know a decent amount of time to wait to have a nice trailing house time but it's one where you could buy syngonium set it on your table as i did two years ago and down the line you'd have a very nice specimen of a trailing houseplant so yeah i think this is one that i'm gonna have to move up very very shortly and these do propagate very easily just like apothose or like the sarah peggy i was talking about um you would just cut it in between two nodes nodes are where these are very visible like notches in the stems and they have these little um things that come off them these little spiky things that come up and that's where the roots would emerge that's what's referred to as the node um so just a little lesson today if you're a little unfamiliar with that but if you're looking for unusual house pens you're probably a little bit more familiar with this stuff so i probably don't need to go too far into that category but um i want more to talk about today i know this is a long video so this is a lipstick plant this is a or an ascananthus longicalis i believe they call it um this is sometimes they call this the black pagoda lipstick panel although i think there are a couple different types of lipstick plants that are often called the black pagoda ones um but this one in particular i think is a really incredible house plant because not only does it have a really striking foliage on the front side if i flip it over to the back side i don't know how well i'm gonna be able to show you guys this i can't even see what's going on but it has this really stunning underside of a plant that's uh very heavily purple and it's got this really nice like pattern to it it's very interesting i don't know how well you guys can see that but it's a very very cool lipstick plant i think i think that other lipstick plants i hate to say it can be a little underwhelming however when they become very long and trailing house plants they're absolutely gorgeous but this is one that i just hear a little bit less about and i feel like because lipstick plants are so overlooked people will probably not even like bother looking for other lipstick plants so that's just a guess i don't know but these these ones are so incredible they do flower i can see um a flower just coming in right here the flowers on this specific lipstick plant are very underwhelming compared to the other lipstick plant which straight up looks like lipstick which is rather phenomenal but this is a little bit less striking as i said but i think it's really all about the foliage with this one and i think this is such an incredible one to hang up specifically because of that incredible underside of the foliage so i had this one um hanging up above my desk area if you watched my little plant display makeover video that we did just recently that i included this one in that video and i'm hanging it up in that area but i think it's just so great because while i'm sitting at my desk editing my videos doing my work i can look up and see the very striking underside of this house plant so i just think it's so great and like i said i don't think it's one that people talk about very often and it's rather inexpensive i don't think i paid more than ten dollars for all of this plant in this pot so um it's a rather inexpensive plant i think lipstick plants across the board are pretty inexpensive house pens in general so yeah i think it's really interesting i think they're really cool house pants that i think do get overlooked quite a bit that are very unusual so yeah i think that's gonna about do it for this video 10 unusual uncommon interesting trailing house plants just kind of deviating from your standard ones like your pothos and your ivy and things like that so thank you guys so much for joining me today if you don't don't already follow me on instagram at philly foliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 58,224
Rating: 4.9784617 out of 5
Keywords: trailing, plants, houseplants, unususal, rare, interesting, uncommon, nick pileggi, philodendron, peperomia, hoya, syngonium, rhipsalis, cissus, tour, unboxing, steve's leaves
Id: z4eJrGq4iyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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