The False Truth - Pastor Dr. Valerie Crumpton

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[Music] if you have second corinthians 11 4 please say man we'll read i hope you will this is the nfv version that i'm reading from um so i don't know if it's going to be on the screens or not but i'll be reading from the niv i hope you will put up with me in a little foolishness yes please put up with me i am jealous for you with a godly jealousy i promised you to one husband to christ so that i might present you as a pure version to him but i am afraid that just as eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to christ for if someone comes to you and preaches a jesus other than the jesus we preached or if you receive a different spirit from the spirit you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted you put up with it easily enough as surely verse 10 drop down with me as surely as the truth of christ is in me nobody in the regions of archaea will stop this boasting of mine why because i do not love you god knows i do verse 12 and i will keep on doing what i am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about for such people are false apostles deceitful workers masquerading as apostles of christ and no wonder for satan himself masquerades as an angel of light it is not surprising then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness therein will be what their actions deserve and the people say amen you may be seated tonight i just want to speak for a few minutes from the topic the false truth the false truth in the last five years this world our world your world my world as we knew him have been completely reimagined there is not a person alive that has not been affected by the events that have challenged us all in the last five years whether those challenges modified altered redirected amended transformed or disturbed your beliefs your doctrine your faith your worldview your family or anything connected to you in the last five years the church as we thought we knew it has shifted 2020 was the year that brought to bear uprisings of the underworld of spirits at work in the world which we were loved to sleep by and did not detect what was really happening right before our very eyes while guns and other forms of artillery are selling out everywhere the church needs to prepare its arsenal for our weapons are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god the casting down in this scripture implies that the stronghold is up high the hebrew term for stronghold is misgod which means a lofty or a high place that is unpenetrable it brought to mind the scripture in the book of daniel when daniel was praying for 21 days and on the 24th day he had finally heard from heaven but it took so long because there was a stronghold be him him between him and heaven it was so unpenetrable that one of the chief princes had to come and help the messenger get through the church is in a stronghold in the last five years according to numerous reports self-described profits have multiplied across the country becoming increasingly prominent because they have found a voice in the current climate they have become the most popular representatives of the church and people believe they have the power to change the course of the world they operate primarily online and where for the most part the world has been driven the internet and the quote unquote media echo system has made it possible for prophets to get their word out according to a recent report prophecy is the fastest growing christian movement with over approximately a half a billion followers worldwide the problem is the predictions are deceptive according to a recent pew research astrologists and psychics are exploding more than 40 percent of americans believe and participate in the practices a sociologist at biola university said it's a symptom of our times people don't trust institutions and people think that all mainstream institutions in court including the church are corrupt they're searching for real sources of truth even pastors are now disclosing the fact that their congregations are flooded with misinformation life way research released the results of a survey earlier this year that reveal christian congregants are playing into the hands of conspiracy theories because the truth has fallen in the streets the pandemic ushered in new messengers new spirits new gospels and the church is in a quagmire to our detriment we are living in the living breathing word of god the bible says in matthew 24 and 24 for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they should deceive the very elect the voice of the true prophets are waning under the overshadowing of the self-proclaimed prophets do you understand the power of a prophet in the time of lack and devastation you see when there is a crisis people are searching for help they are listening for a word that will give them hope and they are looking for someone that will get them out of their dire situation and throughout history in the time of crises prophets of all kinds true and false arise in great numbers not pastors not teachers not apostles and not evangelists prophets beware of these closet prophets stop leaving where god placed you because you need a prophetic word our world is in crisis wars and plagues and natural disasters are happening one right after the other sometimes almost simultaneously nations against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms and wars and rumors of wars famines and pestilence and earthquakes in the middle of a global pandemic the line of demarcation between the rich and the poor has become even more apparent in a time of crisis when the church is needed the most the church has been divided against itself oh help us god because the word says a house divided against itself will not stand we have been targeted for a direct hit from the enemy if we continue in the direction we're going no wonder we're living in the dispensation of grace because if it were not for grace not a one of us would be able to stand you see the spirit of the age of grace is the spirit of deception and the spirit of deception is openly and evasively intercepting the gospel of jesus christ and intruding on the hearts and minds of everybody on the earth here is the word that it's trying to cover up we are living in the last days yes you've heard it you've heard it a whole lot of times and yes they say it every generation but i don't believe that there has been a generation as close to the end times as we are now the old church used to talk about the coming of the lord so much that we were afraid to look up at the moon thinking that when it was red it was turning to blood the old church talked about the rapture so often that we were too afraid to sin openly the old church talked about getting ready so much that we stayed on the altar to make sure we were right with god the message of eschatology was so prevalent that we believed it was either heaven or hell we didn't dispute the facts we may have run from them but we didn't dispute it we believe the people and the word of god this is not a fire and brimstone message the times have changed although the message has not the approach is different although the message is the same this message is not to scare anybody it's just to prepare us for what is to come for the kingdom of god is at hand and while you got your mask on your face turn to somebody and tell them jesus is coming yes yes jesus is coming eschatology is the division of theology that is concerned with the ends of time it is the study of last things and particularly those matters related to the return of jesus christ at the core of paul's theology was eschatology paul's conviction was grounded in eschatology his hopes and his motives his passion and the urgency of his message was centered around his concept of the future if you read and listen carefully you will come to discover that he was always preparing the people for what was and is yet to come and to the corinthians he said behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trump shall sound and the dead of christ shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so you see in the message that when paul talked he talked about in times but his message was being drowned out in our text during the time that paul is writing the second corinthians letter the country is in a famine much like today the effects of the famine were ruthless and the people were in need of immeasurable help the church had promised to help but did not hold up on their end of the promise because they were riddled with controversies and they were inundated with voices that were fueling the fires of those controversies now due to the rise of false prophets and deceitful workers masquerading as apostles paul found himself over and over again having to uh legitimize his apostleship the people of corinth begin to see him as inferior to the voices that were rising up around him much like the church today we're having to prove who we are again because the voicings rising up around us are drowning us out there was a small group of influential people made up of wealthy and educated men and women that tried to totally discredit paul and his authenticity and they tried to shut him down it became so serious that at one point paul said if you refuse me you refuse the gospel the controversies became so great that the church divided paul's heart goes out to the church at corinth because he sees what's happening to the people and he feels the need to address what's going on you see true leadership sees what's happening to the people true leadership is concerned about what's happening to god's people true leadership seeks for wisdom and direction on behalf of god's people and true leadership will lead god's people into a future that is already prepared for those who will accept the gospel i love what bishop said i think it was a few days ago he said god has trusted us with this season so far be it from us not to be voices crying in the wilderness on behalf of god's people so here is paul in the middle of a famine defending his position so he can help the people the last thing he wanted was for the christians he loves so dearly to perish because they refuse the gospel and he says i'm jealous for you with a godly jealous i promised you to one husband that's christ so that i might present you as a pure version before him but i'm afraid that just as eve was deceived by the serpent your minds may be somehow led astray from your sincere and pure devotion now we need to stop just a minute to look at that comparison between them being led astray and eve's deception because it is real important what was the impact of the servant's cunning strategy on the deception of the world when eve was deceived and what is the impact of the deception in our world today satan's aim was to get eve to believe and to accept what was really false as being truth what has happened in the last few years at an exponential rate is that the crafty strategy of the spirit of deception has led us away from driven us out of the very essence of truth and we all have experienced it all it takes is one person who is willing to be the vehicle through which the spirit of deception can flow one person in your house one person on your job one person in your community one person in your church one person in high places all it takes is one person for that you look up to that you will listen to that you want to be like all it takes is one person that is willing to be the vehicle through which the spirit of deception can flow paul goes on to say if someone comes to you and preaches a jesus other than the jesus we preach which implies there are other jesuses or if you receive a different spirit from the spirit you receive which implies there are other spirits or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted which implies there are many more gospels you are putting up with as if it were the real truth you know in your spirit that this is not the gospel of jesus christ you know in your spirit that this is not the spirit of the living god you know in your spirit that there is only one lord one faith and one baptism but the spirit of deception has cracked in unawares so i'm here today like paul and when paul back then spoke i'm here today to speak to continue to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us who have been called to preach the gospel of jesus christ i'm here like paul today to continue to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us those of us who have given our lives for the sake of the kingdom i'm here today like paul was then to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us those of us who have addicted ourselves to the ministry of the saints we come to cut the ground from under those false prophets and deceitful workers masquerading as apostles of christ we see you and your works good god almighty they be coming in on sunday mornings they begin to creep up to the front on sunday mornings but we see you in the name of jesus we see you now we see you walking down and after service trying to prophesy on god's people we see you and it's gotta stop the blood is against you in this place in this sanctuary in this house there's only one prophet in this house good god almighty and we see and hear from him amen no wonder satan himself masquerades as an angel of light it should not be surprising to us that when his servants also masquerade us as servants of righteousness that they come to shut the church down but we are here to put the truth back on top jesus is still lord this is the last day the kingdom is at hand and the king is still coming and even if we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you that what we have preached let us be accursed as i close this out the church of corinth existed somewhere around 49 or 50 a.d they were living in the dispensation of grace this is the year 2021 if you add the numbers up two plus zero plus two plus one equals five this year is a reminder that we are still living in the age of grace good god almighty the dispensation of grace is the sixth dispensation it began with the new covenant in christ blood it is the church age which is placed between the 69th and the 70th week of daniel chapter 9. it began on the day of pentecost and it will end with the rapture it's almost been 2 000 years although we don't know when it will come to a close but the signs of the times point to its soon culmination luke 21 says and when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift your heads up for your redemption draweth nine during this dispensation in the middle of deception we are to believe in jesus we got to hope against hope and until the rapture the holy ghost is here to comfort us all in a dispensation that is riddled with controversy and we are here to declare that we still believe in the gospel of jesus christ we are here to tell the world that jesus is the true god and true man having been conceived of the holy ghost and born of the virgin mary we're here to tell the world that he died on the cross the complete and final sacrifice for our sins according to scripture we are here to tell the world that he rose bodily from the dead he ascended into heaven we're at the right hand of the majesty on high he is now our high priest and advocate we are here to tell the gospel story the shed blood of jesus christ and his resurrection provide the only ground for salvation for all those who believe and those that receive jesus are born of the holy ghost and become children of god and we believe that jesus is coming we believe that jesus is coming in a moment in a twinkling of an eye good god almighty those that remain shall be caught up together in the clouds there shall be a bodily resurrection of the dead and the believer to everlasting blessedness and joy with the lord and of the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting conishment and judgment we believe we believe we believe we believe in the dispensation of grace that jesus is here good god almighty we believe we believe we believe that he has not left us alone yes the holy ghost has come yes the holy ghost the periclita is right next to us but we believe that jesus is right here with us good god almighty and i don't care what the false prophets say i don't care what the masqueraders say i am still a child of the living god good god you can't take it from me and you can't shut me down i am a true witness in him i live in him i move and in him i have my being so do what you want to do say what you want to say i am a child of the most high god try to shut me down try to turn me off try to lift me out but i'm here and as long as god gives me a voice brother tudman i will speak for the gospel but i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus good god almighty i'm not ashamed of the gospel i'll speak it all over the land i'll tell it wherever i go and if i got some witnesses in this house let me hear you praise him [Music] let me hear you praise him let me hear you praise him hallelujah hallelujah false prophets may rise they may come and have a word better than mine but it's not washed in the blood of the lamb the word i speak is the word from on high and it's been washed in the blood of the lamb good god almighty go where you want to go seek what you want to seek but my feet are planted in the house of the lord come what may from day to day i belong to jesus i belong to jesus and i want you because i love you so much i'm jealous for you with a godly jealousy i don't want to see you lost i don't want to see you go to hell so i'm here to tell you that this is your day and this is your time the spirit of deception does not have to keep you in a stronghold but you can give your life to christ right now right now right now [Applause] [Music] as i take my seat there's somebody in this room that has succumbed to false prophets to spirits that are masquerading as angels of light you know who you are you know the psychics the astrologers and the things you've been messing with but the lord loves you so much that he's bringing you a word tonight whether you're online or in this room the lord loves you so much that he wants you to come out from among them and be separate saith the lord we're living in the age of a false truth but grace is keeping us grace is saving us grace it's protecting us grace is covering us grace is shielding us grace somebody say grace [Applause] no other dispensation would have been able to survive the spirit of deception but in the grace out in the time when god has poured out his grace on all men you can come out and be covered by his grace is there anyone in this room that wants to come and give your life to the lord it's your day it's your time you can do it you can give it up now you can come out of it now you can make a change now you can do something different right now right now right now today is the day of your salvation today is the day of your salvation today is the day of your salvation today is the day of your salvation today is the day of your salvation today is the day i said today today today hallelujah today today is the day today is the day somebody say today is the day yeah yeah yeah you don't have to go into another 24 hours today is the day of your salvation today today in canada today today hallelujah today hallelujah one more call if you're online click the button go to the option two i believe it is and somebody's waiting there to pray for you online if you want to give your life to christ online now today is the day of your salvation come on people put your hands together for those that are coming those that are still coming they're coming they're coming bless god bless god the lord doesn't want to see anybody lost [Music] today is the day of your salvation [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah this is the day he made it for you we rejoice and are glad in it father we thank you for these souls that decided to come tonight because they heard a word they realized they can come out that there is no stronghold too great too unpenetrable for you there is nothing too high that you cannot bring down there's nothing too low that you cannot bring it up there is nothing you cannot do in whatever they're struggling with you're able to bring them out to set them free to heal them to deliver them to protect them and i thank you for each and every one of them tonight for heaven rejoices over just one and we have more than one hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 26,509
Rating: 4.8962836 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, what is the perception of truth, how to search for answers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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