The Bloody Pathway - Pastor Cora Jakes Coleman

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[Music] wonderful wonderful is his name i am so honored beyond honored to be before you all tonight on the day that the lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it no matter what i do want to give honor to my mother my mommy bear my daddy bear i love you all so much um and honor to my husband who is here in my corner my ninjas in my corner we're gonna get into the word today but before we do um i want you to go to your text um we're gonna go to john 17 [Music] 1-5 john 17 1-5 you're amazing god we're in all of you your amazing god do what you do you're amazing god we're in all of you your amazing god do what you do i dare you in your kitchen wherever you are just sing you're amazing god we're in all of you you're amazing god do what you do on the inside of me you're amazing god we're in all of you you're amazing god do what you do we're in a moment when a season where god is moving and if you're not careful if you look for the particulars if you look for the technicalities you'll miss a moment to experience just the all and the activeness of his glory sometimes that glory is activated through our worship it's activated in our ability to see god for who he is to be able to breathe him in to embrace him to know that he is the god that is amazing know your situation and your circumstance may not be amazing know what you're going through may not be amazing but the reason why you're going through what you're going through is not to focus on the caliber of whether it's amazing or whether it's not but rather for you to focus on the god that is amazing so i want you to zoom in on that you're amazing god we're in all of you you're amazing god do what you do you're amazing god we're in all of you you're amazing god do i do what you do do what you do do what you do do what you do do what you do do what you do we're broke and do what you do we're tired do what you do we're bleeding do what you do we need a miracle do what you do we need your glory god do what you do we need a breakthrough do what you do you're amazing god do what you do and we worship you we worship you we worship you the text reads after jesus said this he looked toward heaven and prayed father the hour has come glorify your son that your son may glorify you for you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him now this is eternal life that they know you the only true god and jesus christ whom you have sent i have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do and now father glorify me in your presence with the glory i had with you before the world began if you give me a moment i would like to teach on the subject topic the bloody pathway spirit of the living god we embrace the presence of who you are we know that you are omnipresent so it does not surprise us that you are present but we also know that you can be present and not moving so i would request of you tonight god move move wherever we are whether we're at work whether we're in our cars whether we're at our job god wherever we are in our homes in our kitchens in our living rooms god i pray in the name of jesus that your glory your active tangible glory would begin to manifest wherever we are release an anointing god that makes teaching easy release an anointing god that makes breakthrough easy release an anointing god that makes miracle working power easy i've tonight god that your glory will reach us i declare tonight god that your glory will touch us i declare tonight god that it may be the blood that we have to go through to get to it but glory shall come tonight glory shall be unleashed tonight we declare it in the atmosphere god have your way move by your spirit move by your might move by your glory will be forever careful to give your name all the praise and all the honor that it is due for it is in your son jesus name that we pray these prayers tonight for it is so and so it is in the mighty name of jesus amen i want you to say amen wherever you are we're going to have a good teaching night tonight this particular text that we are talking about tonight i found very intriguing john opens this chapter up in an understanding of a communication that jesus is having with god that no other uh gospel really zooms in on and so i enjoyed the fact that upon looking for what i was going to teach i knew that i wanted to teach something along the lines of prayer but also something that would prepare us for where we are going and the time that we are in right now as we are going into easter there are a few things that have taken place and john zooms in on something that really caught my attention jesus is uh closing down if as it were he's closing down his lessons his teachings his miracles everything is coming to a close and right before his path and his journey is to begin we see john note these prayers there is not just one prayer there are three specific prayers that john notes in this chapter that jesus is speaking of at the time if i had time i would go through all three but for the sake of time i'm just going to speak on the first prayer he speaks about glorifying god through himself of himself within himself and i thought that that was intriguing he also speaks about praying for his disciples and then he also prays for the believers and so when we consider this particular text as it reads he's talking about the glory of god being illuminated being active being tangible being seen both by man through him as i said within himself of himself we're about to go onto a journey now for the longest time when i was a little girl i always thought that judas started this foolishness um i i was pretty sure about it that it all started with raggedy judas you know we're grateful for judas though because had it not been for judas there wouldn't have been uh jesus uh on calvary so we're grateful for judas but he's still raggedy i digress i thought he started all of this until i read john when i zoomed in on john it became very clear to me that not only did judas not start this but jesus triggered the start of this journey in this prayer we are often wondering kind of the flow of how things go how did all of this begin how did all of it start jesus is the trigger for his ultimate trauma now i want you to hear that because if you don't hear it you will overshadow this experience to make it just something simple that we celebrate on easter but the reality is jesus triggered his trauma with prayer and this prayer he is dissecting an opportunity to go back to what is comfortable for him but he cannot get back to what is comfortable for him without going through a very uncomfortable pathway it is often said that we pray for things that we want we pray for things that we want in life we pray for material things but unfortunately jesus is not praying for jewelry he's not praying for clothes he is not praying for even food or shelter he's praying for god's glory to be revealed and isn't it strange that we often pray for god's glory to be revealed in us but we are unaware of the cost that is attached to that prayer jesus is aware of the cost that is going to come with what he's praying for and yet he still prays for it i want to ask you a question as you are jotting down notes maybe you'll think of this and consider it at a later date are you willing to pray for pressure when i was growing up people used to always say don't pray for for patience because it'll show up it'll teach you but are you willing to pray for pressure i realize in this text that jesus is praying for pressure there's a distinctive pathway that he's about to enter there's a distinctive process that he's about to go into and he is praying for pressure he's not praying for strength he is not praying for protection he is praying for glory by way of pressure so prayer puts us on this pathway prayer puts us in the path if you are looking for the glory of god you must first be willing to pray to get on the pathway understanding that the glory of god is not tangible without sacrifice and i know how much we love sacrifice i know how much we love being tossed and turned shaken and crushed i know how much we love being told not to look back i know how much we love to embrace the power that god has given us i know how much we love to operate in the seasons and the timings of god i know how much we love to sacrifice the reality is we are not really prepared for the pressure that we're praying for we are not really prepared for the bloody pathway jesus is praying and he is intentionally accurate about what is about to go down and i want you to understand this because if you are praying and you are not intentionally accurate what do i mean he had a purpose and an accuracy behind his purpose sometimes we pray with intentionality but not the willingness to apply it and so if you pray with intentionality but you do not have a willingness to apply it then your prayer is for not your prayer is illuminated through your ability to do the work necessary to make that prayer come to pass we manifest evidence through faith faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you cannot manifest the evidence of something if you are not willing to apply what it is that you are hoping for there's a work that has to take place and i instantly am looking at this prayer and i'm getting excited because you know like i love prayer and then i suddenly realize my homie is praying for glory and god answered with blood my homie is praying for god's glory to be revealed in him and god answered with beating my my homie is praying for god's glory to be shown through him and god responds with denial betrayal being arrested he's bruised and beaten for glory i want you to consider the pathway to glory sometimes we put it in a pretty bow we make it really nice on christmas we make it really nice but when easter comes we get attached to the reality of what the pathway to glory is now listen glory is beautiful i'm not fighting that that's not the argument here the pathway to glory however is not beautiful jesus would be praying for his most traumatic experience he would be praying for his most betrayed experience he would be praying for his most denied experience he would be praying for god to put pressure on him and sometimes when we go into the pathways of life we don't make it to the end of glory when we look at this story and i thought it was funny because all of the gospels for the most part talk about the garden of gethsemane and where jesus was asking his disciples to pray for him just for an hour and he came out and they were knocked out they were asleep they was not un they was unable to meet the vomit however john does not talk about that john does not illuminate the lack of prayer john does not illuminate the lack and inability that the disciples had to pray for jesus john illuminates for us the communication that jesus is having with god and i think it's beautiful because john is bonded with jesus in a way that none of the other disciples will be bonded with him not just by blood but by encounter it is john who experiences the glory of christ before the foundation of birth it is john who is connected to jesus in such a way that they will be bonded throughout life and his voice will echo throughout the new testament not just in the gospel but throughout the new testament we will hear of the bond and the love and the connection that jesus and john shared because john illuminated the love and conversation that christ had with god not the need that christ had of god and so when we look at this particular text we unfold this unique opportunity to become intimately aware of what jesus is saying to god before he is arrested and starts his bloody pathway bloody is a uncomfortable subject people don't like to talk about bleeding even though they are people don't like to talk about being broken even though they are people don't like to address and put pressure on the things that are hurting them even though they are hurting when i was a little girl we were staying at the trump tower yeah we were doing a water fight probably not the best locations for water fights but it's all right everything's fine so i thought my sister and i are throwing water at each other we're running around the hotel room living our best childish life and i run into the room to grab some glasses to fill with water and throw them at my sister my sister grabs this coffee mug and she fills it with water and so we're gonna swing the door open and whoever gets all the water on them becomes the winner of this wonderful experience right well i swung the door open and my sister threw the coffee mug at me she didn't mean to for the coffee mug to slip out of her hand but it slipped out of her hand my my glasses broke and i split my thumb open and it was bleeding like crazy i never seen so much blood when we got to the hospital they said apply pressure to it now i'm already hurting i'm already bleeding everywhere you want to apply pressure to my pain you want to apply pressure to something that's already bleeding you you don't want to just leave it alone let it be great you know the lord will you know clotted up something leave it alone was my first guess but they tell you to apply pressure because sometimes when you are going through a situation and you are bleeding in appropriately that's what i it was an inappropriate bleed yeah when you are bleeding in a place where you're not supposed to and a flow that you're not supposed to be flowing in they tell you to apply pressure to it so that it can correct the flow of blood they tell you to apply pressure so that they can correct the way that your blood is flowing because if your blood is not flowing the proper way you could bleed out and so we have to understand that as we are moving in situations and we're going through this pathway prayer got us to this pathway but that does not mean that we are not going to face trouble that does not mean that we are not going to believe that does not mean that you will never be broken you will never be hurt you will never go through anything as a matter of fact the very thing that got you to the pathway is the very thing that keeps you alive while you are on the pathway had it not been for jesus praying from the very beginning before he was arrested before he was beaten before he was chastised and spit at and denied and betrayed and all of the bleeding that took place he prays he prays for this he prays for this moment he prays for this encounter this encounter with god he prays for pressure when you're going through life you have to understand that sometimes you are seeing the condition god is applying the pressure and the reason why god is applying the pressure is because he's trying to correct your flow he's trying to correct the way that you're walking this path the way that you are trying to grab a hold of his glory have you noticed that the closer you get to god the harder things get the closer you get to god the harder things happen the closer you get to god the more tired you become the more fights come the more distractions come the closer you try to get to god the more the enemy tries to block you stop you keep you away from being able to receive the source of his glory i am reminded in this moment of bleeding that there are many conditions that may cause us to bleed maybe your heart is broken you've lost someone you loved and you're bleeding maybe you are homeless and you don't have anywhere to live and you're bleeding maybe you are sick in the hospital fighting for your life and your bleeding whatever your situation may be whatever may be your bleeding issue i want you to understand that the reason why more pressure is coming is not to break you the reason why more pressure is coming is not to hurt you the reason why more pressure is coming is because god is about to correct your flow he's about to correct your path the way that you have been walking is not fit for where you are going uh let me say that again because that sounds real nice to me the way that you are walking is not fit for where you are going the bible says that there's a way that seems right to a man but it leads to destruction and oftentimes we do not understand that we are walking ourselves to destruction will your destruction bring god's glory is the question some would say that jesus dying on the cross and being beaten and brutalized till his body was falling off of his bones so his mother could not recognize him sounds pretty destructive to me and yet still he walks anyway and yet still he goes anyway because there is a power in bleeding the right way there's the power in your ability to bleed the way that god wants you to there is a power in your ability to accept and embrace the path that god is putting you on with the understanding that this i may have to bleed for this i may have to sacrifice for it is through your greatest level of grief that the most of god's glory is being shown john is going through grief right now we are seeing john lose his friend his teacher everything that he ever knew his best of friends that walked with him talked with him attached to him led with him walked beside him pushed him encouraged him lifted him up and now john has to watch him go on a path that he cannot go with him on have you ever been put in a situation where you had to watch someone you love bleed and you could not help them where you had to be so close and connected but there was nothing you could do about the path that god had put them on and sometimes we try to stop people from feeling the path we try to stop people from feeling the pain we try to stop people from feeling their process we try to stop people because it hurts too much to see someone that you love go on a path that you cannot go with them on it hurts too much to watch someone you love die in a way you did not want them to this is the pandemic that we are in it's a bleeding situation people are dying alone people are bleeding alone hearts are being broken still and yet god's glory his greatest glory attaches more to the things that are breaking us than the things that are blessing us isn't it strange that when we want god to connect to us when jesus is talking about let's go back to the place where we were connected before all of this began we do not see or understand that what is happening here is a crushing time for christ what is happening here is his opportunity to now do the final work that he was sent to do he says i finished everything i showed them their glory i gave them the glory they've experienced you they know who you are now i want to go home and the way to get home goes by suffering kind of like the prodigal son he had everything that he thought he wanted had everything that he thought he needed and then he needed to get back home and the way back to his father's house came with suffering the way back to your father's house may come with the best of bleeding that you have experienced and i know it would just be easier for me to just clap and applaud and and push you through but i have to be very real and honest with you it's not going to stop this pathway doesn't end until you get to his glory and sometimes you end up repeating the path because you won't go through the process sometimes we end up bleeding over and over and over again because we are unwilling to surrender and submit to the process of bleeding this is a prayer of jesus surrendering to the process he is not surrendering to anything more or anything less than the path and the way to god's glory how often do we pray for god to be revealed through us without wanting the process i could question this text all throughout but that brings us to no real resolution the beauty of this story the beauty of this prayer the beauty of easter in general is wrapped around a bloody pathway the beauty of the glory that we receive the victory that we receive what jesus claims for us once he dies and is resurrected again is beautiful the way to get there the way he looked it was not beautiful and sometimes god is going to take you through a situation that is not beautiful the pathway to get to what you're praying for may come with more pressure than you asked for the pathway to get to the promise may come with more sacrifice than you intended the pathway to get to your miracle may come with more mess than you thought are you willing to go your path the disciples fell asleep on their path the woman with the issue of blood grabbed a hymn on her path moses received deliverance for a whole nation on his path but none of them without blood it is blood that attaches us to the glory of god it is the acknowledgment of the blood that he shed it is acknowledgment of the blood that he left it is acknowledgment of the blood that is in us through us moving in the believer that puts us into a place of being able to tangibly receive the activeness of his glory if we do not put ourselves in a posture to be aware of the timing of god the authority of god and what we're looking at when it is time for us to go because maybe the reality is that's what i'm here to do to tell you to go i know the pathway is bloody i know the pathway is heartbreaking i know the pathway is heavy i know the pathway has a lot of assignments for you i know that the pathway seems unbelievably difficult and you think that you cannot make it you think that you were not called for this position you think that you were not called to be standing in this moment and on this path and i just wanted to come and tell you that you are exactly where you're supposed to be you are exactly doing what you're supposed to be doing and this is the path that god has placed you on and it's going to break you to build you to his glory moses experiences god's glory after being slammed into the cleft of a rock there's a process he has to leave every servant every friend he has to go by himself alone to the top of the mountain to experience the glory of god jesus has to go alone without all of the people that he saved without all of the people that he taught to go to the top of the mountain to reveal god's glory one experiences the glory of god one is the glory of god jesus is the glory of god made flesh for us this experience at the top of the mountain brings us to a shadowing type where we understand that glory is revealed at the top glory is revealed at the top of your pain at the top of your pressure at the top of your hurt the more he got to the top of calvary the heavier that cross became that's why he needed somebody to come and help him carry it the rest of the way because the closer he got to the top the heavier the pressure on the bleeding the more you get to the top the more the pressure the more you get to the purpose of god the more the pressure the more you reach for the things of god the more the pressure as you are drawing closer to the promises of god there's going to be pressure i want you to have hope though because before this particular text jesus's last story reminds us that he left us with peace it reminds us that he overcame the world and because he overcame the world we too will overcome the world it reminds us that the world is going to give us trouble and trouble we have had but we over come we overcome in times where you feel like you're not going to and times where you feel like you're absolutely going to break those are the moments where the overcoming power and the active glory of god that makes you a survivor stands up i wish i could tell you that prayer keeps you out of trouble the way my husband would say he would say that prayer keeps you in trouble the way i said it was prayer keeps you alive in trouble sometimes we want prayer to rescue us from trouble sometimes we want prayer to stop the trouble but sometimes prayer isn't sent to stop it it's not sent to block it it's not sent to keep it away but sometimes prayer is simply there to keep you alive that's why you didn't die in that rape that's why you didn't die in that molestation that's why you didn't kill yourself after that divorce that's why you're still here and you have breath in your body that's why it's because of the prayer that kept you alive i know i know you wanted the prayer to stop the pain and it brought more pressure jesus has brought us into a place where we must acknowledge that sometimes prayer puts us on a bloody path and gives us great pressure sometimes prayer puts us in a position that we didn't ask for puts us in a sacrifice that we didn't ask for puts us on a path that we didn't ask for just so we can have a glory that we've never seen that's what we're trying to get we're not trying to get to just regular tangible glory that he's left but we're trying to reach a glory of glory of glory of glory and that glory is not received until we can acknowledge that there's blood attached to it the glory that you're trying to grab ahold of there's blood on that you should write that down there's blood on his glory there's blood on his glory i know you want the glory i know you're asking for the glory to fill your house but do you know that there's blood on that glory i know that you're asking for the glory of god to fill your hospital room and to feel your work but do you know that there's blood on that glory do you know that the glory that you're praying for is attached to his blood that dripped from the cross that the glory that you're praying for is attached to the blood that drips from his heel that the glory that you're praying for is attached to the blood that dripped from his crown of thorns on his head that the glory that you're praying for is attached to a bloody pathway sometimes we throw christ into our blood but we do not receive his blood for our pathway i want to challenge you today to surrender your blood for his i want to challenge you today to consider what would your prayer be to trigger your journey as i was reading the prayer i instantly thought uh we should be praying something different jesus we should pray for angels from above to come down like a mighty russian wind we should be praying for all of the people that are against you to be knocked down in the spirit of god we should be praying so many different things because that's what our hearts tell us to do our hearts tell us to pray for the stop of glory if we were placed in a position that's what we would have prayed we would have prayed for it to be stopped we would have prayed for someone to protect him we would have prayed for someone to make it stop without understanding that it's your sin on his back without understanding that it's your cancer that you need that stripe for without understanding that it's your pcos that you need those stripes for without understanding that it's your divorce and broken heart that you need those stripes for and yes we could pray for the stop but wouldn't start you if you pray to stop the glory of god if you pray to stop the bloody pathway where do you end up when it's time to receive glory it's very easy to say it's gonna be okay and i do that very well but the reality is guys i don't know if it's going to be okay i don't know where the world is going or where it's going to end up what i am very very sure of is that there is glory at the end that we started with a prayer for glory to be revealed we did not know that we were praying for a bloody pathway to show up but the good news guys ladies gentlemen friends sisters brothers the good news is at the end of this pathway when it's all said and done when everything is laid and nails have been pushed and the cross has been planted and the pierced in his side has happened there is a glory that is attached to this pathway there is a glory that is attached to the end of this and i don't care what you are bleeding about and i don't care what you are bleeding for i want you to know that there is glory at the end of your bleeding condition there is there is glory at the end of your heart there is glory at the end of your pain there is glory at the end of your grief there is glory at the end of your sorrow i don't know how god is going to lift you up but i know that he will i don't know how god is going to mend your broken heart but i know that he can i don't know how god is going to heal your body but i know that he did did you hear me i don't know how he's going to heal your body but i know that he did because his word says by his stripes you are healed that means it's already done it's already happened it's only for you to claim it what if your healing is on the bloody pathway what if your glory is on the bloody pathway what if your freedom your love your splendor your peace your strength your pureness your worthiness your fruitfulness what if it is at the end of a bloody pathway would you be willing to accept a season of bleeding for an exposure to glory would you be willing to accept heartbroken loss so that god could show you something he's never shown you before this is a season of uncertainty if there is a blessing in earth in uncertain times then i am convinced that blessings in uncertain times come with uncertain breakings i am convinced that we will suffer if only to reign i am convinced that if you will allow yourself to trust god again like you used to that's what he said let's go back to how we had it with you before the world began it's that first love it's been difficult for you to love god lately because of the bleeding it's been difficult for you to trust god lately because of the bleeding you probably don't pray like you used to you probably don't worship like you used to and it's all because of the bloody pathway that you've been tossed and turning on you've been fighting and wrestling with you've been struggling with you've been trying to push through it you've been trying to pray your way through it fast your way through it but nothing seems to be working and you're tired and you're drained and you're looking for the end of the bleeding the end of the bleeding comes when you accept that the bleeding is for the breakthrough the end of your bleeding comes when you accept that you have a tangible access to the glory of god the woman with the issue of blood experiences an encounter with christ in his glory because of her willingness to understand that her bleeding didn't have to stop her from reaching and yours doesn't either your bleeding doesn't have to stop you from reaching your bleeding doesn't have to stop you at all you're bleeding and it's okay you're broken and it's okay you're struggling and it's okay you're heavy and it's okay it's okay to not be okay it's okay to be in a place of wondering if god hears me like he used to i'm not here to tell you that he does or that he doesn't i'm here to tell you that there's glory at the end of this do not weep do not mourn long there's glory coming at the end of this there's glory at the end of the betrayal there's glory at the end of the denial there's glory at the end of the lost of friends there's glory when you're walking alone to a place you've never been to there's glory when you have to go without a friend there's glory when you have to walk to the top of calvary and you're not sure if you're gonna make it to the end there's glory when you are moving through the rivers and the snow and the hurt and the pain and the winter storms and the waves and the floods there's glory after you lose the baby there's glory when you're going into the hospital there's glory when you leave the hospital there's glory if you don't get an opportunity to leave the hospital there is glory at the end of your pathway i know you've been bleeding for a long time i didn't come to tell you that the bleeding was going to stop i didn't come to tell you that you weren't going to bleed again i came to tell you that there is glory at the end of your bleeding there's glory at the end of that tear yeah that's here right there that you've been crying and you've been weeping that's here right there there is glory there is glory at the end of your heartbreak there is glory at the end of your sorrow there is glory at the end of your grief and you just have to reach up and grab it you have to reach up and grab it you have to reach up and be willing to grab it the time has come father let your glory be revealed i know it's going to hurt me but let your glory be revealed i know it's going to take something from me but let your glory be revealed i know that i'm going to lose some friends i'm going to lose some people but let your glory be revealed i want to go back to the way it was in the beginning i want to go back to the way that we had glory in the beginning god let your glory be revealed and if i have to bleed for it so be it if i have to bleed for them to not only have your glory but see your glo your glory so be it if you have to break me to build them so be it if you have to have my friend that said he'd never deny me deny me so be it if you have to have somebody that i fed kiss me on the cheek just to set me up for my death so be it for no matter how bloody the pathway is i believe that there is glory at the end never have i seen the righteous forsaken because there's glory at the end of this weeping may endure for a night joy's coming in the morning do you feel the joy that is coming to your house that is coming into your heart that is consuming you even now the glory and oil of joy is falling now into your spirit into your mind into your heart the spirit of the living god is coming to you now the glory of god is falling into your open spaces into your voided spaces god is releasing an active tangible presence now wherever you may be whatever you are doing i want you to open yourself up open your mouth open up your heart open up your spirit and allow the glory of god to come in who is this king of glory the lord god strong and mighty it doesn't matter what battle you are going through he's a god that will fight your battle he's a god that will break through every flood that the enemy has brought in your life he's a god that will build a standard against it no exit formed against you shall be able to prosper this is not going to kill you it is actually going to elevate you this is not going to break you it is actually going to promote you a promotion is coming a promotion is coming a promotion is coming because of your pain a promotion is coming because of your brokenness a promotion is coming god is about to unlock a door for you i dare you walk through the door this is your door this is your time this is your moment and nobody can stop it nobody can hinder it you walk through too much blood to stop now you've been hurt too much to stop now why stop now when you're right there god's glory is the end of the pathway there are levels to his glory so there are levels to the blood there are dimensions to his glory because there are dimensions to his blood his blood does not just do one thing it does many things his blood has flown through rivers his blood has covered the broken his blood has saved the dead raised the dead healed the sick his blood is moving even now thousands and thousands of years later his blood is covering his blood is protecting his blood is healing his blood is igniting his blood is illuminating his blood is restoring and refreshing and renewing his blood is still working the blood still works you had to get bloody for it because the blessing is in what you're willing to bleed for so i want you to consider this tonight what have i been bleeding for what have i been broken for what is going to be built in me behind this bloody pathway in the middle of your path don't stop keep going i challenge you the blood of jesus is going to reveal something to you in the blood of you the blood of jesus is going to cover you as you are bleeding everything that jesus needed was always on the inside of him he asked for disciples to pray for him but john recalls prayers he was praying for himself everything that he needed to get to the top of calvary was on the inside of him everything that you need to get to the top of your mountain is on the inside of you he was crucified laid behind a stone he lived just to die rejected and alone like a rose trembled on the ground he took the fall and he thought of you above it all he didn't care about his path he didn't care about his blood he did it for you he did it for me he did it for my children's children's he did it for my children's children's children's children he keeps on doing it he keeps on bleeding for me and he won't stop bleeding [Music] oh he keeps on bleeding for me and he won't stop bleeding my god keeps on bleeding for me and he won't stop bleeding it's his blood that keeps on bleeding for me and he won't stop bleeding i want you to know that he keeps on bleeding for you and he won't stop bleeding his blood is still gonna work today today he keeps on bleeding for you and he won't stop bleeding so i say god keep on bleeding keep on bleeding for me keep on bleeding keep on bleeding for me god would you keep on bleeding keep on bleeding for me i need you to keep on bleeding keep on bleeding for me i am grateful grateful to know that you bled for me i'm grateful to know that you bled for me i'm grateful to know that you're carrying me carrying me carrying me and you won't stop bleeding i'm grateful to know that you're bleeding for me for me for me for my children for my husband for my mother for my father you kept on bleeding bleeding bleeding it was your blood [Music] that keeps on keeps on bleeding for us whatever you're going through whatever you're broken through he keeps on bleeding for me and for you don't forget it he'll keep on bleeding his glory's at the end don't forget it he keeps on bleeding he keeps on bleeding but there's glory at the end oh my yes he kept on bleeding and he kept on bleeding but there's glory at the end my brothers my sisters there's glory at the end he bled for you and for me and he keeps on his blood keeps on flowing his blood keeps on going we don't need to apply pressure to the blood of jesus but we do need to apply pressure to our bleeding tonight i challenge you to make that sacrifice to apply pressure to your bleeding area let god back into your heart trust him again i hear god say i won't drop you hard this time i hear god saying i want to lift you up again will you trust him even if it means it's a bloody pathway will you pray for glory to be revealed even if it means you have to be broken for it i never knew how much i would have to lose until i was appreciative of all that i had gained and perhaps you're losing all that you're losing because what you are going to gain will be greater than what you bled for and perhaps that's what brought jesus to the top of calvary because he knew that even though he would bleed for it what he was going to gain was much greater than what he bled for he gained glory at the end he gained salvation for us at the end he gained peace and glory and joy and strength and faith and trust for us at the end we thank you for your blood spirit of the living god we exalt your blood tonight we lift up not just your name jesus but we lift up your blood tonight we lift up your blood over our situation we lift up your blood over our darkness we lift up your blood over our grief we lift up your blood over our sorrow we lift up your blood over our pain we lift up your blood just for the sake of your glory god i pray in the name of jesus that you would touch every person under the sound of my voice and even those who will watch the replay god i pray in the name of jesus that breakthrough would take place in their hearts and in their minds that deliverance would take place in their hearts and in their minds god go into their homes and uproot every demonic force every lying spirit every witch and every warlock every curse that has been planted in the foundations of their home god i pray in the name of jesus that you would uplift it uprooted and destroy it at the root spirit of the living god we ask you now to consume the very being of every person under the sound of my voice god may they feel you in a new way may they breathe you in a new way may they have you in a new way god i pray in the name of jesus that you would reign rain great and mighty god rain your blood over our situation rain your blood over our problem reign your blood oh god that your glory would rise in the midst of the bleeding that your glory would rise in the midst of the pain that your glory would rise in the midst of the process let your glory rise god rise until we can't ignore it rise until we can't avoid it rise great glory for god right and let our enemies be scattered jesus rise arise and let our enemies be scattered we declare it over ourselves jesus rise jesus rise and let our enemies be scattered we scatter every enemy jesus rise jesus rise and let our enemies be scattered scattered [Music] we thank you god he surrenders [Music] oh god we bless you for the breaking for the bleeding for your glory for it is so and so it is in the name of jesus amen thank you [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 98,903
Rating: 4.9158559 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, the bloody pathway, cora jakes coleman, cora jakes coleman preaching, cora jakes coleman singing, easter season sermons, easter season of glory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 5sec (3965 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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