The Fallout Mysteries Iceberg (Part 1)

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and for over a half a decade now this channel has been well immersed in the investigation and exploration of some of the Fallout universe's biggest mysteries from the strange Supernatural powers of Lorenzo Cabot to the suspicious Guidestones of Appalachia we've always been fascinated by The Unexplained elements of this world well over the last six or so months I've slowly and methodically been building a list of every single Fallout mystery and theory that I could find of course I've included the hundreds that we've covered on this channel but also hundreds that we haven't as I've scoured the wikis and obscure nine-year-old Gamespot forums in search of everything that's out there and I've compiled all of that information into what I hope will be the most thorough and thrilling all out Iceberg yet we've divided this Iceberg into five separate tiers beginning with the most inconsequential and well-known stuff and gradually descending into the more insane obscure and unhinged while I had originally hoped I could fit this all into a single massive video there's just so much information to cover that today will probably only get through the first half though Adam willing I'll have the next half done within a couple of weeks much sooner turnaround time anyway enough Preamble ladies and gentlemen grab a glass of ice cold nuka-cola Quantum have your Mr handy dim the lights and relax as we dive into part one of our Fallout Mysteries iceberg but first a quick word from today's video sponsor this video is being brought to you guys by Rise of Kingdoms rise of Kingdoms is a new real-time strategy game that allows you to pick from 14 famous historical civilizations and build your own Empire all while working with or warring against over 60 million players on a single enormous world map players command armies and lay Siege to rival kingdoms and Barbarian outposts but also can meet opponents in the field with stunning real-time battles every 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in the peculiarly pleasant town of Covenant Covenant is unique among Fallout settlements innovate that its residents somehow maintain a remarkably pre-war way of life its houses are all neat and Suburban it's people dress in pre-war clothes consume pre-war products and are suspiciously polite and well-mannered indeed there are several things that don't add up about this place and Covenant will certainly find itself in multiple tiers of our Iceberg but for right now I want to focus on something small near the mayor's home we can encounter a mangled Mr handy robot named Deezer who operates a lemonade stand when approached the ancient Contraption will offer the player and any nearby companions a free sample of his premium lemonade and afterwards we'll sell us bottles for five caps a pop the only problem is that it's heavily implied that this beverage is not actually lemonade hey Deezer that's lemonade what's in the lemonade [Music] try it and enjoy or take advantage of the money back guarantee ignoring the fact that it's not even at all obvious whether or not there are any lemons left in the world anymore and there are certainly none growing at covenant in deezer's own dialogue he refers to the beverages recipe as being quote refined to contain less RADS and mutt fruit than ever what RADS and mutt fruit are not ingredients of lemonade hilariously if you take a look at the drinks model and texture it's just a normal purified water bottle with deezer's branding scribbled all over it which is a little curious when consumed it replaces 50 points of the player's HP which is interestingly 10 more than normal purified water so whatever this is it seems relatively healthy no matter what it is this funny little robot is serving us it doesn't seem to be lemonade and only Deezer knows the truth [Music] next on tier one we have what is probably among the most conspicuous questions in the Fallout franchise who shot first leading up to the great nuclear exchange that created the world we now know both the United States and China had been locked in more than a decade of all-out Total War though until October 23 2077 both sides refused to use their nuclear arsenals clear in the understanding that doing so would mean the end of civilization as we know it however on that fateful day the gentleman's agreement was finally broken but who did the breaking well thankfully the games have steadily provided us a stream of information relating to this question and the answer seems to be China however there are a few contradicting questions and an aura of bias around the whole matter at the climax of Fallout 2 the player could encounter president Richardson leader of the enclave and hypothetical heir to the U.S government in dialogue with him the commander-in-chief would put the blame squarely on the Reds insisting that the United States was on the brink of Victory when the Communists launched everything they have turning the table over take a listen really don't know do you let me tell you about Mankind's salvation a little history first there was a great War long before we were born our Gallant soldiers fought from the Yukon to the Yangtze we were winning too and then those damn Reds launched we barely got our Birds up well no it didn't but at least it knocked the damn Red Menace back into the Stone Age well players of Fallout 2 will note that Richardson is hardly a trustworthy Source on well anything his answer is consistent with our understanding of events we know that the war had begun with a Chinese Invasion and occupation of Alaska which would eventually be retaken and pushed back by the U.S and the news program which plays at the beginning of Fallout 4's intro also seems to suggest that the U.S had landed troops in mainland China and was in the midst of a seemingly very successful invasion with the war going so well with the tide seeming to have turned in favor of the United States it's hard to imagine why the government would want to up the stakes so dramatically in Fallout 4 again we could visit a location called the switchboard which was an old U.S intelligence Outpost that collected a tremendous amount of data on our nuclear detectors in it on some terminals we would learn that the United States did indeed believe they were responding to an attack they detected a suspicious aerial presence outside of Alaska and moments before Pennsylvania was hit they detected Chinese quote birds in the air so the U.S government at the very least seems to have believed it was responding to a first strike but at the same time it's also not entirely out of the realm of possibility that it could have been a false alarm we know from Real World experiences that nuclear alert networks are not perfect and have frequently demonstrated false positives before so if Bethesda ever wants to they'll likely be free to play around with this question in the future later on in tier 4 of this Iceberg we'll actually return to this topic with an interesting if not somewhat horrifying hypothesis but that'll be in our next video for now let's continue at number three we have a little something for all of the thalassophobes out there what lies in the Deep you see we know that the Great War and ensuing blankets of radiation had all sorts of horrifying effects for life on the surface World humans transformed into zombified mutants insects and animals quadrupled in size becoming substantially more aggressive and some creatures even developed entire new organ systems but what effects did this phenomenon produce on sea life well for decades The Fallout franchise remained pretty quiet about this concept they kind of ignored it the presence of Meyer lurks in Fallout 3 which were basically just mutated crabs hinted at the possibility that Aquatic Life could have evolved into something more but otherwise the writers never paid the oceans much attention that was until Fallout 4's release indeed throughout the beaches of the Commonwealth the player can frequently encounter the washed up remains of mutated Dolphins some of which appear to have massive bite marks in them left behind from an unknown Predator furthermore when in the settlement of Bunker Hill the sole survivor could occasionally overhear rumors of ghoulified whales in the high seas take a listen no it's good money if you're quick enough or good with a gun and he was both but he stopped doing it for good the day he saw old Peg with his own two eyes oh peg is that supposed to mean something you don't know of old Peg you've covered enough miles to know firsthand that radiation ravages all living things in its own way but no one wonders about the deep blue sea so one day my grandpappy was egging it was a foul day fog so thick you couldn't see your hand in front of your face he was stumbling along and then he heard a tremendous clamoring from the ocean like nothing he'd ever heard before since he stood still for a long time fog cleared for a brief moment and that's when he saw the outline of the great Behemoth massive bigger than anything you or I will ever see old Peg a giant blue ghoul whale a ghoul whale the ghoul whale is real old Peg right outside the harbor dark and ominous things swim the deep as the fog gathered he saw that great Beast emerge back into the deep and my grandpappy fled for the first and last time in his life ask any of the old-timers anel oligry something ancient and terrifying haunts the sea furthermore while it never actually made it to the final release version of the game a look in the files reveals that Bethesda had originally planned to have the player face off against a giant mutated squid in a now cut Quest that would have taken us to an underwater Vault the quest was named 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea and while obviously we can't play through it modders have actually recovered the texture and mesh files that Bethesda would have used for this squid and have been able to put it back into the game at least somewhat functionally it's neat additionally in the Fallout winter of Adam a role-playing rule book which was a well a rule book for a Dungeons and dragon style tabletop Fallout game licensed by Bethesda it's mentioned that the Minutemen in the Commonwealth would occasionally set up camps along the coasts Shores and beaches to watch for for monstrosities that would occasionally come out of the water and attack the region in the book we specifically run into a group of Minutemen who claim that they recently took down a giant squid with 36 arms and legs oh my so clearly the Waters of the Fallout Universe are home to realities every bit as horrifying as what's encountered on land we know that later this year Fallout 76 will be getting a DLC Expedition that takes players to the coastal town of Atlantic City New Jersey so there will actually be an opportunity for Bethesda to maybe play with this concept soon but we'll see for now all we know is that as above so below coming in at number four on tier one we're about halfway done with this segment who or what is the mysterious stranger alright well the surface answer to this question is fairly simple he's a trench coat wearing Fedora sporting man who will occasionally suddenly appear in Vats and lend a helping hand in combat using a signature revolver before disappearing without a word assuming you've unlocked his necessary perk which is usually attached to the luck skill The Stranger has appeared in pretty much every Fallout game since the franchise's Inception and his Origins and nature are among the most popular Mysteries within the community you his appearance seems to have changed a bit throughout the games in Fallout 3 and New Vegas he's a clean shaven fair-skinned young looking fellow during the events of Fallout 4 he dons a full bushy mustache and it takes a much older appearance You could argue that this is just a reflection of the stranger aging with time you know Fallout 4 does take place a decade after the events of three but in Fallout 786 he again looks like a clean-shaven young fellow so that couldn't explain everything it's possible that there may just be several mysterious strangers roaming the ruins of post-war America or something very Supernatural going on interestingly in Nick Valentine's office in Diamond City the sole survivor can find a case document under his bed titled the mysterious stranger which reads as follows quote case the mysterious stranger sightings of a man dubbed the mysterious stranger had been popping up sporadically across the old U.S for years now best case the man's an amoral lunatic worst case a prolific serial killer all anyone knows is his Mo appearing suddenly killing without remorse disappearing without a word The Stranger has no known accomplices no clear method for selecting his targets no calling cards left behind sightings range from the NCR all the way to the east coast stretching back decades now he's come to the Commonwealth last thing this place needs is another psychopath running amok time to start putting the pieces together and put this one away description human male outfits vary but most recent sightings describe a large overcoat and Fedora the guy has taste I'll give him that much one man multiple men a ghoul with minimal scarring might exploring the long passages of time between sightings appears and disappears suddenly suggesting preter natural infiltration abilities slash access to Advanced cloaking Tech all but the earliest descriptions suggest that the stranger only uses conventional arms making infiltration training more likely perps like this make me wish the Institute had sprung for thermal detection before giving me the boot citing locations the Commonwealth confirmed Capital Wasteland confirmed NCR old rumors Shady Sands really old rumors end quote so Nick Valentine has been aware of and attempting to track down this strange entity for a while as a matter of fact if the sole survivor has the synth the detective as a companion while the stranger appears he'll actually have a reaction and say the following what the what a stranger slip right through our fingers come move he was just here you saw him right something that I think often gets lost in this discussion is that Nick Valentine has been tracking The Stranger well before the sole survivor emerged from Vault 111 which may imply that he's not necessarily connected to the player character individually that he may be working with other characters interesting food for thought but turning back the clock a bit and heading over to the Mojave in Fallout New Vegas just north of the El Dorado service station we could find a man calling himself The Lonesome Drifter camped out in solitude The Drifter would have no qualms about telling our hero his life story and would say the following my story's a long one friend and I can't say as it's all that interesting well I was born in a little town out montanaway me and Ma didn't have much ever since my paw up and left that he did never did know why ma always said he was a real mysterious fella even when he was with her like he was a stranger sometimes oh this whole thing why thanks friend this here guitar is just about the only thing my daddy left me long time ago now I never even knew him ma always said he was a mysterious fella always traveling on in secret his father was a real mysterious Feller who wasn't around in The Drifters inventory would be an item called The Mysterious Magnum which we could steal or convince him to give to us through a speech check when the item is drawn this jingle plays foreign [Music] the same tune that appears whenever the stranger spawns in the games this is the same weapon or at least the same type it would appear that The Lonesome Drifter is the genuine Son Of The Stranger or one of the strangers which seems to confirm that whatever they are they or he or whatever was born human whatever the case as we continue with our Iceberg we'll eventually touch on some additional subjects that relate back to this conundrum but for now the stranger's identity remains every bit as mysterious as its name fifth what is the site in Fallout 4 one of the First characters we meet during the game's main quest line is an elderly somewhat Delirious woman known as Mama Murphy who is initially encountered held up at the Museum of Freedom with Preston Garvey and his ragtag band of survivors after saving the gang from an onslaught of Raiders it soon revealed that Mama Murphy has some sort of Supernatural ability that allows her to occasionally enter a trance-like state where she can gleam into the past the future and even hidden elements of the present and use this knowledge for her and her friend's benefit it's Mama Murphy who advises the gang seek refuge in sanctuary and Promises the player that we can find more answers about our missing child in Diamond city which is true and indeed throughout the rest of the game we can occasionally revisit her to gain esoteric knowledge about certain quests that we may be stuck on but this all leads us to ask what's going on what's behind this strange though useful power well Murphy herself has no problem telling us what she thinks the answer is chems it's chems that induce her psychic trances and episodes and indeed in order to get her to turn on that fortune teller mode the player will have to provide her some her favorite is jet now notably Preston Garvey and all of Mama Murphy's friends hate it when we do this they would greatly prefer we just leave her alone and forget about her psychic stuff let her continue her business and as a matter of fact if we keep coming back to her and giving her chems so she can tell us her visions she'll eventually pass away but regardless irregardless I'm sorry regardless of the perhaps unethical requirements to get her strange power going it does work and she does obtain genuine Supernatural insights so what's the deal here well Mama Murphy is by no means the only psychic we encounter in this franchise in Fallout New Vegas a young orphan boy could be met living on his own beneath the 188 Trading Post South of New Vegas he would offer psychic insights and prophetic knowledge in exchange for incrementally increasing payments of caps interestingly when spoken to candidly the forecaster as he liked to call himself would reveal that he's had this power for as long as he could remember and blames it for causing intense migraine headaches throughout the day to mitigate these pains the boy wears a weird helmet which he calls his medicine and apparently does take the headaches away though it also causes him to lose his prophetic Powers when worn oh I don't sell things mister I sell thoughts I can take off my medicine and do some thinking people say it's real interesting I don't know because I never hear it some people say that it's a gift other people say it's the kind of thinking anyone could do if they watched more than they talked I don't know which is true I see a lot I think a lot there's a lot to hear through the 188 too that maybe accounts for the thinking thank you this thing on my head is headache medicine it works real good except I can't think when it's on really think I mean in Fallout 3 at the Oasis we could meet an elderly woman known as Bloom Seer Poplar who unlike the forecaster and Mama Murphy could offer the player accurate psychic readings though thankfully unlike the other two characters her power brought her no pain and required no chems to function properly going back even further to Fallout 2 there was an Arroyo Shaman who would occasionally visit the player in our dreams and share his insights can't say he wasn't using chems but his powers were certainly paranormal clearly The Fallout Universe has been regularly turning out people with supernatural abilities to send their minds to Unique places the mechanisms behind how these Powers work however remain anything but obvious sixth we have a slightly more meta question that I think most players have asked themselves at one point or another what's the fate of other nations in the Fallout universe has the entire planet descended into wastelands similar to what we encounter across the old USA or could there be other nations out there that had it a little better pockets of Peace if you will while Bethesda seems to have intentionally kept the condition of other nations somewhat obscure and vague throughout the franchise we can encounter a few characters who actually came to America from abroad and they provide valuable if not limited insight into how things may have unfolded across the oceans particularly in Europe in Fallout 3 we could encounter an extremely wealthy but ethically bankrupt businessman by the name of Aleister Tenpenny he owns and operates a ten Penny Tower a large luxury high-rise that caters to the richest men and women of the capital Wasteland he gives the lone Wanderer request to destroy the city of Megaton as he believes its view is negatively impacting his property value which gives you an idea of where his moral compass is focused nonetheless while Mr Ten pen he is very hesitant to speak at all about its past with the player he maintains a strong Posh English accent and is confirmed to have immigrated from the British Isles to America in search of financial opportunity one Fallout 3 loading screen reads quote 10 Penny Tower is the brainchild of Aleister Tenpenny a British Refugee who came to the capital Wasteland seeking his fortune in a later interview one of Fallout 3's head writers Emil Paglia rullo would say this when asked about the character quote Aleister Tenpenny came to the capital Wasteland from Great Britain to seek his fortune so that alone tells you that the UK was also hit in the war and if he came to the U.S to succeed that says a lot about how screwed up Europe must be so we just allude a little bit to the state of the rest of of the world we like to leave a lot to the players as imaginations and somebody like Tenpenny serves as a catalyst for those thoughts furthermore in the same game we could also meet an Irishman by the name of Colin Moriarty who operates a small Pub within Megaton Colin doesn't speak much at all about his past and asserts that he spent most of his life in the Megaton thus speaks with a strong Irish accent I'm I'm sorry those Colin doesn't speak much at all about his past and asserts that he spent most of his life in Megaton though speaks with a strong Irish accent Herbert dashwood a once renowned and seasoned Adventurer who's now retired and actually lives at Tenpenny Tower has a terminal in his condo where He suggests that Moriarty came to America as a child quote I hear Moriarty even has his own place now I guess that shouldn't surprise me that guy has been playing the angles since the day he ended up in this country as a kid Paglia Rulo would later say this about Moriarty in another interview the east coast of the U.S has traditionally been really a hub of immigration we have characters like in Megaton and Fallout 3. there's Moriarty who is he's Irish and it's like where does he come from he has an Irish accent and an Irish brogue he's from Ireland and so what is Ireland like we never really say but we want you to think oh he came on some sort of however he got here end quote so clearly there are people alive in Europe and the implication seems to be that they're coming to the states in search of Better Lives which suggests things may not be going very well over there in Fallout 3 we could encounter Admiral Zao a guilt-ridden ghoulified former Chinese submarine commander who claims to have lost contact with his home Homeland shortly after the war initiated which immediately says something about what may have happened to said Homeland though he hopes to one day repair his submarine and return to his home to see what's become of his country and hopefully be buried there finally perhaps the most detailed account we have of the outside world comes from Raul tahada a ghoul voiced by Danny Trejo who we can encounter at Black Mountain in Fallout New Vegas Raul taheda was born before the war in Mexico and reached adulthood just in time to see everything pop off he and his family owned a ranch just outside of its capital Mexico City He suggests that while Mexico City was hit the damage wasn't quite as bad as in many American metros though the situation was still a nightmare the social order rapidly disintegrated and a nuclear winner from the north insured the same famines and conflicts that we've grown used to Raul himself would eventually leave Mexico making his way up north in search of Fortune and a lost family member where he would eventually settle in Black Mountain after a very tragic story that we don't quite have the time to get into but you get the idea the conditions of the world outside of the United States are unclear in the Fallout universe and Bethesda enjoys toying with those ideas without telling us very much all right so our last entry for tier one is pretty straightforward what's the deal with ghosts ghosts are a real thing in the Fallout universe and there are a couple rather indisputable direct encounters we can have in Fallout 2 we could encounter the benign but Restless ghost of Anna Winslow a woman who lived before the Great War whose Spirit has been kept Reckless since the theft of a locket given to her by her mother the player would be able to directly interact with and communicate with the spirit and eventually return her beloved locket to let her return to the afterlife in Fallout 4's Nuka World DLC the sole survivor could visit an attraction known as the grand Chester Mystery Mansion a sort of haunted house where the player would learn the spooky story of Lucy grantchester a young girl who allegedly went mad and did some very Advertiser unfriendly things to her family while the experience is initially billed as that of a generic amusement park attraction with robots and ancient automatons mimicking ghost noises that surely would have once terrified patrons Before the War as we approach the end of the tour we actually would get a brief but seemingly very genuine glimpse of Lucy grantchester's ghost who appears before us and then runs into a dead-end door disappearing Without a Trace so the spirits of the Dead do indeed continue to haunt the Wasteland as a confirmed Canon element of the universe who knows what else could be out there all right so that about does it for tier one now we descend to tier two of the iceberg the topics here in tier 2 are going to be a good bit more obscure than the previous ones things you've probably thought about or heard a lot less of and hopefully will make for a very entertaining experience so let's just Dive Right In to start off tier two we ask what happened at Fairline Hill Estates so Fairline Hill Estates is a small abandoned suburb that exists just a ways north of the Milton General Hospital in Fallout 4. upon our arrival we'll find an assortment of dilapidated pre-war homes surrounding a small Park where a couple of Yao guise are feasting on human bones at first glance though this place doesn't seem particularly significant no quests bring us here and it's virtually never mentioned in any dialogue however if we arrive here with Preston Garvey as our companion he'll make an interesting comment hmm where'd everybody go used to be a small settlement here furthermore other companions will allude to a rather creepy vibe that this place seems to be emitting something's not right where are the people a silent neighborhood a fortified Homestead this is how you start a good story or a horror novel so what's going on evidently there was once a community here within Preston garvey's memory and now it's a ghost town with an ominous Aura and some skeletons being munched on by mutants as we inspect the premises we'll find few signs of previous human habitation there are some still lit lanterns Illuminating a few houses there's an active power armor workbench in someone's garage some homes even have ammo and kids toys in them whoever was here seems to have fled in a hurry the Northwestern most home however has suspiciously been fortified its doors are chained shut and the only way to enter is by hopping on a truck and sneaking through a hole in the wall the home itself is well booby trapped and at the top 4 floor we'll find a skeleton clutching a pipe pistol though that's not even the weirdest part in the floor below a pack of feral ghouls lie chained inside of a locked room accessible from above what on Earth why did this guy have a bunch of ghouls locked in his house and what could that tell us about the potential fate of the old settlement I have no way of proving this or even much evidence but my intuition is that these ghouls were probably once family or close friends to the man upstairs that he loved and cared for at one time but somehow they were transformed they became ghoulified and he couldn't bring himself to do what had to be done so he locked them up and fortified the home though what could have been responsible for their ghoulification whatever it was that destroyed the settlement Preston told us about it must have been something more than a mere Raider attack indeed only Todd Howard knows the fate of Fairline Hills and Todd Howard won't say next on our list we have one of my personal favorite unexplained phenomena the mannequins indeed all throughout the Commonwealth the sole survivor will frequently stumble upon lifeless mannequins often in places they have no business being and in strangely Sinister positions it's not uncommon at all to enter a room and see a bunch of these plastic people armed with machetes surrounding a body or in some other bizarre avant-garde pose furthermore in Boston proper's Metro ruins will regularly see small clusters of mannequins just standing around upright in the streets for no reason considering that they're standing they would have had to have been placed there recently right what's going on there's simply too many examples across the Wasteland for this to be the work of a single group or cult clearly something bigger is at work here and funnily enough the far Harbor DLC has teased a potentially you guessed it Supernatural explanation for this anomaly just a few yards offshore from The Fringe Coast docks on the southwestern edges of the island a handful of mannequins can be found floating on the water's surface beneath them lies the wreckage of an ancient freighter which we can swim down to to find more unsettling statues in the Captain's Quarters will be a note titled these mannequins which reads as follows I can't wait to drop these damn mannequins off the crew is starting to claim that they are hearing weird noises from the cargo maybe they're just playing Franks on me whatever we're almost there end quote furthermore next to this note is said Captain skeleton being loomed over by a large mannequin wielding a machete indeed it would seem that these supposedly inanimate objects may not be so inanimate after all could they have a mind of their own as we've already explored a bit and will continue to throughout this video The Fallout Universe plays with and openly Embraces many downright paranormal themes ghosts aliens ancient civilizations Eldritch Gods all of these things are real and to confirm to exist in this world would sentient statues really be that much of a leap moving on from the plaster statues we have a mystery that really could have fit well in tier one given how well known it is but is also in depth enough I think a tier two position is fitting where are the aliens coming from and what do they want with Earth so aliens specifically Satan's as they're known have been a staple of the Fallout franchise really since its Inception Fallout 1 featured a crashed alien UFO as a potential random encounter and we could even find some alien remains that were being studied in pre-war Labs before everything hit the fan however after bethesda's acquisition of the franchise in the mid-2000s the extraterrestrials began to take on a much more consistent appearance and the role in The franchise's Narrative grew considerably as did their identity as zatan's Fallout 3 included yet another UFO crash but later gave us a whole DLC that saw the lone Wanderer be abducted by the creatures and taken aboard their Mothership with other passengers some who have been on the vessel since the 1400s later on Fallout 76 would even reveal that the enclave had been studying the creatures in the lead-up to the war as we could find many trapped in their research bases so obviously the aliens are real obviously they remain interested in Earth and presumably have been for many many centuries but why what do they seek from our planet well we have some theories you see throughout the games the aliens have always been quite physically fragile creatures despite their tremendous scientific superiority they all barely have more Health than rad roaches well during the Mothership Zeta DLC players could stumble upon a research lab on their Mothership where we discover that the zadens had been splicing DNA from abducted humans with their own to create powerful but rather unhinged creatures known as Abominations some players have speculated that perhaps the entire reason for the alien interest in Earth is to harvest human DNA for their own Twisted genetic experiments in Fallout 76 there exists a seasonal event called Invaders from Beyond wherein the extraterrestrials would descend from on high and rage Havoc across Appalachia the players would be tasked with destroying various brain wave siphoner devices that the aliens had set up in order to spy on and study the human population which seems to imply that they're interested in intelligence for what though only the zedins themselves have that answer for now their objectives and motivations are beyond our understanding next on our list this one is rather short but still definitely warrants a mention in Fallout New Vegas if the player approaches any raidable grave site at night that is between the hours of 10 pm and 6 a.m particularly the good spring cemetery and forlorn hope grave sites spooky Whispers can be heard emitting from the tombs take a listen [Music] strangely enough no one's actually been able to figure out and decipher what exactly these Spirits have been saying yet which is odd because it's been well over a decade now I personally was able to isolate the audio file but still couldn't really make anything out making both the cause of these voices and what they're saying equally intriguing Mysteries at number seven we ask who is the Talon company's wealthy benefactor so the Talon company are a mysterious mercenary organization who the player will frequently encounter throughout Fallout 3's Capital Wasteland they're every bit as cruel as Raiders though significantly better organized and armed Talon company mercs are outfitted in expensive armor and equipped with sophisticated pre-war Weaponry they are sometimes even reinforced by their own Mr gutsies and protectatrons to provide fire support the faction is in possession of several ancient U.S military bases and has a substantial presence in the National Mall where they can frequently be encountered battling with super mutants for control of the landmarks hilariously the Guild's flag which can be found draped around some of their territories consists of a skull-faced hawk digging its claws into a baby which gives you an idea of where they stand ethically if the player has positive Karma will even occasionally be confronted by gangs sent by the faction who will call us that little saint From the Vault and let us know that someone's put a price on our head before turning hostile this all leads us to ask who exactly is funding these guys and what are they doing in the capital well Fallout 3's official game guide gives us something resembling an answer to this question though it only makes everything even more mysterious quote the Talon company is the largest of the mercenary groups in the Wasteland they can be found almost anywhere they put cash and loot ahead of almost anything and will attack groups on site in the hopes of taking their stuff currently an unknown benefactor has hired the Talon company to hunt down do gooders the reasons for this are unknown but the effect is to keep the Wasteland a lawless place where the guys with the biggest guns make the rules the Talon company frequently has the biggest guns end quote an unknown benefactor has hired them to hunt down do-gooders what this is some mustache twirly evil stuff clearly it must be someone with a lot of caps and an interest in sowing chaos and instability in the capital but who and why well Aleister Tenpenny who we discussed earlier is an often cited suspect we know that he commands the wealth necessary to finance such an operation and if the player decides to disarm rather than detonate megaton's bomb 10 Penny will actually send Talon company troops after the player in retaliation so we know he already has some existing relationship with the faction but his feelings toward Megaton notwithstanding it wouldn't seem to be in his financial interest to just drive the capital Wasteland into more chaos than it's already in seeing as you know this is where his property is you'd think he'd want the best for this area but maybe not perhaps he suspects instability could somehow drive more residence to his Tower which I guess makes sense and hey we already know he's a bit of a nut so maybe we can't rationalize him anyway but aside from this lavish Englishman few other candidates exist to be the Talon company's potential backers it's possible that whoever's behind the reign of terror may not even be in the region anyway making this mystery quite difficult to solve next while we're on the topic of potential Talon company backers let's talk about Daniel littlehorn an evil man with a mysterious past and even more mysterious motives Daniel littlehorn is the owner and manager of littlehorn and Associates a small business with a humble office and a few secretaries located just outside of the scrap yard north of the Bethesda ruins and DC proper much like the Talon company littlehorn and Associates is an organization of almost meaningless evil you see Mr littlehorn's primary purpose in life is to spread misery throughout the world and ensure that good people fail in their objectives the organization spends its resources poisoning Wells and having innocent scientists and charitable people slain and all around just immerses itself in Sinister Behavior they serve as a sort of counter to The Regulators an opposite organization which runs around helping people and stopping bad guys if the lone Wanderer acquires The Contract Killer perk they'll be able to meet and agree to work for Mr littlehorn who tasks you with simply slaying good people and bringing their ears back for a monetary reward the deal is this you are now in the employee of littlehorn and Associates is most of which are not your concern your duties are as follows you will bring me the ears of the good people of the world and in turn I will give you the wealth you crave the more you bring the wealthier you will be and the happier I will be with you that's not so hard now is it Daniel offers no explanation or purpose behind his tasks it's not obvious how he's getting his money to pay you or who is even paying him and asking this man such basic questions will never net an answer instead he simply claims that such questions are the kind of thing that you shouldn't be asking Mr littlehorn claims to have many employees throughout the wastes and insists that we probably bumped into a few before and just didn't know it though he gives us no idea as to just how many people work for him or how big his organization really is now as a few of you may have already noticed the name Daniel littlehorn is a reference to the fourth beast in the biblical Book of Daniel wherein the author describes a goat-like creature with a tenth little horn that made war against God's people so Bethesda may be implying a supernatural or at least metaphorical significance behind this man and his aims coming in at number six of tier two the Boston public library located just south of Trinity Plaza is one of my personal favorite locations in Fallout 4. upon our arrival we'll find the site being stormed by an army of super mutants as its staff of pre-war robots desperately puts up a stiff resistance refusing to abandon the books that they were programmed to protect the sole survivor will have the opportunity to sort of put their thumb on the scale of this battle and choose to Aid either side in the Skirmish though no matter who the victors will be they'll end up hostile so it's best to just let them fight it out and mop up whoever wins nonetheless the real reason that I bring this location up isn't for the battle or even what's inside the library but instead what we can find on top of it if at any point point in the game the player reaches the library's roof either with a jet pack or just console commands they'll find the remains of a fallen Brotherhood of Steel initiate alongside a small amount of random leveled Loot and even a weird little wooden Lookout post of sorts this all may not seem like anything of substance at first glance but remember the Brotherhood of Steel doesn't arrive in force to the Commonwealth until Elder Maxson shows up with the pridwin prior to that the organization is supposed to have had very little presence in the ruins of Boston so how did some random initiate get here well we know that prior to their formal arrival the Brotherhood sent two reconnaissance missions to the region the first being led by a paladin Brandis that lost communication with the faction shortly after their arrival should the player join the Brotherhood will eventually discover that this Squadron was wiped out by super mutants and locate their remains though brandes is actually still alive as a Hermit it's a long story but this group that they sent this first Recon team contained no initiates they were all Knights and paladins and we even locate all of the bodies so the guy on the library couldn't have been part of this Expedition the second reconnaissance team was of course Recon Squad Gladius led by our Paladin dance but this group too had all of its losses well accounted for and contained no initiates leaving the identity of this guy and ultimately his story quite the mystery moving on this one's rather quick but also definitely worthy of a spot aboard the Brotherhood of Steel's pridwin in Fallout 4. if the player heads to the research area and looks around you'll eventually find a small garden of strangely alien yet also familiar glowing blue plants the plants are titled experimental nrt001 their nurn Roots one of the most unique and conspicuous plants of the Elder Scrolls franchise what are they doing here in a whole nother universe well a nearby lab terminal reveals that Brotherhood Scouts found some of the specimens along a riverbed and brought them back for Botanical research scientists to mess with the lab workers note that the plants bioluminescent glow seems to have nothing to do with radiation and when consumed it has strong restorative effects just like in Tamriel the Brotherhood isn't quite sure what to make of this yet but they figured out how to grow them and the player can periodically harvest the small garden every few days when consumed The Roots provide 10 points of Health Restoration now funnily enough and I often see people leave this out when discussing this anomaly but we can also encounter a single nurn root in Fallout 4's far Harbor DLC indeed just west of the Eden Meadows Cinema we can find a single specimen of the plant next to some garden gnomes underneath a parasol it's very well tucked away and kind of difficult to spot but it's there now what this means for the Fallout and Elder Scrolls universes has been the subject of some surprisingly ferocious debate within the community most players insist that this is a mere Easter egg Bethesda placed in for fun with no serious bearing on the lore or narrative others assert that this is definitive proof the two worlds are linked and that this cannot be overlooked alas in 2017 bethesda's then VP of marketing Pete Hines attempted to extinguish this hypothesis saying the following quote I haven't the foggiest of Notions how anybody could make the leap that they are in fact part of the same thing we made the Elder Scrolls a completely different developer and publisher came out with Fallout which we then acquired I don't think there is any Universe in which those universes are in the same universe it's not a thing end quote so we have a pretty definitive statement from an actual higher up at Bethesda however In fairness this is the same guy who promised that Fallout 76 microtransactions would be cosmetic only so I'm not quite sure just how Canon this statement is if you catch my meaning furthermore there are more links between the two universes that are even harder to write off which we'll discuss later on in the iceberg for now let's continue [Music] finally last on tier three what are the Guidestones so the guide stones refers to an unmarked location just north of federal disposal field hz21 in Fallout 76. here Atop A Mountain the player will encounter several strange stone slabs standing upright next to each other with a large Central slab resting Atop The Mall a closer look at the strange rock formations reveals several faint symbols and images carved into them the carvings seem to depict various line patterns and circles almost as if to represent circuitry or perhaps a blueprint for something or maybe just some unknown alien language the Scythe is completely unconnected to any of the game's quests nor is it ever mentioned by other characters or holotapes leaving us with an astounding lack of context players have debated for some time whether this formation was the workings of some pre-war weirdos and ancient civilization or even perhaps again aliens may be somehow connected to the zadens we mentioned earlier interestingly while no quests or dialogue gives us any info about this site within vault tech University there is a terminal that once belonged to a Dr Michael Blake and on it is one entry connected to the strange Stones particularly with the doctor's efforts to find their meaning it reads quote title Guidestones translation Jacqueline has instructed me that she would feel safer if I moved the translation key offline the woman is paranoid but I don't disagree that it's for good reason it is because of this that she keeps insisting on keeping the original notes with her she says it's for the best just in case someone gets to one of us so none of us have all the pieces even agent Wilson's taking precautions we could be on to something big here then again I still maintain the runes are simply ancient petroglyphs left by the indigenous peoples of the region Jacqueline believes they may be extraterrestrial in nature but I'll stick with Occam on this one the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is often the correct one end quote so not only were various researchers trying to decipher the meaning of these stones but they thought they were close to being on to something and believed they were being followed or chased by some entity they were taking extraordinary precautions clearly in the fear that someone didn't want them to find the answer no matter whatever that answer is remains one of Fallout 76's biggest unanswered questions all right but with those Guidestones out of the way we have now concluded tier 3 of the iceberg and I think that's where we're going to leave it today I know at the beginning of this video I implied that this would be the first half of the iceberg and in the coming weeks I'd upload the next half however the more I look at the workload and consider how much time just these details alone took I'm beginning to suspect we're gonna need a maybe a part three maybe even a part four because we still have a tremendous amount of content to cover and I don't mean to disparage this video I think it was great I'm very proud of it but I think you're gonna like the upcoming deeper tiers a whole lot more than this because that's when we start getting into the real freaky stuff tier four and five is where where the good bits are but yeah that's where we're at right now ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for stopping by if you have any suggestions things that you would like to see in the upcoming tears please don't hesitate to leave a comment down below I I like to think the list that I already have made is is pretty all-inclusive but I'm sure there's got to be some things I missed and I I would love for you guys to point them out for me furthermore I do want to point out this video was also kinda like a little bit more Fallout 4 Centric than I would have liked that's just kind of how it came out with where the placements were as we go deeper to the iceberg we're gonna get some more isometric Fallout representations some more stuff from New Vegas in 76 and hopefully it'll be a bit more balanced but anyway guys thank you again so much for stopping by and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 567,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RziDOH67PEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 55sec (3835 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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