Fallout's Children of Atom Have a Secret

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[Music] hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and since the dawn of the new year we've investigated some of the Fallout universe's most strange and Supernatural themes including the Dunwich mystery and The Curious Case of the zatan aliens respectively and today I'd like to continue that Trend by breaking down yet another surprisingly occult force in the Wasteland the children of atom the children of Adam or atomites as we will sometimes refer to them as are a strange Cult of radiation worshipers who have spread across the East Coast since the great collapse some of their chapters are friendly and charitable While others are outright violent and aggressive though all seek to embrace and expand Adam's glow first appearing in Fallout 3 though clearly inspired by factions from even earlier games which we'll get into later the children initially come across as a rather unhinged sect of people with weird rituals and a strange enthusiasm for one of the world's most destructive forces however at the same time there are subtle hints throughout the games that the atomites perhaps could be onto something their members often demonstrate an astounding resilience if not outright immunity to the effects of radiation congregation leaders seem to possess an assortment of Supernatural insights strange lovecraftian themes are present in many of their settlements and we can even encounter a few Atomic deities throughout the games so what's the deal with these people are they genuinely following the one true Faith as they so claim or are there more terrestrial explanations for What's Happening Here well that is what we are going to set out to investigate today we're going to examine the children's appearance in each of the Bethesda Fallout games and yes even kinda 76 we'll get into that with a particular attention to their more unique powers and beliefs and hopefully by the time all squared away decide whether or not their deity is as authentic as they claim now let me just say that throughout most of our video we're going to be searching for more worldly and scientific justifications behind the mysteries of atom however towards the end I'm also going to entertain some more paranormal explanations as well I don't want to spoil anything or sound too crazy but it would be very helpful to watch our previous exploration of the Dunwich mystery though that'll all come in at the end and I'll have spark notes for those of you who don't have an extra hour and a half to spare anyway ladies and gentlemen grab an ice cold glass of Vim Cherry set your Miss handy to silent mode and relax as we begin our investigation of the Fallout universes greatest faith but first quick word from today's video sponsor now if you're not a fan of radiation in your water but are still looking for a bit of a zero calorie Zing then today's video sponsor may be right for you air up is an entirely new water drinking system that combines a new type of bottle with aromatizing flavor pods which flavor water through scent rather than through sugars and aspartame the pods and bottle work together to infuse your beverage with what are essentially scented and flavored bubbles which you'll taste just not with your tongue as someone who spends several hours a week biking like a maniac through my hometown air up has made my rides just that much more bearable by bringing me my favorite flavors without putting a dent into my diet which is kind of the whole reason I'm biking in the first place I'm trying to get away from the effects of sugars in it anyway so when you're done with this video be sure to check out my link in the description or pin to come and visit Arab's website where you can learn more and hopefully get started now back to our regularly scheduled programming all right so while our story will be taking us across the Fallout franchise I think the most obvious place to start our investigation is at the beginning with Fallout 3. as this was the game that introduced to the children of Adam to the franchise and it offers us an incredible amount of useful context and insight onto the faction's history which will Aid us tremendously down the line thus let's pack up our brahmana Caravans and make our way to the great Capital Wasteland specifically to the metallic Metropolis of Megaton located just south of Vault 101 upon entering the town will be approached by Lucas Sims megaton's sheriff and the closest thing it has to a true leader Lucas welcomes us to his settlement though warns us of the active atomic bomb that lies in the Town Square explains that the device's presence has given rise to a strange cult calling themselves the children of Adam which now worship it as a sort of a deity before sending us on our way Sims will offer us 500 caps if we or anyone we know can disarm the device and end its threat to the town the this Begins the quest the power of atom and it's in my opinion one of bethesda's most iconic missions indeed at the Town Square we will find both the bomb and the cultists the sheriff alerted us to as the children of Adam's leader a man named Confessor Cromwell will be standing before the device and delivering a sermon to a small group kinda like heimsker from Skyrim though with more followers his entire speech is rather lengthy but here's a small sample he is coming with the clouds and every eye shall be blind with his glory every ear shall be stricken death to hear the thunder of his voice let the men women and children of the Earth come forth to gather and behold the power of Adam when approached directly Cromwell will immediately stop what he's doing and warmly receive the lone Wanderer before enthusiastically explaining his Faith's beliefs the Church of the children of atom is based on the idea that each single atomic mass in all of creation contains within it an entire universe when that atomic mass is split a single Universe divides and becomes two thus signifying the single greatest act of atom's creation occasionally a Divine event occurs and trillions upon trillions of new universes are created the last such event took place here 200 years ago where most of the Lost Children of atom see that event as simple war and Devastation we see creation and unification in Adam's glow interestingly in other lines of dialogue the Confessor suggests that he inherited his position from a long line of previous confessors who led the congregation his position is not unlike that of a bishop or perhaps even Pope as he seems to manage not only religious Affairs but also deals with Town disputes and seems to perform a reasonable amount of Charity as well notably we can offer to donate caps to the adamites in exchange for a small positive Karma boost which gives some idea of how Bethesda views the faction morally interestingly though despite these positive and charitable attributes the adamites seem to Harbor a somewhat dark desire if we mention our desire to Defuse The Bomb to the Confessor he'll lash out at us and demand that we do no such thing claiming that messing with the device would be akin to sacrilege alternatively if the player suggests that they actually want to detonate it instead he will seem rather chill with the idea thinking the explosion would be something of a Divine baptism it's very strange nonetheless and just a few feet away from their holy site lies the children of Adam's proper Church the structure is modest in its character consisting of no more than some ramshackle rusted tin plates and some duct tape at the top of the building is this neat little makeshift atom molecule which is a nice touch and we'll come back to later inside we'll find Mother Maya Confessor cromwell's wife tending to the pews and overseeing a small present congregation her dialogue is rather limited referring us to her husband for most questions about religious matters though she does share the confessor's desire to see the device at the center of the Town remain active and perhaps even detonated now funnily enough a look in the game files as well as at certain lines of their own dialogue reveals that both mother Maya and her husband Cromwell are barely in their early 40s they're not even really middle-aged yet despite each of them Dawning extremely elderly appearances this could perhaps be a symptom of their constant radiation worship and exposure there's even reason to suspect they've been drinking irradiated water which can't be good for the skin but their old appearances could also just be a consequence of Fallout 3's wacky NPC design several supposedly young characters in the capital Wasteland boast similarly elderly Aesthetics so who really knows what Bethesda meant by this if anything additionally something a little off topic worth asking is given the adamites reverence for radiation how do they feel about ghouls the town of Megaton itself is only home to one a man named Gob who involuntarily helps tend the local bar alongside Colin Moriarty and is treated as a second-class citizen by most of his neighbors he makes it clear that his fellow citizens treat him with the utmost disdain and poor Gob leads a rather miserable life although there is good reason to think that the local church is a bit more respectful while there's no dialogue that alludes to this possibility The Fallout 3 official game guy published by Prima Games and written by Bethesda contains the following interesting passage about Gob take a listen quote treated as a freakish second-class citizen by many people in Megaton particularly Colin Moriarty Gob is skittish and nervous always looking over his shoulder he does his best to maintain a sense of humor and be friendly with customers but this is mostly out of a desire not to be beaten Confessor Cromwell and mother Maya however treat Gob with respect and an heir of reverence because of their spiritual beliefs end quote we'll touch more on the relationship the children share with ghouls in a bit as Fallout 4 and one of Fallout 3's DLCs contains some interesting implications but for now let's move on returning to the subject of the bomb as we've already mentioned both the Confessor and his wife openly discourage the player from disarming it while suddenly encouraging us to outright detonate it however their views are a little bit deeper than just what they say within the church itself we can access Confessor cromwell's personal terminal which contains a series of journal entries mostly related to his own thoughts on religious matters which just Echo the words of his earlier sermon though one entry titled bringing about the division seems to elaborate upon his thoughts regarding the device it reads quote I often ask myself if the time is right for the second division here in Adam's blessed Village are we truly ready for his coming have I properly prepared my people for the moment in which his great altar cracks open and reveals to us his glory I am but a man who am I to bring these people to Glory who am I to seek to cause the division end quote so while they certainly don't want us to disarm their holy Relic the congregation leaders themselves seem hesitant to provoke its detonation they recognize that the decision ought to be Adams that these people's lives are not necessarily Theirs to save which I guess is the closest thing to a nuanced perspective we can expect out of these guys no matter while in the city we can occasionally stumble upon an absolutely deranged though the very well-dressed man who introduces himself as Mr Burke he claims to work on the behalf of an Alistar 10 Penny an extremely wealthy businessman who owns a large luxury high-rise just outside the city evidently Burke and tan Penny have decided that the presence of Megaton is obstructing their condos View and will offer the player several thousand caps as well as their building's penthouse suite if we agree to help them detonate the object at the Town Square and restore their precious property values now that my friend this serves as the power of Adam's evil ending and will bestow the player with an unfixable amount of negative Karma assuming we accept their Twisted offer and follow through with the atrocious act the adamites will for obvious reasons be unavailable for comment though afterwards we can encounter a single ghoulified survivor of the blast named Moira Brown who will claim that the children of Adam must have finally gotten what they wanted all along and I guess this is what the Ascension mumbo-jumbo Adam cultists wanted to so nice of you to help them like that I guess now what am I going to do about work and what's with the weird look have I got something on my face now unfortunately beyond what we've already discussed there's not a whole lot more to the children of Adam we can learn in the vanilla game should we instead disarm the bomb which can easily be done at any point in time with the appropriate science skill they won't actually notice and will be none the wiser this leaves us with a tremendous number of questions about the faction technically related to their history did the children of Adam organically just spring out of the ground here in Megaton or is this group merely a chapter of a much broader faith that could hypothetically span across the Wasteland well something resembling an answer to that question may come from a dialogue option with Manya Vargas the oldest woman in the city who is at the ripe old age of just 64. which gives you an idea of life spans in the city but I digress when asked about the settlement's history she'll say the following will originally it started as a hole in the ground my papi talked about how his father and the original settlers just hid in this crater was enough to keep them safe from the dust storms when things cooled down and people started wandering into the waists some stayed behind The Wanderers started coming back here to trade their stuff the time my Pappy was born the town was a full-on trading center Pappy got rich on the Caravan routes and eventually convinced the others to build the walls to hold off the Raiders some of us wanted to but the Church of Adam was just getting its start then we needed their help to build the walls and clear the wreckage if we'd have tried to move the bomb they would have refused to help besides a lot of people just wanted to leave it alone it didn't seem to be hurting anything and who knows what would happen if we messed with it the church was just getting started then this seems to imply that the adamites only entered the scene in the last 60 to 90 years give or take a couple decades when they helped manya's father erect the town defenses however this quote doesn't necessarily tell us whether the faith organically arose at Megaton or merely arrived here from somewhere else just getting started implies the former but still leaves enough room for Bethesda to write an entirely separate origin story if they ever see fit I think this ambiguity was on purpose Bethesda wanted to make it clear that Megaton is a very holy site for the cult but still reserves the ability to play with their origin story in future content which I think they do I personally think the children of Adam are much bigger than just the single City but we'll get into all of that later speaking of future content while we're just about all done with the vanilla Fallout 3 experience for now anyways I'd like to move on and examine the Children's role in The Game's expansions one expansion in particular the Broken Steel DLC released in May of 2009 Broken Steel was Fallout 3's third major add-on and was unique in the sense that rather than create an entirely new story it served as a sort of continuation to the game's main quest line you see normally at the climax of the game the lone Wanderer is forced to sacrifice their own life in order to successfully activate the Jefferson Memorial water purifier which would provide clean land to the Wasteland and end the game afterward however Broken Steel provides the player with the ability to survive this event and carry on with the Brotherhood of Steel's War With The Enclave it also populates the world with a whole assortment of new side quests which deal with the aftermath of your earlier decisions well one of these new side quests is centered around the emergence of a new chapter of our favorite rad worshiping Church you see after completing project Purity which is normally the final quest of the game and Reporting back to the Brotherhood HQ we'll learn that a splinter group of adamites calling themselves the Apostles of the Eternal Light have broken off from the Megaton church and set up shop in the ruins of Springvale just a short walk north of the Town while the apostles do genuinely mean well there their actions can easily be identified as downright evil you see a out of the lone Wanderer successfully activated project Purity at the end of the vanilla game the Brotherhood of Steel began dispatching Caravans of free clean water to distribute across the Wasteland well one of the shipments intended for Megaton was accidentally given to these lunatics thinking this was some Divine gift slash test from Adam the apostles took the water irradiated all of it and then just began passing this stuff out to random locals not mentioning that they deliberately poisoned the stuff with radiation the Brotherhood will dispatch the player to investigate and put an end to this strange Enterprise beginning the quest holy water note that if by this point in the game Megaton has already been destroyed or if the player chose to sabotage rather other than save project Purity in the vanilla stories final mission then this Quest will simply be unavailable upon arriving at the apostles's monastery which is simply a refurbished irradiated seller beneath a destroyed building we'll encounter a man named brother Gerard guarding the entrance who will say the following no no ours is a modest order but our ranks are growing slowly as others hear our words and are enlightened as our luminescent mother says where others walk only in the dying waste we offer the path of eternal light and to spread good will we offer this holy water to any and all supplicants it's full of Adam's light if that's what you mean brighter and warmer than any water I've ever seen before blessing of the holy water is overseen by mother Curie III our luminescent mother but her work keeps her busy within the monastery at all times ah the Apostles of the Eternal Light were first introduced to the Majesty of Adam's Globe by the holy teachings of Confessor Cromwell and we were content to stay in cromwell's church until Adam gave a vision unto our luminous mother she learned that Adam did not call for division that sundering which drives us apart Adam calls for enlightenment the warmth which feeds us for it is only through Adam's Supreme and total Enlightenment that we may attain salvation in Eternal Light we can ask brother Gerard to let us into the monastery slash seller he's guarding and speak to their leader however unless the player has stage two radiation poisoning or higher the man will refuse saying that only those blessed by Adam are welcome from here we can simply unalive Gerard and steal his keys pick the lock and break in or just irradiate ourselves sufficiently and come back to him to open the door for us the last option is actually probably the easiest as the actual building we're in is pretty irradiated already and by activating a switch on a nearby Tabernacle connected to a bathtub where we can just inject ourselves with a dose of radiation in a sort of corrupted baptism nonetheless once inside we'll begin to realize the full scope of this Guild's lunacy within the first Chamber Of The Cellar we'll encounter the faction's leader a mother Curie III delivering an impassioned sermon to a small audience of like three people Her speech is quite a bit shorter than cromwell's so I'll just play the whole thing for you long our world has been Barren and our people have become empty their hearts have become dry and cold and thirst consumes the weak and the strong alike but we can save them for Adam's bounty has granted us the gifts of mercy and compassion oh my brethren let us share with them the Waters of light let them be fulfilled by Adam let them know his glow and be truly enlightened and let them live forever and walk with us in the grace of Adam's glow and never be empty again May Adam be with you always this whole speech seems to be a gigantic euphemism for ghoulifying people let them live forever and walk with us in the grace of Adam's glow to never be empty again she's describing the condition of ghouls who as we know have radically extended life spans and don't need to eat nearly as much as normal humans the Apostles of the Holy Light are Distributing this water not just to give people a little rad poisoning but in the hopes that they'll ghoulify them outright and perhaps the weirdest thing about all this is that the apostles seem to think that they're acting nobly this Sinister objective is reflected in the members of mother curie's congregation who we encounter there's a glified worshiper named novice in the monastery who lacks any significant dialogue but seems to be regarded highly by Brother Gerard and mother Curie and we can encounter a couple generic ghoulified wastelanders who occasionally show up and attend services sadly they too also lack dialogue but I digress after delivering her sermon the mother will approach the player excited to receive another visitor and potential convert and offer us a little bit more insight on the nature and history of her little operation oh I wasn't expect Ing we are hardly prepared for casual visitors I'm afraid you must have made quite an impression on brother Gerard he's a lovely boy but rather strident I hope he wasn't a bother but where are my manners I'm mother Curie III and I lead the Apostles of the Eternal Light what can I do for you my dear it was a gift from Adam I was meditating right here in Springvale when four of his armored Angels came to me when I said I was from Megaton they gave me barrels of aquapura and said I should share it with my people they were very clear on that naturally I understood Adam's message and so I've been busy blessing this holy water and sharing it with the world why to offer Enlightenment to all those who suffer of course no more no less Adam came to me with a vision the starving the ill the weak all being made whole and well by receiving the sacrament of Adam's glow and so with our holy water we can make this Vision a reality when exposed to Adam's Supreme glow the illa reborn in his glowing Visage those Reborn never hunger never suffer and never age all our enlightened Brethren need to know is Adam's glow and they are happy so this silly woman accidentally encountered the brotherhood's water Caravans misidentified the Brotherhood Knights as armored angels from Adam and decided she was given a Divine mission to irradiate the water and ghoulify the region notably however mother Curie actually seems to be quite sincere in her beliefs as we mentioned she genuinely means well in Fallout 3's game files we can find the actual script that her voice actor was using to deliver her lines and this script contains notes emphasizing to her voice actor that she's supposed to be sweet sincere and honest now we'll return to Mother Curie in just a second but first I want to finish our tour of this humble Monastery the first chamber where we encounter the sermon Services serves as a sort of makeshift Chapel with public benches acting as pews before a small pulpit in an adjacent room lie some bunk beds where the congregation presumably sleeps and finally in the last chamber of this Cellar down the stairs lies perhaps the most disturbing sites of them all here in the basement if you will we can find two docile I use that word Loosely feral ghouls one of which will be a glowing one called the son of atom both are passive and will not attack the player or any of the worshipers but are clearly very disturbed the creatures obviously black anyway real dialogue but they make a series of menacing animalistic Grunts and often violently tremble before the player seemingly barely restraining their natural violent impulses the game unfortunately provides us very little lore or insight into what the deal is with these guys Gerard never mentions them and mother Curie barely alludes to their presence and dialogue however the Fallout 3 official game guide does contain a few brief paragraphs on the apostles which seem to reveal a horrifying truth behind these feral ghouls quote also known as the Eternal Light Monastery this houses a small and insane cult that believe they are the Apostles of an eternal light and demand their followers cleanse themselves with a massive dose of radiation this has the side effect of gradually turning their followers into ghouls Curry has recently intercepted a water Caravan from scribe bixley and is changing the water to match her cosmology when a human transcends mortality and straddles The Ether they can be seen to be both living in the real and spiritual realm mother Curie III firmly believes her own son to have taken the final few steps on his journey in fact much of her son's higher functions have disappeared and only instinct is preventing this confused glowing one from attacking so there you have it mother Fury in her religious fervor has turned her own son into a feral glowing one ghoul who miraculously is barely restraining itself from acting on its Savage instincts also in this room we can find several barrels of the Brotherhood of Steel's aquapira with their logo stamped right on it being irradiated or blessed by the glowing one and an interesting uranium device the apostles seem to have set up now that's about all there is to the monastery here again it's a rather small seller so let's return to Mother Curie for more of her Divine Insight after witnessing the ghouls and radiation apparatus we can ask the woman what makes her so sure of herself how does she know that this is truly Adam's will to which she'll enter into a rather narcissistic tirade explaining that she's always known great things were in her Destiny and that one day during service at megaton's church of Adam she had a prophetic dream which inspired her I suppose it's a fair question ever since I was a girl I knew I was destined for something special I always resisted the feeling of me special but one day I fell asleep during one of the confessor's sermons and I had a dream a dream of the prophet of Adam Ablaze with Holy Light he told me of my destiny of my mission I was called to service and I answered now I promise to stop just dropping all this dialogue on you in a second but interestingly once we learned that Curie is indeed from Megaton the player can tell her of their plans to detonate the atomic device in the city unlike Confessor Cromwell and mother Maya she'll actually react in horror and beg us not to do so taking a surprisingly nuanced position on the matter no oh no you mustn't we left cromwell's church precisely because we don't believe in the great division Adam calls us to reach Enlightenment through becoming one with his glow we believe in transformation not destruction please leave the great symbol of Adam alone let the Confessor preach his misguided message to the heathens join us here gain enlightenment this highlights an interesting doctoral dispute the apostles have with the main City's Church they reject the ideas of division that Cromwell preaches about they don't believe that new universes are created with detonations they don't celebrate destructive explosions rather the apostles celebrate the Transformations that Adam can bring interesting well now that we've learned just about all there is to learn about this strange Splinter faction and the reasons why they're sabotaging megaton's water supply we'll have a couple of choices in how we proceed with the quest we can simply start blasting and put an end to the apostles violently or alternatively pass a speech check convincing mother Curie III to see the error of her ways and have her promise to repent which will result in a major positive Karma boost afterwards the lone Wanderer must simply report back to the Brotherhood of Steel and the quest will finally be completed so we're all done with the apostles right well not quite you see there's also a sort of alternate ending to the quest which doesn't reveal anything particularly meaningful about the game's lore but is interesting enough that I think it's still worth sharing if at any point in time after beginning the holy water Quest you decide to detonate the Megaton projectile you can return to the apostles as Monastery to find the structure pretty much destroyed and a now feral ghoulified mother Curie laying in the remains she and her son will be hostile to the player upon detection furthermore also in the area brother Gerard can be found he will be ghoulified but not feral and express his satisfaction at finally being blessed by Adam's glow hey there we came to megaton to preach of the Eternal glow I saw Adam's Holy Light I dodged at him himself I felt his warm embrace mother Curie she she changed I changed too but I'm still myself poor mother Curie he saw the face of Adam and he drove her mad I don't know what to do I think I'll stay here pray to Adam pray for his guidance for he has made me of the Eternal the undying I am his now hilariously this will technically count as completing the quest though the Brotherhood scribes will recoil in Terror after realizing what you've done already so now we've pretty much gone over all of Fallout 3's children of Adam content just to summarize the town of Megaton is home to one primary Church of the children of Adam which may possibly be the original church or maybe descend from a different group they are led by a Confessor named Cromwell and his wife Maya Who celebrate and preach an idea they refer to as the division which is a euphemism for the splitting of an atom and giving your life in a nuclear blast which they believe will lead to the creation of more universes both Cromwell and mother Maya are opposed to the idea of disarming megaton's sacred device but also so hesitate to activate it for themselves at some point in time mother Curie III split from this group intercepted Brotherhood water shipments and began preaching a new take on this Faith rejecting the ideas of division and instead calling for enlightenment or the poisoning of oneself with radiation she is outright opposed to the destruction of Megaton and will beg the lone Wanderer not to let that happen now that we finally got all that down we're ready to take the next big step in our investigation and explore the children of Adam as we encounter them in Fallout 4. so let's repack our brahmana and make our way to the land that was once the Commonwealth of Massachusetts so I'd like to start this section off by examining an interesting line of dialogue that's said by Piper if the player has had the rabble rousing journalist Piper Wright as a companion for a while and successfully improved her Affinity from neutral to Friendly she'll eventually pull the player character aside and ask for a chat she'll explain that she's beginning to appreciate your company a bit more and a whole bunch of other mushy stuff that's beyond the scope of this video but we'll briefly allude to nearly being executed once you can catch this and ask her to elaborate to which she'll tell the following story I suppose so hey I'm not one to judge honestly it's just nice to not be doing it alone for a change in my line of work things tend to get pretty hairy I've been shot at poisoned nearly executed heck until recently they called the lock up in Diamond City the piper Suite anything for a story I suppose seems that execution didn't quite take huh thank God I've been working on this story about a radiated drinking water and Bunker Hill I traced the water back to its source through these old sewer tunnels and what do I find children of Adam setting up like they own the place Unfortunately they found me just as quick turns out they were not fond of reporters so to atone for my trespassing they decided to make a sacrifice to Adam me I'm kneeling there about to get the boot into this huge sewer pipe when suddenly I blurt out Adam he reveals himself and they buy it they pull me back from the ledge and then gave me their induction ceremony you are looking at an official acolyte of that took me a couple more days before I managed to sneak away get Bunker Hill security to finally clean the place up this is an interesting bit of dialogue that sort of helps set the tone for how many of the atomites in the Commonwealth treat Outsiders unlike their Capital Wasteland counterparts most of the children of Adam and Fallout 4 are openly hostile to non-members and will become aggressive upon detection Piper's story makes it unclear whether the adamites were deliberately irradiating Bunker Hills Water Supply or just attracted to the source of whatever was doing the irradiating and unfortunately there's nothing else in the game we can find about this story as evidently bunker Hill's security cleaned up the situation the closest place with the children of Adam presence to Bunker Hill is a unique location known as crater house on the game's Northeastern Coast just a short walk away from Dunwich borers here we'll encounter a large very violent Atomic congregation who have built their camp in the center of a crashed bomber the aircraft must have been carrying some nuclear components because the water around the crater maintains a greenish yellow sort of hue and is heavily irradiated producing a beautiful glow at night this whole setting calls back to megaton in a way a settlement that too was built in the crater of an old winged vehicle perhaps the children of Adam are trying to build a new Megaton here or something or maybe it's just a coincidence unfortunately we can't really ask anyone for details as the folks here will fire first and ask questions later remarkably the members here seem to be demonstrating an almost Supernatural resistance to the radiation around them the Central Pool here where many of the men worship can produce dozens of RADS a second yet they all seem unfazed their appearances however may tell a somewhat different story most of the cultists seem to be experiencing hair loss have wrinkly scarred skin and saggy eyes so perhaps it's not total immunity that they're experiencing but just an enhanced degree of resistance that prevents them from passing away but not from suffering some cosmetic effects notably these atomites are much better equipped than any we've encountered so far they're each armed with gamma radiation blasters and various boom inducing devices speaking of them in combat much of the radiant dialogue that these atomites exclaim during their battles seem to be direct quotes from Confessor cromwell's earlier sermon in Megaton take a listen coming with the clouds and every Glory Thunder of his voice he is coming with the clouds every eye shall be blind to his glory every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice now a lot of people have taken these dialogue lines along with the way crater House's layout seems to invoke Megaton as proof that this group must directly descend from megaton's church which is a reasonable conclusion and seems very likely I'd put my money on it but it's also possible that cromwell's sermon wasn't entirely his own original work you see it's possible that cromwell's speech was just quoting from some important children of Adam scripture or holy book that we've just never seen like you know Christian priests will often give sermons containing direct verses from the Bible maybe the Confessor in Megaton was doing something similar and rather than directly invoking Cromwell The Fallout 4 children of Adam are really quoting the scripture that he borrowed from we should keep our eyes out for a source text they could both be drawing from but I digress just a short walk down the road from crater house lies Kingsport Lighthouse another atomite site which seems to be inhabited by the same congregation the folks here are equally hostile to Outsiders and use the same combat dialogue fun fact the name Kingsport seems to be a reference to a fictional HP Lovecraft town of the same name indeed Kingsport was featured as the or a setting of several of lovecraft's horror stories from the 1920s he describes the location as a poorly populated Seaside town with a strange connection to the occult will come back around to the lovecraftian themes of this location and the children of Adam more broadly later on in the video though for now let's just stay with the more terrestrial stuff notably the animites seem to have taken full advantage of this location's existing infrastructure creatively placing a glowing one feral ghoul in the lighthouse's lantern pane along with the bodies of a few unnamed wastelanders for the creature to munch on this unorthodox strategy is working like a charm as the lighthouse remains bright and visible from extraordinary distances at night time within the worker house lie more unlucky wastelander corpses but also a terminal containing the two following entries the first is known as the beacon quote we have been charged by our brothers and sisters at the crater to lead others to bask in the glow we have brought in those strong with Adam's blessing to provide a beacon at the top of this Tower their light shall draw the Believers the faithful should pray at the tower then continue their pilgrimage to the crater praise be to Adam the next is titled Heretics it reads it would seem that the beacon has also drawn Heretics who must be shown the glory of Adam those who will not join us must be cleansed then we may use them to feed the blessed in the tower all glory to Adam so the folks at Prater house took over Kingsport specifically to advertise their little holy site so to speak to others like moths to light their Beacon has also attracted a number of non-believers who much like the player they seek to remove from the game both figuratively and literally now what I'm about to say is far from confirmed but some players have suggested that the beacon May specifically be drawing in folks from the sea as there is a docked vessel at the pier beneath the lighthouse where several children of Adam will spawn in there is also a separate seemingly fresh and seaworthy rowboat on the beach where more atomites will spawn this could just be how Bethesda designed the location for the most entertaining combat sequence but given that this is a lighthouse and that we know the adamites are capable of Ocean Travel given their presence on Far Harbor which we'll discuss later that possibility remains open now here's where things get kind of fun a look in Fallout 4's creation kit reveals that this Kingsport terminal was originally going to have several additional entries these now removed documents would have essentially served as a sort of scripture for the children of Adam that tremendously elaborated upon their beliefs in quite a bit of detail specifically in relation to their whole idea of division and rebirth the cut entries are quite long but I think it's worth reading them in full as they're pretty significant should only take a minute or two but if you'd like to skip the time code will be in the description the great division part one in the beginning atom created the first division of light from darkness and the name of the first is fission it is that which Encompass the whole Kingdom of Adam wherein there is the glow and the Stars cast his glow upon the firmament and through it creatures were divided from the earth and made with eyes to perceive his holy glory and for a Time the great division continued and created all manner of creature which tested themselves to be worthy of atom this seems to be a euphemism for evolution or even Genesis depending on the way you look at this uh there are some really strong almost uncanny similarities between how this is worded and like the abrahamic Book of Genesis so perhaps the children of Adam uncovered some real-life religious scripture and are meshing that together with their beliefs but I digress let's continue the great division part two thus came forth man who had the potential to understand the true form of atom but man was weak and swayed by false gods sought to enslave Adam by wrapping his mortal gifts in the coils of a great copper Worm but he and His prophets were not swayed and through them atom's Bonds were broken and his trumpet soundeth as the breaking of the world and where his shackles were loosed a tree of light grew upon the Earth and in its blooming cast forth a cleansing fire the faithful knew that they still had his love for where the tree bloomed his seal was placed upon the Earth wherein they might drink the Waters of the glow still the wicked did not believe and so stars of Heaven fell upon the Earth carried by winged chariots as his trumpets sounded for 40 days thus the land was cleansed and a second great division began but as with the worm the unbelievers hid below the Earth from the eye of atom trapped in their ignorance today he has delivered new prophets and said unto them I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein there is no water of the glow and you shall wield the arrow of my judgment upon them pity not the Wailing of Heretics for their tears shall be dried in the flames and their flesh shall be consumed away while they stand upon their feet in the division and their eyes shall consume away in their holes to Behold The Glory of Adam and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth to better speak his name and so shall you do my Works upon the Earth end quote now mind you all of these entries were removed from the game for a reason so they by no means can be considered Canon however this gives us a good idea of how bethesda's writers explained the atomite religion at one point in time and the whole thing just so strongly parallels uh the abrahamic faiths you know they use fission as a metaphor for the big bang for let there be light they describe the creation of man and man's Fall From Grace and this really abrahamic kind of way they see the Great War as a consequence of mankind foolishly trying to enslave their God which hey isn't entirely Off the Mark let's be honest here putting this beautiful piece of cut scripture aside though but speaking of other cut content don't worry we'll get back to the real game in a second there also exists an unused NPC in the game files which would have spawned in at this Kingsport location named Confessor Adalia now Confessor Adalia has no unique dialogue or packages attached to her NPC file and when spawned in the game through the console she'll simply be aggressive and use generic adamite combat phrases however it's very possible that Bethesda at one point in time had planned much more for this character given the fact that she's the only child of Adam in the Commonwealth referred to as a Confessor she must have occupied some sort of leadership position at least among this Northeastern Coast congregation furthermore she seems remarkably Untouched by radiation compared to most of her peers her skin seems brighter and her hair seems healthier than many pre-war folks even this could suggest some uniquely strong radiation immunity or that she had access to some kind of massive Radix Supply or similar technology just because we can't find any dialogue or Quest packages tied to her in the files doesn't mean that they never existed a tremendous amount of the content removed from the game was also scrubbed from the creation kit before launch perhaps that's what happened here maybe Confessor Adalia and those removed pieces of scripture were meant to be a part of a much larger plot that never came together or perhaps they were merely half-baked ideas that were never seriously pursued in the first place but I digress aside from Miss Adalia we can also find several reference markers and location files in the creation kit related to what must have been a deleted Church of Adam that would have appeared in Diamond City unfortunately we don't know much about what this building would have looked like or who it would have been populated by as all we can find are the location markers and IDs that would have been used nothing else so either Diamond City's Church of Adam was cut very early in the development or the developers were very careful to scrub the creation kit of almost all of its data but with that said let's head back into reality and get back to exploring the content that actually made it into the game aside from Kingsport and crater house there's only one other significant adamite camp in the game the crater of atom located in the southwestern corner of the map in the deepest ends of the glowing sea I could describe this place myself but the official game guide puts the words to better use ground zero for the nuclear detonation which overtook Boston and the surrounding area in 2077. this area is still heavily irradiated with the Fallout from the centuries-old explosion strangely however it has garnered the attention of a few individuals a group calling themselves the children of atom have made a pilgrimage to the site and now live there somehow unaffected by the radiation itself the group a peaceful cult dedicated to the worship of radiation and revering the act of splitting the atom have set up within it intent to spread the word of atom's Divine glow and their creation myth to all the people of the Commonwealth led by a calm yet firm woman named esolda they encourage and Aid in any attempt to detonate a nuclear weapon as they consider this to be how new universes are created but are otherwise for the most part unwilling to get into any significant conflict in The Commonwealth indeed unlike the other rad worshipers we've encountered thus far the congregation here is friendly to the player and will invite us to trade and worship alongside them this difference in demeanor makes you wonder just how Associated these guys are with the more aggressive cultists we encountered up north are they working together in constant communication and coordination taking directions from the same leadership or are they perhaps entirely separate denominations of the same Faith like what we saw with the Apostles of the Holy Light and their contradictions with the Megaton Church aside from their temperament the structure of this Camp is also worth taking stock of beyond the main aluminum buildings being used we can find several abandoned and dilapidated structures along the perimeter of the crater possibly implying that the children of Adam have been here for a while at the center of the crater lying in an irradiated pool is what seems to be a temple structure of sorts though inside is a rather random collection of miscellaneous items such as kids toys and beverages there's also a radio which may be used for communication though all it seems to get is static while passive most of the folks here are unresponsive to attempted interactions merely responding with vague quotes about Adam's Division and the meaning of their prayer the leader of the group however a woman known as mother izolda will be a little bit more engaging with the player and direct us to some nearby locations and explain the general Holiness of this place tell me more about Adam if you would Adam gave birth to this world and all worlds and within this world he gave us the promise of infinite rebirth we are all of us universes without count waiting for the division to bring them all into being we spread Adam's word and his gifts to those throughout the Commonwealth they will see the truth of Adam's glow notably when close to easeold the player will suddenly cease from taking radiation damage this I feel is an insane and Incredibly overlooked detail that I don't think anyone else has discussed not only is this woman and her followers dramatically more resilient to the effects of RADS than the Layman but they or is old at least seem to have some sort of field that protects those around her too this effect is totally unique to her she's the only NPC in the vanilla game who does this and I can't figure out for the life of me why it's possible Bethesda gave her this effect as a simple gameplay decision to make meeting her less tedious like maybe they didn't want the player to be worried about RADS when speaking to her but then if that was the case why not do that for any of the other glowing C NPCs we still take rad damage when speaking to our companions or Virgil out here so this appears to be deliberately unique to zolda Fallout 4 in general rule really hits home the children of Adam's radiation resisting Powers I mean sure back in three Cromwell spent his days preaching outside a slightly radioactive Shrine and the Apostles of the Holy Light were constantly around irradiated objects but they were being exposed to more moderate dosages you know three RADS here maybe 10 there remarkable but still within the realm of I don't know loose believability here in the glowing sea however these people are absorbing enough radiation to expire them every few minutes so what gives is Adam actually real has he genuinely blessed these people or could there be a less Supernatural explanation at play well interestingly enough we do know of at least one example in the post Bethesda Fallout Universe of a person who was born with a natural resistance to radiation though we have to turn back the clock a bit in 2009 Fallout 3 received its second major add-on the pit which sent the lone Wanderer to an industrial Raider Metropolis that was once known as Pittsburgh Pennsylvania the Raiders there were led by an ex-brotherhood of Steel Paladin who called himself Ishmael ashur he was allegedly left behind by his faction after a previous Excursion but successfully leveraged his Technical know-how and Leadership prowess to unite the various warring drives and build something resembling a functioning government albeit a government that depended on several thousand involuntary employees if you catch my meaning to work its minds and build its defenses anyway just prior to the player's arrival at the pit Ishmael and his wife a Dr Sandra kundanica recently gave birth to a baby girl named Marie who they rapidly discovered is immune to all forms of radiation poisoning and even golification here's how the mother Dr kundanika explains it believe it or not she's both my daughter appears to have a naturally acquired immunity to any form of mutation basically she won't turn into one of the trogs or a ghoul or anything else and by studying her we can keep that from happening to others too oh no these tests are perfectly safe in fact between the crib and her uncanny health she's probably the safest child in the world Asher and I would never risk her health and if that means it takes longer to develop a full cure then well everyone else can wait the couple believe that by analyzing Marie's biology they might be able to develop something resembling a cure to all radiation-borne illnesses though Unfortunately they need more time the newborn is just too fragile to risk placing under serious tests until she gets older the Pit's storyline revolves around a struggle for possession of the baby as a faction of rebelling slaves seeks to take the child and use it to help leverage for their freedom and possibly make a cure on their own though it's implied that they have no idea what they're doing the player can choose to either protect baby Marie and keep her with her family or steal the child and give it to the rebels nonetheless whatever decision we take not much more is revealed about the science behind what's going on nor will a cure be developed at any point during our playthrough as again more time is needed but this whole dramatic episode it does confirm the fact that at least some people are bored in the Wasteland with an immunity to RADS perhaps as a consequence of some rare random genetic mutation or maybe something prenatal in development something more Environmental sill though the pit DLC really hits home how rare this condition is it seems very unlikely that you would be able to build these massive 20 plus groups of people who all happen to share in it we'll have more to say about the nature of this strange development later in the video but for now let's continue our examination of Fallout 4. specifically let's head on over to the island of far Harbor where the next pieces of our puzzle lie while we initially arrive on the island with the purpose of helping Nick Valentine conduct a missing person investigation we are quickly sucked into a much grander plot you see as far back as anyone can remember far Harbor has been plagued by a mysterious radioactive fog that occasionally overtakes the island and devastates the locals briefs exposure to this bizarre gas is said to cause insanity and long-term interaction with it can result in one expiring from the radiation content alone to make matters worse a number of mutants and beasts seem to thrive under the Cloud's protection and multiply in greater numbers when it's around bringing an added danger the fog comes and goes with time sometimes remaining or being absent for years on end however upon our arrival it's consumed nearly the entire island save for a small Pier on the Northern corner where a tiny little settlement makes its final stand the settlers keep the fog and its creatures at Bay thanks to an extensive series of fortifications and these great fog condenser machines which essentially act as super dehumidifiers but it's barely enough the fog is getting closer and encroaching on them aside from the town spoke at the pier there are two other major factions driving this narrative the first being a small synth Refugee colony which is taken over the islands Observatory they are led by a uniquely intelligent model named Dima who really just wants everyone to get along and has even been helping those settlers acquire fog condensers though he's also shown to be a little naive and nihilistic the other group being the real stars of our show are the children of atom according to dialogue with the harborman or the adamites themselves this radical arrived on the island around a decade or so and it began worshiping the fog calling it atoms holy Veil when they originally arrived the fog was much less intense than it is now it was barely a threat and the wacky group was welcomed by the local settlers however as the years went on the church grew in numbers and the fog grew across the island eventually the townsfolk began blaming the new faith for the sudden re-enroachment of their terrible weather and expelled them from the harbor the atomites eventually set up shop in an abandoned nuclear submarine base now known as the nucleus where they continue their worship to this very day just prior to our showing up relations between the children and their old neighbors have gone from bad to even worse the old leader of the congregation a man known as Confessor Martin mysteriously disappeared and has been replaced by a zealous militant and aggressive man named tectus who seeks revenge on the harbormen for a series of perceived slights it's against this complicated political backdrop that the sole survivor enters the picture and the choices we make will ultimately determine the future of this fragile little aisle far Harbor is definitely one of the most player driven stories Bethesda has told you can complete the story siding with any of the three major factions and each of the factions has a bunch of separate endings depending on what you decide to do but for the purposes of this video we're obviously going to focus on the player's potential interactions with the adamites because boy is there a lot to say about these guys at any point after our rival we can head on over to the nucleus the children of Adam's Chapel upon approaching the facility we'll witness the execution of a member for supposed Disobedience which foreshadows the cruelty that this group is capable of we can speak to the man guarding the gate a certain Grand Zealot Richter and ask for permission to enter to which he'll refuse explaining that entry into Adam's sacred Temple is reserved for his followers however if we'd like to take the initiation ritual and perhaps become one of said worshipers he'd be happy to welcome Us in after this Begins the quest Visions in the fog and it's one of the most bizarre and Supernatural experiences offered by The Fallout Universe the Zealot will instruct the Soul Survivor to seek out a nearby holy spring and a drink from it and report back when we're done this sacred spring as it turns out was clearly some sort of pre-war toxic waste dump given the various yellow barrels all around but orders are orders and upon taking a sip from the baths something remarkable will happen the player will enter into a sort of hallucinogenic State and a mysterious silhouette simply named ghostly figure will appear on a cliff side and instruct us to follow her we'll begin walking throughout the island following this shade's path well we can approach the feminine character we can't initiate dialogue excuse me oh my God interacting with her is pointless and she's immune to any attacks oddly enough as we give Chase we'll encounter several normally aggressive mutants such as gulpers and fog crawlers but they'll be passive to us while in our trance completely ignoring our approach the ghostly character also has a greenish glowing Hue around her perhaps not unlike the glow that the Apostles of the Holy Light claimed to see around our player when we were sufficiently irradiated but that's just an idea eventually this fog mother will lead us to a small ghoul-infested abandoned building called the children of Adam Shrine in front of the building will be a note on the ground titled scrawled note it bizarrely reads quote from atom Shrine we enter with atom decipher name from atom claim entry the building's interior will consist of a large locked cage controlled by a password protected terminal the password can be found scrawled onto a locker beside a periodic table it lists the elements molybdenum thorium and erbium spelling out the word mother and the corresponding Elemental numbers serve as the password that we're looking for now there's something wrong about this periodic table and the elements listed but we'll get there later for now let's just play along with the quest next simply enter the password into the terminal and Presto the doors will be unlocked and inside will be a wooden figure which the game calls a mother icon as well as a note which says to his Shrine Retreat upon atom think no his servant's watch the wooden statuette represents a sort of feminine character with what appear to be greenish glowing eyes it kind of reminds me of the ancient Venus figurines which are often dug up at archaeological sites particularly in Siberia and Europe but it doesn't seem seemed to be based off of any one of them in particular and similarities may just be coincidence furthermore within this room on the ground next to the desk is a stealth Boy which may give us a clue as to what's going on with the silhouette regardless after we've collected the figurine our hallucigenic experience will come to an end and the quest marker will send us to report back to Zealot Richter who will react with astonishment when we recount our story it was like a nightmare haunting Whispers shadowy creatures and and the Ghost of a woman covered in Mist Adam above you really did see her the mother of the fog the mother is a messenger from Adam acts as a guide to those important to his plans and the future of this family she's the one who led the first of us to this place and if she revealed herself to you [Music] then I'd say the path he's laying for you is clear if you are prepared to take the next step then I believe there is a place for you among Adam's children we are now welcome in the nucleus and on our way to being considered full adamites ourselves however we can stop and ask Richter a few more questions regarding our experience and the fog mother his answers are rather enlightening so what exactly happened to me at the spring seems Adam granted you a vision only those deemed worthy of joining the children have them and live but for some rare souls he sends more a messenger or in your case the mother so was the mother real most people believe she's some sort of spirit a creature of the Wilds though a few claim she's just an old hermit regardless our family wouldn't be here without her he figured in your vision well there are few signs clear you're meant to be one of us so the children of Adam have been using this spring as a sort of test for new initiates those who drink from it and survive are considered to be Adam's Chosen and a very lucky few including ourselves are granted a more intimate Revelation from this mother of the fog this very likely could be an accidental selection system wherein those who do not possess the unique genetic or environmental gift of radiation immunity are just naturally filtered out of the potential recruit pool as a matter of fact there's this companion that far Harbor introduces named old Longfellow whom if we get to a high enough Affinity we'll reveal to the player that he was once engaged to a woman and they were even expecting a child until she got enthralled by the actions of the children of Adam and succumb to a similar radiation poisoning herself long time ago when I was a young man I had a sweetheart Hannah was her name and we plan to get married raise a family and all that well we had a place out in the fog we used to meet so we could be alone damn children of Adam jumped us they took her and left me for dead took two months to recover from my injuries by then it was too late they'd warped her mind and turned her into their ways it was only later I learned she was carrying our child of course the baby didn't stand a chance with all that radiation Adam's will she call it anyway she died a few years later Trappers got her I saw them lunatic said I guess that was Adam's will too sad boy hour aside upon entering the nucleus will be instructed to speak to this congregation's leader a man calling himself High Confessor tactus who sits on this makeshift throne in the docked submarine we'll be able to tell the man about our encounter with the mother and present him with the figurine as proof he'll respond with excitement and enthusiasm promising that Adam has clearly reserved a great Destiny for the player though there's also a twinkle of cynicism in his tone I found this icon the grand Zealot said you'd be interested in seeing it is that the mother so The Whispers were true you saw the mother of the Fog many of Adam's children spend their whole lives wishing for such it would seem he expects great things from you child as will I now was there anything else what can you tell me about the mother of the fog the mother is one of Adam's most revered Messengers many years ago when we were driven from Far Harbor it was she who guided us through the Wilds to this Sanctuary we might all have been lost if it wasn't for her you should be honored she found you so now what will also become clear during this initial dialogue is that this man is a psycho tectus gives off very Sinister Vibes and almost as soon as he meets you he'll start ranting about how much he hates the heretic harbormen back at the settlement he seems to despise non-believers more than he actually loves Adam Adam's chosen this place the nucleus the island Adam has claimed it all for us he's chosen all but one blasted Corner you've been to far Harbor yes seen its barriers against Adam's holy fog citizens Blasphemous refusal to vacate what is clearly his domain what would you do with such a place it's far Harbor really that bad yes brother they are for years my predecessor begged for peace while far Harbor fortified their Bastion of heresy we tried to help them to bring them Adam's light many of our Brethren ended up dying upon it but now that I am high Confessor that time is over all Adam's foes whether far Harbor cowering behind their precious condensers or that ancient robot hiding away his memories within our very home they will come to recognize Adam as the sole master of this island but it is only through Unity that we can succeed Adam requires devotion from all his children Embrace that and you will do well here now was there anything you require it's very spooky and it's also subtly hinted that the Confessor may have earned his title through illegitimate means you see tactus only became the high Confessor just a couple months prior to the player's arrival on the island apparently the previous leader a high Confessor named Martin who was apparently an elderly and peace-loving man mysteriously disappeared not long ago and tectus stepped up you can almost hear the air quotes I'm doing to fill the void and put the children on a much more belligerent path though we do later find out that he is innocent of this alleged crime nonetheless after we've gotten our introductions with everyone squared away tectus and the children will offer the sole survivor a series of miscellaneous quests mostly related to rooting out dissent among the faithful as a means of proving our own loyalty and initiating ourselves with the faction sadly though we never again encounter the mother of the Fog regardless of the choices we make and whether or not we even decide to stay with the adamites that strange glowing silhouette won't manifest any further still though depending on how exactly we proceed we can encounter traces of her there's this unmarked location in a drainage pipe just west of the nucleus itself where we can come across what appears to have been a hideout of sorts for Confessor Martin the old leader of the children who mysteriously disappeared in this Hideaway we find a series of notes and holotapes left behind by Martin which suggests that in his final days he was beginning to lose faith in his own ability to lead he felt that his congregation was growing too violent too Reckless too angry and while he had always worked hard to keep everyone peaceful Martin had finally come to realize that his his hold was slipping and there was little more that he could do so the elderly man one day just left in a note on a table he writes atom above I've lost them tactus screams for blood and the children cheer I beg for civility and they whisper traitor behind my back I I'm left to wonder what I might have done to deserve you taking them away from me but in the back of my mind I know waning faith is an untended fire fail to care for it and it cannot be rekindled thus here I am thinking on Embers trying to summon the courage to do what I know I have put off for too long so I shall step out that door and when I do my new life begins Anew but for the first time o radiant one its path is out of your hands Confessor Martin's whole story really represents a tremendous tragedy in the Fallout universe and ultimately the game leaves his fate up in the air we never find out what happened to him though the withered Pharaoh ghoul that lies outside of his Hideaway provides an ominous suggestion the real reason I bring this whole thing up however is because within his Hideaway Martin left behind another mother of the fog figurine implying he too shared an intimate connection with the creature it's unclear exactly how the old Confessor Came Upon This object though the easiest assumption to make is that he once had a similar Vision to our own notably this is the only other fog mother statue at we can find in the game no others exist however we're still not done investigating this shade speaking of unmarked locations nearby Braddock Cove a large abandoned neighborhood on the Eastern banks of the island we can encounter an interesting little place in one of the homes nestled within the attic is this bizarre sight a small Hideout consisting of a table a sleeping bag some children of Adam tapestry and a mannequin lie ominously undisturbed amongst an assortment of notes and Stealth Boys the notes are written in the same disorganized esoteric style as our previous mother of the fog messages they're pretty short so I'll just read them in order the first is titled A vengeful creature and it reads A vengeful creature drives the good Confessor of away and to question his purpose the next says the children trapped in a crumbling home mother wants to end their pain the third goes to Adam's Island a stranger arrives a new child we spy question mark the final note located under the table next to the Stealth Boys says from atom we find a safer way to watch gifts never cease this place was clearly being used as a hideout of sorts for the mother of the fog and as if there's any doubt the notes are actually referred to as mother of the fog notes by the game files she seems to be describing the basic events of the story with the vengeful creature being tactus driving away the good Confessor Martin and the author being desperate for a solution before a stranger being us arrives on the island the presence of the Stealth Boys also suggests a more terrestrial explanation may be behind the mother after all she very easily could be using these devices to maneuver unseen around the island and perhaps the RADS we absorbed through the spring just I don't know temporarily allowed us to see someone past the illusion during our initiation or maybe she didn't have the stealth Boy enabled at all several of the creatures we encounter on our walk also have the same effect so maybe that's just what the radiation did to our eyes furthermore the mother stealth Boy use May provide an explanation to her rather neurotic and disorganized writing style you see stealth Boy addiction is actually a documented and well understood illness that's been known to cause symptoms of insanity in the Fallout Universe in Fallout New Vegas there existed a settlement called Jacob's town in the far Northwestern corner of the map Jacob's Town served as a sort of Super Mutant Refuge where mutants who had grown sick of violence and disillusioned with their barbaric lifestyle had come to start anew interestingly many of these Super Mutant residents were recovering stealth Boy addicts known as nightkin who apparently thanks to a lifetime of stealth Boy abuse had begun developing severe psychological issues schizophrenia is evidently particularly common Nike can suffers schizophrenia from the Stealth Boys they're always using one of the reasons I settled jacobstown was so they could be cured while they're in town the night can aren't allowed to have Stealth Boys so their craziness doesn't get worse trouble is the night can don't like being visible either they don't take being exposed too well the Stealth Boys we use have cumulative adverse effects on our minds Jacob's town was supposed to be a sanctuary a place to find a cure instead we wait and wait I'm sick of waiting the nightkin weed encounter would all be peaceful but also clearly very disturbed they could be overheard complaining about voices and while they would never get violent some of their passive remarks to the player are quite aggressive and hostile long story short during our time in jacobstown we could actually help a scientist find a cure for the illness through completing a sort of fetch Quest and subsequent series of speech and science checks but that's for another video suffice to say if the mother of the fog has been exposing herself to Chronic stealth Boy radiation she's almost certainly driven herself mad as well which would explain all of the notes we find even so there are elements to the story which can't so easily be explained mind all right now the pause right here eh a bit of a disclaimer is in order before we go any further so when we when we initially started our investigation of the children of Adam maybe a month or three ago we already had a pretty good idea of what we were gonna do and our objective was to identify more scientific terrestrial explanations behind everything you know we were aiming to explain all the supernatural stuff away without being Supernatural and we assumed that would be pretty easy to do I mean yeah sure the mother of the fog is a little bit wooy but we already knew about the stealth boys and stuff we thought it was very clear-cut however as we got deeper and deeper into our investigation we began to identify several connections which we didn't expect to more genuine Supernatural phenomenon in the Fallout Universe if that makes any sense you see in the franchise there exists this company called Dunwich borers LLC now a few months ago we already uploaded an X extensive investigation on this faction and really got into the weeds in in good detail I would I would highly encourage you to watch that video before going any further with this one as that'll provide all the context you need for this to make even even more sense but if not basically the spark notes are that Dunwich borers LLC was this pre-war company that was secretly obsessed with the occult their owners the Dunwich Brothers uh worshiped this creature called ug qualtath anyway we don't understand a whole lot about ug qualtath or the occult forces behind everything for a long time we all just kind of thought it was a red herring by Bethesda an excuse to make Lovecraft references in their games but the story's gotten a little bit deeper what we do know is that these occult Dunwich forces these these Eldritch gods in which they are serving do appreciate human sacrifices and they have have a weird connection to radiation and even ghoulification in Fallout 3 there was a location called the Dunwich building in the southwestern corner of the map this was apparently the Dunwich corporate headquarters Before the War and the location in the game kinda served the purpose of a haunted house if you will the lighting was turned down dramatically there were ghouls all over the place that kind of spawned in like pop-ups meant to scare the player it was a neat little gimmick well while we were in there we could find these Hollow tapes all over the place left behind by a man named Jamie who apparently came to the Dunwich building in search of his father in the first Hollow tapes we find Jaime sounds like a perfectly normal reasonable man with a good head on his shoulders but as we get deeper and deeper into the building Jaime starts sounding weirder and weirder and by the the end of it all he's turned into a ghoul in the holotapes he's completely ghoulified and beneath the Dunwich building we could find him alongside several dozen other ghouls worshiping at this strange Obelisk it was very bizarre now when I originally uploaded that Dunwich video a few months ago I didn't dwell too much on the fact that you know this Jamie guy had essentially ghoulified I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the fact that this location was inherently associated with radiation and ghoulification as a matter of fact the Obelisk down here irradiates the player in this weird way it's very strange anyway going forward in Fallout 4 there of course existed another location called Dunwich borers which was literally I kid you not just a few feet away from crater house and Kingsport Lighthouse where the children of Adam have set up shop anyway this place was pretty much a pre-war Quarry used by the Dunwich company their cover story was that they were using the Quarry to extract important resources like marble and stuff but what they were really doing was trying to dig down to some sort of ancient occult site and they were performing human sacrifices here consistently by the time we get to it the location is occupied by Raiders but the Raiders are kind of being driven mad by whatever spirits and have at this place it's it's a really fun site to visit anyway as we get to the very bottom of this mine we have this sort of pre-war hallucination slash Vision where we witness Dunwich Executives performing human sacrifices within this Ancient Temple complex what's interesting and again something I overlooked at the time is that once this hallucination concludes all of the people who we just song gets sacrificed we'll attack the player as feral ghouls didn't these people just get heated how are they back and reanimated as ferals you know furthermore we're so deep down you know the Dunwich Quarry goes down It's gotta be like a thousand feet or something you would think this area is like shielded from radiation emissions right it it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless Bethesda just wanted to make the area more spooky right you know ghouls are kind of the default like zombie-like thing that Bethesda puts when they want to scare you so maybe it was just a development decision but I digress furthermore also after the hallucination ends this sort of pool will open up in the center of the temple which we can swim down to find another little Temple flooded underwater where a reward for the dungeon a unique blade called krenva's tooth lies flanked by two mini nukes next to it the shrine itself also produces a not insignificant amount of radiation though Bethesda May mean to suggest this is coming from the mini nukes it's not entirely obvious but go clearly for whatever reason these devices are associated with worship of AG qualtath as a matter of fact there's two other mini nukes hidden away in Dunwich borers uh stashed in dark Corners it's not obvious if these were brought down by the Dunwich company or by the Raiders themselves you know maybe whatever Force inhabits this place is compelling the Raiders to do it or maybe it was just a part of the Dunwich company's ritual heck you know maybe they were even using them for mining though that would be very unsafe I bring this all up because dunwich's extremely close proximity to the Hostile children of Adam Northern camps we encounter is kinda difficult to overlook especially when you consider Kingsport lighthouse being named after a Lovecraft setting you know Dunwich 2 itself is named after Lovecraft he has this little Novella called the Dunwich Horror Dunwich borers you get the idea anyway my point is Bethesda only names places after Lovecraft when they are connected to this Ugg quartoth mystery we don't see them do that randomly there are no other Lovecraft themed places in the game that don't share a direct connection to this ugwaltoth storyline you know we keep asking why would Bethesda do that why would Bethesda name this children of Adam location after Lovecraft and not put any Lovecraft stuff into it unless you know you get the idea maybe what's making these people so uniquely aggressive could happen to do with the supernatural forces they are in such close proximity with alternatively again remember there was a tremendous amount of content that was cut from this setting you know there was supposed to be that Confessor of the Dahlia character there were those terminal entries and probably a whole bunch more stuff that got scrubbed it's very possible a much broader storyline was trans inspiring we know that this Ugg qualtath lovecraftian God feeds off of The Souls of the Dead when people die near it it it rejuviates itself off of it it's why it compelled the Dunwich company to make those sacrifices and develop such an unsafe place it stands to reason that you know maybe this entire Faith that's based off of sacrificing your own life in a blast could be an easy vehicle for it tune in fact even still I haven't even gotten to the weirdest part yet in Fallout 76 we could encounter this large cult dedicated to the worship of a creature known as the Mothman now it turns out as we exposed in that video a few months ago that many of these Mothman cultists aren't actually worshiping the Mothman they are worshiping a corrupted version of these lovecraftian forces that are disguising themselves as the Mothman which oh boy doesn't that sound familiar but these Mothman cultists have an astounding amount of stuff in common with the children of Adam they're mostly hostile to the player so it's difficult to engage in dialogue with them but when we sneak up on their characters they have this sort of psychotic whisper we can hear them Embrace as they pray to the Mothman which sounds eerily familiar to how the children of Adam in the nucleus sound furthermore uh in many children of Adam locations across Fallout 4 both in Far Harbor and Kingsport and the crater of Adam we can find these interesting candles that they use made out of wax and power armor fusion cores they're all over the place in a sort of trademark of their locations only the children of Adam use these Assets in the games well the Mothman cultists use those exact same candles as well now In fairness this very well could just kind of be Bethesda being lazy a tremendous number of assets were basically copied and pasted from Fallout 4 into Fallout 76 the new purpose they'd not even changing the meshes or textures or anything they just reused a tremendous amount of their work which is one of my biggest criticisms about the game but this doesn't necessarily convey anything in it of itself but I think against the broader backdrop of what we're talking about it's a little bit more sauce furthermore and this is where you're going to decide whether or not we are complete lunatics or maybe onto something when we encounter the mother of the fog back in Fallout 4's far Harbor DLC an interesting unique musical score plays in the background take a listen [Music] excuse me [Music] this can't be real [Music] foreign this score is called atoms whisper and believe it or not it's kind of hidden it doesn't appear in any of the official releases of the soundtrack well while it starts off and is largely dominated by a female lead vocalist doing some you know vocalizing in the background there is a sort of synth going on which we can isolate here is the synth with the vocalist and Ambiance removed [Music] together now take a listen to this synth note which plays in Fallout 76 when the player uses the Mothman emote which we can get from completing an Associated cult Quest or sometimes when we encounter cult locations thank you [Music] do you hear it there like this synth is directly inspired from the previous one heck it uses the same notes just not in the exact same tones okay I'll admit I'm beginning to feel a little bit like a certain Always Sunny character but uh you get the idea I can go on and on with these like really minute connections which straddle the line between coincidence and genuine representations of creative intent but again I I think you get the picture there's a lot of these weird associations whether it's uh from radiation or for school of vacation that this Ugg quartoth Force shares with the god that the children of Adam are in service to or at least some of the children of Adam I am not saying that I think the children of Adam are worshiping a qualtath I don't necessarily believe that I just think the connections are big enough that it is worth exploring these with you guys but anyway ladies and gentlemen it has been an absolute honor an hour and 40 some minutes about twice as long as we originally anticipated to spend on this video but it was all in good fun today we investigated both scientific and terrestrial explanations behind the children of Adam's more Supernatural elements as well as some more occult possibilities as well whichever of these Tales you found more compelling or perhaps you enjoyed a combination of both of them uh leave a comment down below I would love to know your thoughts on the matter this whole thing but believe it or not this whole thing is probably going to blow up in about a month or two as modifist entertainment the Publishers and I guess you could say developers of the Fallout role-playing game are about to release a lore book called the winter of Adam which I believe is scheduled to come out in June or July but it's going to contain several hundred pages of a Fallout lore with a particular a lens geared towards the children of Adam as well as some of the more occult things you discussed before so if we're right about these connections we should be finding out very soon and I hope to update you guys going forward but that about does it all for us today thank you again so much for stopping by there's there's a lot of ways you can spend an hour and 40 minutes and I appreciate you doing it with us so again thanks for stopping by and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone oh and how can I forget tremendous shout out to Anna Granite for helping me out with a huge chunk of this video script they were absolutely essential in getting this project done and they've written several of these massive documents on the history of the children in Adam and their lore and whatnot which will be linked in the description and which I borrowed from tremendously so huge thanks to them if if you're wondering why I sound a little bit different right now it's because something went wrong with my mic after I finished filming this video and and so now you're listening to me on headphones but anyway now the video is over
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,075,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gv_y63HtlEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 51sec (6591 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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