The Entire inFAMOUS Story EXPLAINED!

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recently i was working on a secret project and for it i needed some information about the infamous story but upon looking for a complete story of the series all i could find were very quick recaps that skipped over quite a bit and suddenly the idea hit me that if i could not find the thing i was looking for then others might be in the exact same situation and that is how this video was born also for those who might not have even played the infamous games this video is a great way to get you familiar with the characters and story without having touched them at all i will be going over all the main infamous titles trying to follow the games as they unfold so that those unfamiliar can still maybe get the same feelings that i got when there are twists in the story and also quickly before i begin i ask that you do not like the video and do not subscribe just watch and by the end of the video i hope that my quality of content will be enough to convince you to do so so without further ado let's begin our complete recap of the infamous story from the beginning of his story cole mcgrath is shown to be an ordinary guy he's just a simple bike courier that you wouldn't even look twice at this is all changed when he unknowingly takes a device called the ray sphere in what he thinks is a regular delivery in this delivery the device mysteriously explodes causing a massive burst of energy to erupt in the middle of empire city's historic district this initial explosion causes thousands of deaths but coal somehow survives now possessing the power to control lightning not fully being able to control this power he passes out and is then taken to a hospital where for a couple of days his sort of girlfriend trish and his best friend zeke are able to help him i say sort of girlfriend because the blast killed her sister and obviously this caused a strain on their relationship in this time at the hospital cole fully heals and gains a small amount of control over his powers not all is well though as we see the effects the blast had over empire city most of the infrastructure is completely gone causing mass riots with criminals ruling the streets a mysterious plague has emerged killing off even more than the blast the government completely abandons them by declaring martial law and quarantining the city colon lies low with zeke because everyone thinks coal is the sole reason for the blast even though he was literally just the messenger of some very very bad news when cole and zeke finally decide to stop laying low it's for a very good reason a plane had dropped a supply drop full of food and other supplies that they needed to survive they eventually arrive at the supply drop and there cole has a very important decision to make he uses powers to help the many or use them selfishly and help himself and zeke for weeks to keep things simple for both me and you i will be going off of the canon ending which is where cole decides to be a good guy unless there is a very notable difference in the evil playthrough then i will mention it but for now i will just be going off of the good playthrough so let's continue after selflessly sharing the food with the city cole is then introduced to the gang known as the reapers who are there to take the food for themselves after stopping them from doing so cole and zeke finally decide that they need to get out of dodge and leave the city by helping raid the main bridge out this attempted escape ultimately fails with both cole and zeke jumping off of the bridge but before falling to his ultimate demise cole is saved by a woman named agent moya she states that all of this chaos can be traced back to one secret organization called the first sons she then explains that some people have a special mutation called the conduit gene and that a device called the ray sphere was designed to draw energy from non-conduits to give powers to individuals who possessed that conduit gene moya also says that her husband john white has infiltrated the first sons a while ago but that he has since gone missing finally moya proposes a deal if cole found a way to find the race fear and jon she would clear his name in the eyes of the law allowing him to finally leave the city cole then makes his way off the bridge and moya makes sure to tell him that she will be keeping close tabs on him cole meets back up with zeke and relays all the information he just learned back to him but zeke is very hesitant about giving the government a device that quote dishes out powers and cole agrees he then gets a call from moya and with her guidance he finds a dead drop that jon had left that explains at least in part how jon was connected to the first sons he also helps power up the rest of the neon district and in doing so he is granted new abilities afterwards cole helps trish and together they try to find a way to clean the city's water supply of this black tar-like substance that has tainted it in doing so cole gets all the tar in his face and we are introduced to our not so good friend sasha sasha speaks as if she knows cole and is jealous of trish and how much cole loves her she also keeps referring to another person indirectly but for now cole has no idea what she's talking about and just assumes that she is crazy at the end of the mission cole destroys a truck that is thought to be the source of the plague and the black tar-like substance that has mind control properties as we have seen with sasha cold then heads home to clear his mind clean up and rest but not long after he is instructed by moya to restore main functions to the city mainly the train after getting the train up and running we finally see the city treat coal like the hero he is but this high would not last long as trician forms coal that the black tar is back in the water supply coal must now clear the water towers of tar and after doing so he has met face to face by a mysterious man named kessler without hesitation kessler leapt towards cold digging his cold fingers into cole's head and at this point he was shown visions of a dark future full of pain suffering and destruction cole had a feeling that kessler was somehow responsible for all of it and that the race fear had to be involved and then just as suddenly as he appeared kessler was gone afterwards cole got yet another call from moya who then reveals the truth about sasha she was a high ranking member of the first sons and cole must take her down cole travels all the way to a tunnel that connects the neon and warren districts of empire city while traversing this tunnel you see how tar turns normal people into the reapers that do sasha's bidding cole finally reaches the end of the tunnel where he finally fights sasha trying to get some answers during this fight she keeps rambling on about various things and by the time the fight ends cole has a new fear of how his powers might warp him into a twisted mess just like sasha cole then intends to interrogate her about the first sons and the race fear but suddenly smoke fills the room trained soldiers from the first sons then take sasha and leave cole to exit the tunnel and enter the slums of the warren district cole tells moya about all of this and she informs him that the warren has only gotten worse since the blast is now run by the dust men who are led by a man named alden a powerful conduit who is not to be messed with after cold does various good deeds for both moya trish and the general public he goes to rescue zeke who was recently kidnapped by alden this is because zeke was jealous of the attention cole was getting so he tried to be the hero for once and snuck into a dust men compound after rescuing zeke and doing some other tasks for moya cole is spoken to by kessler over the phone kessler makes vague remarks about how he has lost everything and how cole must learn the same lessons he has soon after trish asks cole to help her deliver a bus full of supplies to the hospital and cole happily helps out if it means that it might help mend their relationship cole helps escort the bus a very long distance but eventually they arrive at the hospital where cole gets his first glimpse of alden who shows off his incredible telekinetic power and at the exact same time moya finds some information about him alden tate was born into a very wealthy family and from birth he was meant to inherit the power over the first sons that is until kessler showed up and kicked him out to the streets where he then lived the rest of his angry miserable and not so great life but being a conduit the race fear changed all of that and he finally got the power to channel his anger and with the flick of his wrist he threw the entire bus onto the hospital roof the same bus that trish was inside alden then suddenly disappears and without a second of hesitation cole races up the hospital to save trish this very near-death act finally mends their relationship and at last they are now on good terms after some very well deserved sleep cole gets some information from moya about a raid that the police are conducting to capture alden cole helps them out and finally they put an end to alden's reign and put him behind bars this doesn't last very long and after a massive raid on the prison the dust men finally break alden free this all takes a massive toll on zeke as he was supposed to be the one who was keeping an eye on alden but got distracted when he tried to help out cole this is the final straw for cole and after this moment the relationship he has with zeke is colder than ever but on the bright side soon after this cole got an unexpected call from none other than john white john being a very simple and straightforward man kept his message short he said for cole to meet him at the top of a very specific building alone and then he just hung up cole relays this information to moya who is his wife and then heads to the agreed upon location at arrival jon is nowhere to be found and a helicopter shows up on site jon feels very betrayed by this and seems to think that cole called the chopper in but cole thinks that moya did it moya denies this and says that it's probably the first suns in an effort to capture jon again regardless the chopper heads to jon's new location and after chasing it you find jon the helicopter is then destroyed by one of alden's trash monster things and after defeating it jon has yet again left without a trace thankfully he decides to call cole right after his disappearance and give cole some answers he tells him that both of them want the same thing the race fear and that he knows where it is he says that it's at the top of alden's tower a massive building made out of scrap and junk that alden has created as a testament to his power influence and most of all his ego jon then tells cold that he needs to have someone he really really trusts to help collect the ray sphere so that when they eventually find it they can destroy it finally cole asks what he should tell jon's wife moya john seems stunned by this and says that he doesn't have a wife and has never met anyone with the name of moya this throws cole for a loop and he now has developed a certain level of distrust towards her intentions cole thinks of all the people he can trust to collect the race fear and ends up giving zeke a call they may not be on the best of terms but this is zeke's last chance to make it up to cole and really there's nobody else he can go to anyway they both begin to ascend the tower and after a very long climb they reach the top where alden and the ray sphere are waiting for them cole protects zeke as he begins to tear the ray sphere from a device that alden had built to hold it after a short battle it is eventually broken free and zeke finally has it in his hands but at the same time kessler arrives to the party at this moment zeke was supposed to make a run for it and cole trusted him to do so but instead zeke decided that he would choose to kill thousands in a selfish act to give himself powers and he activated the race fear but then nothing happened there was no blast no powers nothing kessler told zeke exactly what he wanted to hear and said that he knew exactly what was wrong with the race fear and how to give zeke powers and then zeke did the unthinkable and followed kessler giving him the ray sphere in hopes of getting his very own super powers this loss of the race fear caused alden to go ballistic and he started ripping the tower apart but cole so dumbfounded he had no time to react and barely felt the impact when he fell to the ground when eventually awoken cole is called by john who questions his choice to trust zeke colin midsay he made a massive mistake and says he doesn't trust zeke anymore and that he might not ever again jon then informs cole that alden is on the run to the historic district and to catch up with him immediately before he destroys the whole city cole makes his way to the bridge connecting the two districts and while crossing it he fights and defeats alden in his last moments in a final act of desperation alden decides to jump off the bridge he stands on and it is left unclear if he actually died cole then travels into the historic district the exact same area that the blast took place and the home of the first sons immediately after arrival cole is instructed to lower the bridge connecting the historic and warren district but after doing so kessler contacts him and states that he has taken trish hostage he's also set up a series of bombs around the city and if cold doesn't disable all of the bombs then trish dies but that's not even all because each bomb also has hostages around it and kessler makes it a point to acknowledge that every single person is important every single hostage and civilian is important in their own lives they can be someone's mother father sister or son but that coal shouldn't just be saving them because they're important to him or because it's for saving trish he should be saving them because it's the right thing to do for everyone after disabling a few bombs cole is on to his final test that kessler has set up to save the one person he loves most or the many that he doesn't know at all this takes place on top of two buildings one has trish dangling off the edge and the other has six doctors in the exact same situation at its most basic this is the trolley problem on steroids and kessler makes sure cole knows that saving the doctors will also mean saving countless others that they themselves will help the decision is the players but seeing as we're going off the good path cole makes his way to save the doctors once you reach the top it's revealed that trish was actually one of the six doctors but sadly that doesn't mean you get to save her right as cole notices that trish is actually up with the doctors kessler drops her to the ground and cole watches as her body hits the pavement immediately after he drops to the ground and he checks her pulse and finds no sign of life he immediately tries to revive her but she is just too far past the point where cole can do any real good and she's only awoken for a moment giving her just enough time to tell cole how proud she is of him and how much she loves him cole decides to bury her body in the park alongside the others who died in the blast and at her grave he decides once and for all that he is going to kill kessler the first chance he gets the next morning jon contacts cole and instructs him to turn on the power to the historic district this gives coal his final power the ability to summon lightning from the sky during this he also talks to moya for the final time and basically just tells her to screw off because she lied to him and then cole hangs up at this point the decision to just ghost moya makes a lot of sense for cole he knows that she works for the government and that they probably only wanted coal to get the race fear for themselves on the other hand jon has stated multiple times that he wants to destroy the race sphere just like coal and while jon hasn't helped coal a whole lot he has been very straightforward with him and honest after restoring power to the historic district cole gets a call from jon he states that he has finally found the reason that kessler took sasha all the way back in the neon district apparently the first sons have been using her to develop a mind control gas that they can disperse throughout the city using massive balloons cole is tasked with disconnecting this gas dispersal device from these balloons and while doing so he gets a call from zeke who isn't with kessler anymore zeke says that he is super sorry about what happened to trish and that he didn't mean for things to go like this but his apology seemingly fell on deaf ears because cold decides to just ignore him completely with all the gas dispersal balloons destroyed jon decides that it's finally time they move to find the race fear this is accomplished by destroying cloaked satellite jammers around the city that have been masking its location jon escorts coal to each jammer location via a platform attached to the bottom of a helicopter after all the jammers are destroyed jon and cole both agree that it's finally time to end this by destroying the thing that started it all the ray sphere is being housed in a building that is surrounded by anti-air cannons this means that jon's plan of using a helicopter to drop a bomb and gas the building that it's housed in can't happen unless all the anti-air cannons are destroyed cold gets on it and after destroying them all jon flushes the first suns out of the building with the gas apparently they weren't fast enough and the first suns were prepared for this to happen because just then a truck pulls up beside the building and the race sphere is loaded onto it both cole and john follow this truck all the way to the end of a pier and here's where cole makes the important decision to either destroy the race sphere or use it to make himself more powerful both decisions have their upsides but coal after thinking about all the harm it has caused decides to destroy it by hitting it with everything he's got unsurprisingly this causes the opposite effect of what they intended and when the shell cracked on the ray sphere it caused a vortex of energy that tore john apart and sucked him into it the implosion then reversed destroying the entire pier and any trace of jon or the ray sphere were turned to ash luckily cole's sense to the impending explosion and got out just in time he remarks that nothing went according to plan but at least the race fear will never fall into the wrong hands again kessler then contacts cole and tells him how disappointed he is in cole's decision to destroy the race fear it could have made him even more powerful than he could have ever imagined and now he will never get that chance ever again cole says that he did what was right for the city and for the greater good of the world and that it's not about what he needs or what he wants it's about protecting those who can't protect themselves kessler finds this answer amusing and he tells cole to make his way to where it all began so then they can finally finish this cold travels all the way to the center of the blast where he first woke up where his old life ended and where his new life began kessler shows up and they fight with both sides using everything they have at their disposal during this final fight kessler also talks to cole about things in cole's life that he couldn't possibly know he talks to cole about his childhood and his family and about trish zeke also comes to help cole fight showing that he's willing to put his life in harm's way because he's sorry for how things turned out kessler sees this and without hesitation throws zeke to the side and the fight continues this makes cole even more determined to beat kessler and after a while he finally does it knocking kessler to the ground in his last moments of his life kessler whispered something that stunned cole he whispered i love you trish please forgive me he then leapt at coal and dug his cold fingers into his face forcing cole to watch his memories and in that moment cole realized something horrifying he and kessler were the exact same person he saw kessler's whole life how he grew up just like coal how he got powers from the race fear and most of all how he married trish with zeke as his best man but this was all ruined when something was born a beast set in destroying all life forced kessler and his family to flee to safety but after years there was nowhere left to go and kessler lost everything then in there he decided to use his newest and most dangerous ability a one-way trip back in time to stop all the events that occurred here he took over development of the race fear making it even more powerful he also set up a quarantine and deliberately guided cole to take the race fear and when the time was right he activated it to make cole the most powerful person on the face of the earth kessler's plan this whole time was to mold coal into something better into something ruthless but also at the same time a savior for the world to look up to and he went so far as to kill the woman that they both loved so that coal wouldn't be tied so heavily by emotions kessler then fell back finally fulfilling his mission he had set out to accomplish this whole time he was driven by his guilt he let a world die because he wasn't strong enough to leave his family and stop the beast but cole cole wouldn't let all that go to waste because even as much as he hated kessler he knew what was needed right then and there cole decided that he would prepare for this beast and when it arrived he would be ready the infamous comic series published by dc comics is where the infamous story continues as it fills the gap between the first and second infamous games and it ties up some loose ends along with setting up some future events so here we go jumping back before the first infamous game we find that moya was actually working with kessler and the first sons in the end of the race fierce development at that time a man named david was exposed to the power of the race fear dozens of times during testing seeing as each time the race fear is used new abilities are unlocked david had become a monster of sorts and is now very very powerful jumping all the way to the present we see how the events of the first game have affected cole he is struggling to grasp the fact that he and kessler are the same person and what that means for his self-identity he tells all of this to zeke and even though their relationship is very fractured it is not completely beyond repaired coal is then contracted by warden harms the warden of the prison in the warren district to flesh out the rest of the first sons from their final location at pier 12. at the same time moya in the present day has begun collecting the leftover experiments and conduits from the first sons this includes but is not limited to alden and sasha alden is sedated and in custody and sasha was also captured with the intent to use her toxin to capture coal for the government's uses around the same time david escapes custody only to find that his wife has died he pins the death on kessler but seeing as kessler has also died he goes after cole instead the reason david specifically goes after cole is because he has a unique ability to sense each person's quote scent and cole and kessler seeing as they're the same person had the exact same scent going back to zeke and cold they kept talking as they always have done and zeke explains how he was treated when he left cole for kessler he basically says that kessler kept him as a prisoner but made sure he was actually safe he also occasionally came in drunk and in the last few days of his life kessler thanked zeke for being such a good friend this humanizes kessler for coal and makes him realize that he is no longer controlled by the actions of him at this same time moya instructs the government to raid empire city in order to capture coal because he is a useful asset coal then tells warden harms to get his officers ready for the impending war and it devastates the entire city resulting in hundreds of deaths but of course all those deaths are covered up when the military reaches david's location he easily kills dozens of them and then he retreats to try and go after his real goal of revenge moya calls cole and offers him a deal he must turn himself in or risk the fate of the whole city cole ponders what to do but suddenly david attacks the police station that they're in and almost kills both him and zeke moya wanting to study and use coal instructs the military to save him from david they do so by blowing up a building which temporarily traps david in rubble cold then asks zeke for the keys to his apartment so then he can be alone in case of another attack because he doesn't want to put anyone else in harm's way while staying at the apartment cole looks at the image that kessler had of him and trish on his wedding night and he finally gets to mourn the loss of what he could have had cole quickly falls asleep but when he is woken up the military is completely surrounding him they toss a gas grenade into the building and cole immediately recognizes the feeling this is the exact same gas that kessler had attached to the balloons at the end of the infamous one game and it caused coal to suffer hallucinations during these hallucinations sasha contacts him and tells him that he must escape cold does so by jumping out the window where zeke and warden harms see it happen and they go to rescue him but it doesn't work out completely and he is taken and sedated by the military david has since escaped the rubble and sees cole being taken away by the military via helicopter to the shipyard cole's then awoken by the sounds of sasha who informs him that she will do anything to keep him safe moya also tells cole that they need to have a long discussion and this discussion consists of moya basically trying to convince cole to help her and the government but cole's not having any of it he doesn't trust the government and he definitely doesn't trust moya she then pulls out a device and says that if he does not cooperate willingly she will put this device on his neck and he will be forced to do anything she says meanwhile zeke and the warden are concocting a plan to break cole free using a group of policemen david is also making his way to coal but in his path are some guards after killing them he goes to kill cole but it turns out sasha has escaped and has helped cole do the exact same david senses cole leaving and takes off after him moya knows this and in order to save cole she releases a little project she and the agency had been working on using first son's research the government had made three of their very own conduits that they controlled moya sends them to save coal and to stop david this works and cole says that david quote pissed off the wrong people sasha now free makes her way to kill moya moya sensing this will happen sneak attacks sasha with a pipe and tells sasha that she should have left when she could've and now she's going to kill her outside the military conduits are fighting david cole is knocked out and sasha retaliates against moya david kills one of the military conduits by absorbing his energy and sasha then escapes moya at the same time that zeke helps cole back to his feet and they run away to see david kill the other two military conduits cole thinks back on his past life before he got powers and how he walked away from everything that was difficult but not now now he is going to finally defeat david once and for all he does this by covering david in fuel and setting him on fire with a lightning storm which finally puts an end to him and causes the ship to sink moya is sitting there watching all these events unfold and because she has absolutely nothing left she tells cole that with one single phone call she will make his life hell but just as she's saying those final words she gets trapped and the ship continues to sink into the water where cole cannot jump in to save her with moya finally gone and the situation mostly resolved cole goes to relax with zeke but of course as cole and zeke are sitting on the couch just relaxing and watching the news he gets a phone call from a woman named lucy quo she says that she works for the nsa that she knows about the beast and then they need to talk ko eventually makes her way to empire city and there she talks with cole and zeke about her past and cole's future she explains that because of her contacts at the nsa she has been given other connections to people inside the first sons this is how she knows about the beast and also how she has befriended dr wolf a scientist who worked on the early prototype of the race fear according to quo wolfe can help cole become even more powerful than he is and more powerful than the beast eventually maybe even defeating it cole and zeke both suspect no ill intentions with this plan and agree to travel with quo via boat down to the city of new mere quo true to her word immediately gets the quarantine blockade lifted just for them and they plan to leave the city asap but at the very worst time just before they can set sail the beast emerges from thin air and coal is forced to try and stop it he puts everything he's got into the beast but it just keeps coming back and slowly it drains cole's powers in one last ditch effort to stop it cole summons a lightning storm and the beast is temporarily destroyed but coal is also thrown into the water now seemingly powerless compared to his previous self zeke and quo help him onto their boat and they begin to travel down the coast to numerate like previously planned they then watch the news and see the beast re-emerge in empire city in a true show of power it destroys the entire city and slowly it started to make its way in a destructive path down the east coast with nothing but time on their hands they each work on their respective projects quo runs the ship and tries to plan things out for the future zeke still in an effort to apologize to cole helps him create a weapon that focuses cole's powers that he calls the amp and finally cole gets to work on practicing with it and trying to grow his now limited power set once they arrive near new mere they find that a militia controls the city and that includes anything going in and out of it because of this they decide to take a smaller boat into the swamps of the city to stay undetected this is where cole first learns about a man named joseph bertrand the leader of the militia and an anti-conduit activist after finally making it through the swamp cole zeke and kuo enter the main city and get a call from dr wolf he says that the militia have taken a thing called a blast corps from him and now cole needs to get it back after doing so he talks to a worried sounding dr wolf who suddenly falls silent just then cole sees a giant explosion in the distance and he races towards the source of the explosion eventually finding dr wolfe hidden in the rubble luckily dr wolfe is not fatally wounded and he explains two very important things to cole the first is about a very important device called the rfi or the ray field inhibitor it is essentially an anti-ray sphere as it takes away powers instead of dishing them out dr wolf explains that cole could use the rfi to subtract the beats powers but only if he himself is powerful enough and that leads him to a second talking point which is about the blast core that cole collected from the militia he quickly explains that blast cores are basically just batteries for the fuel that causes all genetic mutation and that by passing a current through it coal could gain even more abilities and therefore grow strong enough to use the rfi after he's used about half a dozen of them knowing what's at stake cole immediately uses the blast score he has and gains a new ability at the cost of draining his energy causing him to black out cole eventually wakes up to find zeke was protecting his unconscious body but that apparently wolf had been taken by the militia shortly after he fell unconscious quo instructs cole to practice with his new powers while she looks for him and cole does as instructed trying out his new ability as well as expanding his more basic ones after a while quo mentions that joseph bertrand the leader of the militia is holding an anti-conduit rally at saint ignatius cathedral quo makes it very clear that getting a hold of bertrand could be the key to finding where they took wolf so both cole and zeke hide amongst the crowd at the rally trying to listen in hearing what bertrand has to say it is very clear how much he actually hates conduits he thinks of them as dangerous scum that are cursed and specifically calls out cole as a devil disguised as a false prophet he also calls for the citizens of numerai to take action themselves and report or kill any conduits they see as that's the only way of keeping them safe just as he says those final words a man in the crowd spots a monster lurking in the scaffolding above bertrand the crowd scatters and cole is left to defeat both the militia and the monsters as bertrand makes his getaway cole quickly makes work of the situation and has just enough time to chase after bertrand eventually making it on top of his vehicle cole immediately questions bertrand about wolf's whereabouts but bertrand doesn't seem worried at all this is for good reason as before cole can notice he is knocked off the car by a helicopter and after destroying it bertrand is long gone both cole and zeke seeing these swamp monsters in action really put things into perspective for both of them now they fully understood why the militia had gained so much power in this city shortly after quo contacts cole and informs him that she has another lead on how they might find wolfe now that bertrand is back in hiding this lead takes the form of wolf's interrogator who currently is gambling at a casino cole is tasked with following this man and he unknowingly leads cole right to wolf's location coal clears the area of both militia and swamp monsters before kuo shows up in a truck to rescue wolf cole then stands in the bed of this truck protecting it from the persistent militia forces for a while until eventually they do the unthinkable in a last-ditch effort to either capture or silence wolfe the militia rammed a semi-truck head-on into quo's truck this badly injures cole but luckily threw him out of sight the others however are not as lucky and from a storm drain cole is forced to watch as the militia take quo is hostage while wolf is confirmed dead for the next few hours cole continues to hide in the storm drain before finally getting a call from zeke who says he has found a possible location for where the militia may have taken quo he points coal to the outskirts of the island that is actually more swamp than city apparently the militia have been spotted there recently and cole makes his way to each small shack looking for clues on quo's whereabouts after searching multiple areas cole is distracted by an explosion he hears in the distance there he meets a fellow conduit named nix who is holding a blast court unlike quo who is more uptight and strict nyx is about going against the grain and appeals to cole's more rebellious side cole then helps her destroy bertrand's militia banners in exchange for her blast court after agreeing that it would be best if he and nyx kept in touch cole headed back to zeke's new rooftop hangout spot to use his blast court but just as he arrived found the zeke had a new crazy plan true to his nature zeke said that he had joined the militia and planned to track quote down from the inside cole quickly remembered back to the last time zeke switched sides and questioned if his intentions were truly as noble as he said they were zeke in an effort to deflect said that that was all behind him and told cole to use his new blast core cole did just that and when he woke up got to test out his new ionic vortex ability that could wipe out dozens of enemies with ease shortly after this test however zeke told cole to get back to the rooftop because nyx had arrived and he found quo back at the rooftop zeke informed both cole and nix that quo was being held in an old cane plantation that bertrand had on lockdown nyx was immediately familiar with the location and suggested that they blast a hole through the militia's defensive by using an explosive and a vehicle zeke thought that that might kill some of the prisoners inside and instead suggested that they should free some cops to help them raid the plantation cole ultimately decided to help with zeke's plan and together they freed some cops who helped them liberate the building upon entering the facility where quo was being held cole saw that she had gone through hell that they had drained all of her blood and replaced it with quote god knows what but this mystery substance somehow activated her latent conduit gene giving her the power of ice the militia also took this opportunity and used her powers to infuse soldiers with it just like the government did back in empire city when cole freed quo these ice soldiers also escaped but for now cole's only goal was helping ko get back to safety so everyone could get some much needed rest after waking up cole was contacted by zeke about a girl who was being abducted by the swamp monsters cole eventually found her and escorted her back to her uncle laroche laroche is the leader of the resistance the rebel group that fights for the freedom of numerate not that they lost it due to the militia because they both had a common enemy cole and laroche decided to work together from now on but first cole showed off his powers by fighting a giant monster called the devourer once the monster was defeated cole met up with quo in the numerae cemetery and there she explained that she was scared of using her new powers and cole knew exactly what that was like so he taught her how to control them the best way he knew how by taking out some bad guys but there was also a specific reason for the location that this was at quo looked through all of wolf's notes and found that there was a blast score hidden somewhere inside the cemetery and after some searching they eventually found it and quo found her new confidence with her powers in order to use this new blast core cole went to meet up with zeke who he saw had been snooping around the militia searching for the very machine that was used to give quo powers zeke says that he thinks he may have found the next spot that they were taking it but that he'll need to wait to be sure which makes now the perfect opportunity for cole to use his new blast core cold does so and eventually wakes up finding that his new ability is more like an upgrade to his already existing ones he gets upgraded static thrusts the precision bolt and the ability to launch high into the air when jumping off a car nyx then called cole and told him that she wanted to show him something at the edge of the swamps they both headed for a boat and made their way to something that cole thought was all too familiar hidden where absolutely nobody would have thought to look was a crater that looked almost exactly like the one cole woke from in empire city nyx retells the story of how she stumbled upon this area one day and saw her tran at the center with the ray sphere she says that he was surrounded by a bunch of local outcasts and freaks people that nobody would miss if they were gone within all those people were nyx's family and she watched as bertrand activated the race fear turning both her and him into conduits just as nyx tells cole this he has a dark thought if nix was at the edge of the blast and got as powerful as she was and bertrand the hypocritical human purist must be nearly unstoppable colin nyx then headed back to the main city where zeke called for a group meeting in this meeting he said that the transference device that was used to give the ice soldiers close powers is in fort philippe everyone present is in agreement that they need to get to the device but there is disagreement on what should be done once they have it in their possession nyx thinks that they should use it for themselves and share powers to even the playing field but on the other hand quo thinks that it should be destroyed because if it falls into the wrong hands only bad things can come of it they each also have their own plans for how to get laroche's rebels to side with them and help them raid the highly protected fort nyx says that she wants to dress up as a member of the militia and go on a massacre before eventually cole would swoop in to save the day and therefore get the rebels to side with him quo has a more sane approach and says that they should help get the rebels some much needed supplies therefore gaining their trust so they might help the main supplies they and everyone else needs is antibiotics because the original plague from all the way back into empire city has still continued to spread even with the quarantine in place obviously being the hero he is cole chose to side with quo and after helping the rebels get medicine laroche and his men agreed to assist in the assault on fort philippe the main plan for the raid is for coal to help quo take out the malicious turrets on the north side before cole shifts to helping knicks on the south side this whole time the rebels would take out the main militia troops and then with the fort cleared cole could look for the transference device the raid begins and it all goes mostly as planned with coal quo and nyx eventually clearing out all the militia and finding the device while looking at the transference device cole sees it in the middle sits a blast core and at both ends there is a contraption used to either swap or copy powers from one or both sides to the other immediately he sees the blast score and decides that it's best if he uses the device to swap powers with nyx because after all he needs to defeat the beast and to do that he needs more blast cores and having some of nix's powers couldn't hurt nyx is very excited at the premise of sharing powers with coal but quo immediately gets upset and changes her mind she decides that if cole is going to swap powers with someone no matter what then it should be with her instead cole turns to think about who he wants to swap powers with but after a quick decision decides on quo they both instantly strap into the machine trying to get this process over with as soon as possible but activating it causes tremendous pain for the both of them first you see quo's powers get transferred into coal but before the opposite can happen a helicopter swoops in to destroy the machine it then flies to the other end of the fort where apparently bertrand was hiding out this whole entire time it picks up bertrand but before it can get away cole blasted out of the sky and then passes out from the stress of the blast core cole wakes up to find bertrand survived and is on the run he also discovers that he has unlocked some of khwo's ice powers giving him a larger set of ice related abilities however if cole would have decided to merge with nyx he would have gotten different napalm-based abilities cole immediately travels all the way to bertrand's helicopter crash site trying to find some clues on his whereabouts when he hears a booming roar he goes to investigate the sound's origin only to find a giant swamp monster the size of an entire building after a long city-wide fight cole stops a monster assuming that it was just a distraction so bertrand could get away but it turns out that the monster was betraned cole was the only person close enough to see this and was alone in seeing bertrand get away and travel to flood town with the help of zeke and laroche cole made his way to flood town where both laroche and zeke wanted help to power up the city take out some swamp monsters and fix the broken wells in exchange for this help laroche gave cole a blast core that he had stored away and cole made his way to the train car that they called home on this side of the city when cole enters the train car he finds that both zeke and kuo are there as well and ko explains something she found when looking through dr wolf's journal she says that originally the rfi was actually a device built to cure the plague that is caused by overexposure to ray field radiation cole thinks back to previous events that have happened and has a revelation the first cases of the plague had only happened after he had activated the ray sphere back in empire city this means that he alone is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people because he caused the plague and if it was left uncured he would be responsible for millions and millions of more deaths obviously now that he knows he was the cause of the plague he wants nothing more than to cure it as fast as physically possible so he immediately grabs the blast core he just got and activates it after waking up cole immediately tries to use the rfi to cure the plague but finds that he's just not powerful enough yet he then exits the train car testing out his new lightning rocket ability before getting called back in by quo inside the train car cole quo zeke and nix all discuss a plan to get bertrand quo brings up the fact that she's been tracking bertrand's movements and he has been frequently going into a train yard warehouse at random intervals although she has yet to find a reason why nick says that she thinks she knows why and explains that bertrand's conduin does not just allow him to become a giant swamp monster but create and tame the normal ones as well in fact she says that anyone can tame one as long as they spend enough time with them when everyone questions how she knows this she explains that she's actually done it before and that one she tamed even risked its own life to save her it's very evident in her voice that she had a deep bond with this creature and she tells cole that they should work to build an army of them to defeat bertrand kuo doesn't immediately buy nyx's story and suggest that they go and collect evidence against bertrand to defeat him in that way cole of course sides with quo and together they collect picture evidence against bertrand and broadcast it for the whole city to see as these images are being broadcasted the public bertrand sees them on the news and begins to make a mad dash for solitude cole would chase after him but right now the innocent people bertrand is holding as prisoners are more important and need to be set free while releasing them cole encounters nyx who has decided to go solo and tame some of her own swamp monsters that she sees as her family of course cole thinks that that family dynamic is a little bit weird but more than that he doesn't like that she didn't stick to the plan but nyx is very adamant that one day they will come in handy after this whole ordeal was over cole got a call from zeke who had some very very important news cole travels all the way to their agreed upon location where he learns of zeke's crazy insane maybe idiotic and crazy plan apparently bertrand didn't like the idea that one day one of his experiments could go so wrong that nobody could do anything about it so he just had a small insurance policy that he always kept in his back pocket this of course came in the form of a nuclear missile that zeke was now going to use to stop the beast of course cole just goes along with it and helped zeke take it to the harbour where he had previously set up the targeting system for it from there they launched the nuke and watched the light show commence the overwhelming force of the shockwave from the nuke knocked both cole and zeke unconscious for a bit but they didn't care they had finally gotten rid of the beast or so they thought shortly after their awakening the beast had re-emerged from death and it was clear that this monster would not be able to die by any mortal means because of the urgency of the situation cole felt that it was his responsibility to keep moving forward so in an effort to stay busy he powered up the final part of the city this is cut short when at the final transformer cole stumbles into a trap that bertrand had set up contrary to what you might assume bertrand doesn't immediately have hostile intentions instead bertrand actually tries to recruit cole to team up with him now that the beast has entered new mere as it might be their only chance for survival cole of course refuses accurately predicting that if he did go along with the alliance bertrand would probably betray him the first chance he got bertrand did not like this answer and ordered cole to be finally executed and disposed of now that he had no way of escape the militia guards immediately began shooting a cold but when all hope seemed lost zeke came to save the day cole thanked zeke for saving him and finally forgave him for what happened back in empire city noting that he always had his back even though he had some slip ups zeke is very appreciative of the apology and now they're both finally back to being more than just friends they're brothers almost immediately after leaving zeke gives cole a call noting that he actually almost forgot why he was headed to cole's location in the first place he says that through one of his militia contacts he found a possible location for a new blast corps cole takes this information and makes his way to multiple warehouses where he fights tons of ice soldiers and an ice titan eventually cole finds the hiding spot for the blast corps along with bertrand's personal briefcase inside the briefcase he discovers bertrand's real agenda or at least a part of his real agenda both the creation of the ice soldiers and swam monsters was not just a tactic to help bertrand's public perception in numerai like previously thought the whole situation is actually a trial run for bertrand's real plan to sell militarized conduits to the highest bidder this would completely ensure his success and he would be able to earn more money than anyone could ever imagine but something felt optical if bertrand was so money hungry then why does he donate so much of it why would he go through all this effort to be loved by the public if he only really cared about money something had to be missing some piece of the puzzle that cole had yet to discover was still out there but eventually he was going to find it for now cole just needed to relax it had been a while since he got some actual rest so he headed over to the roof where zeke was waiting for him after hanging out with zeke watching some tv and taking a short nap cole woke up and used the blast core he had recently found which just like all the other times sent him into another nap waking up cole found that he had the ability to use his lightning as a tether to pull himself to distant objects soon after cole with the help of zeke began to go around destroying bertrand's condo shipment boats to try and stop his warmongering monopoly while disabling the final boat cole overheard an eerily familiar voice behind him one that he thought he would never hear again cole turned to see that john white was not only alive but was standing right in front of him but that's impossible right he died back on that pier when the racer exploded and after cole escaped there was nothing left to save jon doesn't deny this and says that after his death he had to literally pull himself back together adam by adam this act was very very difficult at first but after some time he eventually returned granted he did have a bit of a change in his perspective jon suddenly reached out to touch coal and upon contact cole could now somehow use his ability to sense electricity to also sense the plague from within people jon set out to show cull his new perspective by guiding him to a warehouse that was turned into a makeshift medical clinic because of the plague here cole searched for a woman who held the conduit gene which he could now also see from within people just as he saw the plague he attempted to revive her but because she had the plague for so long she was beyond saving that is until jon showed up he said that he had a way to save not just her but all conduits from the plague but it came at a great cost jon suddenly began to transform his eyes glowed like an orange flame and cole instantly recognized what jon had become john white was the beast this sudden activation of his power caused a massive explosion that knocked cole out of the way and killed everyone inside the warehouse everyone except that one conduit girl she was completely healed and her latent conduit gene had been activated giving her the power of flight watching the girl fly away cole realized what the beast was up to he was not just a mindless killing machine meant to destroy all that was he was a walking race sphere that would force evolution cure the plague and save all conduits but at the cost of humanity itself soon after this revelation zeke and laroche gave cole a call that was as urgent as it was important they said that they had a bertrand's current location and that other than the possibility of him turning into a 50-foot monster they had taken out all of his plans of escape cole immediately made his way to bertrand's location and while talking to him he finally got that last piece of the puzzle this entire time cole thought that bertrand's crusade was about respect then he thought it was about money but really it's about disgust bertrand hates conduits himself included he thinks that they're an abomination and wants nothing less than their extinction but to cole this begs the question why turn yourself into a conduit if you hate them suddenly the realization comes to him bertrand became a conduit foolishly thinking that he was going to become a glorious and pure being of god's will but instead he became a grotesque monster bertrand hated himself so much that as soon as he knew what he was he swore to destroy all the rest of the conduits at any cost this meant that he had to get the public to hate conduits enough to either segregate or eliminate them from society this would be done by mass producing man-made conduits selling them and then making them out to be seen as weapons of war not actual people the proceeds from these sales could then go to lobby governments for the permanent elimination of all conduits as a whole obviously coal could not let this plan come into fruition and bertrand knew what he had to do to survive he leapt off the building that they were standing on and turned into his true self after a very long and strenuous battle that spanned throughout the entirety of the gas works cole with the help of his friends eventually defeated bertrand and he could finally focus on the bigger picture he needed to stop the beast and cure the plague both of those issues could be solved by just using the rfi so cole and zeke met up so they could get the final blast court while meeting up and scoping out the location zeke went into a random coughing fit throughout their time in numerate zeke had been coughing every once in a while but not like this this time it was a lot more violent and lasted a lot longer than just a few seconds cole immediately stopped investigating the blast core and moved to check on zeke before using his ability to sense the plague to find that zeke was in his late stages of infection cole solemnly asked why zeke didn't say anything earlier but zeke said that it didn't matter after all they only had one blast core to go and after that they could use the rfi to cure the plague using the thunderstorm that loomed above cole searched for the final blast core and eventually got his hands on it he quickly traveled back to the rooftop and used it granting him the ionic storm ability using this ability somehow allowed cole to sense that something inside of him was finally ready to activate the rfi cole headed back to the roof where zeke nixon quo were all waiting for him so they could all witness the end to this very long journey but before activating the rfi he first had to inform everyone about the fact that jon was the beast and how he wasn't just killing humans he was creating plague immune conduits and he wanted cole to help him understandably this didn't change anyone's mind and everyone was still willing to activate the rfi to kill the beast and cure the plague so cole still went along with it he held it in his hands and using only a fraction of his power activated the rfi throughout the next few moments cole nyx and quo all began to scream in agony as the rfi began to activate zeke almost immediately sensed that something was wrong and acted fast grabbing cole's amp using it to swat the rfi out of his hands the screaming almost instantly stopped as the rfi was finally deactivated and everyone except for zeke fell onto the ground from pure exhaustion quo was the first to talk stating that it felt as if she was dying in the most painful way possible cole finally spoke up saying that the rfi wasn't even fully charged and that wolf must have set him up the rfi wasn't just meant to kill the beast it was meant to kill all conduits zeke was of course disappointed by this but knew that using the rfi to cure the plague would be the only way to save the most amount of lives possible even if it killed all conduits while cole agreed with zeke's sentiment he was unsure that the rfi would even fully work and once again suggested that while harsh jon's plan might be the only way to save anyone at all this is when nix finally gave her input saying that she would gladly die to kill the beast because just recently the beast killed all of her babies as usual quo disagreed that they should activate the rfi and assured cole that the only way to guarantee anyone's survival at all is to follow jon's plan as always it came down to coal for the final decision he could either sacrifice all conduits without the full guarantee that the rfi would cure the plague or side with the beast and help create a world full of plague immune conduits just to be thorough i will first be talking about the evil path and explaining how that one turns out then i will move on to the more popular canon ending also just to be clear this decision that cole makes to side with jon and you know side with the beast assumes that from the very beginning of infamous one and the very beginning of cole's story you have been playing as the bad play through so if you think about it in that way then this decision to sacrifice all of humanity actually makes a lot more sense cole takes a short moment to think before choosing to side with quo and the beast nix obviously is against this decision and quickly takes off with the rfi in hand hoping to possibly activate it herself zeke barely has any words at the moment and just tells cole that if they ever see each other again cole better shoot first cole and quo go to meet with jon but suddenly the power is turned off quo goes to deal with that while cole and john parade throughout the city destroying absolutely anything in their path eventually they reach the cathedral where cole has a final battle against nyx for the rfi eventually nyx is brought to the ground where cole has no choice but to finish her off upon her death the rfi rolls away from her body and zeke is there to pick it up himself for a moment cole and zeke both just stare at each other before zeke raises his gun and cole slowly puts him out of his misery with the rfi finally in cole's possession he destroys it and with that any hope of the beast's destruction both quo and jon were there to see this and when it was finally gone jon said that he couldn't continue on this current path he continues to say that his power takes a heavy toll on both body and mind and that he should have died a long time ago he says that it's finally time for him to pass his power onto someone who has unwavering determination and willpower someone to carry the legacy of the beast someone like cole mcgrath suddenly coal was lifted into the air and infused with the power to activate conduits and cure the plague this caused a massive blast similar to the activation of the ray sphere and conduits all over the city began to emerge while there were only a few all of them followed as cole traveled up the east coast to fulfill his vision because now cole was the beast and nobody was going to stand in his way trying to clear his mind cole turned away from both quo and nix to make his final decision after some thought he turned back to zeke asking if he could fix the now slightly damaged rfi zeke says that he should be able to but that he just needs to find out what's wrong with it and sensing the situation quo tries to steal the rfi from zeke's hands cole stops her from doing so and before she takes off she says that they are making a big mistake by not following jon and that his plan is guaranteed to work zeke further inspects the rfi and concludes that the problem with it is the broken power regulator but with some time he should be able to find a solution a few hours pass and with some outside help zeke has found how to fix the rfi he explains that cole and nix must take the rfi around the city to different charging stations that laroche has set up and after a few charges it should be ready to use knowing that there won't be much time for goodbyes cole and zeke give each other one final hug before cole and nix set off to charge the rfi along the way the beast shows up and tries to slow them down but cole having grown in power since their last fight can hold his own against him of course this all changes when quo shows up and now it is just too much for cole he can't stop both the beast and kwo from getting their hands on the rfi nick sees this and in an effort to buy time sacrifices her life to stun the beast so cole can focus on charging the rfi cole takes the rfi to the final charging station atop the cathedral and fully charges it all he has to do now is press a single button but at the last moment as the beast awoke from its stunned state cole decided that he wanted to kill it himself but with the power he got from the full charge of the rfi this was no fight cole easily took down the beast himself and ended his massacre once and for all looking as the beast fell to his knees cole heard quo cry in desperation in her final moments she confides that she was just scared to die all along and cole being the hero he is sympathizes with her instead of scolding her cole stood directly in front of the beast's fallen body as he held the rfi in his hands he took a deep breath and with all of his power activated the rfi as the rfi reached full power a beam of light shot directly into the sky encasing the whole world in a mysterious energy nearly instantly worldwide conduits began dying from the effects of this energy field but also at the same time people who had the plague were suddenly perfectly okay zeke watched all of this unfold as he held cole's body thinking he was going to go down in history as an unsung hero but the people of new mere knew what cole had done for them nearly every single person in the city pitched in to create a shrine in cole's honor and it was in that very moment when zeke knew that cole mcgrath went from being known as the demon of empire city to the patron saint of new mere and with all the festivities going on in the city zeke just wanted some peace and quiet to finally be alone with coal as they set sail zeke reflected on how the world viewed conduits that somehow they're two separate things two different groups but that couldn't be further from the truth because there isn't anybody in the world with more humanity than cole mcgrath after cole's death and the activation of the rfi it was believed by the general public that he had saved the world but in doing so made the necessary sacrifice and eradicated all conduits from the earth however this is untrue and actually some conduits survived this is because their conduit gene had naturally evolved to somehow survive the rfi of course the government knew conduit survived but in an attempt to hide them from the traumatized world they created the department of unified protection or the dup for short the dup was tasked with the goal to detain or if needed eradicate the remaining conduits renamed to bioterrorists who were popping up one by one every single day this was difficult at first but it got easier over the years once they developed ways to find and suppress bioterrorist powers finally around seven years after the activation of the rfi it was believed all bioterrorists had been locked away for good this ultimate accomplishment was enough for the government to begin shutting down the dup and transporting all bio-terrorists from the dup prisons to military-owned facilities the very first transport truck began taking three bio-terrorists from the dup's own curtain case station to an army prison in upstate washington but as you might know it would never arrive delson rowe is a proud member of the akomish tribe and just like cole he is an unruly outcast with a rebellious nature from a young age he took graffiti as a way to express that side of him and that is the first thing we get to see about delsin as he vandalizes the billboard atop a fish cannery this specific billboard features a cop the symbol of law and order but just as delson is finishing up on his artwork he hears the sound of a police siren and immediately retreats inside of the cannery here is where sweet old betty delson's motherly figure finds him and while she doesn't condone his actions she also doesn't hesitate to help him and escape to find an alibi at the tribe's longhouse delson takes off to get to the longhouse as fast as he can but on arrival he is met by his brother reggie who is a police officer in fact he's a same one whose face was plastered on that billboard that delson just vandalized reggie begins to immediately scold delson about his attitude and actions noting how embarrassing it is having his own brother act the way he does but delson is lost in the conversation too distracted by a truck that is hurtling down the road before the truck reaches the two of them it flips over and you can see two bio-terrorists escape reggie chases after two but delson notices one beside the truck he walks up to the man on the ground and tries to help him up this act of kindness almost immediately backfires as soon as reggie arrives back on the scene and the man then uses delson as a hostage to try to escape delson in an attempt to get away from the man grabs his hand but as soon as they touch delson's fate was forever changed he began to see a sudden rush of images about this man none of which made sense to him but as soon as he came back into his own mind delson noticed that he was now a conduit and had almost the exact same smoke abilities as the convict he helped in an effort to understand what was happening delson chased after the man and upon touching his hand again he got to see his memories but this time he understood them delson learned that the dup were bad news and if you ended up getting caught by them you would effectively be treated as a test subject and barely like a human this struck fear into delsin as now he finally realized that he was on the other end of this bio-terrorist problem that had been raging for years after a quick fight the convict escaped outside and delson chased him only to find a group of dup agents waiting for them on the other end this is where delson meets the head of the dup brooke augustine and he finally learns the smoke man's name is hank which is short for henry augustine is yet another conduit and a powerful one in fact she used her concrete powers to detain and capture bioterrorists in an effort to quote fight fire with fire therefore showing delson how ruthless she really is on a side note the dup has also learned how to instill her power into other dob agents giving most of them a small taste of her concrete powers as well as allowing them to capture bio-terrorists with the highest level of efficiency after showing off her power and seemingly killing hank augustine questions delson about what hank might have told him delson denies any and everything but augustine knows better and gives him a choice either give up what he knows or the tribe gets tortured by her power until he finally tells her something this is the first karmic choice you get in second sun but unlike the other two games there's not really a canon ending but seeing as most people that play these games go off the good ending that's mostly what i'm going to base the story off of while acknowledging what happens if you do choose the evil side if it's notably different delson decides to sacrifice himself for the sake of the tribe and tells augustine that he is a conduit but that somehow he just caught it a second ago from hank like it's some sort of sickness augustine obviously does not believe delsin because of how he phrases it and she begins to cover his legs from the inside out in concrete this act puts delson in excruciating pain and augustine looking for answers moves on to asking sweet old betty if she knows anything before eventually tearing her legs apart with concrete when she lacks a straight answer delson then passes out from his pain and wakes up about a week later to find the whole tribe has been completely ravaged by augustine and her power but that he is completely healed before anything he goes immediately to find betty and she tells him that nobody including her are getting any better from their concrete wounds and that they are slowly becoming fatal with that knowledge delson sets out with reggie to seattle to get augustine's powers and to save the tribe on their way delson gained some new abilities with these things called core relays and once arrived finds out that the dup have taken over the city in an attempt to find the other two convicts that fled to the city delson sees how utterly oppressed seattle is and decides that he must help by taking down dup infrastructure to make this and taking down augustine easier delson asks reggie to help him find more core relays to gain even more abilities regi agrees reluctantly but notes that he is afraid of delson becoming complacent with his new found power continuing his crusade to [ __ ] the dup delson climbs the space needle and disables their main communications antenna using his new orbital drop ability he also true to his roots vandalizes the big dup flag that resides atop the needle and marks it with his own symbol of resistance this more than anything he's done so far puts him on augustine's watch list and she now begins to keep tabs on delson with the main dup communications down delson and reggie can focus on other matters such as stopping a murder spree caused by one of the escaped conduits reggie makes a few calls and finds some of the crime scenes that the conduit has left behind that the cops have cordoned off delson goes to investigate many of these crime scenes and comes to two conclusions one that the conduit isn't outright evil as he is only targeting drug dealers and two he seems to have a certain artistic flair just like himself but he uses his neon powers to make the art and not a can of spray paint at the final crime scene delson finds a drug dealer's duffel bag and goes to investigate only to almost get hit by a neon blast shot by the conduit from a sniper's nest delson chases after him but he's just too fast and delson gives up on his chase he then makes his way up to the sniper's nest and finds that the man in question is not actually a man at all as evident by all the quote girly stuff delson also finds the name brent mysteriously drawn on the wall in neon and a neon drawing of a face that is assumed to be this mysterious brent person reggie runs the drawing through facial recognition and finds out that it is in fact a man named brent walker a drug dealer found dead with an unknown chest wound in an alleyway delson travels to this alleyway and finds an altar in brett's honor made by the neon girl in one corner of the room they find another neon drawing of brent along with a bag of food from a place named olafs both reggie and delson suspect that the neon girl might be hiding out near the big neon olaf sign and delson camps out there waiting until night for her to arrive here he also learns from some bio-terrorist protesters that her name is in fact fetch walker when fetch finally shows up to the olaf sign delson reaches for her hand and upon doing so is granted a brief scrambled flash of her memories and his brand new neon powers fetch immediately runs off and delson chases after her with his newfound ability to run at breakneck speeds he chases her all the way to an abandoned theater where he finally takes her down and in doing so grabs her hand once more finally revealing her troubled past abigail fetch walker was just as surprised as anyone else when her powers randomly emerged one day her parents now fearful of her called the dup to take her away not fully knowing what was going to happen to her but fetch was not completely alone as her older brother brent instead accepted her for her differences and they both ran away living off what they could for years while on the streets they ran into some drug dealers that hooked them up and from then on she only had one concern getting her next fix afterwards her life was a downward spiral that eventually led to her darkest moment when she accidentally killed the only other person she cared about brent the dup easily picked her up after that but to her surprise it wasn't a regular prison they taught her out of shoot how to kill and how to control her powers so on that day of the crash she escaped with more than enough skill to exact her revenge on the people she saw responsible for brett's death one by one she took down dealer after dealer because in her mind nobody else should have to suffer like she did with brent in her darkest moments reggie then wakes delson up from this sudden memory dump and urges him to turn fetch in because she is a bad person delson doesn't accept that now knowing her full past and he has a choice either redeem her and focus her powers for the greater good or corrupt her which would be supporting her vengeful past delson chooses to redeem fetch and together they find core relays to help delson get more uses out of his neon power afterwards delson helps fetch take down some major drug rings by stopping and destroying drug shipments on the other hand if you chose to corrupt fetch she helps you find and kill the leader of seattle's anti-conduit rallies both of these decisions end with delson and fetch shall we say having a closer relationship and she ends up either becoming more merciful or more ruthless the next morning delson gets word from reggie that the other conduit and augustine reside in the lower half of the city so he makes his way to the concrete bridge connecting the two land masses making his way across the bridge he defeats dup agents turrets and once again comes face to face with augustine herself augustine sternly says that she's been keeping tabs on delson and she's heard that he has a new power delson denies this but is forced to reveal his neon power when she sends a highly skilled concrete dup agent to fight him after defeating the dup agent delson tells augustine that he will leave the city immediately but all that he needs is a small amount of her power to remove the concrete from the tribe augustine scoffs at this and partially traps him in concrete but when all hope seems lost a mysterious entity picks delson up and carries him exactly where he needed to go to begin with after some exploring in this part of the city delson gets a call from a fan of his name to eugene he says that he's a conduit sympathizer and that he's been tracking buses of suspected conduits that the dup has in a convoy delson in hopes of saving the suspected conduits and may be getting new powers stops the convoy and searches for the buses that hold them a problem arises when delson can never actually find any of the conduits themselves because they keep being snatched up by the so-called angels that were created by the escaped conduit hiding in this part of the city delsin asks reggie for help and reggie says to meet up with him because he has a crazy idea reggie's plan is to put on a vest that is used to mark suspected conduits and for delson to chase him so that when an angel shows up they can eventually find where the escaped conduits keep taking them delsin thinks that this idea is absolutely crazy but goes along with it anyway and they eventually find the conduits hiding spot just like reggie said they would delsin walks inside to find piles of these suspected conduit vests and tons of computer equipment mostly consisting of monitors when he goes near one of these monitors he's taken inside a virtual world where he must fight he who dwells a manifestation of the conduit in his strongest form after taking he who dwells down delson comes face to face with the actual conduit and it turns out that he has actually been eugene all along delson grabs his hand and learns about his past how he had been bullied all through school and how he uses his powers to help other conduits from the fate that met him when he got picked up by the dup while eugene was incarcerated in curtin k he had been trained to use his video powers for both defense and offense he could either summon video-based angels to protect him and others or demons to punish those who he thought deserved it delson wakes up and again finds reggie who thinks eugene should be taken into custody for kidnapping suspected conduits against their will delson tells him that eugene was saving those conduits from the dup and from here you can choose to either redeem or corrupt eugene delson decides that eugene is a good kid and leaves him to be for now while he goes to search for more core relays because for some reason he can't use any of his powers and things that may be activating a core relay might help it does and delsin now had eugene's unique video powers and just like before he goes to find even more core relays and unlocks all the video abilities he can with his new video powers delson helps eugene save suspected conduits from the clutches of the dup but only if you have redeemed him if you corrupted eugene you both exact your revenge upon a russian anti-bio-terrorist gang through both of these paths eugene gains his own self-confidence as a conduit and begins to either help save more people or punish those who he thinks deserve it a while later reggie calls delson informing him of an explosion that has been spotted near the main dup tower delson investigates and finds a group of dup agents that have been killed using smoke delsin knowing he didn't do it puts on one of the dup agents headsets and listens into their communications only to find that hank who was previously thought dead is somehow still alive and out of dup custody delson immediately starts chasing after him and hank out of panic knocks delson out but still enters his phone number into delson's phone after this they can contact each other and hank reveals that luckily he escaped from the giant dup tower and that the dup have captured fetch and eugene holding them on a concrete structure that was built between the two islands delson asks for hank's help in rescuing them and hank agrees also noting that they can most likely flush out augustine from doing this act and with all of them there's a very good chance that they can defeat her delson thinks this sounds like a great opportunity and hank sets a time and place for them to meet up delson immediately tells reggie about this plan and asks for his help as well but reggie doesn't trust hank at all and says he won't risk his life for just some conduits so delsin is on his own for this one after a few hours pass it is time for delson to go to this agreed upon location but on arrival he finds reggie who apparently had a change of heart and is willing to help delson stating explicitly that he doesn't care if the ones he's saving are conduits or not people are people once hank shows up the tension in the air between him and reggie is unavoidable it's a cop versus a convict and they both don't trust each other but they still manage to concoct a plan reggie says that he will commandeer a boat and go to the far side of the concrete island in an attempt to ambush while delson and hank use their smoke to enter through a vent and go full force on the dup on the island hank seems very suspicious to delson and with every question that he asks hank seems to either dodge answering or is very vague in his response for example hank somehow knows about delson's need for core relays to grant more powers and promises him that there is one on the island when asked about how he knows this hank just dodges the question and tells delson that they have to keep moving forward and that there's no time to talk after fighting a suspiciously small amount of enemies they finally encounter said core relay but delson notes that something feels off and out of nowhere his hands and legs are covered in concrete floating up from out of sight comes augustine congratulating hank for successfully bringing her delson hank states that he only did this because she promised him something and delson is furious at the betrayal at this moment when all things seem to be going in augustine's way reggie comes out of nowhere with a rocket launcher and blasts augustine away also breaking delson's legs free of concrete with his hands still bound he and reggie make their way to safety and get the concrete off delson's hands but tragedy strikes as soon as delson is free as augustine traps reggie's legs in concrete and destroys the ground beneath him delson reacts fast and manages to grab hold of reggie's hand but the concrete slowly begins to creep up reggie's body making him more and more heavy every single second before it can finally reach delson reggie says in his last words that he has always been proud of delson and that he loves him and then he lets go of delson's hand falling into the dark water below in his final sacrifice for delson's life delson screams out in pain as he watches this happen and then with everything he has delson goes to fight augustine the fight is long and difficult for delsin but at the end of the day he manages to sink the entire island the fight was on but not take down augustine in the process as she escapes to her base delsin swims to shore with one thing on his mind revenge he wants to find hank and make him pay he does this by tracking the dup communications that lead him to a dock where hank is set to leave the city via a boat delson captures him before this can happen and it is then hank reveals that augustine was threatening his daughter all along delson still rageful begins to choke hank with his chain but here's his daughter out on the escape boat delson right then and there has a choice at the very last moment to either get his revenge for his brother's death or face the reality that hank was only doing this for his daughter and that he might do the exact same thing delson decides to spare hank and let him go free realizing that he should really be focusing his hatred towards the one who actually killed reggie brook augustine delson travels all the way to the dup tower and shuts down the protective electrical wiring that surrounds it and begins to climb the tower during the ascension he's helped by both fetch and eugene who turn out are alive and as soon as they reach the very top of the tower delson breaks through the roof and is finally face to face with augustine ready to either expose her lies to the public or kill her and end her reign after a short battle delson takes her down and she surprisingly gives up her power willingly and in doing so delson gets to see into her mind brooke augustine was there in empire city seven years ago she was one of the many in the military deployed at the time to stop the beast but when he destroyed the city she somehow managed to survive and she was changed because of it she found another survivor a small girl who was also a conduit and together they traveled across the lawless wreckage to find safety after a while they finally reached a military checkpoint but turns out the military were afraid of conduits and they weren't friendly at all even with augustine being a member of the military right then and there augustine decided that she had to make a choice and she decided that the best way to keep conduits safe was to imprison them so that no conduit would have to die anymore right in front of the military she encapsulated the little girl in concrete effectively trapping her and gaining the government's trust in the process and she was then entrusted to keep society safe away from the rest of the conduits this was the beginning of the dup and the curtin k bio terrorist prison where she would capture and hold all conduits augustine ran the dup for years but eventually realized that she did her job too well and the government was just ready to disband the organization altogether due to their newfound sense of conduit security augustine could not let this happen in fear for the conduits safety so she planned a way for the public to be scared of conduits once more she picked out three very specific conduits and trained them to use their powers before finally giving one of them the means to make their transport truck crash delson at the end of the day to augustine was just a fluke in the plan and depending on his choices was either a beacon of hope for all conduits or just another one of the scary ones the public should be afraid of either way augustine had an image to uphold for herself and the dup and even with delson's new concrete power he would be no match for her their fight continued with eugene finding core relays to give delsin more concrete abilities delson struggled in this last battle but eventually he won and augustine finally got a taste of her own medicine when the dust settled augustine was taken away and her dup empire was torn down he also freed all the prisoners at curtin k and they were allowed to now make their own choices and be free the general public had a perception change because of delson and now he was the forerunner in the second wave of how conduits were treated by others delsin didn't revel in this feeling for long because he had a promise to keep with the ones he cared about most delson made his way all the way back to the ecomish longhouse where he was regarded as a hero by everyone but especially by betty he was able to treat everyone's wounds which is something that he thought reggie would be very proud of speaking of reggie delson made sure to correct his prior mistake and repainted the billboard to show that reggie was truly the world's finest of course that is if delson chose to be the good guy he just as easily could have chosen to be selfish and if that were the case well things would have worked out very much differently when delson took down augustine he didn't just take down the person who killed reggie he took down the only other person who could stop him with nobody in his way delson took control of seattle and destroyed any remains of the dup before finally making a stop at curtin k he let every single conduit go free but not before shaking each and every one of their hands as they were on their way out but before he could revel in his new found powers delson went back to the akomish longhouse to fulfill his final promise but surprisingly when he arrived he found that nobody wanted his help they all saw how he killed dozens of civilians and betty told him that they would rather die than accept his help delson could not fathom their rejection he worked so hard to get to this point and they just turned him away but delson thought about what betty said they would rather die than be saved and he granted their wish and put an end to his past life to make room for his new one as the world's most powerful conduit
Channel: OverusedBruh
Views: 173,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Infamous, infamous story, infamous 2, infamous second son, infamous 4, infamous storyline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 58sec (5278 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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