The ENTIRE Mafia Story... So Far...

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welcome to a video where I'll be unpacking the entire story so far from the mafia series of games with a fourth installment of Mafia being announced this is a perfect time to look into the criminal goings-on in the cities of lost Heaven Empire Bay and New Bordeaux be aware that this video will contain spoilers and also some topics that some may find sensitive with that being said let's get into the video 1930 lost Heaven USA a taxi driver named Thomas Angelo or Tommy is working a late shift and stops to take a smoke break it's a peaceful evening and that is until he hears the screeching of tires and a crash a couple of mobsters run around the corner one of which is injured they ordered Tommy at gunpoint to get them to a district called Little Italy and after a tense Chase and being fired upon they managed to lose their pursuers the two Mobsters introduced themselves as Paulie and Sam they're part of the salieri crime family an offshoot of the Sicilian Mafia Tommy waits in the cab as poorly said that they will give him something from the dawn ennio salieri Sam gives Tommy an envelope and says to just ask them if he wants some honest work Tommy goes back home and the envelope contains a wad of cash which would more than cover the repairs to Tommy's now bullet ridden taxi cab hell it would even buy him a complete brand new one he considers what Sam said to him about some honest work but even so he decided against it as in his words it's better to be poor and Alive than rich and dead problem is that Tommy tried to avoid trouble but trouble found him in September of that year Tommy went back to work and after a few fares takes a coffee break he sat in his cab when two Mobsters turn up with baseball bats and start smashing up his cabin beating him he shoves one of them and runs off he heads straight for salieri's bar and sees Paulie and Sam outside Sam and Paulie addressed the two as Dino and Lou Sam says Tommy is the Don's favorite driver Dino and loses they're not leaving empty-handed and poorly emerges with a shotgun and Dino and Lou back off Dino and Lou are part of the Morello crime family it's early on in the video but we should at this point having mentioned the two crime families salieri and Morello discuss a little bit of background before the Sally area of Morello crime families were established their Dons and new salieri and Marco Morello were actually really good friends they both served as a Kappa regime or kappos kind of like a protege under the mob boss Phillies papone this was until 1921 when Don papone was killed in a deal gone wrong the death of the Dawn caused a split in the papone crime family and ennio salieri and Marquis Morello went their separate ways and established their own crime families controlling different territories in the city throughout the 20s both families would take advantage of the prohibition by operating bootlegging rackets in the city but Marco Morello's crime family would grow to be a lot more powerful than salieri's and due to the Great Depression and everyone being affected by the lack of money corruption was Rife and Morello due to his power and influence had most of the city's cops judges and officials in his pocket salieri had some but not nearly as many as Morello did Morello could get away with so much and the police would turn a blind eye one story even tells them Morello losing his head and beating a boxes to death with a tire iron in the middle of the street in broad daylight there was also some speculation that salieri and Morello were responsible for the death of their Dawn and this is confirmed through a later conversation between Morello and his brother anyway let's get back into the story Paulie and Sam take Tommy to meet John salieri and he offers a small loan to Tommy for the Damage Done To His cab Tommy said he's not interested in the loan but he just wants a shot at Lou and Dino salieri permits this as he says Morello's goons can't rough up people in his neighborhood without consequences Paulie and Tommy go to visit the gunsmith for the mob Vincenzo Richie who supplies them with Molotov cocktails they then go and see Ralphie the most mechanic who sets them up with a vehicle Tommy and Paulie arrive at the bar and torch the gang members cars beat up their guards and steal Dino's prized possession his car the get back to salieri's Bar in Don salieri is Overjoyed at the thought of a Mad Morello because according to salieri he says that Ahmad Morello is a stupid Morello and he formally invites Tommy to join the family before we proceed let's talk about Tommy's early life herself born in Sicily in the year 1900 Tommy was born to his father Marco Angelo senior and his mother Maria Angelo he had two siblings Michelangelo Jr and Isabella Angelou his father worked on a plantation as a supervisor and when the plantation closed down the Angelos became poverty-stricken this fueled the family's move to America in 1904 and they originally settled in Empire Bay but they eventually found themselves settling in Lost Heaven marcoangelo senior found work at the harbor in Lost heaven and worked there for a good 15 years until his death after growing up Tommy found work working with a road crew building highways and Roads throughout the U.S he eventually grew tired of the lifestyle that came with the job though and wanted to settle so he went back to Lost heaven and saved up enough money to buy a cab and work as a taxi driver but again back into the story over the next month Tommy would prove himself as a valuable asset to the salieri crime family but the days were slow he starts to think about whether the dangers he'd assumed about life in the mob weren't even so dangerous at all but that's all about to change salieri calls a meeting because it's collection day they need to collect the money from local businesses that they protect so poorly Sam and Tommy set out they do some simple collections in the city people are struggling due to the Great Depression and the Wall Street Crash but they reluctantly pay up they then drive out into the countryside to collect from a motel the owner of the motel bill was short the previous month so he owes interest they arrive and Paulie and Sam tell Tommy to stay with the car it's not long before Tommy has called into action though as he hears shots and poorly stumbles out with a gunshot wound followed by a mobster for Morello's crime family saying that the motel is now theirs Paulie tells Tommy that Sam is still in there and Tommy sneaks inside and rescues him but they were attacked by one of Morello's men who drives off with the money Tommy gives Chase and kills the guy a couple years past and Tommy is now a soldato or Soldier more commonly known as a maid man Sally areas made a lot of money off of motor racing he has this hot shot young racer called Mikey Dunn who never loses he's made a lot of money off of betting on the kid winning and has made other people a lot of money too problem is that Morello has gotten wind of this and he's been making his own moves a European hot shot has entered the latest race and his car is silly fast Morello stands to make a lot and salieri along with all the other people that have put bets on Mikey Dunn stand to lose a lot Morello has put the driver up somewhere safe for his protection now the European winning cannot happen so naturally salieri sends Tommy to the track as they know the guard Tommy takes the car to a mechanic who makes some adjustments and Tommy gets the car back to the track Before The Next Guard starts a shift then the following day it's race day the Don's consiglieri Frank Coletti approaches Tommy at the racetrack and delivers some bad news salieri wasn't the only one trying to protect his investment Morello sent a few of his guys to rough up Mikey Dunn and put him in the hospital Frank tells Tommy the only option is for him to race in Dunn's place and win otherwise they will lose a lot of money as the Europeans car breaks down straight away and after a tense race and grabbing first place The Crowd Goes Wild and Tommy has caught someone's eye this is Sarah Marino and she works at salieri's bar along with her father Luigi Luigi has a very storied past Luigi was actually a Hitman for the Italian mob and had huge reputation Luigi went on the straight and narrow after he went to prison as he feared losing his wife and daughter Sarah living a clean life Luigi then worked at Sally Aries as a Barman not long after the race Tommy is speaking to Luigi he expresses concern for Sarah walking home as she's being harassed by a group of young men who hung around near where she lives Luigi asks Tommy to walk her home as a favor which Tommy agrees it's a nice evening for a stroll and after some small talk they arrive sure enough the gang are there and even Tommy's presence doesn't deter them from harassing Sarah Tommy tells them to back off but they mentioned that they know who he works for but they don't care at all Tommy takes care of them but gets slashed by a knife in the process and Sarah patches him up she says she got used to patching people up as her mother was an abusive drunk who took her anger out on Luigi and she'd often have to do the same for him the thugs were taken care of but that's not the end of it salieri's protective of Sarah and he wants her harassers to pay the price telling Paulie and Tommy to track them down and break every bone in their body after getting a few bats from Vinnie they beat the tar out of the young men but two of them escaping a car they crash and are in a bad way Tommy can't bring himself to shoot the driver Billy so poorly does it also shooting Billy's best friend Johnny not long after this poorly Simon told me you're playing poker at the bar salieri comes in and gets straight down to business one of the guys they killed Billy is called Billy gilotti he's the son of a city councilor named Roberto galotti salieri says this is bad for all of them because that's the exact way that you drive a politician into the arms of Morello what's worse is that the other guy in the car Johnny didn't die he spent a week at the hospital but he survived so the Don needs Sam to take Johnny out so he can't testify but due to the identity of the deceased the funeral will have a heavy police presence you see Sally area has been having trouble with a gentleman's club a brothel basically the dawn invested a lot of money in it over the years but the manager and owner has decided to part ways with salieri and team up with Morello instead salieri tasks Tommy with setting off an explosion whilst the funeral is taking place that should draw some of the police away from the church but there's another thing Tommy needs to kill someone a prostitute at the brothel called Michelle Sally areas got wind that Michelle has been flapping her gums to Morello's guys after some pillow talk with one of his guys this turns out to be Sam although salieri doesn't know it's him he's been giving Morello the low down on all salieri's business as a result Sam asks Tommy to spare Michelle and give her some money so she can get out of the city and move somewhere else Tommy picks up a bomb from Vincenzo and he and Sam head to their respective destinations Tommy finds Michelle and Spares her and blows up the hotel escapes from the police and enters the church Johnny gets up to say a few words about his friend but Johnny spots Tommy through a side door a shootout takes place in the church and Tommy confronts Johnny he's about to shoot Tommy when Sam saves him and takes Johnny out they bribe the priest to keep quiet it's not over yet though Tommy and Sam have to shake the cops and get back to salieri's I want to take a quick break here and talk about the Dons consiglieri Frank Coletti first of all the consiglieri is basically an advisor to the boss of a crime family think Tom Hagan in The Godfather Frank Coletti wasn't just the conciliary for the salieri family he was also Enya salieri's best friend they grew up together and both came from a poor area of the city he valued the Don's friendship and his being the Don's advisor gave him a lot in life he is a very smart man despite being involved in all aspects of the family's Affairs he chooses to focus more on the legal side of the business and does the accounts for the family too but after that short segue let's jump back in again in 1933 Tommy is tasked by Frank to retrieve two trucks containing liquor which has come from Canada Sam is already at the location a farm outside of the city so Paulie and Tommy drive out to meet him when they get there though everyone is dead and Sam is nowhere to be seen some men show up and Tommy kills them all Paulie finds out that they are cops more specifically border patrol cops who are on Morello's payroll and who were ordered to kill salieri's men and steal the liquor they searched the farm and find Sam who is in a shootout with Morello's mob and he is shot Paulie and Tommy use a truck to get Sam out of there and after fighting off more police they make it to a doctor who can patch Sam up not long after this Tommy meets Don salieri in a park salieri tells him that the family have a mole it's Frank the Don determined that this was the case after he went to investigate the potential mole by looking at the accounts the Don says that the books were gone salieri says that if those books fall into the hands of the feds then they are done finished he tells Tommy to track down Frank get the books back and kill Frank so Tommy goes to Frank's house he sees him getting into a car and he has been taken somewhere Tommy Tails them and Frank's going to the airport he's heavily guarded but after sneaking through the airport Tommy reaches Frank preparing to leave Frankie explains that Morello had some of the Lost Heaven police actually kidnap Frank's wife and daughter and forced him into a handing over evidence regarding the Affairs of the salieri family Tommy asks why Frank didn't ask for the family's help but Frank replies that he's tired of watching his back because of his association with salieri and he's tired of looking under his car every time he wants to take a drive somewhere Tommy makes a decision to spare Frank and report back that he's been killed Frank tells Tommy where the books are and Tommy gets the books back and torches Frank's home as far as salieri and the family know Frank and his family are dead and a funeral is held Morello and his brother Sergio show up but only to show their respects as they have known Frank for a long time during the same year more problems Morello has a prosecutor named Watkins on his payroll this dirty prosecutor is good friends with the Roberto gilotti a city councilor and the father of Billy the death of Billy has come back to haunt the family again as Morello has told Watkins that salieri may have had something to do with Billy's murder and has got some key witnesses that Sam and Paulie will take care of Tommy needs to team up with a safe cracker called Salvatore and breaks into a safe inside Watkins home and still whatever information Watkins has on the family they managed to get inside and Salvatore works his magic but Tommy is a bit too eager setting off the safe's alarm I grabbed the documents and get out of there a few months pass and salieri and his guys were in their warehouse times are tough with mob are having to sell most of their inventory just to make payroll but poorly comes to the rescue and informs Sally area of a potential deal with some kentucky-based Bootleggers who produce whiskey they have been in partnership with Morello but Morello is already twisting their arms and they want out they all have to make it look like a robbery so the Bootleggers can go back and convince their boss that Morello can't protect them forcing them into the arms of salieri the family need the deal to replace the Canadian supply of liquor as Morello and the Border cops killed all the Canadians back at the farm salieri goes for it and they take along the Don's driver Carlo they will meet at a parking garage it all goes well that is until Morello's guys turn up they make it out of the parking garage and deliver the whiskey to salieri's Warehouse salieri approves of the whiskey and a partnership is struck up it's now 1935 two years have passed and lots has changed Tommy and Sarah got married and have a daughter and the family have taken their money from the bootlegging and moonshining and put it into construction restaurants Trucking and gambling but the one where they drew the line was peddling dope or heroin but salieri was focused on only one thing Moving Out of The Shadow of Morello but something's bubbling up salieri's driver Carlo called in sick so he needs Tommy to drive him to his favorite restaurant Pepes the Don sits down for his meal but trouble arrives Morello's goons turn up and shoot up the restaurant also setting it on fire Tommy has to flank them and take them out the Don is alive and he and Tommy say that it's not a coincidence that Morello knew where salieri was at that moment that day Carlo called in sick for work and they leave to track him down when they find him Tommy chases him through the Alleyways and the Don exact's punishment on Carlo ending him Carlo was the reason Morello knew about the deal in the parking garage because Carlo was listening in meanwhile down at the Docks Morello was beating on some bloke called Gordy who was the union boss of the docks and Gordy was planning a strike and Morello tells his brother Sergio that a change of leadership is in order Sergio is in control of the unions and is Morello's top earner Sergio tells Morello that his ordered hit on salieri failed and that salieri is still alive and that salieri figured out that Carlo was the rat Morello is furious and says they've always been at war with salieri's family but now the war is out in the open the war has officially begun between salieri and Morello a meeting is called to plan their strategy salieri says so they have to soften him up as Morello has pretty much all the police and politicians in his pocket their plan is to scare them into abandoning Morello and his sinking ship they decide that it's time to go after galotti he's still smarting from the murder of his son Billy at the hands of salieri's family three years earlier so he's very loyal to Morello gilotti is celebrating his birthday on a steamboat and is giving a speech Tommy wears a disguise and gets onto the boat and grabs her weapon smuggled onto the ship by a janitor Tommy then gets to a vantage point and shoots and kills gelotti it's not over yet as Tommy needs to get to Sam and poorly waiting in a nearby boat so he can make his Escape one evening sometime later Sam and Vinnie are chasing Morello's brother Sergio but Sam and Vinnie crash and Sergio gets away back at the bar of planner's devise to go after Sergio again and this time to take care of him due to Sergio controlling the docks he allows a lot of imports to come into lost heaven for his brother they think that by taking him out they'll wipe out a lot of Morello's income their plan is at Car Bomb if any gives it to Tommy and he drives out to Sergio's house it's guarded but Tommy plants the bomb successfully but there's a problem Sergio isn't home his wife is she gets into the car and starts it up before Tommy can run across the street and warn her the bomb goes off killing her Tommy calls Vinnie and Tommy books it out of there and goes to meet up with Paulie and Sam who have spotted Sergio in a restaurant called Georgie's as usual Sergio escapes but Tommy gives Chase on a bike and chases Sergio to the docks where a lot of his men are waiting Tommy fights through the men and Corner Sergio killing him in style laughs chaos then ensued for weeks after the death of Sergio the mobs were firmly at War Amarillo went underground and into hiding that is until Morello was due to host a charity gala in the city their window of opportunity had arrived they would take out Morello in front of all the important people in the city the creme de La Creme that way everyone in the city will know who his boss it doesn't exactly go to plan Morello sees them coming and his driver flaws it Tommy gives Chase while Sam and poorly take care of the cars protecting Morello they chase him into the city's airport and he boards a plane if he escapes it'll be months before they have another shot at him Tommy shoots out the plane's engines and they have to tail the descending plane and get to Morello before his guys do they find the plane in Morello and he's in a sorry State they finish him off and the war is over later that evening Sally areas distraught but happy the war is over Morello was his friend at the end of the day but business is business three years later in 1938 businesses fairly good for salieri Tommy is paying his dues but he pays part of Paulie's too salieri tells Tommy not to pay his tab ever again that's Paulie's responsibility anyway to business there's a new threat a new governor he's threatening to come down hard on salieri's businesses the governor needs to be taken care of so Tommy needs to enter an old derelict prison go to the Tower and take him out using a sniper rifle he completes the hit but police end up swarming the place but Tommy manages to evade them and gets back home the following morning Tommy and Sarah talk apparently the governor Tommy killed was instrumental in passing the 19th Amendment which gave Sarah and all the other women in America the right to vote Tommy seems to be having doubts about the life at the bar a meeting is called and Sally areas got a load of cigars coming into the city that have been impounded by Customs at the Docks Tommy comments that it seems a bit small time for them salieri mentions that the cigars are just a cover cover for a shipment of diamonds the feds haven't found the diamonds so they need to be quick during the trip to the docks Paulie reveals that he has plans big plans he wants to pull a bank job he's been planning it for months Tommy objects and said he doesn't want to get involved in neither does Sam saying that Don would never sanction it Paulie says that they just shouldn't tell the Don but Sam and Tommy still don't want to get involved they get to the docks and steal a customs truck and Tommy is tasked with sneaking into the warehouse and finding the cigars he does and they lured them onto the truck but the alarms go off and the cops are set at roadblocks in the area they evade the roadblocks and drive back to the warehouse but they're in for a shock one of the crates broke open and the contents aren't what they expected there were no diamonds but there are drugs the Don essentially lied to them he arrives but they all play dumb nonetheless they're all annoyed they put their necks on the line for drugs poorly is more annoyed and this reinforces his desire to carry out the bank job that he's been planning on the train ride back poorly opens up to Tommy and says that he's getting older and has nothing to show for it he's tired of getting shot at and it's wearing him out he wants to leave the life and start his own Pizzeria but he needs the money from the grand Imperial Bank job to do so Tommy can't let poorly do it alone so Tommy reluctantly agrees to help his friend due to Tommy also having reservations about his own life the day of the bank job arrives and they execute their plan Tommy escorts the manager to the Vault but a shootout takes place but eventually paulian Tommy enter the Vault and get the cash they fight their way out of their bank and Escape they part ways and poorly takes the cash with him and tells Tommy to go to his place the next morning to split it the next morning arrives and Tommy has already made plans to leave the city with his family he said they should get away for a few days Tommy arrives at Paulie's but the residents are talking about a commotion and Paulie's door is cracked open Tommy finds poorly dead and the money is gone the phone rings and it's Sam Tommy tells him that Paulie is dead and Sam tells Tommy it's because salieri found out about the bank job and had poorly killed Tommy asks Sam a favor to give him some cash to leave the city and tell Sam to meet him at the city Gallery Tommy goes over there but it's a setup Sam is there with some of salieri's guys and he's been sent by salieri to kill Tommy due to his betrayal of the family Sam reveals that he killed poorly Sam also reveals that Don found out about Tommy Lane Franco but the Don had Frank killed not only that but he found out about Michelle and had her killed too after she foolishly returned to the city Sam then leaves the men to deal with Tommy and he delivers arguably the best line in the mafia series don't let them suffer boys he's my buddy Tommy breaks free and kills salieri's guys and tracks Sam down with Sam dying he tells Tommy that he'll never be safe and he'll be living in fear for the rest of his life the salieri's power will outlive the dawn some reminisces about the good times but the moment he mentions Paulie's name Tommy kills him after this Tommy flees and goes to Europe with his family it doesn't take him long until he's back in Lost Heaven though and he makes contact with a detective detective Norman over the course of a few hours Tommy tells Norman everything he got up to with the salieri crime family detective Norman has doubts about believing what Tommy has to say but Tommy reminds him of what this could mean for his career in exchange for Tommy's testimony in a shortened sentence he testifies against the people he once considered family and around 80 gang members were put on trial including Ralphie and Vinnie some were even sent to death row and condemned the electric chair salieri himself got life imprisonment Tommy thought that if they were all in prison then they couldn't get to him or his family as Tommy was himself sentenced to eight years in prison in the location kept secret under a no contact order his own wife and daughter couldn't even visit him but what evidence did Tommy have it was the account books Tommy still had them all those years every piece of business that the Don did was in those books he was banned to rights and then in 1946 Tommy Angelo was released from prison and he and his family moved to live in a residential suburb in the city of Empire Bay where he took up a job working as a cab driver and he and his family got new identities we'll keep our focus on Empire Bay it's the year 1943 and Vittorio Antonio scaletta or Vito is making ends meetings committing petty crime alongside his childhood friend Joe Barbaro they're robbing a jewelry store and are spotted by a police officer who chases them veto ends up getting pinched and Joe gets away with the jewelry America is in the throes of World War II and they were looking for recruits that could speak Italian and could help with the invasion of Sicily Vito was given the choice of going to prison or joining the Army he chose the latter before we go any further let's look into veto's early years and how he ended up in America Vittorio Antonio scaletto was born in Sicily in 1925. he had a sister Francesca the family was pretty hard up and didn't have much money so his father decided it was time to move away to America to Empire Bay Vito was fascinated by Empire Bay but he had a different view when it came to their neighborhood their apartment was a dump but it was there as a young child that Vito got his first glimpse of the mafia Vito's father worked at the port for the same man who arranged their immigration to the United States despite him working hard Vito's father spent most of their money on alcohol due to him having a drink problem his father eventually died after working himself to death Vito then went to school and learned English it was here that he met the kid who would become his best friend Joe they were both very poor and since there wasn't much work around Empire Bay they would grow up and steal things in order to survive this leads us back to the present day Vito was shipped off to Sicily at 18 years of age to fight against the Italian and German armies he was involved in operation Husky and was assigned to the 504th parachute regiment they were due to drop over the southern coast of Sicily but got hit by flak and had to be dropped Behind Enemy Lines and only three of them made it they teamed up with the local resistance and helped fight against the dictator Mussolini Soldiers with the aim of liberating the town of San Celeste Vito takes out a load of soldiers with an mg but has to retreat after being fired upon by a tank he plays dead whilst Italian soldiers turn up and execute survivors but a tank turns up and Vito gets another glimpse of the mafia this time at their influence and power a very powerful man named Don Carlo who is head of the Sicilian Mafia turns up and demands the Italian soldiers surrender and such is the respect that they have for him they immediately do so Vito survives but is transferred to an Army hospital and is discharged for one month while he recovers with the view that he will rejoin again after he's healed Joe meets him at the station and he takes Vito to a bar where he gives veto a coming home present he gifts him fake discharge papers so that Vito doesn't have to return to the Army veto returns home to his mother and sister and leaves the following day to find his sister being harassed by a man the two have a fight and veto forces the guy to run off his sister states that before their father died he left them with a debt of two thousand dollars that he took out from a loan shark which is about 35 Grand in today's money Vito goes to see Joe and details the situation his family is in and Joe takes him to get his discharge papers from a guy named Giuseppe along with a set of lockpicks and Joe takes veto to steal a car for him to have and they get it resprayed he then takes veto to see a junkyard owner called Mike brewski who buys stolen cars Vito earns a few hundred bucks by stealing a car for Mike so he can use the parts this kind of work is contrary to his mother's wishes for him she calls the following day and she wants him to work down at the Docks like his father did breaking his back stacking crates for a man named Derek papillado known as Fat Derek the union boss he tries it out but it's not for him at all he tells Derek's right hand man Steve that he'll just work for Joe instead Prestige takes veto to speak with Derek Derek calls Joe to confirm that Joe Knows veto and he vouchers for him it seems that Joe has been busy and has quite a bit of influence Derek tasks Vita with roughing up some rebellious workers who haven't paid their Barbers fee for their haircuts Vito gets paid for his work but his life is about to change direction Derek tells veto to meet Joe at a place called Freddy's and Joe introduces Vito to a man named Henry thomasino Henry is a soldato for the Clemente crime family one of three mafia families in Empire Bay but before we go further I should explain a little bit of the history of Empire Bay in regard to the mafia and how their influence grew in coming to control large areas of the city Empire Bay is thought to be a city located on the east coast of the United States and it is thought to have been founded in 1547 by an Italian explorer and was initially named Porto Romano that was until the 17th century when it fell under Dutch rule in 1694 when the British took over and renamed the city Empire Bay the British ruled Empire Bay until the end of the American Revolutionary War the immigration boom then happened in the 19th century and then City districts were formed in line with the different groups of immigrants the city would soon end up with a diverse population of around 7 million people one of these immigrants arriving in the city would be Alberto Clemente Clemente killed the police captain in his hometown of Palermo in Italy for his uncle in 1920 and he fled to Empire Bay using his uncle's reputation and contacts in the mafia underworld Clementi Rose through the ranks during the prohibition by smuggling liquor all mafia families in Empire Bay are under the governing body of an organization called the commission they over see and settle disputes between families in 1929 Alberto Clemente got the go-ahead from the commission to form his own crime family but his crime family never really gained that big of a foothold in the city there were two families ruling Empire Bay at that point the Moretti crime family for which the Don was tomato Moretti and the Vinci crime family for which the Dawn was Frank Vinci at some point during the 1930s alcohol sales decrease in the city and the Moretti and Vinci families went to war over what was left of the money-making opportunities this War lasted two years and was declared over when Carlo Falcone a capo from the Moretti family and the Vinci family consiglieri Leo gallante conspired to assassinate Thomas emeretti they placed a bomb under his car and the hit was a success Falcone assumed control of the Moretti family's operations and founded the Falcon crime family the Moretti era was finished so at the time of The Game's plot taking place there are three families Clemente Falcone and Vinci all right let's get back into the story thomasino says he's got a job for veto he wants him to break into the office of price Administration which is a U.S government office and steel gas ration stamps he says they'll make good money off of them due to the gas shortages in the city Vito pulls it off but he gets back to Henry and he's Furious to find that the gas stamps expire at midnight so Vito has to drive to various gas stations in the area and sell them it's this action which leads to veto getting deeper into the mafia Lifestyle the next day Vito finds a note from Joe telling him to meet him at Freddy's in the evening and to bring some lock picks at Freddy's they meet with a man named Luca garino who is a capo for the Clemente family he tasks veto and Joe with getting some money back from a jewelry store owner who borrowed the money from Clemente to open his store Vito and Joe's job is to rob the store so they can claw back the money that way during the robbery though Vito and Joe are interrupted by the O'Neill gang an Irish gang who tell the pair that they are robbing the store and they tell them to leave the police turn up though and veto and Joe May cover the jewelry they have a shootout with the cops and veto and Joe escape the job was a success but success brings more work and Luca this time tasks veto and Joe to deal with a man named Sydney Penn a man who runs a Distillery and who is refusing to share his profits with Clementi what's more is that he's blackmailing Clemente threatening to turn over crucial evidence against Clemente if he attempts anything Luca says that if they pulled the job off well he'll see that they get accepted into the Clemente crime family but they both need to pay him five thousand dollars initiation first each veto Joe and Henry take care of Sydney Penn but Henry is shot and bleeding out they drive him to a mafia doctor named El Greco the job was a success and veto has the two thousand dollars to pay off his family's debt he gives it to his sister to pay off the loan sharks on February 26 1945 Vito is leaving Joe's Apartment when he's grabbed by three police officers and they're resting for the illegal distribution of federal Russian stamps whilst this was happening Joe was well debriefing a lady of the night in his apartment and he sees Vito being taken by the police Joe tries to call Henry but Luca is there instead and Luca tells Joe that veto got pinched because one of the gas station attendants that veto sold the Russian stamps to squealed on him Joe goes to find the attendant and tries to teach him a lesson but the attendant slaps Joe in the head and drives off a Chase is used by car and then on foot Joe has pretty good cardio for a big guy and catches up with the attendant he tells the guy to leave town by the evening and to never come back the attendant says it won't make a difference and after some persuasion inflicted by Joe he learns that there's someone who knows about a lot more than just the gas stamps and this person could take down everybody Joe finds out the location of this rat he's called Richie Mateo and he's a former saldato of the Clemente crime family who has sold out Alberto Clemente in the family Joe tracks Richie to the Culver Reservoir after a Chase across the ice Joe takes care of him all Joe's efforts are fruitless though as three months later Vito has his date in court and is sentenced 10 years in prison Vito arrives at Hartman Federal Penitentiary with the other fresh meat it's not long until he's recognized remember the O'Neills the gang who are trying to rob the same store as Joe and Vito or they were caught and locked up it seems all Brian O'Neill blames veto for his incarceration and he wants revenge Vito is in a desperate situation and in need of protection before a Neil is able to exact his revenge remember I mentioned the name Leo gallante earlier the consiglieri of the Vinci crime family while he's also serving a five-year stretch for fixing fights veto and O'Neill ever fight in the yard leosi's potential in veto so he protects him and teaches him how to fight a bit of time into his prison sentence Vito sees O'Neill in the gym the two fight in order to settle the score Beto is kicking his ass and O'Neill not wanting to take the L pulls a knife this backfires those veto easily overpowers him and kills O'Neill I guess that sells that this day in prison actually does veto a lot of good he's able to truly learn the deep roots of the mafia and how the families work and operate due to Leo's close friendship with veto and his Connections in 1951 Leo was able to secure Vito in early release Vito meets up with Joe who has set him up with an apartment and then soon after introduces him to Eddie Scarpa the underboss of the Falcon crime family Eddie has them doing a job selling Goods off the back of a truck all is going well but a local gang called the greasers turn up claiming it's their Turf and they torched the truck Joe executes their apparent leader and they chase the greasers however they lose them to contact Eddie and he's Furious he tells them to meet Steve about Derek's right-hand man at a Degreaser bar called The Crazy Horse they grab some Thompson machine guns and shoot up the bar torching it afterwards they have trapped the greasers to the old foundry and after a shootout they take all of them out needing two grand to pay back Eddie for the truck that was destroyed they take two of the grease as hot rods and sell them to Fat Derek at the Docks they then go to the Maltese Falcon hotel and pay Eddie back not long after this Vito gets a big job he's tasked by Don Falcone himself to take out Luca garino the guy who is a capo for the Clemente crime family the guy who gave him the job of robbing the jewelry store you see Luca has been making waves and has been trying to take over the Falcon family's drug operation he kidnapped three of Falcone's men with the intention of torturing them Vito gets there and Luca has already killed one of the men but Vito manages to save the other two and after a tense gunfight with Luca's crew Vito eventually kills Luca not long after veto is told to wear a nice suit because something big is about to happen he meets Eddie and Joe at Maltese Falcon and Joe reveals that Mr Falcone is going to bring them into the family that evening they will become made men Good Fellas or Wise Guys as they're also known but first Vito has a visitor his old pal Leo gallante Leah was one of the main reasons veto and Joe were being brought into the Falcone family you see despite him being the consiglier of Da Vinci family Leo wanted Vito to join the Vinci family but due to Joe having been working for Falcone for a while Leo recommended Vito to join them instead veto and Joe are officially made men but with the big title comes big responsibility Vito and Joe are tasked by their new boss to go to the Empire Arms Hotel and plant a bomb in a conference room in order to take out their target their target Alberto Clementi the reason for Falcon instead of the kushti business selling heroin and marijuana to the people of Empire Bay Clemente wanted to force his way in and ended up stealing a load of clementi's customers so Falcone reacted Vito and Joanne to the hotel disguised as janitors and managed to infiltrate the top floor they plant the bomb and wait on a window cleaning platform for Clemente to enter the conference room they detonate it but Clementi isn't killed forcing veto and Joe to enter the building to finish Clementi they fight their way through the hotel and Chase Clemente through the streets of Empire Bay they finish him therefore releasing his grip on Falcone's drug operation some time later Henry thomasino approaches veto he is concerned about the Clemente family collapsing after the hit on the Dawn and wants to a switch allegiances to the Falcon family Vito talked to Eddie to say that the Vinci crime family is planning on making a move on Falcons but that they don't know when or how yet Vito sets up a meeting between Henry and Eddie and Henry informs Eddie that Luca guerino rest in peace said that something should be done about Falcone's dirty business and tried to turn Vinci against Falcone Eddie tells Henry that if he wants to join them he must prove himself by carrying out a hit one small problem the target is Leo galante naturally Vito being good friends with Leo refuses to take part in the hit knowing that Henry will be on his way to take Leo out Vito goes to warn him he gets there just in time as Henry and his guys arrive and veto and Leo hide Henry discovers them though and they go to the kitchen Vito reluctantly leaves Henry with Leo who seems to have accepted his fate Vito hears a gunshot and fears the worst but Henry walks out and tells Rita that he owes him big he spared Leo Leo says that he and Henry made a deal but Leo has to disappear to leave the city for good Vito drives Leo to the train station and Leo sets out for lost Heaven back at home Vito's past catches up with him out for Revenge after veto killed Brian O'Neill the gang under new leadership arrive at vetoes and torches place he loses everything except his life and escapes making his way to Joe's Apartment Joe lends veto one of his awful shirts and some clothing and they plan their Revenge they make their way to a bar called the hill of Tara and confront the Irish they deal with them and due to veto having nowhere to go and not a penny to his name Joe puts him up and his friend Marty's run-down apartment Marty went with Joe and Vito on the Empire Arms Hotel hit but was killed by clementi's guys while waiting for the car a few months later Vito and Joe meet with Henry in the Lincoln Park in order to complete a drug deal they visit a lone shark called Bruno Levine and borrow some money from him in order for them to be able to set everything up their initial drug deal purchasing some heroin from the Empire Bay Triads goes okay well that is until some fake cops turn up and Ambush them after the deal the trio killed all the fake cops there were a lot of them and they make their way to a drop at a warehouse after this Henry veto and Joe make a lot of money they are doing well for themselves but Falcone eventually finds out about their little Earnhardt and is furious he wants his cut which amounts to sixty thousand dollars Henry then asks Beto and Joe to meet him in the park but when they get there it's chaos Henry is being hacked to death by the Triads and they've stolen Falcone's cut Joe and Vito kill the Triads but see the boss Mr Wong drive past they follow him to his headquarters at the Red Dragon Restaurant Vito and Joe fight their way through the restaurant and confront Wong Wong tells Vito and Joe that Henry was actually an FBI informant which is why they took him out after a tip from their Inside Man in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics Wong says the money is somewhere else but before they can get it out of him Hot Head Joe shoots and kills Wong still reeling from the fact that Henry was a rat Vito and Joe need money to pay Carlo off and to pay Bruno the loan shark back they decide to raise some money to pay Bruno off first the following day looking for a way to make some money Vita receives a call from Joe he's got a job from Eddie which will make them a lot of money the job to drive out to the suburbs and kill a rat the rat Tommy Angelo it seems the old salieri is still pulling strings from behind bars and wanted him taken care of so Vito and Joe drive out to his neighborhood and shoot him Mr Angelo the salieri sends his regards this job didn't pay near enough a few grand but they need more so Vito goes to see fat Derek who gives him a job sorting out some Doc workers who are planning a strike Vito hears something that stops him in his tracks should be back to work in the next 10 minutes your dad used to talk about you all the time you look just like him doing working for this bastard after what he did to your old man [ __ ] mouth right now don't listen to him full of [ __ ] come on let's go full of [ __ ] huh that bastard killed your father Vito what they're just trying to get under your skin Derek hey stop pointing that gun I just ask him how your dad that night we've seen him take a walk with Steve and then Steve come back alone and all wet Stop pointing that thing at me what the hell happened with my father Derek you not so wet who are you gonna trust me or these now Point loses we've known each other on time for you think of all the things Steve you dive in and try to save him because he wouldn't stay underwater I feel you swore an oat I was there a loyalty to the family is greater than to our own families tell that to my mother yeah should I kill him how not he we'll settle things with him later enraged Vito goes after Fat Derek kills Steve and eventually kills Derek too he helps himself to watch inside Derek's safe 22 and a half thousand dollars having nearly raised the money to pay off Bruno and Falcone veto scrapes together the rest and goes to Joe's apartment but Joe isn't there Peter goes to see Eddie at the Maltese Falcon to see if he knows where Joe is Eddie tells Vito that their actions involving Henry and killing the Triads at the restaurant along with Wong has brought a lot of heat onto the family and as a result a full-on war has begun between the mafia and the Triads veto lies to Eddie and says he knows nothing about what Henry was up to and tells Eddie that neither him nor Joe were involved Vito goes to see his pal Giuseppe who says that Joe went to see Giuseppe about her job but that whilst he was there some guys arrived and took Joe away and they said Miss Da Vinci wanted a word with him Vito goes to a bar frequented by Vinci's family and is knocked out and taken to a construction site by two of Vinci's men Joe is there but he's in bad shape Vinci is also there Vinci tells them that the Triads are threatening to kill him and he wants to know why with Vinci's men distracted Joe and Rito break free and fight their way through the construction site eventually escaping after dropping Joe off at the doctor El Greco El Greco reveals some worrying news one of their guys is with them and he's been messed up by Vince's guys too Joe gives Vito his half of the money and veto goes to pay off Bruno back at home Vito accepts that the truth will come out eventually and I'll have Falcone after them as well as Vinci and the Triads the following morning Vito gets a call from Eddie says that Carlo Falcone wants to meet veto at the planetarium on the outskirts of the city on his way Vito is approached by a man who beckons him to a car inside the car is Leo gallante galante is with a man named Mr Chew a member of the Triads Leo says that veto has started a war but veto is still playing dumb Leo explains that the FBI breathing down everyone's necks and that includes the Triads too he explains that Henry being a rat has caused the threads to go after Carlo Leo is paying veto back for his loyalty and says that he has one chance to make it right Leo tells Vito to kill Carlo Falcone the commission wants vetoed dead Mr Chu also wants veto dead and on top of that to the commission and to Falcone veto vouched for a rat Vita arrives at the observatory and fights his way through Falcone's men and he enters the planetarium Falcone is there and someone puts a gun to veto's head it's Joe Falcon has clearly got in Joe's head but Vito appeals to his friend and they both spring an attack on Falco and his guys after a brief shootout all Falcone's men are dead Vita approaches the dying Falcon and finishes him off he walks outside with Joe and they are picked up by Leo they split Vito and Joe up and leave in separate cars on their car Journey Vito watches of the car with showing it turns off and Leo says to veto that the deal they made was only for him Vito assumes that Joe has been taken to be killed a deal in question was negotiated with the Triads and the commission The veto would be exiled from Empire Bay and would move to New Bordeaux Louisiana to serve under a new mafia family meet Lincoln clay Lincoln clay was born in 1945. not much is known about his family but for the fact that his mother was Dominican and the speculation that his father may have been Italian anyway at the age of two Lincoln was abandoned by his mother and left in the care of the Saint Michael's orphanage in the French Ward district of new Bordeaux Louisiana he stayed there until the age of 11 at which point the orphanage shut down he was taken in by a man named Sammy Robinson the boss of the black mob Lincoln was seen to be part of the family and Sami along with his wife Perla raised Lincoln as their very own they had another son Ellis and he and Lincoln became not just best friends but Brothers Lincoln was involved in minor gang-related Mischief during his early years but needing to find his own identity he joined the US Army in 1964 and enlisted to fight in Vietnam he proved himself proficient in combat and after initially serving in the 223rd infantry he later joined the fifth Special Forces Group eventually Lincoln was discharged from the Army he returned to new Bordeaux in the year 1968 and that is where we begin the story of Mafia III in February 1968 new Bordeaux is about to celebrate Mardi Gras and Lincoln sits outside the train station he is approached by a former U.S marine who served in the Pacific he speaks to Lincoln and gives him some advice that just because your home doesn't mean you're home he is of course talking about PTSD he looks around and says that people walking around regular civilians just don't understand and will never understand the effects of war the man departs in Lincoln's brother Ellis arrives to pick him up in his car which Ellis has been looking after in Lincoln's absence after filling Lincoln in on the goings on in the Del Rey Hollow their home District they arrive at sami's bar they toast him being back home a close friend and confidante of Lincoln Father James Ballard also welcomes him home the following day Lincoln wakes up from a PTSD induced Nightmare and walks in on a conversation between Sammy and Ellis where they're describing their financial issues Ellis storms often Sammy tells Lincoln they are having trouble with a Haitian gang but despite the trouble he has it under control Father James arrives and tells Lincoln that he needs his help his church has a kitchen set up called warm hearts and it helps feed the community Lincoln is serving gumbo when some men attack the kitchen it's clear Sammy doesn't have it under control at all Lincoln takes care of them and discovers confirmation that the attackers were Haitian in 1957 Haiti elected Francois papadoc duvalier as president his presidency was under threat only a year later and his regime thwarted a coup d'etat in 1958 this led to his regime turning Haiti into an autocracy and he created a secret police in the late 60s Haitian refugees fled this regime a lot came to settle in new Bordeaux and became productive members of society but amongst the good people were violent criminals and these criminals made up the foundations of what would become the Haitian mob at first they would Rob people's homes but as they grew more powerful the Haitian mob would take advantage of Sammy and the black mob losing influence in the Del Rey Hollow and saw Sami and the black mob as weak a black mob were loyal to Sal Marcano of the Marcano crime family will get to the meccano crime family shortly don't worry and the people of the hollow didn't really like Marcano the Haitians were not loyal to Marcano and stood up to his crime family and public support for the Haitian mob was actually growing fast anyway back into the story Lincoln returns to Sammy and is furious he tells him they got jumped by the Haitians who tried to kill him so Lincoln demands Sami tell him what really is going on Sami explains that the Haitians were going after something called the black Lottery this was a racket that sami's mob ran for decades and the racket which bought them the most money it was essentially a tax on the poor people of the hollow and the members of the black mob would sometimes force people in the hollow to take part this is where their partnership with Marcano comes in as meccano took part of the profit earned from this racket Ellis comes in and Sammy after learning that they tried to kill Lincoln at the kitchen has had enough of the Haitians it gets worse though because of the Haitians going after the black Lottery the black mob haven't paid Marcano his cut in three months Sammy finally agrees that something needs to be done so he tells Lincoln and Ellis to deal with the Haitians they are hold up deep in in the Louisiana bayou in an old abandoned salt mining town so Sami sorts them out with guns and ammo and Lincoln and Ellis go to the Bayou with the aim of taking out the leader of the Haitian mob after sneaking his way through their Town Lincoln confronts the boss backer and breaks his neck ER has been keeping someone in captivity and this woman says that Baka has been keeping her in the cupboard as his sex slave she runs off and Lincoln has to fight his way through the town with Ellis arriving just in time to pick him up and they drive back to Sammy's sami's been drinking and he says he checked the list of the deceased from the Vietnam War every night while Lincoln was away he asked Sammy what they're going to do about Sal's money Sammy says that Sal called and asked to meet him at the Country Club Lincoln drives over to the country club and is greeted by Georgie Marcano Sal marcano's son I guess before we go any further we should talk about Sal Marcano Salvatore or Sal Marcano is a Louisiana native with Sicilian Roots he was born in Baton Rouge but move to New Bordeaux in the mid-1920s a stint in prison for breaking and entering at age 17 led to him forming a friendship with a powerful mobster called Giuseppe Carrillo Carrillo promised that after they'd done their respective sentences Carrillo would bring him into the Carrillo crime family the biggest most influential family in new Bordeaux but there was a problem Sal's father Valerio was a sildato in the Carrillo crime family but was a gambling addict and had run up huge debts with the carrillos as a result of him not being able to pay Giuseppe ordered a hit on Valerio but here's where it gets complicated Sal actually saved carrillo's life in prison so Carillo knew that he owed Sal and offered to wipe his father's debt but Sal rejected carrillo's offer knowing full well what it meant for his father lo and behold Valeria was killed by Carrillo salvin got out of prison in 1934 and gathered his brothers lied to them and told them Giuseppe had killed their father for no reason undeclared war on the Carrillo crime family then not long after Sal his brothers and some Associates killed Giuseppe Carrillo and 18 of his men in Cold Blood at a restaurant in the French Ward district of new Bordeaux a killing which would later go on to be known as the All Saints Day Massacre Sal then capitalized on the opportunity and took over new Bordeaux his brothers became his capos and Saul became the dawn of the Marconi crime family Sao was a married man and they had one child Georgie but his wife died in the late 1950s Sal would go on to raise Georgie and prepare him for the life Sal's crime family had his capos running districts in new Bordeaux and Sal let the local gangs run the smaller districts in exchange for Kickback or a cut of the profits this is how Sami and the black mob ended up running the hollow there was another local gang that ran another District under Marcano obviously and this was the Irish mob but back into the story it seems that Georgie and Link can go back a bit as they reminisce about good times Lincoln meets with Sal Marcano now you may recognize this guy it's our old buddy Vito scaletta and he's been through quite a lot since being exiled from Empire Bay but again we'll get to that soon veto due to his military experience himself during World War II is interested in Lincoln's military experience and seems surprised by Lincoln telling him he was special forces Marcano clearly doesn't like Vito cries that guy's an [ __ ] [ __ ] carpetbagger commission sent him down here from Empire Bay about 15 years back even a painting my goddamn ass ever since the reason for Lincoln being there was because Sal Marcano is planning a heist a heist at the reserve robbing the Vault Georgia explains that veto has put up a large part of the money to pull the job off and he got them the combination to the Vault Georgie also mentions a guy called Danny Burke in his old mannering on the job so Lincoln needs to go and see them Sal tells Lincoln he thinks Lincoln should run the hollow after hearing that Lincoln took care of the Haitians so efficiently but Lincoln's loyalty to Sammy runs deep so he declines makano is disappointed but Marcano still wants him on the heist and says that after they get their score sami's debt will be paid Sal marcano's motive behind this Heist is that he actually wants to leave the Mob Life and go legit he doesn't want Georgie to live the life he has so he wants to open a casino and he wants the money from the heist to make that a reality gambling at this point is illegal in Louisiana but that's something we'll cover later on the story anyway Lincoln goes to see Danny and Thomas Burke there are in a metal business they are doing a test run for a drill that they were used to bust through the bottom of the Vault from the sewers which run underneath the reserve the plan is that whilst Alice and Dania are drilling through the bottom of the Vault Georgie and Lincoln will be disguised as security and will deliver cash to the reserve and Infiltrate The Reserve that way Salma Kano sorted out uniforms in a federal reserve truck for Lincoln and Georgie's the plan is set following day it's Mardi Gras a lot of the police in the city will be busy at the festival so it's the perfect time for a heist the skies is on and with the truck Lincoln and Georgie load vetoes cash into the truck so it looks like they're delivering something legit they then drive to the reserve Lincoln grabs the cash and they follow the guard to the furnaces Lincoln takes the guards out and they open the vault Georgie sets off the alarm though and Lincoln has to hold it down he manages but they're pinned down and need to escape through the hole in the vault but it's too small Danny and Ellis has some TNT so they use it to expand the hole but this causes the entire Vault to fall through the floor and Dany has injured his leg they will board the speedboat but the police are on to them prompting a Chase through the sewers eventually they lose the cops in the center of the streets where Mardi Gras is still happening Lincoln calls Sammy and says they need a car and he'll leave one at the grocery store in order to give the others time to escape with the injured Danny Lincoln gives them cover by firing his gun in the air and the cops chase him Lincoln loops around and makes it to the car and they escape back at Samy's bar Sammy has counted the money and it's over 2 million dollars per split he split it into takes for everyone obviously Sal's cut is higher due to the money Sammy Odom Sal walks in with an unknown gentleman who is there to collect Sal's cut a drink to their success and their New Wealth but Sal shoots Georgie a look Georgie tells Lincoln that he should have said yes to Sal order to run the hollow and without warning Georgie shoots Lincoln in the head but it doesn't kill him he can only watch as Ellis Danny and Sami are brutally executed by Sal Georgie and the other man they then set fire to Sammy's Bar and Lincoln passes out he has pulled from the burning building by Father James who takes him back to his house and nurses him back to health Lincoln is in bad shape and almost doesn't make it truth is that after coming back from Vietnam Lincoln wasn't even planning to steer new Bordeaux at all one of his friends from the Army was going to get him a job at a shipyard the only reason he went back to New Bordeaux was to tell them his plans but he never got the chance as Lincoln was getting better he told Father James the corner of Lincoln's old friends from Vietnam John Donovan John Donovan was a Princeton graduate who was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency as a paramilitary officer the following year he worked alongside another CIA agent called Conor Aldridge on a mission to depose the elected president of Guatemala jacobo R Benz which effectively put an end to the 10-year Guatemalan revolution in 1954 but this wasn't the last time Donovan wouldn't come to Eldridge Donovan was sent into Vietnam by the CIA to run covert operations against the Viet Cong in 1963. and so it was Aldrich Aldridge's job was to infiltrate the North Vietnamese Army the NVA and turn soldiers into double agents however Aldridge got disillusioned and turned against the U.S and betrayed his country feeding Intel to the enemy instead Donovan found out about Aldridge betraying his country and Donovan interrogated one of Aldridge's contacts a guy named trong trong informed Donovan that he was scheduled to meet Aldridge in Alleyway in Saigon so Donovan killed trong and took his place Donovan waited in the alleyway for Aldridge outrage recognized Donovan and Donovan said he was going to take him back to his bosses Aldridge attacked Donovan but Aldrich bested him and Aldridge ran off when some military policemen interrupted them Donovan didn't hear anything else from Aldridge after that incident but stayed in Vietnam on assignments in 1966 during Lincoln's time in the fifth sfg Donovan crossed paths with Lincoln who demonstrated incredible combat abilities and fortitude in battle along with Lincoln's desire to help his friends the two would then become close friends whilst in Vietnam but back to the story again Lincoln is holding a photo of Sal Marcano looking at it with anger burning in his eyes Donovan says the plan is to kill Sal Marcano Father James says Fine kill him but let that be the end of it this angers Lincoln this is because he knows long with Donovan that in order to topple someone as powerful as Marcano you need to take down their entire infrastructure their entire organization Lincoln departs and tells Father James that turning the other cheek simply doesn't work in the real world and leaves with Donovan on their drive over to Sammy So Lincoln can pick up his things Lincoln reveals that he thinks Marcano wanted Lincoln dead because he refused to run the hollow and Sal wanted to sever ties with Sammy they arrive at sami's and Donovan tells him to meet him at the motel down the road Lincoln collects his things freshens up a bit and goes to the motel to meet with Donovan seems Donovan's been busy he stole a load of surveillance equipment from the FBI to assist him in tracking and taking down marcano's Network he's set up a tax Center he explains that going after marcana won't be easy there are levels beneath Marcano who protect him and those levels have people beneath them and so on and so forth Lincoln is going to have to take new Bordeaux by force District by District until marcano's operation has been weakened enough to take him out Donovan will be the brains of the operation and Lincoln will be the brawn Donovan hands Lincoln a clipboard with information regarding the Haitians Lincoln is surprised as he thought they'd Fallen apart after he killed Bacca but Donovan said they're back up and running which is a good thing see that after Sammy was gone salmar kanu gave the Delray Hollow to a gang called the Dixie Mafia an all-white gang of Southern criminals with roots stretching back to the Civil War the Dixie Mafia are wanting to run a heroin racket in the hollow and are trying to get people in the hollow hooked on it this angered the Haitians greatly the Haitian mob have a new leader but they've kept the identity of the leader a secret hoping to find their leader Lincoln interrogates a Haitian gang member who tells him that their leader resides at Voodoo shop in the hollow Lincoln sits down and waits for their leader she walks in the Haitian boss is none other than the woman Lincoln saw at the Haitian Camp her name is Cassandra Lincoln tells Cassandra that he wants her to help him kill Sal Marcano in exchange Lincoln agrees to help them Drive the Dixie Mafia out of the hollow and after they're gone Lincoln will give the Haitians full control of the Delray Hollow Cassandra tells him that the boss of the Dixie Mafia is a man named Richard you said but it's personal for Cassandra Richie Doucette killed her sister Cassandra says it's too dangerous for Richie to set to be in the hollow so he moves around a lot but they operate out of the old theater hurlers named after Sammy's late wife one of Cassandra's men known as The Voice has been staking out the place so Lincoln meets with him he tells him that a member of the Dixie Mafia runs it a guy named Merle Jackson and he turned it into a brothel Jackson has been getting young black women from the hollow hooked on drugs and has been pimping them out so Lincoln heads to perlas he frees the girls doing some major damage to the Dixie mafia's operation speaking to the voice again Lincoln learns that there are pimps in the hollow Lincoln kills The Pimps and just as they suspected this draws Jackson out of hiding Lincoln returns to the theater and fights his way up to the office confronting Mel Jackson and he kills him he phones Cassandra and tells a descend of people to secure the theater after this Lincoln meets with Donovan across from the old church he tells Lincoln that that is where they are running their heroin operation out of it's under the supervision of someone called Charlie Kincaid after interrogating some of Charlie's dealers destroying the heroine killing him forces and infiltrating the church Lincoln confronts Kincaid Lincoln actually recruits Charlie and friends Cassandra telling her to send more men to take control of the church he goes to see Cassandra and it seems that she's been making moves herself she has captured a Dixie Mafia informant named Jesse they discover that juted Lincoln destroying the heroin Racket and Richie losing control of the hollow Georgie Marcano is furious with Richie and wants him dead so Richie is preparing for a fight and took the rest of the heroine and some men and hold up in the Old Baron Saturday's Amusement Park Lincoln goes to the park and wipes out all of Richie's men you may recognize Richie he is the one who accompanied Sal Marcano to Sammy's Bar that night and the man who killed Ellis Lincoln dragged Richie outside and this happens I'm not here to steal your heroine regime I'm here to make you pay for it you did to Sammy and Ellis Robinson I didn't have nothing to do with her I've watched you stab Ellis in the gut I couldn't do nothing about it then but I sure as hell can now God damn it none of that was my idea you here it was all Georgy him and his old man they wanted y'all gone not me what was I supposed to do say no either that or make sure that I was dead oh no no no no please please listen let a man get in a prayer before you kill him you pray on the way up you see Lincoln killed Richie in a very specific way due to Lincoln's time in Vietnam he was trained in psychological warfare he left Richie hanging from the ferris wheel as a message to Sal and Georgie with the hollow taken from the Dixie Mafia and the Gang driven out and their territory handed to Cassandra it's time for the next phases Lincoln's Plan he has Cassandra on site she is now an underboss Lincoln goes to the motel and talks to Donovan he offers Lincoln the choice of getting two more underbosses on his side Vito scaletta and Thomas Burke let's start with Vito video had a tough couple of months after the heist whilst Lincoln is traveling to meet up with Vito let's break for a second and have a look at what happened to veto after he arrived in new Bordeaux as we discussed Vito annoyed the wrong people back in Empire Bay but he was spared only due to his close friendship with Leo gallante who had a lot of influence in the city upon being sent to new Bordeaux veto was integrated as a lieutenant within the Marcano crime family at the instruction of the commission Sal assigned him the River Road District Sal wasn't happy about it as he took an instant dislike to scaletta but only accepted veto into the family out of his huge respect for Leo gallante after salmar Kano had gotten rid of Sammy and put the Dixie Mafia in charge of the hollow he turned his attention to veto Sal wanted to kill Vito but as veto is a made man he can't not unless the commission ordered it so Sal came up with a plan he refused to pay Vito his share of the heist money meaning that Vito had lost all of his money and life savings Sal then installed his nephew Michael Greco in River row as a way to choke veto's earnings now remember veto had to pay Sal Kickback and without regular money coming in from rackets Rito would start struggle to pay sal sal did this so that the commission would sanction a hit on veto very cunning veto managed to pay him though as he had a couple of extra income streams but he tried for months to goad sell into killing him but Sal knew very well what would happen if he carried out an unsanctioned hit on a made man at some point though Vito found out about Sal's plan to open a casino in new Bordeaux a secret he was keeping from the commission Sal couldn't afford for this to happen so Michael Greco and his men Ambush scaletta and lock him in the fridge of a seafood restaurant until the commission sanctioned a hit on veto and this leads us into the story again Lincoln arrives in River row and finds Greco's guys everywhere after taking them out he frees veto from captivity in the freezer Vito says he'll help Lincoln take down Marcano in exchange Lincoln has to help veto get revenge on Michael Greco Greco is controlling the Dock Workers Union and a large Warehouse filled with valuable goods and that if Lincoln can take out both of those then Greco is finished Lincoln talks to vetoes guys and does what he does best he destroys the two rackets Lincoln goes to meet up with veto as he has tracked Michael Greco problem is that Greco is in the crosshairs of Marcano after losing the rackets that Lincoln had destroyed some of marcano's guys turn up and try to kill Greco but he slips away in Lincoln's car Lincoln and veto chase him and eventually capture him taking him back to a warehouse and Vito goes to work on him exacting his revenge with both Cassandra and Vito on side it's time for Lincoln to go after the third underboss in the meantime Sal Marcano takes a call and finds out some surprising news you come to me with something like this Lou you better be goddamn sure Lincoln Clay is still alive [ __ ] me the third on the boss is none other than Thomas Burke Burke isn't doing well after the death of Danny Thomas Burke used to run the rackets in point Verdun for Sal Marcano but could never join the mafia family as he was Irish and not Italian at some point before the heist his territory was forcefully taken by a mobster under salmar Kano named Roman the butcher Barbieri after botched a robbery of stolen car parts Barbieri took over Point Verdun and permanently busted Burke's leg with a tire iron causing him to walk with a limp Burke helped with the heist because he thought it might prompt Sal Marcano into giving him point of a done back Burke is inebriated and doesn't want anything to do with the payback due to what happened to his son Lincoln takes Burke for a ride and basically scares the crap out of him until Burke agrees to get on board Lincoln later meets up with Burke at his place of business and tells him about Barbieri moving on Barbieri Runs The Distillery moonshine Racket and the slaughterhouse which is a protection racket after taking back both of the rackets and giving them back to Burke the butcher has come to take care of Burke Lincoln takes him out and Burke drags him off for some retribution his fate well he died and his body wasn't found until the mid-1980s apparently there was no bone left in his legs ouch anyway Burke agrees to help Lincoln go after Marcano a sit down is called an old mansion in the bayou the three under bosses are there Cassandra Vito and Burke naturally there's a bit of tension Lincoln calms them all down and reveals that they're going to take down marcano's entire network working from the bottom they'll go after his lieutenants first then the capos and then finally Marcano Lincoln will then split out the districts as he sees fit Donna Verna sets the mobile Tax Center in the back of a marquee liquor truck and he tells Lincoln that he'll get as much Intel on marcano's lieutenants as possible we'll break from the main story whilst Lincoln helps Donovan out with a problem Lincoln later meets with Donovan and they drive off to meet one of his old friends at a Cuban restaurant this is Robert Marshall an ex-colly of Donovan's he's now a bounty hunter he's got a lead on Connor Aldridge they have to find a Barman named balmana but when they enter the restaurant it's a bloodbath they find belmana but he's dead Armani used to be a pilot in the Cuban revolutionary armed forces in 1962 the Navy found him stranded in the gulf and took him in he told the CIA everything he knew about Fidel Castro Lincoln finds signs of interrogation meaning that Aldridge was there trying to find out what balmana knew all of a sudden someone runs out of the restaurant Lincoln chases him down and takes him back to Donovan and Marshall they interrogate the guy called Roberto and he reveals the man who shot at the restaurant Aldridge was talking about a house he was asking about a CIA safe house and talked about a plane they arrive at the safe house but it's been attacked the safe house has a computer system and whatever Aldridge wanted is on there they see CIA agents being interrogated and enter an area with the computers they find Aldridge asking a man where the safe is Aldridge finds what he was looking for and executes the man in front of Donovan and then leaves a bunch of mercenaries turn up and try to kill Lincoln and Donovan but they get out of it Donovan is very nervous Aldridge took a file containing some sensitive information Donovan reveals that ever since Roberto mentioned the plane Donovan knew what Aldridge was after thermonuclear Warheads Lincoln and Donovan tracked down one of belmana's crew by Ruben Paez and he's a janitor at a department store they get to Pius just in time defending him from some more Mercenaries players were shot but tells him that their crew was ordered to return the warheads and that they took them to an airstrip on an island outside of Mexico City Lincoln and Donovan arrive at the island and after fighting their way through a load of mercenaries they find the plane there are no Warheads at all but a mercenary tells them that Aldridge has a contact in the NVA a general who will pay big money for the WarHeads more shooting and after clearing even more mercenaries they arrive at a facility fighting their way through the facility they find Aldridge they injure him and Donovan after a brief chat takes Aldridge out they secure the Warhead surviving an ambush in the process and a chopper picks it up Lincoln and Donovan get back to work on the Marcano situation now with three of the Marcano family lieutenants namely Doucet Greco and Barbieri taken out they need to go after the rest one of the lieutenants they need to take out is a man named Frank Pagani he's one of the lieutenants for Tommy Marcano Frank uses a ship to smuggle things in and out of new Bordeaux what's more is that Frank has been going to Cuba for the last eight months where Marcano ran some now shut down casinos and has been bringing back anything salvageable from those casinos for his new one Frank's rackets are stolen vehicles and Freight after bugging Frank's Car Lincoln takes out both rackets and draws Frank out after a high-speed chase Frank concedes dying Frank tells Lincoln that the real reason for the trips to Cuba was to bring in a man named Alvarez a counterfeiter brought in specifically to make counterfeit cash Frank then drops this bombshell had me bring in a man named Alvarez counterfeit all works for Castro you give you the plates too plates what kind of one of the plates from the Federal Reserve Lincoln sees Donovan about Alvarez and Donovan plays Lincoln a recording which basically says that Alvarez has bottled it and he wants to go back to Cuba his uncle said he'd send a boat and for him to wait at the warehouse but Alvarez's uncle and Sal Marcano go way back so Alvarez's Uncle Sells him out Lincoln manages to get to Alvarez who tells Lincoln that the counterfeit money operation is set to put a boxing gym that is owned by Tommy Marcano one of Sal's capos and Sour's youngest brother Lincoln rescues him and after another shootout Lincoln takes the man to Father James who offers the man refuge and sorts him out with transport to a contact in New Mexico it's now time for the second Lieutenant to go it's the turn of Tony dorazio meeting up with Donovan for the scoop on dorazio he gives Lincoln the lowdown this part of town is run by a man named Tony dorazio from what I was able to piece together is a real [ __ ] weirdo Tony De razio it seems never leaves the Royal Hotel so Lincoln draws him out by taking out his rackets a construction Racket and a blackmail racket speaking to Donovan word is that Tony dorazio has made a rare trip out of the hotel he executed one of his guys who wasn't pulling his weight and put a guy called Dominic in charge of recovering any owed money Lincoln has a choice to go in through the lobby which means a certain firefight or he could steal Dominic's car and go in using stealth whatever he chooses Lincoln makes his way through the hotel and confronts dorazio in his penthouse suite in line with Lincoln's Mo of public killings Lincoln throws dorazio out of the window causing a public shock down on the Street Lincoln makes it out of the hotel so five down one to go it's time to go after a man named Enzo Conti Conti has been running the District of Barkley Mills for decades he runs a garbage bracket which uses the trains to bring in construction materials for Sal's Casino Enzo's a little bit different though he has reservations about Sal's casino and thinks that salah's just going to end up screwing over everyone who helps him with it Lincoln does his business and takes out Conti's two rackets make gun running Racket and the garbage racket Lincoln and Donovan call endoconti and Lincoln offers him a deal Conte tells Lincoln to meet him at the Quarry Lincoln gets there and he and Enzo talk hold on here I know you you're Lincoln clay right lived with Sammy Robinson went off to Nam that's right Christ son if I'd have known that we could have saved ourselves a whole lot of trouble you probably don't know this but Sammy and I went way back he was a good man didn't deserve what happened to him hell none of y'all did and this [ __ ] with the casino he said John [ __ ] you from cell to every man who ever worked for he wants to go legit and [ __ ] the rest of us in the process I guess it's well past time I [ __ ] him back you know Remy Duvall sure he's the big shot on the radio without him there's no Casino he owns a land runs a construction company you name it so these are all fronts yeah they're [ __ ] created a big paper trail to protect himself in case everything falls apart and Marcano doesn't own any of the land no it all belongs to Duvall he's no idiot as long as it's in his name Sal can't touch him how do I find him he lives up in Frisco fields but from what I hear Olivia Marcano is keeping close tabs on him forcing him to stay low there's things sound needs is for his sole legitimate partner to get into trouble after that chat Lincoln helps Enzo Conti get out of the Quarry a self-centered of his guys to take Enzo out Lincoln then drops or ends off at a hotel with all the lieutenants now dealt with it's time to go after sales capos now as Enzo Conti mentioned Olivia Marcano is protecting a man named Remy Duval due to him being a legit businessman and owning the land Salas building his casino on thing is Remy is a white supremacist who is the leader of a racist faction called the Southern Union although to the public he denies his involvement with the group Remy is letting his hatred get in the way of marcano's Ambitions as despite Olivia warning Remy not to do anything stupid he does it anyway Lincoln finds out the location of Remy who has gathered all of his Southern Union brothers and delivers a speech their plan was to burn the Delray Hollow to the ground as a message Lincoln kills all the southern union members well the ones that didn't flee and Lincoln takes Remy out Lincoln executes him nailing him to a cross and setting fire to it gets worse for Sal Remy didn't even name the marcanos in the will he handed the land over to a man named Steven DeGarmo who was his nephew Olivia says the six-month prior Remy revised the will but it was never executed all it needs is the signature of Stephen de garmo they offer him a percentage of the profits if he signs over the land to them after the death of poor World Remy it's time for his wake and the Wake was set up by Olivia Marcano Lincoln disguises himself as a waiter and Donovan the scheming man he is supplied Lincoln with LSD the same stuff they used in MK Ultra and Lincoln spiked the wine with LSD so everyone at the Wake was well high as a kite with Olivia Marconi security detail distracted Lincoln confronts her she's injured and she confesses the location of DeGarmo he's being persuaded to sign over the land in a building outside Lincoln leaves her to die and goes to free DeGarmo in the Escape not long after Olivia survived her gunshot wound and was in hospital but she didn't stay alive for long as Georgie Marcano killed her Sal speaking to his brother Tommy about Alvarez who has now disappeared is furious and reprimands tummy he demands that Tommy go down to the boxing gym and protect the operation which leads us to Lincoln going after Capo number two Donovan hadling can track down a man named LC a man who had double-crossed Sammy years back and who was thrown out of the Delray Hollow alsey has been recruiting Fighters for Tommy's fighting racket Lincoln says that if Elsie can get him into the gym he'll work on letting him back into the hollow again they get him without an issue with Elsie saying that Lincoln is there to fight Lincoln wins a few fights and is declared a champion he goes back to the locker room to collect his winnings but Tommy Marcano is waiting for him with some of his guys Lincoln is knocked out and Tommy has tied into some Machinery in his pouring gasoline all over Lincoln he says he mixed vegetable oil with the gasoline which makes it thicker and stickier claiming it'll burn like Napalm but instead of getting on with it Tommy wants to gloat and this gives Lincoln the opportunity to break free and take out Tommy and his men with Tommy wounded Lincoln takes the plates that Sal stole he torches their counterfeiting equipment and leaves Tommy to burn Lincoln then leaves after fighting his way out of the gym shortly after this Sal Marcano is having a meeting with a man named Nino santangelo he produces heroin heroin that Georgie Marcano had been selling Sal though doesn't want heroin in new Bordeaux but santangelo is there for a different reason with Sal's income streams collapsing fast Sal needs santangelo to give him some money to help with this casino santangelo tells Sal in exchange he wants to be able to push heroin in new Bordeaux as freely as he likes Sal reluctantly agrees but Sal also wants santangelo to kill Lincoln Well turns out it didn't go well for santangelo as Lincoln takes him out first anyway one more Capo left and it's Sal's Brother Lou Lou Luma Kano looks after a judge from the fifth Circuit Court of Louisiana an asset to the Marcano crime family called Cornelius Holden as seen from Tony dorazio's Ledger the marcanos were paying Holden ten thousand dollars a time for his support in the building of Sal's casino and all the legal aspects that come with it like legalizing gambling in Louisiana Holden though after realizing that Lincoln was coming after everyone linked to Marcano was nervous he threatened Lou Marcano and told him that until Lincoln is taken care of Sal's case on legalizing gambling is going absolutely nowhere so naturally Lincoln takes out judge Holden even an armed escort and an armored vehicle can't protect him after this Sal loses his head with Lou what am I supposed to do he wouldn't listen Sal it ain't my fault oh nothing's ever your goddamn fault I swear if you want my brother I'd clap you myself now listen here I know a guy state senator named Jacobs he's on the revenue on fiscal Affairs committee has a lot of influence can we get to him already have he has a thing for [ __ ] on women who ain't his wife I don't want to twist this guy's balls out of the gate you understand we need to be smart about this yeah yeah of course uh how about I throw him a fundraiser on the riverboat show him a real nice time getting weighed all that [ __ ] goddamn Casino got me tapped you understand this goes down the [ __ ] we're [ __ ] all of us well I'll pick the gas myself make sure they know what's what then we'll take a nice long cruise down the bayou get them all liquored up once he sees them payday Jacobs was going to do whatever we want so time to crash a party Lincoln goes to rig explosives on a coal dumper in the bayou and while the Riverboat past the coal dumper the explosives caused the structure to land on the boat causing it to slowly sink Lincoln again has to fight his way through swathes and lose men he Corners Lou and Walter Jacobs but before Lou can take the Senate to hostage an explosions throws Lewin Lincoln overboard Lou limps through the swamps but Lincoln catches up with him I got money you can have it holy just don't kill me I don't want your money I want you to send a message to your brother yeah it kills Lewin strings him up on the statue in the French Ward the sign that says relax Jacobs a message to Sal Marcano Jacob's FYI was killed too scuppering Sal's plans for legalizing gambling in Louisiana we'll take a break from the story quickly as whilst visiting Father James at his Parish Father James takes Lincoln to Sami so he can possibly find some closure see while he was unconscious Lincoln missed the funeral of Sammy and Ellis so he never really got a chance to say goodbye when they get to Sammy's though a girl called Anna runs out of the burnt remains of the bar three strange men walk outside Lincoln kills them and checks on Anna Father James takes her to a safe house and Lincoln investigates Lincoln grabs his Recon camera to take pictures of any evidence in order to find out more about who the men were and what they're up to a dead man lies on the floor and after investigating Lincoln ascertains that this man was running away and got shot after stabbing and mortally wounding another man this seems to be a cult and this man has got the same face paint and a strange tattoo Lincoln goes to see Father James and Anna and it turns out that it is indeed a cult that they are dealing with and Anna is a part of the cult Father James mentions the name unsunglante Lincoln remembers that Sami used to tell him and Ellis stories about The Unsung glante to scare them this cult are the onsanglante which is French for covered in blood they practice human sacrifice their leader is a woman named Bonnie Harless she recruited Anna to the cult Mast Anna was working a shift at a diner Lincoln sets out to find Bonnie who recruits people out of a nightclub downtown called Nui Blanche Lincoln gains entry to the club and follows the bouncer Oscar who doesn't like Bonnie and the cult at all Bonnie is making a speech and Oscar says that Bonnie has her hooks into people he explains that when he last Saw Anna he saw the cult taking her somewhere after following Oscar Lincoln enters the VIP area he follows it through a strange series of tunnels to an indoctrination area featuring some altars that show different locations in New Bordeaux a storage Warehouse a school and a picture of a confederate general named Braxton Mosby Hollis who had a huge house in Frisco Fields essentially due to General Harless being a racist [ __ ] in 1908 black residents of new Bordeaux had enough of being lynched and killed by The Unsung glante and set fire to the new Bordeaux opera house with 100 of the wealthiest citizens inside it the cult then went into hiding in the bayou for decades anyway Lincoln on attempting to leave is surprised by Bonnie who releases some sort of gas which makes Lincoln trip out as always Lincoln has to fight his way out he checks out all three locations from the altars and he essentially finds out that the cult worships and deity named Pearson glunt a horned winged creature which was allegedly discovered and encountered by Braxton Harless they perform rituals in places they call places of Darkness the recent deaths of Sami Ellis and Dany at Sammy's Bar is the reason that the onsong glante held a ritual there Harless believed that his bloodline would bear the pests and glunt into fleshly form and will be known as the blessed Lincoln whilst at the old opera house witnessed a tape of Anna being assaulted by the cult's high priest he impregnated Anna with what they viewed as the cult's future leader the blessed Lincoln goes back to Anna and discovers that Father James was knocked unconscious by Anna and she's hiding in the bathroom Father James had been going over some photos and something triggered Anna's memory she remembered what the high priest did to her she is in the bathroom with a knife she tells Lincoln that the cult her hold up at the old sanatorium Lincoln tries to reason with her but to no avail Anna ends her own life Furious Lincoln goes to the sanatorium to finish the cult off he fights through them all and confronts Bonnie she gloats that The Unsung glante will survive long past any of them Lincoln breaks the news that Anna is dead so their savior won't be born Bonnie lunges at Lincoln enraged but he stabs her and she dies good riddance Lincoln arranges for Anna to be buried along with Sammy and Ellis after this he goes to pick up his aunt Lily and together they rebuild sami's again along with having a launch party to celebrate but back into the story again Lincoln goes to see Donovan so they can make their final move they're finally going after Marcano Donovan is getting ready to burn everything and he plays Lincoln every cathartic recording loose dead he found him that statue heard of Jackson over on a French ward he was gutted like a goddamn catfish Jesus [ __ ] cry we would not be in this [ __ ] mess if you've done what you were supposed to do you would yeah I started writing the [ __ ] hit what you shot him once I am leveraged out their ass pulled in every favor and none of it made a goddamn difference with what I am [ __ ] now that's [ __ ] we still got some men I say we hit the streets and we found that [ __ ] sucker every low life ball and piss in this city smells blood in the water my blood if you understand and they'd step over their own mother if it meant being the one that clipped me I wouldn't last 10 [ __ ] minutes out there that's a crock of [ __ ] you forget you are Sal Marcano well there's got to be something we can do call whatever men we still have left telling me just up there at the casino so guess where Lincoln is headed next he arrives at the casino and gets through what's left of Sal's Men He confronts Georgie first sweet retribution I always thought you were my friend that you had me and Ellis's backs it was just an act you didn't kill me because I said no you killed me because you thought you owned me owned all of us it was never about us about my old man my father I did anything for him same as you and Sammy and you understand why I have to do [ __ ] foreign whatever was between us is over you understand it ended the second it was you coming up downstairs instead of my son a month or so after my brother Lucho died started having night I had this one where I was on a boat Giant Wave come knock my ass overboard I hit that water and sink like a goddamn Rock but the one that really got to me was Georgie's funeral he laid out in that shitty little casket neck cut same as luchos I buried a lot of people more than I can count the one I never wanted a secret down in that cold ground was my son in here we are yes here we are my son is dead and I'm having a drink with his killer now I'm not going to apologize for what I did you understand if I did I'd just be lying now Lincoln has a choice he can leave and Sal shoots himself but the alternative is a lot cooler it's done it's over Lincoln leaves the casino when we meet an old friend again Leo gallante he reveals that he told Sal that the casino would be the end of him but he meant figuratively he tells Lincoln that the commission want him dead along with anyone else who had anything to do with Sal's murder he delivers a message and says that Lincoln made his point but it all ends here Leo says that Lincoln will still need to kick back 20 of any profits in new Bordeaux in exchange Lincoln can run things how he sees fit and Leo leaves but you may recognize his driver it seems that Joe wasn't killed at all now in the game Lincoln can help veto with a vendetta after killing five targets Vito explains why Lincoln killed them I handled the last of that problem for you oh [ __ ] so it's really [ __ ] over you all right yeah yeah means Joe's really dead good friend of mine it's more like family me and him tried to do something big for this [ __ ] named Leo gallante big shot with the commission anyways it all went South then we got [ __ ] get for following orders right it was a couple of years that I didn't know if Joe was alive or what when did you know maybe four or five years after I got sent down here I still had a little pull back home I kept some feelers out every word comes back one of the guys I saw drive off with Joe is running his mouth can't hold his liquor and someone heard him going on about some loud mouth Leo wanted him to put down yeah that same loudmouth course this guy's front teeth and cracked one of his eye sockets sounds like Joe didn't make it easy for him you're goddamn right ain't no one taking Joe Barbara down without a fight Joe managed to get loose he was on a run for a while went to Chicago thinking a couple of guys up there would help him instead they turned on him anyways and you end up went how it went beat the [ __ ] out of him cut his [ __ ] hands off smashed his face off to hell one was over they didn't leave much for anybody to find you sure it was Joe if it wasn't him if Joe was still alive he would have found me by now so after leaving the Casino Lincoln arrives at Father James Place Donovan is there Father James says that Lincoln has caused a storm in the city and it's going to take a long time to settle down Lincoln says that with Marcano Dead new Bordeaux belongs to him and there's no one left to stand in his way we can't be serious that the point of this wasn't to replace Marcano it was to remove him this City's done gone through enough it doesn't need another yeah you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me this city is a cesspool it's where people come to [ __ ] and drink and get high you watch your filthy mouth that's what the city is Padre if it's not giving another Sal Marcano it's gonna [ __ ] one out he's right if it ain't gonna be me it's gonna be somebody else probably somebody worse amen Father James begs Lincoln to leave and go to California as was his original plan before Marcano killed his family Donovan then gives Lincoln some advice to kill Cassandra Vito and Burke before they kill him first Donovan then leaves so Lincoln therefore has a choice or three choices one to leave new Bordeaux two to rule along with the three other underbosses or three to rule alone and kill the other underbosses I think the most fitting one is for Lincoln to leave as that was his plan all along he's exacted his revenge this means that veto took over the city with the ultimate Fu to Sal Marcano he finished the casino and then opened up another one and just kept on developing hotels Arenas and Convention centers Lincoln then went to California and worked at the shipyards and then he went to Alaska New York South America and went back to Vietnam too he'd write to Father James sending postcards to him on the other hand if Lincoln chooses to rule together with the underbosses he takes over and expands his operations across the South and into Florida and then across the Carolinas he rebuilt the Del Rey Hollow brought up large parts of the city to rebuild and reopened the amusement park he opened schools and hospitals and made massive Charity donations and the third and final ending is that if Lincoln chooses to rule alone he kills the three other underbosses but is killed by Father James who places a bomb underneath his car the game then ends so Mafia 3 does a fair bit of flashbacking we see this through a documentary style lens filmed in 2016 the subject of which was Lincoln clay featuring Father James a retired FBI agent named Jonathan Maguire and a U.S Senate hearing featuring John Donovan it's through these interviews that we learned that Father James was a World War II veteran himself a medic which explains how he was able to nurse Lincoln back to health after his injuries and then there was McGuire Maguire was unfortunate enough to be transferred to new Bordeaux in 1968. the year Lincoln clay returned home from Vietnam he retired in 1999 but was even in 2016 still determined to bring down Lincoln clay he spent years trying to connect the dots he even remarks at one point saying that someone stole a load of equipment from them in 1968. one interesting point is that after Sal Georgie and Richie Doucette fled Sammy's Bar a witness saw them and Maguire wanted to bring a case against Sal Marcano but Maguire was shut down by judge Holden who you'll remember was in marcano's pocket but the most interesting and bombshell revelation is from the conspiracy nut John Donovan at various points we get flashes of Donovan being questioned by Louisiana state Senator Robert Blake this hearing took place on 25th of August 1971 and the state senate select committee called John Donovan to give his testimony to them and then this happened let me ask you something remember at home I believe I don't remember at home I believe let me tell you where I was a muddy Hut in Vietnam slowly dismembering an old woman cutting her apart bit by bit and do you know why because her son was an NBA officer and hurting her was the only way to make him talk I don't understand what this has to do what he told us saved the lives of an entire platoon that's 42 men that lived another day because I was willing to take a saw to that old woman thank you Mr Donovan I believe that's it shut the [ __ ] up I did a lot of terrible [ __ ] over there in the name of this country [ __ ] that will haunt me for the rest of my life but I did it because I believed in the fight I believed what this nation stood for so to be sitting their ass deep in mud with that old woman scattered all around me and hearing that the president of the United States had just been [ __ ] murdered well I knew right then and there that I couldn't let that stand that I would find a way to make it right no matter how long it took what are you saying I'm saying that Sal Marcano group of conspirators murdered Jack Kennedy oh that is the most absurd thing I have ever heard I assumed it don't [ __ ] move after Sal Marcano died I went to his files imagine my surprise when I saw your name over and over and over and over again the mob wanted Jack Kennedy daddy you are more than willing to help they will know that I am not finishing with you I am starting with you and that is pretty much it for this one and this video took ages so please if you enjoyed it then please leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you aren't already comment your thoughts down below but for now take care and I'll see you in the next one foreign
Channel: Gaming Harry
Views: 1,133,948
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Keywords: the entire mafia story explained so far, full story of mafia, mafia game storyline, mafia game timeline, mafia deep dive, vito scaletta explained, tommy angelo explained, salieri crime family, gaming harry, lincoln clay explained, mafia explained, mafia 2 explained, mafia 3 explained, mafia 3 story explained, mafia story explained
Id: N0f0Gc6QtuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 49sec (6109 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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