The Complete Story of Desmond Miles

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foreign the tale of Desmond miles doesn't spam long just a lifetime and the bulk of his story the bulk of his significance to the world takes place in little more than 100 days but in these hundred days he experienced multiple lifetimes with the power of the Animus he unlocked the story of his DNA his ancestors he secured American independence Through The Eyes of Connor he saw the Wonder and Corruption from the tops of grand Renaissance architecture with Ezio and he saw Altair wrestle with his ego and the power of ancient artifacts as he searched for ultimate truths Desmond learned more in these days than anyone could do in a lifetime Desmond miles did not choose his path it was chosen for him throughout his life he has raged against those that hope to use him for their own ends in this he failed but the choice he would ultimately get to to make would be his and his alone in those 100 days the skills he's gained the knowledge he would learn would get him to that pivotal moment this is the tale of an ordinary man with an extraordinary lineage and an extra ordinary Destiny and it starts here deep in the buildings of abstego Industries in Rome this is Desmond miles and he is trapped trapped against his will to perform a task he knows nothing about it's 2012 abstergo Industries have no right to hold him they're a corporate company famous for their pharmaceutical products but beneath that facade hides a collective with evil intent what do they want with Desmond you have information we need Mr miles the abstego scientists watching Desmond are doctors Warren Village and Lucy Stillman they assess Desmond while in the Animus you're inside the Animus it's a projector that renders genetic memories in three dimensions Desmond is special because his genetic memories might just help them find the thing that abstergo desperately need Desmond grew up in the farm a commune of the Assassins an ancient order with a sole purpose to rid the world of tyranny Desmond comes from a long lineage of great assassins one of them being Altair IBN lahat I'm the patient wolf and welcome to my channel I tell stories and at the moment I'm on a mission to encapsulate the complete story of the Assassin's Creed franchise the first five of which tell the story of our hero Desmond miles the sixth installment Black Flag will be out on this channel very soon so make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell to be informed when it does a like on this video will do it wonders go on do it now each of my videos take hours to record script and construct so if you would like to support this work and get exclusive ad-free access weeks before anyone else then consider joining my patreon where patrons contribute to my doing this work for you so settle in relax and get ready to experience this complete story please enjoy the pentality of Desmond miles this is the closest we can get so it's where we'll have to start 1191 the Holy Land War ravaged by King Richard's Crusades for Altair there are four cities connected by the barren lands of the Kingdom of Heaven Damascus akka Jerusalem and massia home to the assassins and their leader al-nualim it was Al mulim that sent Altair unto fellow assassins Malik and his brother Kadar on a mission to Jerusalem to retrieve a treasure I would not have taken the life of an innocent follow the Creed it matters not how we complete our task only that it's done but this is not the way my way is better Robert his life is mine do not compromise the Brotherhood and what is it you want blood no don't ah I spare you only that you may return to your master and deliver a message the Holy Land Is Lost to him in his altoya's arrogance not only led to the failure of their mission but his fellow assassins were seemingly doomed Altair returns to Massif to face the wrath of Al Mulan do not speak not another word to compound his shame Malik arrives having retrieved the treasure but he returns injured and mourning his brother he also reports that Robert de Saab is not far behind Altair's reprimand can wait the Assassins do what they can to defend the city but soon Retreat to the castle lie down what you have stolen from mommy my men do not fear death Robert they welcome it and the rewards it brings go to God a leap of faith that's fooled the saab's men Altair flanks them and springs the Trap that ends The Siege but this is not enough to undo Altair's transgressions against the order we are nothing if we do not abide by the Assassin's Creed Three simple tenets stay your blade hide in plain sight the third and final tenet never compromise the Brotherhood Altair contravened all of these and all that has happened to Massif is due to that peace be upon you I'll die here he's executed as a traitor but this was just the power of suggestion a warning to Altair carrying with it a punishment you'll see you have been stripped of your possessions your rank as well to earn his rank back and the favor of al-mulim he is given a task a list of nine names the death of which will Aid in the ending of The Crusade and March the holy lands towards peace Altair must do this single-handedly not with the help of his genius he must travel to the various cities do his own leg work his own research listening patiently on the streets using sleight of hand to attain knowledge chasing down those with information on how to best take out these warmongers that plague these lands after he's done this he must ask permission from the Assassin's Bureau to carry out his plan Altair must swallow his bride and become a novice again he starts this in Damascus with the weapons dealer Tamir has done his research he knows the evil of this man he is sure it is tummy as time to die be at peace but I serve a far nobler cause than mere Prophet just like my brothers Brothers You've Done well Altair and I'm confident that this is what the first of many successes go now either to akka or Jerusalem in those cities he sees to the death of two more evil men Garnier dinapolus a crusader who drives people to Madness testing his herbal concoctions but in the planning of this kill Altair uncovers a connection a cooperation between Garnier a crusader and Tamiya a saracen and the man he was about to kill talal providing the test subjects for Garnier was too loud why would enemies be working together not to sell but to save you truly believe you were helping them it's not what I believe it's what I know why are these men not remorseful they speak as if their work had a higher purpose than just profit and why were they testing on these subjects what were they working towards on his deathbed Garnier reveals the name of the treasure currently residing in massiaf I admit without the Peace of Eden which you stole from us my progress was slowed you've done well three of the nine lay dead outside air is slowly regaining the respect of his brothers the grandiosity that clouded his judgment is Lifting and he returns to Massif to continue the work of his cause his master provides more names Regent of Jerusalem your work here is finished no no it had only just begun William I did to prepare them for the new world abundukud the wealthiest man in Damas is it so different from your old work a minor evil for a greater good we are the same the connection between the seemingly disparate men was now undeniable they speak of a Brotherhood you cannot stop us we will have our new world he needs to know more who are they these men are connected by a Blood Oath that unlike our own novice dominate Templars now you see the true reach of Robert De Sable Robert the Saab is the linchpin of the secret society the Grand Master of the ninth Templar what do they desire Conquest they seek the Holy Land not in the name of God but for themselves that is why we do our work out here to ensure a future free of such things that why do they need this piece of Eden this apple this treasure that al-mulim guards so caringly in Massif Castle what is this treasure it is Temptation he who holds it commands the hearts and minds of whoever looks upon it out of the machine Mr miles Miss Stillman is once again insisting I let you rest Desmond's time in the Animus has gleaned much but nothing of stagger did not already know Lucy is continually worried about Desmond's prolonged exposure to this machine and champions regular breaks Warren Village needs results from Desmond time for him and abstergo are running out Desmond is obs 17th subject the subject that came before him subject 16 he suffered the Eagle Vision that animus facilitated along with the genetic memories of his ancestors merged with his time outside of the Animus and gradually drove him insane Lucy does not want this to happen to Desmond that little fight your ancestor started during the Third Crusade it never ended you're being held by Templars abstergo is their company the battle between the assassins and Templars has been going on for centuries and is still going on but at present the balance has monumentally tipped in favor of the Templars Adam stego's hold over the world is nearly complete but just like almost a thousand years prior they are looking for divine assistance the artifact from Messiah they had it it was destroyed in the accident then what are they hoping for me you know for my ancestor to tell them they're hoping he'll show them where the other ones are you mean there's more than one of these things with the Apple destroyed in the present day their plans were put on hold but the Apple in Massif may help them find more in order to create their new world they need the piece of Eden to submit their philosophy order Mr miles the world needs order that is what we're working towards and that is what you're helping us to achieve your ancestors almost had the right idea Mr miles they didn't go far enough there's no true change to be had without comprehensive systemic intervention both the assassins and the templar's goal is peace only the method is disputed by the Assassins I guess the best way to explain it is what they want is good but the way they're going about it there are two more Templars who require your attention what I do known as join them one in Damas called jubair do any else among you wish to challenge me what is the truth we see the world the way it really is what is the world then an illusion one which we can either submit to as most do or transcend do you see now why the Templars are a threat whereas we would dispel the illusion they would use it to rule with eight men slain only the hydra's head remains Robert the Saab like he has done for all his kills Altair studied the land to get a bearing on how to bring down his final Target word has it that Robert will be attending a funeral for Malta Deen he infiltrates and the Saab is for the taking but it's a trap Gods descend but Altair overcomes and gets his man except he doesn't because it's not the Saab but a decoy a woman named Maria we knew you'd come Roberta needed to be sure he'd have time to get away altoya spares her a decision he will one day be glad off you must go to almualam there's no time she told me where he's gone what he plans Robert assault's plan is to unite the warring factions the Cruces shaders and the saracens to a common aim to defeat the Assassins alsair rides for asuf fights his way through the armies to meet again with the Grand Master of the Knights Templar Robert de Saria this time a changed man a man that sees his world himself and his Creed in truth and with humility in contrast to their first meeting outside air conkers but in doing so the inconceivable is revealed you boy just as he betrayed me nine men he sent you to kill yes it wasn't nine who found the treasure assassin but then give me his name foreign his heart knew what his mind would not tell him Altair races back to Massif he had been manipulated to do Alma Williams bidding all the time placing the Holy Land in his hands now to control omnipotently I said get up God damn it listen oh no they're coming for you assassins sounds like they're mounting Some Kind of Rescue attempt whatever's going on down there has got nothing to do with me here have a listen that's been neutralized the assassins out there have dwindled to almost nothing they can't save Desmond but there still exists one that can the person that tipped the Assassins off about where Desmond is I am screwed okay what do you want me to do just try and have a little faith Lucy has been protecting Desmond as best she can she is a prisoner too but what abstego don't know is that she's an assassin but upstairs are on the cusp of the information they need time is ticking Altair arrives back to massive Castle now in Alma Lim's thrall the will of the master must be obeyed the piece of Eden having captured the minds of all who exist in and around the castle walls he moves to confront his master no what's happening I found proof that nothing is true and Bend mines almu Alim unleashes the specters of the nine slain Templars for Altair to fight once more you won't succeed others will find the strength to stand against you and this is why so long as men maintain free will there can be no peace and you refuse to give up this evil scheme it seems then we are at an impasse no we are at an end Altair has been under the wing of Alma willim all his life but his new reinforced understanding of the cree compels him to not only end his master's existence but the artifacts too you held fire in your hand old man it should have been destroyed never then I will as al-mulim releases his grip on the Apple abstergo gets the information they desire the Apple reveals a map a map to all the remaining pieces of Eden destroyed I can't A Thousand Years From This Moment The Hunt for just one of these Divine artifacts begins the upper management have what they want Warren Village is relieved his task fulfilled Lucy Champions keeping Desmond alive for this next stage of abstego's plan they leave the hell is that the Affliction that claimed the sanity of subject 16 has reached Desmond the bleeding effect has taken hold oh my God and what happened to him what does it mean I wonder thank you to be continued foreign we have to go Desmond miles is an assassin imprisoned about to be freed from a prison named abstaga abstago is the corporate company with a Sinister secret it is a front for the Templar order an ancient organization hell-bent on power and control tools of their control and objects of their Obsession are pieces of Eden artifacts that bend mines to the holders will Desmond forced to help abstergo find them using the Animus a machine that Taps into the user's lineage a machine abstego are using to uncover Secrets they have the map to find more and need to be stopped luckily Desmond has an ally Lucy Stillman an undercover assassin is going to break him free but before they escape to the Assassin Hideout Desmond needs to synchronize with a new ancestor an ancestor that will Aid in their war against the Templars what shall we call him it ow Florence 1476 at the height of the Renaissance movement a time of great cultural advancement science art but also money and power Ezio was born into this money and power a member of the Auditore banking family friends of the Medici it was a Carefree time for Ezio he had a loving family supportive friends and Away with women life was good they never changed but unbeknownst to Ezio his life was about to be changed irreparably the auditories have enemies Desmond and Lucy are free from abstego and safe in the Assassin hideout in Rome in Lucy's absence Rebecca crane with help from Sean Hastings has developed animus 2.0 and with the Animus memory Lucy stole from abstergo Desmond is ready to be plugged back in this time in cooperation and a cause of hope we're losing this war Desmond we're going to train you turn you into one of us you broke me out of abstergo and brought me here just to make me an assassin look there's more to it than that but it'll have to wait trust me the Assassins hope to use Ezio's life and learning to train Desmond in a matter of days because days might be all they have the Animus will facilitate this through the bleeding effect that has already afforded Desmond skills outside of the Animus combat and Eagle Vision but they must be careful too much exposure and Desmond could end up like others like subject 16. all right I'm in here we go Ezio's father Giovanni was trained trained in banking and the head of the Medici Bank but he was also trained in skills he used secretly kept secret from his children Giovanni is an assassin a member of the Italian order and currently investigating Fort Lorenzo de Medici ruler of Florence Giovanni had uncovered a plot a plot that had already seen the assassination of the Duke of Milan a plot that looked to seize power across Italy Giovanni fears Lorenzo and Florence was next Giovanni already knew the Mastermind of his conspiracy Rodrigo Borgia the head of the Templar order there were other names too the only one he knew for sure Francesco de Patsy head of the other powerful family in Florence the Patsy's jealous of the rise of the medicis and resentful of the auditory's involvement Giovanni had the information to take them down but with Lorenzo out of the city the Templars the opportunity to take down Giovanni the man threatening to derail their plan Ezio returns from running errands for his father they took your father and brothers ignoria to a safe Ezio climbed the prison tower under cover of night this listen closely return to the house in my office is a hidden door use your talent to find it Beyond lies a chest take everything you find inside much of it may seem strange to you but all of it is important and show us to their significance Ezio puts on the robes sheaths the sword takes the scroll a strange device and a letter a letter he is instructed to take to uberto Alberti the Justice Minister a friend of the auditores and their final hope to fix this Ezio leaves his father's secret chamber his world is rocked by the Revelation that there is more to their father than they had known it's a misunderstanding Ezio I will clear everything up I'll present these papers at their hearing in the morning and they'll be released don't worry it's you everything is going to be fine except it won't it will never be the same again because Alberto is not a friend he is in League with Rodrigo Borgia and driven by his own need for Revenge Ezio's father and brothers are executed before his eyes you may take our lives this day but we will have yours in return I swear we will father hey get out of the boy he's one of them Ezio runs to escape the same fate and returns to the remaining auditor race his mother Maria and sister Claudia they are kept in a bordello run by Paula I can't stay why where are you going to kill Umberto Alberti you are not a killer at you but I can make you one little did he know but this was the start of a lifetime of training with a long line of strangers imparting their wisdom to fulfill Ezio's Destiny to be an assassin no small part of that is learning to blend into the crowd to stay hidden in plain science to use distractions to reach guarded places and to use the hidden blade to make his kills that was made possible by a local artist engineer and family friend Leonardo da Vinci who deciphered the strange scroll found with his father's things and used it to restore the hidden blade for Ezio's use incredible and he used it on his first kill uberto Alberti you I'm still here me that's you have the Dory Ezio has announced his revenge not only that but to find out why his father and brothers had to Die the Patsy's are next on his list but he must think of those that remain too I think it's best Ali Firenze my Uncle Mario on the Villa near Monterey Johnny to keep Maria and Claudia safe they sneak out of the city and head for the place of their father's birth montregione but as they arrive their path is blocked by vieri De Patsy the son of his father's conspirator Francesco de Patsy what do you want vieri your life kill them kill them all them all Ezio and his family are saved by his uncle Mario auditory vieri flees although Ezio looks to take his family much further Mario persuades Ezio to stay and train for the dangerous tasks ahead a task that is in his blood Villa montregioni becomes their home and although run down is an opportunity for them to salvage the auditory name with Claudia's management and investment it can be great again in the coming months etsio would come to learn of his Heritage the history of the assassins and the work they were born to do part of that work was to collect and decipher Codex pages like the one hidden in his father's chest ancient writings scattered time on these Pages wisdom gathered by a legendary assassin Altair IBN lahart will long ago held a piece of Eden he spoke of something powerful and ancient hidden beneath the land under prophecy the extent of which only more pages will reveal and some of those are held by Templars also seeking this truth Ezio joins Mario in search of their next Target vieri de Patsy in doing so Ezio overhears developments within the Templar plot it settled very you will remain here to coordinate the mercenary Francesco will organize our forces in the city and send word when it's time to strive your job is to calm the citizens once the deed is done a new name to the list jacopo de Patsy Uncle to Francesco their plots to assassinate Lorenzo de Medici and take control of Florence the Assassins must stop this after the meeting they close in on vieri and end his life show some respect you are not Fury do not become him Ezio was not raised an assassin like his father and Uncle the mindset required will take time where will you go next you will share the fate of his son 1478 there he meets More Strangers to Aid his path At Your Service Francesco de Patsy is meeting his people inside that church a meeting in which Ezio learns more of the plot where the assassination attempt will take place when and names of others involved in the Patsy conspiracy if they succeed if we lose Lorenzo and Firenze falls to the party it will not come to that the patsies end the life of Lorenzo's brother but Ezio Shepherds the ruler of Florence to safety helped save our city auditory kill will judge you for what you've done requies with Francesco dead jacobo flees Lorenzo has the remaining names of the Patsy conspiracy who may help track yakapo down Antonio Murphy Archbishop Francesco salviati where is jacobo he knows you come for him Stefano de banyani they meet in the shadow of the Roman gods We Gather at the church when a meeting is called Ezio finds yakapo at the church and follows him to the meeting in the shadow of the Gods furious at the collapse of his plan to take over Florence Rodrigo Borgia kills the last of the Patsy conspiratives and calls out the Assassin that foiled his plans did you honestly think I wouldn't expect you to follow we've been at this a lot longer than you Gilliam with four years of training behind him he escapes the Trap and with Florence saved he heads for Venice to learn more of the next stage of the Templar plan and close in on those that took his father and brothers Desmond needs to take a break the bleeding effect although useful must be carefully managed so how am I doing you've picked up every single one of Ezio skills the adoption rate is fantastic another day or two and we'll be done but Desmond is hallucinating accessing memories outside the Animus of faith that befell subject 16 before he died but before he died he left a message hidden in the Animus brought over to 2.0 this message is broken up into fragments and scattered around Renaissance Italy when whole this message will be vital in understanding the origins of the pieces of Eden whilst reliving Ezio's memory Desmond needs to collect these fragments Venice [ __ ] where trade is strangled and monopolized by the merchant Emilio barbarigo a member of the Templars and key to Borges plans in Venice Ezio knows this is the next man on his list but the palace in which he resides is too well protected and armed Personnel too numerous he will need help help arrives in the form of Antonio Rosa and their Band of Thieves we know all about you serious your work in Florence and the rest of Tuscany good work too if a little unrefined as Ezio helps break down barbarigo's hole in the city both Ezio and Desmond add more strings to their bow in becoming more rounded assassins your good work has restored us to a former strength Ezio we are ready to strike your little house of cards is crumbling what do not be afraid I thought Unity stability order at two great day cast Emilio is meeting with a man named Carlo Carlo Grimaldi he sits on the Council of ten I have a meeting to attend that meeting is attended by Carlo Rodrigo Borgia and three others those men are Silvio barbarigo cousin DeMarco and Marco's Bodyguard the loyal and dangerous Dante Morrow all of them Templars looking to take control of Venice after attempting to draw the current Doge of Venice to the Templar way of thinking failed Carla Grimaldi was to poison him with Marco taking the seat of power another city another plot another building Ezio must infiltrate but this time to save the Doge of Venice and the City from Templar hands with Antonio's help they recie the palace where the Doge resides I must warn you it's not going to be so easy this time Palazzo ducali is the most heavily guarded building in Venezia nothing is impenetrable but not by traditional means he needs the help of the genius inventor Leonardo and is yet untested flying machine Like an Eagle Ezio descends on the roof of so to the rescue of the Doge stop stop but he's too late the doge is poisoned Ezio catches up with Carlo Grimaldi talk to you with the Doge dead the Templar plan is still on track as Marco barbarigo takes his place Ezio waits for his chance to unseat him and uses the carnival as cover to do so as Marco gives a speech to the reveling crowds Ezio strikes with Rodrigo border away in Rome Silvio and The Bodyguard Dante are all that remain at the Templar plot in Venice Silvio has amassed in Army in the military District in order to break that control Ezio must have an army of his own he and his men have little love for Sylvia with his help they storm the district now Sylvia will see just how grave a mistake he's made Ezio catches up with them both fleeing towards a departing ship why the boss don't use seed just a distraction we were meant to sail where I'll never tell Cyprus is their destination they want they want to find out what the Templar sought in Cyprus Ezio would have to wait two years time for Ezio to find a decipher the remaining Codex pages and with the help of Leonardo he revealed more of the prophecy the prophet will appear when the second peace is brought to the floating city the prophecy hidden in the Codex leading to an ancient Vault that holds something very powerful but if that's why they send the ship to Cyprus to find this piece of Eden the killing of mochenigo even the Medici my father and brothers it was all part of his plan to find the vote of the Spaniard the Templar boat returns from Cyprus carrying the piece of Eden Ezio infiltrates disguises himself and joins the triumphant Templar soldiers carrying the much long for piece of Eden to the waiting Rodrigo Bulger she who your Prophet how many people have died for these I am the prophet Now give me the Apple border guards descend but Ezio surprise so do his allies all the people that have shaped him and helped smooth his path over the last 10 years 10 years of Vengeance these seemingly disconnected individuals come together to see off the Border soldiers and protect the Apple they do so but Rodrigo Borgia escapes what are you all doing here perhaps the same thing you are Ezio hoping to see the prophet appear a prophet's arrival was foretold and unbeknownst to us here you are perhaps all along you were the one we sought a new face for Ezio but Nicolo Machiavelli will explain the tie that binds all these people these friends they are assassins it's true Liberty we have all been guiding you for years teaching you the skills you would need to join our ranks that night Ezio is officially inducted into the Brotherhood we work in the dark to serve the light we are assassins nothing is true the apple is the Assassin's possession and more weight is added to the theory that Ezio is the prophet foretold as the Apple reacts to his presence thank you this must never fall into the wrong ends it's your you must protect this with all the skills we have taught you they have the Apple but the Templar plot is still alive and well in the hands of Rodrigo Borgia and it will be another 10 years before the Assassins are able to strike again ten years to Source the remaining Codex pages while locked in a seemingly Perpetual struggle to keep hold of the Apple but keep hold of it they do Ten Years Later with the Apple in hand the year is 14.99. Rodrigo Borger has extended his power throughout Italy and the world as he is now Pope and for the Assassins the time has come let us finish what you and my father started all those years ago perhaps now we can finally make sense of this prophecy and put a stop to whatever it is the Spaniard is plotting we should start by locating the Vault the Codex pages will lead us to it when the pages are brought together with the Apple they reveal a map a map that reveals the location of the Vault it exists in the Vatican City it looks like the vault is in Roma the spaniel this is why he became Bob not only did it give him the power to spread the Templar influence through Italy and the world but it gave him access to the Vault and to the papal staff the Codex always spoke of two keys two pieces of Eden needed to open the vault Vapor staff is the second piece of Eden while the other assassins caused trouble in the city of Rome Ezio uses the distraction to infiltrate the Vatican during Rodrigo borger's papal sermon to the Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel I don't think so how is it to resist I see the kind of you to bring me the Apple you will give it to me as you wish the two battle both imbued with the power of the piece of Eden they possess but Rodrigo more familiar with the artifact's power overcomes Ezio and now to deal with you he now has both pieces of Eden and the location of the Vault his Decades of work has reached its conclusion he heads towards his perceived Destiny Ezio injured but able to stand uses his skills to pursue Rodriguez it's over Rodrigo get it over with Dan no killing you won't bring my family back Ezio elects to spare the false prophet Rodrigo and on touching the staff paired with the Apple the vault door opens allowing the profit to enter greetings Prophet it is good you have come let us see it to give thanks the Hologram the Ezio faces is God no not God we simply came before Minerva is a projection from an advanced intelligence that existed before man in fact they created man man did not evolve this was a fact fabricated by the Templars to protect the secrets they wish to take advantage of the ones that came before made humans as slaves but the oppressed Rose and overcame their masters shortly after that a Celestial event occurred that wiped out almost all life those that remained from both sides work together to rebuild the world you were kind of struggled to understand our existence you may not comprehend us but you will comprehend our warning our words are not meant for you I do not wish to speak with you but to you or the prophet is the person Minerva was to commune with is Desmond through the Animus to deliver a message to warn of the coming of another Celestial event an event that could literally shake the world to its core taking some if not all of humanity with it the ones that came before have now died out but what they left behind was vaults like these temples within them the wisdom to help Humanity stop the catastrophe from ever happening again Desmond is chosen as the one to bring this about you must find the other temples if you can find them if their work can be saved so too might this world lay quick for time grows short and guard against the cross for there are many who will stand in your way we are gone now from this world all of us we can do no more the rest is up to you Desmond what the [ __ ] Desmond has an importance far greater than the Assassins the Templars even himself had imagined but there is no time for Desmond to reflect on this the Templars have found the Assassin's Hideout among them Warren Village Desmond's former Captain and the man in charge of iptergo's animus project Mr mice this is an unexpected expect lesson turn of events how much work for us to do together as the abstago men look to take Desmond back he puts all the skills he has learned through Ezio by the Animus to the test and seize off the threat enjoy your Victory Mr miles temporary as it is with The Hideout compromise this team of Assassins need to move on move on to continue their work the rest is up to you Desmond What Ezio in the vault below the Vatican in 1499 was left astounded and Confused in equal measure this wait I have so many questions Desmond in the Animus at their Rome hideout in 2012 feels much the same uh Rebecca what's going on I have to run some Diagnostics I'll get back to you but the Templars have caught up with the Assassins Desmond and his fellow assassins are on the Run once more the organization the Assassins have been battling for Millennia are winning their numbers have dwindled to almost nothing they still have teams based around the world but many are dead or missing in action those that remain are trying their best to stifle of stair go search for other pieces of Eden the ancient tools of control created by an ancient civilization abstegout need just one of them for a special project a satellite launch that will further strengthen their control over the world and its people the assassins in Italy need to Source a location of stair girl won't easily find them they gravitate to a place of great importance to Desmond's ancestor Ezio the Auditore Villa in montregione Tuscany both Ezio and Desmond are in the dark about many things but they do know this Minerva a hologram from a race long dead delivered a clear message a Celestial event is on its way not in time but perhaps in Desmond it is up to him but where does he start he has his fellow assassins to assist him Rebecca Crane in charge of running the Animus Sean Hastings historian and analyst and overseeing everyone Lucy Stillman in the Vatican Minerva talked about other temples that they are the key to preventing whatever terrible thing is about to happen to the Earth but where are these temples to find the temples I'm convinced we need to get our hands on Ezio's Apple of Eden Minerva altered it somehow when she touched it despite being underdogs the Assassins have one advantage abstego do not know about the temples and they don't know about Ezio's Apple the other piece of Eden the papal staff used to open the vault under the Vatican was reclaimed by it safe from man but Ezio has the apple he may not understand all the words of Minerva but he understands the power of the apple he needs to keep it out of the hands of man out of the hands of the Templars the search for the temples and perhaps the tools to combat the impending celestial events is the main priority for Desmond and his assassins for Ezio and his assassins there are more immediate matters Ezio and his uncle Mario Auditore flee the Vatican Ezio for now entrusts the Apple to Mario and they leave Rome to return to the Auditore Villa in montregione this place just keeps getting better since arriving at monterigione all those years ago after losing his father and brothers to the Templars Ezio and his sister Claudia have renovated and rejuvenated the town Beyond Mario's expectations and Mario has been an important mentor to his nephew and Ezio has become a vital custodian and hero of the town [Music] their family home a place of safety and the meeting place of the Assassin Brotherhood an organization the Auditore family have long since been apart not all the assassins are here today Paola is back in Florence teodora and Antonio are in Venice the Templar threat has been quashed there but these cities need an Assassin's presence to guard against their return bartolomeo and levolpe are in Rome the remaining assassins and close allies meet here today to discuss the incredible events that transpired at the Vatican Ezio regales them of tales of Minerva the ancient civilization the temples and that mysterious name Desmond amazing I cannot imagine such wonders and SEO informs them of the mercy he bestowed on Rodrigo Borgia leaving him injured to his own fate after their battle Mercy a trait hard earned over the years since his early need to indulge his anger and seek revenge on those that killed his family the Spanish lives the Assassin Nicolo Machiavelli is shocked at Ezio's decision not to end the threat of the Borgia when he had the chance once our enemies are dead we can speak of vaults and gods and ancient places the Assassins know that they need to investigate Minerva's message further but for now the order has a more imminent threat The Borges hold on Italy the Assassins disband to consider their plight Machiavelli disappointed heads to Rome an Ezio catches up with an old friend a friend of the Assassins the Countess of Foley Katarina schwarzer what's that probably just training exercises montregioni the cherished home of the Auditore family was being laid waste by the board of Pope's papal Army are you having I am keeping it safe we need to hold them off until the townspeople have escaped with the Apple still safe they wish each other luck and Mario leaves to meet the attack head on while Ezio looks to protect the walls I will as half a life's work crumbles around him Ezio knows the town is lost but they can save its people Ezio mans the Cannons to stand the Border attack as the last of their people escape the gates are breached the pope told me about you and your little group of Assassins and this so consider this an invitation from my family to yours his family is Borgia his father is the pope and he is the leader of his papal Army his name is cesare Bulger and he has the apple he has Katrina's Forza prisoner and his uncle his mentor his adopted Father Mario is killed has no time to process this yet he must see that all have escaped including his last remaining relatives his mother and sister although wounded he fights his way to the Villa stop wait for us when does this passage lead to the north I must go help the troops the door closes on an escape route through the Assassin's tomb the shrine to the great assassins that came before him they exit the walls Mario is dead take a mother to Firenze you are not coming with us where are you riding to Roma go my son throw them but I remember for whom we assassins fight with revenge in his heart once more he heads to Rome the seat of Border power to not only finish what he started with the Border Pope but to end the life of his son cesare and claim back the Apple they must be eradicated for the good of the people and to avenge his uncle Maria but the injury he suffered will prevent this for now the assassins in 2012 are on the run from stair go once more they arrive to the only place they know they'll be safe for now it's our last Safe House in Italy the Auditore Villa in monterregione if Sturgill upgraded to cell towers ages ago assassin's tomb the sanctuary deep underground will be their new home should be safe to set up let's get the Animus down there Desmond's bleeding effect is still producing images sees Ezio in the sanctuary not as he was when he fled the Villa but older Karma the vision subsides as they all do the bleeding effect is a byproduct of the Animus the more time Desmond spends within it the more frequent the Visions these Visions need to be monitored they could drive him insane kill him even like they did subject 16. the tomb has been forgotten for centuries but it looks just as it did through the Animus except for one detail a series of triangles at the secret entrance which when looked at through Eagle Vision produce a set of numbers 14 19 14 20 and 1421 looks like something Ezio Left Behind what could it mean but they don't have time to consider it they need to get Desmond in the Animus in search of the piece of Eden it's the only lead they have on finding the temples that could hold the key to preventing the end of humanity as soon as we find the Apple I get in contact with our other teams in Europe but as far as Italy go now get in there and find the Apple let's get started foreign s still injured from his Brash with the Borgia where have you brought me you are to meet Miss sir Machiavelli in front of the mausoleo de Agusta he was found injured and brought to Rome cared for and clothed in Assassin's robes he still has his blade and his experience but his worldly possessions everything he has collected on his quest since he was 17 his money his codex weapons they're gone it has been 23 years since he lost his father and brothers to the Templars he is now 40 years of age it's the year 1500. Rome is under complete border control Templar control the papal soldiers Patrol the streets stifling Freedom punishment is Harsh trade is suffocating the Borgia have an arrangement with gangs like the Cento Ochi the hundred eyes who do the Dirty Work when needed and potent threats like the cult of Romulus that inhabit underground layers lost a Time emerging to drive people back into the clutches of the church with their Terror and savagery the Borgia have the people of Rome in their control and There Is No Escape still broken from his injuries Ezio meets his fellow assassin Machiavelli with his knowledge of the city and its powers he sets Ezio on the right path the good news is that the Borgia think Ezio is dead he can work from the Shadows once more an advantage they sorely need for the adversary they now face cesare Borger will be near unassailable he is ambitious ruthless and cruel Beyond imagining his ambition had him kill his brother for power his ruthlessness meant many were sent to the Gallows and his cruelty were not carried out by cesare himself is outsourced to his attack dog nicoletto who never flinches to enact his sadistic will cesarea has set his sights on all of Italia that this rate he will have it Rodrigo borgia's death would not have solved anything I am inclined to disagree killing one man will not change things we need to take away the source of their power Machiavelli is still bitter that Ezio spared Rodrigo the task is even harder because of it they need to undermine their rule here in Rome the epicenter of the regime's power Ezio can take down the Border captains who govern the various districts in the city once chased out let the people in the area know that the Border are defeated by burning their flags and symbols of rule then give them back their freedom by helping them reopen Commerce an opportunity to earn to show them that the Borgia does not own them Rome is for the people the Border grip will take time to erode in the meantime Ezio needs help eyes and ears to gain Intel on how to free his friend Katarina schwarzer locate the whereabouts of the apple and how to find and take down Enemy Number One cesare Borger Machiavelli shows Ezio a hideout they can use as their new Assassin headquarters it is given to them by Fabio Orsini Fabio is a member of the Borgia paper forces I've heard a great deal about you from makaza bartolomeo Del Viano a fine Warrior Fabio sides with the Assassins intellectually but is bound to cesare for now but he wants to break free his help here by offering this storeroom and help yet to come will be invaluable to the Assassins it is perfect the headquarters is an area to regroup store equipment converse with fellow assassins and make plans for their quests Machiavelli reminds Ezio of three factions that can Aid them but they are currently all occupied by their own trials Fabio's cousin anezio's friend bartolomeo Del Viano runs the muscle that usually help their cause but our mercenaries are ensnaired in a losing battle with cesare's French allies the courtesans have always proved incredibly use useful to the assassins and will do now as they often entertain Cardinals of the Border church but the madam there is lazy and would rather attend parties than further our cause and the thieves are run by the familiar but elusive La Volpe but they refuse to talk to us I don't know why what are you going to do make some friends in order to get the Allies focused on the same outcome Ezio must smooth their path olomeo is being attacked on both sides by the Borgia Army and their allies the French if they can defeat one they can focus all their efforts on the other Ezio helps topple the Border hierarchy in the area allowing their concentration on the French for the hills The Mercenaries can breathe for now welcome to the Rosa infuri stranger this is the home of the courtesans Ezio is there to see the Madonna Solari to persuade her to focus on the Assassin's cause it's been taken but by who clearly working for the Borgia Ezio Keen to end the Mata elects to pay them I have your money let her go no take it up with chairs Ezio intends to and after seeing off the gang members head back to the Rosa only to find the last people you would ever wish to find at a brothel mother sister said that you might be here what are you doing in Roma it's you we want to help I was trying to help you by sending you to fidense Ezio needs his family safe he can't lose any more to his enemies where is Madonna Solari she's dead Ezio needs the Roses to stay in business he needs the Intel they will glean from the sinning Cardinals without someone who can run things we're finished I'll do it you do not belong here Claudia I know to run a business Claudia was instrumental in the revitalization of montregioni and she wants to help here she knows the importance of the Assassin's work and feels drawn to its purpose just like Ezio you do this Claudia and you are on your own I've been on my own for 20 years due to his cause and Claudia's focus on the Villa they have been estranged and this impasse regarding the Rosa further drives a wedge between them resigned and conflicted Ezio heads to see La Volpe to find out why communication is broken down between the thieves and the Assassins it turns out it is due to mistrust of one of the order that man is a traitor to our order Machiavelli has been an ambassador to the papal court and a friend and Confidant to cesare Borger himself Ezio is convinced this is Machiavelli's nature to gain information any way possible the Volpe believes he is compromising the Assassins they need to find out his real purpose the Volpe spies report a meeting between Machiavelli and a Borgia Soldier what do you make of that with the passing of documents to Machiavelli this casts further doubt on his character but Ezio Still Remains convinced I know what we saw but you have nothing to fear from Machiavelli if you believe Machiavelli remains loyal to the order I trust you the volpe's suspicions are calm for now and with the help of his thieves Ezio now has all the Allies by his side once more Ezio oversees the development of the premises of each Guild and in return each will Aid Ezio and the assassins in their quests the Volpe and his spies will search for the Apple my spies tell me that the Apple has been secreted to someone for a study I am working on determining his identity Claudia and her courtesans will find where Katarina's fortser is being held Katarina will be moved to the prison within the castellone next week bartolomeo will find the location of Enemy Number One cesare Borger santangelo with the Pope able to kill two birds with one stone Ezio awaits outside the Costello santangelo for the arrival of the Shackled Katarina schwarzer who put you up to this was it your brother or your father perhaps a bit of both fed ups at the same time none speak ill of the Border seeing the prisoner is another Borger more beautiful but no less cruel Rodrigo's daughter cesare's sister Lucrezia Borgia Ezio infiltrates the Castello just in time to overhear cesare meeting his captains and conspirators forget the pope you only answer to me seeing them together Ezio is transported to the moment The Villa wars were breached the moment his uncle was taken Lucrezia these men all thanked cesare as his town and Uncle were taken one is Octavian de valois general of the French allies currently locked in battle with bartolomeo's men his right hand man the dangerous mikoletto the third dressed in Cardinals robes is as yet unknown to Ezio that tired old man's club play along for now but soon we will have no need of them Ezio continues on as this information sinks in Rodrigo and his son may want the same things but it seems by different means they are not working together and cesare wants power the Reigns of Italy to himself not hampered or overshadowed by his father further on Ezio Witnesses the unconventional bond between the borja siblings yeah have you talked to the pope about the funds requested by my banker he is away from the Castello and he might need some convincing when he returns that shouldn't be a problem should it once I have secured the Throne of Italia you are going to be my queen cesare leaves the Castello before Ezio has a chance to get near the pope contrary to the Assassin Intel is nowhere to be seen this is strange but Ezio can still Aid Katarina that puts you in your place lock it and give me the key Ezio must get that key fight is not with you lucrative free Katarina and I Will Stand Down impossible then you leave me no choice rescuing princesses from castles now Ezio dranks Lucrezia Kicking and Screaming to the cell of Katrina Katrina knowing where the key is to free herself God that's enough out of you they flee battling the papal soldiers and return to the Assassin Hideout to convalesce and regroup cesare has left Rome to fight his conquests in Italy at large they won't be able to get close to him at present all they can do is further destabilize the Border grip on Rome they can do this by bringing others to their course to win this war Machiavelli we need loyal Soldiers by recruiting enemies of the state we arm those who have been discerned by the Borgia Ezio AIDS Borges enemies The Liberation of Roma has begun your cause life is at recruit they contribute to their chance of overthrowing the Border Ezio is building and growing their Brotherhood Katrina leaves to her besieged hometown of Foley with these parting words you are the leader of the Assassins now unite them and take back Roma he aims to do so while scouring the city for candidates to their cause he encounters an old friend over here the artist inventor and genius that deciphered the Codex Leonardo da Vinci come here Leonardo has been coerced into helping the Borgia they would have killed me and I refused what do they want war machines cesare intends to supply his army with my Creations the Assassins cannot afford to miss an opportunity to weaken cesare's ever-growing Army he will need to track down Leonardo's inventions sabotage them and destroy the plans their force will be too strong otherwise Leonardo has other news news of the Apple she has left it in my hands to study then Rodrigo took it from me I know not well the pope has the Apple once more they must get to him but he is locked away deep in the Castello they must also help bartolomeo tackle the French army headed by devalua and they must also lure cesare back to the city for this Ezio has a plan if we got up his funds will lose his army and return without his men where does he get his money Halloween know is that he is called the banker to find out the identity of the banker Ezio needs to track the money he tracks down the guards responsible for transporting the coin takes the disguise of one of their number and gains access to a party thrown by the banker Ezio has seen him before in the company of cesare Borgia at the Castello and the gates of montourigione his name is one Borgia cousin to cesare Chesney is about to speak in the main room this is too good to be true and also with his father Desiree should be elsewhere in Italy fighting soon we will be here once more celebrating a United Italia and then the feasting will last for 40 days and 40 nights cesare's speech highlights the dissension that cesare increasingly displays to his father we did not agree to conquer Italia Rodrigo is not the same man since his defeat at the hands of Ezio his spirit is broken and he's 70 now the years have caught up with him but he has never taken his sights from the aims of his Templar order cesare it seems dreams of power and the role of Grand Master Templar for himself he's not content to work with subtlety he yearns to be followed he yearns to be feared you risk upsetting the delicate balance of control we have worked so hard to tighten I have the army so I am making the decisions don't look so glad enjoy yourself Rodrigo's papal power is being eclipsed by the Ambitions of his son borja father and son are unreachable now but nephew and cousin one Borgia is inside and must be killed his financial Acumen is integral to the might of cesare's forces the things I have felt have felt in and I do not regret the moment one has attended his last party and the money meant for cesare is appropriated by the courtesans in order to put the squeeze on cesare even more the Assassins must defeat his allies the French and the need to act has become even more acute as their General Baron de valois has kidnapped bartolomeo's wife pant Azalea and demands his surrender bartolomeo is enraged to attack but Ezio persuades him towards calm they steal uniforms of the French and with bartolomeo in Chains they infiltrate the Barons Camp why don't you grow up here and release my wife you Savages never learn while the disguised mercenaries attack Ezio finds the baron and ends his life with the French defeated and pantazolea returned the Assassins have done all they can to weaken cesare's army they must now focus on defeating the Borgia and getting back the Apple the Apple is not only important to Ezio it's vital to the assassins in modern day montregione it's their only lead to the temples if Ezio can keep his hand on the Apple they will hopefully be able to find out where it is kept the Templars abstergo they think are unaware of the temples or the impending catastrophe but they have a mission of their own at the moment our top assassins are busy gathering info about the Templar satellite launch the templar's methods of control are beginning to lose their grip capitalism is being questioned and attempts to control through the TV network are starting to show signs of resistance they need a new method and their satellite launch could be the ultimate solution with a satellite built around a piece of Eden they can amplify its signal to bend the entire world to their will how long do we have before the Templar satellite launch it's October 8th leaves us with 74 days think about all that you've been through in the last month 74 days is a long time if it were up to me you'd take more breaks the bleeding effect so far has been good to Desmond it's taught his body and mind outside of the Animus to do what Ezio can fight move to be an expert assassin but exposure can hurt and Lucy is worried she saw firsthand what it did to subject 16 the Mania it caused is suicide the only way he had to silence the ancestral voices in his head but subject 16 was lucid enough to leave clues for his fellow assassins in the Animus they could be found across Italy by Ezio and they produced a video that revealed the origin of humanity and arm makers the ones that came before it showed Adam and Eve escaping with the Apple From Slavery the start of freedom and Independence for Humanity subjects 16 did the same in Rome Ezio track down these glyphs that reveal puzzles and information and secret documents on the rise and methods of control that the Templars used over the years all leading to Snippets of video when collected this did not reveal a video in full at all but a program within the Animus a world within a world Desmond navigates the space which leads to a computerized form claiming to be subject 16. you're dead I saw your blood no time it is far later than you know subject 16's insanity is well documented but Desmond takes his words on board with amazement she is not who you think she is who isn't he also talks Of Eden and finding Eve the key her DNA is he talking of the woman who skate with the Apple all those centuries ago that's Eve I am with you till the end find me in the Darkness he can't be alive but who was that does his ramblings mean anything not that Desmond can discern right now he is reminded of the dangers of the Animus but he must continue to find the apple he owes it to Lucy the team the world weren't you the only assassin at abstergo's animus facility how are you getting data from them some old passwords work but I can't dig very far into the network assassins have their focus and all the Intel they need I'll rest once we have the Apple the Apple lies well guarded Behind the Walls of the Castello in Rodrigo's hands and cesare will head there to seek support from the pope for his ailing Army but their quarters in the Castello are highly secure La Volpe may have the solution there is a side entrance lucrezia's latest play thing Pietro has a key the Volpe spies will track him down in private levolpe's suspicions of Machiavelli are re-emerging as information has arisen regarding Ezio's last visit to the Costello someone Juan Rodrigo to stay away from the castellno and the Border have been alerted as to the location of the Volpe spies we must not be split apart by mere suspicion despite the mounting evidence Ezio cannot bring himself to condemn Machiavelli yet he moves with level pay to rescue his vulnerable spies and in doing so sees a familiar face one he has not seen since that fateful day at the Villa auditory during the attack he gives Chase why did you run I you are the traitor not Machiavelli Long Live departure the Integrity of the Assassins assured for now Ezio and the thieves having found Pietro retrieve the key to the side entrance of the Costello the Assassins have the strength and means to finish this this strength in unity has reminded Ezio of the importance of family got the Assassins together and bring Claudia despite axio's anger at Claudia's insistence on running the Rosa and Furay her work has been integral to the strength of the Assassins he's proud of her and their coldness towards each other must end Mario Our Father once stood around this fire now I offered a choice to you join us he inducts her officially into the order and whilst doing so Machiavelli looks to recognize Ezio's importance you have led the charge against the temples and rebuilt this Brotherhood now we must put hezio where he belongs at the head of the Assassins the seat Mario left needed to be filled and with that his nephew Ezio is now mentor of the Italian Brotherhood his first act will be to end the border control and retrieve the Apple [Music] gets there in time to see cesare arrive at the Castello I want to see the party he uses the key to the side entrance and heads to the Pope's Apartments my fans my troops God the pope and his son's relationship is broken down and cesare's actions threaten all that the Templar have worked for Rodrigo with canterella laced apples looks to end cesare's life I gave you everything and yet it's never enough he intends to poison you if I want to leave I'll be if I want to take I take if I want you to die you die where is the Peace of Eden stop I know where it is did not tell me he had taken it despite Lucrezia siding with her brother her loyalty is not me where is the Apple cesare sickened but not killed by the poison leaves armed with the Apple's location Ezio must learn of it too Rodrigo is dead not at the hands of Ezio but of his own kin his influence created a den of vipers and they both came back to bite him I know that's faster going San Pietro the Pavilion in the courtyard Casio beats cesaratus and Peters and uses his gift to find where the apple is hidden looking for this you know my sword will take your life but with the poison still running through his veins he must Retreat Ezio uses the power of the Apple to escape the Vatican and its papal guards and returns to the Assassin Hideout boys with your egg I will hunt him down over the coming weeks cesare stalls for time as he awaits the arrival of nicoletto and his army and then you will see how quickly the assassini fall you delude yourself cesare Ezio uses the Apple to put an end to the papal forces in Rome with his power depleted he also loses Templar control of the Vatican as they elect another Pope not bound to their cause Julius II Roma is not the same as it once was borjamani has become tainted you will regret this decision the Assassins have their apple but cesare still eludes them it is nearly two years before they next get their chance in that time the tables in the city had turned it was the Templars that needed to hide in the shadows the Brotherhood received Intel that he is waiting at the gates for his forces to take Rome back gather their assassins we face him together soon mikoletto and his army will arrive but you shall be dead before then using the Apple they are able to over and cesare's men but it might be too late with the arrival of mikoletto's forces even the Apple might not be enough to overcome their sheer numbers we will take back my city it's not micheletta his army is not arrived it is a familiar face to the Assassins bartolomeo's cousin Fabio Orsini by order of Pope Julius II no no this is not how it ends change will not hold me I will not die by the hands of man cesare is captured for now the Assassins can rest they have the Apple the boards are defeated but something troubles Ezio it was the manner in which he said it James will not hold me if you are so worried there is a way to find out despite his fear of the apple he knows that it will contain the answers he seeks as the Visions bombard him he immediately understands why cesare was confident that he would rise again he knew he had help Jose was right I have to leave what do you intend to do plant a seed what Ezio saw through the Apple was that cesare's right-hand man mikoletto would free him from his imprisonment he would regain his strength and his men and he would continue in his lust for power Ezio also understood when and where they would meet again it would be four years later on a battlefield in Spain but in the interim he needs to give a safe home to the Apple neither he nor any man should have access to it now 1507 the Spanish lands of Vienna Ezio finally catches up with cesare how did you find him they have the full score from Mario Auditore let me hear he fights his way through the battlefield through the conflict between the Borgia Army and the army of Louis de Belmont Ezio cares not about the outcome of this conflict it's not his fight he only cares about getting his man he finally meets him on the walls of Castle Viana thank you [Music] the throne was mine wanting something does not make it your right no man can murder me then I leave you in the hands of fate and gravity as cesare is thrown from the castle walls the Templar Grand Master is defeated and the work of the Italian order of the Assassins is completed for now [Music] Ezio will have other fights other roles to play in their fight against the Templars but for now our hero can rest the assassins in modern-day monterigione now have the location of the Apple in Rome under the Coliseum Ezio already knew the location of the Vault before the Apple told him how to access it he came across it in his aim to flush out the cult of Romulus from their lairs and seek their treasure but he did not have the means to enter them but in speaking to the Apple it gave him the password needed in order to open the vault leaving the Apple safe within it and to plant a clue for those in the future with his gifts to gain access he leaves that clue in the form of a triangle in the Assassin's tomb in montregioni symbol matches the one on the door to the Vault Eagle Vision reveals those numbers 1419 1420 1421 a riddle oh my God a Riddle That Sean divines the tetragrammaton the 72 names of God if you arrange the four Hebrew letters in God's name within an equilateral triangle then numerical values add up to the same number 72. I think we have our password the Assassins leave the safety of the underground sanctuary and head to Rome to the Coliseum if they can get their hands on the Apple they may be able to find the temples 72 is their password when spoken will get them into the Vault and by coincidence or design there is also 72 days left until the abstego satellite launch Desmond takes the more difficult but known path the others look for another route their paths are to converge at the Basilica de Santa Maria now supposedly this church was built on top of the Ancient Temple of Juno indeed as Ezio progressed towards the Basilica he uses his Eagle Vision to open doors blocking his path in doing so he meets a hologram just like that of Minerva this one is named Juno and she is one that came before we commit to this space the epilogue of our ending let it be found by he who is deemed worthy let it shape his path forward let it save the world we leave behind as Desmond continues to forge a path to the Vault Juno speaks of the previous cataclysm and her efforts to preserve her kind after the disaster as well as the human race they left their story and wisdom to the materials and minds of men but these proved impermanence and were lost to time and left the world ignorant the ones who came before did not build Humanity to be wise but now the hope of the world rests upon one of them Desmond Humanity has the ability to understand but they used their tools for control rather than understanding and use them against one another the ones that came before destroyed what they could and sealed away what they could not in vaults and temples they could save their wisdom but not themselves time took them in the end humans could never understand that of Juno's people because they didn't have their Sixth Sense they call it knowledge some assassins have the beginnings of it like Desmond and Ezio because they are children of Two Worlds skills passed on genetically through the union between the two races but those with human blood could only use some of the Eagle Vision not all the assassins with mixed blood the ones with that gift Are All That Remains of the ones that came before maybe that's why they look to store such knowledge away in places only assassins could access so that their race could live on by coming to this Temple it is Juno's hope that Desmond will activate this knowledge to its full he will have the knowledge but according to Juno it will be too late Desmond activates a plinth that reacts to his touch and leads them to the vault door the password when spoken 72 opens the Vault time to find out where those temples are Desmond reaches the Apple the prize they've been seeking all this time as he approaches it bursts into an array of symbols that that's a fridge camp it stands for the freedom and that that's a masonic eye now those two come together in only one place Sean cannot finish because Desmond touches the apple and the Assassins freeze still what's keeping them Frozen like this I can't move your DNA communes with the Apple let me go oh okay the final Journey commences also she speaks of one that must accompany Desmond through the gate one he does not know yet who is this person as Juno speaks Desmond is controlled by the Apple becomes its Pawn controlled to move his feet towards its will it Bears his blade and takes aim at his friend his ally the person he trusts most Lucy Stillman no no it is done the way lies all before you only she remains to be found awaken the sixth no alone through the Apple this ancient civilization have enacted their plan the trauma of this overwhelms Desmond he is lost to this world he has killed his friend why Juno talks of another he must find is it Eve as subject 16 mentioned if Juno is correct Desmond is destined to awaken his sixth sense to develop his gift to that of his ancestors the ones that came before before his Consciousness is lost completely Desmond hears voices one of them is a voice familiar to him one he has not heard in a long time [ __ ] he's gone into shock put him back in the machine it's the only way to fix this but the Animus did this to him am I the expert or not as he passes into black he remembers the words of subject 16 spoken in the program he built I am with you till the end find me in the Darkness many questions remain unanswered will the Apple show the way to the temples why did the apple require Lucy's death who is the voice so familiar to Desmond and most pressing will Desmond wake from this trauma we look to Revelations next for answers foreign Desmond miles returns to Consciousness in a strange place it appears Coastal but it's not of his world but he still remembers he remembers approaching the Apple hidden by Ezio beneath Rome him being compelled to move towards his friend Lucy Stillman the person he trusted most no his hidden blade piercing her skin it is done she must be dead he used this blade many times as Altair as Ezio but why why had the Apple made him do it why had Juno you know very little we must guide you he also remembers that voice a voice he knows well William what I'm back in the machine it's the only way to fix this this strange world is the Animus he is in here to keep him alive Rebecca get me out of here the assassins in 2012 can't hear Desmond they can't recall in this part of the Animus but Desmond can hear them Rebecca Crane and Sean Hastings are dealing with the aftermath of Desmond's collapse and burying their friend Lucy Stone were they close I mean closer than friends this new voice William is there to help there was the occasional Misty eye moment but she liked him bill that's what she told me things got so [ __ ] up so fast are you at the airport yeah we're chartering a jet are you coming yes yeah I'll be there soon for now this is none of Desmond's concern it seems he is stuck here but he's not alone for the first time he is able to put a face to someone he knows so well just walk right past me subject 16 the man that left the symbols in blood the breadcrumbs throughout Italy guiding us sharing the truth he is dead of course he is this is just his Consciousness what is he doing here but for now Desmond has other questions what is this place we're in the guts of the Animus the original test program no memories here just basic physics weather simulations for now the Animus is keeping all your ancestors from collapsing into one big mess but if you can't find a sink Nexus all those personalities will smash together a sync Nexus that is what Desmond is to attain if he is to free himself and get back to his body there that thing is your way out through that door are unfinished memories if Desmond can synchronize with them he can attain a sync Nexus and link back up with the real world I keep the Animus distracted as best I can for you so you can explore finish what you started until your ancestor has nothing left to show you and one of those ancestors is Ezio auditory dafarenze [Music] the year is 1511. Ezio Auditore is now 51. he has seen to the Borgia threat in Italy he has revitalized the Assassin order through his mentorship and almost a year ago he set out on a journey A Journey For Truth his father Giovanni saw the same truth Ezio had a letter written a year before his birth where his father spoke of a library a font of ancient wisdom hidden beneath the old home of the levantine Assassin the old home of his ancestor Altair IBN lahad massiaf Castle foreign as he ascends the walls he senses his ancestor with every step as he touches every stone Ezio won't recognize this hallway these shelves this desk but Desmond will as Altair he met the shamed al-mulim him many times the Assassins no longer call this place their home Altair saw to that they do not shatter themselves in Grand castles they live amongst the people and cultures they are trying to protect Ezio had already been in massia for a while he had met the new occupants the Templars they were here for the same reason they knew of the library he met them on the road and at the gates and as their Captain leandros put the Rope around Ezio's neck and walked him to the ramparts but in 30 years as an assassin he had escaped worse Ezio knew of the library through knowledge passed through his assassin lineage but how did the Templars know as Ezio plunges beneath the castle they had found the door too a Workman employed by the Templars it took me a year to find this chamber and for the past three months I've been trying to break through the storm there are quios here what are the keys these Templars found one we need to ottoman Sultan's Palace as for the others I suppose the little book will tell them what book captain of this Templar Endeavor has it Ezio chases him down you will do you no good I found wonderful massive Keys already and are closing in on the rest you can have Altair's books it's your only want directions to the location of the grand Temple Grand Temple tell me more now both Ezio and Desmond knew there were multiple temples or vaults with hidden secrets of the old ones within but never one given the moniker of grand how did the Templars find out about the Vault perhaps it was through this book a journal written by the famed Merchant and Explorer Nicolo Polo a record of the life and teachings of the levantime mentor Altair who persuaded Nicolo to join the order the daughter Altair's library is opened by five Keys one of these Keys was found beneath the Sultan's Palace in Constantinople this adventure is far from over and with Nicolo Polo's journal in hand he will use the journey to the heart of the Ottoman Empire to perhaps glean more clues about these elusive massive Keys Ezio does not know what exactly the library holds but he does know he must keep it from the hands of the Templars who already have one key others are surely not far behind Ezio arrives by boat to Constantinople on his journey he befriends a young man a student he learns of this new city a magnificent sight it is a work in progress Constantinople or Istanbul to some on the cusp of the border between Europe and Asia it is infused with multiple cultures and a funnel for valuable trade of all kinds since the Ottomans won the city from the hands of the byzantines in 1453 under ottoman rule the city flourished and became one of Tolerance affluence and vibrancy Constantine is a city for all kinds and Creeds students like me or Travelers such as yourself alighting the boat having made a new acquaintance he immediately has the opportunity to make another you are the man I long to meet renowned master and Mentor it's your auditory this is Yusef tazim a news of Ezio's exploits in the Holy Land have traveled at a quicker clip than himself come I will show you around [Music] Yusuf is the head of the Ottoman Brotherhood of Assassins they have lived in relative peace here in the city but in recent years the byzantines have risen up under a Templar Banner they know not who leads them or what their end game is but they have been a thorn in the shoe of the Assassins for some time there are two sons both boasting a claim to their father biazid sultanship ahmat holds the strongest claim and his brother Saleem is abroad battling with a sultan to take that right by force with assault in a way the Byzantine Templars may see this as the best opportunity in years to take back power watch but the ottoman guards are far from pushovers are you despise over 30 years as an assassin Ezio yearned to learn more of how they do things here in the ottoman Brotherhood it's your where is your hook blade you've never seen one after years fighting the Border he wished he had the old dog delighted in this new trick that aided him to climb faster swing father zipped down wires and make quick departures from unwanted conflict worn on the opposite arm to the hidden blade it would become a crucial part of Ezio's Arsenal my brothers in Roma would like this that's not all they would like due to the city's position in the trade routes between the continents the Assassins would learn of many inventions from afar and borrowed from the Chinese Ezio would learn to wield bombs not only to kill but also to entice and distract there they go almost forgetting his higher purpose Ezio was glad to be amongst this new Brotherhood learning and using his new skills to defend and win back the Assassin strongholds dotted around the city his work would have an effect on these areas the inhabitants would stop cowering in Terror and trade would begin to flourish blacksmiths Tailors and book shops the city was a true place of learning and Improvement and SEO experiences of fervor that belies his years he feels alive once more indeed working with Youssef he would select and promote the most promising assassins to become masters of their own den and Mentor them as he did those in Rome in the psychology and practicalities of being a master assassin until you are properly trained I will not let you go head to head with a killer as deadly as this man he had always been a natural leader ever since his Carefree days in Florence but the practice of nurturing and guiding young talent and seeing them succeed in important tasks was what he valued most about his role as mentor after helping to restore some sense of order in the city he turns his attention to finding the former Trading Post of Nicolo Polo and continuing his search for the massive Keys Yusef knows where to start speak with a man named Billy Reyes in the bazaar he can point you in the right direction very rare the famed cartographer and Navigator is an assassin and part of the Ottoman order the old Polo show it's just west of Aya Sofia he leaves Pirie for the trading posts it is now a Bookshop buongiorno please come in and the woman running it Ezio recognizes immediately he noticed her while conversing with the young student on arriving into the city like now carrying books I amezio aditori so now Sophia hails from Italy but grew up in Constantinople and now due to her love of the written word sources and prints rare books to sell in her shop Ezio under the guise of perusing these tones uses his skill to Source a hidden door have you found anything interesting incredible where does it lead why don't we find out it leads to an underground system lost to time but not lost to the Templars who are on the hunt for their next massive key they are searching blind Ezio has Eagle Vision a factor Nicolo Polo was counting on when hiding the keys working through the Templars Ezio finds the chamber to the first Massif key and a map that offers more clues to the remaining three keys still unfound what did you find something that may interest you and here is my shop perhaps it was her passion her beauty or deep knowledge of the area and the written word but Ezio opened up to her and sought her help strange symbols and these are titles of books rare books a few of these have not been seen for more than a millennium Nicolo Polo hid these books around the city this map should tell us where from what I can tell I need to find these three books first they may contain Clues to locate the rest of these I must admit my head is swimming with the prospect of seeing these books knowledge the world has lost and must have again the mystery has taken hold of her he couldn't stop her helping now even if he wanted to it is a joy to see someone with a passion so personal and Noble it is inspiring she will decipher the location of the books Ezio leaves to investigate the nature of this first key what is it what information does it hold he heads back to the Assassin headquarters to find out the markings on this key are familiar I have seen its kind before just like the Apple have eaten ancient technology from the first civilization the key holds a memory the memory of Altair over 300 years before Altair is 24. this is new to Desmond he joined Altair's memories after this point Altair arrives in massia the home of the Templars is being invaded by Crusaders a Templar had infiltrated the Brotherhood and now held Lim and others prisoner all about to die we can do nothing for him now Abbas sees little hope altairs he's different when I close the castle gate flanked the Crusaders in the village and drive them into the canyon you don't stand a chance Abbas no mistakes the plan was the right one Altair saves the assassins and his mentor al-mulim you fit your father's shoes as if they had been tailored to your feet I did not know him well as a father you two were born into this order do you regret it how can I regret the only life I've ever known that was all just a fragment of time a fleeting memory you're trying to tell us I wonder as Ezio experiences this memory so too does Desmond he is slowly synchronizing his ancestors memories working towards this sink Nexus while Sophia discerns the map Ezio needs to work on finding the recovered key held by the Templars it was found underneath top Cappy palette he needs to make some acquaintances inside the Royal Court it's his best chance to find out more he sees that chance as the Assassins hear rumor of a planned Templar attack on the Young Prince Suleiman Santa Saleem recently returned to the city if they do strike it will be tonight at a cultural Exposition the prince has organized to protect him they need disguises their best bet is as entertainers Ezio Looks To Source the clothes of minstrels minstrels I am going to enjoy this they've done the outfits enter the palace and await the arrival of the prince Suleiman the Sultan's grandson and governor of Cafe the young man on the boat was no mere student Ezio was sailing with royalty and who is that his uncle despite his father and Prince akmat's dispute over the throne Suleiman is fond of his uncle Suleiman sits in Council to akmat and sees his uncle as a mentor and source of wisdom the Suleiman Circle fights amongst his guests Ezio is there to stem the Templar attack on his acquaintance from the boat it is a relief to see you again are you injured who is your captain Soldier to the Devon these soldiers are known as janissaries the Sultan's elite soldiers trained Warriors fiercely loyal to the crown and inordinately influential as to who wears it do you have some time to spare I would like your opinion on something Ezio was to listen in on the debriefing between the prince his uncle and the leader of the janissaries Tariq baletti how was this attack able to take place an inexcusable failing event I will conduct a full investigation I will conduct the investigation Tariq Tariq Bay a word ahmat suggests that the attack was to make his stewardship of the city look weak I am not depraved enough to imagine the conspiracy you accused me of what have I done to earn such content from the Janus series Prince ahmat is favored by the sultan to succeed the throne but not by the janissaries they prefer the warring guile of his brother Celine you make a decent philosopher Ahmed but you will be a poor Sultan they leave your uncle lacks sway over the demand he will soon command there is a rift in the power center of the Ottoman Empire what role are the Byzantine Templars playing in this they need to find out more where should we begin for now keep an eye on Tariq and his genocides they spend much of their free time in and around the bazaar Ezio finds the janisseries and Tariq entails him to a rendezvous he's waiting by the Arsenal gate an eager old weasel isn't he he is meeting Manuel palia logos flanked by a menacing masked man Manuel one of the last surviving members of the Byzantine lineage that were driven from the region at the hands of the Ottomans he survived by surrendering to the Ottomans and sold his right to the throne in exchange for riches and security we may verify the amount that the money stays with me until I have seen the cargo for myself why is he trading with the head of the janissaries what is the cargo Manuel needs to assess its quality in the safety of the Arsenal when you are satisfied the cargo will be delivered to a location of your choosing I will have a map drawn up for you within the week Ezio must see the cargo for himself to gain access to the Armory Ezio and the Assassin stir up the discontent of the local populace incite a riot push through and break through the gates in the confusion Ezio infiltrates the warehouse finally everything is falling into place Manuel is not intent in being one of the richest men in the Empire he has quietly resented the Ottomans for taking his Birthright as a Templar the day he was hoping for is Insight is he the Grand Master of the Templars it seems likely when the ballet logos do not forget who helped you bring it back Manuel is not the only person that feels wronged by the Ottomans shikulu supports Manuel in his aim his family were killed at the hands of the Ottomans he seeks revenge I'm satisfied take me to my ship the cargo is rifles and they utter weaponize a Templar Army to take the ottoman throne but where is this Army he must find out where the guns are destined with Prince suleiman's consent he disguises himself as a janissary infiltrates their Barracks finds the tent of Tariq barletti and finds out where the guns are heading the location of the Byzantine Army the rifles have arrived in Cappadocia where Manuel is garrisoned his army Ezio has the location but the Templar Tarik barletti must die first except he's not a Templar he was doing as Ezio is seeking an end to the Byzantine threat of the Ottoman Empire I Was preparing an ambush preparing to strike the Byzantine Templars where they felt safest protect my whole Madness acid an innocent man is dead Ezio leaves with the location of the Army and the knowledge that Tariq had spies inside the city of Cappadocia he must go there it's not only his duty to stem the templar's rise to power at every turn but it might give further Clues as to the location of the Massif key held by the Templars he reports to Prince Suleiman he was loyal to your grandfather to the end and through his efforts we have the means to save your city I will arrange the ship to take you his uncle Prince Ahmed arrives Suleiman I've been set up it is no secret that he and I were at odds ah forgive me nephew I was not aware that you had a guest this is Marcelo one of my European advisors with his identity protected Ezio leaves he has things to attend to before he departs by boats to kabadacia his other new friend in the city has discerned the map enough for Ezio to Source Nicolo Polo's hidden books within them unmarked the location of other hidden tombs exploring the depths of those proved complex but fruitful as Ezio emerged from each with a total of three more keys despite their success Ezio is saddened that their search for the keys has come to an end he spent many hours with Sophia Discerning the map as well as discussing literature and geography and history and all the passions that they both shared an interest Ezio's order for the female form had been tampered over the years partly his age partly his learned respect for women partly his focus on the cause but mostly due to the pain of the loss he has faced in his life he could not protect his first Love Christina Vespucci when he was drawn into the Brotherhood he could not be there for her during Savanna rolla's sack of Florence when she died in his arms later his guarded heart would be captured by Katarina schwarzer but again the struggle would Trump any chance of a quiet happy exist he was married to the cause and anyone he got close to would be at risk by mere association with him despite this Ezio cared deeply for Sophia and that care was returned before his voyage Sophia arranges a picnic I wanted to thank you for letting me play a small role in your adventure a small role is enough for this adventure believe me you are a mystery I will explain one day Sophia when I can he can't place it in danger any more than he already has together they have found three more keys before he leaves for Cappadocia Ezio and by Design Desmond learns more of the life of Altair Altair had disarmed the corrupt al-muulim of the Apple there was acute confusion this assassins the city of massiaf were woken from the spell cast by the piece of Eden in their mentors charge Altair was in no doubt what he had to do I'll tell you no I must know that he cannot return but this is not our way Abbas leads the chorus of discontent all your life you have made a mockery of our clean you bend the rules to suit your wings in the melee Abbas takes and wields the Apple above stop what did you think would happen when you murdered a beloved man Abbas is not steered by principles or love of al-muulim he is Guided by Pain by hate hate for outside air over his father's death his father Ahmet died when he was a child al-mulim kept the truth from Abbas but it was suicide shamed by his portrayal of Umar Altair's father Ahmet cut his own throat in front of Altair he kept it a secret as long as he could but told his friend Abbas of his father's suicide in the end having been fared a different story by almu Alim Abbas could not discern the truth their friendship was fractured and the Mystery ate a piece of Abbas every day since my father was a hero bewilded no man is Abbas felt its power its mystery but he could not [Music] [Applause] would forgive Abbas and those that stood for almu Lim and take charge of the Assassins as Mentor the Assassin and its Creed would find new strength and a singular Focus to fight for liberty in their region and Beyond he also sought to learn from the apple and apply its teachings where he could he would marry Maria a woman whose life he once had in his hands they had children darim and Seth with the threat of the Mongols in the East approaching Altair elected to leave the order now stronger than ever and attend to this threat with his wife and son darim in their absence Abbas took control of the order and killed their son Seth Altair and Maria returned to masseyath and prepare to confront Abbas he executed youngest son Maria and they will see their error they have every reason to strike with vengeance but the strength of the order transcends their pain when we left myself 10 years ago this order was strong but all that progress has been undone they arrive in The Gardens of massive Castle you have held that artifact for 30 years leveling in its power and hoarding its Secrets surrender the Apple Altair and I will tell you why your son was put to death very well Abbas take it before I executed your son I told him you ordered it yourself there are some things reason cannot overcome [Music] but passion in place of Reason has meant the loss of his wife as well as his son Altair has no choice but to flee with his last remaining son Darin my love for 20 years Altair stays away he Mourns and he turns to the Apple to learn and understand fabricate its technology all this time the Brotherhood slips further and further into decline in 1247 aged 81 Altair returns to take back the Brotherhood Abbas has maddened himself with hatred it is not our place to judge if our master has gone mad I would like to know altoyer knows he has allies he had many from his Legend alone but Abbas has delivered him the rest as altoya approaches the castle some confront some step aside most rally to his Aid what are you waiting for life staring into that Apple I learned many things from the apple of the path and the future let me show you with massive reclaims Altair will set about rebuilding the order restoring it to how he left it and using his years of wisdom to improve it further still they assassins were his life from beginning to end he had no other [Music] Ezio arrived in Cappadocia a city carved into the hills a bustling populace controlled by byzantines he was there to investigate the extent of the Templar Army their hierarchy and their plans first he would seek out tariq's people installed to learn more they had been found out captured and systematically tortured by the sadistic masked man shukulu Ezio must disable this Templar Army he infiltrates the Armory blows up the Munitions and draws out the Byzantine Templar Manuel palia logos we fight to restore peace to this troubled land Templars are always quick to talk of Peace but very slow to concede power your dream dies with you Manuel your Empire is gone but I am not the only one with this Vision as I said all Templars are part of our same I am here for the massive key Ezio has the final key the key to open the library Altair's font of wisdom and the Grand Master of the Byzantine Templars is dead except he wasn't their leader merely a cog in the wheel another topped the templar's hierarchy last of the Paleo I should not have put him in charge of our massive Expedition Prince Ahmet disappoint me I met why are the Templars because I am tired of all of this pointless blood Feud that beat father against son brother against brother to achieve true peace mankind must think and move as one body the secrets in the grand Temple will give us just that and that will lead us there I am here for the mercy of keys perhaps I should ask someone who knows better Sophia Sartor she knows nothing leave her be we shall see Ahmed turns his boat and heads to Constantinople to capture Sophia hostage as Ezio suffers the boat journey home with impatience he takes this time to view the fifth and final massive key it is 12 57 an Altair is 92. the Mongols are advancing quickly from the East and a recent inductee in the order Nicolo Polo is being given a vital task to guard his codex his life's work so that he may propagate the wisdom establishing guilds throughout the world the first of which Constantinople we are ready a last favorite Nicolo he also gave him the five massieaf Keys each one imbued with a message a message for whom I wish I knew Ezio did know but he must see Sophia safe he arrives at the Bookshop before leaving for Cappadocia Ezio asked that Yousef keep an eye on Sofia while he was gone Sophia was not there but the bodies of Byzantine Templars and the body of his new friend Yusuf tazim was brothers sisters the whole city rises against us while yusuf's murderer Waits and watches from the Arsenal fight with me and show him what it means to cross the Assassins Ezio and the Assassins enter the Arsenal once more and find Ahmet but he cannot kill him he has Sofia bring the seals to Galata Tower when you are ready and Sophia will be spared my brother's Army will be here soon it's you after that everything changes Prince Suleiman is there to hear his uncle's secret Ahmed follows the Templar order the world is a tapestry of many colors and patterns a just leader would celebrate this not seek to unravel it he fears the disorder that comes from difference no Ezio has the keys he could head to Massif now and open the library but there is no question of doing that yet he must save Sophia he heads to Galata Tower now the keys first the girl she's all yours Sophia Ezio has no choice he relinquishes the massive Keys climbs the tower but it's a trick Sophia hangs Below close to death he must be quick I did not mean to drag you into this I'm sorry but I need to recover what they have taken I do not and what is happening Ezio who are these men run as Ahmet leaves the city with the keys on route to the library Ezio and Maria give Chase the massive keys so what now it's you how does this end I am wondering that myself arriving back from the conflict with the sultan ahmet's brother Saleem has claimed the throne for himself where is he stands before your brothers further made his choice I am Salim suleiman's father were it not for his endorsement I would have you killed where you stand leave this place do not return this is not your fight but where does one end and the next begin back in 1506 in Rome Ezio Auditore and his friend Leonardo da Vinci entered the Pythagorean Vault and activated a pedestal what they saw was not understood by either of them Ezio was used to this but back in 2012 the Assassins knew them to be coordinates to a location the Assassins were now on their way there Phil good to see you I hope you have something for us absolutely passports and papers for everyone crackers here it come what is that Desmond's time in this partition of the Animus is coming to an end he is nearing complete synchronization on the memories he needs to complete the sync Nexus and this test program that has kept him safe is collapsing and with it the Consciousness that is done most to keep Desmond alive subject 16. he has a name clay cosmarek unlike Desmond he was not born into the order his parents weren't assassins he was recruited trained covertly installed into abstergo by this voice William break into a disturgo gather the Intel and get out to prove yourself novice and you will be one of us and when done he would be extracted by Lucy Stillman now Lucy will get you direct access to the Animus at night and once you have enough information she'll get you out but clay was not extracted he knew too much he was allowed to succumb to the bleeding effect by extended periods in the Animus until one day he stayed there installing his Consciousness permanently in the Animus after which he took his own life he knew about Lucy he knew their plan if our experiments were Desmond and the Animus aren't going well you will remove him from abstergo take him somewhere he will feel comfortable divulging his Secrets Desmond will lead you to the apple and then you bring it right to us you have served the Templar order well Lucy died at the hands of the Apple because she was instructed to take it to the Templars at heart it appeared she was a Templar had her time with the Assassins shifted this Allegiance a question that can now never be answered as clay kasmarek submitted his Consciousness to the Animus he was given his final task by Juno to make sure Desmond survives your eyes are now open help Desmond Isles I will as a test program collapses his final Act is to do just that what are you doing I'm saving you idiot go back into the Animus on the cusp of achieving his sink Nexus to experience one last memory Ezio had been fighting for over 30 years like Desmond like Altair he did not choose this life it was thrust upon him he tired he embarked on this journey from his homeland in search of Truth reasons for the ways of this world and his place within it what he found was love deepened further by the long road to massyaf Sophia choosing to stay by his side as he completed this journey with the keys to the library for three decades I have served the memory of my father and my brothers I do not regret those years but it is time to live for myself and let them go then let go you will not fall far with the five Keys Ezio opens Altair's Library sealed shirt for 300 years you had better come out of their life I plan to many shelves but no books just a chair with a figure slumped within it holding a sixth massive key Ezio is transported to the day the library was sealed father I do not understand why did you build a library if you did not intend to keep your books you should go when the Mongols return must be empty go be with your family and Live Well mashaf is no longer home to the Assassins but sealed in this tomb it will be the final resting place of Altair in it he will guard the Apple for a day he will never see to share secrets with the person he'll never meet he sits with his last recorded memory and waits [Music] another artifact [Music] I have seen enough for one life as it was when he met Minerva he knows his purpose has not been to understand his purpose was to reveal and he senses this is his last Revelation as an assassin the apple is activated Desmond he's talking to me who are we who have been so blessed to share our stories like this speak across centuries maybe you will be the one to make all this suffering worth something in the end now listen Desmond has achieved his sink Nexus [Music] this is Jupiter like Minerva and Juno he was one that came before they are in a Nexus of time and he is here to illuminate Desmond on the work they did in the vaults trialing and testing methods to save the world Grand Temple where they tested the most promising methods and then the world ended Desmond would see the world as it was during their time he saw the solar catastrophe eviscerate everyone and everything save a handful of humanity and even less of Jupiter's kind but they worked together to rebuild and to renew but what of the impending catastrophe prophesied by Minerva listen you must go there take my words pass them from your head into your hands that is how you will open the way the Assassins have traveled far to the coordinates that Ezio showed them to that place on Jupiter's Globe to the east coast of America wait look his vitals are stabilizing he hears that voice again that voice he knows so well Desmond can you hear me son I know what we need to do Desmond's purpose is still in motion here at the entrance to the Grand Temple but his time with Ezio has come to an end he is nothing left to show him [Music] Ezio live the remainder of his years in the Tuscan Countryside healing the pain he endured reflecting on the lessons he had learned and growing the family he started with Sophia he found love contentment and finally peace [Music] son Desmond knows just what to do his fellow assassins Rebecca Shawn and now his father William know where it has to be done they were given the coordinates by the ones who came before they have guided them here to Turin a small village outside of New York USA to enter this Grand Temple they hope a place where they can stop the impending catastrophe this cataclysmic event the ones who came before ultimately succumbed to an event like this thousands of years prior they see Desmond as Humanity's Only Hope for it to not happen again the date prophesized for this apocalypse is December 21st 2012. they have 52 days let's go the Apple taken from the Vault Under The Coliseum opens the ancient doors the same Apple that Juno worked through to stop it getting into Templar hands abstego's Hope was to use it for their satellite launch now not to be the Apple was needed for this purpose another artifact found on the temple floor turns on the lights but there is something missing something they need to access the inner chamber within it they can understand how they how Desmond can save Humanity Juno is here to help them the key you must find the key here we go again Desmond has traveled the ages visiting his ancestors in his time with the Animus he has been to the time of the Crusades without her he has seen Renaissance Italy with Ezio and now here in the temple as his friends and father place his unconscious body under the Rapture of the beating effect into Rebecca's newly updated animus he is to experience the life of this man his name is Connor this is a story about family about loss hatred Revenge Duty struggle and sacrifice but perhaps mostly for Connor it's sense belonging but we're not ready for his story yet to find the key to the inner chamber Desmond needs to go back a little further across the Atlantic to London it's 1754. invitation please [Music] who is this man he finds his Target like an assassin he scales the walls of the Opera House like one and he Bears his hidden blade in a way Desmond has seen so many times this assassin is here for something just like Desmond here for the key this is what they need this man is Haytham Kenway and he returns his prize to his fellow assassins and his master Reginald Birch Bay two search for the temple fascinated by the knowledge of this Lost Civilization I hold in my hand a key and if this book is to be believed it will open the doors of a storehouse built by those who came before whatever Waits behind those doors shall prove a great Boon to us all or our enemies should they find it first they don't know what Desmond knows but they were on the trail a trail that became lost why they know the temple lies on the east coast of America and that is why we've called you here Master Kenway we'd like for you to travel to America locate the storehouse and take possession of its contents upon this paper are the names of five men sympathetic to our cause we've booked you passage to Boston your ship leaves at door go forth Haytham and bring honor to us all on the cusp of his 30th year Haytham Kenway arrives in Boston on his Brotherhood search for the grand Temple Boston in the middle of the 18th century at the very start of the Seven Years War America colonized by over 2 million britons and far less French the French compete in the war between them by rallying Native Americans to their cause in Boston in 1754 Haytham arrives to a city controlled by British Redcoats there is relative peace trade exists in the port but with a war Brewing poverty and discontent is on the rise stop him [Music] Kenway has a job to do and a list of names in which to help him one of those names is waiting at the Port Charles Lee sir a pleasure to make your acquaintance Charles has been given leave from the British army to help Haytham set up his team an order sent over from London the Brotherhood there has reached I had hoped that I might study under you if I am to serve the order I can imagine no better Mentor than yourself Charles is not part of their order yet but admires and aligns with what they stand for he is Keen to impress hathan oh no need sir I've arranged for your bags to be delivered to the end that Inn is the Green Dragon Tavern and it will be the headquarters for all the work Haytham and his team will undertake in the coming years with the help of Charles Lee they begin to gather those names William Johnson a man with great knowledge of the surrounding lands and Native people living within it Thomas Hickey a strong pair of hands with his ear to the ground of the criminal underworld Benjamin Church he's a finder and a fixer and a doctor with a broad knowledge of the city and finally John Pitcairn he will prove difficult to recruit he currently serves the British soldiers his Commander Edward Braddock Braddock and Haytham share a history they serve their orders as brothers but Edward was one of us upon a time I considered him a close friend but everything changed at the siege of Bergen op Zoom he killed killed he maintained that violence was a more efficient solution he became his Mantra and it broke my heart Braddock is the same Commander that Charles Lee serves currently released to help Haytham it's Charles Lee's connections that gets them in the barracks where Pitcairn is currently installed Haytham General Braddock it's bad enough my superiors have insisted I grant her use of Charles but they said nothing about this traitor you'll not have him denied but not deterred hatham and Charles later Ambush a patrol containing pitcair they get their man through the disdain of Braddock traitor go on then join them on their Fool's errand I stay my hand today because you were once my brother or should I path ever across again all debts debts will be forgotten Haytham has his team he now sets about tapping their strengths we believe there's a precursor site in the region I require your knowledge of the land and its people to find it in his business Pursuits Johnson has long had dealings with the local native tribes people and when he sees hatham's artifact he immediately makes a connection it appears Kanye and gahaga in origin can he trace it to a specific location I need to know where it came from Johnson lacks this knowledge but the canyon kahaka tribe may know more this is not information they will give freely especially to the British we'll need to earn their trust before they'll share what they know there may be a way hickey hears rumor men Moonlighting among the British are kidnapping and enslaving the native people freeing those captured while slaying The Man In Charge may go some way to earning that trust Benjamin Church knows just the man capable of such an Endeavor a British soldier named Silas Thatcher a crawler and more vicious creature I've never known their plan is simple disguise themselves gain entry under guise of ferrying newly captured Natives and shut down the operation for good but as Haytham takes his place at the Helm of the slave's Carriage his focus on the task wavers one of the captured slaves is this woman we're here to help you along with those held inside Southgate forty not until we're inside the gate using the woman and her tries people as cover they enact their plan delivery for Silas the slave is ring destroyed the captives liberated see I'm freeing you just as I said I would now allow me to explain it is clear to hathan that the trust they seek will take time who is this woman and how has such a brief encounter made him feel this way he must see her again for his order's sake as well as his own it would be months before Charles Lee finds a lead word is she's been stirring up trouble just outside the city in a town called Lexington Haytham uses his innate skills passed down through the ages to track this elusive woman I come in peace what do you want well your name [Music] just call me Zio with her name just as complex as the feelings in his heart he plainly gets to the point she recognizes the artifact immediately I've only seen such markings in one other place she is still reticent to share look I am not the enemy there is more Zeo can gain from this man than just her Freedom her Town Hall soldiers who seek to drive my people from these lands they're led by a man known as the Bulldog Edward Braddock you know him he's no friend of mine Haytham spared spread it once through Nostalgia but his death will now pay for something far greater ridding this threat to zeo's people will earn the trust needed to learn of this sacred Place Braddock's death is the key at first we have to find him he would take time time spent together gaining Intel putting plans in place their connection grew wasn't necessary thank you we should move on they have a plan they know where he'll be why he'll be there and when we will Ambush him here near the river go and gather your allies I will do the same it would be five months before their plan would come to fruition but with the assassins and their allies assembled it was time to sabotage Braddock's Expedition he plans to take Fort Duquesne from the French everything all right sir amongst his officers is a young ambitious George Washington just savoring the moment the French will leave or they will die but its moment would be dashed they are ambushed on Route and amongst the chaos the Assassins strike in a red-coat disguise Haytham gets his chance your death opens a door it's nothing personal well maybe it is a little personal but we are brothers in arms arms once perhaps all those Innocents slaughtered and for what whether we applied the sword more liberally and more often the world would be a better place Haytham gives him the Assassin blade but takes a ring they were once Brothers but even within brotherhood's method and purpose sometimes fail to align Haytham sees this as a cleansing and strips him of his life and his place in the order zeo's trust has now been earned and she takes Haytham to the sacred site where the symbols match the amulet will this key open a door the artifact glows as do the ancient symbols on the walls but the key is not the right one no no this room is all there is I expected more what do they mean it tells the story of your system your eyes still watch over us her ears still hear our words her hands still guide us and the love still gives us strength I I should go with his heart unlocked and with the door to the answers he saw close to him he returns to his Brotherhood to regroup we need to redouble our efforts and expand our order it is time to recognize one of their own just as the recruits of times past are inducted it is time for a ceremony he has proven himself a loyal disciple and served unerringly since the day he came to us initially teased privately for being a sycophant over eager too Keen to please the Assassins have accepted him and it is vital to their success he becomes a permanent member and we welcome you into our fold brother to Desmond the ceremony had perhaps changed throughout the ages the levantine Assassins sacrificed a finger the Assassins of Italy saw fit only to Brand their loyalty give me your hand now here in Boston this fledgling Brotherhood of the Americas opted it only for a ring but Desmond did not recognize the tone of the ceremony it did not chime with those he'd seen before the rhetoric was off something was not right together we will usher in the dawn of a new world one defined by purpose and order you are a Templar wait what may the father of understanding guide us Desmond's ancestry had included a Templar there were signs obvious to him now but he had not the time to feel duped by time after all they knew who had the key they must follow its trial but to do this they must follow the DNA not only did hatham earn zeo's trust he also earned her love and in reciprocating that love they spent a stolen spell together which they knew could not last they stepped away from both of their worlds for a moment and for a short time created their own in the wilderness but unbeknownst to hatham Zeo returned to her world bearing his child the lineage had passed from father to son to follow the trail of the key Desmond must now live the memories of Rattan again Desmond you need to keep going but in the grand Temple Desmond struggled with his more immediate lineage Desmond left the Assassin order he was born into at 16. he was captured by the Templars and used since escaping he has spent little time outside the service of his cause the cause for a time he felt his father imposed upon him I'm sick of being a goddamn Pawn I thought it might be different with you I mean you're my father but turns out you're no better than the [ __ ] Templars maybe I pushed a little too hard asked a little too much but try and remember exactly what's at stake here the emotional disconnection the one that turned in from his family from his cause still exists but since the moment he entered the Animus he has seen firsthand the cause of the Assassins Through the Ages the oppression of the Templars and the gravity of the impending catastrophe he does not need to have the cause imposed upon Him by anyone anymore he knows what he must do this is his cause within the Animus he must follow the key but within the temple they also have a problem they need to find more sources of power like Desmond first found in the temple in order to power the temple sufficiently to gain access to the inner Chambers they need more this task lies on Sean's shoulders I intend to tiptoe into the abstergo database now if I can cross-reference these particular devices with their database then maybe we'll get lucky the ones who came before LED them to this Temple the Specter of Juno seems to be present she appears sporadically urging the Assassins to keep going to unlock the secrets within do you think it's a recording or is she a ghost but I can't shake the feeling we're being watched I don't know why they had to make this all so complicated I mean if they need something from me they should just come out and say it throughout Desmond's Journey he's met this Triad of characters Juno Minerva Jupiter inside the sync Nexus but never collectively I get the sense Juno nerva didn't exactly but maybe you'll find something down here that can shed light on the mystery what happened between Desmond doesn't need coaxing from Juno he enters the Animus a new ancestor beckons Madonna Gayden had his father's eyes he was told this he'd never met him despite being a child of Two Worlds he was loved by his tribe their Village was in the heart of the Mohawk Valley despite the importance of the valley as a route to the frontier by colonists they still kept their lands choosing not to fight with the French during the Seven Years War now over looking to stay impartial hoping to be ignored the village was near that cave those symbols they saw it as part of their culture to protect its Mysteries Madonna Gardens mother Zeo the daughter of the clan mother traded that mystery she loved Haven once but she knew him and feared that haytham's Darkness his lust for control would rear itself in her son but at this age she just saw a playful curious child and did her best to create a safe and loving world for him on the day her child went out to the valley to play that world ended up what have we here you look familiar where have I seen you before we have questions for your elders only tell us where your village is boy and you can go for Desmond this is not the quiet helpful unassuming Charles Lee he had seen Through The Eyes of hatham this was a man with the eyes of hate he meant harm to the Mohawk people ratonageddon would never tell you are nothing for your ill but I am not unkind let them know the sooner we are given what we seek the sooner you can return to your pathetic empty lives oh what is your name Charles Lee why do you ask so I can find you Awakening from the black raduna garden rushes back to the place he feels safest he hadn't seen a white man before these people would desire and disdain in their eyes despite his outward bravery he had never been so scared in his life if he were to describe evil what he saw in the eyes of this man would be it and that evil had found his village the men didn't need his help to find it it was a blaze burning in the name of ambition and greed he had one thought his mother yeah is it hot stick s next is the dirty on the rock the nowhere they say to raise a child takes a village and this Village rebuilt raised within a garden with love the clan mother his grandmother loved him and knew there was a plan for him nine years later he was 13. his loss was still with him but he had grown strong he climbed he hunted better than anyone his age better than his best friend Canon dorgan but he never leaves him behind he does his best to elevate his peers the valley is still a paradise to them with all the bounties they would ever need but more and more colonists have been seen and it's only a matter of time before they settle here forcing his tribe out they gather special items for a ceremony called by the clan mother Western Garden has no idea what awaits him the crowd's part the clan mother knows it's time for him to understand his Destiny why they do not wander like the other tribes why they hide from the conflict brewing in their lands for they have a purpose that transcends this to protect what is sacred the clan mother presents the artifact that has been entrusted to them Through the Ages a piece of Eden its purpose is to deliver a message to one individual to show what might be and what might be changed on touching the artifact raduna gerdun is transported to the Nexus greetings Guardian Juno you who will bring to him the last piece that he may open the door I do not understand nor need you in the form of an eagle the Nexus takes him through the probability of Time how a malevolent group planned to seize their lands destroy their Sanctuary Juno explains his special lineage many who have changed the world who will change the world so too shall you he and his people know it only as the sanctuary they'll never know it as the temple and what it holds within it he knows only that he is chosen to save his people to protect this site for if the men with evil in their eyes enter it too soon it will mean the end must save his home and his people at all costs he must then retrieve the key what am I to do you will learn of a man who will provide additional training seek this symbol as he emerges from the Nexus he scrambles to remember this symbol it is his first breadcrumb the clan mother knows it well once upon a time her daughter his mother sought help from the same man he lies to the east 1969 and at 13 he will leave the Mohawk Valley for the first time and enter the frontier he feared what lay ahead but knew the fate of his people if he chose inaction he will find this man and after days of travel he does at the homestead described by the clan mother what I I was told you could train me no this is not the outcome he'd rehearsed during those miles through the frontier but there was no question of him giving up the homestead was Grand but it used to be grander it had clearly been neglected in its structure and surroundings he used its ramshackle Stables to rest and shelter persisting daily meeting the same outcome get the hell off my land he would not not even when the skills he wished to learn were used against him State this course and the only thing you're gonna be is dead fear had never been a deterrent for a Dunagan the world's moved on boy best you do too he licked his wounds in the Stables you will train me you have to his chance to break through to the old man would arrive in the form of Bandits here to strip the homestead of further value within a Garden's fighting skills are instinctive but Wrath the man could see this thank you clean this up then I suppose we should talk this is Achilles Davenport like the house he hides within he is old broken and past his best like redundagarden he is a man of different color to the European colonists who brought their entitlement greed and oppression to this land he once defended himself and others against this mentor of the colonial order of Assassins but both the Brotherhood and his will was broken and collapsed he did not know it but inviting radon again in he had invited in hope hope he thought was lost forever who are you my name is Rado hangado right well I'm not even going to try and pronounce that I was told to seek this symbol the spirit said that that I am spirits of yours have been harassing the Assassins for centuries ever since Ezio Uncorked the bottle uh but you don't even know what an assassin is do you over the course of that long evening and into the Night raduna Garden found out about the history of the Brotherhood the Templars the ones who came before and about his lineage painful truths like his father hatham the leader of the Templars will stand in the way of his ultimate mission to save his people to protect their secret he is and has the key to all of this he also remembers those eyes Charles Lee is a Templar and now an enemy in more ways than one the man responsible for his mother's death they have to die don't they all of them even my father if they succeed your spirit's Visions will become reality come on I have something to show you [Music] huh I don't think you can just come in here throw those on and call yourself an assassin I did not I would never presume before that he needs to prepare himself for everything that is to come what he sought comes to pass Achilles spends the next weeks months indeed years training him his body and his mind sculpting him into the beginnings of an assassin is exposed to history philosophy politics and how to kill while feeding red and again and the wisdom he needs he has also fed life into himself he sees a future he did not care to Fathom before and with that a care to improve the house the homestead around him to make a home instead of a prison the closest city Boston has some of the supplies needed to do this raduno Garden sees the beauty Bedlam and bureaucracy of the big city of Boston for the first time he is awed by it there is so much life here so many opportunities for a few my boy he also learns its dangers and how to avert The Gaze of the Redcoats to blend in and divert and also how to get around the city fast and undetected Achilles explains the change that is starting to brew in these new lands the British spent big in their seven years war against the French their efforts to tax the colonists to pay for it are met with disdain there is talk of Revolution but will that also be for the few maybe it is this change in the air that prompts Achilles to suggest a change for adonageddon you're also going to need a new name your skin is fair enough that you might pass for one with Spanish or Italian blood what would you call me then Achilles nose instinctively Karma yes that will be your name so Connor has a new name home a new life and a mentor his mother once worried that he may inherit some of his father's nature but our nature reacts to the movements and mentors around us Conor absorbs and adopts the Assassin philosophy with all his heart perhaps never to be wavered or broken in all his fiber he is a guardian as Juno called him he would choose to guard the freedom of all those denied it denied by men like his father the biggest lesson he was to learn that went against his nature is patience he knows he needs to spend time absorbing everything he can if he's to stand up to the skills of his father it's not until 1773 his 17th birthday that both he and achilles believe he can begin his fight if you're going to stand a chance against the Templars you're going to need these and this put them on you of your tools and training your targets and goals and now you have your title welcome to the Brotherhood comma he is now ready to take the fight to Charles Lee to the Templars to his father back in the temple Sean's hunt has borne fruit I've managed to locate a power source and it's relatively close by a short drive to Manhattan but there's a catch I think we're better off having you drop in from above what do you mean above Desmond parachutes from the adjacent building to the ostergo office below the fact is on display in a corner office did abstego even know what they had that wasn't so bad so you must be Desmond who are you ask your father I'm not supposed to kill you but the boss man didn't say anything about [ __ ] you up abstergo had tracked them but Desmond has the artifact and on returning to the temple the Assassins filled Desmond in on this mystery Templar so who the hell is Daniel Cross believe it or not he used to be an assassin it turned out he was a sleeper agent for abstergo programmed to infiltrate and destroy the organization cross is a dangerous asset to Warren vidic and the Templars his volatility his mental state has been exacerbated by extended periods in the Animus they must be wary of him abstego know what the Assassins search for and they are tracking them they need two more power sources which Sean will track down all the while avoiding Daniel Cross and the cross he represents Desmond focuses again on the key in the four years since Conor had been at the homestead he had seen great change in both himself and the people of this land the British were losing their grip on America and something new was brewing but underneath this the Assassin's sensed strings were being pulled by the Templars for their own ends he saw this in Boston as Charles Lee's gunshot lit the touch paper of discontent outside the Boston custom house he saw the satisfaction in his father's face as lives were lost and hatreds galvanized they want Power if not through the British then they look to place themselves somewhere in this emerging regime Conor must determine where but where to start it will start with Connor on the back foot his childhood friend Karen dorgan delivers news of the British looking to force them from their lands he said that the land was being sold and that the Confederacy had consented do you have a name he is called William Johnson at this moment he resides somewhere in Boston prepare hearing for the purchase of the land Conor must defend the tribe he still feels so much a part of Achilles nose who can help draw out William Johnson Connor finds Samuel Adams a member of the Sons of Liberty Samuel Adams At Your Service Adams has discerned that William Johnson is funding the purchase of the land by smuggling and selling British tea from the ships at the Docks a stage requires a spectacle and I may know the play the play is twofold the Sons of Liberty get to send a message to England a new Rob William Johnson of his financing your village will be saved on December 16th Conor leads the Sons of Liberty in raiding the ships fighting back the British and dumping the T profit Center of both British and William Johnson into the Harbor Waters The Village has been saved for now but America will never be the same again the revolution has officially begun the threat to The Village's stand but the Templar threat is still ever present you should have killed him there was no need time will tell if you speak the truth Connor took no pleasure in killing but if it stands in the way of Liberty he would do so in a heartbeat he pledged his blade to the people liberating areas of the city from the hands of oppressors and recruiting those that would Aid in this endeavor wherever he could help he gave back power to the people so they could live in Freedom he saw a way of life away from control and greed indeed he looked to create that ideal in his new home surrounding the house the homestead boasted Bountiful land too long had it languished and tended he encouraged a community with people who did not fit in in The Wider world he invited them to stay and put their skills towards this ideal our village is growing and in need of all forms of trade just business and a new life people who just wanted to contribute Farmers Carpenters Hunters clothes makers doctors priests and publicans the homestead was its own ecosystem and thrived what resources they did not need themselves they sold the proceeds fed back into the community and into the fight below the homestead its harbor was rejuvenated and within it pride of place docked the famed assassin ship the Aquila now restored to its former glory why the Aquila boy the ghost of the north Seas captained by the oft inebriated Robert Faulkner she'll vet 12 knots in a stiff Gale near a ship from here to Singapore can outrun her on our best day what do you say we take her out show you what you can do firsthand as Conor does in the cities he does so on the high seas seeing to the Templar threats wherever it lies oh yeah victory for the Akita for Glory Adventure on the waves also brought mystery as he tracked Treasures in far-flung Seas a local character that frequented the harbor kept letters left by William Kidd the famed sailor and pirate who a hundred years before Connor looked to keep artifacts from the hands of the Templars Connor found the artifact he looked to protect this Shard of Eden would help Connor in his fight with the Templars a precursor device to help Shield its wearer from projectiles each time he ventured to the Horizon he always returned to the bosom of his adopted family he will always be Canyon kahaka but this is the world he hopes he can help create in the whole of America where people respect difference Embrace cooperation and love one another because of it it's while basking in the glow of his creation the Achilles's warning it comes a reality William Johnson has returned with all the money required to buy our land he meets with the elders as we speak if Connor stayed his blade once he would not do so again Achilles is right they will not stop the elders try to resist we are not here to negotiate not to sell we are here to tell you and yours to leave these lands perhaps you'll respond better to the sword Connor does not hesitate like many Templars of the past even in death their convictions remain I could have saved you all you speak of salvation but you were killing them because they would not listen and so it seems neither will you William Johnson believes the colonists will turn on the Mohawks in time but for now they remain on his body is revealed information on his next Target John Pitt care John pitcan has risen to command level within the British Army and his orders are to Target Patriot weapons and supplies to stem the flow of the Revolution the Templars cannot where they assume power at this moment they have placed themselves in both camps in order to have total influence but topple Pitcairn and Connor rids the world of a Templar and tips the scales towards the resistance Conor can't do it alone he joins the Sons of Liberty in helping gather the Patriots to the cause and stands beside them in defending the town of Concord as Pitcairn looks to take those Patriot weapons and supplies we did it the Turning tail Connor helped Aid the cause of the Patriots but failed to further his own I should have struck when I had the chance it would be weeks before he had another he meets Samuel Adams at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia the Patriots are gaining strength becoming organized the new continental army Alexa leader George Washington an ambitious individual he did not find the advancement prospects he desired within the British Army and he left for politics a decade after the French Indian War he finds himself at the spearhead in the revolution for Independence the vexation of one man [Music] accepted this arduous someone I want you to meet Charles Lee won't recognize that scared young boy in the face of Connor but Charles Lee's face is seared in Connor's memory it was Lee that killed his mother here Charles Lee has been passed over for this command a blow for the Templars what a boon it would have been to be at the very top of this emerging power an independent United States is close to a reality the Templars need to grasp the Reigns for Connor Lee must wait the grasp of the British is loosening and is near Bunker Hill that Connor gets his chance to meet piccan he fights his way through the British to end his life like so many Templar last words that have occurred before their aim is that of Peace but method is the difference between them they would have succeeded had you let me play my part part of the Puppeteer the battle we hold the strings than another no the strings should be severed all should be free and it's on his dying body that Connor discovers the next Templar plan to assassinate Washington and place Charles Lee as his obvious successor the man charged with completing the task is another name on the Assassin wall Thomas Hickey Connor heads to New York Thomas Hickey runs a counterfeiting ring in the city Connor looks to shut it down and take hickey out of action I supposed to be none of your kind left I suppose I must be rectifying that then Connor is not the only one looking for the counterfeiters you are both under arrest the Patriots have shut down the ring what are the charges counterfeiting I had nothing to do with that listen there are more important things at stake here this man he awakes imprisoned and with only the bars separating them he gets closer to his father than he ever has before thank you kindly for the rescue gents there can be no further mistakes Thomas am I understood what about this the Assassin deal with this Charles at once sir Haytham knows who Connor is he was unaware at the time that he had a child and he is not known for long but he knows he will not meet his eyes Lee remains they were unaware of the rise of the Assassins here on American Shores until now they capitulated long ago with Achilles you're meddling in the revolution has caused us no small measure of grief it cannot continue our work is too important the child in the forest was you you know all of this might have been avoided had you only done what I asked what does he mean I think I have an idea yes two birds with one stone that idea is to frame Connor for the murder of the prison Warden and accuse him of the plot to kill George Washington while Washington looks Over The Gallows to see his plotter hanged the Templars will complete their plan but as Conor approaches The Noose he sees the Assassin order he has rebuilt with Achilles come to his Aid he knows not which of them severed the Rope but he is free free to stop Thomas Hickey and end the plot go yeah Thomas Hickey was a faithful servant to the Templars but his reason for service was not as Grand as some I asked the money they asked the power that's the reason I threw him of him that's the only reason you're just some blind fool who's always chasing butterflies whereas I'm the type of guy who likes to have a beer in one hand and a tea in the other Connor's purpose stretches further the plot scuppered for now he joins Washington in Philadelphia for a pivotal moment for their country they officially declare independence the British are all but finished the months draw on without event despite the inevitable impending Return of the Templars it is quiet Connor travels to the Continental Army's encampment at Valley Forge he can help Washington and possibly the Assassin cause as well Supply Caravans meant for the camp have gone missing I suspect treachery a traitor named Benjamin Church recently released from prison has vanished as well the two events are surely related Conor investigates reports on the Southern Road Benjamin Church is an enemy of the Patriots passing information to the British but he also has other enemies Conor hopes to find sign of church here but instead has a meeting he is long rehearsed in his head father Conor any last words come to check up on Church make sure he's stolen enough for your British Brothers Benjamin Church is no brother of mine Haytham sees the man his child has become without his influence he is a wash with emotions Pride Envy possibly even hatred but he sees opportunity and a dovetail of purpose to seek revenge on the traitor church and subconsciously the chance to know the child he sired perhaps some time together might do us good you are my son after all and might still be saved from your ignorance Connor's silence speaks to an agreement they're a cord lasted the following weeks as they tracked a weak Trail through the Snows of the frontier the burnt out shells of the great fire and bustling docklands of New York be Connor we need more speed culminating in a sea Voyage to the Caribbean where Church looked a profit from his theft of patriot supplies throughout their partnership they found common ground but just as many differences as has been held between assassin and Templar for centuries order purpose Direction it's your lot that means to confound with this nonsense talk of freedom but they stuck for now to their Common Ground hatham did not know his father well he lost him at a young age but he settled into a shorthand with Conor although one of critique you could have killed me when we first met what stayed your hand curiosity any other questions oh I'm sorry would you like me to come along and hold your hand perhaps provide kind words of encouragement it's almost as though you want him to escape you do it why me because I said so now go how is it you came to Captain a ship given the way you say it was at least resemblant to The Father's Love For His Son you I recognize not the Savage here's my son but bubbling under this is Connor's resentment he has always held for his father Templars Charles Lee I found my mother Burning Alive Charles Lee is responsible for her death by your order it's impossible I gave no such order it is done and I'm all out of forgiveness further discussion May jeopardize Conor's a media Mission they must find church and they do so on the Caribbean Sea they board the ship and take their prize enough where are the supplies you stole him oh Connor aims to understand the mind of Benjamin Church like Braddock he had drifted from his order it's all a matter of perspective there is no single path through life that's right and fair and does no harm how dedicated as you are to fighting Templars who themselves see their work as just Conor understands this he always has good people do bad things out of ignorance and fear but he fights for what he thinks knows is right and he will not see people controlled manipulated oppressed he fights for freedom and he is wary of the mindset of the Patriots do they have everyone's freedom in mind and like his father hopes of him he hopes hatham can be saved from his ideologies their work together is not done they return with the stolen supplies both assassin and Templar want rid of the crown in order to defeat them they must know their plans they capture British officers to find out they are to march on New York when do they begin two days from now and must warn Washington they head to Valley Forge we should be sharing what we know with Lee not Washington you seem to think I favor him but my enemy is a notion not a nation your opposed tyranny Injustice these are just symptoms their true cause is human weakness you have said much yes but you have shown me nothing and we'll have to remedy that then won't we as Conor delivers news of the British attack Haytham finds just the evidence to deliver the Revelation he has kept to himself for now and what's this private correspondent posters would you like to know what it says scholar Washington the Patriots are due to attack a native Village reacting to Intel that they are working with the British against them Washington's orders are to burn the Village Salt the land eradicate its people the village in question is Connor's not the first time either tell them what you did 14 years ago since that day the day he lost his mother he blamed the Templars for her death Charles Lee specifically but it was another during the Seven Years War as the natives worked with the French it was Washington's orders to stop this threat at any cost Washington orders his village to burn and he does so again and so now you see what happens to this great man when under duress he makes excuses and does a great many things in fact except take responsibility enough Conor knows there are many minds and many moving parts to a collective greed Washington is guilty yes but he has his Village to save not to save his Nation but to enact a notion Connor is an assassin and he stands for those that struggle to stand for themselves he realizes he can't forge peace on such disparate ideals of how to live he must do this alone a warning to you both choose to follow me or oppose me and I will kill you Connor rides for his village as Charles Lee lit the touch paper before the massacre at Boston he does so here the Templars have sculpted the perfect scenario they have forewarned the village of the Patriot attack they will see the British fall under a preemptive strike from the natives and in doing so Charles Lee will see the certain death of the natives he so despises Connor tries to head off the Mohawk attack he must stop it he must save the village he subdues who he can until he meets his childhood friend his brother Cannon dorgan Charles Lee had spread lies to manipulate the village that Connor wants the end of the village that he has been corrupted the hate and the Betrayal that this is engendered is unassailable Connor has no choice another of those he loves has to die due to Greed Charles Lee is acting like every powerful Templar before him he is pulling the strings and manipulating the tide of change on both sides his plan has always been to weaken the British while at the same time undermine the leadership of George Washington Lee wants the seat of power in this new world Lee does such during the Battle of Monmouth Connor AIDS the Patriot Victory despite Lee's tactics Charles Lee has betrayed you he forced retreat in the midst of battle hoping the Lost would take the lives of your men and see you relieved of your command what that man is your enemy and he will not stop until you are dead or Dishonored should you choose to spare Lee's life then I will take it myself enjoy your Victory Commander it will be the last I deliver you Connor hates Washington he has every right to but at least his leadership is free of Templar Grandeur and at least he is steering a country towards Revolution he no longer needs to guide this ship it will reach his destination of its own accord they will get their independence Charles Lee is the only person who can stop it Connor knows what he must do in order to open the door and gain access to whatever is in there whatever the ones that came before needs Desmond to get to the Assassins must have haytham's artifact but before then they need the power sources the first one Desmond found switched the lights on taken from Manhattan store movement behind the door Sean hacked into the database and found news of more they traveled to Brazil to find a third artifact just like in New York Daniel Cross was there to Scupper them Desmond narrowly escaped with a prize news of the fourth and final artifacts came from Egypt Desmond needed to concentrate on haytham's amulet William would step up to the plate and retrieve it from the museum there Desmond woke from the Animus to hear the news abstergo has your dad where Italy same place they were holding you and the man holding him is familiar to Desmond too hello again Mr Miles Warren vidic the man that kept in prisoner forced him into the Animus turned Lucy Stillman to his will and now has his father I propose a trade bring me the apple and I'll return your father to you no worse for the where Desmond knows William would want them to move on find another power source focus on the mission but despite their differences the parental missteps the misconnection he loves his father there is no question what he must do they leave for Italy with the Apple the Apple left by Ezio beneath the Coliseum that opened the door to the Grand Temple the Apple that holds so much power they know I'm here Rebecca there's no way they don't what's up dude Desmond doesn't need to be shown he knows exactly where to begin where it all started foreign 's pet his best soldier stands in his way give me the Apple all right Desmond game's over not now not now what the hell is that that was cross's adult brain too long spent in the Animus in the care of abstago the care of Warren vidic so close the Apple helped by Desmond it triggered the bleeding effect cross was no longer a threat he could not defend ourselves where's vidic kill me I'll let you in Desmond has the Apple but he has no intention of handing it over you want it fine here it is wait no he knows how to wield it it was meant for him left for him after all he's had the practice [Music] he has his father they have the final power source and Desmond has the Apple three power sources in hand Desmond begins to bring the temple back online when doing so the ever present Juno tells stories stories of the ones that came before and their failure to stop the sun Four Towers would be built to pull her Fury into this place and dispel it they did not have the time the first Tower was only partially completed and the project was abandoned but while we labored on other endeavors a few returned they thought to automate the process metal might finish with flesh could not they tried to use their existing Shield technology to perhaps Shield the Earth but they could not scale it enough they look to harness the power of the Apple the phenomenon that multiple mines harness to it could change the very fabric of reality their aim was to place the Apple in the atmosphere to do this just as modern day of Sturgill hope to do once placed sentence would be uttered make us safe but they could not control it Minerva took charge of a divination project to enact a future solution they created a device so complex as to predict the infinite possibilities of the future enough so they could communicate with future allies that device was called the eye but every future they predicted led to the same outcome the destruction of the world they turned to bioengineering Juno's project to change their genetic makeup to resist the effects of the cataclysm in this manner we might thrive in a world made poisonous Juno's husband aita volunteered to test the process he was consumed with pain he begged for the end I pleaded with him to give us time to find another way but there wasn't one see their racist fate was sealed for their bodies at least but what if they could save their minds what if they could transfer it to another vessel one more sturdy like stone for this they found a way it proved easy enough to enter [Music] believe required something more something wrong and so this too they abandoned I wondered though were they right to turn away however Juno is communicating with the Assassins now it's clear that before her kind passed she suffered great pain somehow she is even able to communicate with us digitally hacking the emails and leaving written diatribes of her disdain for the human race who were inferior animalistic wretched things a hatred that is familiar to Desmond he has seen it Through the Ages none more so than with Charles Lee and his similar disdain for the natives and those that oppose the Templars in one email Juno describes how she lost her father to human hands during Humanity's revolution in the temple there is no Minerva no Jupiter just Juno it is clear she has no love for Humanity why is she helping them whatever's on the other side of that door it benefits Juno we need to be careful the temple is now powered they just need the key home stretch Desmond I can feel it Haytham has that key but he's nowhere to be found Connor still hopes to spare him to make him see sense but in the homestead his other father his mentor that gave him the strength to fight his strength is waning Conor he's asking for you I'm Washington spared Lee's life so long as he lives all are in danger the same is true for your father but with league on my father might listen to me both men must die Connor leaves the ailing Achilles to construct his plan Lee currently takes refuge in Fort George in New York Connor can't enter from the ground he will use the underground system to gain access and with a help from his allies who will cause distraction at range from the sea in the chaos I will slip inside find Charles Lee and silence him forever Connor infiltrates with guns rage the bells ring out he continues to the heart of the fort where are you Charles gone come now you cannot hope to match me Connor he the promise of a better future Haytham knows he cannot turn the tide in Conor's mind Connor knows the same there was a time for Haytham but that time was long gone he is too old too buried in the work he is done in the lives he has taken in the cause he has championed Lee must live to see this world Thrive under template ideals he is their best chance he does not hope to best his son maybe he will he just needs to stand in his way we did not harm your people we did not supposed to see this land United and at peace under our rule surrender and I will spare you Brave words for about to die we require no Creed no indoctrination by desperate old men all we need is that the world be as it is Templars will never be destroyed Haytham has the upper hand but he knows the Assassins he knows where they wear their hidden blades he wears one himself to truly give the Templars the world all he has to do is use it but who he is the life he has lived the product of that stolen summer with Zeo at his Mercy he won't he leaves his son's blade arm free he has given Lee the chance to flee it's up to him now and it's up to Connor I will not weep and wonder what might have been so you understand What Might Have Been is a story unto itself as a young boy Haytham was leading a different path until that path was diverted for him not unlike the relationship he had with Connor not unlike the relationship William has with Desmond haytham's father was cold distant but intent on instilling skills and a mindset his father was an assassin and before he could impart that wisdom he was killed unbeknownst to Haytham by a man he would come to know well that man would become his mentor and his master he was a Templar named Reginald Birch before Haytham found out the truth Burch trained him taught him the Templar mindset and inducted him he lived a life he was born to despise a Templar life around the time Zio was having his son hatham acted on the knowledge that Birch was his father's killer and took his life Revenge was its only outcome Haytham now was who he was he was a Templar and he still longed for a world under its ideology over the preceding years he would wrestle with this after so long trying to unite his opposing thoughts inherent from his father and a Templar life he has led sick of being pulled in opposing directions now here he accepts the world as it is he accepts who he is he accepts who his son is like haytham's Father Connor was an assassin Connor's grandfather's name was Edward Kenway his story is yet to be told we've got a problem pathan doesn't have the amulet anymore before biddingly to flee before facing his son allowing Charles to escape he gave him the amulet Charles Lee now leads the Templar order and Connor must track him down and face him like his father Conor has been pulled in Myriad directions Izzy Canyon kahaka American Patriot Homestead owner assassin like his father he must remember who he truly is a guardian of those oppressed I cannot afford to be consumed with doubt the people need me now more than ever I must stop the Templars I will kill Charles Lee McConnor knows he will find him at the memorial service for his father Connor knows the Templars know he'll be there he doesn't care he needs to face his enemy This I Swear not here though not today first I'll destroy all you hold dear I'll burn that Homestead of yours to the ground and roast the seven heads of your precious founding fathers in its flames you can try Charles but as with all your schemes this too will end in failure take him away he knew Charles would not strike here he knew when hell the Templars could not keep him for long he knew that his presence would unsettle Charles and he knew despite his threats his defiant eyes would strike fear into Charles Lee Connor would just need to wait for his moment and with patience it came Charles's time in the Americas has come to an end the threat of Conor's next move is too much for him he knows he is no match Lee is at the harbor booking passage from these Shores Connor's there to meet him gives Chase through the harbor into the shipyard oh oh do you persist you try so hard but it always ends the same yet you fight you resist why because no one else will his midriff punctured blood loss clouding his vision he will not be stopped he winged Lee Connor tracks him up the Charles River to Monmouth to the last drink Tavern so long has he waited for this moment Charles Lee was not responsible for his mother's death like he thought but his leadership of the Templars have been and will be responsible for so much more pain in the world this is not for Connor this is for the people he protects Charles Lee knows this is the end of the line there is nothing else to be said oh things Connor finally has the Amulet the key to the Grand Temple the tasks set him by the spirit all those years ago has been completed recovered from his wounds Connor returns to the Village his Endeavors Were Meant to save it to keep his people here and opposed by the changes outside the valley but the village has moved on without him headed west to delay the inevitable all that is left is the door to the Nexus to Juno now you must hide it where None Shall think to look and then in time what once was shall be again I do not understand nor need you but what of my people you have saved this place as was your people's purpose and that matters most remember you must hide the amulet where none might find it [Music] Connor started out all those years ago on a journey to save his people but his people have gone the independence the freedom he helped the Patriots attain has been achieved but not for all although the Templars are beaten for now his fight is not over not until Freedom prevails for everyone but dunagerden is an assassin but in the homestead by the community he built he's known as Conor this is the world he hopes to see multiplied across the land where peace laughter and unity Prevail where people share success share problems and work together for peace not a nation but a notion this is where Connor belongs when Connor arrived it was a shell that housed a Broken Man he was once a great assassin he was once a happy family man his story we may yet hear more of but for now the house the lands they are repaired and that broken man found Hope again Achilles as Achilles sat in his chair for the last time he could be happy that the cause he fought for for so long would be in good hands the hands he helped shape in the young Native boy Achilles saw hope so much so he gave him a name very dear to his heart the name he gave to the little boy he lost years before he lost everything the day he lost his family but in Connor he glimpsed a future the community they built together gathered round as they buried the old man on the hill I will make you proud old man [Music] and it is here that Connor will hide the amulet at the request of the spirit guarded by the grave of his namesake Achilles's infant son Connor and his wife and achilles a family at rest on the hill overlooking the community that has been born and that is where the assassins in 2012 find it I guess this is it right behind you they make their way to the door to the inner sanctum of the grand Temple Moment of Truth with his assassins behind him his friends his family he meets Juno at the altar of what he hopes is Humanity's savior here at last you know our story now of how we tried of how we failed all our hopes extinguished save one of their ideas to repel the sun was to do so with the construction of Four Towers to absorb the sun time allowed them to barely complete one although abandoning the project they left the job to machines they automated the project it took centuries long after the ones that came before had succumbed the machines finished their work to activate it needed just one thing your touch Spark spark to save the world wait do not touch the pedestal Minerva Minerva returning as a projection to worn Desmond you but how you left you destroyed the device did you think there was only one you must not free her free her one of the projects the Triad abandoned was that of transcendence rehousing Consciousness to another vessel Juno resurrected this technology and moved her mind to the very fabric of this Temple waiting for the moment she could be freed Juno's priority was not to save the world from the sun while we worked to save the world she sought instead to conquer it she used our machine to set her plans in motion the eye that Minerva built to Divine the future was appropriated by Juno to use it for her own ends to deliver a message to Desmond in the Coliseum to kill Lucy Stillman when we discovered her treasury we put a stop to it and then we left but first we called to you to Desmond and the Assassins to come to the temple to try where they had failed Minerva wanted to save Humanity in the future even if she could not save her own species with the message sent she destroyed the eye in the temple but there was another kept safe by Minerva used to project to this moment now I see we were deceived she survived she endured and then she began to work after the temple was sealed she transferred her Consciousness to the temple to the first civilization computational Hardware within it to be immortal but trapped whatever her plan was before her treachery was discovered she now had thousands of years and the power of the temple to communicate through the pieces of Eden scattered throughout the world to communicate with Humanity through time the tribe of the Mohawk Valley subject 16 with Desmond to formulate a new plan to free herself and set about conquering the Earth her message to Desmond in the temple under the Coliseum as he stepped towards Lucy blade drawn was cryptic it is done the way lies all before you only she remains to be found awakened the sixth in the grand Temple's Desmond placed those power sources Juno talked of six methods the first civilization attempted to save the world the sixth of those she described was Transcendence she was saved but strapped by the sixth method and she needed to be free to be awakened what she needed was a spark Desmond's High concentration of first civilization DNA the touch from him would activate the towers the towers that took so long to build they would absorb the sun's power saving the world but somehow transferring Juno to another vessel one in which she can leave these walls seek the power she craves and an opportunity to punish enslave the species she so despises Minerva's message to the Assassins is that it's too late in touching the pedestal the catastrophe may be averted but a worse catastrophe would take its place only touched the pedestal and the world will be saved better the world burn then she be loosed upon it is that so show him then Minerva long ago divined what would happen when the sun's Rays hit the world would burn its people would perish save a lucky few the few people like Desmond and his fellow assassins safe underground protected when they emerged Desmond would become a leader amongst them inspiring Unity to rebuild to be at one with each other in peace that word would spread and take seed but in time like all great leaders his body would fail those words would be taken and corrupted and the cycle of Humanity's failings would begin again so tell me how better they will enslave your kind Desmond is this not why you fight is this not why you came here to ensure more than just your Race's future but it's Freedom what future what Freedom billions dead and the whole cycle began Anew enough you must not do this whatever Juno's planning however terrible it might seem today we'll find a way to stop it the alternative what you want there's no hope there it's done Minerva the decisions made save the world but free a tyrant that is the decision Desmond will not wipe the Slate clean killing billions however Bleak the state of the world however terrible the things to come there are still assassins out in the world that will dedicate their lives to changing it to freeing it to stopping those that look to oppress it you need to go all of you now get as far away from here as you can son in his time in the temple Desmond achieved something he never thought he would he became his father's son again Desmond is the world's savior but his father and his fellow assassins will be at hope they must live on it's already started I need to do this now so go go Desmond is not the boy he was that fled from the farm all those years ago he ran from a cause he felt was not his his father knew he was special so wanted him to be prepared abstergo knew he was special and slaved him to the Animus the ones that came before knew he was special and pulled all the strings for him to be here before the pedestal but he was no longer anyone's puppet this was his cause his choice and in touching the pedestal he would give Humanity a chance however small to be free foreign Desmond but now now it's time that I played mine [Music] to be continued whatever Juno goes on to do it will be without Desmond to stop her but Desmond has left a legacy at an ideal to strive for the Assassins he left behind will fight on in his name the word will spread of his sacrifice and the threat they will need to face in the form of Juno and in the form of abstego after Desmond touched the pedestal after the other assassins left the cave into the dawn of a saved World abstego tracks down the location of the temple gained access and found the body of Desmond something as precious to them as any artifact because of what his body contains his DNA Desmond is no longer subject 17 to the Templars he is now sample 17 and within this DNA the next important figure in history exists the figure we visit next in the series make sure to like the video for the algorithm subscribe and hit the Bell to be informed when this next installment hits and if you would like to support this ongoing series and get to see the next video weeks in advance become a patron via patreon I'm the patient wolf and this has been the complete story of Desmond miles
Channel: ThePatientWolf
Views: 536,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sq3hn3mts3I
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Length: 204min 20sec (12260 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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