The ENTIRE Cyberpunk 2077 Story Explained

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in December of 2020 a younger Harry very bored of doing let's plays decided to do something different and write a script explaining the law of the newly released cyberpunk 2077 that turned into a full story video which did well and all the rest is history anyway after its disastrous launch cyber Punk was a huge mess when it first dropped due to bugs and poor optimization and you know the game not being ready and it remained that way for a good few months CD project Red's reputation was severely damaged the patches rolled in but many of the issues still remained but gradually over the course of the last 2 years or so the game has slowly turned into the polished experience we all expected with the arrival of the cyberpunk 2.0 update the majority of the issu seemed to be gone and everything including various gameplay elements have been revamped to make the game a much more enjoyable experience and this includes the skill upgrade tree which is now far better as well as update to the much anticipated DLC title Phantom Liberty dropped a few days ago and it was well it was fantastic it gave new endings to the base game which I feel ties the story off a lot better now even though I did a story video for the base game I'll be recovering the main story beats of the main game so there's some context as to what is going on in Phantom Liberty Please be aware that there will be spoilers for this video for the base game and the new [Music] DLC in cyberpunk law regarding the US the United States is called the NSA or the new United States of America in America a decline happened in the late 1980s and the four major government agencies the NSA CIA FBI and the DEA formed a coalition behind the US president's back ending Federal democracy in the process and they became known as the gang of four they would actually later go on to assassinate the president and the vice president many states in the US such as Texas then declared themselves free states unwilling to be a part of whatever is happening then in 1990 the US started a war on on drugs and communism but this was just a front so they could invade South American countries this war led to a rising demand for cybernetics and cyberware as soldiers would come back from the war missing limbs the war then came to a head when a nuclear bomb was detonated in New York by the Colombian cartels in retaliation for messing with their drug trade in order to try and repair the damage to the collapsing US economy the Government tried to rectify this by manipulating us and European stock markets but this failed too and a financial meltdown followed this then led to corporations seizing power for themselves gangs grew and took over large areas Richard Knight founded Coronado City in the 1990s as Knight was concerned by the state of things in America and he had Ambitions of building his dream City with no crime or poverty he started his own company called KN International and got to work in designing the city a city that would be governed controlled and managed exclusively by corporations it would cost a lot of money but the tax benefits of Coronado City meant that many large corporations became interested in doing business there and as a result and with investment by corporations such as Japanese security company arasaka Euro business machine Corporation and pem the city's potential grew very fast by 1992 it had already had the potential to be a capitalist Utopia problems arose in its construction though none of the corporations on board specializ in construction and this led to the mafia and Yakuza mobs on the west coast who controlled the construction unions and had the Monopoly on construction licensing foreseeing that they could make a lot of money through the construction contracts in Coronado city as well as moving into the city to set up rackets and criminal Enterprises into the City and for a while they did have the construction contracts they created shell corporations in order to invest in the project but the things that may happen by letting the mob in were the very things that Richard Knight didn't want to to happen in his City Richard Knight would avoid this by cutting ties with the old unions and Associates he'd been working with and he would Source his own materials and for four years construction would continue under Knight's guidance but then as was inevitable I guess Richard Knight was assassinated in 1998 and Coronado city was renamed Knight City in his honor Knight's Widow Miriam would then use her late husband's Fortune to shut down Knight International and rebuild it as Knight Corporation focusing more on Renovations and rep pring public facilities and chose not to get involved in corporate Affairs Knight's death led to a power struggle though and through this uncertainty organized crime Rose steadily the corporations would be vying for power and dominance and were bubbling up towards a conflict so the corporations vying for power led to war and lots of it prior to the game's events there were three corporate Wars corporations grew into Mega corporations and these Mega Corps ended up with more power than the actual government mixing business interests with political ones was no longer frowned upon but was actually encouraged and this led to the corporations pretty much running everything and they would abuse their power they were also given unlimited access to the Earth's natural resources now this led to environmental collapse it was made worse by the fact that Middle Eastern countries were embroiled in nuclear war themselves and the entire region ended up a radioactive Wasteland and this led to a severe lack of oil in 2021 two Marine biotech companies went to war to assert their dominance over their sector IHG had foolishly attempted to take on another company otek ihg's research Ventures failed as a result IHG were forced to declare bankruptcy another company called Ceno would enter the pitcher and would try and complete a hostile takeover but otek would try to prevent that from happening Ceno's negotiator would go to table a bid for IHG but they were mysteriously kidnapped otek trying to gain the upper hand in what became a hostile St situation hired a US firm called militech who were in The Business of manufacturing military hardware militech were hired to protect the interest of otek Ceno followed suit and hired a Japanese firm called arasaka who dealt primarily in corporate security they were a huge rival of militech so it didn't take much convincing and this led to the fourth corporate War which consisted of three different smaller Wars the ocean Shadow and hot Wars the ocean war was a covert Affair mostly consisting of assassinations and theft of confidential information individuals known as netrunners were employed by both sides so that they could do damage to the other company's stockh Holdings and this caused more damage to the global economy eventually thanks to mediation by a company called Eurobank Ceno and otch declared a truce but milch and arasaka were not done and this led to the shadow War this consisted of both sides carrying out attacks and then blaming the other the hot war came shortly after and was the most violent part of the conflict cities were destroyed and many many citizens were either killed or would made refugees melch and arisaka would heavily invest more and more money into weapons Tech and development citizens of the world turned on milch and arasaka given the damage they had done to the world so governments around the world decided to nationalize the interest of milch and arasaka in their respective countries arasaka towers located in KN city was one of the last remaining parts of the US Empire a group of mercenaries from a group called The Atlantis group were sent in to blow arasaka Towers up using tactical nuclear bomb this destroyed the tower but it also claimed the lives of many people in night City in an event that would be dubbed the night City Holocaust arasaka finally conceded after pressure from the Japanese government the president of the US at the time was a lady called Elizabeth Crest she held arasaka personally responsible for the nuclear bomb which destroyed part of Knight City but the public didn't buy that at all they surmised that milch hired The Mercenaries and in response crest nationalized milch and this allowed the US government to use militech assets to strengthen their own position in the world this led to many manufacturers and corporations closing down due to the now heavy sets of regulations in place truth is that cres was the former president of militech so blaming arasaka to absolve her former employers was an obvious move cres had no interest in helping KN City rebuild after the devastation so KN City rebuilt on its own with the help of people known as Nomads along with the help of small corporations also known as cyberspace the net is a vast telecommunications Network due to the fourth corporate War and the milch and arasaka netrunners wreaking havoc on it the net was filled with deadly programs and viruses the net was then policed by a company known as netwatch after the damage milch and arasaka had done netwatch placed communication banss on both corporations the net however was too severely damaged as a result of the war the net also suffered massive damage thanks to a prolific Netrunner and hacker by the name of RA bartmoss bartmoss himself was approached by militech and bartmoss was convinced by an AI to help him take a shot at arasaka he hated the corporations and used his skills in the net to harass these corporations rage bartmoss created something called rabids it was a virus and a program that defied tyrannical corporate control and was to be triggered in the event of his death however when he died instead of its main purpose which was to breach data fortresses in corporations making the information inside accessible to anyone the virus infected nearly 80% of the net stocks plummeted data was corrupted and Military AIS became Dangerous Ones Bart Moss's body would be kept and located inside a cryogenic freezer he had a contract with a company who kept the freezer safe but upon expiry of that contract the friezer was discarded at the night City landfill site anyway after the fourth corporate War concluded netwatch attempted to revive the extremely damaged net by establishing something called the black wall and locking Rogue AI behind it the black Hall is a powerful security barrier which made it extremely hard or damn near impossible for netrunners to penetrate the breaching of the black wall is strictly forbidden but of course netrunners would still try in 2069 a new nusa president was elected Rosalind Meyers the former CEO of militech Myers aimed to bring forward a unification program which would see the NSA regain control of the free states under the guise of strengthening the nation this program would include night City but night city was determined to hold on to its autonomy so rosalin Myers declared war on the three separatist States kicking off the unification War the nusa armed with milit assets given that they'd nationalized milch kicked things off and given the new weapons being used the war was quickly nicknamed the metal War arasaka would secretly arm and Supply weapons to the free states but this all came to a head when in 2070 after KN city was invaded by the army of the NSA a councilman in KN city named Lucius Ry pleaded to arasaka for help within a few days an arasaka superar carrier arrived in night City and the nusa pulled out n USA and the free states signed a treaty known as the Arvin Accord night City becomes a citystate that would participate in the federal government but would retain its autonomy and this would prevent future conflict arasaka under the leadership of sauro arasaka had managed to rebuild themselves and had secured very large contracts securing their status as a dominant Corporation again night City being a free state and not part of the N USA arasaka reestablished themselves in KN City and were allowed to rebuild arasaka Tower right on top of where the previous one used to stand but the corporations would continue to grow their influence in the city in 2070 and quite relevant to this video night City security forces would attempt to evacuate a night City bural Pacifica Pacifica had been an area with plans to turn it into a tourist Hub and vacation as dream during the previous year but this project collapsed as a result of the potential unification war and many workers lost their jobs after funding for the project was pulled as a result the area is unfinished over the next 7 years the area became increasingly impoverished and gangs moved in most notably a Netrunner gang called the voodoo boys which consisted mostly of Haitians who were refugees after Haiti was destroyed by flooding in 2062 the burough of Pacifica was left to fend for itself by the ncpd so it's now a lawless area of the city one of the subdistricts of Pacifica and even more relevant to this video is Dogtown during the unification War an N USA Colonel named Kurt Hansen gained control of a portion of Pacifica in an N USA operation called Midnight storm this area was the combat zone he refused to leave after the ceasefire in Hansen stayed in KN City asserting his dominance as a dictator and cordoning off an area of Pacifica calling it dog town which was to be governed by Hansen himself along with his militia the bar guest dog town was then woed off from the rest of Knight City the only people who end up there are people on the run from corporations gangs police or people who just think that the grass is greener specialized medical intervention team known as trauma team don't Venture into Dogtown because one people in Dogtown generally don't have trauma Team cover and two well because it's just too dangerous speaking of gangs in KN City The prominent ones that V will come into contact with are the Maelstrom animals Voodoo boys Sixth Street the mocks Tiger Claws and Valentinos but that's enough of the leadup to what happens in cyberpunk 2077 so let's get into the story line so starting the story off V can emerge from one of three different life paths the first is The Nomad life path in this one V grew up in the Badlands which is essentially a vast region which stretches across the states of northern and southern California Nomads were gangs who saw themselves as families or even their own Nations they were groups of people that would plunder empty and abandoned military facilities and warehouses for scrap and leftover Parts Nomads effectively helped revive the dying Tech trade back in the 2020s as mentioned they also helped rebuild Knight City V was part of the backers Clan V had left after their Clan had agreed a merger with another Nomad Clan called snake Nation the largest of all the Nomad Clans after some car trouble and contact an old contact in the backers Clan V meets with a man named Jackie Wells a night City native and member of the Valentinos gang Jackie needed someone to help him smuggle sensitive cargo across the border through customs and into night City so that's where V comes in after meeting and bribing the Border agent they gain entry the Border guard sells them out though and V and Jackie are chased through the B Technic a Flats by arasaka agents they lose them know and find Refuge inside a garage they discovered that the item they were transporting belonged to arasaka which is why they wanted it so badly and it's revealed to be a real live genuine iguana a rare commodity in 2077 after getting acquainted with the reptile V and Jackie decide to go to night City sell the reptile and partner up and work together growing up the child of corpo parents V ended up working for arasaka in Counter Intelligence they're under a lot of stress and it's taking a toll on their health the reason for this is that there's been a leak regarding some covert arasaka agents in Frankfurt Germany the situation has damaged the company's relationship with the European space Council who controls the majority of the space related activity on Earth in other words they're a very good Ally to have V goes to see her boss a man called Arthur Jenkins she walks in just as Jenkins orders the entire space Council to be flatlined Jenkins is bitter because another hireup called Susan aathy the director of Special Operations at arisaka stole his promotion to that role after she slandered him Jenkins hads via ward of cash and tells him to arrange the assassination of abony V then goes to lizz's bar to discuss the details of said assassination contract with close friend Jackie Wells before they can get too far into discussing the plan though which Jackie objected to abon's arasaka security team show up and interrogate V take everything from them including their money and their job and leave them there with nothing turns out that it was V's assistant Carter Smith who informed formed abony about v's and Jenkins assassination plans and finally in the street kid path V having grown up in the Haywood District of KN City and after having left Knight City for Atlanta 2 years earlier is back in the city after Atlanta didn't work out V is in the El coyot to coyo bar and are straightening their nose after a fight V's friend and the bar's bartender Pepe owes some money to a problematic local fixer called Kirk speaking to Kirk V accepts a job of stealing an expensive vehicle a Rayfield aend dite from a high flying corpo agent leaving the bar V meets an old friend Padre the priest for the Valentinos gang who gives them a lift on the way a man from another gang 6th street called Sam Carter confronts Padre over Turf V gets to the garage and gets into the car but who knocks on the window it's Jackie Wells seems that he was also there to steal the same vehicle anyway the ncpd turn up and arrest both V and Jackie the of the vehicle tells the police to get rid of v and Jackie but instead of killing them the police beat them up and drop them in an alley back in Haywood Jackie and V talk and it seems that V knows Jackie's mother Guadalupe or Mama Wells and after accepting the offer of a meal V becomes good friends with Jackie after all the three life paths V and Jackie do various jobs for cash until the point that V has had enough safe to buy their own apartment in one of the mega buildings in the city H 10 the three paths all lead to the same outcome and Branch towards the main Campaign which we'll discuss next 6 months later Jackie and V have built up enough street cred in order to be offered a job by a fixer from the Westbrook District wakako aada who is affiliated with the Tiger Claws gang V and Jackie along with their Netrunner colleague tbug are to locate a missing person named Sandra Dorset she herself is a corpo Netrunner and she works for Knight Corporation she's been kidnapped by a group of people known as scavengers or scavs they are predators that like to kidnap people and steal their cybernetic implants to sell on the black market after taking out all of the scabs along with their leader V and Jackie find Sandra she's nonresponsive V is advised by t-bug to Jack in dorset's biom monitor she has the highest level of trauma team coverage essentially Emergency Medical Services for the rich but her transmitter was blocked so V removes the Jammer Sandra starts a flatline was code for dying after administering temporary Aid Sandra is taken outside where she is now collected by trauma team Upon returning home after being attacked by more scavs and getting a good night's sleep V wakes up and feels rough they go downstairs to see Jackie who breaks the news that a big fixer by the name of Dexter Dexter sha wants to speak with them about a gig this is their chance to enter the big leagues in terms of mercenary work meeting with Victor Vector a close friend of Jackie and V and aripod do it turns out that V contracted a Nora virus from Sandra Dorset after he jacked into her biom monitor which is why he's been feeling rough Vic flushes it out and gives v a brand new Optical upgrade with a police scanner built in along with a new grip for its hand moving on V meets Dex Dex has a main gig available there is a prototype piece of technology a biochip the job is to steal it from none other than arasaka before they can do that though Dex needs V to do two things the first is that Dex brought a flathead robot off of the Maelstrom gang for the heist the Maelstrom stole it off of a militech convoy and milch have no idea who stole it problem is that after Dex bought the bot melstrom have been ghosting him after a change of leadership within the gang V has a choice whether or not to involve militech if he does he meets with militech agent Meredith Stout she believes there to be a mole inside militech leaking Convoy routes and believes it to be that of Anthony Gilchrist another militech employee V offers Meredith Stout info on who stole the Flathead and in exchange she gives him the money to buy it and to keep it V can either choose to pay for it again and leave with the Flathead or to just kill the new leader Roy and take it anyway either way the Flathead is procured the second part of the prep for the job is to meet with the client who ordered the gig V goes to lizz's bar and meets with the client Evelyn Parker she states that the biochip is something known as The Relic and it's arasaka prized possession it's part of something called the secure your soul program the key to immortality arasaka has poured billions into personality transfer technology Evelyn isn't interested in the technology just the data on said chip although she doesn't elaborate any further she says the heist will take place in compi Plaza night City's most exclusive hotel or more specifically in yobu arasaka penthouse suite yorobo is the son of Saburo arasaka who at one point rebelled against his family joining a nomad Clan outb with his own family but that's another story nonetheless yobu is saburo's only surviving son and a to the arasaka Empire yunobo it turns out had stolen The Relic from one of sauro arasaka Laboratories in Tokyo in cooperation with netw watch but we'll look at the motives for that a little bit further into the video Evelyn given her line of work frequently visits yubu in his penous suite on the top floor descending into the basement of the club Evelyn introduces V to Judy Alvarez a brain dance technician brain dances referred to often as BDS are recordings of normal experiences seen Through The Eyes of someone else Judy edits BDS the reason this is relevant is that during one of Evelyn's visits to yoru's place she made a recording of The penth house's layout she recorded a brain dance and Judy edited it viewing the brain dance V surmises that The Relic is indeed inside the penthouse and is being kept inside a safe given that it needs to be kept at specific temperatures speaking to Evelyn she wants to cut out decks fixer V tells Evelyn that you don't mess with your fixer cuz it will cost you your reputation after leaving Lizzy V heads to a buled the afterlife to meet with Dex Jackie and t-bug the afterlife is a hot spot for Mercenaries in the city and it's owned by a mercenary called Rogue after going over the plan Jackie and V suit up and hop into a delamain and head to compei Plaza getting there and after hanging out with hideo v and Jackie under the guise of a couple of arms dealers from new Barcelona head to their room and get ready for the heist V guides the Flathead through various rooms into a security room after incapacity ating the Netrunner V and Jackie head out and up to yuu's Penthouse it's empty so they get to work in obtaining The Relic they get it but they receive word from tbug that yobu is on his way back up they hide behind a large TV screen and in walks yobu with his terrifying half human half cyborg bodyguard Adam Smasher also joining the party is none other than the emperor himself Saburo arasaka along with his bodyguard Goro takamura an ex Special Forces arasaka soldier with the skills and the Cyber where to match the two bodyguards leave the room and an argument breaks out between Father and Son and then yobu murders Saburo he then claims someone poisoned his father and a full Hotel lockdown is initiated with the room empty again t-bug tells Jackie and V that they can attempt to escape VI a balcony but she is flatlined or fried by arasaka own and much more skilled netrunners interestingly reading saburo's diary on the roof he knew yobu Stole The Relic sauro also wanted wanted to destroy Knight's City literally but his daughter hanaco talked him out of it anyway V and Jackie escaped by using the balcony but have to jump for it because they are spotted by arasaka forces after a rough Landing they discover that the fall has damaged the case holding the Relic and it's damaging the relics Integrity Jackie in order to preserve it STS it into his neural Port so as to keep it at a stable temperature bad news though is that Jackie got shot avoiding a firefight or just plowing through all of the guards V and Jackie make it to the elevator and to their delamain which they managed to use to escape compei Plaza they got the Relic but at a cost Jackie is dying as a result of his wound sustained in their escape Jackie gives V The Relic and after uttering some last words he dies V informs delamain on what to do with Jackie's body and then V goes to the agreed location to meet Dex the notel motel a place where lots of sorted stuff goes on heading into room 204 V speaks with Dex the death of sauro arasaka is all over the news Dex is worried he's been pulled into it and wants to distance himself so he shoots V in the head and dumps their body into a landfill somehow V wakes up and crawls towards Dex who is talking with another man it's Goro takamura saburo's now ex bodyguard he's looking for saburo's murderer Dex pleads with takamura but takamura shoots Dex Point Blank calls yobu telling him he has the Killer and throws V into his car V passes out but wakes up and takamura is now being attacked by arasaka assassins it's obvious that yobu knows that takamura has suspicions about the nature of saburo's death so yobu now in charge of arasaka sent the Assassins after takamura with the goal of silencing him along with v v helps takamura deal with the Assassins but they both end up in bad shape so V calls delamain and the trusty car turns up and takes them to see Vic V wakes up and Vic tells the bad news The Relic contains the construct of one Johnny silver hand let's break from the story for a bit in order to look at Johnny Sil siland Johnny silverhand was a military veteran turn rocker booy who in 2023 was part of the militech hired mercenary team that blew up arasaka Tower using a tactical nuke that was their only goal however Johnny was there for another reason you see 10 years earlier back in 2013 Johnny had a girlfriend called alt Cunningham a very skilled Netrunner she worked for a software development company called its and developed a program which was designed to capture and preserve the memories of people who were dying its's goals are a bit more Sinister though and this program would be used against arasaka agents and was used to imprison and interrogate them later being named Soul killer arasaka wanted the program and to make an AI out of alt so they paid some thugs to attack Johnny and to kidnap alt they succeeded Johnny recovered though and he Rogue the alardo snomad leader Santiago and a journalist named Lyle Thompson stormed arasaka Tower to find and save alt who by this Point had built arasaka their very own version of the Soul killer program Johnny found Al and killed her captor who was using ult to test the software Johnny didn't know this though and disconnected her from the chain this was fatal for alt and unfortunately for her the AI version of her was now stranded inside the net after her Consciousness fled into it she's a ghost but Johnny didn't know that part of her was left stranded in there and later held captive within the arasaka subnet years later Johnny would hear from alt or rather her Rogue AI however she did tell Johnny not to come looking for her and this leads us back into the assault on arasaka Tower in 2023 after setting the mini nuke Johnny goes and feeds a virus into the arasaka subnet freeing alt for good all was going well until they had to leave and Johnny was injured and captured by longtime Nemesis Adam Smasher who delivered silveran to Saburo arasaka who was at a safe distance away from the blast Johnny slowly dying had his Consciousness uploaded to the soul killer program and he later died so with that explained let's return to the present [Music] day so Vic explains that when via died being shot in the head by Dex who used a low caliber bullet The Relic VI its nanites essentially repaired the Damage Done to V and rebooted them see yobu when he' stolen The Relic from saburo's Labs had purposely downloaded the engram of Johnny silver hand off of Soul killer and onto the chip this was an attempt to lure out his father so he could kill him was also because of his partnership with netwatch two birds one stone given that the engram was on The Relic The Relic did what it was programmed to do to take over the brain and replace V's Consciousness with Johnny's Vic tells V that there's absolutely nothing they can do to stop it he can't remove the biochip either as it would kill V on top of that V is a ticking Time Bomb Misty Jackie's girlfriend then takes V back to his apartment to rest V has given two drugs one to suppress Johnny's personality and one to give him in temporary control after getting some sleep V wakes up and is staring at their new friend it's Johnny he's trying to take over as some point after a struggle V takes the Omega blocker and Johnny goes away it's morning and V receives a call from takamura he wants to meet so V meets him at a nearby Diner takamura now does indeed know that yobu killed Saburo and he wants yobu to answer for his crimes he needs V to help by testifying to hanako arasaka daughter of Saburo and yuu's sister takuro wants to know where Evelyn is as she'll know how to get to yobu takamura surmises that Evelyn will probably be long gone by now given what's happened takamura also mentions that he may have a lead on how to safely remove the chip a man by the name of Anders Helman the man who created The Relic but who had since defected from arasaka to a rival Corporation Called kangtao and has disappeared all the leads takamura has found lead to one place the afterlife V calls Judy asking about Evelyn meeting up with Judy who is cautious that V intends to use Evelyn as a scapegoat for the failed Heist it's revealed that Evelyn was working in a club called clouds which is run by the Tiger Claws gang V arrives at cloud and after investigating the details surrounding Evelyn's last client V discovers that Evelyn appears to have been attacked by the client but even further investigation reveals that Evelyn wasn't attacked at all since her job involved her connecting to the net she was in fact remotely hacked by a Netrunner who launched a virus onto Evelyn sending her into a psychotic state after a chat with the caretaker of clouds and Oswald Woodman yields no fruit V checks his computer it appears that Woodman sold Evelyn's come's body to a dodgy Ripper on jig jig Street goes by the name of fingers leaving clouds V experiences their first attack The Relic is malfunctioning a sign that V is deteriorating Johnny lays out his Ambitions he has a 50-year-old score to settle with arasaka and he plans to use V's body to settle that score he also claims to know how to save V's life and to get rid of the chip to use the soul killer program inside of makosi Johnny reveals that he'll try and use Al Cunningham in order to take down arasaka but again they need to get inside makosi after regaining their strength V speaks with Judy and updates her on what they found she's worried jig jig street is bad news B and Judy go to talk with fingers he reveals that some xbd extreme brain dance editors took Evelyn this is even worse xbd editors essentially sell some dark brain dances murders grape and snuff the xbd editors in question mentioned Evelyn will be good for the death's head xbd Evelyn had been earmarked for a snuff xbd V obtains a copy of the death's head and after scouring it using a brain dance wreath V and Judy are able to find out where exactly Evelyn has been taken they infiltrate the place and find Evelyn but she's in bad shape Judy and V manag to rescue her and they take her to Judy's apartment V tries to talk to Evelyn telling her he needs her help but she's unresponsive speaking with Judy it appears that Judy managed to salvage a raw brain dance from Evelyn's Memories the first one shows Evelyn meeting with a woman in a church the mystery woman is asking Evelyn for a layout of the full room obviously referring to yoron nobu's Penthouse it's assumed that this is who Evelyn was working for and Judy mentions that whoever it is has some serious skills as a Netrunner V also notices some symbolism inside the church that they recognize as being used by the voodoo boys the Netrunner Gap in Pacifica it's now obvious that the voodoo boys were the ones who tried to Flatline Evelyn her clouds a second brain dance reveals the voodoo boys motive you see the voodoo boys have long wanted to breach and get beyond the black wall and to get to Old Cunningham that's where the engram came in they wanted the Johnny silveran construct so that he could lead them to alt the voodoo boys knew that Evelyn was close to yobu so they handpicked her V now has a solid lead and they need to find the mysterious net Runner that Evelyn was talking to making contact with a mysterious fixer out of Pacifica named Mr Hans he says that the leader of the voodoo boys is a woman named M Brit Hans tells V that he needs to go to a chapel in Pacifica and someone will meet him there sure enough V goes there and meets with someone this leads to V being introduced to someone called plaid placed wants V to do a small job for the voodoo boys before they'll Grant via meeting with bit another gang called the animals gang a hold up inside the nearby Grand Imperial Mall and inside is something that placed wants it's a van the van itself is Netrunner Tech after trying to access the van it's revealed that there's a Netrunner inside the mall and that the animals are hired security for him after taking out an animal's boss Sasquatch V confronts the Netrunner who is a net watch agent named Bryce Mosley he explains that he's trying to take down the voodoo boy subnet as his job is to fix breaches in the black wall he's succeeded in trapping two of the voodoo boys top net Runners one of whom is Mama and brus self he then also warns V about the fact that the voodoo boys are planning to double cross them and shows V evidence of that by way of a virus that placed spiked V with prior to arriving at the Grand Imperial V can either side with or go against moley but whatever V chooses the two Voodoo boys netrunners are let go and the virus in V's system is either wiped by Mosley or V attacks Mosley and Jacks into a system leading to proed trying to remotely Flatline V Mosley and all the other net watch agents in the area Mosley dies and V only survived due to the Relic rebooting them once again seems that Mosley was correct the voodo boys were using V to do their bidding and tried to kill them interestingly V also finds a message on Mosley's computer showing that Evelyn was planning to screw the voodoo boys over as well by selling The Relic to netwatch she was just wanting the highest bidder returning to placed V confronts him Bri finally shows her face now she's been freed and she leaves V downstairs Bri says they need access to the Chip And that after they have the the data they need they will help V to get the data they need the voodoo boys will take V into cyberspace the net so that V can interact with the construct the voodo boys reiterate their desire to break through the black wall and they say that only alt Cunningham can give them that bridgie explains that when the black hole was built and installed everyone thought that something called ice which is an intrusion countermeasure system could keep wild AIS out so V enters cyberspace they speak with brijit and they are inside the vood boy data Fortress they bridged to the Deep net they obtain a fragment from Johnny's construct a memory from the night that alt Cunningham was taken by arasaka and forced to make another version of Soul killer with this fragment obtained via sent through the black wall by brijit and V speaks with alt alt says that even though she designed Soul killer she's powerless to do anything to help as arasaka has since repurposed it however if she can get access to makosi she can help by untangling V and Johnny's new neural networks and reinsert V's Consciousness alt agrees to allow the voodoo boys be on the black wall and V leaves cyberspace now if V sided with the net watch agent in the grand Imperial Mall then netwatch killed the voodoo boys including brijit and V has to fight placed if V sided with the voodoo boys bridg basically throws V out and V can choose to attack or should just leave V then has another Relic malfunction this one even more intense Johnny says that they need to trust one another and they agree that m she needs to burn corporations have taken over the world and now they want everyone else as well but V and Johnny now have a solid plan but there are also other ways V receives a call from a mysterious woman who calls herself SOI but prefers to be referred to as Songbird she claims to be able to help with V's predicament she tells V that they need to head to Dogtown in Pacifica getting there V suffers a massive Relic malfunction it flaws them and Johnny feels it too Songbird introduces herself Johnny speaks but then Songbird touches Johnny she's able to communicate with him their friendship doesn't last long though as Songbird essentially mutes Johnny for the time being V deduces that Songbird is a Netrunner and a damn good one too this version of her is actually a construct the real her is on board space force one alongside the president of the N USA rosalin Meers the political sphere in regard to rosalin Myers in night city was not good I mentioned earlier that she's the former CEO of milch the people of Knight City already despised her for the unification war and judging from this petition on Keystone the citizens of Knight City are worried that she's going to take the country towards more armed conflict anyway politics aside Songbird reveals that the plane has actually been hacked and is set to land in KN City and their Communications have been cut off tapping into the Relic to contact V was song Bird's only option Songbird needs V to ensure that the president's safety as it's assumed that people will be searching for her specifically Dogtown commander and dictator Kurt Hansen's men Songbird suspects that Hansen himself is responsible for hacking the plane and suggests that someone in Washington is a mole the Songbird then claims to be able to cure v v gets going and makes their way through a parking garage and enters the ebm pem stadium it was due to be home to the night City Nighthawks but was abandoned Midway through construction due to the unification War it's still unfinished obviously and it's now a bustling Black Market the of Dogtown is powered by the nuclear jet engine of a plane that was previously shot down by Kurt Hansen and his militia named the barest the barest police dog town but not really they're only there to prevent allout chaos Dogtown is still a pretty Lawless neighborhood climbing up for a better view VC space force one in the sky Songbird tells them that they are descending but then two missiles are fired at the plane the first misses but the second is a direct hit Communications are now completely cut off and the plane flies over V's head crashing somewhere in Dogtown B races to the crash site and when they get there they begin fighting off Hansen's bar guest goons a president who is openly hostile and threatened war against the free states isn't exactly a popular figure barding the craft everyone is dead but after being attacked by her reconfirms that President Myers is alive she handles herself well likely due to her mitech past both Myers and V fight their way through Hansen's men after helping Myers remove a Tracker in her neck and after avoiding surveillance drones Myers and V drive to and arrive at an abandoned building on the street named after the previous president of the N USA Elizabeth Crest it turns out this building is an old Museum funded by militech exhibits show buildings in Dogtown urban renewal projects themselves funded by milch militech headquarters The Heavy Hearts Club and a monument it's not long though before more of Hansen's men arrive to help them out Songbird takes control of and unleashes a huge Behemoth of a machine called the Chimera after helping them know comms with Songbird are cut and V assumes that she may be having a fit and the Chimera turns on V and Myers they have to flee whilst the Chimera pursues them V and Meers get separated and V falls down into another area along with the Chimera a fight in suus and V now reunited with Meers defeat the Beast finding an entrance to the subway tunnels Johnny reappears it seems that songb Bird's disappearance is serious they agree that they should proceed to the agreed meeting place journeying through the various connected buildings they make it to the safe house there's no one there after getting the power on V and me sit down for a beer and listen to a radio broadcast Kurt Hansen the self-proclaimed leader of Dogtown called a press conference earlier today to offer his take on the situation I'm being framed isn't it obvious the NSA has been out from my blood for years now I'm not without flaws but another thing I'm not is suicidal a an attempt on the life of the head of the NSA what transpired in Dogtown is no trivial matter I urge you all to consider the true motives behind this spectacle the N USA will take any excuse it can get to send forces into dog town and will they stop there no you good people of night City are next in the [ __ ] line [ __ ] truth is that Kurt Hansen also refused to leave dog town because he was annoyed at the treaty that Myers signed what better way to start a war than by trying to assassinate the president of the N USA Myers speculates that that is exactly what Hansen is trying to achieve V and Meers then hear commotion outside and sure enough two men Nomads named Taylor and Jacob walk into the safe house a standoff takes place it can either end in Bloodshed or it can end peacefully whatever whatever the choice V speaks with Myers and she's concerned about Songbird V then gets some sleep the next morning Songbird still hasn't made contact Myers can't leave because hansome will have all exit out of Dogtown covered so it's time for Plan B Myers has someone who can help V track down Songbird a man named Solomon Reed 7 years prior during the unification War he headed up the N USA's intelligence efforts in KN City and he was working alongside Songbird not only that but he trained her after that mission and after the conflict ended Reed went into hibernation he's an FIA Federal intelligence agency sleeper agent still working for the NSA Myers gives V instructions on how to contact Reed a secret Communications Channel hidden the way at a fast food restaurant in Dogtown Myers tells V that they need to show Reed that they work for the NSA Johnny protests obviously and V can either choose to or not to accept regardless of if they do or don't they receive a coin which they can show to Reed as a sign that V is on his side V heads to the restaurant and sure enough there's has a secret Communications line a person on the other side tells V to meet them at a basketball court V sits there at the court and waits a while until a man sits behind them and shoves a gun in their back V shows the man the token they finally meet a few minutes later the man introduces himself as Solomon Reed him and V go to see Myers at The Hideout things are tense between Myers and Reed there's definitely some history there Myers tells Reed that there's an Insider working in Washington feeding Hansen Intel Reed then drops a bombshell and says that he's already died for the cause once that arasaka tried to kill Reed he was in intensive care having been shot three times Myers conveniently forgot to tell V that she abandoned Reed in night City and left him for dead not only that the cover story was that Reed had sold out to arasaka nonetheless Reed agrees to help and Myers and Reed leave 2 Days Later V receives a call from Reed he mentions a former teammate by the name of Alex she's in dog town and under Deep Cover Reed agrees to meet Vi at a bar in the stacks called The Moth arriving early V orders a drink and gets chatting to the barid Daphne her demeanor completely changes when she sees Reed Walk in the barid is revealed to be Alex and a tense standoff takes place after she kicks everyone out of the bar it seems that Alex didn't know the real story about Reed getting shot and left for dead she'd only heard the cover story about Reed selling out to arasaka despite the tension Alex agrees to join the op but with the condition that she'd be relocated to Monaco and can leave dog town for good Alex says they need a Netrunner a man called wilky G nicknamed slider he's a voodoo boy who at one point held the position that placed does the right hand of Mama and brijit let's just say there were professional differences Bri obviously wanted to breach the black wall while slider just wanted to use cyberspace to carry out heists and assassinations he got careless though and FIA agents blinded him and forced him to be their informant he tried to escape the fia's grip by fleeing Pacifica and settling in Dogtown so reeden V pay slider a visit at his illegal software operation after taking out his protection they speak with him after he's done bigging himself up slider takes an interest in The Relic and wants to look at it after an initial shock slider mentions that when Songbird communicated with v she was using the black wool to do it slider says that he fell out with the voodoo boys because they wanted to mess with the black wall and that it's way too dangerous to dabble with anything related to the black wall that includes reconnecting V with Songbird slider manages to reconnect V to Songbird anyway she states that when she hacked the chimera she was tracked down and detained by Hansen the things start to get pretty hairy so Songbird tells V to get to a place called the black sapphire as Hansen is hosting a party there an overload takes place and slider gets flatlined completely fried outside Reed and V realize that they need a way into this party so some prep work is needed V gets in contact with the fixer Mr Hans of course Hans wants a favor done first so V completes three gigs for hands and then goes to meet with the mysterious fixer at The Heavy Hearts Club in exchange for the three gigs V completed for hands he gives V the plans for the black sapphire V then goes to meet with Reed at the moth bar and has another Relic Mal function Reed then shows V an underground part of the building their old safe house he opens up about the operation 7 years ago three FIA agents went missing in KN City whilst racing to tie up any loose ends after the war ended and after the ceasefire was declared all of them were assassinated by arasaka Reed says they managed to save a few more FIA agents but at the cost of reedom self he then drops another bombshell the N USA were the ones that asked songur to pull the trigger she didn't shoot Reed herself as she wasn't there but she unlocked a door allowing arasaka agents to get to Reed she was right there in that Hideout guiding Reed via comms and purposely led him straight into a trap despite that Reed still feels like he needs to save Songbird he also says that he tried to access Old Mission files involving Songbird but they were buried really deep all of them are something to do with the black wall and all of them were signed off by Rosalind Meers herself Alex arrives and goes over the plan with v v is to swim through a flooded access tunnel until they reach a terminal after jacking into the terminal Reed can enter the building V will cover Reed and provide assistance so they can reach an elevator and V and Reed will change into their party threads in a laundry room and enter the party inside V and Reed Recon the party this party features some Heavy Hitters including a group of people negotiating an arms deal buying enough arms to start a small War Songbird then makes contact with v and they talk on the upper level Songbird is shocked to see Reed seems like there's a tiny little bit of awkwardness here Songbird says that she cannot leave she says she's dying the black hole is killing her and guess who has the Cure that's right it's Hansen it's not that she doesn't want to leave she can't leave she explains that Hansen pulled some sort of tech out of a bunker hidden underneath dog Town Songbird needs to stay close to Hansen for her plan to work once she has the tech she can leave Hansen then comes to say hello Hansen drags Songbird away but she touches v reestablishing a connection to them via the black wall Songbird explains they need to get something called the neural Matrix It incorporates AIS from Beyond the black wall it's a carrier for an AI that is trapped within certain boundary conditions when the AI has been triggered it'll carry out instructions based on what's stipulated within those conditions it's currently nested inside a main frame that Hansen pulled out of the bunker Hansen needs song bird and a pair of net Runners that he worked with in the past and those two Runners have the access code needed to access the main frame since they both work for militech in the past and they're willing to sell the access codes for the Mainframe to Hansen the plan is to impersonate the two Runners and snatch The Matrix from right under Hansen's nose V identifies these two Runners a brother and sister Duo from Benelux formerly Belgium and they twins named Emer and aor Cel speaking with Reed he reveals what he thinks about the space Force One crash Songbird was behind the crash and had the plane land in a specific Place controlled by the very person who had access to Tech that could save her life they surmised that Songbird had already made a deal with Hansen prior to the plane going down and had traded president Meyer's life for access to the tech remember those files that Reed tried to access well it seems that Myers pressured Songbird into the missions involving the black wall to breach it and then after becoming infected by something from Beyond the black wall Songbird had had enough Songbird contacting V to save the president was just a way to absolve herself of being responsible for Myers's Fate by getting someone to save her she was trying to play Both Sides getting on side with Hanson and also making it look like she tried to save the president's life anyway V needs to profile the twins so after being given $80,000 worth of chips V plays roulette with the twins and chats with them in an attempt to scan them this will read their behaviors V goes first but for some reason Reed doesn't show up so V has to read both of them on their own they manage it but Hansen shows up again he says that he knows Reed as an FIA agent he says that he also knows they were the ones who saved the president and got her out of Dogtown Hansen then says that Songbird came to Hansen all on her own and this adds weight to Read's insinuation that Songbird planned all of this herself tired of breaking International laws and breaching the black Hall all on the orders of Myers for Myers's own personal gain Songbird was essentially Myers's very own wmd and this would put Myers and the N USA into majorly hot water with netwatch a fact that Hansen is fully aware of and eager to share this means that if netwatch finds out what M has been up to she'll either have to take the fall or she'll resist the entire world and Spark Another War I think we all know what M would do milch would love another War to kick off they'd make billions Reed finally rejoins V and they both leave the party following day V meets with Reed and Alex and they go over what's next the plan is to free Songbird who as we know has been infected with something from Beyond the black wall and the cure is the AI that lives on the neural Matrix Alex learned that the neural Matrix was developed as part of a project sinosure it was a joint venture between the NSA and militech in an attempt to counter arasaka Soul killer Songbird plans to use this AI to fix her and V Hansen just wants the main frame so that he can get sensitive data pertaining to the NSA militech research project so he can use that information against the N USA so V and Alex are to impersonate the Netrunner twins by using extremely cuttingedge technology Alex already has the tech herself as we saw earlier on but V needs to get it shortly after this briefing V is contacted by Songbird and they meet she confesses what Reed suspected was true that she was responsible for everything that her reward for Hansen obtaining the president was the neural Matrix song Bird's plan was to secure the neural Matrix whilst V was saving Meyers but of course that didn't go to plan Songbird knows that as soon as Hansen gets his hands on that data hansome will kill her she asks V to trust her she blames Reed for the situation because Reed is the one who recruited her she says that she needs to get away from Reed the N USA everything and this is her chance to do that she needs V's help Songbird knows that she'll be going to prison and is going to be tried for high treason so V will have a choice to make to go along with Reed and Alex's plan or to help Songbird escape with a neural Matrix it seems that Songbird has already cut a deal with a black market Clinic far away from the City in order to create the cure for both her and V they need the Matrix they need song bird present to run the tests and when they're finished making the Prototype cure she'll send word back to V anyway with that choice in back of their mind in preparation for the plan V goes to see a rip a dock and goes under the knife with the new tech in place after earlier breaching the tracking system of the car rental firm that the twins were renting a vehicle off of V gets into the car's trunk and remotely drives it to a garage where the twins are incapacitated after downloading the access codes Alex and Reed kill the twins much to V's shock despite V's disbelief the op is now a go the technology Works a charm and V and Alex transform into Emer and aor they drive the rental to Hansen's Fortress inside the stadium Hansen asks various questions in order to make sure he knows exactly who he's talking to if you catch my drift after passing the test Alex stays with Hansen whilst V goes down to the main frame and comes face to face with Songbird again V inputs the access codes into the main frame opening up the housing unit for the neural Matrix remember the choice that V was presented with to help read save song bird or to help Songbird Escape well this is where that choice comes in if Fe decides to help read instead of Songbird Songbird grabs the neuron Matrix and incapacitates V Hansen then kills Alex whatever infected Songbird from Beyond the black wall knew that V was planning to betray her and alerted Hansen Songbird appears to have reached past the black wall and is channeling it she uses it to Flatline two of Hansen's men and then escapes song Bird's infection has made her extremely powerful extremely dangerous and she's out of control as expected V has to blast their way through tons of Hansen's goons in order to make it to safety but one final obstacle stand in their way Hansen himself after a long fight V defeats Hansen and makes it to Reed's vehicle and the two of them Escape they drive to an Overlook and witness Max Tac taking song but into custody assuming her to be suffering from cyber psychosis May says they need to get her back and alive so Reed and V get to work in planning on getting Songbird back V calls Mr H and after paying $15,000 to Hans 10 hours later V meets a Netrunner working for Mr h v picks up a Shard with the info on it and sends the data to Reed later on V meets up with Reed at an old hotel Rita struck up a partnership with the Sixth Street leader and Sixth Street do work for the n USA from time to time they are assisting in helping get Songbird back the plan is to grab her and then get her to a spot just outside the border and exfiltrate her from there Sixth Street have booby trapped some vehicles and we'll hopefully decommission the max tack transport and they've got turrets mines and lots of other cool toys they wait for the early evening and prepare to Ambush the Convoy but Songbird makes contact she tells V that she won't make the mistake of trusting them again and tells V to stay out of her way they Ambush the Convoy and defeat the ncpd escort Max Tac are prepared and upon opening the doors to the prisoner van v and Reed are caught in a firefight after defeating the max Tac officers Songbird unleashes the black Hall again and Escapes in the max Tac truck after checking on Reed who is injured V goes after Songbird by following her Trail the trail leads V to a massive hole in the wall Songbird smash straight through the wall and down into an underground area finding the truck she's no longer inside it but she is leaving behind a spectral footprint a black wall bleed only V can see it due to the link between them and Songbird V follows this digital footprint to a bunker the bunker where the main frame was found yet this is the bunker where the joint n USA and militech research project sinos Shaw took place Songbird then appears on the screens she tells V that Reed stole her life and that she won't let him steal it again she says the black wall helps her understand everything V follows more black hole traces to a laboratory on the way down Songbird attempts to establish a link with the but Johnny says that Songbird is not alone and then Johnny disappears terminals reveal that the project here ran out of funding after the Project's main funding source mineral deposits in Africa were taken over by arasaka it's revealed that project sosia deepened milex and the N USA's knowledge of the net and proved to them that it is man who wields power over Ai and not the other way around it turns out that this wasn't going well as many netrunners would die as they couldn't handle the AIS from be on the black wall a door forward is blocked so V needs to unlock four data terminals to get it open again what makes the task even harder is that after breaching the second terminal V is now being pursued by a hostile robot being controlled by the black wall v finds the third terminal whilst continuing to avoid the robot and finally V finds the fourth terminal through the door V sees that Songbird is inside the core a nearby Shard mentions that in order to shut the core down it's necessary to deactivate its subsystems first the neural link systems of course it wouldn't be simple as V is still being hunted by the robot as well as that V has to deal with black wall attacks and lockouts nonetheless V shuts down the two remaining subsystems V goes to shut down the core but once again is attacked by the robot V is in cyberspace and has given a glimpse into other various memories from song Bird's life the first chose a much more human looking Songbird at her home in Brooklyn with her friends surprising her on her birthday V speaks with Songbird she says says that the black wall is consuming her and keeps on taking her memories away she said she had one last chance and that V stripped her of it other memories follow they show her cooking and then another where she's consumed by netr running by getting better at it she started to make a lot of money thanks to her talents and that she spend it all on better equipment she'd end up being so consumed with what she was doing that she'd ruined relationships with her friends and loved ones she'd run the net for days on end then after gain in quite the reputation Songbird was approached by the FIA or more specifically Solomon Reed she'd got someone's attention Reed told her that netw watch would be coming for her sooner or later and that she'd be safe with him in the FIA so she joined albeit reluctantly given that the FIA had access to cuttingedge cybernetics and Equipment Songbird went under the knife and got the sweetest upgrades without paying a single euro dollar she pretty much became a human cyborg hybrid Songbird was then sworn in as an FIA agent for Meers to do with as she pleased V tells song bird that they'll save her but the black hole starts to devour everything around them Songbird tells V to look for her inside the core and to help her the robot stopped attacking and then is shut down V enters the core Songbird is there hooked up to the core into the black wall Songbird says that she is fading she wants V to help her die as the black wall is taken over nearly all of her that's why she was there to end it herself but she was actually too weak to do so if she can't die she'll be forever lost searching for herself beyond the black wall with no idea who she was so V has another choice to make to help Songbird die or to refuse Reed turns up and is either gutted that Songbird died or they carry her out of the core and to his vehicle they then drive to the border to meet with Meyers Songbird is then taken away by n USA Personnel V speaks with the president they can either shake her hand or refuse V asks the president to let them know when song bird recovers and she replies that that would be impossible in the interest of National Security we know by now exactly what Ma's plan for Songbird is to get her back up and running again so she can further her goals of breaching the black wall Myers isn't going to stop Myers didn't want to let Songbird go one Songbird was Central to her goals and two Songbird being alive out there meant that the N USA wasn't safe what she knew had the potential to spark Another War this is another reason Reed was scapegoated by Myers Songbird was more important to Meers than Reed was so she made up the cover story about Reed selling out to arasaka speaking with Reed he asks V to give him a few days to arrange the help he'd promised them to get rid of The Relic so V returns to night City and awaits Reed's call all right so that was path a if you like so let's look at what happens if V decides to help Songbird out instead of Reed Songbird appears to be struggling Songbird tells vaa as soon as Hansen is down for them to run Songbird then tries to breach the Stadium's defenses by reaching plast the black wall and she cares out a path for them to escape by turning the stadium defenses against Hansen's men Alex then takes out Hansen and a massive black wall explosion causes major damage to the area and everyone there fighting through what's left of Hansen's men Songbird and V escape the stadium through the sewer tunnels and come out at a homeless camp in the biotechnical flats transport arrives to pick Songbird and V up and they leave in sep cars it isn't long before Reed calls V on the hollow as you'd imagine he's not happy tells V that they are a disappointment and they helping a traitor who tried to kill the president she has essentially gone to war against her own country Reed tells him that there's nowhere they can hide Songbird calls shortly after and she doesn't sound great at all she asks for V to meet her by the n54 news building V gets there and she's in the back of a van she's deteriorating fast struggling to breathe and she's seeing dark spots they're headed to the space Port Songbird is going to fly to the moon there's a Luna base there and Songbird as discussed earlier will be their labat and as soon as the Cure is available she'll contact V arriving at the Port V heads inside and finds a way to the Tao terminal problem is it's shut because it's being renovated but V finds a way inside V then opens up a side door for Songbird as they're pulling Songbird up there with a fire hose they suffer another Relic malfunction Songbird manages to make it up there though V and song bird use an elevator to get to the roof but Myers and her men have arrived entering a vent to escape them Songbird and V overhear their conversation they know V is there at ncx but they don't know Songbird is there yet then Maya says this there's one more thing Saul the project she was part of stays well under wraps none of it leaks this is bad really bad if our little bird lands in the wrong hands I don't want to think what will happen all that we're the only ones privy it would destroy the NS it's not a risk I'm willing to take we're on the same page no risks that's how it'll be do you hear that just so you know this isn't any easier for me Reed I liked the girl trusted her but with some choices there's no way back choices yours or hers say again you heard me but no matter I know what I have to do and I'll do it if I authorize you to take any and all necessary action just try not to shoot her in the head V and Songbird then return to the main Tao terminal the nusa AV there in a gunfight with space poor security despite opposition and avoiding a helicopter attack V and Songbird make it to the departures terminal the N USA are there to stop them and after defeating the operatives Songbird and V reach the control tower Songbird needs time to bring the train in so V needs to buy her some time by engaging enging more of the N USA's forces the train arrives V uses song Bird's biom monitor as a bridge and uses it to access the black wall letting out a pulse that annihilates everything within range walking to the train V becomes a proxy and uses songb Bird's access to the black wall to fry all the operatives in their way then they able to board the train and make their way to the lunar shuttles on the way Songbird says that Reed isn't the only one that she's betrayed she reveals that the neural Matrix can only be used once she explains that it's a captive AI from Beyond the black wall that relies on continuous Evolution to exist Songbird aims to free it and then end the process and the AI will irretrievably disintegrate she lied to V so they'd help her arriving at the terminal V has a choice to pick her up and take her to the shuttle sending her to the Luna base with the Matrix or to call Reed and give her up to him whatever's chosen V Carri Songbird to the shuttle either one of two things happens here if ve can refuse to give Songbird over to re leading to V having to kill Reed they then strap Songbird into the Luna shuttle and send her off to the Moon watching whilst they chat with Johnny V ends up by the roadside in the very same predicament they started out in on the other hand V can gives song bird up and Reed loads her onto an AV Reed makes a deal with v that he'll give him the Cure at Langley if he gets Songbird Reed then boards the AV and Reed tells V that he'll be in toast soon V then leaves the port and ends up by the side of the road and has a chat with Johnny we'll cover the Phantom Liberty endings at the end of this video as I'll cover every ending in the game together but for now we'll dive back into the main story following up on takamura's lead in regard to Anders Helman V visits the afterlife to seek out Rogue she's having a disagreement with another woman a former member of The alardo Nomad Clan a woman named PanAm Palmer who storms off after paying Rogue 15 grand she comes up with the goods A Shard with Intel on Helman it turns out that due to Helman affected from arasaka he's been protected by his new employers ktow Rogue has discovered that Helman will be traveling along a ktow convoy route the tricky part is actually getting to the AV which is carrying Helman as it'll be in Knight City airspace and will be impossible to hit without ncpd getting involved the other problem is that if they let them go too far outside of the city it'll be too close to Kanga and their forces will be onto them they'll have to hit it somewhere in between luckily there's a corridor of opportunity outside the city and just outside the reach of Kanga Rogue says that V will need help from a native to the area and that's where PanAm comes in PanAm moves merchandise for Rog but she recently lost some of that merch after her car got stolen PanAm is desperate to get the merchandise back along with her vehicle so V gives her a call and they meet after meeting with two of PanAm friends and Al dealo Mitch and Scorpion and after obtaining some weapons V and PanAm drive out to a place in the bad lands called Rocky Ridge which is basically now a ghost town it turns out her vehicle and the merch were stolen by a muched nomad Clan called the Raff and shiv they are The Nomad version of scavengers and the sociopaths they spring a trap on the raffen and PanAm gets her vehicle back and eventually after a gunfight they get the merchandise they later meet up with Sixth Street and sell the merchandise VM PanAm then have a beer get some sleep and then upon waking they plan their ambush of the ktow Convoy the plan is to overload a power station and use an EMP to down the AV they overlo the power station and wait for the AV to fly over the EMP works but doesn't bring the AV down completely PanAm fires a rocket at it finally bringing it down they chase it but PanAm gets shot in the process V and PanAm race to the crash site to grab Helman but here over the radio that Mitch Scorpion and some alic cardos are on their way there too desperate for them not to be killed PanAm and V try to get there first after taking out the ktow forces V and PanAm find Mitch but scorpion was killed Helman isn't there and was taken to a nearby gas station so V and PanAm hop on bikes and go there taking out the rest of the ktow forces V finds Helman and incapacitates him outside the gas station the Alder Caro's leader Saul turns up and he isn't happy with PanAm everyone has to leave as more ktow forces are on Route so V takes Helman to the Sunset Motel and speaks with Helman Helman reveals that he knew of yobo's plan so he knew yobu had the Relic he also says that removing the biochip isn't that simple the biochip inside V's head is a new and experimental version of it the previous version was only used to communicate with pre-saved engrams this version activates and installs the engram in a new body this prototype wasn't actually for sale it was to remain inhouse and was personally commissioned by sauro arasaka himself Helman is delighted that the tech actually works calling it a breakthrough Helman after scanning V reveals that the neural network can no longer function without the chip takamura shows up and Helman craps his pants so he hands over the blueprint for the biochip outside V has another attack a conversation with Johnny reveals exactly why he wants to destroy arasaka Johnny used to be a corpo himself used to be in the military and after fighting corporate Wars he explains how he saw arasaka strip honest farmers of their land and livelihood and how he saw them Crush people's spirits and dreams and empty their pockets whilst filling their own they taken everyone's lives and now arasaka want their souls too and V now handles takamura's side of things takamura wants to meet V whilst they have a meeting with Hano arasaka bodyguard Joseph Oda takamura trained Oda and knows him well the plan is for V to tell Oda what really happened to Saburo this way they'll hopefully be granted a meeting with hanaco herself but Oda doesn't buy it there is however a parade coming up which will honor Saburo arasaka Oda then leaves takamura said the parade is their way to Hano so takamura and V go to see a familiar face wakako aada wakako agrees to give them Intel on the parade seeing as they were responsible for the death of her grandchild many years prior the parade will take place in Japan town hanaco will be delivering a speech from the largest float they'll have a load of snipers and at least one Netrunner present for security meeting takamura in Japan Town V hacks a console and downloads the security plans for the parade where kak's Intel checks out there'll be a few snipers and a Netrunner present at the parade they need to hack hano's float and to do that they need to break into the arasaka industrial park the plan is for V to deal with the snipers allowing takamura to get onto the float and to speak with Hano V and takamura later meet by the industrial park and V manages to hack the float so that they will be able to control it it's time for the parade V gets to work in taking out the snipers which are placed around the area and finally V incapacitates the arasaka Netrunner 2 upon doing so though they are attacked by Joseph odor after battling him V defeats him and either spares or finishes him off hacking into a terminal v overhears a conversation between hanako and yobu they agree that they should end the parade early as a threat has been detected V jams the float systems and then takamura boards the float and captures Hano everything is now on alert and V and takamura have to try and leave the area whilst under attack by arasaka forces V escapes and meets with takamura at an abandoned building in Vine Street V gets there and takamura is there with Hano as a small side note even though Saburo was in charge arasaka had three factions the not very influential hetto faction led by saburo's granddaughter Mito the militant minded taka faction led by yobu and the more level-headed kiji faction led by Hano this level-headedness was how hanako was able to bring yobu back into the arasaka family she loved her brother a lot and when yobu founded the Steel Dragon Nomad her and yobu would meet in the net you see hanako herself is a very skilled Netrunner therefore hanako is one of of the only people who understood what soul killer actually was originally intended for not for use as a weapon what's super surprising is that according to this haneko is actually 78 years old by the time the game takes place yorobo is in his 80s people seem to live longer in cyberpunk Hell sauro fought in World War II which made him well over a hundred years old when he died anyway from Reading sao's diary we can see how Hanukah would influence her father's decisions often stopping him from making rash errors V sits down and explains to her what happened that her brother killed her father haneko says nothing but takamura and V hear a commotion and just like that arasaka forces being led by Adam Smasher himself storm the building which starts to collapse V is separated from takamura Johnny says to leave him there and to escape and V can choose to save takamura or not regardless V fights their way out and escapes the building back at the Sunset Motel V and Johnny try to evaluate what they should do next there's a knock on the door it's an unknown woman it's revealed to be hanako arasaka who is using the woman as a proxy in order to communicate with v she wants to meet in person Hano wants to meet at a bar called Embers in the city center somewhere discreet meeting with Hano V learns that Hano and the entire board knew that Saburo wasn't poisoned nonetheless she thinks that yoran nuu should be held accountable and she wants V to confront yobu and to testify in front of the board in a meeting in exchange she will help V get rid of the construct she reveals something about hioshi it's located directly underneath arasaka Tower during their chat V starts to suffer a nose bleed time is running out and The Relic continues to malfunction Johnny offers v a solution to give him control and he will get them to makoshi with rogue's help V then collapses again they wake up in Vic's Clinic Vic dragged them there he reveals more bad news if he experiences one more Relic malfunction they'll likely die v takes a couple of pills and a gun and Misty takes V to the roof V now needs to make a decision now this is where the game's endings come into play by going through the story as we have we've got all the possible solutions to get every single ending we'll cover the base endings first in the arasaka ending much to Johnny's annoyance and disapproval V chooses to go with arasaka v calls Hano arasaka and she says that yobu has her under armed guard at his residence in North Oak hanako sends a car along with Anders Helman and takamura in order to collect V they go to the residents and take out the arasaka guards they then Bard an AV and set out for arasaka Tower arriving there Hano takes fee down into makoshi inside she drops a clanger saboro has his very own construct and hanako spoke with it earlier on Saburo addresses Hano and says that he is ready they then leave to address the board they don't believe V's testimony so hanako gives sauro sent a stage and he tells the board they are all fools for believing that he was was poisoned he then tells them to follow hano's every demand yoru's guards show up and kill most of the board and a firefight takes place between those loyal to hanako and those loyal to yobu V needs to find yobu whilst hanako aims to take control of arasaka hanako Demands that yobu is not harmed in any way clearing out waves and waves of yoru's men V has to do battle with Adam Smasher after saying sayonara from Johnny Silvera hand V confronts yobu it turns out that yobu despised his father's Empire and was planning a military coup to gain complete control of arasaka in order to sabotage it which is why he tried to kill the entire board Hano shows up and confronts her brother V goes with Anders Helman blacks out and V's Consciousness speaks with Johnny's Johnny then disappears V wakes up in an arasaka clinic in orbit with a nurse standing over him she tells V that the construct has now been cleared vat is a news broadcast and it turns out that yorin noou has received his punishment saburo's construct was inserted into yobu and his Consciousness was overwritten and replaced with the engram of yobu and his Consciousness was overwritten and replaced with the engram of saboro who had reasserted his control over arasaka I guess that's why Hano didn't want yobu harmed she had plans for him over the next few months VI is subjected to stress tests until eventually either takamura or Helman come to visit they tell V that even though the engram was removed they'll die within the next 6 months they offer V to have their own engram saved as part of the secure your soul program V can either accept or decline to sign the contract they can Decline and return to Earth to live out what's left of their days or they can have their engram scanned and saved for an a suitable body becomes available and the game then ends to obtain the Alder Calo ending V had to help out PanAm with some issues of her own after they down the AV carrying Anders Helman PanAm got in touch touch with v and asked for help meeting with her PanAm states that the AL dealo leader Saul had gone off on patrol and has been captured by a group called The wraiths Who are affiliated with the raffen after using a drone to scout the wraith's defenses V infiltrates the camp and finds Saul freeing him they escape and PanAm picks them up a storm hits the area and the three of them take shelter in an abandoned cabin it's not long until she calls again this time the Alder caros have a plan to capture and steal a basilisk a hover tank built by milch Soul doesn't want the clan to touch it because the job is too risky nonetheless V assists the Al dealdos and they capture the Basilisk despite heavy opposition from milch when they return to the camp it's under attack by wraiths but with the help of the Basilisk the AL dealdos are able to fend off their attackers after this V suffers an attack and opens up to PanAm about the situation that they are dying as a result of the biochip given that V has built a large amount of trust with the Alder calos after helping them out when given the choice of what to do on the roof this time vehicle calls PanAm for help she picks V up and they plan their attack their plan is to dig their way into arasaka tunnel Knight Corporation have left equipment in the area and they can use that to Tunnel their way in after all the planning V uses the Alder calder's subnet and speaks with alt she tells V that they can expect a boundary to cross once they're connected and inside MOSI she also says that Moshi will be destroyed and that the constructs imprisoned inside MOSI will be integrated within her she gives v a program to use once they're inside Moshi and will open up a secure connection afterwards s makes V an honorary member of the alardo clan the following day after surveying the construction site the AL dealo attack the site eventually after using the equipment left by Knight Corporation they gain access to arasaka Tower sneaking through they reach the security room and V uploads the program allowing alt access the Rogue AI then flat lines and Fries every single agent in the area but trouble is just Round the Corner in the form of Adam Smasher s shoot Smasher chest plate off but Smasher kills him PanAm and V work together to defeat Smasher and V sends Johnny's regards V then connects to the access point and enters makosi a conversation takes place between V Johnny and ALT where alt explains what happens next using Soul killer alt has split or untangled V and Johnny's engrams V is technically a construct now but Al shares bad news that because of the Damage Done to V's Body by The Relic they only have 6 months left to live on Upon returning to their body this is because V's body will see V's own Consciousness as an intruder Johnny tells V that he will stay with alt and become part of Herby on the black wall if V decides to leave and return to their body V will wake up in Pam's truck PanAm in the Alder cardos are leaving night City for Arizona and V will go with them after some small talk it's revealed that PanAm is the new leader of the Alder cardos after Saul's death they arrive at the nomad camp and use the Basilisk and the cover of an incoming storm to cross over the the border of night City V sits with PanAm on top of the Basilisk and the game then ends after completing the Ghost Town Mission and helping PanAm get her vehicle back and after V captures Helman and almost dies Johnny offers an alternative option free from Reliance on corpos like hanako arasaka and free from putting innocence at risk instead for R to help them get to makosi Johnny also wants to settle the score with Smasher alongside Rogue and to get V to Moshi to do that V needs to give Johnny total control so V goes to the afterlife and lets Johnny take over Johnny gets absolutely wasted gets a tattoo witnesses an absolutely riveting dance drinks some more toasts a delightful lady called Ruby throws up fights some pimps and gets into a car crash all in the night's work but it turns out that there was a lot more to Johnny's evening of sin Johnny's tattooist casassus Ryder gave Johnny info on a man named Jeremiah Grayson a man who has ties to Adam Smasher in order to get closest to finding Grayson turns out he knows a dancer at a club and that's where Ruby came in at the end of the night Ruby gave Johnny a name the Eun Nik next morning V wakes up back in control of their body and Rogue is there Rogue now knows what's going on in terms of Johnny eventually Rogue has news on what the Eon is a container ship under guard by the Maelstrom after reading a memo V learns that Smasher and Grayson are on the ship a fight breaks out and after taking out the guards V and Rog question Grayson he says that Smasher isn't there he's in Japan as he's been promoted to arasaka as head of security and according to Grayson he's not coming back Grayson starts to spill some stuff about Rogue and why arisaka didn't come after her in 2023 but Rogue shuts him up before he can say anything else Grayson also reveals where Johnny was buried in the Badlands in the derelict oil fields at the edge of night City Grayson also gives via key and Rog storms off the key is to Johnny's old ride a Porche 911 Turbo at Johnny's final resting place he's gutted to see there's nothing there not even a marker Johnny does have another request of V to take Rogue on a date so after deliberating V calls her and asks her out on behalf of Johnny Rogue wants to go to the movie so V picks her up after driving over there and breaking in V gives Johnny control again and he and Rogue watch a film things get heated but Rogue changes her mind and the date then ends anyway back on the roof again at the end of the game V can give Johnny control instead and V goes to the after life and speaks with Rogue truth is that Rogue actually worked for arasaka at points in her life after 2023 and that's why arasaka didn't come after her that's what Grayson was alluding to back on the Eon Rogue had effectively sold her soul to the things she and Johnny wanted to destroy in order to become Queen of the afterlife and the guilt was tearing her apart she'd even worked with Adam Smasher at one point to anyhow Rog doesn't believe for a second that Johnny wants to help someone else but after some convincing she is on board as is rogue's bodyguard crisp in whand they go over the plan the plan is for them to use a tactical bomber to destroy arasaka Tower's air defenses and then they'll breach a wall on the 76th floor and they'll land in the arasaka forest same one we saw in the arasaka ending boarding the bomber and on their way the bomber is shot down by arasaka and they crash into the building Landing in the jungle Johnny Rogue and whan make their way through arasaka fighting wave after wave of arasaka forces and eventually they are confronted by Adam Smasher who of course is not in Japan Smasher picks Rogue up and is about to kill her but she places a live grenade inside his chest sacrificing herself and doing massive damage to Adam Smasher Johnny and whan then finish Smasher off much to the Delight of Johnny listen to me you Bor son of a [ __ ] Rogue meant more than you or I ever could best there ever was and you killed her she knew the risks Rogue had it in for you finally got what you wanted you're talking Tri I killed the old [ __ ] don't know [ __ ] Smasher she finished things off on her own terms something you'll never get as in the ending involving PanAm and the AL dealdos V's body is hooked up to the Moshi access point and V and Johnny's engrams are separated by Alt using Soul killer through Johnny's eyes we see alt break the bad news to V that only have 6 months to live there is another option though Johnny can go back to V's body and will not die in 6 months as his engram will not be seen as an impostor Johnny has full control here so he can either cross the bridge and go to live on in cyers space forever as a part of alt this means that V will return to their body and will be terminally ill and will die within the next 6 months the upside for v in this scenario though is that following the death of Rogue V became a legend in night City and is King of the afterlife they got the the best apartment that Eddie can buy and V's going on one last big job after boarding an AV and heading for the afterlife V listens to an update where they learn that arasaka secure your soul program is now seen as a curse and after spending billions on it and losing all resources related to the program they canned it and arasaka is in total chaos at the afterlife fee meets with a very mysterious man known only as Mr blue eyes blue eyes is a man that is heavily involved in the politics in KN City but from the shadows as a side note at one point in the story V can meet a politician and mayoral candidate by the name of Jefferson parales along with his wife Elizabeth V discovers that the Shady organization has been able to manipulate both Jefferson and Elizabeth's Behavior through brainwashing at the end of the contract V is contacted by this Shady organization and is warned about not informing the paralyses about their involvement standing on a balcony and overlooking V's meeting with parales is Mr bluee himself Mr Blue Eyes was actually present in the Tao terminal during the events of phantom Liberty was he overseeing the construction of the new terminal or was he simply watching V at work anyway after Mr Blue eyes' Associates entered arasaka and grabbed valuable Intel on arasaka operations their guard was down after the assault on the tower this Intel has led them to believe that arasaka is testing a new security system on the Crystal Palace and we be shutting the system down for a while later that day by the way the Crystal Palace is a Swank space Casino the Las Vegas of space is owned by the European space Council so V flies off into space and prepares to enter the Crystal Palace the game then ends with v floating off towards the space station ready to carry out the heist going back to the choice in MOSI the other option is that Johnny can enter the well instead and enter V's body and Johnny then wakes up he's been living in V's body in Pacifica he's befriended a kid called Steve who lives a tough life he takes regular beatings from his father father and his mother pays him no attention Steve wants to be a musician and looks up to Johnny today Johnny has made the decision to leave night City before he does he takes Steve to a music store to buy a guitar for himself and he picks an expensive one goes to board a bus but then purposely leaves the guitar with Steve as a gift Johnny then leaves night City behind and the game then ends so that's four endings but before we get onto the Phantom Liberty endings there are two more back in Vic's Clinic Vic left v a blue pill a red pill and a pistol he's given V the option if they want to zero themselves so no one else has to die and so they can go on their own terms after refusing all the other options V can pull the trigger this is by far the worst ending given the reaction of some of V's closest friends in the credits now there was also a secret ending to the base game where if fe's relationship with Johnny was at maximum he and V could make a decision to go on a death run and storm arasaka all by themselves meaning that no one else had to die I wasn't able to get that ending myself so unfortunately I cannot show it you so now for the Phantom Liberty endings if V followed path a and chose to help readed out instead of Songbird after dropping her off with my's people Reed messages V and asks to meet him where they first met Reed explains that Songbird will live but that her nervous system is fried her body didn't accept the neural Matrix so it's being kept in storage at langle for V Reed with a hint of disappointment says that Songbird may be able to return to active duty he knows what that means as president Myers's only point of access to the black wall Reed explains that he's been summoned back to Washington by Meyers for a desk job assessing new FIA recruits Reed calls a day later and agrees a meeting point with v the rooftop of Misty's esoterica if back in the Core V chose to help Songbird die then the writer the Border after read collects so as a a little bit more Awkward Reed is mad at himself for not getting there earlier and definitely mad at V for allowing Songbird to die seeing that her prized asset is now dead Myers isn't happy as V has failed in their mission and as a result Myers refuses to help V with getting rid of The Relic this was probably the worst ending in Phantom Liberty as everything that V went through was for absolutely nothing and will likely die in the next 6 months so if choosing to save Songbird when carrying Songbird through to the shuttle Reed will emerge from it he demands that V hands Songbird over if V refuses they have to kill Reed V then panics but straps Songbird into the shuttle and she flies off to the Moon whilst V has a chat with Johnny sitting by the side of the road a few hours later V has no option than to pursue another way to get rid of The Relic therefore going with one of the base game's endings so for this ending there were two choices to give song bird up by calling Reed or by carrying Songbird to the shuttle and changing your mind letting Reed take her either way as we saw earlier on Reed puts Songbird into an FIA a and Boards it he then tells V that he'll be in touch sure enough a couple of days later Reed calls V and they agree to meet at a gas station Reed explains that he's on his way to Washington Reed then calls a couple of days later and arranges for the AV to pick V up from the roof of misties and V leaves night City now let's discuss the results of the operation so after arriving at Langley V went under the knife they then wake up extremely groggy with Reed there with them Reed shares news regarding the operation it was a success but V's nervous system is done for after the surgeons had to cut the engram out safely V cannot ever use their combat implants again otherwise it'll kill them V's Life as a mercenary is now effectively over what's more is that V has been in a coma for 2 years it's the year 2079 Reed tells V that they can give him a job at Langley V declines for now V thanks Reed and Reed then leaves V contacts the people they knew and were close to in night City depending on relationships built up in the game PanAm didn't answer her phone so V left a message Mitch later contacts V and asked them not to contact PanAm as it took her a long time to let V go Judy is left night City and is now happily married and living in Pittsburgh River well things haven't gone well for River he's different turns out he fallen on hard times after the costs for his nephew Randy's rehab spiraled so he did a deal with trauma team and sent them a load of ncpd Secrets he's effectively become the very thing he hated a dirty cop then V calls Victor at first Vic thinks it's a prank call but is glad to see that V is still alive he doesn't believe for a second that V is done for in terms of his implants and invites V to come see him at his Clinic V then returns to KN City and delamain says that a lot has changed arasaka mve their operations out of kn City yobu stepped down as CEO shortly afterwards after the board found out he was trying to sabotage the company and hanako arasaka is dead a post credits message from takamura states that he's been on the run for 2 years after they attempted to confront the arasaka board as they did in the arasaka ending and it all went tits up takamura has been earmarked as hano's murderer milch are now the big boys in town their security forces are all over the city protecting new corporate locations V fell into areas for obvious reasons and their apartment has now been sold along with all their belongings Rogue reveals post credits that V after they disappeared for 2 years was considered a legend of night City she says the door is always open at the afterlife but that the more often V goes there the more that Legend wilts and dies exiting the cab V walks to Vic's Clinic Misty's esoterica is no longer there it's been bought out by a cybernetics Corporation Called zetch It seems that Vic's Clinic was also bought out by extension and that Vic is now working for them after some banter about his awful uniform Vic runs a diagnostic onve but it's not good news it's exactly as Reed said V's previous life is over Misty didn't like the fact that Vic gave in so easily to a corporation so she's left on bad terms with Vic which upsets him Vic and V are catching up when one of his clients walks in and demands treatment as they got into a scuffle with petram v promises to keep in touch with Vic and Le to his work turns out that Vic wouldn't be there long as he'd soon be shipped out by zetch to work in San Francisco leaving the area V is cornered by two street thugs who believe V is loaded after they left a z to text store V attempts to fight back but even after a life of being a forc to be reckoned with they struggle to even throw a punch and are humiliated they tried to pick themselves up and are helped up by Misty she reveals that she's leaving for good going to Poland as that's where her family are from after a nice chap via Misty partway ways she leaves for the airport and V walks off into the crowd a nobody just another night City resident that the city chewed up and spat out the game then ends it's still not really confirmed which ending is the true and canonical ending but which one do you think is the Canon ending comment down below so to finish there are a few loose ends which weren't tied off during my explanation of the main story when meeting Meredith Stout in the mission to retrieve the Flathead she had a mold problem inside militech someone was communicating with the Maelstrom she thought that someone to be another militech employee named Anthony Gilchrist he pleaded his innocence however emails from within the or Foods Factory confirmed Gilchrist to be the mole if V wasn't of a corpo persuasion and didn't understand the email from Gilchrist to Maelstrom then Meredith would have been thrown out to sea by her employers quite literally Gilchrist would then take her position after Jackie's death an neenda was held at El coyo tooo by Jackie's mother and V was gifted Jackie's bike after Evelyn was saved from the xbd scav she flatlined herself V then helped Judy seek some revenge against Woodman and to liberate clouds from the Tiger Claw control and gave that control over to the mocks after one final quest with Judy this is when she revealed she'd be leaving night City for good if Judy was romanced by a female V then she'd be present during the Alder Calo ending and would leave KN City that way instead after the fall of kurtt Hansen Mr Hans immediately got to work in moving the verbial chess pieces in regard to politics in Dogtown there was a power struggle between two members of the bar guest militia Yago and Bennett clashing whilst vying for control and Mr Hans wanted them to be working together so V using that shape-shifting technology posed as a famous and notorious cartel assassin and convinced them to work together there were loads of other cool side missions in the game there's too many for this video unfortunately notable ones were the river Ward side missions and the K iDine ones where you let Johnny take over and play one last gig with his Tunes but those ones don't really have any significance to the story really and that is it for this video it's been a long one but if you enjoyed it then please leave a like And subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on new videos comment down below with your thoughts but for now take care and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gaming Harry
Views: 235,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077 story explained, cyberpunk whole story explained, cyberpunk 2077 lore, cyberpunk phantom liberty explained, phantom liberty explained
Id: EXljJPBt7yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 35sec (5795 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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