I Platinum'd Every Infamous Game

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today I'm playing the entire Infamous series to acquire four Platinum trophies I have to play four different Infamous games which means I need to collect a total of 175 trophies to get all the platinums let's start with the first game Infamous this game is a Playstation 3 exclusive and I don't have a PlayStation 3 so luckily I can assume the first two games on my PS5 and this Platinum is a 5 out of 10 difficulty with two playthroughs and it's estimated to take 35 hours to complete so let's get started in the first two games we play as Cole McGrath who is your local delivery man until a package he's delivering explodes which actually destroys half the city and wipes out a huge percentage of the population so now this is where we begin our trophy hunt journey and throughout the Infamous games we get to make good or bad karma decisions and for our first playthrough we have to stick with all good karma decisions and here you will see our first good or evil choice and this will lead to our first trophy uh attack the police on your own or fire at them from inside the crowd and start a riot oh trophy earned good Riot oh that's for doing another good karma act so this next part was unexpected our best friend in the game his name is Zeke and he has his own plans of going for his own trophies and going on an evil karma run so check this guy out dude Zeke's the man look at him oh my God keep my wife's name out your [ __ ] after that we keep going through the story and choose all the good karma options so we get some more trophies here well going through the story we also must perform 21 total stunts which require us to finish off enemies a certain way for example this first stunt I had to do was take down an enemy by mailing him stunt unlocked melee finisher is that a trophy because we finished our first ever stunt let's see yeah there it is you have earned a trophy stunt man some stunts are harder than others but most come naturally just by playing the game and this stunt right here actually granted me another trophy for completing 10 stunts oh oh sportinator while doing stunts we also must gather all the Collectibles these satellites are called Dead drops and we need to collect 32 of them on the map I got a trophy here for collecting all of them in the neon district and we also must collect these blast shards which you see here this was a pain because there's 350 of them but luckily I was trying to follow a blast Shard map and the blue dots you see here are all the shards after a while I got two trophies one for getting 25 of the shards on the other for getting 50 so far continuing on with the story We Now face our toughest challenge yet in our first ever boss fight of the game this crazy chick's name is Sasha and she's like the crazy ex you have nightmares about she also has her own powers and is the leader of the enemy types we have been fighting so far in the game and we must defeat her for yet another trophy all right bro this chick's gonna be crazy I don't know what type of boss fight this is use me oh right here see ya oh she's a nasty one this chick is something else no no no oh we just got hit with that are we dead did we die oh how close and personal okay oh she's a freak where's she at there she is this has to be it come on yes come on why don't you just die no I don't get down like that it's got like 10 tongues so we're finally able to wrap up the fight with Sasha and we get another trophy for actually defeating her right here beat the living hell out of it oh okay let's go trophy earn clean up your act continuing on with the story we meet up with our ex-girlfriend Trish who needs our help transporting a bus of medical supplies to the hospital and this is actually a perfect time to start the miscellaneous trophies of the game the bus we are riding on gives us unlimited electricity so we can spam powers to get a trophy for taking down 25 enemies while riding on the roof of a moving vehicle you spamming keep spamming come on we gotta get that trophy have I killed 25 guys yet I'm not sure nice there it is roadkill that's the one we wanted we're able to deliver the bus and after since we have good karma up to this point Trish wants to get back together for yet another good karma Trophy and we get to see 2009 PlayStation 3 facial animations that really pull at your Heartstrings this chick wants us because we have powers now there it is you have earned a trophy back with Trish next I got a ton of miscellaneous trophies here and I collected all the dead drops while also getting 350 of the blast shards this brings us to the final mission of the game which is a boss fight with a man named Kessler who takes out our girlfriend Trish from earlier so we need to get revenge on him and I was able to complete this fight very quickly for two trophies one was for the Good Karma ending and the other was for clearing out the districts of enemies after this all I have to do is go through all of the evil decisions and pick the opposite Karma so these are all the trophies on screen here that I got from doing the evil run and now finally we're back once again round two with Kessler and this time we are at the hardest difficulty of the game so we can get the hard finish trophy but this fight was not easy for me so let's see what happens I don't know what he's doing no I'm alive I'm coughing I can't hold it together I don't know what's going on no I'm good how did I die there oh at least we start on this face okay it's okay I was getting frustrated and this move he does when he smashes the ground and the Holograms pop up kept taking me out when he hits the ground I have to jump over it and Dodge the Holograms at the same time and even if one touches me I'm done I'm gonna try to focus up here and take Kester out so I can get two trophies one for the evil finish and another for completing the game on the hardest difficulty oh never go backwards why am I trying to hit him right there just jump over of course I'm a boss dude don't get how he does that move twice in a row twice in a row twice no it's not the third phase not this again this is the worst move Dodge him I didn't know he's doing again I'm still alive I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good one two three is that it no you're still going no not this one again dude okay two three let's go third face he's doing his lightning thing oh my God I'm gonna win one two three four let's go did I get it oh yes let's go after defeating Kester we are awarded our two trophies one is the evil finish Trophy and then the other one is the hard finish here and now we have one last trophy to get and we'll get the Platinum so check it out alright so I just beat the final boss on hard mode and got a couple trophies now I have one last trophy to get and I have to purchase this last evil upgrade and then I get a trophy and then the Platinum so here we go this is gonna be Infamous one completed let's grab this and let's see if we get the trophy pop and the Platinum pop here let's see um okay there it is trophy earned evil to the core oh and there's the Platinum Infamous platinum trophy let's go that one popped really quick now that we got our first platinum trophy it's time that we move on to play Infamous 2. it's a four to ten difficulty rating and just like the last game it requires two playthroughs and it's estimated to take 35 hours to complete definitely a step up in graphics here though compared to the last game as you'll see but anyway let's see if we can hop in here and get our second Platinum just like the first game we play as colmograph and Infamous 2 and we are joined once again by our boy Zeke a new character agent quo when all of a sudden what's known as the Beast shows up and he is the big bad villain of the entire story and we get into a fight instantly after a back and forth battle though we are able to take down the beast but he's not out quite yet because he comes back and explodes Empire city where the first game took place and now we have to travel to a new location called new Murray to start our trophy hunt Journey right when I got into the new city I started off with a bunch of miscellaneous trophies without even realizing it though I got one of the hardest trophies in the game and all I had to do was jump over a fence but I was very confused about this Don't Fence Me In trophy earned I think that's one for doing a good deed right there no no all jokes aside the reason that I went for these miscellaneous trophies first was because this Infamous game has something unique that the other games don't which is user generated content missions these are online multiplayer trophies that's right it's 2023 and I need to hope that the PlayStation 3 2011 online servers are still up and running or else no Platinum for me and I can't finish the infamous Series without this plot so what you're going to see here is my final online mission that I need for one of the online trophies in total there's four online trophies and the way these missions work are people created these and I just have to go through the missions and complete them so let's see if I can even get the first online trophy so we know this Platinum is even possible there we go Rebellion episode one now that's actually five of five uh see this is the part I don't know if it's gonna work there it is Trailblazer trophy earned so these missions are possible to get still in 2023 which is insane so now as you see here I was able to get all the online trophies completed while also being able to get a bunch of miscellaneous trophies completed as well now we gotta get all the story related Mission trophies just like the first game we need to pick good or evil karma decisions the blue girl you see here is Agent quo from earlier who got herself some ice powers and the red girl is NYX who has some fire powers these two argue with each other about certain decisions during the game so our job is to pick one of their decisions depending on who we side with we get good or bad karma the blue girl quo is always going to be good karma and the red girl NYX is always evil karma for the first playthrough we gotta go with all the good decisions so we're gonna side with quo and get all the good related trophies I was able to Breeze through all of the Good Karma decisions here on my first playthrough and now all we have to do is go to the evil side and complete that as well so we're actually gonna go with an evil side admission here for NYX this was on my second playthrough on the hardest difficulty I just think nyx's missions are a little bit more interesting than quotes in my opinion so we're gonna see what happens here this whole mission's for a trophy I just gotta complete it and take out the militia which are the enemy types and then it should grant us a trophy here oh we're her we're next oh this is sick I've never like shot a weapon in this game see ya oh my gosh that's a hundred grenades what's going on over here no dude why won't the vehicle blow up I'm hitting it with nades no there we go I'm gonna thunder drop on them here I go here goes nothing boom sorry boys all right fooling the rebels that mission was pretty fun I'm not gonna lie yeah there it is trophy earned playing both sides and that's the evil side completed here's the trophies I got related to the evil karma story choices and also side missions we also can't forget about the Collectibles dead Drops make a return in this game in the form of a bird and I collect all of them for even more trophies here also the famous blast shards show up once again and these are always such a pain to get but we got them done and I collected 305 of them for even more trophies I really hope I didn't miss one I followed a map oh never mind okay we're good you have earned a trophy just one more we have finally made it to the final Story Mission of the game and I'm currently on my second Evo Karma play through here but this final mission plays out completely differently on Good Karma so what we're gonna do here is go through both of them at the exact same time just to see the differences this is actually going to land us three trophies one for the Good Karma ending and two for the evil one even these cut scenes turn out completely differently here the left side is going to be the evil karma ending and the right is going to be the good one I'll just keep them labeled up on the screen here so there's no confusion throughout the playthrough now we're going to start with the Good Karma ending which involves us saving humanity and fighting the Beast once again we have to do the good choice so we have to press L2 for this playthrough here we go [Music] oh here we go this is what we've been waiting for rematch with the Beast come here buddy always he's hitting us with a W key oh we're dead GG's in the chat boys oh he's just staring us down this guy always got Health wait I'm destroying him oh maybe not I'm flying oh this is kind of sick wait I'm destroying the Beast oh she's fighting us I didn't even realize quote what are you serious quo no way she's fighting us she's with us the whole game now we got a fighter sorry bye bye there we go he's almost dead he's almost down oh and is he done summon an ionic storm summoning so we took out the Beast and I don't know if I'm good at the game or that guy's just complete trash because he just fell in like two Pebbles that I threw at him but that's fine he comes back once again with a full health bar and it's even easier the second time for some reason I don't know what this guy's on but he's a complete loser so check this out all right I'm down oh I'm literally flying this is so sick I do like that I'm flying but that was that was easy what so that's actually the end of the Beast I probably just could have threw my left shoe at his ass and he would have died but that's fine we carry on with the story we save Humanity unfortunately cold dies in the process and we carry on with our trophy okay so there it is fight the good fight that's the one for completing the story there thank you very much so we move along here to the evil ending finish and this time we actually team up with the Beast to betray Humanity but I knew he was going to be completely useless because of that last fight we had with him so I'll just carry him for the W and the boss fight in this one is actually against Knicks so if we complete this we get two trophies one for the hardest difficulty and the other for the evil karma finish there she is where's her health bar oh she's got full health again you're joking right oh she's gonna lunge at us and that's not good oh well it didn't really do damage we're good can you just shut up and die stop she's done headbutt oh one shot that's gotta be it no way she's still oh here we go finish her off good night boom so we defeated NYX there and now we become the Beast and we actually get a couple trophies one for the hardest difficulty and the other for completing it on evil karma karma State nice so Payne builds character trophy earned and there it is another trophy forging your own pass so we got two trophies there all we have now is one trophy left in the game so all I have to do is upgrade all of my powers and we get the platinum trophy here we go now let's wait and we'll see if we get the Platinum I better pop there it is you've earned a trophy with greater power boom done and I don't even need to read that one because we got the platinum on inFamous 2. that's two games down and two to go let's do it with two Platinum trophies down we move on to my personal favorite Infamous game Infamous Second Son this game's difficulty rating is three out of ten and we need two playthroughs with an estimated completion time of 20 hours let's get right into it in this game we play as new main character Delson Rowe who is a delinquent and graffiti artist until one day a truck comes barreling down the road containing conduits which are people that possess powers and while Delson goes to help one of the conduits named Hank he gets taken hostage by him and delson's brother Reggie shows up to de-escalate the situation but when Delson goes to break free and grab Hank's hand he gains new smoke Powers Hank then ends up escaping so we have to chase him down and we end up running into the dup which are the enemy types of the game and the leader of the dup Brooke Augustine who is the main villain of our story who also has powers gives us our first good or bad karma choice leading to the first story trophy of the game so we have to turn ourselves in because we're doing the Good Karma run just like the other games I guess this is our first choice I think we get a trophy after this so let's confirm and see what happens we tell Brooke Augustine that we turn into a conduit but she doesn't believe us so she hurts Betty who is our mother figure of the game and then lets us go free after you've taken your first step to becoming a hero oh and there's our first trophy sacrifice so just like the first two games I went through the story doing all the good karma decisions to get these trophies and now we have to do the final boss fight against Brooke Augustine so we can get a couple more trophies for the Good Karma Finish Well it's too bad because we're taking her down this time for sure okay here we go again round two with this chick no she's crazy this Augustine chick is crazy bro that's okay because we got that move now check that out oh we're beaming her oh you're done okay so same as before we just booted the [ __ ] out of her see you bud what are you doing on the ground Bop see ya come on so up to this point the fight was going pretty well for me and then we grabbed her concrete powers here so we can finally finish her off but that wasn't the end because she turns into a concrete monster apparently so we have to take this out to get these trophies so let's see if we can do it what is that she's a damn Rhino or some [ __ ] look at that how do we do this Boulder Bash oh damn hold up let me just bash into his leg oh well not the smartest idea I've ever had this concrete abilities kind of lame I'm not gonna lie throw me something else buddy I need another upgrade oh I died see you're too slow he was too slow that's what we want now we're doing a little bit more damage I'm aiming for the head I don't know if there's weak points but I'm honestly aiming for the head or anywhere I can so that's my that's my plan right now I mean that her health is going down so that's a good sign there we go we broke her there we go side to side side to side movements lateral movements there we go she's like one shot there we go got her so I was able to take out Augustine here fairly easily I did end up dying once but I figured out the fight after that and now we get two trophies for a good karma finish so check this out that was a cool story man Justice trophy earned that is the story completed expose the corruption of the powerful nice behind them so there it is let's see what we have here uh reconciliation and it says finish the story with Good Karma now that the story is completed I have to go around to these dup controlled areas and get them all to zero percent so I can get some more trophies while also going to these icons that you see and making sure all of them are done as well so we'll get even more trophies for that so we're gonna go along here and I'll show you the trophies that I get along the way of clearing the entire map so while I was going around the map clearing out some enemies I also was going for miscellaneous trophies as well so the first one you're gonna see here is me basically just trying to make three guys cough and then drop on them for a trophy give me the trophy bro I need to drop on three guys that are coughing and they're all messed up right here there it is nice cough drops see you boys all right this next trophy I have to shoot an enemy with three different powers um and take him out after so all right so I shot that guy once now I have to find smoke power yeah so here's smoke okay so we'll shoot him once with smoke like that uh concrete here here's our third power it should get the trophy there it is hat trick so the next trophy that I'm going for here I actually have to drop 170 meters so I'm at the tallest point you can only unlock this after the story I guess so we're gonna take this go all the way up boost out twice and try to drop off here like this and hopefully I missed the building and get the trophy if not I have to redo it no shot did I do it that was close drop everything trophy here and there it is after getting those miscellaneous trophies I was able to unlock the district Showdown here and what these are is the dop agents are just gonna come at me and try to kill me so I gotta take them out for my first district Showdown trophy here so let's see how it goes okay okay so now we fight them all oh it's kind of intense though okay there's a lot of them really bro all right I'm doing this screw this later boys nice oh and we got a trophy for that prank call what is this one complete a district Showdown so that was our first district Showdown and we have to do many more after completing that District Showdown all I needed was one more Shard to clear the whole dup area and get it to zero percent for another Trophy this last um tracker drone here which will give us a Shard this is the last thing I need to clear the area I believe and I think we get a trophy from this for clearing our first area yeah one down trophy Aaron so clear the dfp completely out of a district so that's the first district that I have here as you see zero percent controlled now and I basically just have to go around and clear the entire map until you see these at zero percent all I had to do now was repeat that process until the map was fully cleared here are some of the trophies I got along the way this one's for destroying all the dup cameras next I got to defeat 10 enemies using the ammo crates at this point in the game I got to fully Good Karma giving me the true hero trophy then we completed all the side missions to defeat all the secret agents giving me the blown cover one then all the hidden cameras were destroyed here for big brother and guess what the blast charge do make a return for The Shard core trophy got that done after that we got the audio logs which was the inside track trophy and finally we got the stencil art completed for coloring inside the lines at this point all I needed was one last Showdown to do and I was on a roll but guess what happened check it out no shot buddy I'm in the middle of the Platinum your PlayStation Plus subscription has expired if you want to use this gamer app renew your PlayStations Plus subscription or purchased gamer app well as you saw that was a little bit of a hiccup but I got out my wallet got rinsed up for a couple dollars and now we're back at the final District Showdown and all I have to do is complete this for two trophies so check it out of course they sent a heli for the last one what a classic shoot another sky come on there we go we got it wait was that it that was free I should get two trophies for that Clean Sweep trophy earned let's go I should get another one as as well let's see and there it is final showdown trophy earned two in one District cleared and we did the final showdown and as you can see here now the full map is completed I've done every single thing after that on my second playthrough I went for all of these evil karma run trophies that you see here and I was doing it on the hardest difficulty but it wasn't too hard for me at this point because I've been playing information for quite a while now getting these platinums so I knew what to expect and this actually brings us to the final trophy of the game and then I'll get the Platinum so check it out this is actually the last trophy that we need for the platinum and we have to take out 10 Street musicians Everyone's a Critic and give it to us baby enjoy your powers if you're looking for a game to platinum and that's fairly easy and fun I recommend this game this has been my most fun experience actually so far but we're not done yet we have one more Infamous game to go so let's get right at it I now have three Platinum trophies and I'm on the final game InFamous first light this game's difficulty rating is 4 out of 10 and I only need one playthrough with an estimated completion time of 20 hours so let's try and achieve the final platinum trophy of the series in the final Infamous game we play as Abigail Walker or better known as fetch she's a conduit with neon Powers who actually teamed up with Delson Rowe in the last game to help us take down Brooke Augustine and now we focus more on her journey with her brother Brent that goes missing in the beginning of the game this brings us to our first trophy of the game when we suffer a loss of our brother Brent oh damn first trophy earned lost which one's that suffer a loss right after I got my first trophy I went into the open world and I actually went for all the Collectibles first just because they are available really early on in the game and you'll see here that they are marked on the map and I need to go collect Lumens do the Lumen races and complete the neon graffitis also it doesn't show here but I also need to do the police drones so you'll see here that I got the neon graffitis first for that so fetch trophy next I did the neon lumens for the illuminated Trophy and then I was able to destroy all the police drones here for this Trophy and the final one I needed was the Lumen races so we can complete all the races in the game let's get out of here all we got to do is Chase this like orb thing around and it's just a race to it that's it that's all we gotta do is grab it usually I catch it pretty quickly but some are harder than others and that should be it there we go next I finished the story to get all these trophies here and it's a very quick story in this game I believe it took me around four hours to get and now we can actually move along to the battle arenas we now arrive inside of the battle arenas here and these Arenas are personally one of my favorite Parts about any of the Infamous games the Arenas are a new addition and we're not in any of the other games up until this point so basically what we have to do is defeat endless ways of enemies and we have to gain points and complete challenges to get a majority of the trophies here's a list of all the Arenas that I have to play through there's Alpha Arena beta Arena and Gamma Arena and we have to get multiple challenges throughout them there's actually a ton of challenges in this game so I'm going to show you an example of just one of the challenges that actually got me a trophy it's called butter boom and I have to go on a 20 streak by just using Rockets only two more two more then we get the trophy there's one more and then we get the trophy I believe here take this we get the trophy oh geez I missed them that's gotta be it there it is so the first battle arena we're gonna do here is under the alpha Arena and it's going to be a rescue mission what these missions actually are is we got to save these hostages from these two enemies the hostage is going to be in green and the enemies in red and while we do this we're going to earn points here for defeating enemies and rescuing the hostages as you see and these points are going to add up to get trophies later on so I just take them out grab the hostage and we also get a multiplier for this so we have to get a streak going with the enemies in order to get this up as well and then we'll get a trophy for getting 500 000 points in this Arena here I should also mention that if at any point I die in the arena you have to start all the way again from zero and start from wave one so let's see if I can get these 500 000 points and get this trophy how many guys are there I don't even know what's happening what's up boys no how is the hostage still alive this is insane almost at 500k baby come on come on I need one for I need that for the trophy I need to keep the streak up here we go there we go so close to 500k give me the trophy we're so close let's go Alpha rescue diamond right after I got that trophy there I kept going and I was trying to get to a million points just for fun on my first ever Arena but I actually ended up getting two more trophies that's not good I need to do the singularity here use that well that's all of them that's all of them boom let's Cho Event Horizon trophy earn which one's that real quick defeat Hunter enemies with a neon singularity oh novice Trophy and which one's that hold up complete 25 of all challenges oh finally no way I was 977 dude I wasn't able to reach my goal of 1 million but that's completely fine I moved on to the beta Arena survival here and all I have to do in these survival Arenas is live as long as possible we'll defeating the enemies and gaining points and also challenges to get trophies so once again I have to get 500 000 points in order to get another Trophy and remember if I die I start from zero so let's see how I did oh I died no shot I died I only got 44k that was actually a horrible run play again is there a turd over here yeah there is hey boys sorry to interrupt I just need to grab this turret real quick my dad oh my God I am an actual dumbass beta survival Diamond which one's that achieve a score I already got 500k I didn't realize after I got my 500k trophy on the same run I actually got up to 7 million points and I needed a trophy for 10 million points across all the Arenas combined and I almost got it just on this one run here so check this out yes top of the class trophy earned which one's that earn a total of 10 million points look at this I have 7 million points just on this run I've been going at this for 41 minutes it's been insane after that I got all my 500k trophies on the other Arenas while also getting a bunch of different challenge trophies done and this led me to my final challenge in the arena it wasn't for a trophy but I needed to complete all the challenges in the arena so the final one I needed was to shoot this drone down grab the power from it and kill a certain amount of enemies so let's see if it worked out I've done the arena oh my gosh I've been doing these challenges for a while oh wait I need to shoot them what am I doing one more there we go let's go light them up that's all the challenges completed I'm done the arena I'm done look every single challenge I have completed on the right side there let's check that out wow now that I've completed every single challenge in the game all I have to do now is complete one last challenge in free roam and then upgrade my character fully for the last trophy which will get us the Platinum so I'll explain more right here well this is the moment we've all been waiting for the final Platinum we're about to get it here we got one last APC to defeat which is right in front of me and then I'll get a trophy for completing all the challenges in the game and then I'll upgrade my character fully to get the last trophy of the game which will get us the Platinum now it's right in front of us here all we have to do is destroy it and take these guys out very simple so my last one and uh there it is perfectionist trophy earned this is the final upgrade I need for two Trophies the one for the fully upgrades and then the one for the Platinum here we go I'm very nervous Unleashed and come on Noble achievement platinum trophy earned what a journey we have officially completed the entire Infamous series and that's every Infamous game Platinum also if you want to check out another Platinum video that I did this one's called ghost of tsushima so click on the screen here to view that one thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Ryspawn
Views: 741,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XqcUfk1UAt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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