The Encounter Experience

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[Music] laughs [Music] good morning good morning good morning bethany family how you all doing come into the room come into the chat i want to introduce myself if you don't know i am sister desiree and if you don't know i'm deacon antoine and we are so so excited to have you here for engage live the pre-show the pre-service before our 8 o'clock service this morning so we want to make sure that you guys come on in the room make sure that you guys like share comment and if this is your first time watching this broadcast watching bethany baptist church blend you all make sure you put vip in the comments down below so that we know not only that you're a very important person but that we can love on you and talk to you and comment and you know just welcome you into the room and guys we want to make sure that you guys all comment and say hello to that vip person right that's right it's all about sharing and being a part of the body of christ and letting everyone feel welcome so the best way to do it you share you say hello you say good morning you greet your neighbor like you do in church amen absolutely all right and also we have something for them we also have something for those people who are geographically locked out it's called the connection church right it was birthed during the pandemic a way for you guys to connect with us even if you're two three hours away states away we have members all over the world who connect with us so if you're interested please go to go the number two sign up there and someone will be right with you and for more information get ready to check out this video now bonjour barry hello wherever you're watching from around the world we welcome you to the encounter worship with us one god one community join the connections church so we hope you guys enjoyed that video and because this is engaged live you know we can't happen so this game is called angels and demons and it's coming from the chestnut checkers series we have to guess which series sermon it came from so that means y'all had to be paying attention all right so let's see what we got go ahead all right the first one is god specializes in revealing the supernatural through the simple my god um angel that sounds like bishop um hmm was it the angels yes it is okay all right it was dangerous all right i hope you all got that right i hope you all got that right here i feel better now that i got the first one right all right so the next one deception precedes bonding deception demons all day context clues i guess i mean angels don't deceive uh when you don't know the lord you are blind to significant dimensions that can be either one that's a word i'm gonna go demon angels wow see look look at this if you got it wrong don't feel bad i got wrong too okay oh never hide rebellion in an act of faith rebellion demon saying she get all the easy i'm just saying you gotta use your clues you know uh and [Music] let's see the last one faith acts faith attaches you to invisible things of god and that is angels angels all day angels that's angels yes so uh with that we want to continue to celebrate church from the five months this is still that time for transforming lives we hope we had the whole month we had to hold them off to share to invite someone to all of our broadcasts whether it was on monday whether it's on wednesday tuesday thursday friday saturday oh my we're here you know exactly so we hope that you had that opportunity and we want to know also you know have you been transformed because this is the time where we're on uh hyper evangelism uh bishop likes to call it evangelism on steroids right where we just go in and we go in so we're celebrating that by the move of god with all the messages and you still have time to invite someone in absolutely and we want to talk to you about the power of sharing you know so you want to make sure that not only with transforming lives you are sharing because that is virtual evangelization yeah and we also have another video for you guys so make sure you check this out [Music] look around you there's so much work to do this world is in no condition for us to simply sit back and watch there is a tangible desperate need for jesus a glimpse of hope in the midst of hopelessness [Music] jesus experienced this he saw it firsthand the need broke his heart and filled him with compassion he turned to his disciples and said the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few [Music] this alone should stir our hearts it's a calling a calling to make a difference to share the truth of the gospel to be a light in the darkness to be the church it's time for us to look beyond ourselves to turn our focus to the field to answer the call and passionately share the love of jesus this is our mandate this is our mission are you ready to do the work [Music] well hello there brother kevin what's going on sister dad i'm doing good you know i couldn't let y'all do an engage without me popping up somewhere right but no we want to shout out to everyone that joins us for our drive-ins we want to get you guys excited for our first driving communion service and not only shout you guys out there join us but also join us on our social media platforms so shout out to all the vips all my members that join all the time but you know sister does you and brother antoine deacon antoine has some fun up here i think it's time for us to have some fun i think it's all right we obviously love to play games called heads up so i'm gonna go first okay ready trying that's looking thanks all right so this person says godly all the time that's a nicholas oh gosh that was emily that was just too easy okay so it's a bird it's also some soap so i know it's not a pigeon so it must be a dove yes all right oh so this month was all about this you know making cleanup on in the inside what yeah clean them on on an instagram we want to clean some souls what's this about it's transforming there we go [Laughter] oh um so it's not a demon oh so it has to be an angel yes take a look at this video now [Music] [Music] so you see these beautiful people next to me you can also see these beautiful people on fresh friday as we come together we talk about you know some topics and social media a little bit of everything with a little bit of shade in there as well i like how you the the little bit of shade so make sure that you join us for fresh friday as we have a great time we fellowship we laugh and we talk about some important things on there as well right so you know as we are coming to the end of engage today we are excited for service today right because you know a word is on the way absolutely as well as that you know that worship that's right so we want you guys to get ready make sure that you join us for engage live after this service yeah don't leave tell me because we have service after right exactly and we have a discussion as well so we want you guys to get ready for service get ready to comment get ready to like it's ready to share it is time to get in service right now see you there praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord it's another sunday morning god is good god is kind god is worthy to be praised come on lift him up glorify him magnify him worship the name of god god is wonderful come on you can do better than that right where you are clap your hands all ye people shout on to god with the voice of triumph oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together from the rising of the sun and to the going down of the same the lord's name is worthy to be praised come on lift up the name of jesus worship him for bringing you to another day another week we're getting ready to start this week off this day off with worship this day with praise we're trusting and believing that god is moving in your life moving in your heart god is going to begin to do the wondrous things that you need in your life our god is a great god he does great things we're trusting in believing that even during this time we're going to live to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living we're praying for you we're believing god for that we're standing with you that god is able and god is willing please do us a favor and share it this time share if you can let somebody know that we're on getting ready to come to with you in prayer join with you in prayer believe god with you it's the first sunday in september we're believing god for you as we worship the lord this morning and come back this evening for driving communion service we're believing god that this will be a day of rejoicing a day of goodness day of god's mercy let us connect by faith trusting in believing come on let's pray father i thank you again for this moment we honor you for this day we thank you for your presence we thank you for all of your goodness thank you for being jesus for being god for being the lord of all you are the lord of glory you are the hope of glory and we thank you that our trust is in you you are anchored to the ground you are our firm foundation thank you for being our refuge in the time of storm father we understand that the earthly kingdoms will pass away but your kingdom will remain forever remind us lord every single day to put our faith and trust in the king and the kingdom that whatever goes on in the world we can pray for your peace we can pray for your help but lord we know that we reside in another citizenship we are in this world but we are not of this world we are affected by some things in this world but your kingdom can free us loose us save us and help us so lord we praise your son pray thy kingdom come thy will be done and us as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us of all of our trespasses we forgive those who trespass against us and father please don't lead us into temptation deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen we're so glad you joined us today we're getting ready to go into worship worship god praise him stay tuned for the word of god praise the lord right now praise the lord everybody it is your boy lonnie hunter minister of music here at bethany baptist church and you know sometimes when you travel around and you see different people there's some people who have a tendency to stand out and i was doing a new year's eve service for another church and i happened to notice this brother on the keyboard and he was exceptional to say the least and then fast forward to a couple of months ago he ended up playing here at bethany for our midweek service and for our praise team along with gary diggs and jamie williams and i asked him i said this there's something else about you further than just the organ and i found out he had a group so he sent me something on the group and the group is phenomenal that's why i am so excited that they are here with us this morning to share in ministry come on so what i want you to do bethany is show them bethany love a lot of hearts a lot of comments let them know how you feel about them all right it is stephen hackley and life of worship well praise the lord bethany we are so glad to be here today we come to worship with you come to praise with you we ask that you will just join in as we sing these songs to praise lift up the name of the lord listen why don't you look at somebody close to you in your house and say can you help me lift up jesus higher today don't tell him say can you help me lift up jesus higher today we've come to lift him up we need to write where you are just to clap your hands right there come on got that we're going right here i will lift up your name i will lift up your name let's do it again [Music] [Music] i will call on your name jesus [Music] his name is wonderful [Music] is [Music] [Music] said i will call on your name i know [Music] his name is [Music] i know [Music] [Music] one more time stay right there listen said i know his name i know his name he is here right now he's here right now [Music] [Music] i will lift up your name [Music] listen here we used to sing a whole song in the church it was a simple song and we used to sing it and everybody used to join in together so i'm gonna give you your part and you'll help us right here 101 higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher lift jesus higher life [Music] [Music] say hello here we go [Music] i will lift up your name [Music] is [Applause] [Music] hey there's no other name under the heavens women shall be saved so we call you [Music] me you may be sitting on the couch you may be in the bed you may be in the car put your hands together and help them good morning bethany family it's brother kevin here and i'm maya and we just want to stop in you know during service to give you a quick announcement so sister maya i hear you guys got a new time for maximize monday yes so for september our new time is at 12 noon you can bring your lunch while we talk about an amazing topic um for september so of course for labor day on september 6 we are going to be off but we will be back again on september 13th for a whole new maximized monday so make sure you tune in with myself and pastor nick on tuesday we have the focus singles ministry as passing it comes with another amazing word you know the man just produces this word every time every time every time and then wednesday we get fed on sunday uh-huh maybe gonna get fed on wednesday too for word impact right and then thursday we go into a sound mind panel um i've been loving the sound mind panels they have really been helping so many church members as well as myself just by conversation so we are so excited about sound minds so we get that good sound mind conversation thing you know on friday with get the fellowship in shape for some fresh fridays of course i think has all the shades so but that would be fun it's gonna be a fun time on friday at 7 pm we had the whole fresh crew who will be here to join us for another great conversation right kev absolutely and then saturday you know we have on point radio at 9 00 a.m uh drive-in service at 11 30 am weather permitted as well as emerging worship in the evening and then sunday a full day of worship full day starting with the encounter at 8 00 a.m and 11 a.m and then later in that evening we will have our 10 times better discussion absolutely so we want you guys to stay tuned to everything that we have coming out on social media this week and we can't wait to see you get back in service now hallelujah we want to praise god for who he is and everything that he's done for us for being a provider a protector a wonderful guy hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah because of who you are i give you glory because of who you are i give you praise [Music] because of who you are i will lift my voice and say lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] lord i worship you because of who you are because of who you are i give you glory because of who you are i give you praise [Music] because of who you are i will lift my voice and say lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] my provider [Music] jehovah nicely lord you right [Music] and i worship you because of who you are [Music] [Music] you are my prince of peace and i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] good morning bethany family if you can join me for today's scripture as i read out of the book of joshua chapter 5 verses 13 through in a text reads and it came to pass when joshua was by jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and joshua went unto him and said unto him art thou for us or for our adversaries and he said nay but as captain of the host of the lord am i now come and joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship and said unto him what saith my lord unto his servant and the captain of the lord's host said unto joshua loose thy shoe from off thy foot for the place whereon though standeth is holy and joshua did so it's my prayer that you feel encouraged this morning let's get right back into service hallelujah we're just going to take a moment to worship him together to lift him up and to bless him i don't know about you but the lord has been good to me and i just want to tell him thank you i just want to give him praise i want to give him honor for his grace and his favor in my life that i don't deserve this is my season for grace for favor this is my season to read what i have so this is my season for grace for favor [Music] this is my season yeah to reap what i have so come on life sing it together this is [Music] come on if that's your testimony sick for grace can i tell this testimony right here says i haven't been perfect but i show been faithful that is blessing no more stressing i've gotta see in the ground now i'm knowing and that showing this is come on say for grace for favor come on let's all sing it together come on let's sing it one more time let me sing the verse one more time now i want you to connect with this right here and be honest with yourself and say it like to say i said i haven't been perfect but i show been faithful seek [Music] say [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] come on [Music] is no matter how you feel [Music] it's good [Music] [Music] this is my season to reap [Music] i just want to give you praise let's do it again no music is something this is [Music] [Music] somebody lift your voice and shout i've got a seat in the ground even you lifting up and say i've got a seat in the ground yeah yeah praise the lord everybody welcome once again to the encounter worship experience here at bethany church the transformation church in lindenwald new jersey so glad you could take the time to join me once again as we are in an awe-inspiring life-changing impartation of a series called chestnut checkers and we have migrated through the word of god giving you an understanding of spiritual warfare uh this is our spiritual warfare series that we've gone through an extensive teaching on witches demons and curses and now we are concentrating on the angelic but it is impossible to have a discussion biblically about the angelic without touching on the reality of the demonic in a different way that you have seen previously in this series so we're going to take a little deeper look to show you just what happened how it happened how angels became demons and how you don't have to worry about that happening again all the angels that god would ever need are there and all the demons that were ever excluded from heaven are in their numbers they shrink in destruction before we go there though i want to once again thank you for sharing these messages with those that you love those that you care for those that you think this series of messages chestnut checkers will make an impact and i want to encourage you to continue to do that because as i'm hearing your feedback and getting feedback from the people you're referring the messages to this is a teaching that has been long awaited for in a way that people are really able to grasp it so they can have faith in it so they can walk in the authority and the power of it so it's really important that you share with everyone even right now it makes sense for you to share tag a few people so they can join the discussion join the conversation around the conversation with angels before we do that i want you to consider today where you are in your relationship with god do you have one if you have one is it strong is it productive uh is it clear to the people that know you that you're walking hand in hand with the lord every day are you an individual that is not sure of whether they have that relationship or not are you depending on your grandparents or your mother's relationship your father's relationship your great aunt's relationship with god and because their faith is so strong you've adopted it for your faith the bible says we have to work out our own soul salvation it means that you and i all of us individually have to have a personal relationship with the lord and that relationship must be pursued intentionally just like we will pursue a relationship down here on earth that that relationship might strengthen because the more you know a person the more you love them the more you love them the more you believe in them and when it comes to god the more you love him the more faith you have in him faith is connected to love in the body of christ so i'm getting ready to pray for you but i want you to think about and allow the spirit of god to answer a few questions what have you been waiting for what caused you to step away from god why haven't you come back why haven't you connected with a church with the house of god because all of those reasons will be reasons to think yourself out of this relationship rather than think yourself into it so i'm going to pray for you in a few seconds and i want you to open your heart and your mind allow the holy spirit to give you this invitation to come to the lord for the very first time to come back to the lord it doesn't matter how many times you've done it to connect with this ministry so we can hand in hand walk into the destiny that god has for us come on let's pray god i thank you right now for this opportunity i bless your name for your goodness your mercy and your kindness i thank you for all those things that you've done for us i thank you for jesus christ how we died on the cross for us i thank you for the spirit of god which gives us the reality of the kingdom in our lives every day power to overcome power to make it through power to prosper i thank you lord today for those watching around the world and those that will be impacted by the words we're going to share today but i ask your holy spirit that you would do a work for us right now lord send your spirit and put a yes in the hearts and minds of those watching and listening a yes in the minds and the hearts of those who are not saved that don't know you for themselves they will decide today right now to give their lives to you i thank you lord because i'm believing by faith you're doing that right now i'm praying for those that know you lord but got distracted during this last year and a half two years found themselves back doing the things you had delivered them from clearly they had changed but now if they were honest today lord they've slipped back into old habits old ways of thinking and speaking and doing things i pray right now you put a brand new yes in their hearts and their minds that they would come to you today come back to you return as the prodigal son does in the new testament to the father i pray right now for every born again believer loves the lord committed to god but absolutely needs a place to connect i pray like right now lord that by your spirit you would give a yes in their heart put a yes in their hearts they will connect with this house of god in this ministry and this anointing we are not created to make this journey alone the bible says it's not good that we be alone so now god put a yes in their hearts also that they might join hands with us as we walk on purpose and the assignment and the destiny of god and the apostolic authority of god and that the kingdom of heaven shall be realized on earth i pray right now in jesus name amen now what i want you to do write me on the site let me know what decision you've made today one of our ministry workers will get to you as soon as possible set you up tell you what you need to do to strengthen your walk it is so important your foundation is strong so the life you build upon that foundation has stability strength consistency and the ability to weather a storm if that's you today and you've made that decision come to god for the first time come back to god connect with god's house i want you to write me today all right let's go to the word of god if we go to isaiah chapter six okay let's start there today isaiah chapter six so i want to start out making sure you understand the function of the angelic we'll shift into some other things isaiah chapter six beginning at verse one in the year that king uzziah died i saw also the lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his strain filled the temple above it stood the seraphims seraphim is a level of angel each one had six wings with two he covered his faith with two he covered his feet and with two he did fly and one cried to another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory holy holy holy the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory a conversation with angels angels are indeed a revelation of god's glory when they appear on earth they are not a symbol of the glory of god they are an extension of his glory so if you will to understand that we need to know that when an angel angelic appearance on earth is god deciding the way he desires to show up in various situations so the angelic presence is the glory of god or how god is presenting himself in the way he deems appropriate for whatever situation you may be in the primary function of the angelic is to attend if you will to the glory of god to give him praise and worship around the throne when we look at revelation chapter five let's take a look a couple references here just to kind of uh build our case as it relates to function revelation uh chapter 5 and we're going to go down to verse 11. let me get there revelation chapter 5. go down to verse 11. now watch what happens verse 10 and has made us now this is important and has made us kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth god has made us kings and priests and we shall reign in the earth now you're saying wow how's that happen how are we positioned keep your finger in chapter five jump over to chapter one and i'll show you the continuity of this truth watch this now revelation 1 keep your finger in chapter 5 because we're going right back verse chapter 1 of revelation verse 5 says and from jesus christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth the prince of the kings of the earth pay close attention that the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto god and his father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen so we become free from sin and christ jesus makes us kings and priests unto god in the earth so when we saw revelation 5 verse 10 says and has made us kings unto our god unto our god this is how we uh relate to god this is how who god is writing his word to his kings and his priests giving you authority in heaven and authority on earth leverage on earth and a leverage in heaven he says i've made you based upon the fact that i've saved you i've made you kings and priests watch this not just any old kings and priests but unto our god his perception of you and i and you need this for your identity is you are a king slash priest an individual who moves in the spirit and also moves in the earth and we shall reign in the earth now watch this function of angel and i beheld and heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beast and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands all right stop counting two minute account saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessings watch this as worthy is a lamb that was slain to receive watch this so you're a king and a priest jesus has saved you now you are joint heir with christ and the bible says that he has received power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and the blessing so if you are a joint heir with christ and the benefit package for christ is power riches wisdom strength honor glory and blessing then my brother my sister you need to understand that as a king and a priest it is appropriate for you to have these same benefits so with the salvation comes power comes riches comes wisdom comes strength comes honor comes glory and blessing now don't throw this away because the bible says that at some point in our lives when we are not mature in the spirit because some of these things we have yet we're not exercising them we're not experiencing them in our lives stay with me right here so the bible says i believe in the book of ephesians maybe galatians it talks about immaturity being the heir of everything but not being able to influence anything yet that is imperative that the that the inexperienced inheritor be taught until the father sees signs that he or she is ready to receive the benefits of his position this is amazing here so in this context we see the angels are pronouncing the benefits if you will or that which the lord has received watch this verse 13 and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in them heard i say in blessing here comes an honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne unto the lamb forever and forever so we are kings and priests sent to the earth we like angels are sent in apostolic authority to the earth now don't get this twisted it doesn't make you an apostle it uh designates the authority you've been given by god to reign in the earth king priest watch this now so we are to be messengers not just with our voices but with our lives messengers of god's grace now it is impossible for us to go any further until we understand something clearly there are some angels that are missing from heaven there are some angels that are missing from heaven let's go to ii peter i want to show you something very quickly ii peter chapter 2 and let's go down to verse four just just for time's sake for god spared not the angels that sinned watch that made a decision to go against the will of god all right and they did it for a reason i'll show it to you in a minute for if god spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment so there are some there's a demonic force one-third of the angelic host that rebelled along with lucifer and now find themselves limited to a sphere of operation some of them watch this delivered them into chains of darkness the chains of darkness [Music] from the liberation of light to the chains of darkness now watch this why is god using this kind of language because i've taught you before when you open your bible you're now seeing the illustrations or the inventory of the content of the invisible kingdom of god so immediately my human mind thinks of chains chained to a wall but no the demonic are chained to darkness they can't escape the darkness and they have to stay there watch this that sounds like judgment but there's another judgment coming for them man this is powerful stuff look at this now so let's keep going because i want you to see all of it now where is that verse four so the chains of darkness watch this to be reserved unto judgment watch what happens go to jews right before revelation and i want to show you verse six jude verse six watch what happens now and the angels watch this which kept not their estate didn't keep their position but left their habitation their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness you see it unto the judgment of the great day so we we as as chains physical would be to us darkness is to them so they are restricted in this fear that they've been banished to my god my god watch this now so these angels if you will or demons are imprisoned in a place called tartarus awaiting judgment now let me show you something go to ezekiel uh chapter 28. let's take a look at it ezekiel 28. so what i want to show you here is a contrast now watch this i'm going to show you some stuff and i think you will see the continuity of go to ezekiel 28 and let's go down to um let's start at verse 11. i was going to start at verse 14 but let's start at verse 11 for context just in case you've never read this before ezekiel 28 go to verse 11 moreover the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tyrus lamentation is a complaint or or a protest okay upon the king of cyrus and say unto him thus saith the lord thou sealest up the sum full of wisdom perfect in beauty now i want you to remember the bible is very illustrative and the bible often gives you examples of one thing to reveal another to you watch how this works now thou sealeth up the sun you're full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you have been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was your covering the sardis the topaz the diamond the burley onyx the jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold covering the workmanship of your tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in the the day that that was created so what i want you to get a sense of is a garment bejeweled top to bottom and then i want you to get a sense of if you will your ribs not the bones you have but literally pipes to a musical instrument like an organ so you've got this this individual who sparkles and when he's moving around heaven flying around heaven makes music watch what happens thou art the anointed cherub another dimension of angels you saw seraphims in isaiah 6. now here comes the cherub thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and i have set thee so that thou was upon the holy mountain of god in the place close to god thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire this is amazing thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that you were created until iniquity found thee i love the way the bible uh phrases things until iniquity finds thee so so uh crookedness inward crookedness that's the definition for iniquity is seeking individuals new testament satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour seeking who he can consume he comes to steal kill and destroy so the bible is letting us know that this anointed cherub this beautiful individual wow gets pride and falls this anointed cherub now we know this is lucifer lucifer not only did he fall from his estate but he fell from his name he went from being known as lucifer in heaven to the cherub the anointed cherub to satan in the earth and in hell now watch what happens go with me to exodus 23 let me show you something exodus 23. and i want to take you down to verse 20. now so let's ezekiel 28 is describing what lucifer looked like before the fall said he was perfect beauty and wisdom got hung up on himself and decided i'm going to take god's place a whole bunch of angels got together with him we'll get there in just a second watch this now so when we look at ezekiel 24 20 i need we talk about function now so so the angel's function was originally to give glory to god we understand that lucifer was one of lucifer's main job was not just praise and worship like we've been told but was one of his main job was covering the glory of god it's going to be real important to your understanding now so so they we're describing fallen angels at that point function now let's take a look at exodus 23 20 and we're going to see what holy angels start to look what their function is got to compare the two god is saying behold verse 20 exodus 23 20 i send an angel before you to keep you in the way to bring you into the place which i have prepared this is going to be wonderful so we see now the brilliance of the original creativeness of god in making angels brilliant individuals perfect in wisdom perfect in beauty okay watch what happens so this supernatural individual at one point his function was the glory of god his the stewardship of the glory of god but also the function of angels was to do what i send an angel before you to work for you as a child of god that one of his assignments one of their assignments is to work for you to go before you to keep you in the way that means protection to bring you that means to guide you to what to a place that i have prepared that i have promised in my word so we see this manifestation of the glory of god in angelic form to the saints versus the fallen glory if you will or the fallen angels or the demonic as compared to the holy now this is all going to make sense in a minute let me show you one more thing go to luke chapter 24 24. and i just need to show you these things that i want you guessing uh in order to have faith in the angelic you must have an understanding of this dimension in the spirit it is not enough to guess it is not enough to hear what other people have said which is why i'm turning to the text now luke 24 and go down to verse 23. now watch what says and when they found not his body they came saying that they had also seen in a vision of angels which said that he was alive so watch what happens so we have to understand that if the angels are an extension i'm getting excited because i'm going to tell you something you're going to love an extension of god's glory it is what we know as shekinah glory what is shekinah a visible manifestation of the invisible god a light with a cloud a light within a cloud revealing the immediate presence of god all right a light within a cloud revealing the immediate presence of god the shekinah all right let's see what that looks like in scripture now because i need you to get it so this manifestation of the glory of god watch this go to hebrews chapter one let me show you something i hope you're getting this write me on the site let me know what's going on stay with me hebrews chapter one thank you lord verse 1 god who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son now the ultimate revelation of god is not angels the ultimate revelation of god is jesus christ the son of god watch this said whom he has appointed heir of all things uh-oh yep and your joint here with him power honor wisdom riches glory blessing by whom also he made the worlds god was there in the beginning jesus was there in the beginning the holy ghost was there in the beginning the bible says there was nothing made that was not made by him meaning god christ and the spirit of god here it is who being the brightness here's the shekinah the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high so this visible manifestation of the invisible god this light this express image of his glory let's go to exodus chapter two chapter three let me show you something very quickly exodus chapter three i need you to see these things so that they're in your heart that's where the word has to be hidden exodus chapter 3. okay now here's another example of shekinah go down to verse 2 and the angel of the lord appeared unto him the angel of the lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked at me and and looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed and moses said i will now turn aside and see this great sight what's the great sight why the bush is not burnt watch this now and when the lord saw that he also turned aside to see god called unto him out of the bush out of the midst of the bush and said moses moses he said here am i watch where it goes now so now we see the shekinah is the manifestation we see as a physical manifestation on earth what here we go now go to second corinthians 4 4. second corinthians 4 4. you stay with me i'm making you turn a lot this this morning but you stay with me i've got got to tell you something second corinthians 4 4. here it comes in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them jesus when he came to earth was an example or if the manifestation of shekinah glory now why do i show you these things the reason evil seems to be increasing in the earth and you're in in the in the world around us it's because satan is running out of time but jesus has come and taken satan's authority so satan no longer has authority over the believer would you say pastor satan no longer has authority over you you are dealing with watch this watch our understanding has been kind of twisted up you are not dealing with angels from the heavenly position or posture you're dealing now with the demonic which are fallen angels which means my brother and my sister because of salvation you have if you will if i can use this word a superiority over them now go to isaiah 14 let me show you something isaiah 14. now it's going to make perfect sense now just had to get you to this place where you would see the continuity so we know that good angels bad angels heavenly angels angels that are that are banished to hell we're going to isaiah 14. now it's important that we get this i'm going to read verses 9 through 12. isaiah 14 verses 9 through 12 yes it's going to be good is now hell from beneath is moved for you to meet you at thy coming it stirs up the dead for you even all the chief ones of the earth it has raised up from their thrones all the kings of nations watch this now now talking about realms of the demonic realms of evil dimensions of of angelic archangels angels cherubim seraphims watch this dimensions of the demonic angels you see it right here all right got chief ones and and watch this and the people they influence so all those people that died connecting with the devil greeting satan when he arrives watch this now and they all and they shall speak and say unto you art thou also become as weak as we watch this prophesy they shall speak and say unto you art thou become as weak as we are thou become like unto us thy pomp is brought down remember how splendi looked to the grave hell and the noise of thy vials are instruments the worm is spread under you the worms cover you how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how are their cast down to the ground which dis weaken the nations wow in other words what are you doing down here how did you end up in this place this fallen angel this this lucifer this cherub this sun of the morning and then we know satan has his followers working against the saints and they are called demons now what is the issue god has an assignment for the angels concerning you let's go to genesis 24 let me show it god has an assignment for the angels concerning you genesis 24. i hope you're getting this i love teaching this stuff to you all genesis 24 let's go down to verse 40. okay now and he said unto me the lord before whom i walk watch this we'll send his angel now the story is about uh abraham sending the servant to get a wife for for isaac so he's sending don't know yet in the story for rebecca he's gone he's going to get a wife for isaac abraham is talking is sending in authority and here is the servant testifying a spiritual reality watch what it says now verse 40 and he said unto me the lord this is what this is what faith or abraham said to the servant you get you better get this part this is what faith slash abraham said to the servant when he was sending him on the mission i need i need you to get this watch this now and he said unto me servant talking the lord before whom i walk will send his angel with you and prosper your way he'll send an angel to prosper your way 41. then that shall be clear from this thy oath when thou cometh to my kindred and if they give not thee one thou should be clear of my oath so they came to an agreement they grabbed each other under their thigh which was the oath and now you know god is he's saying if god doesn't do this it's not your responsibility 42 and i came this day unto the well all right so the servant has crossed the ground he's gotten to the well he's gotten to the event to the place at which he's looking for watch this a manifestation of faith a realization of faith and a measurable outcome from faith watch this now and i came this day unto the well and said oh lord god of my master abraham if now thou do prosper my way which i go then he begins to speak sends an angel to prosper his way as a response to faith this is amazing then when he gets to the place he begins to decree the words of faith and when he decrees those words of faith the angels go into high gear in their work so to prosper means a good reward for your work in other words what we call success so to prosper listen closely now write this down is a process that leads to the fulfillment of purpose of the purpose for which a thing or person is created to prosper a process that leads to fulfillment of purpose for which a thing or person is created so he decrees the servant decrees in agreement with faith why because the angels now go into hyperdrive so abraham is spoken and the servant has decreed and now the angelic begin to go into overtime now watch what happens psalm 144 let's see what the work of these angels look like psalm 144 i think i'm running out of time oh my goodness i'm out of time psalm 144 i'm going to finish this next week because i have a lot to tell you and i don't want you to miss any of it and i don't want to rush past it for you psalm 144. let's go down to verse 12. that our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth that our daughters may be as cornerstones polished after the similitude of a palace that our garners may be full affording all manner of store that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets that our oxen may be strong to labor that there be no breaking in nor going out that there be no complaining in our streets happy watch this is that people work of angels happy is that people good success happy is that people angels that bring prosperity to the people of god lead us to prosperity preserve us while we're doing what we have to do not keeping our part out of it our part in the function is there we must perform our part of god's process but the angels prepare the way for us happy is that people that is in such a case yay happy is that people whose god is the lord so angels come to work with you demons work against you because the demonic is if you will jealous that you now hold a position that they can no longer hold watch this now so faith and you decreeing the word of god and the words of faith cause angels to go to work on your behalf and these angels work for your success the demonic work against it try to distract you to get out of the will of god so you can have something that looks like success imagine if the demonic can give you their form of success god's success will be a thousand times more i remember when i was a younger man and and we were talking to a fellow that worked with me and he was about to go to chick-fil-a and one of the things he liked about chick-fil-a was that they didn't work on sundays he wasn't a christian at the time but i was and i thought it was significant that they would take the sabbath off according to the word of god now of course when chick-fil-a came on the market um millions of people said that they were losing millions of dollars because they were not open on sundays but the um originators of chick-fil-a said no we're not going to do that we're going to keep the sabbath holy and watch this and we're not going to work sundays to make our employees go against the will of god well it turns out now no other restaurant no other restaurant entity in the world closes on sunday except chick-fil-a and consequently and not coincidentally i say consequently because all of our actions have consequences good or bad they're the number one most profitable restaurant entity in the world because they've kept the sabbath holy happy are they the other thing that they do really well is they bless god's people they they they're blessing to the people that work for them and because they are blessing to them wealth is promised to them you need to hear me now so you've got angels when you were in the will of god here's my point the angels start to prepare the way for you and start working for your success all right i'm out of time but you know i'm not out of word today we're gonna start right there uh right in the midst of this talk about prosperity i'm going to show you the rest of the angelic involvement i'm going to break out for you next time the difference if there really is one between angel of the lord and the angel of the lord and should you be concerned about that when you see it in the bible i'm gonna show you there's a slight distinction sometimes but i don't want you to get all tricked up about it okay don't make yourself anxious as long as you understand the function of angelic presence and the apostolic authority that angels come and perform their assignments as they work for the saints i need to get that into your spirit because they taught us something else for the first 25 30 years of my saving life saved life angels work for the saints hebrews 1 14 they are ministering spirits working for the saints this is real important for you to understand all right so it's amazing to me how the angelic gets to work and prosperity is one of their assignments in your life you've got to get this revelation or you'll miss god's season for you the next time it comes so what happens is angels come and get engaged in the process by which your purpose on this earth is fulfilled and one of those purposes is that you would establish god's covenant in the earth and the bible is clear about this that god gives us the power to produce so we can establish his covenant in the earth now what you've got to do right now is understand how that flow is established and what causes the angelic to start working on your behalf one of the greatest challenges for human beings is in the area of obeying god's word as it relates to finances it's just a struggle for a lot of people because we only look at money as though it's a physical thing when in actuality you know man didn't suddenly come up with money one day and god was shocked and said what's this man's mate no that didn't happen like that money is first a spiritual principle you remember when jesus was teaching he said you can't you can't worship god and mammon at the same time both are spiritual the manifestation of finances is the money you have in your hand so watch what happens god says if you want to get the breakthrough if you want the angels to begin to work as it relates to your money to your finances you've got to give and it shall be given unto you when you give all of a sudden the angelic host begins to work on your behalf this is making so much sense when i tithe angels start to open up windows of heaven angels start to fight the demons and the devils on our behalf here comes angels start to protect what's being burst out of your labor it's an amazing revelation that if you get it today and you suddenly decide okay i'm going to step into the obedience of the word of god i'm going to move my faith so the angels can move on my behalf i'm going to speak god's word don't just obey the scripture decree it god open up these windows of heaven today pour this blessing out so when we're ruined enough to receive it rebuke the devourer for my sake protect when i'm working on god put your hand on my hand so what i'm working on is blessed touch everything my foot touches open up a dimension of the spirit here it is money is first a spiritual principle in the word of god so when i move in the natural as it relates to our finances then i'm actually moving in the spirit that act of faith moves heaven on my behalf go to the icons today return that tithe to that offering to the lord give him that return the tithe return the offering and some of you today know full well that god has laid a sacrificial seed on your heart for a long time but you've been resisting and wondering why you can't seem to break through because now that you've got the revelation that this this these bills and this change that we have are nothing but manifestations of a spiritual principle and if i want to move the spirit as it relates to my finances i've got to move in obedience to the word of god by faith because faith is the invisible link between where i am and what god desires to give you go to the icon sow your seeds today release your times and your offerings and i want you to remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you and i'll see you next time
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 322
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9s2po1BzfT0
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Length: 81min 27sec (4887 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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