How Deep Is Your Love | A Safe Place | Bishop David G. Evans

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praise the Lord everybody we are so glad that you can join us online Bethany Baptist Church the transformation church we understand that the times are confusing and quite perilous and while the world is being confused we know that God is still in control so while we will not have our live in-person Bible study tonight we hope you can join us online for the rest of this particular service we have a great word plan for you great worship do us a favour whatever platform you're on hit that share button on YouTube periscope Facebook Twitter wherever you are on our website share this information we want people to tune in tonight as we believe that the same glory of God that is with us in this house it's with you right where you are because we serve a god that's everywhere at the same time I want to pray for you and pray for this service that the Spirit of God would take over do his thing and that he would transcend time and space father we thank you for this moment we appreciate you for this opportunity that you've given to us this is the day that you have made and we will rejoice and we will be glad in it we will praise you through it all your word lets us know in everything give thanks we don't give you thanks because of everything but we give you thanks in everything we thank you for what you're doing for us in this time we pray that you would bless each and every person that's watching this live or after the broadcast is over we thank you Lord for souls being saved lives being turned around share your wisdom with us in Jesus name Amen I'm so excited sister furbies gonna come sing you guys was going to enjoy her she has a worship ministry great voice god bless you we'll talk to you in a minute [Music] I will leave mine [Music] please you give me [Music] [Music] my strength [Music] [Music] - he [Music] wingman [Music] can you give me yeah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I lived I left my heart in phrase I lived my hands [Music] it is well with my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh praise the Lord that was Trina Ferg Wow the one and only treat of her Wow god bless you daughter I was about the screaming I felt a medley coming I don't know why she stopped I know she could get six new his hand some other songs and I hear don't watch it stop I know she heard some other song today another medley was rolling around in right wonderful good worship wonderful guys enjoyed it again we did the prayer the opening do us a favour whatever platform you're on please hit that share button let people know we're on it is just a few of us in the building Dave bishop man it's gonna be different different yeah the Lord is already interested that's right and as you teach us oh here we going to change his feet what we do should be to him first that's right not necessarily for the ground no it's never I think once we discovered the ministry triangle we called it and understand that history and tradition has taught us to try to move people when in actuality we ought to try to move God so he can move the people yes sir the problem is the insecurities of waiting for him to move them yeah so tradition has taught us to go directly to the folk and moved him and we learn how to move people but I'm not sure that every time they shout he shout right so what we have to do is make him move right and once he responds to what we're saying how we're worshipping watch the slower process of him moving on the people which means when that happens then the miraculous is available then the power of God is going to be more every day yeah it'll be a time when God is invited into the transaction into the conversation into the relationship into the worship rather than ear-hustling the worship yeah because now most of the time we're going towards the people ministering to them and not to him and the odd thing is I'm looking at them right but I'm talking to him so when that happens we begin to see God move consistently because we're inviting him to be if you will move from observation to participation in what we're doing the body of Christ has gotten used to God watching a smooth and assuming he's moved like the people are moved but they're moving does not mean he's moved so we have to learn to move him and be patient and then allow him when we take that from from the whole Lazarus being resurrected right yes you know there's a crowd available and Jesus ignores the crowd and has this one-on-one conversation with God now we have to and rightly assume that while he's talking to God God has already begun to move yes but the manifestation of the move is the resurrection of Lazarus but had Jesus not talked to him first it freed me up he talked to him had a one-on-one conversation personal with him so the people had to overhear yes God didn't I have to overhear yeah and then God moved when he spoke to Lazarus God moved and it's an amazing dynamic and once we figure out i'm ministering to people but i'm talking to him and what I'm doing is waiting for him to move on them yes not for me to move them and then we have you know consistent miracles because even when he's overhearing stuff can happen but I'd rather have him participating then observing absolutely absolutely and and a lot of times we gauge the move of God we base it on the movement other people that's not necessarily so I movies and you can say that's because a lot of times resurrections don't occur manifestation of power doesn't occur demonstration of power does not occur so what we want to do is change the transaction you're going to be blessed about what God has given us by the song sister Trina's saying but what we're going to teach today but the reality is is I want to move him first he moves them yes and in the midst of that atmosphere that's been created supernatural things can happen yeah that's a wonderful thing yeah yeah and I think it breaks tradition and it's possible to to minister to people as we do suddenly it's after Sunday and worship service at the worship service but actually had my mind focused on moving in imagine what happened to the choir when we did that a music warfare thing and and got them redirected now they singing to the folk they doing emotion but the mindset was I'm singing to God this morning man it changed their whole mindset because all of us know you know we know how to move people well you do that all day long you know put me in b-flat you know and then all of a sudden we're going you though but it's God moved when I who not if the hoop is directed to move them so I had to retrain myself coming from you know holding his church you know I'm we perfected moving God's people and we had to we've almost forget about it because we're not really focused on him with thinking about him but not focused on it that's why you see so many people who come to church shot every Sunday do all those things and live never a good time yeah but no real movement in the house that's right no real transformation happening in now so I hope this is making sense to you it it will revolutionize your prayer life and that's the first thing you want to see happen it'll revolutionize your prayer life especially those of us that have to pray in public yeah when we direct the focus of our prayer with him have that one-on-one conversation with him while people are watching and listening and then turn to whatever Lazarus is present in the room meaning the focus of my prayer is God first then I pray to the issues that the people are going through and I watch God move because I've brought him in to the partnership that brought him into the dynamic so that he can move on so when I start talking to the problem the problem will respond right did that make sense yeah man yeah man yeah man yeah it's a whole different imagine how worship would change praise would change I don't know what I'm in this sensitive place today one of these people either Gary or Trina is going to write a song based on what we just talked about okay and they're already hearing god about it yeah I don't know which one of you is going to do it but you're already hearing God about this thing and we're gonna we're gonna watch music come out of what we just say right I don't know whether we're going where they're gonna call it focus whether that's gonna be the name of the album or whatever it is yeah but focus and change this change the dynamic of worship yeah okay I'm here I'm hearing something okay don't y'all fall down on this thing yeah don't y'all fall down on okay all right okay all right so today you were talking been in relationships for the past couple years safe place safe place yeah yes and it's funny you call a safe place because today we're gonna come from the gospel the BG's okay um in their song how deep is your love okay okay Sarah is probably the best I'm like saying I feel the album is just oh yes it was it was it was major it was it was major you know it was rage and in the lyrics of how deep is your love got me when it talks about the during the chorus part how deep is your love I really need to learn right because we're living in the world of fools right breaking us down yeah when they all should let us be yep we belong to you and me Wow and whenever I hear that song that's John 15 thank you I think of us in God yeah that we belong together this world is trying to separate us and I need to learn how deep his love is yeah for me himself for this whole entire world yeah so on that platform of love we are going to do a study on God's love today but also safe place with us and God but also the safe place with each other well yeah I think I think for those that you know I have not been exposed to the series yet the question was asked and based upon our relationship with Jesus and Jesus is not just described as a person in Scripture he's described as a place so when when when when we hear an old testament genesis when shiloh come yeah we're talking about not just a person showing up jesus talked about the place showing up that's why we're able to be in Christ yes so he's a place and he is a safe place yes and and we're creating his image and his likeness so the question for us in the series is am i a safe place for your friendship am i safe place for your affection am i safe place for your love can you can you can you trust me with your dreams if you're in a friendship or a love relationship with me can I can I kind of trust you with my heart are you a safe place and and that safe place requires the consistency of Jesus yes requires the fruit of the Spirit operate because if it's risky being your friend risky giving you my affection risky sharing my dreams with you you are not a safe place for my love and in the thing that blows my mind about that is that when it's a safe place I can deal with your delivered history right so so I can deal with the fact that you used to be something and if I'm reluctant to tell you about my history I mean it vertically saying to you I don't believe you're a safe place for all of me right now you you like the cleaned up version but can you deal with the fact that I used to be and I use the word used to okay I used to rob banks and I used to be a predator now you can you deal with all that it and and and but if I'm looking to tell you that something in my heart is telling me you're not a safe place for all of me yes the new improved me but I bring all of me with is this making sense absolutely okay that's good Oh guys for some of our damn dynamic love is not a safe place no because we were introduced to the wrong type of love absolutely so for a lot of people love is insecure love is mystery mysterious and pains abusive love is pain yeah there's about something even think is supposed to be yeah and it's supposed to be and what we're going to show the Scriptures God creepy uses love to create a safe place for us absolutely to have a relationship with him and he chose actually it's supposed to be absolutely do you think that the way we're introduced to love that because we don't know the different kinds of love and because watch this like like thirsty people in a desert we're looking for it yes so you know I watch a lot of cowboy movies and sometimes it's real guys walking through the desert yeah and they'll get to a watering hole and the sign on the other side of the hole is say poison but they're so thirsty they'll start drinking anyway yeah and I wonder sometimes I wonder sometimes do it what do do are we so hung or thirsty for it that will will will put our trust in someone who can't do anything but hurt us absolutely you know absolutely it's but whether it's love sex intimacy anything if it's introducing the negative abuse way it's funny how we'll seek after the very thing that caused the pain absolutely because the only thing will for me with absolutely you know so if I'm used to being hurt some people don't know that work of a relationship is not suffering every day right they think working at it is is pain by blood it's not drama working at it and not necessarily mean drama every day and and the issue becomes do you know it not only am i safe place for your affection but what do I deposit in you and what happens is when if if you and I've been working together for a long time I have to feel that my confidence is safe in you yes sir you have to feel that your security is safe in me without that we have a mysterious insecure right friendship yeah so and then for us is deeper father-son type of thing there's got to be there's got to be if I don't know anything in this world I know this yes I can trust you yes you your family knows they can trust me you know you can you know you're not worried about them or something happens to you yes you know but not a lot of people have that they don't they don't and that's something like the song says we need to learn yep the Bible calls it a foreign type of love it's not a love that's natural to us as human being it's not hanging around on tree yeah it's something that we have to continue to grow and evolve into this the love that we said you want to go some Scripture so yeah go ahead we offer running our good a first John chapter 3 laughs we'll go a little bit out of order is that what we're gonna do is that okay okay come on because you brought you brought up it's interesting that you brought it up John three okay there are two things here I think we can look I need to stop trying to beat you put my glasses on first job that's a we on camera stuff make sure they clean all right lead behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us yeah the first things that word manner it means what type of farm in love okay does the father that he's bestowed upon us so he's showing us automatically then his love number one is different than ours okay for us it's a foreign concept right which means it needs to be learned we need to grow into it because it's not natural for us wasn't absolutely different than what we our perception of love is yes sir okay which means the love that we experience with Christ is going to be distinctly different than the love we become used to yes sir so is it possible is it possible that our concept of love if it doesn't match his concept there's something in us that tells us or reveals that to us we we because we're creating his image we we do discern that this person doesn't know how to love me the way I need to be loved yes but also the right place has to do with not only us finding someone to love us but do we fit like the rib into another person yes talk about that you know that that you know the the reason I believe God illustrates this whole thing with a rib cage is that he takes it from a place where it fits right which means if he had to put it back in there it would fit it reminds me of rightly dividing the word of truth what that means is I can cut this pie called the Word of God take the slice out and if I have to put it back I won't destroy the rest of the pie so so it needs to fit right and I'm not sure I think a lot of people try to make it fit for thin you know force fit and what what blows my mind is that when you see couples and when I see couples in the mall and I wonder how in the world did she get him or how did he get her you know and we say that twice you know you look and you don't say it out loud but you wonder how that happen yeah you know and it is that what looked incompatible became compatible through fellowship and relationship I discovered some stuff that you didn't look like you possessed over time and it wasn't the trying to make a good impression thing I found out who you were and found out it was gonna be the right fit then what I was looking for now the big problem is I found what I'm looking for but I'm high what you're looking for yes because a lot of times we'll we'll say that's what I'm looking for right there but do you fit into the place that you say you want to fit yes and I think sometimes we don't because being a rib is not enough you know being present is not enough right any time I think that me being present ought to be enough for you because they got this thing out now I'm enough I'm enough I'm enough yeah well you enough if you're level one enough you you enough one of them one for the ten is not right and I'm talking about integrity and strength and you know dreams and stuff like that not not to ten that we have the aberrated ten that has to do with looks I'm talking about the total person yes sir yeah so in the context we're in I've got to ask myself am i ready for what I'm asking God for right right because along with X along with preference comes responsibility I don't ever said that's good with preference comes responsibility you know I want this this day I got a list of stuff I want right and I think you can have a right to that yeah but do you fit into that plan absolutely you know and and are you concerned as much about being satisfied as you are about satisfying right okay that's good while you're talking to reminded me of when he do this organ transplant mm-hmm and he put it in got it because that um they got you competitive rejected and you got to take time because yes sir you put in there yes sir and your body will reject and I think sometimes we do that in relationship and guess what happens when they first put the organ in you they give you a drug so your body won't reject the organ okay but they have to take you off the drug so is the first part so while we are waiting right your breath don't stink every joke is funny yeah that might be that drug that keeps you from rejecting and then you find out down the road yeah that oh no this is not what I thought yeah but it was that all the time you were intoxicated with newness yes behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us okay so again the old church would separate agape eros filet right and say well you only need to love agape in eros and filet Oh weren't as good but a few years ago you tied all of them three together yeah and talked about why they're important in the relationship and what really what this this scripture actually caused me to think get that revelation okay because not only what manner is this it it made me think what kind of love are we operating in what dimension of love are we operating in because it may not be the dimension God dwells in right so and we become experts at whatever type of love we are from more familiar with so if I'm an arrows in dividual I'm used to getting as much out of a person as I can without putting much in if I'm a phileo individual and no in a narrow context I'm used to only looking for somebody you got a job I got a job so we can be friends you got a job I got a job we can be boyfriend and girlfriend you got a job you know that kind of thing we got the love of light right then there's God's love but then there's another piece in there that's really amazing we know agape love is a love of God it's a love that chooses to love it in the register which is which is amazing it has nothing to do with falling in love has everything were choosing to love right you know and that that that kind of threw me into the revelation regarding favorite children and we talked about the fact that it appears as though two children that are not the favorite that the parent loves the child more than he loves the others no the love is different it's a gap a but just like God treats people differently even though he loves them all it based upon the relationship they have so the favorite child actually chooses the parent and then the parents response is favor right so if I if I want to be the favored child I have to choose the parent which is why God says choose him first then he can give you favor right which is why job was so favored yeah because he chose God all right so we've got this love of God now phileo not only means love of like but phileo like one Jesus and and Peter having that thing do you love me do you love me do you love me do you love me he was asked and Peter was responding for Leo I love you above all others so Jesus asked him do you copy me Peter's answering I love you above all others and he keeps saying well if you love me above all others and feed my sheep you know so and I love Peters candidness you know he's real aggressive yeah you know you know I love you above all others now he's the one who ends up betraying even though he says I love your brother which means that that love may not make it through a crisis that only agape love will get you through hard times yes sir phileo choose above all others I choose you above all others I choose you above all others meaning there may be a time when I don't choose you above all and then there's arrows of course now what God's strung together was that my relationships normally start with arrows but we can be candid the average relationship in life starts with arrows right relationships often start sexually before a friendship is established so I start out knockin boots and then I hope we can be friends now if I'm saved and I start out knockin boots hope we can be friends and it is too candid no no I start out knocking boots hope we can be friends and then when it seems serious add God to it right when actuality I should start with the love of God and out of that love should come a friendship where I prove I choose you above all others and then after the relationship has been established and the friendship established out of that comes passionate right but most relationships are flipped upside down we start with flesh try to be friends and then add God to it to legitimized or if that's making sense and the Saints do that all it's all we good time you know just you shacking up but we gonna pray before we getting to be don't play with so so so so so we have to ask ourselves is the kind of love that I operate in as a norm the kind of love Jesus would operate in right and I think we all can say we might have some of that yeah but I'm not sure we have all of them and and and do you think that we've been misinformed in thinking that agape love means our sacrifice for anybody yes okay levels to it okay so agape sacrifices for those that don't deserve it but what Jesus did to me okay was did a general sacrifice for everybody which was his him giving his life to give people an opportunity to a greater level absolute of love absolutely so just cuz I died for you doesn't mean I'm gonna get into a relationship with you until you come to me and make a change I think what messes people up and I don't know how it was you know and when you were coming up but when I was coming up guys usually made the first move right now occasionally were running to a lady who would make a move first but well let me put it this way men's moves were more obvious than females more there you go when actuality most of the time she had made the first of all you you know I may get in trouble for this yeah just so it's just smooth about it you know little hairdo just make the first one somebody makes diverse right a lot of times I think the person who is the recipient of the first move is in danger of developing an entitlement for that yes and I think Christians have gotten a sense that we're supposed to sacrifice for everyone right well I actually think Jesus dying for everyone was him being fair the rain falls and adjust yes yes sir him being fair and and he decided he knew ahead of time who was gonna respond to a second for me so so is but I think that we believe that loving people God's Way means we have to sacrifice for them all the time yeah we mix love and irresponsibility there you go so we think I love I use love to be irresponsible yes I know I'm wrong and doing this but I gotta find something to justify this because we we exploit mercy and grace every day of our lives shall we continue in sin that grace may abound so Paul is asking are you going to exploit the grace because you understand grace are you going to exploit it right meaning the grace is always greater than the sin you commit yes well because you know that does that make you watch this does that make you take advantage of grace or do you appreciate grace so if I sin because I know grace will position him to forgive me I'm taking advantage of grace yes and Paul says don't do that can you do that yeah because what what we're going to show what I see in here off yeah is that not only is love foreign you same point yeah that we should be called the sons of God so we love is even transformation that's right so if there's no transformation this relationship that's right there's no real agape love work wouldn't know because it's both it's both John 15 mm-hmm it's supposed to produced the best out of it yes sir it's so the the gardener gets his reputation supported and the grapevine produces everything as opposed to so what some mutually cooperative relationship which affirms confirms produces prunes preserves and produces promise right all out of the same relationship yes so so but sometimes I think people may be in danger of only wanting what they can get which means it's arrows yes it's not even friendly love right yeah if I think you're here to serve me and I think when the other thing that blows my mind is uh this kind of love that God is talking about communicates yes sir you know I get converses mm-hmm it unloads what's on your mind yeah because the Bible is clear in John 15 that if I don't tell you my thought process we're in a relationship and I don't tell you my thought process I'm treating you like a slave right cuz slaves didn't have a right to know what their masters were thinking right right so if I don't want to talk to you about what's in my head I only want to come to you with a conclusion absolutely so yo listen y'all is y'all this that's married you know you you and the habit of going home I bought a car today you about to get some trouble it's supposed to be warfare right yeah look outside I got a surprise for you no no no if it ain't a gift and in this day and time you got to tell me what gift you want yeah yeah we might not be ready for it right you know but I don't think I think that people don't see what their communication or lack of communication what don't perceive with the communication or lack of information says to somebody who they claim they love right because I'm not talking to you yeah I'm treating you like a slave yes sir that's different absolutely then beauty of my friend absolutely okay can we go there because yes funny how we did talk about this job but we're hitting on John 15 John 15 okay because so we got love it's transformational yeah we got love is foreign yeah but also what you're talking about love elevates after time and circumstance aleut lee and I think John 15 verse 15 says it right there henceforth I call you not servants there you go for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doing there goes that I've called you friends for all things I've heard of my father I've made known unto you absolutely and what was interesting is he allowed them to be he had to prove their servants service for a season he didn't call them friends in middle almost three years later yeah yeah yeah he had to see time and circumstance can you be a good servant then I'll call you a friend and I think we're so quick to I just met somebody two weeks ago that's my friends you don't even know them not friend now I met you two weeks ago and we get mad yeah you know so so just the love of my life you only known two weeks so how how do you evaluate that when you don't even know because you know it's really easy to sit down and go to dinner a couple of times and find things in common mmm you know but I think people find the wrong things in common absolutely you know they've been hurt like I have they come from a broken home like I had but they've been fired like I have you know they find people are two faces like I found that you can't fall in love around that right you know I I know it's an old example but if I go to the emergency room my legs broke mm-hmm I don't want the doctor to come out with a broken leg I need you look a little bit you need to be better doing a little better you tell me I broke my leg right it's all right you know it's like I don't want a rookie surgeon that's true Thanks Thanks oh man I need somebody with some experience that's right people you know when I was in the street I never wanted a woman who was right out of the nunnery yeah I didn't I didn't want that I don't want that I had an experience life right I needed somebody with Express you know and people you know that would have been a fleshly uneven yoke right right you know so so in life and now so we look for things in common in life but we get saved and we start giving people passes yeah but we talked about something recently I've got to figure out what you were deprived of yeah and I've got to figure out what you were depraved in mm-hmm and make sure you've been delivered or those are not so profound in their negativity they control your life right so if I didn't get enough attention as a kid at home I want to make sure you're not attention to star so that we know you get with me it's always this thing about you getting attention you jealous yeah you've been rejected I got to make sure that's not gonna be the life that we're gonna have together it's friends or lovers or whatever it is it's going to be and and you've got to know that you've been delivered from the stuff that you had to go through but most people struggle with the very same things they struggled with yeah before they got saved and there's nothing like time and circumstance to show those things come to the surface yeah so you can make a decision should i elevate this person but you got to give yourself time okay I give them time but it's hard to teach I'm gonna say it's hard but it's interesting teaching people time when they think because we never met but we talk to each other online that we're in a relationship not online no no no I've never I never seen you in person none we I got to see you when you talk and not FaceTime I need to be able to see your inflections and yes and just all that you need to get to know you I think I get to know about you right through social media right but I don't think you get to know them right so since that level of friendship has been established in social media if that's not the only dimension you know you think that's total friendship yep yep cuz I got people following me I don't know yeah I don't know I mean you know and we try to keep it as personal as possible but it's in part you know sooner or later you got to sit down especially important people and I say important I mean people are gonna influence your life right sooner or later you have to you know you're gonna bring them into your circle of influence that's what I want to talk about to bring you into my circle of influence I've got to know more than about you than what I see or not right right and that comes through as Jesus says now that we're friends I couldn't talk to you about these things before but now that you've proven that you can get by more than just knowing about me so now I'm gonna share my secrets with you yeah so could it be you were comfortable with the milk of my history but when I start talking to you about the meat of - number you can't digest that yeah your systems not ready for all of them right oh because they are very few they can see the worst in you and the best thing you can still know you still love you the same way yeah and I think that's a gift absolutely I think that's again to know somebody's worst still see the best of them and love them through it that very few people can be like I don't know what happens with you and counselling situations but I've been in very intense counseling situations over the last 30 years with people and then I watched them watch me to see if I'm gonna change the world here mm-hmm and when I don't it's almost like this shot yeah and then some people don't wait they they have a session with you next thing you know you can't find your final yeah yeah and I think that it always goes back to that Garden of Eden thing for me mmm when you are walking in shame when you find it hard to accept yourself mm-hmm you assume everybody a fascist a reaction absolutely when at this point there's nothing that we haven't heard already on there in the session so it's like they come oh my god and they spill it and they're waiting to see what you're gonna doing you like that's it yeah like like come on we show you get out of this bang bang bang bang boom they don't know you've heard 10 times worse than that yeah you know but but shame is a monster though well because it shame doesn't come from God right guilt doesn't come from God persecution complex does not come from God you know depression doesn't cooperate you know they're all exaggerations or distortions or perversions of an emotion that God gave us to help us not to hurt us yes yes we smoking up in here I know right okay so we got love we got organizing some love is foreign to us love transforms love gives people time to prove who they are before you elevate oh well let me ask you a question where did expecting you to grow and mature he's not really loving you come from to me it came from a group of insecure people that want everybody to accept them the way they are but on unwilling to accept everybody else the way that they are I got it so I don't want you judging me but I can show judge you in that crazy I know the people that create that cried don't judge me do these I've already judged that already judged that was profound that one year because I never thought about it like that in order for you to say to somebody's judging you you've had to make a judgment you're made of your mind already already without even asking the person because I think people that say don't judge me have to guard their own ignorance yes and I talked to church couple months ago two months ago ignorance can become a life strategy absolutely I prevent myself from learning new things I don't ask question because I want to protect I'm actually protecting the fact that I don't know right I don't want you to know I don't know yeah someone asked a question right you know I think I think a question exposes ignorance but a question all right Lee process will eliminate ignorance yeah in a certain area arena of not of knowledge so what I want to do is not protect my ignorance I want to ask the question go through the short season bin security that learning is right because learning makes you feel insecure for a moment yes and as soon as you know it it goes away yes sir yes sir it's good because again the right kind of love understands you don't know everything but let me help elevate you transform you and change you I remember what saying in a choir and I remember why you're learning the song and learning the notes learning the timing there's a feeling of not knowing mm-hmm a feeling of being ignorant and insecure but the moment you got it down it immediately vanishes absolutely because I'm walking in knowledge yeah you know and and it's it's it's as her life is right but we tend not to want to rehearse right right but we want to sing yes sir we tend not to want to rehearse or study but we want to preach yeah we want aids but we don't want to do the homework yeah so so it's it's because that learning piece does have a sense of I'm exposed I don't know you know but the learning will cure that right I find most people that feel entitled are insecure yes very okay yes I gotta take your nail right I I got it Ike there's only way I can get it I got to take it and you you have to give it to yes when thankfulness cures entitlement absolutely okay yeah so you you're humming around a lot of exposure it's funny how Adam and Eve all love himself shows up okay and they run away from love absolutely they hide from love absolutely instead of exposing themselves to the one who is loved so is that what we do in life do we run from real love yes because of the responsibility attached imagine if they came up say hey God before you show up I need to talk to you we messed up yep different reaction maybe in their reaction but they didn't want to expose themselves so they ran away when love showed up but responsibility showed up accountability and some of us think love is permission to do whatever we want to do and we're entitled to forgiveness right well no no only children think parents are entitled to forgive them right right and the Bible says I have to put away childish - absolutely that's good so this this next one I think it's pretty cool so John 3:16 ok comment um oh yeah see something in this oh yes oh yeah tell my love right yeah so in John 3:16 ya know it for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but shall have everlasting life ok which shows me something love creates a future absolutely so God says I'm gonna do this thing out of love to create a future for you but in order for you to get to this future I need you to participate take have some responsibility I'm gonna create the future you have to believe to get in mm-hmm love should give you some hope of a positive - for a future outcome something yet somewhere in there yeah I shouldn't be insecure when I come up to somebody that I love because I'm scared of my future with that individual well that's not the right place for that look that's right I can't trust you with my dreams you know what's amazing to me I think this scripture reveals to us that real love sees more in you than you see in yourself yes sir but it's not a love this in denial real love actually causes me to see your potential yes even though you may have not discovered it but through conversation to fellowship relationship building you get some hints then wait a minute this person is capable of a whole lot more than what they and and perhaps you bring to the table something that they can I remember when we were recruiting has he and Bruce Parham and and me and Andy and Lionel putting those apples together and we I think it was Hezekiah so we go to we go to audition has it now hesitant 16 17 years old choirs young crazy but they can sing their heads on and they were singing music and we asked him did they have anything else mm-hmm and they said yeah we got just one song but we've been singing it around here for five years and was so singer for us and it was I'll make it okay so good for me they did not see they did not know what they possessed we had to tell him because a foreign ear heard it and then Lana asked a fifty five thousand dollar question he said what you've been saying it right they say Brooklyn he said Brooklyn the whole world right right sorry so so so you know what my point is that love will not only help you discover something about yourself but love will probably take the limits off yeah yeah does that make sense yes sir you know cuz it's posed to produce more fruit yes sir according to John 15 yeah more fruit much fruit much more fruit yeah you know so the productivity should increase if love is real right okay that is so true yeah and sometimes this kind of bothers me about God but I see why he does it okay it seems like what does is he exposes you a thing dueling and then takes it takes you takes you away from absolutely he gives you a taste of it absolutely pulls you back to prepare you for he gives you a taste so in purple to repair you for the real meal cuz he specializes in asking you for what he's giving yes it's aggravating mhm you know it's just I know most people won't say that but you know Abraham and Sarah wait for Isaac almost a lifetime it's a lifetime mm-hmm and the first thing God does give them back to me you take a bag yeah you guys because in the exchange of me giving you the desire of your heart I have to make sure you still love me the same way yes priority yes sir you know and and and a lot of people fall out of friendships and relationships because what the relationship offers becomes more important than the person is in a relationship yeah yeah you just said something opened up something so yeah another scripture yeah let's go to John for did you ask me stuff you just just give me that respect you ended up telling me what to do go ahead so this so John 14:15 okay if you love me keep my command now here's where the thought was in this so I was praying about two weeks ago and this thing drops in my brain two weeks no no I was I was pretty secure and this thing drops in my mind and funny how God speaks to me sometimes okay and the question of when we say I love you Lord what do we really mean when we say that okay in the two options that dropped in me were are we being emotional or are we being loving okay and sometimes I wonder when we say god I love you so much I saw you I love you so much are we being sentimental alone okay or do we have a emotion that produces a behavior change again proves my love okay cuz we we've got known a lot of people they'll tell you that they love you yeah but where you just doesn't you just answered my question okay because what you said that it is does it produce actions fruit the reality is when a person says they love another person they're not really speaking about the person okay I love you for how I feel when I'm around mmm so when I say I love you lord am I talking to God based on how I feel in his presence or am i loving him for who he really is mm-hmm man that somebody would have said amen oh yeah somebody should oh sorry my god oh we need a minute right before people yeah so so my mindset and the state of my heart dictates what I mean even though I'm using the same word yes if I'm feeling needy I Love You Lord is that agape as their arrows make some of this arrows mixed in there yes sir I say I Love You Lord am I am I am i thankful because you know you gave me some more money or my arm I think because I love you because of your history with me yes Wow because his love has emotion but it's not all emotion right and and if we be honest yeah my heart is not in the same condition every day oh no not at all no no I you know I know something blind say you know yeah they hundred percent for God every day no but I do know yes I got some 90 percent days yeah and some days I feel 50 percent at food you know I just got sense enough not to act like you're right you're right you know me and God know mm-hmm you know but um you know I David gives me the impression that he loves God all the time but he doesn't like him all the time yeah I wonder how many Saints can actually be honest about me there yep yeah cuz I I know I have a difficulty with the way he does stuff oh yeah and always watch the only does not have difficulty with the way does done is because I think I know his capability yeah you could do something different he could do something like in the next moment mm-hmm and don't go on a hill wait you know eight nine months to give you the deliverance and my frustration is because I believe he can do it right another way absolutely and I know he loves me yeah and then I'm wondering if you love me like you say you do why aren't you doing this song right yeah same emotion Jesus had when he was on the cross mm-hmm you know why in the world would you abandon me now yeah and then to add insult to injury he lets him get buried mm-hmm why not deliver him straight from the cross yeah I capability is what causes a true trial of God yes sir frustration true children of God get frustrated with God because they know his full capability right and believe he can do whatever he says yeah so when he moves slowly that's when I get frustrated cuz I know he can move faster than solutely and to me that's a test of love mm-hmm because if you can only love me when I'm doing all this stuff for you and you can't love me during those times right there cuz I'm sure I mean I know me there are times where I had that's what they call an issue with God where I feel like praying right now cuz I'm dark look I'm all truth right today you know I've know Christians that'll say they they love praying all the time and they pray all the time first that's a lie right do you know you ain't praying driving down your life no but let's not talk about that I am clear I don't pray enough oh me too I'm clear absolutely now I don't know who I'm comparing myself to yeah but in my own comparison to meet ya I don't think I absolutely popping I think sometimes especially in opposition we legitimize a lack of prayer with the amount of work that we did yep yeah I'm working for God I'm working I'm working for God all day long I hope this thing to much true for your day but I know preachers Airlines any praying all kind now you can pray without ceasing as a posture before God yes in a worship position a mind set at the presence of God you know manage not managing but practicing the presence of God every day of your life understanding his immediacy of his presence you can be in a prayer posture right not hands folded yeah which I haven't seen yet yeah eyes closed which I haven't seen yet I do see kneeling yeah all right but not that often yeah you know so prayer is as much a posture of the heart as this is a posture in off physical right okay right that's good so I I this is actually good because I think sometimes like I said what we just said sometimes we get emotional with him mmm but God says if you really love me you know be in your action how much you love you love me just don't sing about it keep my Commandments I mean but I think as preachers fall into it yeah because we think when we're teaching and preaching that we are manifesting our love for him right I'm not so sure that's clear all the time I think we're expressing our giftedness right and I think there's I think there's some some selfish things in that expression because we get to get to you know get to admiration of the people and you know you know you're being used by the Holy Ghost that's not a bad feeling you see it's like this type was walking in town with Jesus I mean come on man you can't tell me they wouldn't raise the dead yesterday right yeah well you there you heard my dog was there doc that's all I'm doing know about Jesus about being seen walking in town wedding you know except when crisis came to everybody yep they'll announce because they had an emotion for him mm-hmm but did they have a commitment they had a filet filet oh they had they were emotional yep but they didn't have the commitment and real love to back up which tells me something he is my belief on this you don't really know somebody loves love somebody you don't know you're committed to somebody until you have other options and you choose that person over the option absolutely it's easy to be committed when nobody else wants you that's right I hope options doc and you sure you find out your love is on display you find out because I wonder god here's one question why did you even put the tree in the garden in the first place if you know human nature is to do what you told him not to do just put the Tree of Life in there no temptation but to me the tree of knowledge of good and evil was there as a test of show me that you love me every day by having an option and you choose to leave them well that's Liberty as liberal just describe Liberty yeah that's not freedom that's Liberty mhm Liberty is the presence of a temptation yeah and you still stay faking that's Liberty yes sir freedom is like somebody can take that from me yeah but when I'm walking in true Liberty the tree in the garden does not hinder my relationship with God yeah okay yeah that's good okay so just don't be emotional be committed so yeah that's an emotion is that their passion to do so it's not a negative thing but it's just weak it can't be all emotional right I have to I have to but you know what's funny the more you know a person the more passion you don't have absolutely yeah you know you you have not just a hidden head knowledge of them but you have a heartfelt understanding of what fellowship produces relationship something and nothing can replace fellowship absolutely okay it anybody said I mean look at the kids about so my son two couple weeks ago I'm up getting my daughter stopped to drink I've been running around soon as I sat down daddy can I have some chocolate milk I'm like brother you just saw me up in the kitchen two seconds ago why did you ask me but I was in there then when I sat down the mixture of boy yeah mixture of love yeah got me out of that seat okay so the passion but also the commitment kicked in when the other side of me was like boy I'm gonna make you wait for 20 minutes yeah some chocolate I just sat down you just saw me in the kitchen well but emotions dictate consumer behavior the Lord delivered me from from that I don't know I'm sure you and when I say this everybody's gonna see it and we'll use the chocolate milk okay when I'm asked for chocolate milk I am gauging how important the chocolate milk is to me I'm saying but my love makes me quickly analyze how important the request is yes yes is that why God answers our prayers because he does not fall into the trap we do mm-hmm where when the request comes up he cannot say to himself how important the request is to him bye-bye but how important is it to my child who's who's asking me for I can't believe I just said that so somebody taking notice though we do so so what God did for me was anything I didn't feel like doing it immediately clicks in my head that is important right not to me yeah but to the person asking me yes because I always feel like doing unimportant thing yes sir and I almost always don't feel like doing I I'll sit down and watch westerns all day long yeah feel like doing that mm-hmm time to study all right that's why a lot of people don't ever feel like going to work because it's important that fully so what God did for me said all right if it's not important if it doesn't feel important to you it's probably if it if you don't feel like doing it it's probably important yeah so true and in the faith that really oh yeah I don't feel like praying all the time I don't like studying all the time all right shock to the world I don't feel like preaching all the time yeah I don't feel like teaching all the time mm-hmm but to me those things are like romance right you may not feel like it in the beginning but if you just get started yeah yeah it's pretty good pretty good cuz once you start praying it comes on it that's true once you start praying it I can't tell how many times I walked up the step but don't feel I preach it don't feel I preach it don't feel like Bridgette don't really hit the top step yeah and then all of a sudden it just comes on yeah oil can't flow until it starts being poor right and sometimes our oil City mm-hmm not inactive but dormant yeah not even dormant but just stop moving right until we start to release it and then all of a sudden the power of the Lord overcomes us and and we begin to get in this flow again yeah so good good hit man that's good we pride our last one we almost we had our yeah yeah just about what we're gonna do it to ends it's the brain dude I'm gonna praise offering all this stuff make the Trina go treating on sing us up my owner she's gonna do some background vocals you can she can flow with us baby let's do this last one okay one second Corinthians in second Corinthians 8 all right cuz hopefully if this thing passes we'll be back in person yeah yeah we just did it for this week so everybody could kind of calm down and we can kind of see what the government is saying yeah we can make our adjustments and our schedules and all yeah where we at man so for second Corinthians a8 yep okay and this may segue into some some good stuff so alright um verse seven seconds eight seven so therefore as we are bound in everything in faith and utterance and dollars oh my and in all diligence and in your love to us see that you abound in this grace also so Paul is saying as we're doing all these things for you yeah I need you to do the same thing for us and other people that's right so love in its nature is reciprocal that's right so Paul is saying as I'm doing this for you I need to see some evidence through you doing the same thing but I think you have a bunch of people where where they feel like well again my presence is enough yeah and that's reciprocation so we are the proof of God's love and when we love other people where we are proof again right there His grace is active in us mm-hmm so if I'm not loving others I am NOT good proof that God's love works right and I'm not proof that grace is real yeah because grace in our lives will kind of inspire us to love others and to give others grace yes sir grace is not a denial of difficulty but grace is applying love first yeah because love will actually make you submit absolutely absolutely for God so loved the world so we're supposed to be missional mm-hmm in our lifestyle yeah Wow yeah good go ahead cuz if we reload more you're on but you're saying first day I speak not by commandment but by occasional Fortis of others and to prove the sincerity of your love I'm trying to prove your love here right for you know that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor right that you through his poverty might be rich ten and heroin is my advice for this is expedient for you who have begun before not only to do but also before word a year ago okay now therefore perform the doing of it perform your giving perform your diligence your generosity right that first there has to be readiness to will ya and out of that riddance to will there's gonna be a performance also out of that which you say yes sir so God never asked us to give us what we don't have I need you give out of what you do have with me a ready mom of 13 for I mean not that others men bees and ye be burden Osumi verse 12 reserved you first a willing mind is accepted God's checking our hearts right according to the man hath and not according he hath not for I mean that not to other men be easy to be burden now here's how God sees reciprocity y'all go ahead verse 14 but by inequality what God means by equal by any quality that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their ones and their abundance may be a supply for your one right that there may be equality giving to each other so everybody's needs are met right but watch how God sees equality in scripture verse 15 as is written he that gathered much had nothing over right and he had that gathered little had no lack yep so when God rained down man in Exodus 16 yep he said you have enough bread for your house some houses were bigger some houses were smaller and everybody had their needs met even though one house had more bread one house had less bread and God said that's what I call equality didn't do you think that also when the Death Angel came through Egypt and God said a lamb for every house but if your neighbor didn't have one bring him into your house because your abundance yeah will reduce no lack yes sir yes sir brother yeah so so so there's this selfishness that it's got into the body of Christ which is a lack of love where we are as individuals at times are so concerned with ourselves that even in the house of God some people have developed you know they need to get it for themselves and you take care themselves you know why weren't they ready for this calamity which is always kind of just blow my mind who's ready for right not everyone is ready for every crisis that presents itself on earth in their lives and we ought to have compassion I think at those times we make those statements which to me are kind of cold mm-hmm it means we don't have real compassion yeah because if I look at Jesus compassion requires movement absolutely I think the Bible says if if I have the ability to do a thing I'm paraphrasing I have ability to do and I don't do that's sin yeah yeah proverbs 3 yeah yeah so so he does not just supply for and and he does not just apply for us in here's and I've said this several times in the last couple years I need those of you who are taking care of other people's responsibilities taking care of your parents at this point taking care of your brother or sisters children taking care of an elderly aunt I need those of you to understand that because you have selfishly unselfishly provided for them the automatic thing is you think you know what how am I going to make it but the sheer fact did you started the flow a provision in somebody else's life legitimate provision God is obligated to make his work perform and he starts to send through you so you receive first so you can help the person that is a need and and many of you have been taking care of people for a long time and you look back things may have gotten tight but you've always had enough at the right time to do what God yeah has it's time for you to do so I want you to be encouraged that provision is not just for us but to take away the lack to / to do a passive NICUs and create an equality yeah the way God sees it yep but I believe only you can only see it the way God sees it if you love the way God loves sir I'm glad that my resources are not my own yeah and I'm and I'm glad that my resources are at the level that they are because what I'm assigned to take care for yeah you know ants and you know their families and all that I couldn't do it without but I think if I didn't have a willingness right God would not supply and it gets tight occasionally yeah but God makes sure that there's enough for me to do what I have to do for the people that I have to do it for yes sir yeah and I think that's especially now as a church of them as we move into this we're talking about since the kids are off school for two weeks we're working on ways to get them some lunch mm-hmm some of these days while they're off school yeah yeah and as a church I became the school system closed down around us and we not you know anything I think I think we abandoned a commission if we don't respond absolutely and and in the african-american context I think because we have to overcome a survivors mindset to be happy at a kingdom mindset we tend to care for self yeah and the only mission we think we should have is foreign mission right Africa Asia somewhere out there when there's always a mission field within proximity of a church yeah you know we pass homeless people on the way to church yeah and if we pass them and don't react I'm not sure that's the love of God absolutely if we see a condition the the church is supposed to invest in communities they can't help itself yeah that's why we build housing where there is no housing feet where there is no food you clothe where there is a lack of clothing so you go to an area because we're supposed to be missional right we're supposed to be a go to so so in that context we are supposed to express the love of God in ways that can be felt because and this is something I want to teach our pastors and next time we're together if I go it gives me the authority to ask you to come okay the dynamic has changed we asked folk to come right without ever going right you know and isn't that God yeah he sent his son first yes he went first and then had authority to say whosoever will yeah look let him come yes sir that's good so if you guys can help us out usually on Wednesday we the people that want to Seoul they cancel yeah yeah if you weren't able to give your tithes and offering your building fund your mission offering on Sunday or just the secrecy yeah yeah click on the link so you've seen help us be some kids this time yeah a lot of it's just it's time to give it starts to give so we're what we want what we want you to do is if you were here with us we would be at the part of the service where we seek souls so I'm gonna ask pastor NICTA to lead people to Christ right now and Gary and and Trina helping us out and we're gonna as you as you're praying I want you to allow God to speak to your heart about what type of seeds you need to sow into this teaching today now it's important to understand that when I sow a seed it is tangible evidence of my faith what faith in God faith in the word that I've just received but west's faith that this word will become part of the reality of my life so you know all farmers sow seed with names on because they want a predictable result in a coming season now you need to get this the Bible is set up with several different things agricultural military legal judicial sports athletic but that agricultural thing is there it actually is the theme on which the entire Bible hinges Jesus says in mark chapter 4 I believe if you don't get this parable you won't understand the rest of what I'm saying and the parable is about the parable of the sower so Jesus says you don't get this sawing and reaping thing you'll never understand the rest of what me and God are trying to tell you because the entire Bible is the releasing of something which causes the receiving of something the entire Bible the whole Bible is set up that way there's an eve that has to be created something he has has to be taken away to create something he desires it's so simple my brother my sister so after pastor Nick prays for souls and just for us in general I want you to be prepared start asking the Lord what do you want me to give what do you want me to sell into this particular moment of worship I know the word is blessed you I hope the discussion has really helped you in your understanding but now it's time to respond in faith faith without works is dead compassion without action is dead it is important that we do what we say we believe and watch God move come on pass and they pray for us jeremiah 31:3 talks about the loving kindness of God drawing us to him he uses love and different means to draw you to them so if you're not saved we're going to believe that you can get saved today because Jesus died for your sins rose from the dead so that you can be saved and sometimes he will use means that we wouldn't think he would use to draw this to him but he says it's what love is I've drawn you to my loving-kindness brings you to me for many of you may not know that hell is actually a revelation of God's love why is that because God honors your choice and that's love absolutely he doesn't want you to go there but love says I give you that's what you want out yes your decision I'll give you options and love honors your decision with your options but God says I don't want you to live life without me I want you to follow me have a relationship with me and if that's you I want you to pray this prayer with me and believe God and do us a favor in the chat section put in there I want to be saved I want to rededicate my life I'm gonna join the church somebody will contact you pastor of Auditors is online and the team is watching they'll get in contact with you and if that's you pray we pray this prayer with me say Lord Jesus I believe in my heart that you are Savior I believe in my heart that you are the Lord you died for my sins you rose from the dead forgive me of my sins come into my heart and save me in jesus name amen amen so now our chance to move by faith I want you whatever that seed is there's a special place forgiving on the site go there but I also want you to take the time if there's a special request right on the special offering line what it is you believe in God for no matter what it is put it there because you want to always name your faith what is it you want your faith to accomplish give your faith an assignment give it a designation of focus that's why you name your seed because there's a result that you desire seed is the absolute influence over your future giving is all about what's coming next so I want you right now to buy faith so something sacrificial what does that mean release something you'd rather keep for yourself Abraham was not asked for Ishmael Abraham was asked for Isaac he'd rather keep him for self god when he so loved the world gave His only begotten Son he gave something his son his seed that he would rather keep for himself and what the debts he produced millions and millions of people saved around the world when God wanted to add well with us wanted to live with us he sent his son he sent his seed to this earth when Jesus calls Lazarus from the grave he's harvesting the he's harvesting the result of God's seed so an amazing dynamic that we're about to participate in release your faith relisha seed go to the icon on the screen released that generous seed right now and watch God move and I want to thank you for moving by faith I want to thank you for moving in the love of God I want to thank you for responding in a loving way then I got back way that way of faith now if you responded to what pastor Nick sprayed today you need to be saved you need to become a part of this great fellowship of believers let us know we'll get to you and I'll bring you in now if you were locked out geographically don't let that hinder you those of you that are within 4550 minutes of this place and you have auto transportation I need you to remember something I did I say all the time I drove further to get in trouble before I got saved distance didn't matter to me when I was running this street chasing things that I should have been chasing I Drive a long time to get in trouble this will be the right move for you so if you're thirty forty minutes where you're not too far we've driven further two parties y'all and stayed longer amen so why don't you come on and unite with us and unite with God first then unite with us we'd be so glad to have you as one of our brothers and sisters as one of my sons and daughters in the faith so you see right now move by faith and watch God move and I want to thank in advance pastor Nick and I want to thank you in advance for your love and your support for your tangible support of what God is doing in this house we are the transformation church this is Bethany the transformation church where people are being transformed one at a time now stay strong stay safe we'll see you Sunday 8:00 and 11:00 going to continue in our series called your heart will beat again I'll see you soon god bless you and remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so we'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 2,329
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: sv6dtnKQe_I
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Length: 84min 15sec (5055 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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