The Encounter Worship Experience

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] laughs [Music] good morning good morning bethany fans good morning bethany family my name is sister desiree and i am brother kevin and we are so so excited to see you all you are right now tuning in to engage live the pre-show before our eight o'clock service this morning so we are so excited we want you guys to get hyped because we know that bishop has a word from god this morning he is in that series that we are all and getting encouraged by so make sure you are tagging you are sharing you are liking you are pulling people out of their bed and coming and having them sit down next to you while we watch service this morning together right so make sure you are connecting with everyone saying hello to everyone in the chat and you know what else kev you know also if this is your first time joining us we want you to put that vip in the comments right now and you know it's so important to do that right now because this is the month where we are transforming lives so all month long we've been asking you guys to invite people tag people on all of our broadcasts and we are still continuing that um what i love the most about transformationalized month is just you you can bring in so many different people from different areas right yeah and now that we're you know virtual 24 7 now from all over the world all over the world there's someone here from uganda the other yes my god the reach is so far it's so far so we want you guys during this month to tag i challenge you to attack at least two people this morning or better yet let's do three because three is my favorite number i love three three yes oh three people tag them and let them know what we have going on as this is that said bishop is still in this chestnut checker series the conversations with angels and as we talk about it on the recap there's so much to dive into this spiritual warfare series it is the blueprint of how to deal with you know spiritual warfare right you definitely want to make sure you have your notebook absolutely so we want you to take a look at this video now take a look now we've been here 20 something plus years wow we were blessed that what they have given us and especially for young people at that time yes we were able to raise our three children here if you want to be transformed you can it doesn't matter where you come from amen and where you have to get to and to get here please during this month we still want to invite people out you can do it virtually there's so many different opportunities that we can invite people out thank you for your testimony yes and as we are transforming lives we're also transforming lives physically we just finished with our cash to fire initiative so so thankful for everyone who showed up showed out volunteered donated and everybody who received we are thankful for you because this is why we do it yeah you know we do it to bless you in such a mighty way and in return everybody gets blessed and kev what was your favorite moment about catching fire this year i think my favorite moment this year was um there was sister shania and i we were at woodrow wilson and there was a group of group of high schoolers that were just coming up and getting book bags and just seeing that they're still excited for school um and just coming together as a community as friends and they just sat around and they just talked to us it was a beautiful thing just seeing that sense of community out there was would be my highlight that's incredible i'm i'm so excited about what god is doing and you know what guys take a look at this video so you can get a better view of what god is moving i'm here at lindenwald high school where we are distributing school supplies to children in our community we're also at woodrow wilson high school and the thomas h dudley elementary school we're so glad for everyone who just sold into this endeavor we appreciate you all it's all about love it's all about helping one another and as the word says in first john 4 21 whosoever loves god must also love their brother so what love was shown here today just seeing how the community is coming out at the 2021 catch the fire back to school drive as you can see we had such a great time out there with catch the fire so again we want to thank you all that participated and also contribute to it to make it special but we also want to shout out all those that put vips in the comments all those guys you know also those that are consistent with us each week we want to shout you guys out you know coming from the hospitality ministry myself you know i would be opening the door for you if we were coming in here to service so i'm gonna open the virtual door for you bro you know it's engaged come on in the room as you come on in the room we like to have fun right absolutely we always like to have a good time here on engage and one way we do that is by playing a quick game with you all so this game is called touched by an angel okay so i'm gonna give you a description you have to guess who it is so i've never worried i've never wondered about angels i know that they're about my father's work they came to me after many days of trials and tribulations weakened and hungry they ministered to me aiding in my restoration as i continued in my journey who am i can i help them out in the comments yeah sure is it jesus of course it's jesus okay how about one more the next one let's give one more it was a long day i wanted to go home golly you can't imagine how tired i was that day out of the corner of my eye i saw a presence a man hungry and homeless asking for money in my tiredness i kept walking in my journey home i knew i made a mistake so i for sure was visited by an angel who am i so i think you gave it away by saying godly so i'm guessing that is no other than passing [Laughter] yes that's exactly who it is that's exactly who it is so as you can see we love having fun here and on engage but we also want to prepare you for something that we have coming up which is that communion outside yes so get ready guys watch this video so that you can see what's going on right so stay tuned for the most important events in the child of god's life this is the moment where we remember our lord and savior jesus christ on that night he gathered his disciples and he said take this and eat it for this is my body take this cup and drink it for this is my blood this is the moment where we remember all that he did that precious blood that was shed that body that was broken for us we take it all in on this communion and we are so excited to share it with you for the first time live under the stars on sunday september the 5th for communion and as deacon antoine said we are going to be in person but not in a sanctuary out here in our driving life so please make sure that you invite your family invite your friends invite your neighbors invite your co-workers let someone know that we are doing communion outside september 5th sunday at 6 p.m we learn year in and year out how important it is you know to take that communion monthly and as we are going in this last quarter of this year we want to make sure that we are going back fed those students are going back to school those teachers are going back to work we want to make sure that we have those communion elements and we start off this new season especially this new month with the right mindset and just making sure that we feel connected during this time so please make sure that you join us on september 5th at 6 pm see you in the live sista we get fed on sunday we get fed on wednesday and we actually get physically fed with the harvest cafe yes the harvest cafe is still moving and it's open even though we are closed physically the harvest cafe is still open so please i encourage you you want some good cooking shout out to the chef he is mean he's mean back there in that kitchen the boy can burn so we want you to make sure that you order from the harvest cafe especially when you come out the drive-in service you can get a nice meal and you can also get some word and eat it in your car so please make sure that you go online in order and please stay tuned to all the postings on social media or on our website for when the harvest cafe is open because there are selected hours but not only is the harvest cafe open our harvest bookstore is open as well so we want you to make sure you visit us on campus at the harvest bookstore to see what we have but let's let's show them visit visually take a look don't forget the harvest bookstore is open from the latest fashion sermon series and leisure the harvest bookstore is here with all you need for transformation order online or drop by in person to browse our collection of faith-based products perfect for the whole family new store hours include sundays 10 a.m to 3 p.m mondays tuesdays wednesdays and fridays 10 a.m to 4 p.m and saturdays 10 a.m to 3 p.m we cannot wait to see you at the harvest bookstore guys it's that time it's that time get ready like i said get your your coffee your tea your notebooks because we are about to head into service get ready because we have a dynamic word with a dynamic bishop evans right and some worship you know i love some good old worship so i can't wait to see what the choir has in store for us today but we want you to make sure that you stay tuned and as we get right into service make sure that you join us for engage live right after 8 o'clock service at 9 45 let's get ready and jump right into service now see you there praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord honor him magnify him this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice who will be glad in him come on help me bless the lord oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together our god is great our god is wonderful and he deserves all of our worship he deserves all of our praise come on give him thanks open your mouth clap your hands stomp your feet do whatever you got to do but worship the lord right now we're so glad you can join us for another encounter worship experience we honor god for his faithfulness and your faithfulness also we ask you to please share tag somebody get somebody on this worship experience as we believe god for transformation believe god for his deliverance for his healing power this journey of salvation is a journey of transformation jesus said follow me and you will become follow me and you will be transformed this is a month of transformation a month to remind us that god is in the business of going taking people through a metamorphosis and a transformation we're believing that god is going to do the same thing for you this morning come on let's pray father we thank you for who you are and we worship you because you're good thank you for being in us the hope of glory thank you that you put eternal life in us we appreciate you that the fullness of the godhead dwells inside of us thank you for giving us you and for giving us your presence for reminding us that you are our shepherd and we shall not one for reminding us for the consistency of your presence that even in the darkest valley you are always with us we give you thanks that you'll never leave us nor forsake us we thank you for being our hiding place for being a rock of refuge and for being our health for being our stability in every storm we give you praise for that we thank you that while the world is trying to conform us you're working on the inside to transform us as the world wants us to become more like it thank you lord for your power to make us more like you and father we pray tonight today that you would begin to move on us that lord you would begin to touch us help us to feel the tangibleness of your presence we appreciate you for all that you're doing save somebody today commit somebody to you connect someone to this church bless the worship and the word we trust and we believe you in jesus name amen if you believe it worship god right where you are praise him where you are we're getting ready to go into worship expect god to move on your behalf and in your life worship god right now [Music] yes sir y'all remember this one we'll go back and get two of the old ones we used to do when the church was open and all my bethany family and for those of you around the world y'all remember this when we gonna sing it together is that all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let your requests be made no [Applause] hey fall down on me speaking speaking with your mouth my health my strengths my finances god bring it down [Applause] come on my destiny my purpose everything you have for me to do rain down on me [Music] so all of my traditional saints from around the world we're gonna go to church on this one come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is power in his name can [Music] [Applause] if you know that there's power you can say it with us [Music] [Music] they tell me that's love in the name of jesus what kind of love unconditional love in the name of jesus and if you need peace who's got it [Music] it's right there in the name of jesus and if you need deliverance i can call on the name of jesus yes [Music] [Music] with his [Music] [Music] power [Music] healing power healing power in his hands power in his hand power [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on everybody praise the lord i'm deacon antoine and i'm maya and we're here for some news and announcements this monday as every monday we have a weekly recap 5 30 on youtube and facebook you'll see myself sister maya brother kevin sister dez and reverend white where we just sit down and have a conversation around the sermon kev asked us some very hard questions yes yeah i pray for it uh but we have you know we have a great time for about an hour so come on out and join us on uh monday at 5 30. and then of course on wednesday we are back for word impact gathering class is in session get them notebooks out get your pen that's important get ready because bishop and pastor nick are here and they are continuing in conversation on the presents which has been an awesome awesome series so we want to make sure that you tune in with us on wednesday at seven yep and then saturday uh for one point at nine o'clock one point radio here uh with bishop and pastor nick where they discuss everything all the hot topics pop culture everything church theology everything as discussed for impact go ahead and join us on saturday at nine and then later on in that day we are back for drive-in service at 11 30 a.m awesome awesome time it's cool to see everyone of course weather permitting um it's cool to see everyone out in their cars pooping their horns honking their horns for jesus i'm gonna say that every week keeping their horns so it really is a great time so we hope that you will come out and join us for drive-in on that saturday and then sunday yeah uh sunday we have a special special thing for you on sunday communion drive-in service yeah on that on that sunday where we all gather together and take uh the last supper together and instead of us talking about it we want you to go ahead and take a look at this video take a look most important events in a child of god's life this is the moment where we remember our lord and savior jesus christ on that night he gathered his disciples and he said take this and eat it for this is my body take this cup and drink it for this is my blood this is the moment where we remember all that he did that precious blood that was shed that body that was broken for us we take it all in on this communion and we are so excited to share it with you for the first time live under the stars on sunday september the 5th for communion and as deacon antoine said we are going to be in person but not in a sanctuary out here in our driving life so please make sure that you invite your family invite your friends invite your neighbors invite your co-workers let someone know that we are doing communion outside september 5th sunday at 6 pm we learn year in and year out how important it is you know to take that communion monthly and as we are going in this last quarter of this year we want to make sure that we are going back fed those students are going back to school those teachers are going back to work we want to make sure that we have those communion elements and we start off this new season especially this new month with the right mindset and just making sure that we feel connected during this time so please make sure that you join us on september 5th at 6pm see you in a lot [Music] may your struggles keep you near the cross [Music] in the [Music] prove that god is [Music] [Music] show [Music] in the way [Music] is good and may your whole life prove that god is so sweet to trust in jesus just to take [Music] his word and just to rest upon his promise and just to know the safe the jesus [Music] jesus how i trust [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus oh to trust him more so maybe [Music] show that you need [Music] god is good and may your whole life prove that god good [Music] praise the lord our scripture reading is in exodus 23 verse 20 to 22 that's again exodus 23 verse 20 to 22 and it reads behold i send an angel before thee to keep thee in thy way and to bring thee into the place which i have prepared beware of him and obey his voice provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice and do all that i speak then i will be an enemy unto thine enemies and an adversary unto thy nervous service we hope you feel blessed we hope you feel encouraged by the word we're going to take you back into service [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] let's praise from the inside from the inside [Music] in the inside [Music] come on [Music] cause all i want is all i want is for you for you to be glorious [Music] is for you you to be glorified [Music] let the fruit of your lips just give god [Music] the inside from the inside of me [Music] maybe in the [Music] from the inside from the inside of me on the inside [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you to be glorified [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] until all they see is you god come and fill my life is [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i want is for you you to be glorified [Music] hallelujah god we give you all the praise we give you all the glory we give you all the honor yes sir because you're worthy of it god you're so [Music] and for that god we just want to say this [Music] be glorified [Music] come on help me be glorified come on [Music] i want to encourage each and every one of you out there listening and watching to be glorified you know what i'm told selfies say be glory come on [Music] [Music] it's not about us it's about you glory sopranos can you help us [Music] [Music] everybody said be glory [Music] [Music] [Music] home [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] all i want is for [Music] all i want is [Music] worship experience here at bethany church in lindenwald new jersey we are the transformation church what a great opportunity is for me to have this time with you today as we share in a powerful series entitled chess not checkers we are in the particular portion of the series concerning angels it's the series of messages around the angelic reality it's called a conversation with angels a conversation with angels now um won't you please share and inbox someone tweet them tag a few people invite them to join us for the encounter here at bethany church in lindenwald new jersey today before we get into the message i want to have a brief conversation with you about your personal relationship with god now that may sound a little strange because at times we kind of keep god as this this tangential kind of out of touch kind of figure in our lives when the power of the relationship is in the intimacy that you and i have with the lord communing with him talking to him praying to him reading his word getting to know him it's part of building faith and a god that created you for purpose and purpose is nothing more than the process by which you engage yourself in to discover exactly what you've been created to do or who you've been created to be we never discovered that divine process without a relationship with him so what i want today is to introduce you to the lord now you may think in within yourself that your your history may disqualify you but i'd like to talk to you about that for a moment and and understand that no one was born saved except the lord jesus all of us have colorful past or beginnings but he is a god that knows your past knows your present and desires to usher you into a brand new future it takes that relationship to do it you walking if you will hand in hand with the lord as you navigate the challenges of life and find yourself amazingly experiencing one victory after another that's only part of what this salvation relationship is all about so if you're trying to exclude yourself i've been saying for you is don't think yourself out of this think yourself in you haven't been too bad you haven't been too horrible that the lord does not have enough grace to save you so today i want to pray for you that you would understand clearly that god desires to produce a cry in you and that cry speaks this way what must i do to be saved what do i have to do to be in relationship with god a saving relationship not knowing about god but knowing him in a personal way getting ready to pray that if you've never given your life to the lord you will respond to the whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved if you walked away from god you know for certain that you know him but your life has not been exhibiting that relationship you need to be reminded that the prodigal son story in the bible is about a son who was in relationship with his father got distracted walked away and came back and the father was waiting for his return and circumstances caused the young man to start talking to himself thinking about how good his life was when he was with his father last but not least i'm going to pray for you that if you were born again you love the lord you've been searching for a ministry to call home i'm going to invite you to join us today if you live in the new jersey area you can connect with our physical church if you're geographically locked out for whatever reason you can join our virtual church which will continue once we open called the connections church i look forward to sharing this journey with you come on let's pray god i thank you right now for this tremendous opportunity you've given us now lord i pray for those that don't know you for themselves i pray through the power of the word today to the power of your spirit right now that you would draw them into your heart draw them into this relationship that will save them and deliver them not only from their past but deliver them into the future you have planned for them i pray right now for those that know you but got distracted along the way but in the journey now they're starting to understand i need to go back to god and back to god's house i pray you put a yes in their hearts this day this this morning i pray you put an affirmative in them that they will respond with that cry once again what must i do to come back to the lord last but not least i pray for those of you who love the lord who are committed to god but you've been searching in the wilderness of ministries for a church home and today this is not the first time you've joined us and perhaps it is this is different for you there's a flow that you feel and you feel as though you know this just might be the place god is calling me to my destiny to be a part of put a yes in all your hearts lord and i thank you in advance for what you're going to do and what you're doing right now in jesus name amen if you made a decision to be saved to come back to the lord to connect with this ministry write us in the comment section on whatever platform you're watching us on one of our ministry representatives we'll get back to you as soon as possible and tell you what the next steps are i look forward to seeing you in our classes during the week that help build your faith i look forward to seeing you in our midweek service which we absolutely will impact you for the rest of your life and of course sunday after sunday panel after panel discussion after discussion teaching after teaching as you begin to discover exactly who you are and the process by which god is going to take you to the ultimate purpose in your life all right let's go to the word of god now we've been in our series chestnut checkers and i thank all of you who have written uh to let me know what impact this series is having in your life for those who have not written this yet let me know write me and let me know how this series is ministering to you impacting you perhaps even changing your life i want to take you back to hebrews chapter 1 verse 14 as we continue in the chestnut checkers series and this portion of that series is called a conversation with angels hebrews 1 14. the bible says are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation watch the words now are they not all talking about angels ministering spirits that's the first thing i want you to remember ministering spirits serving spirits sent forth apostolically sent forth with an assignment what's that to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation a conversation with angels now just so we make sure we understand angels occupy an invisible realm angels occupy an invisible realm and part of the mission of the word of god is to reveal what exists in the realm of the invisible now from that realm of invisibility they become a visible reality in the life of a child of god so they dwell in the invisible the word of god reveals that which exists in the in the in the dimension we cannot see and then the word of god reveals to us how the angelic is manifested from invisible to visible but this can only happen by faith the bible is clear in chapter in verse 14 and hebrews chapter one that they are a minister for the saints that there's a job and assignment that the angelic host has and that is to help to minister for the child of god bible reveals this invisible realm to us that's what's important to understand as you read your bible when you open your bible you're looking into the realm of the invisible you're looking into the kingdom of god you're looking into the content of the kingdom i like to say you're looking at the inventory of the invisible kingdom of god you're looking at a description of what's real in a realm that you can't see with the natural eye but you do have the ability by faith not only to believe but then begin to see because what god does in our amazing way in his word is to describe what these realities that dwell in the invisible actually look like so the believer's ability his faith his or her faith makes the invisible tangible and makes the invisible if you will seeable so the believer's ability to pierce the veil of the invisible is revealed in the word of god the believer's ability to pierce the veil of the invisible is revealed in the word of god because the word here it is is the inventory of the invisible things in the kingdom so angels are revealed in the word to you and i we've got to have faith a faith a revelation of their reality and watch this watch this additional function their presence not just the reality of angels but their presence as we walk our way through the word of god over these next few weeks you're going to see not only their reality but how they manifest to believers how god if you will facilitates the mediation of his presence between himself and the child of god by angelic presence the bible says the earth is full of the glory of god stay with me angels are an extension of the glory of god the earth is full of the glory of god and angels are an extension of the glory of god perhaps that's why the bible says we have entertained angels unawares the angelic reality manifested with us but because of a lack of knowledge and a lack of faith they are still unrecognizable to many of us why because we're going to see in a little while that's many times when they manifested they look like regular human beings you remember the story of joshua we're going to look at it in a few minutes and joshua was visited by the captain of the host we know later on in revelation that is probably michael he's visited and the first thing joshua does is slip into warrior rage pull out his sword and said you hear the fighter you hear the hell so the angel looked human that was the way the form in which god manifested the angelic presence now a great definition of angels an additional definition of angels that i want to give to you is this an angel is how god decides to manifest himself in a particular situation an angel is the way god desires to reveal himself in a particular situation so the glory we have seen the glory we have experienced confirms that we have at times not recognized angelic manifestation in our lives we have entertained the angels unaware the glory we have experienced part of that glory is the revelation of the angelic the bible reveals the presence the practice and the power of angels that's the presence the practice and the power of angels their position is revealed in the word of god their function in the kingdom of god is revealed in your bible so the bible is clear says they are ministering spirits working for the saints why do i keep repeating that listen to me closely even though the verse is very plain the normal translation or understanding of the verse is that they only minister to us when the bible is saying clearly that they also minister for us they are ministering spirits they are they are serving spirits they are worshiping spirits worship god all the time we're going to see that later on but also a key function is they watch this are sent forth apostolically sent by god in apostolic authority to speak for god and act on his behalf to work for you as a child of god this is powerful stuff so angels in the bible prepare the way for you when we look at luke chapter 1 verse 26 to 31 we understand that when the angel comes and talks to mary that the angel and the holy ghost partner together so angels and the holy spirit partner what do they do they reveal the way to mary so the angel brings the message and the words of god start to produce faith and fight fear and the holy ghost is ministering to mary at the same time so that she gets a revelation of her destiny in god it's an amazing conversation they have so the way is revealed to mary how things are going to work out for her simply because of the cooperation between the holy ghost and the angelic presence now making her and the baby's way to prosper making her way and the baby she's going to carry making his way prosper in the bible we see healing angels we see angels as messengers we see angels as defenders we see angels as warriors watch this on our behalf i'm going to change your whole perspective on the angelic so they dwell in the invisible and manifest in the invisible they manifest as a tangible reality on earth they are seen they are heard they are manifested what's amazing about it is that they dwell in the spiritual realm but they are manifested in the lives of natural men and women we must have faith in god and the reality of angels to give them what's this an assignment in our lives because god can't send an angelic messenger to an individual who is not in the faith you need to hear me so they operate on our behalf they manifest corporeally for a time to deliver a message or deliver you so i don't want you to think angels are a symbol of another reality they are not a symbol of another reality they are images of the invisible god now the clue to their understanding is in their name angel angel that el in hebrew stands for god the real world is mark it means to dispatch a deputy so the word angel in the hebrew means to us to dispatch a deputy to send the deputy it means to send a messenger from god that's what an angel is but it also stands for in in certain instances prophet or priest or teacher someone watch this with a message from god so let's make the distinction so there are human angels messengers of god on earth and then there are angelic hosts divine angels extensions of the glory of god so the apostolic authority of god sends messengers sends prophets sends priests sends teachers so that god's will is revealed in the earth watch this so it's revealed by an ambassador another principal that'll help you understand angels ambassadors come to a foreign country with power and authority of the country they're sent from angel another way i want you to think of them is king of angels angels don't have their own message here we go angels do not have their own message they say what god has told them to speak so the message has apostolic authority here comes so an angel does not come speaking his own word and it's going to be real good for those of us that are in ministry listen closely when the words are our own and they are not based and if you will an extension of god's word watch this we're not teaching the word of god an angel cannot come down and interpret what god has said the angel comes down with the word of god the bible tells us in the new testament the message has to have apostolic authority and the only way it has apostolic authority is if it's in agreement with what god has previously said the bible tells us how shall they preach how shall they speak for god how shall men and women speak for god except they be apostolically sent so there let me let me vary for a moment so many times today you you know the body of christ goes through all these trends where the latest title is the trend right now the apostle title but then when i was coming through it was the reverend title then it was the bishop title then it was the elder title then it was the archbishop and i mean we just we just would latch on to these titles the the reality is my brother my sister is that the title does not validate the function it is the function first that validates the title so if i'm going to call myself an apostle then there must be proof of apostolic authority apostolic message apostolic accomplishment before the title can be attracted or accepted i remember just briefly um the last thing i wanted in the world was to be called a bishop but i was fathering pastors and they got together and said you know we don't want you to be the president of our organization we don't want you to be direct of our organization we want a bishop and at that point i realized that the function had caused the title to become a reality many times when we're impatient we want the title and the function has barely been realized so if i'm a pastor and a couple guys call me from overseas that does not mean i've got a call to be an apostle it may mean watch this if i'm managing my own ministry well it may mean that i'm sent to help others but i shouldn't jump up and say i believe god is calling me an apostle because three guys from africa call you and say can you help me i'm trying to help you with some my point is function should create title title does not create function i need to do it before i receive a title for it so let's get back so what does an angel do angels mediate the presence of god to god's people angels mediate the presence of god to god's people go to joshua let me show you something joshua and we're going to take a look at um chapter 5 and i want to take you down to verse 13 i believe yeah now let's see if you've seen this before joshua chapter 5. let's go down to verse 13. i better keep these glasses on today it seems like i need them okay and it came to pass when joshua was by jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold watch the words there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and joshua went unto him and said unto him are you for us or for our adversaries and he said nay is now being answered but as captain of the host of the lord am i now come angelic visitation and joshua fell on his face because he recognizes divinity the extension of the glory of god to the earth and did worship and said unto him what saith my lord unto his servant so joshua has immediate recognition and the captain of the lord's host said unto joshua loose thy shoe from off thy foot for the place where on thou standest is holy and joshua did so the next chapter the bible says now jericho now watch this now stay with me so in verse 13 there's the manifestation of angelic presence and this angel is in warrior mode he's come down with his sword drawn ready for the battle joshua being a warrior himself has an appropriately natural reaction he goes for his sword too and then the angel says hold up man i am come as the captain of the host of the lord the words say i am come now i've been sent to have some interaction with you i've been sent to mediate the presence of god in your life i've come with a message what's the message look at verse 15. he gets he says now i need you to prepare to hear what i'm about to say take your shoes off now you remember that from moses loose off your shoes you're now standing on holy ground because a holy angel has come to interact with you so now not only is the moment holy but the ground that joshua is meeting watch this the voice of god the extension of the glory of god has now become holy and he says i need you to take your shoes off why same dynamic with moses i don't need you tracking into my presence where you've come from i need this to be a defining moment in your life now watch what happens joshua chapter six now jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of israel none went out and none came in so jericho is now surrounded by israel and the lord said unto joshua talking through the angel see i have given into your hand jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valor my goodness watch what happens message from god through the angel i have given so now with the promise of victory total victory comes instruction so the angel has come not only to declare have a conversation with joshua for god and joshua has sense enough to realize i'm in a worship moment let me open up my mind in my heart holy spirit help me open up so i can hear what this angel has to say what god is attempting to say to me and the lord said unto joshua i have given into you i put it in your hand i've given you victory and here comes the instruction why because joshua being a warrior has his experience and therefore a strategy strategy for how he's going to conquer this stronghold but god sends a messenger and says no no it's not going to happen that way i have a strategy for you so then god in the next two verses gives him the strategy watch what happens and you shall compass the city all ye men of war not the women and children just the guys that can fight go around about the city once thus shall do six days watch this now many times the instruction of god does not seem powerful enough to overcome the obstacle that stands before you many times what god is saying seems too simple to work in your situation i hope you get this the lord specializes in revealing the supernatural out of the simple you need to hear me he'll use something fundamental to release something powerful in your life you've got to get this so he says i've come now i'm visiting you i've been sent in apostolic authority with a message and the message is this i've already given you what you're facing said what i need now you've surrounded jericho and now you're trying to figure out how you're going to conquer jericho and the angel comes and says i'm going to do it but i've got some instructions for you and the instructions are not going to make experiential sense because a fortress a stronghold in your experience must be attacked with human weapons but the weapons of his warfare are not going to be carnal this time watch how this works now watch how this works so he says i have given unto your hand jericho giving you all the mighty men says you're going to accomplish the city go around the city and you're going to do that one time for six days and seven priests shall be shall be before the ark seven trumpets of ram's horns the seventh day shall accomplish the city seven times so i want to do it one time for six days now the problem for us as believers and i i hope i get through this the problem with most of us as believers is we try to make sense out of a faith instruction because what makes sense to me is what's in my ability to perform without god what makes sense to me or what makes sense to me is what's in my ability to perform with simply god watching but when i'm reasoning i am not fully engaging if you will the partnership of god so god says okay you guys are set to do what you've always done but this is going to be a different kind of victory you're looking for a natural victory and what i want to give you is a supernatural victory not a fleshly victory but a spiritual victory this time watch this now it's going to be great so joshua's strategy strategy is now put on the shelf god gives him a strategy by way of angelic messenger now this this angel is most likely michael because he says i've come as the captain of the host now i wasn't going to do this i want to show you this keep your finger in joshua let's go to revelation chapter 12. and i want to show you what this looks like and i don't want to rush this i want to make sure that you have a full understanding of where we're going today revelation chapter 12 and i want you to go down to about verse 7. okay and there was war in heaven here it is michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels so michael had his crew and the dragon or satan had his crew now watch this and prevail not satan and his crew didn't prevail watch this neither was their place found anymore in heaven in other words they were completely conquered and removed from the scene so michael and his angels wage war angels come angels come the angel comes to let joshua know god is going to fight his battle in the spirit in the invisible with evidence in their sight so you remember when the angel appeared to moses he appeared in a burning bush as a messenger from god to joshua the angel appears as a warrior as a human being as a defender for god's people with a message true joshua remember the ultimate revelation of god is jesus not an angel the ultimate revelation of god is jesus not an angel and ultimate revelation of god is the word not angels because angels are a revelation of god's glory on the earth so what is their primary function let's go to isaiah let me show you that let's go to isaiah chapter 6. i hope you're getting this isaiah chapter six let's watch this now look at this thing start at verse one in the year that king uzziah died i saw also the lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple the lord's train filled the temple above it stood the seraphims each one had six wings with twain two he covered his faith with two twain he covered his feet with two twain he did fly watch what happens now and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord the whole earth is full of his glory now so we see angels ministering spirits from hebrews chapter 1 14 attending to the glory of god they are offering praise and worship ministering spirits praise and worship around the throne let me show you something else go to revelation chapter 5. i want you to see this i need you to have a complete understanding so this revelation will become a reality in your life revelation chapter 5 let's go down to verse 10. and has made un made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth and i beheld and i heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beast or the creatures and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth everything created such are such as are in the sea all that are in them heard i saying blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne unto the lamb forever and forever look at that function now watch this it's going to mess with your mind here go over to chapter 1 in revelation and we get down to verse 5 and 6. and from jesus christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sin in his own blood and has made us kings and priests unto god and his father to him be glory dominion forever and ever amen so from sin we become kings from sin we become priests unto god in the earth we like angels are sent by apostolic authority into the earth watch this to be messengers not just with our voices but with our lives messengers of god's grace now there are some angels that are missing so far in heaven we gotta see what happened to them go to second peter second peter chapter two i want to show you something second peter chapter two let's jump down to verse 4 for time sake and if god spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spare not the old world but save noah the eighth person a preacher of the righteousness of bringing into the flood upon the world of the ungodly and it goes on to talk about how god moved in this particular time now angels that are fallen are demons fallen angels are demons we learned that from the demonic teaching when we talked about taught you about demons in spiritual warfare these particular in second peter chapter two are imprisoned in a place called tartarus and they are awaiting judgment so there there are demons that are imprisoned now remember when jesus has the interaction with the man that lived in the cemetery those demons asked jesus not to send them to this place ahead of time so there were some that were already there now let's take a look at jude chapter six let me show you some jude six i'm sorry um let's take jude uh verse six watch what happens now it says and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so what is it we need to know about these fallen angels let's take a look go to ezekiel going to go into ezekiel and i want you to go to chapter 28 as we take a look now all right we're getting down to the meat of the thing now ezekiel chapter 28 and i want to draw your attention go down to verse 14. now you may have read this before maybe not but this will be a good thing for you to learn now hmm verse 13 thou has been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was thy covering the sardis the topaz the diamond the burl the onyx the jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold the workmanship of thy tabrets and of their pipes were prepared in thee the day that thou was created so watch who we're talking about now state thou art the anointed cherub that covereth you're the anointed cherub that covereth and i have set thee so that was upon the holy mountain of god now as you have walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire you were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created until iniquity was found in you by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou has sinned therefore i will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of god out of heaven and i will destroy thee o covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire thine heart was filled up because of your beauty that has corrupted thy wisdom because of your beauty by reason of the brightness you got caught up in yourself i cast thee to the ground i will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee thou has defiled thy sanctuaries my god it's amazing so so the enemy's time is limited the demonic their time is limited but then jesus comes along and takes his authority over satan so satan hear me clearly no longer has authority over the believer um let's see now why isaiah chapter 14. i hope you're getting this now isaiah chapter 14. we're going to wrap it up running out of time uh isaiah 14 that's where i want you to go i want you to see this let's go down to verse 9. here comes isaiah 14 verse 9 hell from beneath is mood for thee who's he talking about to meet thee at thy coming so we just read how the lord threw him and his crew out of heaven watch what it says here in isaiah hell has from beneath is moved to meet thee at thy coming it stirred up the dead for you even all the chief ones of the earth that had raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations all they shall speak and say unto you art thou also become weak as we art thou become like unto us your pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of the viles those those strained instruments and the worm is spread under you and the worms cover you watch this now how art thou falling from heaven o lucifer that was his name son in the morning how hard thou cut down to the ground which thou weakest which did weakest the nations amazing so lucifer that angel created for worship got caught up in his own beauty and that that that wisdom was corrupted and then the lord has to evict him and his crew from heaven that's the crew that michael was fighting in revelation chapter 12. so this fallen angel the book calls him this cherub my satan's followers work against the saints god's angels work for the saints there it is there's the warfare now i'm just going to open this up just a little bit to you i'm going to show you something we'll start the discussion then we'll get back to it next week genesis 24 genesis 24. i'll be getting this right man let me know if you're getting this now let me know how it's ministering to you genesis 24 i want to show you something and it's going to blow your mind you've read it before but you may not have seen it this way genesis 24 go down to verse 2 go verse 40. and he said unto me the lord now many of you might not know the story so um isaac abraham rather is sending his servant to get a wife for isaac and the servant appropriately is asking questions because the servant has come into covenant guarantee a covenant understanding with abraham who's a symbol of faith so he's agreeing with faith to go and do what faith has requested but he's got some questions now he gets down to verse 40 and said the the when he raises these questions faith comes back with this abraham comes back the lord before whom i walk watch the words will send his angel with you and prosper your way and thou shalt take a wife from my son of my kindred and of my father's house my god an angel shall come now this is faith speaking this is abraham declaring to a servant and it ain't you didn't hear you're not hearing me an angel this is amazing to me look what it says you got to read it an angel the lord before whom i walk relationship that god whom i serve will send an angel y'all not getting this look at this thing now it's he says the lord before whom i walk will send his angel with thee faith believes god will send a protecting but not just protection preserving not just preserving but what kind of angel is this and prosper thy way what is prosper god's reward for your work the desire of your heart being fulfilled so this angel is working for faith for abraham to make sure that the assignment is given to his servant is successful he is prospering in this assignment so this is an angel who's part of that angel's assignment is to prosper you who believe oh my goodness i told you earlier to prosper is a process that leads you and i to the fulfillment of the purpose for which we were created and what abraham does is make a decree in agreement with his faith how he says the lord that walks with me watch this so that decree i taught you this in the power of confession that decree is based upon relationship agreement and authority he's saying what he believes because it agrees with what god has done before based on the power and the strength of his relationship with god and he decrees on behalf of what he desires that an angel will go with my pro my servant to prosper the way all right we're going to stop right there wow are you suggesting pastor that angels are involved in our prosperity i'm not suggesting you i'm telling you it's in the word of god that's it is a lack of understanding and knowledge of this invisible realm the reality that the bible describes in this invisible realm that causes us not to allow angels to minister not only to us but for us can't wait to tell you the rest of this um write me let me know how you feel about what we've been teaching you today it's time for us to give the icons on the screen the appropriate response to a word that impacts your life is gratitude obedience and faith gratitude obedience and faith it's time to respond to god to bring back to god to exhibit obedience to exhibit faith at this moment so it's time to bring the tithes and the offerings and some of you based on this word today sacrifice some of you desire to succeed in whatever arena you are in and there seems to be some kind of blockade some kind of stronghold and you've been doing all you know but today god is using me as a messenger to speak to you to teach you to give you a message that there are an angels available to help your way prosper go to the icon today sow your gifts return your tithes and your offerings and begin to expect the move of god in your life and the assistance of angels if you believe in demons it is illegal for you not to believe in angels we must flip the script and start believing more in the good of god rather than the evil of the enemy i want you to remember now faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so the icons are plainly displayed whatever your preferred way is if you mail it in that gives me a chance to pray over it myself whatever you do i pray over all the offerings bless them and decree a blessing upon them don't you miss this opportunity well i'll see you next time for more chess not checkers a conversation with angels
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 329
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1yBkHO-0sio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 34sec (5194 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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