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foreign you you foreign you you praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord honor him magnify him come on lift him up god is worthy to be praised he is worthy of all glory he is worthy of all honor come on and bless his name come on worship him right where you are come on thank god he brought us to another midweek gathering honor him in his place magnify him lift him up our god is worthy to be praised come on lift up the name of jesus come on clap your hands all you people shouting to god with the voice of triumph god is great god is good he has brought us from a mighty long way come on worship the lord in this place worship the lord right where you are honor him and magnify him we believe to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living god has shown us his goodness one more time this mercy that endures forever his grace that continues to keep us god has shown it to us and he will continue to show it to us we thank god for you joining us again for another midweek gathering um we continue work worshiping virtually uh just for the safety as the numbers are continuing to climb and we just ask for your continued patience as we continue to navigate this season but thank god we can come together virtually we can't wait to see everybody in the building again but we're hanging in there and we're so glad you can tune in please share it this time if you can please share get somebody on tag somebody there is a word from the lord this evening praying for deliverance from the inside out praying for deliverance in the whole person not just healed in our bodies but healed in our minds and our hearts not just saved from situations but situations being taken away from us god freeing us from those things that have us bowed we're believing god for you that just like we ended on last week he is the lord that heals he is the great physician he's going to do some heart surgery this evening and we're trusting and believing that god will mend our hearts god will shine his light the dark areas of our lives that it will cause us to come to a place of repentance where god will give us another chance and a fresh start because all repentance is recognizing something and then making a change in another direction that opens up doors to the kingdom of god opens up doors to the things of god change mind leading to a changed life we're believing god this evening for you trusting god with you and for you come on let's pray father we thank you for being the light of the world we thank you that you're that light that shines in darkness we thank you for sending your son who is the light we appreciate you that your word is light also we thank you lord that you shine on us let your light shine and pierce through our darkness let us see your glory this evening let us see your person open this up lord to the knowledge of jesus christ and father we pray for any veil anything that is hindering us from seeing you this evening we pray that you would help us to remove it if we can't remove it we pray that you would free us from that thing because lord we want to see your glory this evening we want to see you high and lifted up open the eyes of our hearts lord help us to see you lord to change how we see life we believe that you can do it we trust you lord for being the great physician heal us and we will be healed send your word and heal us now we trust you we believe you for it in jesus name amen god bless you all for coming with some worship and we'll be back with the word of god [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] love the things i down now i [Music] thank you [Music] you forgave me and you're gay me another chance you forgave me and you gave me [Music] lord i'm truly sorry lord [Music] [Music] me vienna is [Music] no more [Music] [Music] i see every day [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] psalms 85 says you have covered the iniquities of your people and you have forgiven all of their sins it didn't say one sin it is safe just some of our sins and all of our sins how many truly believe that they are forgiven all we have to do is repent and turn away from our wicked ways and our apologies is accepted by our savior do you truly believe that on tonight hallelujah if you believe that and you truly know it in your heart come on and say apology accept it and go and sin no more [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] praise the lord well praise the lord praise the lord apology accepted go and sin no more lord have mercy yeah thank our worship team for such a powerful message tonight yeah think about all the times we failed him yep and all the times he forgave us too many to count he deserves our worship absolutely deserves our praise yeah deserves our adoration deserves our honor just how many times a human being couldn't accept that many problems no not at all no even when jesus said 70 times 70 like hold up jesus he said it's too many increase my increase my faith that's too much that thing that's kind of that's a hard thing saying that yes sir but uh god does not give us a commandment yeah without giving us the ability to obey absolutely absolutely wow it's grace to do it yep well welcome everybody glad you could join us once again as pastor nick always says share with somebody inbox somebody text somebody tag a few people yeah invite them to join our conversation tonight classroom is open amen yep yeah so what we're going to do this week so we're continuing in the uh the wilderness and it's it's it's god's schooling for his people okay it's a schooling it's his training ground for them which is why we see so much patience in the beginning phases of the wilderness journey and as we see we're going to look at how they murmur they complain yeah they do things but god doesn't strike them down because he's still teaching them about faith and we want to see that as we go but aren't we always trying to get delivered from the wilderness if that's the place we get a divine education now you've taught a lot okay the student never determines when they're ready to graduate absolutely the teacher always makes the assessment of how long you need to be in class so you're saying that perhaps there are times when we have asked god to deliver us from a wilderness situation or that kind of season and our asking happened to coincide with the time that he thought we were ready to graduate from the class yes because he doesn't let you out of first grade until you prove it absolutely you can handle second yes you'll be in there for five ten years feet all big squeezing into the desk you know it's really it's amazing that and that context can be illustrated when we look at how it was the strength that they gained in egypt that gave them the endurance for the wilderness so he did not deliver them from egypt until they had strength for the next journey i think we think he delivers us when we conquer what we're in but he actually delivers us when we are prepared for the next step of his purpose absolutely okay and then starts this whole training process yeah to get us there yeah so um we're going to do another adult conversation that's if that's okay with everybody yeah we're going to do some open-heart surgery i figured we kind of get this topic out of the way because it's going to be a general topic for the next couple weeks so okay we talk about it now we hit it on the head so we can refer to it later right um let's go to exodus 16 and we're going to look at uh one and two and then drop down to verse number eight and uh it's what we're going to talk about tonight such a common topic with the nation in this season of transition that we have to talk about it okay he says in exodus 16 verse 1 and they took their journey from elam and all the congregation of the children of israel came unto the wilderness of sin which is between elim and sinai on the 15th day the second month after the departing out of the land of egypt and the whole congregation of the children of israel murmured against moses yeah and aaron in the wilderness three they talked about the children visual sent to them would to god we had died by the hand of the lord and landed when we sat by the flesh pots and when we did eat bread to the full fear brought us forth into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger my mind now let's jump down to verse number eight it says and moses says this shall be watch the wording here y'all when the lord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat and in the morning bread to fool for that the lord heareth your murmurings which you murmur against him what are ye your murmurings are not against us my mind but against the lord my life so as a precursor before we really jump into this yeah for our review they're murmuring against moses and aaron yeah but they can't see god only through a pillar of fire in a cloud okay so usually we blame the representative of god when we're in a season we don't want to be in because obviously moses and aaron you let us out here rather than the pillar of a cloud is leading moses and moses is then leading the people god delivered them through moses yes yeah and leading them through moses yeah so again you have to be careful we talked about this before who you put your mouth on that's right and we're going to talk about that tonight okay because moses says y'all not murmuring against us yeah god sees that it's murmuring against him but you know um i was talking to one of our members the other day and they were so they were so warmed by the embrace of their opinion that they failed to ask moses the question that would have given them the truth absolutely absolutely which goes into that's not what we're going to be talking about tonight but it kind of wraps into some of the discussion well bitterness will do that too because that's because we talked about business dinner this last week and god is dealing with their bitterness and we talked about it shows it here bitterness is an offense that leads to resentment an unchecked offense yeah if you don't deal with your offense you become resentful yeah bitterness comes from a loss of hope because it's hard to see anything positive so i'm bitter about my current life i i believe that people that are bitter aware of how it's consuming them and they have to find someone to resent to try to transfer that feeling yeah uh because bitterness will actually destroy you after a while absolutely and you said it last week bitterness feels like strength absolutely because it gives you a jolt of energy and emotion but it erodes you at the same time but here we are bitterness is actually a consuming emotion it is not something that builds you up yeah but what blows my mind is people's instinct they probably don't even think about it they start to look for people to to focus their bitterness on to blame for their bitterness yeah and and that is their way of trying to get it off of them yes so the person that's bitter absolutely knows they need to be shed of this thing yeah but they don't do it by getting their inner man healed they do it by call telling you know somebody else did this somebody else said this so it usually means guilt has transferred into shame absolutely because shame yeah blames other people yeah okay because it's toxic and it's poisonous um let's go to ephesians four okay and we'll kind of close the bit in this part and jump into this next part which kind of ties into the bit of this but okay ephesians 4. now just as a reminder for everyone whenever we read characters in the bible even the negative ones god wants us to read about ourselves in them absolutely so as i'm studying this i'm seeing me looking for me in this too uh when you read about the pharisees we're supposed to look for our inner pharisee too it's almost impossible to read the bible and without coming to the realization that it is quite a very uh it's very reflective and it's a mirror yes and i believe that it has to be if we are supposed to see ourselves in christ then we're supposed to see ourselves in his word absolutely okay absolutely so paul says in ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 um ephesians 4 31 he says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice yeah so he's saying you got to get rid of this thing with an intensity it's intentional it doesn't go away on its own no it won't fade it won't fail and that malice that the tone of that is you need to be aggressive about dealing with this this bitterness this wrath this anger clamor and evil speaking put it away with all malice i think the the trick of the enemy is this remote mindset we have that god doesn't have to involve us to get us delivered from it yeah you know but every miracle that jesus did required some involvement on the part of the person receiving absolutely you know so i you're making so much sense okay thank you 732 and be kind to one another because bitter people have a problem being kind to people yeah yeah tenderhearted and forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake has forgiven you so a huge chunk of our deliverance from some bitter feelings is forgiveness yeah as god has forgiven us but it requires an aggressive action on our part that put away is not like just shove aside yeah it means find a place for it yes and make sure it stays there absolutely yeah i read a whole lot of intensity in this yeah yeah and dealing with this before it deals with you but look at the balance of emotion it says you know have an attitude about the bitterness but also this will make room for you to be kind to somebody else yes because it implies that this bitterness and this wrath and this anger and this clamor and its evil speaking is in the way of us being tenderhearted in the way of us being forgiven in the way of yeah yeah yeah i'm glad you brought that up because we're going to when we hit this one of these scriptures it's going to bring them we'll talk about it now okay because you're right all those feelings are stopping us from speaking well doing well to other people which is the issue with the nation of israel yeah we constantly see them murmuring and complaining so god takes them in exodus 16 he takes them from a thirst miracle to now hunger is it possible that the trick of the adversary is to encourage you to murmur because israel should have been praying and instead they were murmuring yes and numbers does tell us i'll do everything you said everything you speak in my ear god says in my numbers 14 something i'll do it so so murmuring is designed by the enemy to take up time when you should be talking to god absolutely in a different way absolutely but do you think when we're murmuring that we think god doesn't hear it that's the thing we because they focus it on moses and aaron like god was not listening to okay what was going on but i think it's ecclesiastes um i believe it's ecclesiastes it might be uh where the bible says that god heard the conversation you had in your bedroom yep the secret word yeah yep yep so there's no hiding anything from the person may not have heard it but god heard what you said yeah we're gonna get into this okay it's gonna be a little tight y'all just hold on quick for it we're gonna get to the healing part though so they get to exodus 16 they get to a place of hunger the presence of god leads them until they're hungry right they start murmuring and complaining now we talked about this before complaining about god is a sin right blaming him for all the bad in my life is a sin okay complaining to him is a song the psalmist says i brought my complaints to god yeah i bring my griefs grieves to him we sing it all the time all my sins agrees he bears all that stuff for us right right so we're allowed to talk to him about our issues the sin is blaming him for all of our issues yeah because if you read the book of psalms it's really chapter after chapter of somebody sharing their heart the good and the bad to god so by the time oh by the time they come and talk to moses they have already been spreading this stuff among themselves so usually by the time someone comes and talks to you it's because they've had a circle of conversation yep and god says i've been paying attention to all of that yep wow yeah right instead of coming to moses saying moses were hungry can you talk to god for us he did the red sea open the red sea he made the witter water sweet yeah what's god going to do now they went back to well in egypt at least we had something to eat so the unrighteous speaking because the word is seed multiplies and starts to spread absolutely among them but first in your s and within your own spirit okay yeah and then they start sharing it amongst each other like you said and now that bitterness that murmuring complaining is now viral so that means you're stuck you're stuck yep so you're you're this is really essential for for kingdom people passing it because our words have impact and what you seem to be implying that if i'm stuck in a state of murmuring i'm continually sowing those words and i am absolutely uh igniting a spiritual process that the fruit of those words and the fruit of those words is not just complaining or murmuring coming back at you the fruit of those words because seeds have no control over the fruit they produce right so it's like it's like giving you give and it comes back in a variety of ways yeah i think we murmur and it comes back in a variety of ways absolutely okay when miriam was complaining about moses and who he married um god said i heard what you said miriam in the contamination because the jesus tells us that the contamination doesn't come from outside of us no it comes from in us yeah she caught leprosy on the outside because she couldn't keep her mouth shut her internal leprosy showed on the outside well we'll get to that later so but you're right murmuring in the hebrew is obstinate complaining so that's a determined complaint determine complaint it's not accidental no it's a settled state of being okay that often refuses to change okay it's a set state that re that's revealed by our words okay because out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks okay our heart is stuck in the negative and chronic complaining is the evidence of a heart that's stuck in a negative season so you're saying israel was trapped and the revelation of them being trapped was how they were releasing their words yes and who they were aiming them at yes okay it's an issue of the heart yes sir their heart was still in egypt even though their bodies were out of egypt that's why they spoke so much egypt out of their mouth because it was stuck and locked in their heart it was pretty evident they started talking about the food they were eating they were full back there in bondage they were you know they were around the flesh pots which means they were warm in the winter i mean there are a whole lot of implications in what they say and then they're actually longing for the bondage absolutely absolutely let's go to matthew 12. are you saying that the murmuring is the is the audible evidence that they were not delivered in their hearts yep okay because they were out of egypt but still in each right heart and mind was still well yeah they that they proved that that's that's how they built the calf yeah exactly because it came from yeah because there was no livestock on the journey not none at all no matthew 12. and let's look at verse number 34. you know what um yeah let's start at verse 33 just in case or something okay matthew 12 33 either make the tree good and it's fruit good so the nature dictates the fruit right or else to make the tree corrupt and it's fruit corrupt okay for a tree is known by its fruit that makes perfect sense all right so nature where my heart is that produces my fruit what i say and what i do oh generational vipers how can ye being evil speak good things there it is for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so what i constantly talk about is a revelation of what's going on in my heart now it's i don't think it's implying that your a person has no good in their heart what it is saying is that this evil speaking shows that your heart is being dominated yes by unrighteous or evil things yep okay because you can have a predominantly good heart and have a piece of it be bad but that bad part will affect the whole thing okay and good and bad people can occasionally show signs of goodness right but it doesn't mean that their heart is overall good they're acting nice yet so 35 a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things okay and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things okay so our heart and our treasure go together 36 but i say unto you that every idol word that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment for by the words by thy words shalt thou be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned there it is right there reading this scripture should make us extremely cautious about what we say well doesn't the bible say be a few words and make sure those are seasoned with grace because this word idol means a word that's that adds benefit to someone or to something okay so if my words are adding any benefit to anything right or building anybody up right then i'm not speaking properly okay all right so so those so so so he's paying attention to what we say and what we do which comes from our hearts do you think that that we are conscious enough of spiritually that words in the kingdom are seeds and are we conscious enough that the things that we say according to the new testament are guaranteed to produce some sort of harvest consistent with the words you speak gotta watch your mouth i was thinking i was thinking that but i didn't want to go good it just it i mean it that's what the bible says you got to be careful of what goes on in your heart because the issues of life flow out of it do you think that we think our hearts are protected from our own words or do we just speak that way we just talk and never think about not only are we sowing outward but we're sowing into our hearts yeah it's a cycle yeah that keeps on going okay let's go to john chapter five let's look at an example real quick john five we're gonna look at verse six to seven okay i promise you we're gonna get to some excitement next week john 5 6 and 7. watch what he says here jesus comes to this man by this poor bethesda right i love this scripture let's look let's actually start at verse 5 john 5 5 okay and a certain man was there which had an infirmity 38 years say a long a long time yeah and when jesus saw him lie he knew that he had been a long time in that case he's been in that condition for a long time he saith unto him will thou be made whole the impotent man answered him sir i have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the pool but while i'm coming another step is down before me yeah his heart was stuck in disappointment bitterness hopelessness and he responds out of a his negative words comes from a heart that's been conditioned by 38 years of situation and constant disappointment in the face of deliverance he can't say yes well he can't say yes let me take back he won't say yes yeah because his heart is stuck in a negative season well that shows us a few things that jesus being so all-encompassing in his ability he first has to deal with all the emotions attached to the 38 years then he has to deal with the time doctrine around the pool then he has to deal with the fact that because of the time because of his condition he actually has begun to think it's hopeless yeah because every time i get ready to get in somebody gets ahead of me and then will thou be made whole is a deliverance not only of his condition but from the impact of time in his life yep god and i wonder how sometimes how many times do we hear a word of deliverance or a question of deliverance and our first response is i can't do it it's not gonna work it can't happen because our heart is stuck in a negative season well it's it's a faith question ultimately it's a faith question and faith questions if we're not careful will cause us to give human reason answers and that's what he's doing yeah based on the way i see it first off jesus is asking him do you want to be whole meaning do you want to be completely deliberate of all this that happened and his thing is to apply his intellect and his experience and his belief system and so out of his mouth reveals what he's being held by he's captive to time and his condition yes yes but then here comes eternity walking in come on okay good so there's the direct correlation between heart and words absolutely absolutely he's stuck he's stuck let's go to jeremiah 17 and we're going to look at verse 9. jeremiah 17 verse 9. okay jeremiah 17 9. oh man and he says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who in the world can know it so god acknowledges something's wrong with my heart so when people say god knows my heart he says yes i know your heart that's the issue something's wrong with your heart it's deceitful it's wicked it's hard to know our hearts are naturally because of sin sinful and wicked yeah here's the dilemma as we experience life it can get worse through conditioning and experience okay so experiences shape our hearts so if you grow up in a broken home or you grow up have something traumatic happen to you when you're younger this happens to you next year this happens to you all those events if you're not careful can start to shape our hearts right darken our hearts taint our hearts so the nation of israel 400 years of captivity their hearts were formed in slavery and masters they were at the at exodus 16 they were only out of the wood out of egypt maybe a month in some change okay you can't expect a 400 year condition to change in a month so what god is doing is breaking down okay those boundaries okay so that they can have a new conditioning right yeah but life can darken our hearts though i think because salvation like deliverance uh has to involve your heart because to deliver your body but your heart be captive of egypt means you're not totally delivered so i think what blows our minds is that we tend to look outward when we read these kinds of scriptures like we want to equate who has a wicked heart when he's really talking to us personally yeah and and that wickedness seems to imply that your heart kind of wants its way that the downside of you the negative side of you kind of wants its way and will try to um manufacture things that will appeal yeah to us he says who can know it i think this is why god wants a broken and the contrite heart absolutely absolutely is a humble heart a heart towards god because our hearts have been bent in another way for so long that the real sacrifice that god wants is us giving him our deceit our deceitful and wicked heart but what you're saying pastor nick is israel did not appear to be like this before they went into captivity they weren't that bad so we're looking at a believer a bunch of believers whose hearts become transformed by the season of oppression that they're going through and is the pandemic shaping our hearts in a positive or is all the stress of what's going on shaping our hearts for the worst are we becoming more bitter in this season oh boy it depends on how intentional you are about holding on to the heart that pleases god absolutely absolutely so god uses tests to reveal our hearts so life can darken our hearts but what does god want to do let's get to the deliverance part okay he wants to shine his light on our dark hearts go to second corinthians three second corinthians four we say corinthians four sorry yeah second corinthians four now it's kind of weird that you're doing this right here okay i just did a i got a flurry of revelation on uh the principle of light in our lives okay and how he says we're being changed by the spirit of god from glory to glory yeah all based upon the light of the gospel and him the light now dwelling in us so the enemy the purpose of the veil is to control what we see not blind us to everything just blind us to christ so the enemy is trying to control what we see keep our hearts dark absolutely so we see everything done absolutely because the dark and hearts everything is dark what what does titus say to the pure all things are pure into the defiled all things are defiled it's usually not the thing but it's our filter through which we're seeing absolutely absolutely so second corinthians 4 verse 3 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost there it is in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not now watch this he doesn't blind them so you don't believe the unbelief allows the devil to blind them that's right so unbelief gives the devil permission to blind our eyes absolutely lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god shall shine unto them here it is for we preach not ourselves but christ jesus the lord and ourselves your servants for jesus saved for god who commanded the light yeah to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts yes sir to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ so as we're preaching the word god's trying to shine a light on our dark hearts that makes sense but the first thing he has to do now help me from wrong here is expose the darkness of our hearts i i think it's so obvious to him he has to expose it to us yes it's not that he has to use us we need to see it so so the and the gospel is really great at uh operating on you yeah without destroying you yes but it will it will get into the very tight places in your understanding the bible says the the word gets between the barrel the marrow and the bone that's a very very small space that it gets in there so the light is it it attacks the foundations of what we believe and how we feel and what we've been doing it talks it talks it speaks to those areas yeah absolutely okay and you know that you know the light is working when spiritual warfare starts breaking out with the gospels being free come on man because john 1 tells us that the darkness struggles to receive the light so when light comes in darkness has to fight it sure but darkness can't overcome the light i think john says darkness comprehended it did not it doesn't want to receive it it fights against it right so you know god's working on you in the message when warfare and your heart and mind start breaking out when the gospel is being breached well the other problem is that we have a tendency to hear the word and start applying it to everyone else so we think god is waging war against someone we don't care for when god perhaps is trying to fight to win a part of our hearts that's hindering our relationship with him absolutely absolutely and just in case anybody doesn't think about this we eat our own cooking before we present it that's right all the time god deals with us first absolutely before it gets done absolutely unfortunately unfortunately we're going through the warfare all this it would be it would be easier if it happened the other way around right let's go to second kings chapter two actually uh a few more scriptures will be done second kings two we're doing real good tonight okay second kings two okay and we're going to look at verse 19. second kings 2 verse 19. now he says in the men of the sea said unto elijah behold i pray thee the situation of this city is pleasant the city is great yeah as my lord see you okay but the water has an issue to it okay and because the water has a problem it's toxic there's an issue the ground now this baron is miscarried which means that they plant the seeds a conception happens but when they water it it automatically eliminates the growth and causes a miscarriage yeah something's broken something's broken yeah so the situation of the city is great okay but we can't get anything to produce because something's wrong with the water there's a bitterness there there's a toxicity in the water yeah it's not and he said bring me a new cruise put salt there in and they brought it to him because salt has healing properties right here it is in verse 21 and he went forth to the spring of the waters the spring means the beginning source or the genesis the source of the waters it's to cast the salt at the source not out here not out there go to where the bitterness starts yeah where it's coming out the ground when god wants to deliver us he often has to go back to where the bitterness started with your father not being there your mama's saying whatever what whatever happened to you god wants to get back to that place that source he can't change what happened to us yeah but he can heal us of what happened to us the new testament illustration of that is a a gardener taking an ax to the roots of a thing yeah yeah not pruning it going at the thing that feeds it yes sir okay so so they bring the purification to the genesis it says thus saith the lord i've healed these waters and there shall not be any any from this any more death or barren land so the waters were healed unto this day according to saint of elisha which he spake now bitterness wait a minute passing i i know we're not going this way but this is such an amazing picture of salvation and it's also a picture of the eternal promise of salvation that once these waters are healed yeah they're going to be healed forever more more yeah won't be an issue later so so from this story yeah bitterness contamination hinders production absolutely and how many of us in our lives have allowed a bitterness resentment or anger mess up an opportunity mess up god moving in our lives yeah because the inner water in us is contaminating any production the deception is that the the issue feels like strength and often feels righteous because perhaps of the individuals that we have focused our resentment on and not allowed god to move so we're not bound by something that happened 10 years ago yes yes and taken out on new people yes what's reserved for everybody so you can't produce fruit with this condition consistently operating in your life absolutely okay because it will keep tripping you up all the time uh the word offense means a movable stick which means you're constantly tripping no matter where you go you can move from new jersey to atlanta california but when the offense resides in you the stick is there and every time you move you're going to keep tripping every single time you try to progress forward it's like a moving pick in basketball yeah it's illegal it's illegal and an offense keeps tripping you up everywhere you go and to me i remember talking to somebody i i got this problem here i had this problem here had his problem here had his problem here and i said let me ask you a question what was the one common adopt one common denominator they don't think about that in every environment that you were in it can't be everywhere because everybody else seems to be fine there yeah it's us bringing the offense to the environment how did that revelation he shot like oh i never thought about it like that it's amazing how will consistently look this way yeah you know it's like when we did the teaching a while ago on the strongholds people usually think externally yeah but god is saying i've saved you to bring down the inner strongholds that's good of romans 12. we've been almost done yo romans 12. we're just about done romans 12. because what you're going to see when you we're reading all through this uh wilderness time yeah people constantly murmuring and complaining so we deal with it now because if not we're going to deal with it every week sure romans 12 1 i beseech you there for brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice based off everything god has done for you presents your bodies as a living sacrifice you're dying and living at the same time holy acceptable to god which is your reasonable service or your rational worship okay so me choosing to live a life sacrificial to god god calls that worship two be not conformed to this world stop letting the world shape you because the world wants you in fear the world wants you bitter the world wants you untrusting yeah the world wants you negative but be transformed by the renewing of your mind now this renewal is not a one-time no it's a lifetime period it's a lifelong journey every day god is renewing our minds now the mind of the new testament is the same as the heart the old testament right so god wants to renew our minds our hearts right that renewal is a renovation it's constant though it's constant yeah i'm constantly getting old junk out yeah constantly putting new stuff in yeah constantly tearing down some old constantly putting some good stuff in there sure because i have to constantly every day renew my heart because when i renew my heart and my renew my mind my words begin to change so the renewal transformation of the mind is a continual process not a one-time event it starts when i get saved but we may be treating it like it's completed when i get saved but that's not what the text is telling us because if the world is consistently trying to form us or if you will conform us then of course to respond to the world the renewal and transformation has to stay ahead of it absolutely but here we go again this renewal and transformation requires our participation absolutely so we've got to be intentional about keeping our mind if you will in kingdom and not letting the culture shift us away absolutely from ultimately what god wants to do through us absolutely okay so you we don't get our minds renewed by watching the news we watch the news for information and then research that they're not always right no but we go to god in his word for transformation that's right so we're not conformed by the world so like we said when was it saturday supernatural is not an event yes it's a lifestyle renewal is not an event transformation is not an event it's a lifestyle constantly working on my thought process all right to prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of god yeah so god was using the wilderness that transformed their hearts and god i believe is using this current wilderness called a pandemic yeah to do the same thing for us he doesn't raise up the dross and the fire just to raise it up no he's bringing up these impurities in us to get some of this stuff out that's true because some stress stress has a way of revealing internal wounds and internal pains that we thought were over and can intensify it too there's so much anger going on now yeah you know it's weird i don't know why i'm thinking of job and his friends they came and i think we need to be careful this in my mind they came to celebrate his dilemma yeah not in a rah-rah sense but try to make sense out of what he's saying human reason because the divine purpose was totally different than what they thought yep so when when i'm talking to people about this whole pandemic there are a variety of quote-unquote spiritual reasons for why we're going through this but it's almost it's almost celebrating an error or the deception of the season rather than seeing the biblical deliverance indices absolutely okay that god is working even in all of this absolutely because if we don't come out different when this thing is over some we missed something something happened wrong missed a whole lot yeah there is no worthless period of captivity yeah and there is no worthless wilderness season yeah yep yep so the question before we move on is how many of us moved into complaint and murmuring when the season starts every day when it's going to be over every day has the season revealed a heart that's stuck in murmuring in the blade well maybe you know i'm i'm just not saying we can't think because i had a conversation with him in february of 20. as soon as we got into it in march and shut down kane i had a conversation with god and i'm not spooky y'all say i am but i'm not i hadn't had a conversation with god and uh and i asked him when was he going to end and i told a bunch of passages and god told me as clearly as i'm talking to you mind your business and that took the weight of the season off of me when i realized that at the end of the day the end of this season is ultimately in his hands yes it is and all i have to do is keep my eye on the pillar and the fire yep and be led through the season sled through the season and that's the whole premise of all these messages is god leading us through this yeah pay attention to the where god's leading you yeah and every place he led them even though there was a challenge there was a miracle in that moment and he's not leading us away from spirituality he's not leading us away from worship he's not leading us away from church you know i'm watching christians who are who have an unhealthy uh purview of god um i don't think there's there are plenty of people that miss church at the same level we do we really love the gathering we really love the outpouring of the spirit we we a person told me the other day that one of the things that really impressed them when they came was the collective roar of worship in this house the collective roar when we're receiving the word just just the celebration of god and that um he he missed that and you know i am in that i do too but i think god is testing the validity and the integrity of our personal relationship with him as well as everything that represents him absolutely absolutely absolutely last scripture we're done let's get out of here psalm 73 man time went fast this is just the introduction to the manic introduction psalm 73 and uh oh my because next year we're going to learn next week we're going to learn provision as a test and we're going to talk about that you closing out with this one come on psalm 73 okay let's look at verse 21. so we want to read the whole thing now the beginning of this the psalmist is talking about it looks like the unrighteous are prosperous yeah man they're righteous yeah or suffering yeah why does the people that are doing wrong seem to be doing good and the folk that believe are struggling and then he talks about when i came to the sanctuary in 17 i understood their end but let's start at verse 21 just a week before that past night he starts talking about how envy had crept in yeah and yeah all that came all that wickedness in the heart all that stuff yeah he was upset because it's like it's not fair god i'm serving you yeah yeah and my life is going down and their life seems to be getting better yeah there's that jovian complaint right right look at verse 20 i love this it hit me this week and just read it completely different okay 21. thus my heart was grieved now that word grieve means embittered yes sir bitter yeah right and i was pricked in my reigns wow so foolish was i and ignorant i was as a beast before thee or a beast to you wow i was acting inhumane towards god in my ignorance i was foolish yeah i was acting up like i was acting like a brute like i didn't know him acting like a heathen like i did not know him yeah and when we start complaining i had a dream about this tonight when we start complaining and murmuring wow i really did when we started complaining and murmuring literally this scripture right here man last week complaining and murmuring god is showing us that we're acting like a brute towards him but then he says nevertheless yep i'm i'm continually with you why are you acting the fool i'm still holding your hand i'm still alive i didn't know i got enough sense to stay with you even though i'm upset with you so you know that looks like a bad kid having a tantrum and you're holding on today because if you don't they'll they'll hurt themselves they hurt themselves i'm you're i'm throwing a tantrum i'm mad at you i'm embittered but he says nevertheless i'm continually with you that's holding me by my right hand yes sir you held on to me even though i was yeah thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me to glory at whom have i in heaven but thee yeah and there is none upon the earth that i desire beside thee yeah i love this my flesh and my heart fails but god is the strength of my heart yes sir and my portion forever yes sir when i was down and out acting like a brute i discovered that you are the reason why my heart and flesh have not failed because you are the strength of my heart am god is so merciful i was a beast i was acting like i had no soul yes god whining and complaining the whole entire time oh man out of bitterness 27 for low they are there they are that are far from thee shall perish that's destroyed all them that go to whoring from thee but it is good for me to draw near to god yes sir i put my trust in the lord god that i may declare oh i'm going to talk about oh yes sir yes sir he goes from being a brute complaining fussing acting like he doesn't know god to recognize and i got enough sense when i'm bitter i'm still going to stay close to god yeah when i'm grieved in my heart i'm not leaving him because if there's one thing i've learned my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart when i get to the rope that lasts of my strength when i'm down at my weakness yeah that's when god starts to strengthen me sir because he is my portion forever some of us got some weak hearts right now but god says i'm gonna strengthen your heart tonight yeah because he's the strengthening of your heart all we got to do in 28 is put is but but it's good but it is good for me to draw near to god draw near to him put your trust in the lord yeah because why will my heart trust him i'll talk i'll say something different i'll stop murmuring i'll stop moving yes sir i was murmuring before but now i'm celebrating god in this moment yeah man i'm sorry i was talking like no man no no it was good it was good this is what god wants us to do with our bitterness yeah because all of us go through seasons where we can feel bitter resentful it happens and god says have enough sense to stay close to me so the strength of that relationship with him and once again he does not command us to do a thing he has not empowered us to obey so the strength of our relationship with him is those difficult things like those emotional things that we have those emotional issues that we are absolutely able with his participation to put those things away absolutely put them away and god start working on our hearts because i want to start declaring the right stuff god is good there's still hope so we can participate in the renewing of our hearts yes the transformation of our hearts and the implication here is that we may have tried to break free from him yeah but he would not let us go absolutely that blesses my heart yes sir complaining the whole time he's still got he's still holding up holding on to us you don't know what you're doing keep working on you and i love i love um i've been telling people that were struggled during the season read the psalms during this whole season because it goes through the human condition i i can remember times of praying where i was just venting and just pouring out to god yeah talking about all the the hard stuff and in the middle of the prayer just out of nowhere it just but god and all of this you're good god all this your god and all this you're great god wants us to bring it to him and in conversing with him he starts kind of taking over and leading us to the solution we all go through bitter seasons nevertheless i'm continually before thee isn't it amazing how when we're in one of those negative flows how he doesn't answer us to change our conversation he goes silent so we can suddenly hear ourselves and change what we're saying it starts yeah and it's not that we have two minds but we it's i love how seamlessly once we hear ourselves it's almost like god is is saying you know is that how we that's how we're doing it today you know for real you know then all of a sudden you you get it you come to yourself like the prodigal did yeah and it changes your conversation absolutely absolutely so god allows us to vent to him just have enough sense to change yeah to bring the other side to it yeah the psalmist we read the psalm 73 for a reason bring it to him and let god start working it out um obviously this was a god moment tonight it was last week i had a dream about us reading the scripture okay you had the same exact shirt i ain't spooky but yeah yeah the whole sense of studying this is god being that heart doctor from last week's message on bitterness to this week about murmuring god wants to do some internal healing on all of us yeah we all have brokenness somewhere in us i mean let's be real we all deal with pain every day yeah from something but god wants to be that heart surgeon and i think one of the one of the great producers of bitterness is grief yes absolutely and uh most of the body of christ has been fed um baby's milk as it relates to grief yeah just praise him um just have faith it's almost like it's candy yeah you know it's real sweet to the mouth but it doesn't help the body at all yeah and and and i believe that these messages you know but this these this teaching we're doing on on bitterness and also the teaching that was done previously uh on grief together yes will break the bitterness out of life because a lot of people are bitter because they have not accepted yes that whatever it was the loss of a job the loss of a loved one the loss of relationship they've not accepted that and bitterness has become a part of their life now yes absolutely because they have not they think grief is an attack of the enemy was actually a gift from god yeah so bitterness produces language and that language is revealing the heart yeah do you think most people that murmur a lot and are bitter really realizes a heart condition they feel like it's just me being real and being talking but this because it feels strong feel strong yeah yeah and and god needs to start as as we read in psalm 73 he wants to start changing this so i can start declaring something different so bitterness is like a burning bush but the difference is it is concerned it's consuming it's consuming okay yep non-stop consumer okay so um last week we prayed and uh for some internal healing you wouldn't do it again yeah yeah it's good and then we can we want to include the prayer list and this year we include the pearl this year okay pastor peace will come do some announcements okay um we're going to head off and she's going through some announcements okay well let's let's read them first and then you know i prayed last time you can pray this time cool um we got we had some great responses yes um people thanking us for the prayers thanking us for the breakthroughs uh i got voicemails i got emails so you know prayer works yeah so there is um prayer for homelessness prayer for restoration and recovery that's a prayer request from anisha for mr chabez praying for mom to get saved recovery of many of her functions a correction of high blood she needs a miracle of of health sustaining of those things that belong to her also for relationships wife and mother there's that grief again of the loss of loved ones we need to pray for that tonight people praying for their careers for wages for prosperity for wisdom and that's for pastor guigo we've got bereavements we have to pray for melinda and brendan levi kelly vivian and dee i'm going to pray for god to release people from depression and anxiety and these series of messages should help with that pray for great results from a mega net from a medical test and those types of issues today yeah and we're also praying for those of you who need to be saved this evening too we don't want to forget about y'all um we need to be saved know the lord we're going to pray for you that you commit your life to jesus tonight give him your heart give him your life make that connection he wants to get in there and change that heart positive thinking doesn't change this and i also think those are people that are watching us they could they could go to socially go to bethany right now and send their request in so we can touch and agree yeah on those requests even though we may not be able to read them but send them in right now yeah send your prayer requesting social go to bethany yeah um put them out there and uh we'll pray for you yeah those need to be saved you need to rededicate your life make that recommitment to the lord this evening um you want to connect to this church whether you're distant or local you can do the same yep getting ready to pray for you we're going to pray we're going to give pass the press god's going to come with the announcements father we thank you that you are the lord that heals we've been sensing you for the past couple weeks about internal healing yes internal deliverance yes you show us in your word over and over again how you want us whole healed physically and healed internal just like the woman with the issue of blood when she touched the hem of your garment she was healed but lord you called her out to make her whole so she could be healed from the internal pain that came with the external experience yes lord and father we thank you this evening that you are not a respecter of persons nor are you a respecter of time that if you did it when you were walking the earth you can do the same thing now yes lord i thank you that you're the god that never changes you're the same yesterday today and forever more you put it in your word to show us what we can put our faith in you put in your word to show us what's possible for us you told us in your word that all things are possible to them that believe lord you ordained this evening you ordained this moment you wanted us watching tonight because you wanted to heal us from the inside out father i pray for every grieving person now everyone battling with a broken heart yes i pray that you would mend that broken heart yes lord your word shows us that when pain comes in when we experience loss our heart is shattered but you are the one that can pick the broken pieces of our heart and start to put it back together again yes lord some of us feel like we have holes in our hearts and it causes us to be angry and upset but father you are our glory and the lifter of our heads and father i pray that you amend that broken heart we pray now that you would help us to move into acceptance but also hope of the future accepting our past but believing for a greater future we pray that your light would shine in our darkness show us hope today jesus you are the hope of glory you are the hope of our future with you we have hope for life in this world and the life to come and for that we give you thanks and we pray lord for a sweet healing sweet deliverance yes sir we pray that you would encourage us to do our parts in the equation that just like you told us in ephesians that you would help us to put away bitterness anger evil speaking with quickness and with all malice so it can be tenderhearted forgiving and speaking in love yes sir help us to participate in our own change and we believe that through the process of renewal the process of us doing you will heal us that when the woman obeyed your instruction and came forth she received their wholeness help us to do it now help us to admit to you that it is us that did it is us that was healed and delivered it was us that you brought us through we thank you for what you're doing now we feel your hand on us and we pray for each person to send in a prayer request we pray now that you would begin to heal bodies you would begin to heal minds you would expand territory open up doors and businesses lord for those who have clients we pray that you would bring favor as it relates to contracts and opportunities and deals that lord you would send the people with the finances to finance that business we're praying right now for those business owners lord that even in a pandemic you would release opportunities well they'll make more money now than before the pandemic we pray for open doors and opportunities we've seen you do it before and we pray that you would do it again send promotion send your help illuminating move by your spirit we trust you we believe you father forgive us for slipping into murmuring and complaining but father we thank you like the psalmist we're going to stay next to you when our heart failed you held it up we're going to trust you and do good and declare your good works in jesus name amen if you believe it celebrate god right where you are worship him right where you are if you need to be saved rededicate your life lead to church home this is a great night for you to connect put your name in the comment section we prayed for you we're believing god with you if you need to give him your life for the first time do it right now yeah if you need to rededicate your life something happened and you walked away from god this is a perfect evening for you to step in and come back to the lord as the psalmist said you acted like a beast like we all did at one point in time and still do sometimes but god held on to you when you did not want to hold on to him sure you're still his child come back home if you want to connect to this church whether you're distant or you're local make that connection we have our driving service um if you're distant on saturday's driving service if you're distant we have a virtual church called our connections church make sure you tune in um you're an active member of the church not just watching us online an active member yeah even though you're distant make that connection now of course we always sow into this moment we always give so into this moment now the information is on the screen give a gratitude see we talked about it last week a seed of gratitude a seed of appreciation one of those seeds and gifts that recognizes that when we were acting a fool god still held on to us just to say thank you that when i was losing it murmuring complaining throwing a tantrum he held on to him you still hold on to it yeah we threw a tantrum but guess what he still fed us when we got home sow that seed this evening make sure it's a sacrifice if you can do 50 to 50 100 200 or do the best that you can sow that seed this evening by faith sought with gratitude good parents always love when their child just does something for them just because not because i want anything just because i appreciate you and it causes the parent to really want to unload do more do more yeah sow that seed this evening trust god uh pastor prescott's coming with announcements we're gonna get out of the way and we'll see you all soon amen i have just a few announcements for you on sunday september 26 as you come to church virtually at both our 8am and 11am service please bring your oil with you because bishop's going to pray over your oil now when he prays over your oil is going to be consecrated and then you in turn can go out and lay hands on yourself sick people in your family that are sick and pray for healing so that's september 26 sunday september 26 virtually as you gather around and watch church virtually bring your oil and bishop will pray over your oil abundant harvest bible institute the fall semester is starting on september 28th now we have three four week classes and one eight week class and you can get all of this information from our website go to bethany.com but some of the classes are faith for the season how many of you know that faith has to be tested to be authenticated peter failure isn't fatal sometimes our greatest failures leads to our greatest transformation the spirit of leadership everyone is a leader in their own right leadership is influence so all of us are leaders so you can come out take advantage of that class and learn about biblical leadership and then lastly our eight-week class the tabernacle in the wilderness the tabernacle is not just a building in the old testament but it points to our intimacy with jesus christ so you can take advantage of that class that's an eight-week class and again all of the details for all four of these classes can be found at our website go to bethany.com and then lastly october is pastor appreciation month and the bible makes it clear in jeremiah i will give you pastors after my own heart and we can look at the type of leadership we have here at bethany and connection and see how god feels about us and while god holds our leaders responsible to be good stewards of us he holds us responsible to be good stewards of the gift so october is pastor appreciation month we want to come out and make bishop evans and pastor nick feel great for all the service they do wednesday sunday all throughout the week so we're asking you to join us on saturday october 2nd after our drive-in service and again on sunday october 3rd from 1pm to 2pm we want you to come out decorate your cars bring your energy and if you can for those of you that can we're asking everyone to sew a gift to each one bishop and pastor of a hundred dollars that's saturday october 3rd i'm saturday october 2nd immediately following service and then sunday october 3rd from 1 pm to 2 pm now if you come out on saturday and you sell your gift and you get you know you you give them all the praise come back out sunday just be a part of the celebration so that saturday october 2nd immediately following our service drive-in service and then sunday october 3rd 1pm to 2pm father we thank you for this time we thank you for this day we thank you for the word that you give us week in and week out god we pray that this word meets us at our point of need that you transform us through this word god i pray that nobody leaves this virtual service the same way they came i pray god that you bless us that you keep us that you bless our families father god loosen an angel over us to protect us to make our way successful in jesus name we pray amen have a good night you
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 265
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2cyM2Xfa-rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 45sec (5145 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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